سلام !

این آموزش نصبش است ولی من چیزی نفهمیدم لطفا به من کمک کنید ؟

When you run the program for the first time, a licensing tool will appear, you just select the first option to "floating license" and hit the "Close" button, and the tool will close, and I mean the "Close" button, not the "Next" one :p

After that go edit your Environment variables (it is in one of the System panels) and there must be a System Variable called LM_LICENSE_FILE pointing to thee *.lic I sent you. If the variable doesnt exist, create it and set its value the path to the key ( f.ex: C:\ermap71\ermapper.lic).

After that, start the program normally, and voilà, should work.
The other way around to handle this is using the lmtools, but its rather complicate and confusing.