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28-05-2008, 13:23
i wanna write here about interesting news that i read in sites which i review . if this topic is not new Delete it

28-05-2008, 13:25
007 meets his latest Bond girl

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

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What's in your box lady in red?

The name's Blonde: Accompanied by a Royal Navy escort, a model delivers a case containing the first copies of Sebastian Faulks' new James Bond novel, Devil May Care, on the Thames.
Such is the clamour for the new book on sale today that Amazon.co.uk said it has already shot to the top of its charts, its biggest fiction pre-order of 2008.
Sebastian Faulks was selected to write the novel by Fleming's estate, and read all the original stories in an attempt to capture the author's style.

The first handful of copies went from the printers under military escort care of the Royal Navy.Tuuli Shipster, the model featured on the front cover, helped deliver the first seven copies of Devil May Care to Waterstone's Piccadilly in London.

The model accompanied the case as it was brought down the Thames by a Royal Navy Pacific 24 seaboat under the watchful eye of the Royal Navy Black Cat Lynx helicopters.
The books were received on board HMS Exeter by Faulks and members of the Fleming family.
The final stage of the journey saw the books taken to Waterstone's Piccadilly in a cavalcade of Bentleys, including a custom-built 1950s S1 continental convertible.
Faulks, best known for historic novels Birdsong and Charlotte Gray, has said: "In his house in Jamaica, Ian Fleming used to write a thousand words in the morning, then go snorkelling, have a cocktail, lunch on the terrace, more diving, another thousand words in late afternoon, then more Martinis and glamorous women.
"In my house in London, I followed this routine exactly, apart from the cocktails, the lunch and the snorkelling."

28-05-2008, 14:28
Introducing Britain’s most dangerous tortoise

Thursday, May 22, 2008
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Danger: Rupert is on the run after escaping from his home

If you see this tortoise, do not approach him. He may be unarmed but he is certainly dangerous.
Rupert, who has attacked children and dogs, is on the run after escaping through a hole in a fence.
The sprightly 60-year-old is always one step ahead of the law – or rather 77-year-old owner Jean Pogson – because he legs it at 4mph before she can grab him.

Mrs Pogson's daughter, Joyce Thomas, says the North African spur-thighed pet gets extremely aggressive and is warning neighbours in Gosport, Hampshire not to go near him.
'He has quite a temper and has been known to bite children plus dogs and other animals,' said Mrs Thomas, 47.
'I would advise people to exercise extreme caution when going near him because he may nip. Most of the time he is OK but if he is in a bad mood there's no telling what he may do,' she added.
Rupert, who has a hole in his shell caused by a run-in with a garden fork, was once introduced to children visiting from Chernobyl – and rather spoiled the proceedings.
'They'd not seen a tortoise before and he bit one of them,' said Mrs Thomas.
:8:Meanwhile, Rupert's disappearance has led Fred, his tortoise friend of 43 years to mope about and not eat properly.

28-05-2008, 14:33
Shark attacks boy in his bedroom

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
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Jaws: Sam Hawthorne

Anyone involved in a shark attack would be considered unlucky – but few could claim to have been as luckless as Sam Hawthorne.
The teenager survived a terrifying ordeal when he was bitten in the face by one of the killer beasts – in his own bedroom.
The 'attack' happened when the 14-year-old sleepwalked into a long-dead souvenir shark hanging on the wall of his nautical-themed room.

He was left with the creature embedded in his cheek and blood pouring from a wound. His mother, Susan, said: 'It was like something out of a horror film.'
Jaws struck in the middle of the night at the family home in Dudley, West Midlands.
Mrs Hawthorne was woken by her son's screams but arrived too late to fend off the deadly fish – a holiday souvenir.
'The shark must have been embedded in Sam's cheek for about 15 minutes and he was in a lot of pain,' she said.
Fortunately, Sam escaped with just a small scar. 'It was the most frightening experience of my life,' he said.

28-05-2008, 14:37
Karate students take out robber

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
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'This is a stick up! Give me all your money, and... oh, sh-'

It's been a bad few days for criminals. Not only did a mugger in Germany get taken down by a blind judo champion, but an armed robber in Colombia found out the hard way that a karate academy is a lousy place to try and rob.
The thief discovered the flaw in his plans when the students at the academy didn't take kindly to being robbed, police said on Friday.
The robber is now recovering in a hospital, in Santander province north of Bogota, after the martial artists used their combat skills on him and took away his gun.
'An individual entered a martial arts school with a firearm but they managed to react, put their knowledge to use and disarmed him,' Santander police commander Col. Julio Cesar Santoyo told local Caracol radio.

A r c h i
28-05-2008, 20:57
It's a good topic dear unrating, We had such a topic a while ago, but it doesn't matter, it 's too old:46::46:,
good luck

28-05-2008, 21:42
I enjoy reading news here,
it would be even better, if you could add a short category at head news titles

Good luck and thanks for sharing

Babak Ebadi

29-05-2008, 06:05
Skydivers take leap for commercial break

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

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Sky jumpers form a human H over fields

A whole new meaning to the phrase 'commercial break' could be coined after a live TV advert tonight
featuring a bunch of product-plugging skydivers.
The team of 18 daredevils has just 3min 20secs to spell out a message to viewers in formation during their descent.
If everything goes according to plan, it will be a great coup for car maker Honda and Channel 4. If it doesn't... well, it doesn't bear thinking about.

The advert, promoting the new Accord, will be broadcast at 8.10pm during the show Come Dine With Me.
It is inspired by the tagline: 'If it's difficult, it's worth doing.'
Reportedly costing £500,000, the ad will see skydivers from around the world jump from 4,270m (14,000ft) to spell out the word 'Honda'.
The stunt is due to take place over the town of Lillo near the Spanish capital Madrid, but will be abandoned if the weather is poor.
Instead, a rehearsal jump filmed last night will be broadcast. The idea was developed by Channel 4's strategic sales team, which is obviously keen to come up with novel ways to stop viewers switching channels during commercial breaks.
'This concept breaks the boundaries of the “perceived” confines of TV advertising. It's about creating talkability on a big scale, managing the risk and being seen as pioneers,' said Channel 4's Andy Barnes.

29-05-2008, 06:13
German city hunts for crocodile

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
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What the crocodile may look like (assuming it is crocodile)

City officials in Germany say they've called in an expert to lead the hunt for a crocodile spotted in a local river.
Hildesheim city spokesman Horst Richter says two municipal employees got a five-minute glimpse of the reptile Monday on a backwater of the Innerste river. The animal, about 2 1/2 feet long, then disappeared into the brush.
Richter said Tuesday the employees' account was credible because one of them was an avid reptile enthusiast.
It was not immediately clear whether the animal was a crocodile, an alligator or a caiman. The reptile may have been purchased as a pet and released into the river.

Richter says the city has recruited an animal control expert to search for the beast. He says the backwater it was seen in is not open to the public for swimming.

29-05-2008, 18:29
It's a good topic dear unrating, We had such a topic a while ago, but it doesn't matter, it 's too old:46::46:,

good luck

I enjoy reading news here,
it would be even better, if you could add a short category at head news titles

Good luck and thanks for sharing

Babak Ebadi
:10:Thanks so lot Archi-gril and dear babak

30-05-2008, 06:04
We're friends fur life

Thursday, May 29, 2008
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Zachary the chihuahua puppy snuggles his new sibling – one of three abandoned squirrels his mother is raising along with her own two puppies in Cundy's Harbour, Maine, America
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30-05-2008, 06:07
Welcome to the Jurassic green park

Thursday, May 29, 2008
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T-Rex is back kids!

Hubcaps, crockery and tyres have been used to create a new batch of arrivals at a zoo.
Plastic bags have also helped to make creatures at the Recycled Sculpture Show, which aims to make people become greener.
More than 20 artists have provided eco-friendly animals such as a great white shark made from old hubcaps, a 'Tyreannosaurus' – built, not surprisingly, from used tyres – and a chicken consisting of broken crockery.

And, while German zoos have well-known polar bear cubs Knut and Flocke, London has an adult one made from plastic bags.
'The sculptures really provoke debate about human waste and its effect on the natural world,' said Sophie Townsend, sustainability manager at London Zoo, where the environmental show has just been launched.
'There is no better setting than being surrounded by some of the most endangered creatures on Earth, many of which are close to extinction because of man's insatiable lust for fresh resources.'
Among the artists who have contributed to the show are Heather Jansch and Emma Fenelon.
It marks the beginning of the three-week-long Love London Festival of ecological events.
The Recycled Sculpture Show runs until September 5.

30-05-2008, 06:13
Naomi Campbell charged with 'plane rage'

Thursday, May 29, 2008
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Naomi Campbell charged

Feisty supermodel Naomi Campbell has been charged with the alleged assault of a Heathrow Airport police officer and is due to appear in court next month, her lawyer said today.
The model arrived at Heathrow Police Station today to answer bail after her arrest for alleged assault last month and was told she would face charges over the incident.
The arrest was in connection with her missing luggage at Terminal 5 in April while she was bound for Los Angeles, sparking the model's fury.

The 37-year-old arrived in a chauffer-driven Mercedes today where reporters, photographers and television crews waited in anticipation for the model.
Dressed in sunglasses and a dark suit, Campbell kept her composure and walked straight past the press, not answering any questions.
In April she was handcuffed and removed from the flight after being suspected of assaulting a police officer with aggressive and abusive behaviour, targeting police as well as staff.
Last year the model said she was considering therapy for anger management after being punished with community service for assaulting her maid with a mobile phone.

30-05-2008, 06:19
Galloway to sue The Bill over 'corruption' storyline

Thursday, May 29, 2008
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New battle for George

Firebrand politician George Galloway is suing the makers of The Bill because he claims an episode featuring a corrupt MP is based on him.
He is angry because the character Paul Sagger showed 'uncanny similarities' to the Respect MP, his spokesman claimed.
The character was accused of trafficking drugs in the coffin of a British soldier who was killed in Iraq.
The spokesman added: 'The similarities are uncanny and George is talking to his lawyers with a view to suing for defamation.'

He is expected to issue a writ for libel next week.
The episode, called Moving Targets, was broadcast last November and attracted about 6million viewers. In it, Sagger – played by Tom Chadbon – was shot at a Love Music Hate Racism concert.
The event is a real-life gig held in Mr Galloway's Bethnal Green seat, in east London, and is supported by his Respect coalition.
Mr Galloway is known for his anti-war, hard left stance.
In 2004, he won £150,000 in damages from the Daily Telegraph after it claimed he made £375,000 a year from Saddam Hussein's regime.

a.defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures.
b.the act or crime of publishing it
c.a formal written declaration or statement, as one containing the allegations of a plaintiff or the grounds of a charge.
. anything that is defamatory or that maliciously or damagingly misrepresents
something written; a writing: sacred writ

30-05-2008, 07:16
Murray divorced over drugs claim

Thursday, May 29, 2008
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Murray and wife

Bill Murray has been served with divorce papers by his wife of 11 years, who claims the actor beat her, is addicted to marijuana and alcohol, and is a serial adulterer.
Jennifer Butler Murray also filed for a restraining order, saying she had to flee the marital home with their four children because she lived in terror of the Lost In Translation star's abuse.
According to the complaint, the 57-year-old is alleged to have physically abused his wife on several occasions.

Last November, he 'hit her in the face and then told her she was “lucky he didn't kill her”.' It adds that Murray would often leave the couple's home in Sullivans Island, South Carolina, without telling his wife and claims that he 'travels overseas where he engages in public and private altercations and sexual liaisons'.
The papers do not specify instances of Murray's alleged marijuana or alcohol use.
Murray's lawyer, John McDougall, would not comment on the allegations, but said the actor 'is deeply saddened by the break-up of his marriage'.
Mr McDougall added: 'He and his wife made loving parents and they are committed to the best interests of their children.' The pair married in 1997 and have four boys together, ranging from seven to 15 years old.
They signed a prenuptial agreement before they married and, as part of the agreement, both waived their right to alimony or support if the marriage broke up.
However, Murray agreed to pay $7million (£3.5million) to his ex-wife within 60 days of a final divorce decree.
Murray is known for his comedy roles in films such as Ghostbusters, Groundhog Day and Caddyshack. In 2004, he won a Bafta and was nominated for an Oscar for his performance in Lost In Translation.



a formal and authoritative order, esp. one having the force of law: a presidential decree.


Law. a judicial decision or order.


Law. an allowance paid to a person by that person's spouse or former spouse for maintenance, granted by a court upon a legal separation or a divorce or while action is pending.

A r c h i
30-05-2008, 12:04
Thanks unartig,
please continue to write news, this will be a great topic
good luck:11:l

30-05-2008, 12:34
Lost tribe spotted for first time in jungle

Friday, May 30, 2008
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A frosty welcome from the Amazon tribe

One of the world's last 'lost' tribes has been photographed for the first time deep in the Amazon rainforest.
With their skin painted orange and brandishing bows and arrows the tribe in the Envira region on the Brazil-Peru border look ready to take on unwelcome visitors.
An aircraft spotted them in virgin forest and took this remarkable picture.
Also shown the series of photographs are large tent-like dwellings and possibly plots of cultivated land.

But their language, population and society remain a mystery.
Jose Carlos Meirelles, an uncontacted tribes expert, said: "We did the overflight to show their houses, to show they are there.

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A frosty welcome from the Amazon tribe

"This is very important because there are some who doubt their existence."
Mr Meirelles said this tribe appeared strong and healthy but he stressed other uncontracted tribes in the region are in severe danger from illegal logging.
"What is happening in this region is a monumental crime against the natural world, the tribes, the fauna and is further testimony to the complete irrationality with which we, the 'civilized' ones, treat the world."
Stephen Corry, the director of Survival International, which supports tribal people around the world, said: "The world needs to wake up to this, and ensure that their territory is protected in accordance with international law.
Of more than 100 uncontacted tribes worldwide, more than half live in either Brazil or Peru, Survival International says.
It says all are in grave danger of being forced off their land, killed and ravaged by new diseases.


verb (used without object)
to live or stay as a permanent resident; reside.
to live or continue in a given condition or state: to dwell in happiness.
to linger over, emphasize, or ponder in thought, speech, or writing (often fol. by on or upon): to dwell on a particular point in an argument.
.(of a moving tool or machine part) to be motionless for a certain interval during operation

a.a flat or cylindrical area on a cam for maintaining a follower in a certain position during part of a cycle.

b.a period in a cycle in the operation of a machine or engine during which a given part remains motionless

prepared and used for raising crops; tilled: cultivated land.
produced or improved by cultivation, as a plant
3.educated; refined; cultured: cultivated tastes.
characterized by or producing frost; freezing; very cold: frosty weather.

30-05-2008, 12:36
Thanks unartig,

please continue to write news, this will be a great topic
good luck:11:l

:11:Thanks so lot dear Archi-girl

31-05-2008, 10:53
Iron Mike, how far have you fallen?

Thursday, May 29, 2008
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Former glory days Tyson delivering his blows

He is known as 'the baddest man on the planet'. He has obviously never been to Essex – until now.
Boxing legend Mike Tyson famously bit off part of an opponent's ear during a match but tonight he'll munch on canapés in... Loughton.
The former undisputed world heavyweight champion is guest of honour at a venue in the town this evening. The 41-year-old is holding a question-and- answer session at The Academy based on his controversial career.

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Glamour venue in Essex

About 500 guests – some of whom have paid £250 for a ticket – will be dining there. Organisers are expecting celebrities including Ray Winstone and Ronnie O'Sullivan.

'Iron' Mike may be at home in Loughton. He could visit the nearby Iron Age fort and, as someone who blew £150million, he might take comfort in knowing banknotes are printed there.
Earlier this week, the fighter gave a speech in Gateshead to fans who paid £225 a ticket.
One said: 'It was a lot of money and he only spoke for ten minutes. It was a bit of a let-down.' Of course, he didn't say it to Mr Tyson's face...

let down
1.a decrease in volume, force, energy, etc.: a letdown in sales; a general letdown of social barriers.
2.disillusionment, discouragement, or disappointment: The job was a letdown.
3.depression; deflation: He felt a terrible letdown at the end of the play.
4.the accelerated movement of milk into the mammary glands of lactating mammals upon stimulation, as by massage or suckling.
5.Aeronautics. the descent of an aircraft from a higher to a lower altitude preparatory to making an approach and landing or to making a target run or the like.

31-05-2008, 11:04
Police force abandons targets

Saturday, May 31, 2008
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Police chief says force is to abandon 'misleading' targets

A leading police chief has given notice his force would not pursue "misleading" Whitehall targets, but allow officers to better prioritise their time.
In a move which is apparently backed by three other constabularies, the head of Surrey Police said he wanted to return to "common sense policing".
Acting chief constable Mark Rowley admitted that his force - currently joint top of the police force league table - would slide down the rankings as a result.
But he said it was not always "sensible" to spend time recording, or issuing penalty notices for the most minor offences.
Instead a return to "common sense" and "discretion" for officers was required he said.
"Quite simply, local people's safety, confidence in police and their satisfaction when they call us for help are more important than misleading targets," he said.
Mr Rowley's comments come after years of concern that centrally formulated targets and red tape were preventing police concentrating on the priorities of the public.
Reports said that other forces backing his stance this weekend would be the Staffordshire, Leicestershire and the West Midlands constabularies.
It has been claimed that police are targeting law-abiding people for minor misdemeanours because it makes it easier to meet government targets.
A pamphlet from right-wing think-tank Civitas said police and the Government risked alienating the public by concentrating on "easy-to-deal-with offending".

common sense

sound practical judgment that is independent of specialized knowledge, training, or the like; normal native intelligence


the power or right to decide or act according to one's own judgment; freedom of judgment or choice

adjective deceptive; tending to mislead

31-05-2008, 11:07
Tough cigarette controls considered

Saturday, May 31, 2008
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Branding and logos on cigarette packets could be banned

Branding and logos on cigarette packets could be banned under Government proposals to cut smoking.
Tougher controls including plain packaging, minimum pack sizes of 20 and a ban on the advertising of cigarette papers are all under consideration by the Department of Health (DoH).
The department has released a consultation document called "The Future of Tobacco Control" with the aim of cutting smoking rates and preventing young people from picking up the habit. The proposals include removing branding and logos from all tobacco packaging and having a minimum pack size of 20 to stop young people who can only afford packs of 10 from buying cigarettes.
Other measures include restricting the display of tobacco products by placing them under shop counters, banning cigarette vending machines or restricting them to adults only, and banning the advertising of smoking paraphernalia such as cigarette papers.
More than 200,000 under-16's start smoking each year and are three times more likely to die of cancer than someone who starts in their mid-20s, according to government figures.
Public Health Minister Dawn Primarolo said: "Protecting children from smoking is a Government priority and taking away temptation is one way to do this.
"If banning brightly-coloured packets, removing cigarettes from display and removing the cheap option of a pack of ten helps save lives, then that is what we should do, but we want to hear everyone's views first."
The consultation, published to coincide with World No Tobacco Day, aims to protect children and young people from smoking, reduce smoking rates and health inequalities caused by smoking and help people quit.
Recent statistics showed a 2% drop in smokers in Britain, down from 24%, while NHS Stop Smoking Services had seen a 28% increase in people attempting to quit since Smokefree legislation was introduced in July last year.
Simon Clark, director of the smokers' lobby group Forest, said: "The best way to tackle youth smoking is through education and proper enforcement of the legal age limit. Banning point of sale display will make smoking even more attractive to teenagers. Worse, it will drive many smokers towards cheaper counterfeit and smuggled cigarettes."

02-06-2008, 11:23
Angelina: I'd shoot to protect my kids

Sunday, June 1, 2008
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Angelina Jolie on belligerent form in Tomb Raider

Angelina Jolie has warned she keeps a gun which she would use to kill intruders who tried to harm her four children.
'If anyone comes into my home and tries to hurt my kids, I've no problem in shooting them,' she said.
The film beauty has undergone intensive training in combat techniques in films like Wanted and Mr and Mrs Pitt, on which she met husband Brad Pitt. 'I bought original, real guns of the type we used in Tomb Raider for security,' she said.
'Brad and I are not against having a gun in the house, and we do have one. And yes, I'd be able to use it if I had to. I could handle myself,' she told Live magazine.
Her latest film role is as a gun-toting assassin in Wanted, which had its first screening recently at Cannes

to thrust or bring in without invitation, permission, or welcome-
a murderer, esp. one who kills a politically prominent person for fanatical or monetary reasons

02-06-2008, 11:42
Liz Hurley's love for piggies

Sunday, June 1, 2008
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Elizabeth Hurley has exclusively revealed her new passion – pigs.
The face of Estée Lauder, 42, keeps one of the creatures in a box at her farm near Cirencester, Gloucestershire, where she lives with husband Arun Nayar.
The full interview appears in the July issue of Red magazine, out now

a formal meeting in which one or more persons question, consult, or evaluate another person: a job interview

03-06-2008, 08:24
60years to sculpt a face

Monday, June 2, 2008
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Stone me: The face of Crazy Horse is clear above – but his hair, body and horse has yet to be started

Six decades since the first blast signalled work had begun on the world's largest mountain carving – it finally has a face.
Sculptor Korczak Ziolkowski started the 172m (563ft) tribute to legendary American Indian warrior Crazy Horse on June 3, 1948.

The face was finished in time to mark the 60th anniversary – but the image of the warrior's body, flowing locks and horse have yet to be carved into the mountain in the US.
Mr Ziolkowski died in 1982 but his vision was carried on by his wife Ruth, who refused to put a date on when the giant sculpture will be finished in South Dakota.

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She said: 'To picture it 60 years from now, I'd like to see the horse's head finished and polished and Crazy Horse's body having had all of the finishing work done on it.'
Crazy Horse was a famous Lakota warrior who played a key role in the 1876 victory over US cavalry in the Battle Of The Little Bighorn, in Montana.

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at the sculpture will look like

He was stabbed to death a year later in Nebraska.
The sculpture is a response to the famous giant carvings on nearby Mount Rushmore of revered presidents of the US, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. Mr Ziolkowski wanted to honour North American Indians too.

to deliver a wound, as with a pointed weapon

03-06-2008, 17:55
You do a great job here unratig, I like it

03-06-2008, 18:17
You do a great job here unratig, I like it

Thanks Dear Sepid

03-06-2008, 18:25
Jolie and Pitt locked in £7.5m baby war

by ANDREI HARMSWORTH - Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Angelina Jolie's twin pregnancy has sparked a record breaking magazine bidding war worth an estimated £7.5million ($15m).
Rival US magazines OK! and People are said to be willing to 'print blank pages' for the rest of the year in hope of landing the prized snaps.

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Jackpot belly as bidders name their price

The figure would eclipse a previous record of £3million ($6m), landed by Jennifer Lopez for her baby twins in February, who was reportedly paid less than half as much by People.

A spokesperson for People acknowledged they were in the hunt for the first pictures, saying, 'We'd love to see the photos in PEOPLE. We wish the family well'.
While a representation for OK! admitted it be 'foolish' not to pursue the deal.
There were rumours on the weekend the actress had already given birth but it was not confirmed.
Brangelina have a long standing history of cashing in on their baby snaps. In 2006, first pictures of biological daughter Shiloh went to People for £2m ($4.1 m) as well as British Hello! for an additional£1.75m ($3.5 m). The couple say the money was gifted to charity.
The records set by Ange's baby boom dwarf the efforts of other high earners in the baby trade, with Christina Aguilera netting £1m ($2m) for pictures of her son Max and Nicole Richie fetching £500,000m ($1m) after the birth of daughter Harlow.

to cause to appear or seem small in size, extent, character, etc., as by being much larger or better: He dwarfed all his rivals in athletic ability

03-06-2008, 18:38
Squawking man teaches bird to fly

Monday, June 2, 2008
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Watch the birdie: Gary Zammit teaches Dude to fly by running alongside him with arms flapping

Teaching an orphaned heron to fly by running alongside it with arms flapping and squawking may sound like a bird-brained idea – but for Gary Zammit it's a flight of fancy that has worked.
The hand-reared grey heron – called Dude – is now soaring to heights of 21m (70ft) – and comes back when called.
The wildlife expert took the unusual approach to get the rescued bird in the air after its mother was killed in a storm.

Mr Zammit, 42, began running in a field with food in his pockets so Dude would follow him and build up his strength.

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Flying high: Dude the heron

He then began waving his arms and making a squawking noise until the bird copied him – and eventually took off.
'I ended up getting really involved and running alongside flapping my arms like an idiot,' said Mr Zammit.
'Eventually he began half flying at a height of around 3ft, and he's gone on from there.'
Mr Zammit found Dude minutes from death under a storm-lashed nest in March and took him to the Gwel an Mor wildlife park in Portreath, Cornwall.
He was small enough fit into the palm of his hand and only survived his ordeal after Mr Zammit cared for him round the clock, keeping him warm and feeding him a diet of small fish.
Dude is now fully grown, standing at 90cm (3ft) tall with a 1.2m (4ft) wingspan, and living in an aviary at Feadon Farm in Portreath while a new enclosure is built for him.
He can never be released into the wild but can live a happy life in the park. Mr Zammit said: 'He soars around the buildings. It's a wonderful sight.'

A difficult or painful experience, especially one that severely tests character or endurance
a larege cage or a house or enclosure in which birds are kept

03-06-2008, 18:46
Carnage as drunk driver wipes out cyclists

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
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The vehicle knocks the cyclists into the air

This is the shocking moment a drunk driver ploughed into a group of professional cyclists after he fell asleep at the wheel.
Cyclists were hurled high into the air by the out-of-control vehicle as they were given no chance of getting out of the way in time.
Helmets and mangled bike frames can be seen thrown around as the sportsmen were hit.

One of the riders was killed in the horrific smash, which was apparently caused when the driver of the car fell asleep at the wheel because he was drunk.
Ten other cyclists were injured in the collision, which happened along the border between Mexico and the US.
Police said 28-year-old driver Juan Campos was later charged with killing cyclist Alejandro Alvarez
The incident happened about 15 minutes into a 34km race near Matamoros, Mexico which is just across the border from Brownsville, Texas

the slaughter of a great number of people, as in battle; butchery; massacre
To make or form with driving force

04-06-2008, 08:39
Meet 3-legged Molly, the wonder horse

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
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Clip-clop, clip-clunk: Molly takes it easy

The tragic life story of Molly the pony is enough to melt even the hardest of hearts.
Abandoned by her owners after a hurricane struck, she was attacked at a rescue farm and lost a leg.
However, there has been a massive turnaround for Molly. Not only does she have a MySpace page but her tale has now become a children's book

The 19-year-old is able to get about on a prosthetic limb and spends her days visiting disabled children and the elderly.
She has been dubbed an inspiration to her country and the US media has described her story as a parable for life.

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Therapy: Molly meets a disabled gi

Erin Harris, whose mother Kaye owns the grey-speckled animal, said: 'Molly's a fighter. Mum has called her a symbol of New Orleans – she shows that despite Hurricane Katrina and having her leg amputated you can pull through. People see her as an inspiration.'
Molly was left for dead when Hurricane Katrina struck in 2005 and was taken in by staff at a rescue farm. However, a dog at the centre attacked her, seriously injuring her left leg.
Vets fitted a false limb and she now wanders around as if the accident never happened.
Dr Rustin Moore, who operated on Molly, said her 'intelligence and courage' made him realise she would be fine.
He added she 'has a bigger role to play in life'.
According to her MySpace page, Molly's next role is as mascot for an educational group called Kids and Ponies.

short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious principle, or moral lesson
A person who practices veterinary medicine
A person, animal, or object believed to bring good luck, especially one kept as the symbol of an organization such as a sports team.

04-06-2008, 08:51
Endangered beetle on mate quest

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
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Love bug: Zoo keeper Kim Simmons shows off Billy the lonely, stowaway elephant beetle

If you're an endangered species living in dense jungle with a life span of just four months, the odds of getting a girlfriend are pretty slim – unl­ess you get out and about.
So that's just what Billy the elep­hant beetle did.
Filled with wanderlust, the giant, horned insect stowed away on a ban­ana ship in his native Costa Rica to see where it would take him

Sadly, it brought him to Britain, thousands of miles away from the natural habitat of his species.
But hope of knocking carapaces with a lovely lady springs eternal for this lonely heart, with his caretakers at Linton Zoo in Cambridgeshire on the look-out for Miss Right.

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On the prowl: Billy goes out on a limb in his search for a mate

Billy, who is about the size of a hamster, was discovered by bewildered fruit importers in London after his 5,000km (3,000-mile) journey.
Pest control officers later handed him over to the zoo for safekeeping.
It was only then that Billy's base desires became clear.
'Billy needs to mate. He is showing all the signs and keeps displaying,' said zoo director Kim Simmons.
'He bobs up and down on his branch, taps on the ground and emits tiny mating calls. It's like he's saying, “Here I am, come get me”.'
It is not known how long Billy's trip took and Ms Simmons said she hoped it was a short one, given his brief life span.
But it emerged that the 13cm-long (5in) beetle was fortunate to have survived the journey at all.
'He's a very lucky and tough ins­ect, having survived the journey to Britain and the pesticides des­igned to prevent unwanted creat­ures entering the country,' added Ms Simmons.
Billy is a fine specimen of a beetle, weighing 35g (1.2oz) with a horn measuring about 4cm (1.5in).
He would normally use the weapon to defend territory and fight other males for their females, given a chance.
And let's hope he gets the chance very soon

to expose to danger; imperil: It was foolish to endanger your life in that way
Synonyms threaten, jeopardize, hazard, risk
bony or chitinous shield, test, or shell covering some or all of the dorsal part of an animal, as of a turtle

04-06-2008, 09:24
Clinton to be Obama's vice president?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
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Could this be the end of the campaign road for Hillary Clinton?

Barack Obamam appears to have clinched the Democratic nomination as Hillary Clinton seemed to signal an interest in running for vice-president.
The New York senator's anticipated move was thought to be aimed at gaining leverage with the Obama camp – and possibly being chosen as his running mate.
Sources close to the former First Lady said she was open to the idea of becoming a candidate for vice-president

Her campaign chairman, Terry McAuliffe, said once Mr Obama got the required number of delegates, 'I think Hillary Clinton will congratulate him and call him the nominee'.
The final two primaries were being held in South Dakota and Montana. Mr Obama needs 40 more delegates to win his party's nomination.
Only 31 were up for grabs tonight but he could succeed later if backed by enough 'superdelegates' – party officials free to choose who to support

a person nominated, as to run for elective office or fill a particular post

04-06-2008, 09:27
Ladies and Gentlmen i have created a group entitled English group in p30world Groups
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I invite all of you to take part there

A r c h i
04-06-2008, 11:49
Ladies and Gentlmen i have created a group entitled English group in p30world Groups
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I invite all of you to take part there

Great idea dear unartig, I wanted to do that..but I'm so busy these days ..So let's see each other there:31:

Good luck

05-06-2008, 04:42
Fire engine now a 'luxury limo'

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
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Get the party started: Lee Russell leans out of Mary, his Green Goddess fire engine, which has been transformed into a party venue

Feel like a knees-up with a difference? Then what about a 'pimped-up' 1957 Green Goddess, called Mary.
The fire engine has all the mod-cons a party vehicle needs – including a state-of-the-art sound and entertainment system, disco lighting, champagne bars and a faux green and cream leather interior.
Of course, it also comes complete with 100m (328ft) of hosing, should there be a real-life disco inferno.

May has been completely overhauled by vehicle nut Lee Russell, who bought the truck for £1,500 in November and has spent more than £5,000 converting it into a party truck.
The commercial deep sea diver said: 'I love historic vehicles and wanted something that would make a statement, something I could have fun with. She certainly turns heads.'

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The view from inside the Green Goddess

Mr Russell, 40, from Holywell, Cambridgeshire, bought the Green Goddess, which spent its working life at RAF Sealand in Deeside, Wales, in Lincolnshire and found out she was in service during the fire brigade strikes of the 1970s, when the Army had to step in to fight fires. He said: 'She went on three jobs – two fires and one cat rescue. The cat died. I felt so sad she hadn't been put to good use. She won't be saving lives now but she'll bring a lot of joy.'

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Mr Russell spent three months kitting out his eight-seater 'dream machine,' so it's lucky the engine was in perfect nick – although Lee only gets 8mpg. 'She isn't economical but she's tax and MoT exempt,' he said.
While long-suffering wife, Suzanne, 50, thinks he is crazy, Lee has already bought an Army ambulance and a VW campervan that he's hopes to turn into limousines.
And appropriately enough, Mr Russell's first booking for Mary is for a posse of Cambridgeshire policewomen looking for a hot night out

state of the art
the latest and most sophisticated or advanced stage of a technology, art, or science

To examine or go over carefully for needed repairs

05-06-2008, 04:49
Great idea dear unartig, I wanted to do that..but I'm so busy these days ..So let's see each other there:31:

Good luck

Thanks Dear Archi
I hope see you there

06-06-2008, 05:31
Shopper gets a Royal Guard... or two

Thursday, June 5, 2008
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Safe walk: A shopper strolls past as the Coldstream Guards rehearse for next week's Queen's Birthday parade in Windsor Great Park

to practice (a musical composition, a play, a speech, etc.) in private prior to a public presentation
a military ceremony involving the formation and marching of troop units, often combined with saluting the lowering of the flag at the end of the day
to cause to march or proceed for display

06-06-2008, 05:52
Agyness needs to get her skates on

Thursday, June 5, 2008
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Agyness Deyn in a spot of trouble as she shot a commercial in north London

get on
to receive or come to have possession, use, or enjoyment of: to get a birthday present; to get a pension

08-06-2008, 05:31
MP to meet watchdog over 'nanny'

Saturday, June 7, 2008
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Caroline Spelman said she will meet Parliament's standards watchdog

Conservative Party chairman Caroline Spelman said she will meet Parliament's standards watchdog on Monday to discuss allegations made about payments from her staffing allowance to a woman who worked as her nanny.
The party says that Tina Haines was employed as Mrs Spelman's constituency secretary for some months in 1997-98, and that the payments were for this work and not for the childcare she provided during the same period.
But BBC2's Newsnight on Friday said that its own conversations with Ms Haines suggested that the bulk of her work for the Meriden MP was nannying, and that she otherwise recalled no more than taking phone calls and posting some messages for Ms Spelman.
As Labour MPs called for Mrs Spelman to explain the payments to Ms Haines or face being referred to Parliamentary Standards Commissioner John Lyon, the Tory chairman announced that she was referring the case to the Commissioner herself.
She told Sky News that when she became MP for Meriden in 1997 she was confronted with a backlog of correspondence because of the death of her predecessor Iain Mills shortly before the general election, and she took on Ms Haines to carry out administrative and secretarial tasks at her home, which she was using as her constituency office.
"Tina would answer the telephone for me and open the post and sort it for me and arrange it into files," she said.
"As a working mother that offered a practical solution because she could deal with the secretarial side whilst the children were in school and then after school provide childcare for my kids. To me that seemed a good solution and at the time I thought that was entirely within the rules.
"The Chief Whip then made me aware that such an arrangement could be open to misinterpretation and, whilst within the rules, such misinterpretation is not helpful.
"Therefore I put a stop to the arrangement and Tina Haines ceased to work in any secretarial capacity and I engaged another person locally to work for me on the correspondence. My prime concern was to make sure that my constituents' needs were rapidly attended to as a new MP.
"At the time, I thought it was entirely within the rules - and that is still my belief - but I will refer this series of events to the Parliamentary Standards Commissioner and invite him to examine them and I will seek an early opportunity on Monday to meet with the Parliamentary Standards Commissioner for that purpose

a sum of money allotted or granted for a particular purpose, as for expenses: Her allowance for the business trip was $200
a person, usually with special training, employed to care for children in a household
to stop; discontinue: Not all medieval beliefs have ceased to exist
to come to an end: At last the war has ceased

09-06-2008, 05:08
It's a fine day for a dunk

by BEL JACOBS - Sunday, June 8, 2008
Five hours watching flying machines plummet into the water is making us jumpy.

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Our team take flight. Sort of...

Then, a royal swan gets stuck in the lake floor and has to be cleared before anyone else can go.
Welcome to the Red Bull Flugtag - where teams launch themselves off a ramp in quirky aircraft, using only manpower to propel them as far as possible.

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...and then splashdown rather quickly.

Nearing the 6m (20ft) launch pad is a sobering experience - there's no pulling out now.

I lie in Jetro, watching my crew Junior, Lisa and David impress judges and police officers with their dancing, looking out at the 80,000-strong crowd - and there's nothing in my head at all.

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One brave competitor's chariot enjoys a brief spell in the air

Jetro was made to look like a giant paper plane by production company Yarrington and, before getting caught in the wind, flew brilliantly.

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We have no idea what these people were thinking

Launch is faster than expected - but so is flight and, before I know it, I'm in the water. All that preparation was pointless when Saturday came.
We got 49 points to the winners' 57 - mainly down to our dance moves

verb (used without object)
to plunge
Synonyms 3. fall, dive, drop, swoop
Synonyms 2. abstinent, abstemious. 4. serious, quiet, sedate, subdued, staid. See grave. 5. somber, dull. 7. composed, collected. 8. reasonable, sound.
—Antonyms 4. gay

09-06-2008, 05:23
Secret of a good marriage? A shed

by JOEL TAYLOR - Sunday, June 8, 2008
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A shed: could it lead to marital bliss?

As more and more marriages end in divorce, help could be at hand - from the common garden shed.
Husbands who spend more time pottering around in outbuildings are 'wisely tinkering away at marital bliss', claims one vicar, the Rev Jamie Allen.
'The garden shed may give them a safe, secure place to unwind and escape from the pressure of modern life and marriage,' he added.
Mr Allen is working to find out why fewer people are tying the knot in his parish near Sudbury, Suffolk - and thinks sheds may be crucial
'If you are married, or hoping to become so, it might well be a good plan to invest in one,' he advised.
Relationship counsellor Nick Haynes agrees that a shed could be an important part of marital success.
He said: 'The basic thing about relationships is that we are struggling with the paradox of how comfortable we are being intimate with another human being while at the same time wanting our own space and independence.
'Some people need more room to be quiet while others are happier sharing their emotions with someone else

a slight or rude structure built for shelter, storage, etc
supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment: wedded bliss
a person who acts in place of another; substitute-
member of the clergy whose sole or chief charge is a chapel dependent on the church of a parish-

09-06-2008, 05:34
Fragile life in the wild

By JO STEELE - Sunday, June 8, 2008

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They are some of the poster boys of the animal kingdom - but pandas, lions and elephants are also among the species facing the threat of extinction.
Now a wildlife photographer hopes to draw attention to their plight by showing how beautiful they are in their native environments.

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Roger Hooper travelled the world capturing images of animals - including orang-utans in Borneo, pandas in China, and rhinos and elephants in Asia - after being inspired by Sir David Attenborough's nature documentaries
Mr Hooper said: 'Sadly, if the world continues as it is with global warming, massive deforestation and the pressures of human encroachment, many of these species will no longer survive in their natural habitat.

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'The only place to see such magnificent creatures will be in captivity.'
Exposed runs from Friday until June 29 at the Oxo Gallery on London's South Bank. Admission is free

a condition, state, or situation, esp. an unfavorable or unfortunate one: to find oneself in a sorry plight
to divest or clear of forests or trees: Poor planning deforested the area in ten years
the state or period of being held, imprisoned, enslaved, or confined

Antonio Andolini
10-06-2008, 00:38
A man who lost his expensive watch during World War II has been reunited with it 68 years later

see this news here:

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

11-06-2008, 12:47
You do a great job here unratig, so I wanna join yr club:46:l
RUDOLPH Valentino and Marilyn Monroe have inspired Britney Spears to chose a burial plot - and it's located in the Hollywood Forever Cemetery
After hearing about Marilyn Monroe picking her own grave site, the singer wanted to follow suit and when Britney saw Rudolph Valentino's grave at the cemetery she shrieked and said she wanted one.

But she doesn't plan on going there anytime soon. "I'm going to live so I want to be brought to the Forever Cemetery when I'm 101," she said.

Spears couldn’t even buy the tomb in peace because despite wearing a black wig, she was spotted by fans and chased around the cemetery in a bizarre sequence that could have been an Addams Family out-take.

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The singer decided to pick her final resting spot after spending two days reading about Marilyn Monroe’s final days and asked to look around the graveyard’s VIP section.

“Britney is fascinated with Marilyn and visits her grave often. Since she’s been getting her life together she’s been reading about the star and recently has been glued to a book about the actress," said a source.

“She’s fascinated that Marilyn asked her favourite make-up artist to make her look beautiful after she died and picked her own burial plot.

“So when Britney saw Rudolph Valentino’s grave at the cemetery she shrieked and said she wanted one
follow suit: to act or behave in the way that sb else has just done

tomb: a large grave, especially one built of stone above or below the ground

bizarre: weird

be glued to sth: to give all your attention to sth; to stay very close to sth

11-06-2008, 12:58
You do a great job here unratig, so I wanna join yr club:46:l


Thanks dear Sepid welcome here i hope you be here for long time in this topic

11-06-2008, 13:02
Are these Britain's best council flats?

by JO STEELE - Tuesday, June 10, 2008
They've got stunning views, en-suite bathrooms and decked balconies - and one could be yours for £75 a week.

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These plush harbourside apartments are thought to be the most luxurious council flats in Britain.
However, the properties - which sell for up to £525,000 - are causing a stink among owners who say it is unfair that single parents and the unemployed can rent them.
One third of the 340 homes in the development in Poole Harbour, Dorset, are social housing. Karla Whiffen, 23, who lives in one with daughter Millie, said: 'I pay £75 a week using my housing benefit which is very good.'
However, estate agent Tom Doyle said: 'Is it right to have an unemployed person paying £75 a week for the same flat somebody else is paying £500,000 for?'
The TaxPayers' Alliance suggested the social housing could have been built elsewhere in the area.

Tehran homes are as expensive as London
Thanks God for it:31:

12-06-2008, 05:57
Shell shocked Scots as tortoise goes walkies

by AGENCY - Wednesday, June 11, 2008
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Norman the tortoise

A tortoise has come out of his shell by taking strolls down busy streets.
Stormin' Norman, the African spur-thighed tortoise, goes out several times a day, much to the amusement of pedestrians

The ten-year-old reptile is accompanied by his owner, Dianne Melville, who runs a reptile shop in Aberdeen.
Ms Melville said: 'He's called Stormin' Norman because he just storms through people's feet.
'People have to get out of the way, he has no manners.'
The fearless creature is also known to 'square up' to passing dogs and regularly chases after seagulls.
Ms Melville said: 'He's just a youngster, he's only ten and weighs 18kg (39lb) but the heaviest recorded was 105kg (231lb

a person who goes or travels on foot; walker
—Synonyms 1, 2. goad. 2. incitement, stimulus, incentive, inducement, provocation, instigation. 16. goad, provoke, stimulate, impel, inspire, induce, instigate.
—Antonyms 16. discourage

12-06-2008, 06:05
Cloud-making machine is sudding marvellous

by MILES ERWIN - Wednesday, June 11, 2008
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Cloud-making machine makes a peace sign

When one-time magician Francisco Guerra decided to float an idea he really pulled a rabbit out of the hat - a cloud-making machine.
The clouds, or 'Flogos', come in any shape you want, from Mickey Mouse to the Olympic rings

They are made of soap and gases, such as helium, which allow them to fly off and retain their puffy texture.

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Cloud-making machine makes a child figure

'They will fly for miles,' said Mr Guerra. 'They are durable so they last a while.'
Depending on the weather and the formula used, the Flogos can last from a few minutes to more than an hour.
They can fly up to 48km (30 miles) and go as high as 6km (four miles) but normally the little clouds level out at about 150m (500ft).
His machines can pump out your flying logo at a rate of one every 15 seconds.
The clouds can be made in 60cm (2ft) or 90cm (3ft) sizes but a 1.8m (6ft) generator is in the pipeline.
Current designs are only available in white but Mr Guerra plans to add colour options from next year.

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Cloud-making machine makes the Olympics sign

Mr Guerra, whose US company Snowmakers creates weather effects for Hollywood movies, insisted Flogos are environmentally friendly because the soaps that make up the foamy shapes are plant-based.
'Eventually a Flogo just evaporates in the air. It does not pollute the skies,' he said.
'They're safer than mass balloon launches where the fragments pollute the environment and are dangerous to wildlife.'
The proto-clouds have also been cleared by the authorities of being a hazard to aeroplanes

to keep possession of
to continue to hold or have
to keep in mind; remember
an unavoidable danger or risk, even though often foreseeable: The job was full of hazards

12-06-2008, 06:11
Chelsea name Scolari as new manager

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Brazilian Luiz Felipe Scolari has been appointed manager of Chelsea, the club has said on its website.
Scolari, who is currently in charge of the Portugal national team, will start the job on July 1, the club said in the statement.

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Big Phil: Scolari will take up the Chelsea job on July 1

The statement continued: 'Felipe has great qualities. He is one of the world's top coaches with a record of success at country and club level, he gets the best out of a talented squad of players and his ambitions and expectations match ours. He was the outstanding choice

Scolari today saw his Portugal team make virtually certain of their qualification from the group stage of Euro 2008 with a 3 - 1 win over the Czech Republic.
The Chelsea statement added: 'Out of respect for his current role as Head Coach of the Portuguese national team, and to ensure minimum disruption to this work, there will be no further comment from Chelsea FC nor from Felipe about his new role until his employment with us commences.'
Scolari was hotly tipped to replace Sven-Göran Eriksson in the England manager's position in 2006, but reportedly turned the offer down because he was concerned about media intrusion

prominent; conspicuous; striking: an outstanding example of courage
marked by superiority or distinction; excellent; distinguished: an outstanding student

12-06-2008, 06:15
Why five-year-olds like 'Mummy milk'

by JOEL TAYLOR - Wednesday, June 11, 2008
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Breastfeeding: should it still be done with five-year-olds?

In Little Britain, comedy character Harvey makes us squirm with his demands for breastfeeding with the catchphrase 'bitty'.
But increasing number of older children are continuing to be breastfed, evidence shows.
Josephine Onions is five and her brother Zac is nearly four but both are still being breastfed by mother Stella.
Mrs Onions said the benefits for her two offspring are definitely worth the time she spends nursing.

'It seemed silly to stop feeding at six months for no reason and it was also very convenient,' she said. And she is happy for her children's friends to see them at her breast.
'They both come and ask for "Mummy milk",' added the 45-year-old. 'But nobody says anything bad about it.'
Mrs Onions, of Ludlow in Shropshire, who says children aged over eight lose the ability to suckle, has started a website (breastfeedingcommunity.co.uk) promoting later nursing of children.
'I am not trying to make mums feel guilty about not breastfeeding,' she said. 'But you can't ignore study after study. My main goal is to raise awareness

to wriggle or writhe
to feel or display discomfort or distress, as from reproof, embarrassment, pain, etc.: He squirmed under the judge's questioning

a phrase that attracts or is meant to attract attention
a phrase, as a slogan, that comes to be widely and repeatedly used, often with little of the original meaning remaining

12-06-2008, 06:23
Rare eager beavers finally breed

by AGENCY - Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Beavers have bred for just the second time in England in 400 years.

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Happy births day: One of the new creatures who produced a litter

A pair, brought over from Germany last year, are thought to have given birth in an enclosed section of the river Tale in Devon

The creatures were hunted to extinction here in the 1600s

pt. and pp. of breed

to produce (offspring); procreate; engender
to produce by mating; propagate sexually; reproduce: Ten mice were bred in the laboratory

12-06-2008, 09:24
Wake up with a whiff of coffee

by AGENCY - Wednesday, June 11, 2008
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Need to wake up? Just whiff your coffee

Smell the coffee and wake up, this is the verdict of research that suggests just a whiff of the drink can fight fatigue.
In tests, rats deprived of sleep had reduced MRNA, messenger molecules in the brain.

But when they were exposed to the aroma of strong coffee, their MRNA rates were restored to nearly normal levels, scientists in Japan found.
They are now looking at whether the same applies for humans


12-06-2008, 11:37
A man obsessed with a recorded female voice has been arrested after spending more than 3,000 hours on a freephone telephone number

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Man loved to hear the woman's voice
Hiroyuki Nomoto, from Tokyo in Japan, called the number around 500 times so he could hear the woman's dulcet tones on a taped message.
The 38-year-old plumber was arrested on suspicion of obstructing the business of the company at the other end of the line, a food firm based in Takasaki, north of the capital.
"The company has the number for 24-hour order-taking with a female voice," a police spokesman said.

"He said he wanted to hear a woman's voice.

"The company paid the call charges, which amounted to £18,595 for the call time of 3,100 hours."
Japanese police are used to dealing with people obsessed with female voices.
A 37-year-old man was arrested in January after placing at least 2,600 calls to directory enquiries over several months.
Telephone operators - who in Japan are almost always women - reportedly nicknamed him the "don't-hang-up-man".
dulcet: sounding sweet and pleasant

13-06-2008, 10:01
One way to beat traffic

Thursday, June 12, 2008
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Amphibious Car

Businessman Dar Shivtiel has found a way to cut fuel and parking costs.
His amphibious car lets him park on water and use rivers to avoid traffic jams

Dar Shivtiel's amphibious car, a modified Ford Fiesta, does up to 8 knots on the water and drives at 70mph on dry land.
The 40-year-old, from Leeds, paid £6,900 for the Dutton Commander on eBay.
'It's more economical than many cars,' he said

traffic jam
a number of vehicles blocking one another until they can scarcely move
living or able to live both on land and in water; belonging to both land and water
capable of operating on both land and water: amphibious vehicles

A r c h i
13-06-2008, 19:16
I love this topic and I really appreciate all your effort to keep it updated :11:

Hope to see others so active in here
Good luck my friends:10:l

13-06-2008, 19:23
I love this topic and I really appreciate all your effort to keep it updated :11:

Hope to see others so active in here
Good luck my friends:10:l

Thanks dear Archi
i hope so

13-06-2008, 19:32
Rooneys recover from 'pizza' wedding

Friday, June 13, 2008
As guests of the new Mr and Mrs Rooney nurse a £5m wedding hangover today, first details of the lavish ceremony between Wayne and Coleen have been revealed.
And it appears that top of the Scousers' list for wedding grub was pizza! The banquet feast was piled with local pizza, endless bottles of champagne and decorated with 12,000 white flowers.

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Blushing bride Col chats to her bridesmaids

The couple spent the whole day flanked the entire by OK! magazine security, determined to prevent any pictures of the pair being circulated before the magazine is published.
Earlier the rain drenched couple shed tears of joy during the ceremony - but fortunately, locals believe a rain drenched bride will be a lucky bride.
After an early morning start, and confirming the marriage in a civil ceremony in front of a dozen close friends, Coleen was put through her photo paces.
She was whisked off to the cliff top monastery in Portofino under police escort to be united with a £200,000 wedding frock.

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The spectacular fireworks display to mark the Rooneys' marriage

The emotional bride emerged at 2pm with the sun finally shining to dry her tears for her wedding blessing.
Proud father Tony then walked his girl down a red carpet around 5pm at the St Girolama's to give her away to the Manchester United star
With formalities over the couple immediately popped out the bubbly for a toast in the abbey's foyer before treating guests to a canapé drink reception on the terrace.
Photograthers hid in trees in a desperate bid to grab a picture of the new couple - but they failed.
At the banquet it was time for Wayne's waterworks as he paid tribute to his beaming bride, choking up as he thanked his 'stunning wife and bridesmaids.'

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Wedding guests enjoy a feast in the plush Italian coastal town

His best man Sean Molloy then left him red faced showing the party a photo of the bride's childhood home defaced the words 'Coleen Loves Wazza' sprayed on with shaving foam.
Moments later Irish boyband, Westlife took centre stage performing for a modest fee of £400,000 before a disco for the guests kicked off.
The £115,000 a week Manchester United star then treated the wedding party to a £100,000 firework display to top things off.
Today, they will board a yacht for a swanky bbq with family before heading off down the coast.
The partying won't stop there as further celebrations are expected for the couple back in Britain

Synonyms 1. queasiness, sickishness, qualm, nausea
to expend or give in great amounts or without limit: to lavish gifts on a person
Synonyms 1, 2. unstinted, extravagant, wasteful, improvident; generous, openhanded. Lavish, prodigal, profuse refer to that which exists in abundance and is poured out copiously. Lavish suggests (sometimes excessive) generosity and openhandedness: lavish hospitality; much too lavish. Prodigal suggests wastefulness, improvidence, and reckless impatience of restraint: a prodigal extravagance. Profuse emphasizes abundance, but may suggest overemotionalism, exaggeration, or the like: profuse thanks, compliments, apologies. 3. heap, pour; waste, squander, dissipate.
Antonyms 1, 2. niggardly
lavish meal; feast
a ceremonious public dinner, esp. one honoring a person, benefiting a charity, etc

15-06-2008, 02:58
Bomb Hunters

During the nine years of the Vietnam War the US dropped more cluster bombs on neighbouring Laos than it did world wide during the whole of World War Two.
It is estimated that the bombing in Laos equated to a B52 load of cluster bombs dropped every 8 minutes for 9 years, this totals to 260 million bombs being dropped between 1964 and 1973.
Since the 1990s an official clearance operation has been in place but they say that more than 80 million unexploded ordnance (UXO) or cluster bombs still litter the countryside.
With the global increase in the demand for steel, led largely by Chinese expansion, this has driven up the price of scrap metal and unexploded ordinance is now a very valuable asset.
In this documentary, Angela Robson travelled around the province of Xieng Khoang, where scrap metal yards have become the new fields of gold.
The people of Laos have utilised the metal from UXO for the past 30 years.
In Phonsavan, the fences of peoples' houses are made of shell casings.
Unexploded cluster bombs are also forged into axes, sickles, cow bells, rice cookers, belt buckles, boats and ladders.
One particular cluster bomb with a tripod-shaped fin is commonly fitted with a light bulb and used as a lamp.
However, this familiarity has proven lethal.
People have grown up with cluster bombs in their homes - so when they see them in the forest, in fields and on the mountainsides they do not anticipate the danger.
Cheap metal detectors can be bought for less than $12 (US dollars) and are encouraging trade.
Children as well as adults scavenge many places for scrap and as a result, almost half of the deaths from UXO in Laos are of children.
It is illegal and often deadly work but is so much more lucrative than most other forms of employment, that many citizens are turning to bomb hunting just to keep food on the table.
You can read more about Laos in Angela Robson's article in Le Monde diplomatique's English edition here ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]).
First broadcast Friday 13th June
of, pertaining to, or causing death; deadly; fatal: a lethal weapon; a lethal dose
to take or gather (something usable) from discarded material -
to cleanse of filth, as a street -
profitable; moneymaking; remunerative: a lucrative business
You can see this news and download its MP3 here
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15-06-2008, 03:16
The barely credible Hulk disappoints

(12A) Running time: 112min
Larushka Ivan-Zadeh - Thursday, June 12, 2008

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Rumours that star and co-writer Edward Norton threw a massive Hulk sulk during the editing process were hardly promising. But if the 2003 effort from Ang 'Brokeback Mountain' Lee was criticised for being overly-introspective, this bog-standard comic book blockbuster from The Transporter director Louis Leterrier at least hits the ground running.
The plot sees Bruce Banner (flavour-free Norton) hiding out in Brazil, desperately seeking a way to cure the gamma radiation poison that famously mutates him from a terminally dull scientist into a really violent Brussel sprout. It's barely 20 minutes before Norton 'hulks out'; there's a pulse-pounding chase through the favelas as he is pursued by evil dudes at the US military (William Hurt and Tim Roth

Could this be a new breed of mean, green Bourne Identity? Sadly, it soon settles down to become seriously boring. Token nods to cod psychology and politics won't fool adults into believing this is anything more than the noisy, joyless children's cartoon it ultimately slumps into.
A cast of resentful thesps are scant help: Roth declares 'this is a whole new level of weird' like he's chewing screws; Liv Tyler pouts wetly and occasionally wears glasses (to show she's a serious biologist); while Norton delivers comic one-liners like 'You wouldn't like me when I'm… hungry' with a dead hand unrivalled since vintage Schwarzenegger.
To be fair, Bruce Banner is one of Marvel's least interesting creations: as a monster he's less tortured than toddler. But the TV series at least imbued Hulk with a gentle giant appeal. Here there's no King Kong-like humanity to touch beneath those empty CGI eyes. Incredible? Um, hardly

excessively; too: a voyage not overly dangerous
Synonyms needlessy, immoderately, inordinately
given to examining own sensory and perceptual experiences
antonym extrospective

16-06-2008, 05:40
Rooney's £5m 'sham' wedding

Sunday, June 15, 2008
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Mr and Mrs Rooney got hitched in a £5m ceremony

Wayne Rooney's £5million marriage to Colleen McLoughlin is a sham, angry Italian church officials have claimed.
An Italian priest said he warned the couple the converted monastery in Genoa where they got married was deconsecrated, and so not eligible to host religious services.
Father Mario Ostigoni said he suggested another church 5miles (8km) away but the couple ignored his advice and the wedding, conducted by Coleen's family priest Father Edward Quinn, went ahead

Mr Ostigoni said: 'The Bishop of Chiavari is not at all happy with what happened and I should imagine that Father Quinn's local bishop in Shrewsbury will also want to know what happened.
'If he did carry out a blessing or some form of religious event then it was wrong and it has absolutely no validity in the eyes of the Catholic church and in the eyes of the Lord.'
He said La Cervara had not been a recognised venue for several months.
Bishop Tanasini, who gave permission for the marriage, was said to have been 'astonished at the behaviour and endless partying, fuelled by alcohol' that surrounded the wedding.
A source close to the couple said: 'They had a religious service at La Cervara after taking advice and
thought they were OK

house or place of residence occupied by a community of persons, esp. monks, living in seclusion under religious vows
fit or proper to be chosen; worthy of choice; desirable: to marry an eligible bachelor

16-06-2008, 05:52
A Model Olympian

Sunday, June 15, 2008
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Beijing hopeful Beth Tweddle, who will compete in the paralympic dressage competition poses after a makeover by an iconic British fashion designer

remodeling; renovation; restoration: The old house needs a complete makeover -
thorough course of beauty and cosmetic treatments: Assistants spent four hours on the actress's makeover in preparation for the awards ceremony -

17-06-2008, 05:29
Knight Rider car for sale on eBay

Monday, June 16, 2008
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The top bid is currently £15,900
One of the original KITT cars from the 1980s hit show Knight Rider has been put up for sale on eBay.
The black 1984 Pontiac Trans Am with a distinctive red light bar on its nose has so far attracted a top bid of £15,900 on the internet auction site.
The US series was as famous for David Hasselhoff's crimefighting Michael Knight as it was for the super-car - which was best known for its 'Turbo Boost' mode which allowed it to leap over obstacles

KITT, which stands for Knight Industries Three Thousand, was 'a 300mph, high tech, self aware communicative, man-made marvel', according to the listing on eBay.
The car for sale was used in the third and fourth series of the drama. The auction is due to end today

put up
to bring into some relation, state, etc.: to put everything in order
something that causes wonder, admiration, or astonishment; a wonderful thing; a wonder or prodigy: The new bridge is an engineering marvel

17-06-2008, 05:45
Waiter, there's a frog hiding in my salad...

Monday, June 16, 2008
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Yum, yum...nice and crispy.
It's not the sort of slimy surprise you want to find in a fresh salad. But this live frog was what greeted Kirsty McCloud as she tucked in to Italian leaves bought in a packet from Asda.
She spotted the 5cm marsh frog, usually found in mainland Europe, on a lettuce leaf as her fork was poised to spear it.
She took it to an animal sanctuary and Asda apologised for letting it 'hitch a ride ' to its branch in South Woodham Ferrers, Essex
to pull up into a fold or folds; draw up into a folded arrangement (usually fol. by in, up, etc.): to tuck up one's skirts; to tuck one's knees under one's chin
a tract of land where birds and wildlife, esp. those hunted for sport, can breed and take refuge in safety from hunters
hitch a lift/ride
to get a free ride in someone else's car

18-06-2008, 06:00
London on ice!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

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Over a decade ago, when the Tories had been toppled and Tony and Noel were chillin' at Number 10, Britain was known as Cool Britannia. For a few weeks, at least.

Now, sculptor Percy Salazar has chiselled his own version of Cool Britannia, with these ice sculptures of famous London landmarks.

The model was carved in Primrose Hill to promote Harbin Beer, the official beer of 'Taste of China' at the Taste of London Food Festival, which starts on Thursday

a person who practices the art of sculpture
a building or other place that is of outstanding historical, aesthetic, or cultural importance, often declared as such and given a special status (landmark designation), ordaining its preservation, by some authorizing organization

18-06-2008, 06:04
Bird’s eye view

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

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A visitor admires an 8m model of the Sydney Olympic Stadium rescaled to seat 1million spectators at an art show in the city

a person who looks on or watches; onlooker; observer

18-06-2008, 06:12
Stroke of good Luck

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
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A teenager has become a hit with art lovers.

Cecily Hann was spotted while helping at her mother's shop and gallery in Cromer, Norfolk.

'I was struck by her beautiful dark looks,' said painter Lizzie Riches, whose work is shown around the world.

Cecily, 15, said: 'I was flattered to be asked to sit for Lizzie

pt. and a pp. of strike
to try to please by complimentary remarks or attention -
to praise or compliment insincerely, effusively, or excessively: She flatters him by constantly praising his books -

18-06-2008, 06:17
Dairy demonstration

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
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A South Korean protester pours milk over himself at a rally in Seoul against US beef imports.

Farmers claim the cheap imports threaten their livelihood

a means of supporting one's existence, esp. financially or vocationally; living: to earn a livelihood as a tenant farmer

24-06-2008, 04:53
A balancing act

Monday, June 23, 2008
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Contortionist balances in Beijing

A young contortionist makes a perfect candlestick holder at a trade fair in Beijing.

Such performers are increasingly featured in commercials and promotional work rather than in a circus

a person who performs gymnastic feats involving contorted postures

24-06-2008, 05:04
Lizard leaps from bunch of bananas

By JO STEELE - Monday, June 23, 2008
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Lizard leaps from bunch of bananas

A shopper had the shock of her life when she unpacked a bag of bananas – to be confronted by a lizard.

Sharon Bell shrieked in horror as the stowaway – nicknamed Ned by her daughter – leapt on to her hand

'I screamed so loudly, I really freaked out,' the 43-year-old mother of two said.

'The kids thought I'd had a mild heart attack. I threw my hand up and he ran back into the bag.

'I then had to get a neighbour to come and get him.'

The exotic visitor was alive and well despite its long journey – believed to be from Costa Rica to the Tesco store in Colchester.

Mrs Bell said 14-year-old daughter Ione and son Samuel, ten, begged her to keep the lizard but she thought it would be cruel.

She added: 'I rang Tesco headquarters and they said they would destroy him for me but I couldn't have him killed.

I'm not that cruel. I tried the zoo but because he might be foreign, they couldn't take him.'

An RSPCA officer who collected Ned could not identify the species but said he was a baby and not from Britain.

Tesco apologised and said it was a 'rare occurrence'.

'Despite all the expertise, checks and will in the world, it is not always possible to completely legislate for the natural world,' said a spokesman

To come face to face with, especially with defiance or hostility: I wish to confront my accuser in a court of law -
To bring face to face with: The defendant was confronted with incontrovertible evidence of guilt -
To come up against; encounter: confronted danger at every turn -

willfully or knowingly causing pain or distress to others
Synonyms 1. bloodthirsty, ferocious, merciless, relentless. Cruel, pitiless, ruthless, brutal, savage imply readiness to cause pain to others. Cruel implies willingness to cause pain, and indifference to suffering: a cruel stepfather. Pitiless adds the idea of refusal to show compassion: pitiless to captives. Ruthless implies cruelty and unscrupulousness, letting nothing stand in one's way: ruthless greed. Brutal implies cruelty that takes the form of physical violence: a brutal master. Savage suggests fierceness and brutality: savage battles.
—Antonyms 1. kind. 2. sympathetic, compassionate

24-06-2008, 10:07
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The browser saw 8 million downloads within the first 2 -hours of its release, more than ever downloaded in a single day before and a statistic currently being considered for inclusion within the Guinness Book of Records.
Firefox 2 was downloaded 1.6 million times in its first 24 hours of release; to date, it has been downloaded more than half a billion times, according to Mozilla.
InfoWorld's Test Center review: Firefox 3 comes out sizzling

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید
New features in the Web browser include one-click bookmarking, the smart location bar, and lightning-fast performance. It also includes phishing and malware protection, built-in spell checking, session restore, and full zoom.
The developers claim 15,000 new tweaks, features and improvements in the software, which is rapidly

building market share at the expense of Internet Explorer.

24-06-2008, 16:22
They would go well with most things in your wardrobe, since few colours clash with gold or silver
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]
But the sensible girl would team these shoes with a crash helmet and an instruction manual.

The 5 1/2in creations by Briton Antonio Berardi can hardly be described as high heels, since they lack the most important part - a heel.
Pretty or painful?: Desinger Antonio Berardi thinks the shoes look ‘dainty’

Height of fasion: The heels are 5 1/2 inches off the ground
For the bargain price of ?1,800, the wearer will get to totter around with all her weight balanced on a thickened platform sole.
Unsurprisingly, fashionistas are jostling to buy a pair.
Stars including Gwyneth Paltrow and Uma Thurman invested in a black patent version costing more than ?1,100, shortly after they were unveiledin Berardi’s spring/summer collection in Paris.
And Victoria Beckham apparently has a snakeskin pair.
They are going on sale in Browns stores in London, where they have to be ordered up to five weeks in advance.
Lincolnshire-born Berardi, 39, said he was inspired by Latin American music and 1980s post-modernism, adding: “When you walk, it is almost on tiptoe. You look really dainty.”
A spokesman for his Paris-based fashion house said: “The shoe has a bigger platform sole which stretches back further than normal and gives support under the arch of the foot.
“When walking though, you have to put your toe rather than your heel down first and you cannot wear them for very long.
“They are not dangerous because you would have to lean quite far back before you fell over.”
Podiatrists, who have already warned about the health impact of high heels, were less impressed.
Michael Paynton, chairman of the British Chiropody and Podiatry Association, said: “The heel is there to stabilise.
“When you elevate the rear of the foot it makes you lean forward, which is bad for both the back and the foot.
“The front of the foot ends up taking the weight of the bulk of your body, which can in turn do damage to the tendons in your legs by shortening them.
“I certainly would not recommend these shoes.”
The Berardi shoes were joined on the season’s catwalks by stilt-like sandals from Alexander McQueen, Nina Ricci heels shaped like a bear’s claw and Yves Saint Laurent strappy sandals with a reed-thin metal sole.
dainty: small and delicate in a way that people find attractive
totter: to walk or move with weak unsteady steps
jostling: to push roughly against sb in a crowd
patent: an official right to be the only person to make, use or sell a product or an invention
stabilise: to become or to make sth become firm, steady and unlikely to change
elevate: to lift sth up or put sth in a higher position
bulk: the weight or shape of sb/sth large
tendons: a strong band of tissue in the body that joins a muscle to a bone
catwalks: the long stage that models walk on during a fashion show
strappy: ??(I couldn't find the meaning of the word)l

A r c h i
24-06-2008, 18:54
They would go well with most things in your wardrobe, since few colours clash with gold or silver
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Oh my Godddd , what kind of shoes it is :18::18::18:

I prefer to spend my money on something much comfortable:31:l

25-06-2008, 11:30
Animals : Amazing Canine Loyalty

These Pictures are really very impressing, showing the loyalty of animals. These photos speak much louder than words can, and need none to say what they want to convey.

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[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

25-06-2008, 12:27
Oh my Godddd , what kind of shoes it is :18::18::18:

I prefer to spend my money on something much comfortable:31:l

Be sure Sepid has bought one of them.You know this girl loves to show off
and about you,your statement shows that you are above 170 cm and maybe you 're a Basketball player

Antonio Andolini
26-06-2008, 18:56
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

LOS ANGELES - Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's love for children is by no means limited to their own: The couple has donated $1 million to help kids affected by the war in Iraq, the Education Partnership for Children of Conflict announced Wednesday.

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] ews%2fK%3d5%2fV%3d2.1%2fW%3dH%2fY%3dYAHOO%2fF%3d71 4415246%2fH%3dY2FjaGVoaW50PSJuZXdzIiBjb250ZW50PSJC cmFkIFBpdHQ7QW5nZWxpbmEgSm9saWU7Y2hpbGRyZW47aGVscD tJcmFxO0VkdWNhdGlvbjtDaGlsZHJlbjtkb25hdGlvbjtnaXZl O21vbmV5O21pbGl0YXJ5O3JlbGllZjtyZWZ1cmxfdXNfbWM1Nz JfbWFpbF95YWhvb19jb20iIHJlZnVybD0icmVmdXJsX3VzX21j NTcyX21haWxfeWFob29fY29tIiB0b3BpY3M9InJlZnVybF91c1 9tYzU3Ml9tYWlsX3lhaG9vX2NvbSI-%2fQ%3d-1%2fS%3d1%2fJ%3d20719345&U=13fd5ng3b%2fN%3dI0jJKULEYpA-%2fC%3d619213.12535884.12881238.11951997%2fD%3dRMP %2fB%3d5236828%2fV%3d1 [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] ews%2fK%3d5%2fV%3d2.1%2fW%3dH%2fY%3dYAHOO%2fF%3d41 25383345%2fH%3dY2FjaGVoaW50PSJuZXdzIiBjb250ZW50PSJ CcmFkIFBpdHQ7QW5nZWxpbmEgSm9saWU7Y2hpbGRyZW47aGVsc DtJcmFxO0VkdWNhdGlvbjtDaGlsZHJlbjtkb25hdGlvbjtnaXZ lO21vbmV5O21pbGl0YXJ5O3JlbGllZjtyZWZ1cmxfdXNfbWM1N zJfbWFpbF95YWhvb19jb20iIHJlZnVybD0icmVmdXJsX3VzX21 jNTcyX21haWxfeWFob29fY29tIiB0b3BpY3M9InJlZnVybF91c 19tYzU3Ml9tYWlsX3lhaG9vX2NvbSI-%2fQ%3d-1%2fS%3d1%2fJ%3d20719345&U=12cqbpom2%2fN%3dJEjJKULEYpA-%2fC%3d-1%2fD%3dSIPR%2fB%3d-1%2fV%3d0[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] ews%2fK%3d5%2fV%3d2.1%2fW%3dH%2fY%3dYAHOO%2fF%3d40 07028675%2fH%3dY2FjaGVoaW50PSJuZXdzIiBjb250ZW50PSJ CcmFkIFBpdHQ7QW5nZWxpbmEgSm9saWU7Y2hpbGRyZW47aGVsc DtJcmFxO0VkdWNhdGlvbjtDaGlsZHJlbjtkb25hdGlvbjtnaXZ lO21vbmV5O21pbGl0YXJ5O3JlbGllZjtyZWZ1cmxfdXNfbWM1N zJfbWFpbF95YWhvb19jb20iIHJlZnVybD0icmVmdXJsX3VzX21 jNTcyX21haWxfeWFob29fY29tIiB0b3BpY3M9InJlZnVybF91c 19tYzU3Ml9tYWlsX3lhaG9vX2NvbSI-%2fQ%3d-1%2fS%3d1%2fJ%3d20719345&U=13f3lvt2f%2fN%3dHUjJKULEYpA-%2fC%3d619213.12513740.12865435.1442997%2fD%3dLREC %2fB%3d4919452%2fV%3d1

The organization will distribute the donation, made through the couple's Jolie-Pitt Foundation, to four organizations working on behalf of children who have lost parents, homes and schools in Iraq. Children in the U.S. who have lost parents in the conflict will also benefit.

"These educational support programs for children of conflict are the best way to help them heal," said Jolie in a written statement from Education Partnership for Children of Conflict, which she co-chairs.

"We hope to encourage others to give to these great organizations," Pitt added in the statement.

The money will be divided between the Armed Services YMCA Operation Hero Program, which provides military children with counseling and educational support; Women for Women International, which will provide books, school supplies and other basic necessities to Iraqi women and children; the International Rescue Committee, which will repair three schools and offer classes for more than 2,500 students; and NineMillion.org ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]*[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]), which will give school uniforms and learning materials to more than 2,000 displaced Iraqi kids.

Last year, the Jolie-Pitt Foundation gave more than $300,000 to support the International Rescue Committee's relief program for Darfur refugees.

Jolie, who's expecting twins, has said the babies are due in August. She and Pitt have four children: Maddox, 6; Pax, 4; Zahara, 3; and Shiloh, 2

source:Yahoo! News.

26-06-2008, 19:11
Be sure Sepid has bought one of them.You know this girl loves to show off
and about you,your statement shows that you are above 170 cm and maybe you 're a Basketball player

Hey, here is not a good place to quarrel, the aim here is just News, otherwise I would...:31::31::46:l
Good luck, just kidding, carry on putting amazing news here n if you like to quarrel, we can have it in our private pages not here:11:l

27-06-2008, 04:28
Squirrel swings for his supper

Thursday, June 26, 2008
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

Cyril the squirrel

An ingenious squirrel has used his grey matter to out-fox an 'animal-proof' bird feeder.
Cyril the squirrel used to look longingly at a container of crackers and nuts put out for the birds in a garden by a kindly woman

It was easy enough to scale the climbing frame in Sue Britton's garden to get nearer the food but this still left him a tantalising distance away from his goal.
However, when he saw some hanging flower baskets appear near the feeder he had a 'Eureka moment' and came up with a way of reaching the target.
Using the theory of momentum, Cyril decided to leap on to the basket and swing it towards the nuts until he was close enough to grab his prize. And sure enough – it worked. His antics now provide for great entertainment at Mrs Britton's home in Darlington.
'I was just sitting in the living room looking out the window when I saw a squirrel trying to get to the nuts we put out for the birds,' she said.
'Then we put hanging baskets up, and you could see him looking at the flowers to see if it would help him get to the nuts.
'Then one afternoon, he came toddling along into the garden and jumped up to the rail and on to the baskets, he lets the basket swing until he gets enough momentum then jumps to the bird feeders.'
Cyril performs his trick on countless occasions and often has birds in a flap after beating them to the booty

a bin or boxlike device from which farm animals may eat, esp. such a device designed to allow a number of chickens to feed simultaneously or to release a specific amount of feed at regular intervals

27-06-2008, 04:35
Two-year-old food phobic will only eat yoghurt

Thursday, June 26, 2008
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

Bobby will only eat yoghurt

Any parent will tell you it's quite a challenge to get children to eat their greens.

But for Craig and Sally Glarvey getting their youngest, Bobby, to eat anything at all was practically impossible. Until they tried yoghurts.

Now two-year-old Bobby won't touch anything else

He slurps his way through 14 pots of every day.

Whatever the flavour, he will eat them for breakfast, lunch and supper.

The boy, who has been diagnosed with a food phobia that means he can't bear to have lumpy food in his mouth, refuses to eat anything else.

Parents Craig Glarvey, 28, and Sally Green, 33, have even invested in an extra fridge just to store Bobby's mountain of yoghurts.

The couple, from Warmsworth in Doncaster, have a seven-year-old daughter called Cameron, who has always been a normal eater.

Bobby's mother, who is a childminder, said: 'We have tried all ways to get him to eat other food but he just spits it out.

'He's never had a hot meal in his life.'

The couple were put in touch with a child psychologist to slowly introduce Bobby to other foods but that has had little effect.

His father, a lorry driver, said: 'Bobby is really lively and bright but he is under weight and very tiny and it's because he won't eat other food.

'We were really worried but the experts have told us he will grow out of it eventually
a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it
Synonyms aversion, hatred
a person who cares for other people's children as employment

Antonio Andolini
27-06-2008, 13:55
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Paris Hilton is making good on her promise to become a better person.

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] news%2fK%3d5%2fV%3d2.1%2fW%3dH%2fY%3dYAHOO%2fF%3d3 529049631%2fH%3dY2FjaGVoaW50PSJuZXdzIiBjb250ZW50PS Jkb25hdGlvbjtjaGlsZHJlbjtoZWxwO0NhbmNlcjttb25leTti cmVhc3QgY2FuY2VyO211bHRpcGxlIHNjbGVyb3NpcztyZWZ1cm xfdXNfbWM1NzJfbWFpbF95YWhvb19jb20iIHJlZnVybD0icmVm dXJsX3VzX21jNTcyX21haWxfeWFob29fY29tIiB0b3BpY3M9In JlZnVybF91c19tYzU3Ml9tYWlsX3lhaG9vX2NvbSI-%2fQ%3d-1%2fS%3d1%2fJ%3d90519345&U=13f161n3q%2fN%3dIhtNJUWTWUs-%2fC%3d619213.12535884.12881238.11951997%2fD%3dRMP %2fB%3d5236828%2fV%3d1 [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] news%2fK%3d5%2fV%3d2.1%2fW%3dH%2fY%3dYAHOO%2fF%3d1 309079531%2fH%3dY2FjaGVoaW50PSJuZXdzIiBjb250ZW50PS Jkb25hdGlvbjtjaGlsZHJlbjtoZWxwO0NhbmNlcjttb25leTti cmVhc3QgY2FuY2VyO211bHRpcGxlIHNjbGVyb3NpcztyZWZ1cm xfdXNfbWM1NzJfbWFpbF95YWhvb19jb20iIHJlZnVybD0icmVm dXJsX3VzX21jNTcyX21haWxfeWFob29fY29tIiB0b3BpY3M9In JlZnVybF91c19tYzU3Ml9tYWlsX3lhaG9vX2NvbSI-%2fQ%3d-1%2fS%3d1%2fJ%3d90519345&U=12cfo2fvc%2fN%3dIxtNJUWTWUs-%2fC%3d-1%2fD%3dSIPR%2fB%3d-1%2fV%3d0[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] news%2fK%3d5%2fV%3d2.1%2fW%3dH%2fY%3dYAHOO%2fF%3d5 67045105%2fH%3dY2FjaGVoaW50PSJuZXdzIiBjb250ZW50PSJ kb25hdGlvbjtjaGlsZHJlbjtoZWxwO0NhbmNlcjttb25leTtic mVhc3QgY2FuY2VyO211bHRpcGxlIHNjbGVyb3NpcztyZWZ1cmx fdXNfbWM1NzJfbWFpbF95YWhvb19jb20iIHJlZnVybD0icmVmd XJsX3VzX21jNTcyX21haWxfeWFob29fY29tIiB0b3BpY3M9InJ lZnVybF91c19tYzU3Ml9tYWlsX3lhaG9vX2NvbSI-%2fQ%3d-1%2fS%3d1%2fJ%3d90519345&U=13folb3tr%2fN%3dHBtNJUWTWUs-%2fC%3d619213.12513740.12865435.1442997%2fD%3dLREC %2fB%3d4919452%2fV%3d1

The 27-year-old socialite made an "extremely generous" donation toward the construction of a medical building at Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, hospital officials said Thursday, although they did not specify the amount.

"The children I have met through my involvement with Childrens Hospital have truly touched my heart," Hilton said in a statement. "I am proud to make a donation and lend my name to the fundraising effort to help children who are facing terribly serious illnesses."

The 460,000-square-foot Childrens Center for Cancer and Blood Diseases is expected to open in 2010.

After spending about 23 days in jail last year for violating probation on alcohol-related reckless driving charges, Hilton told CNN's Larry King the experience caused her to re-evaluate the role partying played in her life. She said she wanted "to help raise money for kids and for breast cancer and multiple sclerosis."


28-06-2008, 05:44
battle for the throne in Narnia

Running time: 144min
Thursday, June 26, 2008

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe has taken more than $745million (£378million) worldwide, making it one of the most successful movies ever made.

But, aside from a good chuckle over Dawn French's Beaver, most British adults were left disappointed by the first instalment of CS Lewis's classic 1950s fantasy books.

With its tinselly effects, twee-talking animals and shallow heart, this junior Lord Of The Rings was decidedly the kid end of kidult
Happily, this hyped-to-the-hilt sequel displays more teeth. 'You may find Narnia a more savage place,' intones Peter Dinklage's dwarf – in fact the biggest star here. He's not wrong.

It's 1,300 years and a few distracting new hormones since the four posh-voiced Pevensie children left wartime England via a magic wardrobe and discovered a kingdom ruled by Aslan the lion (voiced by Liam Neeson).

On their return they find it taken over by a bloodthirsty race of swarthy, pointy bearded infidels, with extravagantly non-Arab accents, determined to slaughter Narnia's last true heir to the throne, Caspian (Ben Barnes), and all his furry friends.

'Why can't you come roaring in to save us, like last time?' wonders Georgie Henley's adorable little Lucy. 'Things never happen the same way twice,' Aslan growls mystically. The fact they do is just one weakness of a skittish, swashbuckling-packed plot whose pro-Christian subtext uncomfortably prizes blind childish faith above nascent adulthood.

On the upside, the lessons learned are hard-hitting and thankfully the child actors have finally grown into their roles. Although, at almost two-and-a-half hours, there's plenty of thumb-twiddling before the freakishly bloodless battle commences

a soft laugh, usually of satisfaction -
Obsolete. the cluck of a hen -
a single portion of something furnished or issued by parts at successive times: a magazine serial in six installments

28-06-2008, 05:50
Bear: I'm lovin' it

Friday, June 27, 2008
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

Get your eyes off my fries

Would you like claws with that?

Poor Tucker the dog. While he's stuck inside with just plain old dog food to munch on, one hungry bear is about to get his teeth into something a little more tasty.

The bear has just raided a neighbour's bin, and looks pretty excited at the prospect of chomping into a very happy meal

McDonald's bag firmly in mouth, he strolls across a back yard in Alaska looking like the cat who got the cream. Or the bear who got the burger

to make fumbling motions: He clawed at the door. She clawed for the light switch

28-06-2008, 05:56
Madonna divorce rumours grow

by ANDREI HARMSWORTH - Friday, June 27, 2008

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]
Is this husband and wife heading for court?

Growing speculation is mounting that pop queen Madonna wants an end to her marriage of seven years to film director Guy Ritchie.

A new report claims the 49-year-old has directly asked Ritchie for a divorce face to face.

The star is also said to have taken legal advice from the family law firm over the separation of their assets, said to be a combined £300 million fortune.
The Mirror newspaper reported claims from the couple's friend, who said, 'They were very calm. They both knew the relationship was over. Madonna told Guy, “I'm sorry I want a divorce.” He agreed
The discussions were said to be 'painless' but 'sad'.
Another friend told the newspaper the Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels director was holed up in the pair's Wiltshire mansion 'down in the dumps'.
'He's off to the country to get a piece of quiet', the friend said.
Meanwhile, Madonna is said to be away spending time in New York with her children.
Ritchie, has also reportedly sought legal advice from 'high net worth' family lawyers Forsters, a claim the which the firm currently deny.
A spokeswoman for the singer said, 'we have no comment to make.'
The couple have one son between them Rocco, 7 and have adopted Malawian son David Banda together.
Madonna also has an 11-year-old daughter, Lourdes, from a previous relationship.
The director is said to want a private divorce battle, away from the spotlight, with friends describing him as a 'decent bloke'.
'He's got too much respect for his wife and children.'
The couple's assets boast a full property portfolio, including the £10m Wiltshire mansion, £7m Marylebone townhouse and four other London properties, including several homes in America

a strong, focused light thrown upon a particular spot, as on a small area of a stage or in a television studio, for making some object, person, or group especially conspicuous
- verb
to speak with exaggeration and excessive pride, esp. about oneself
- noun
- a thing boasted of; a cause for pride: Talent is his boast. It is her boast that she has never betrayed a friend
- exaggerated or objectionable speech; bragging: empty boasts and threats
a very large, impressive, or stately residence

29-06-2008, 05:09
BB tells the housemates to clean up

Saturday, June 28, 2008
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

Luke argued with Rebecca over the cleaning task

The housemates have made a fresh start by sprucing up the house and garden after the recent departures.
Dennis McHugh was booted out by the show's bosses after he appeared to spit at fellow housemate Mohamed Mohamed during a row.
Sylvia Barrie was then evicted with a massive 90% of the public vote.
Big Brother played classical music and told the housemates to change into white boiler suits and clean the house, but they could not even do that without an argument.
Rebecca Shiner and Luke Marsden who had been sucking each other's earlobes only hours earlier, argued about who should clean the kitchen table.
Luke then added to the bad atmosphere by joining Jennifer Clark for a moan about Rachel Rice and Kathreya Kasisopa.
"She's got a dark side to her," he said of Rebecca.
Jennifer agreed: "Yeah, yeah, there's a dark side there. And you know what? That scares me, living with a person that's secretly dark. And then comes up and goes 'happy happy happy happy!' She's playing a very good game."
After the cleaning, housemates were given a new task - to test their talent for topiary. Big Brother has placed 11 buxus trees in the garden which housemates must prune into various designs

- To put out (a tenant, for example) by legal process; expel
- To force out; eject
a garden containing such work

29-06-2008, 11:56
Marya Green realized she was piss drunk and shouldn’t be driving herself and her three kids around
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

town. Did she:
A) Let the 8 year old drive.
B) Let the 5 year old drive.
C) Put the 1 year old on her lap and let him drive.
That’s right, the police officer found Marya working the pedals with the one year old in her lap holding the wheel. I can’t even comprehend the logic here. Was she just too drunk to figure out how to strap the kid into the car seat? On the not so surprising side this is Marya’s third DUI. No shit!? I would never guess that a lady who was dumb enough to put her one year old at the wheel would be dumb enough to get multiple DUIs.
Strap: to fasten sb/sth in place using a strap or straps

30-06-2008, 06:08
Nelson Mandela at 90, Hyde Park

By DAMIAN TULLY-POINTON - Sunday, June 29, 2008
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]
Amy Winehouse

“The party begins now,” co-host Will Smith bellowed at the crown to kick-off Nelson Mandela's 90th birthday bash but his rousing instruction really wasn't necessary.
The 42,000 fans that had gathered to celebrate with the legendary statesman were clearly ready to make it a night to remember, and although the safe, decidedly mix-bag line-up might have suggested this concert was more about the man and his mission than the music, Hyde Park was surging with a raw energy that Glastonbury would be proud of.
After a solid opening set by Razorlight, the international acts rolled out in quick succession, offering something to please almost everyone: from British chart favourites X-Factor winner Leona Lewis (who wowed with hits Bleeding Love and Better In Time), the Sugababes and Jamelia, to top African names including Johnny Clegg, Vusi Mahlasela, Emmanuel Jal and the sweet harmonies of Soweto Gospel Choir.
Annie Lennox and Simple Minds, who both appeared in the 1988 Wembley concert calling for Mandela's release, offered their talents once again, the former joined by the Children Of Agape Choir.
In between the music, the likes of Quincy Jones, Lewis Hamilton, and Geri Halliwell were on hand to introduce artists and push the concert's serious message about tackling HIV and Aids, the focus of Mandela's 46664 charity.
Further stars, including Morgan Freeman, Susan Sarandon, Bono and The Edge and Victoria Beckham (who prompted the only uncharitable jeering of the night) sent their best wishes by video messages.

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]
Leona Lewis

Will Smith stepped away from off his compére duties briefly for a crowd-pleasing turn of Switch and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme tune before leading the crowd in a round of Happy Birthday for the guest of honour.
The masses only fell silent when a frail but commanding Mandela took to the stage to ask the world to keep up his charity's fight against HIV-Aids: “It's in your hands now,' he said poignantly, before exiting as Eddy Grant provided an energetic performance of his 1980s anti-apartheid hit Gimme Hope Johanna and I Don't Wanna Dance.
Next up, Amy Winehouse, arguably the most anticipated act of the night, certainly didn't disappoint.
Sporting her trademark bee-hive and a healthy tan, the troubled singer defied her recent health problems to belt out hits 'Rehab' and 'Valerie'.
Rounding off the night, the ever reliable Queen and new frontman Paul Rodgers kept the festive mood high with a storming medley of hits, before being joined by Winehouse, Jerry Dammers and the concert's other stars for a memorable grand finale – a rendition of Dammers' anthem 'Free Nelson Mandela', which proved every bit as it uplifting today as it did 20 years ago

celebrated or described in legend: a legendary hero
generous actions or donations to aid the poor, ill, or helpless: to devote one's life to charity

01-07-2008, 06:07
Murray wins late night five set fight back

Monday, June 30, 2008

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]
British hero in muscle flex after brave win

Andy Murray produced an astonishing fightback from two sets down to overcome Richard Gasquet and storm into the quarter-finals of Wimbledon last night.

The British No.1 looked on his way out when Frenchman Gasquet was serving for the match in the third set.

But Murray staged a remarkable turnaround to take that on a tie-break and then go on to win sets four and five for a 5-7, 3-6, 7-6 (7-3), 6-2, 6-4 victory against the eighth seed, who had beaten him on both of their previous meetings.

The 21-year-old said: 'That's the best win I've ever had on a tennis court. The crowd were unbelievable.

'I'm sure they were nervous too but they got right behind me when I really needed it. I'd like to say thanks to everyone for their support.'

Scot Murray will now take on Spanish second seed Rafael Nadal in the last eight tomorrow and fancies his chances against the French Open champion.

'I have had opportunities against him before and I'm a better player now,' added the 12th seed.

'I'm definitely fitter and I'm really excited to be in the next round now

to get the better of in a struggle or conflict; conquer; defeat: to overcome the enemy -
to prevail over (opposition, a debility, temptations, etc.); surmount: to overcome one's weaknesses

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01-07-2008, 06:21
sold my whole life for £200,000

Sunday, June 29, 2008
If you were to sell your entire life, how much do you think it would make? Your house, your car, your friends – £100,000, half a million?

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Ian Usher: worth £200,000, ish

Ian Usher's life belongings were estimated to be worth 420,000 Australian dollars – but the lot only attracted a peak offer of 399,300 dollars, about £200,000.

The 44-year-old said: 'I am relatively pleased but I thought it would go a bit higher, if I'm honest. 'But I've no regrets. I'd like to do some travelling. I'd like to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower.'

Mr Usher, who emigrated to Australia six years ago, decided to sell his house, car, job and even his friends to the highest buyer on eBay in an effort to make a fresh start. Offers rocketed to more than 2million Australian dollars within hours of the start of the sale a week ago
But Mr Usher, who was born in Darlington, Co Durham, and eBay were forced to introduce a registration system to weed out the flurry of hoax bidders, many of whom were from Britain.

Up for sale was his three-bedroom home in the western Australian city of Perth and everything inside it.

He also sold an introduction to his friends and a trial run at his sales assistant job at Jenny Jones Rugs.

Mr Usher, who decided to cut ties with his current life because almost everything reminded him of his wife of five years, said he would not reveal the identity of the buyer before he had made a private phone call to him

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02-07-2008, 12:01
Latest: Friends of Anne Hathaway's ex-boyfriend Raffaello Follieri are reportedly accusing the actress of turning him in to the authorities over his allegedly fraudulent business dealings.
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The Devil Wears Prada star is said to have broken up with the Italian businessman earlier this month, shortly before he was arrested on suspicion of fraud.
According to the New York Daily News, Follieri - who has been charged with a dozen counts of federal wire fraud conspiracy and money laundering - is believed to have been outed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) by his former flame.
A source tells the newspaper, "It makes sense. She's referred to as his former girlfriend in the indictment even though her spokesman never confirmed they broke up. I think that in return for her cooperation, the feds held off on arresting Follieri until she was out of the country."
A spokesperson for Hathaway has declined to comment on Follieri's legal troubles.
The 29-year-old remains behind bars until he can post $21 million (GBP10.5 million) bail.
A status hearing for Follieri has been set for next month.
fraudulent: intended to deceive sb, usually in order to make money illegally
conspiracy: a secret plan by a group of people to do sth harmful or illegal
indictment: a written statement accusing sb of a crime

03-07-2008, 06:22
Jolie babies to come 'in weeks'

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
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Brad and his tots arrive to visit mum in hospital

As the world's media descends on France for Angelina Jolie's impending twin the delivery, the smitten star has gushed over her boyfriend Brad Pitt. The 33-year-old, who is now in hospital preparing for the birth, told Eve magazine: 'I do find Brad very ----, obviously, but I believe we are together for all other reasons. He's the best man, the best father, I could possibly wish for
Her love declaration comes as her doctor in the south of France said the babies may take a few weeks to arrive.

In the press conference, Dr. Michel Sussmann, also assured said the star is doing fine.

Sussmann stressed that Jolie checked into the hospital to be kept under surveillance, not because of any medical emergency
- to go or pass from a higher to a lower place; move or come down: to descend from the mountaintop
- to approach or pounce upon, esp. in a greedy or hasty manner (fol. by on or upon): Thrill-seekers descended upon the scene of the crime
very much in love

03-07-2008, 06:26
Van Damme on four divorces

BY TIFFANY ROSE - Wednesday, July 2, 2008
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Dubbed 'the Muscles from Brussels', Jean-Claude Van Damme was one of the biggest action heroes of the 1990s. His epics included Timecop, Universal Soldier and Street Fighter, with Kylie Minogue. The former professional kick-boxer's latest film is straight-to-DVD offering The Shepherd: Border Patrol. He has been married five times – twice to the same woman.

Who do you play in this film?
I play a New Orleans homicide detective who becomes a US Border Patrol agent, between Columbus and Las Palomas, Mexico. I try to uncover this criminal drug ring from this drug lord who has a team of six Navy-Seals, so it’s kind of a cool concept. It will please my action audience but it’s not a very deep thinking movie.

You’re in good shape for 47. Does training get easier or more challenging as you grow older?
It has become easier because now I am enjoying training. I don’t know what’s going on but maybe it’s because my mind is becoming stronger and I’ve trained for so many years. I rested for a couple of years and I was kind of lazy for a while but now I’m back with a very strong attitude.

Do you work out in the gym every day?
Yes, almost every day, and I feel great. I do a lot of cardio, a lot of weights and a lot of stretching, plus I’m eating very well. I have a great wife behind me. Now I also train my son, who is 19. He’s trying to catch up with me but he hasn’t got there yet, ha ha. We’re competing with each other and I will not let him pass me.

How fat did you get when you ‘got lazy’?
Probably ‘out of shape’ for me is being ‘in shape’ for some people. After the age of 40, when you stop training for a few weeks, it’s a disaster; it takes you longer to get back into shape.

How do you look after your mental and spiritual health?
I’ve been through a lot in my life; I’ve been up and down. Being in shape mentally and spiritually gives you a simple view of life. We have a tendency to make life complicated but it’s so easy at the same time. Before, I was chasing success, fame and attention and I’m not chasing it any more. I believe in destiny. I can smell my direction instinctively.

How has the movie business changed over the past 15 years?
Action movies have been out of business for the past few years because the studios are scared of making violent movies and want to be politically correct. Action movies are not real, though, the blood is not real. I think it’s good to have a bit of action. Today, I’m searching for complex, artistic and realistic types of stories. You never know what is going to happen next. Tomorrow, action could be back or it could be sci-fi or dancing.

How do you feel when you watch your old films?
I’ve made 36 movies in 20 years and I overacted a lot in my early career. So it’s very difficult for me to look at myself in those early movies.

What’s your favourite film you’ve starred in?
Bloodsport is a great movie. Timecop and Universal Soldier are also good. I think all my films were OK because they went in different directions. I’m lucky, I started doing action movies at the age of 25. Now I’m 47, I’m still kicking like a mule and I’m as flexible as I was when I started. My movies are international. Everybody understands a slap in the face. In Japan, Belgium or America, a punch is a punch. Comedy will be different in Europe or America, so my movies are very international. I’m a brand name. Van Damme is like Levi’s. I go on vacation, and everywhere I go, people love me for my name, not for my movies.

What do your fans expect from you?
The audience has a wrong image of me. They expect the real me is what they see me do in my films. But I am actually a very sensitive, warm and sincere person. I like people and I give them a lot. In fact, this has caused me some bad surprises and led to treacheries.

You’ve been divorced four times, are you difficult to live with?
Hmm… I would be lying if I said that I am not. For a start, I am obsessed by my job and that is something a woman can’t always easily accept. Worse, my job takes me to the four corners of the world, either for filming or for promotional tours. Fans tend to grab me when I pass by, they write or phone and some follow me in the street. A day doesn’t go past when I’m not recognised. That can be hard for a woman to deal with.

What challenges do you face today in the movie industry?
It's difficult for me to pose for magazine covers and go on TV shows and show my new tuxedo at awards events. When I watch the awards, when I see all those people just showing up in front of a camera, I don't think it's right. They look like animals in cages. All that has gone for me, so I feel good about that. I understand big actors like Robert De Niro who just want to do a job which is becoming another character. When that's done then they want to stay home and enjoy a walk in the woods. That’s my type of life today

11-07-2008, 06:07
Uptown Girl's 18 houses in divorce victory

Thursday, July 10, 2008
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She came out smiling – and Christie Brinkley certainly seemed a winner, as she walked away from her fourth marriage with 18 houses.

The original Uptown Girl must give ex-husband Peter Cook £1million but won custody of their two children after an all-night negotiation.

'It's a very bittersweet moment because it really is the death of a marriage,' said the former supermodel, 54.

'I'm very pleased with the results. I was here fighting for custody

Brinkley and Cook were wed for a decade before his affair with a teenager hit the headlines in 2006.

The architect admitted sleeping with Diana Bianchi, who he employed at his firm.

He gave a £150,000 payout to the girl, who was 18 at the time of their trysts.

It was also revealed Cook, 49, had spent thousands of pounds on ---- websites.

The lurid details came out in a battle which saw the two bitterly arguing over custody of their children, ten-year-old Sailor and Jack, 13.

The boy, Brinkley's son from her third marriage, was adopted by Cook.

Brinkley left court brandishing an elaborate dinosaur model she had helped her son make for school – it was used in the trial.

Despite a pre-nuptial agreement, the couple argued over the 18 houses which Cook had advised his then-wife to buy.

Cook's lawyer had repeatedly accused Brinkley of wanting to 'publicly flog' him, as she had supported keeping the hearing public.

But he was told he would get access to the children. Both were told to see psychiatrists by the New York court. Brinkley also has a daughter, Alexa Ray Joel, 22, with Billy Joel – who idolised her in his song Uptown Girl
moving toward, situated in, or pertaining to the upper part of a town: Take the uptown bus
the uptown section of a town or city: Uptown is less crowded
- An agreement, as between lovers, to meet at a certain time and place
- A meeting or meeting place that has been agreed on lurid
- gruesome; horrible; revolting: the lurid details of an accident
- glaringly vivid or sensational; shocking: the lurid tales of pulp magazines

11-07-2008, 06:12
Myleene Klass a babe of the waves

Thursday, July 10, 2008
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Myleene Klass poses for photographers before an unconventional naming ceremony for cruise ship Carnival Splendor in Dover.

The 30-year-old musician played classical piano while a Royal Navy diver ascended from beneath the liner to the bow, where he smashed a bottle of English sparkling wine against the hull

Synonyms 1. skin, pod, peel, rind, shuck

11-07-2008, 06:19
Sushi art on a plate

Thursday, July 10, 2008

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Panda treat: One of the sushi designs from Mr Kawasumi

There is something fishy going on in the art world.

The new substance of choice in making a masterpiece is sushi.

As one of the most divisive of culinary creations – you either love it or hate it – the raw fish dish is the perfect subject for some fancy art
Sushi art is being pioneered by inventive Japanese chef Ken Kawasumi, who has taken the food to a whole new level.

He has written a number of books about the popular dish of vinegared rice, including the Encyclopedia Of Sushi Rolls, Sushi For Parties and Fun And Fancy Sushi.

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Art you can eat: Above, Mr Kawasumi has re-created the famous Sun-flowers painting by Vincent Van Gogh

To show off his skills at the launch of his latest book, the cook replicated one of Vincent van Gogh's most

famous works, Sunflowers, with an array of sushi. Bizarrely, the book is called The Most Simple Way To Make Decorative Sushi Rolls.

However, the early part of the publication gives easy tips on how to make your sushi look like animals.

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Cartoon characters

Mr Kawasumi has inspired other chefs to take up the mantle, and the internet is filled with pictures of sushi in all manner of impressionistic guises.

These include flowers, Pokemon characters, pandas and even laptops

Synonyms 5. peculiar, queer, strange, suspect, dubious
of, pertaining to, or used in cooking or the kitchen

12-07-2008, 16:45
50 megapixels, 150 MB image files: Kodak’s new flagship CCD sensor

Rochester (NY) – And you thought your 12 megapixel camera is overkill: Kodak announced a new flagship product for its full frame CCD sensors, which creates digital images with a resolution of 50.1 megapixels. Hasselblad will be the first manufacturer to integrate the sensor in its cameras and yes, the camera will have a lunar price.

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The new KAF-50100 image sensor replaces the nearly three year old 39 megapixel KAF-39000 as the highest performing image sensor Kodak sells. The CCD measures 49.8 x 36.8 mm, which is twice the size of a regular high-end DSLR CCD, but the same size as the KAF-39000 CCD. The new model includes a total of 51.6 million square pixels measures 6.0 μm x 6.0 μm, which is substantially smaller than the 6.8 μm pixels of the KAF-39000.

The resulting images are nothing less than impressive. Kodak says that at 50 megapixels, you could easily detect an object the size of a notebook computer in an image that is covering a width of 1.5 miles. Not surprisingly, the main application field of the chip will be industrial and aerial photography. Pricing of the chip was withheld. However, industry sources recently told us that the KAF-39000 CCD is priced north of $1000.

Hasselblad confirmed that it will be using the new Kodak chip for a new flagship camera of its H3DII series. The already announced H3DII-50, scheduled for a release later this year, will create 65 MB RAW or 150 MB TIFF image files at a rate of 1.1 images per second and 33 images per minute. Images can be stored on U-DMA CF cards, a 100 GB hard drive solution or a directly connected Mac or PC.

The camera weighs 2290 grams, more than four pounds, and will be priced above the 39 megapixel model: Hasselblad said that the H3DII-50 will be available in October of this year for $39,995.

16-07-2008, 17:22
Can i post gaming news?

16-07-2008, 19:02
Can i post gaming news?
Yes Of course:20:
even you can send just a picture with no comment title

BTW :$40000 for a camera is so expensive:31:

16-07-2008, 21:08
OK. Thanks bro

17-07-2008, 07:32
Identical twins born weighing exactly the same

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
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Chloe Minchion holds her sons Jacobe and Joshuah – both born weighing exactly 2.23kg (4lb 14.5oz).
The 17-year-old, from Longsight, Manchester, said: 'It's amazing. Somebody told us the Kray twins weighed the same. I hope they don't grow up like them

What ugly boys they are

17-07-2008, 07:42
Missing dog returns after 5 years

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
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Rocco the beagle is hugged by his owner Natalie Villacis – five years after he went missing.
The dog had wandered off from his home in New York and was found more than 1,370km (850 miles) away in Georgia.
He was handed into an animal shelter and retraced to his family thanks to a microchip embedded under his skin
one of a breed of small hounds having long ears, short legs, and a usually black, tan, and white coat
to ramble without a definite purpose or objective; roam, rove, or stray: to wander over the earth -
to go aimlessly, indirectly, or casually; meander: The river wanders among the rocks -
to fix into a surrounding mass: to embed stones in cement

18-07-2008, 06:24
Beckham looks dunkable

Thursday, July 17, 2008
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David Beckham is used to dwarfing his wife on the red carpet but his ego was cut down to size by a US female basketballer.
Beckham, who stands at 1.83m (6ft), was left in the shadow of 1.93m (6ft 4in) Candace Parker at the ESPY sports awards in LA

verb (used without object
to become stunted or smaller
a. An exaggerated sense of self-importance; conceit
b. Appropriate pride in oneself; self-esteem

18-07-2008, 06:33
Shark's life saved in amazing operation

Thursday, July 17, 2008
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Let off the hook: The grey nurse shark is noosed, above, turned upside-down, far left, and has a hook removed from its insides by a very brave biologist
In a delicate and dangerous operation, an Australian vet has saved the life of a shark by sticking his arm down the throat of a Grey Nurse to dislodge a steel hook.
The species is listed as critically endangered.
For the past two weeks the three metre (9.8 feet) shark has had a steel and aluminium gaffe hook stuck in its stomach

The shark - a rare adult female - was found off Julian Rocks near Byron Bay in northern New South Wales, Australia.
Sea World diver and director of marine sciences Trevor Long was given the job of lassoing the shark.
After it was caught, the shark was guided into a perspex tube and lifted to the surface. Veterinarian David Blyde then took on the difficult task of removing the pipe.
"As a veterinarian you often putting your hands in places that people find somewhat unattractive," he said

Using a PVC pipe for protection, he stuck his hand in the shark's jaws to remove the long hook.
The delicate operation took 45 minutes, and caused some nervous moments when the shark panicked and twisted its body.
The procedure worked, and the shark was safely returned to the water
a curved or angular piece of metal or other hard substance for catching, pulling, holding, or suspending something
fragile; easily damaged; frail: delicate porcelain; a delicate child
a transparent thermoplastic acrylic resin

19-07-2008, 06:11
Up, up and away for festival

Thursday, July 17, 2008
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A dancer from the Italian Studio Festi performs as she hangs from a hot air balloon to preview the first Night Festival – which features theatre, dance and music – in Singapore

19-07-2008, 06:20
Chambers fails to overturn Olympic ban

Friday, July 18, 2008
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Dwain Chambers today lost his High Court bid to be allowed to compete at next month's Olympic Games in Beijing.
Mr Justice Mackay refused to grant an injunction to temporarily suspend a lifetime ban on the sprinter competing at the Olympics.
The ban was imposed by the British Olympic Association (BOA) because of his self-confessed past use of performance-enhancing drugs

The judge issued his ruling this morning after spending yesterday listening to the conflicting arguments over the athlete's attempt to win an injunction suspending the bylaw before a full trial of the issues in March next year.
Chambers refused to comment after leaving the court but has since admitted he won't be appealling against the decision
a short race at full speed
a. Law. a judicial process or order requiring the person or persons to whom it is directed to do a particular act or to refrain from doing a particular act
b. a command; order; admonition: the injunctions of the Lord
a. a standing rule governing the regulation of a corporation's or society's internal affairs
b. a subsidiary law
c. British. an ordinance of a municipality or community

19-07-2008, 06:28
'Upside-down' crow saved in epic rescue operation

Thursday, July 17, 2008
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Healing: Clinton nurses an injured leg after his three-day ordeal
It is on a par with saving a seal from the sea or a mole from a hole.
Poor Clinton the crow has been rescued from his own nest after getting his leg caught in a piece of string and being left hanging upside down.
The luckless bird was eventually lifted to safety after an hour-long operation inv­olving seven firefighters, RSPCA officers and a crane
'He was in a very precarious position ten metres up in the tree and it wasn't safe to use a ladder, so we had to call for the aerial platform,' said crew manager Shaun O'Neill, of Mereway fire station in Northampton.
Clinton's ordeal began when he became tangled in string used to line his nest. After three days, residents of Clinton Road, after which he is named, called the fire brigade for help.
'It's a bit ironic that a bird had to be rescued from a tree,' said resident Danny Coles, 39. 'Quite a crowd gathered to watch.'
The exhausted bird is now being cared for in St Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital in Haddenham, Buckinghamshire.
Clinton Road residents have asked for him to be returned to his nest when he is better.
...How Clinton feels about that remains to be seen
a. any extremely severe or trying test, experience, or trial
b. a primitive form of trial to determine guilt or innocence by subjecting the accused person to fire, poison, or other serious danger, the result being regarded as a divine or preternatural judgment
exposed to or involving danger; dangerous; perilous; risky: the precarious life of an underseas diver

19-07-2008, 06:41
Moss: Modelling is brain-damaging

Thursday, July 17, 2008
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It may have turned her into an international superstar, but Kate Moss has admitted that she isn't too keen on the modelling industry.
"It's a bit brain-damaging. (But) they are such good jobs that you don't want to say no," she says in the August issue of Vogue.
"I still enjoy modelling, and it inspires me for the other things as well. All that dressing up makes me say, what do I want to wear? and, what do I want to do with Topshop? It all kind of leads into the other things

Kate denies that she's still in it for the money.
"I like making money," she admits.
"But I don't call people up every day to see how much I've made. As long as I have what I need at the time - I mean, I can buy the house that I want. I am not completely money-oriented."
The 34-year-old is preparing to expand in the US with her Topshop line, Kate Moss Topshop, from this autumn. And while she's a full-time mum to five-year-old daughter Lila Rose, her child with magazine editor Jefferson ----, Kate admits she likes not acting her age.
"I am still acting like a 17-year-old," she says.
"I definitely haven't become middle-aged. I've got a house and a daughter and all that, but I still like to have fun. Even in my business we still have fun
keen on
very enthusiastic about, interested in or fond of
Example: She's keen on sailing; She's been keen on that boy for years
I changed its real pic here in this news

24-07-2008, 05:54
Little Britain USA reveals new characters

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
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David Williams and Matt Lucas reveal their new characters, here they pose as buff Tom and Mark

Britain's favourite comedy duo, David Williams and Matt Lucas, have revealed the new characters who will take on America with an all new Little Britain USA.
The six-part series will introduce a new cast, acted of course by the two stars, as well as keeping some old goodies such as Vicky Pollard

Buffed up muscle men Tom and Mark are just a taste of the fresh new faces – and bodies, to grace the show and Williams has said it is perhaps the 'most outrages' they have ever done.
Other new characters will be Ellie-Grace, played by Lucas, and is a “misguided child beauty pageant hopeful who is spurred on by her pushy mother”, The Daily Mail reported.
An American southern boy, Conor, and his grandmother will also accompany the eighth man on the moon, Bing Gordyn, who is Lucas's favourite character.
The comedic actors said they had diversified for America's taste in humour but still have kept their individuality for the HBO series which will air in September in the States and later in the year on BBC.
For some help Stateside they enlisted Friends star David Schwimmer to direct some episodes and Rosie O'Donnell will make an appearance.
Lucas described American comedy being based on 'coolness' rather that the sad type of humour in Britain.
David Williams said: “I think we make ourselves look maybe stupid in Britain a little bit more than being cool.
“But also we're not afraid to dress as women which is a little bit rarer in American comedy
two persons commonly associated with each other; couple
a show or exhibition, esp. one consisting of a succession of participants or events: a beauty pageant

24-07-2008, 06:06
1,800 year-old relic of Elvis Presley

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
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The King is back, long live the King

Those with suspicious minds may scoff – but this 1,800-year-old relic is the spitting image of Elvis Presley.
Complete with quiff and strong jaw, the likeness to the singer in his Las ­Vegas years is uncanny

It has been verified by experts, who say it is a decoration found on the corners of a Roman coffin.
'Fans seeing this face from the distant past will be forgiven for thinking that their idol may well have lived a previous life in Rome,' said a spokesman for Bonhams, which is auctioning the item in October.
This Elvis probably dates back to about 200 AD – about 1,750 years before the birth of rock'n'roll.
But it could even date to 400 BC, experts claim.
The bust is an authentic acroter­ion – an ornament often found on the corners of sarcophagi, stone burial chambers where the most important people were laid to rest.
It is part of one of the world's most stunning private collections of ancient art, which will go under the hammer in London.
The 150 lots, once owned by Australian collector Graham Geddes, ­include Greek and Roman vases and r­eliefs showing battle scenes.
Many of these will go for up to £90,000 each although Elvis is unlikely to make even a fraction of that, unless the resemblance sparks a bidding war between fans.
The figure could fetch as much as £25,000 when it is sold.
'It is perhaps the strangest item in the sale, certainly to modern eyes.
'The likeness is so great that the collector himself calls the carving Elvis,' added the spokesman for the auctioneer.
'Looking at this face with its quiff, jaw and nose, one is led to the thought that the human face, for all is diversity and subtlety, has an ability to repeat itself.'
It is not just auction house staff who are taken aback by the bust – others are all shook up too.
'It bears an uncanny likeness. It's the quiff that does it,' said Greek and ­Roman art expert Georgiana Aitken.
'You do get some weird and wacky things at the corners of sarcophagi. The quiff was not a hairstyle of the day as far as I know
tending to cause or excite suspicion; questionable: suspicious behavior
Synonyms 1. suspect, dubious, doubtful. 2. mistrustful, wary, disbelieving
a. a surviving memorial of something past
b. an object having interest by reason of its age or its association with the past: a museum of historic relics
c.a surviving trace of something: a custom that is a relic of paganism
a. having or seeming to have a supernatural or inexplicable basis; beyond the ordinary or normal; extraordinary: uncanny accuracy; an uncanny knack of foreseeing trouble

b. mysterious; arousing superstitious fear or dread; uncomfortably strange: Uncanny sounds filled the house
Synonyms b. preternatural, odd
Antonyms b. ordinary, natural

25-07-2008, 06:27
Paper, scissors match to decide who donates kidney

Thursday, July 24, 2008
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Playground: Nathan smiles as Matthew and Naomi have a rematch

Sisters and brothers often resort to paper, scissors, stone to resolve arguments.
But as a way to decide who donates a kidney?
Matthew and Naomi Gardner decided that was the way to go when they could not pick who would help brother Nathan, 30
'I don't know why she bothered, because I cheat and always win,' ­admitted Matthew, 34.
'I saw her pull out scissors, so I did a stone to blunt them and won.'
But his victory was short-lived. Matthew soon found out he would have to go under the knife as Naomi, 25, could later face problems in any later pregnancy if she donated.
'I was sitting there looking smug, when another doctor told me I would have to donate,' he said.
Nathan collapsed with chronic ­renal failure and would have had to be hooked up to a dialysis machine unless he got a new organ.
So his siblings played a match of the playground game to settle the ­argument.
'We were both willing to do whatever we could. He only won because he cheats,' said Naomi.
But Matthew finally agreed and had the operation last week.
The brothers, both from near Oldham, are recovering at home.
Matthew added: 'I will be off work until October – but I had to do it, he's my brother.'
Nathan said: 'He was a hero. He's given me back my life. I feel so much better already
a. contentedly confident of one's ability, superiority, or correctness; complacent
b. trim; spruce; smooth; sleek
of or pertaining to the kidneys or the surrounding regions

25-07-2008, 06:29
Models dress as lamps for exhibition

Thursday, July 24, 2008
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French artwork, lady in a lamp dress
If you don't like this artwork, there's an easy thing to do – switch it off.
Artist Marianne Maric has dressed up models in lamps and switches for her display in Nancy, France

27-07-2008, 07:41
Created by Daniel Rozen this incredible wooden mirror is made up of 830 tiny wood each controlled by a small motor. A camera gathers light and shape data and sends it to a computer which then shifts the panels to create the image in front of the device. The can’t provide a detailed image but still it’s pretty cool to see and hear those little wooden pieces move and mimic everything you do

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29-07-2008, 08:13
Invention Will Delight Taste Buds

July 28, 2008 by Rich

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Virginia Tech students are known for their inventions, and the latest one may have you going bananas.

Most of us love chocolate and crave a banana split from time to time. So why not combine the two?

“We thought it would be fun to play with bananas and chocolate,” says Sabrina Hannah.
Some Food Science and Technology students have invented something called banana splitters. They are made up of frozen bite-sized slices of banana filled with frozen yogurt and then covered in chocolate. It’s hard to believe no one has thought of this before.
“We found that surprising, too,” says Kevin Holland. “There’s a frozen chocolate banana out there covered in chocolate, but no one ever thought to put the frozen yogurt in the banana.”
Making the banana splitters isn’t as easy as it sounds. The students had to find a liquid solution to prevent the bananas from going brown. They also tested it for safety and shelf life. But what many of you want to know is, does it taste good?
“We conducted a consumer test and the response was excellent,” says Annie Aigster.
The novelties are not on the market right now but they have received a patent. All they need now is a marketer


Something new and unusual; an innovation

29-07-2008, 08:17
Created by Daniel Rozen this incredible wooden mirror is made up of 830 tiny wood each controlled by a small motor. A camera gathers light and shape data and sends it to a computer which then shifts the panels to create the image in front of the device. The can’t provide a detailed image but still it’s pretty cool to see and hear those little wooden pieces move and mimic everything you do

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[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

What a strange mirror is

31-07-2008, 06:21
Heckling parrot banned from karaoke club

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
A talkative parrot has been banned from a karaoke club after he kept interrupting performers with cries of: 'Get him off!'

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Squawky talky: Joe Stafford and Maxie were both barred

Maxie, a yellow-crowned Amazon parrot, was kicked out of the Brighton pier club with his owner Joe Stafford, who takes the bird with him wherever he goes.
Staff said the squawking critic, who auditioned for Pirates Of The Caribbean, was barred 'for safety' under a no animals policy.
Mr Stafford, from Chelsea, west London, said: 'I can't believe they banned him from the pier. He just wanted to enjoy the karaoke
To try to embarrass and annoy (someone speaking or performing in public) by questions, gibes, or objections; badger
a. To utter a harsh scream; screech
b. Informal To complain or protest noisily or peevishly

31-07-2008, 06:24
How to find the perfect mate in the frog chorus

by JOEL TAYLOR - Wednesday, July 30, 2008
It is something a lot of men would love to be able to do - tune in and out of the constant natter of women.

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A concave-eared torrent frog: la la la, can't hear you

But one species of frog can do just that - block out the calls of members of the opposite --- until he hears one he likes the sound of.
The concave-eared torrent frog has an easy time finding a mate despite living by fast-flowing mountain streams which are louder than most nightclubs
'Humans pretty much have to shout at one another to be heard here,' said researcher Dr Albert Feng.
'But the frog doesn't shout, instead it sings like a bird either in audible chirp-like frequencies or by emitting very high-pitched ultrasonic sounds.
'Then it simply singles out a female frog which it likes.'
The frogs, which live in Huangshan Hot Springs, central China, are able to open and close the Eustachian tubes inside the ear, which in other animals remain constantly open.
'We said, "Woah, this is bizarre",' added Dr Feng, from the University of Illinois, in the US.
The system is already being used as a model for 'intelligent' hearing aids

01-08-2008, 12:49
Meet the £40,000 virtual rocking horse

Thursday, July 31, 2008
The makers of this virtual horse hope they are on to a racing certainty.

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Called a Ridemaster Pro, it combines a mechanical horse with sensors and a screen, enabling riders to trot, canter or carry out tricky manoeuvres.
'You don't need a dressage arena because it's not going anywhere,' said the gadget's makers, Racewood Simulators

'You can put it in a small room or a shed.' But it does not come cheap - £40,000 a system
of a horse) to go at a gait between a walk and a run, in which the legs move in diagonal pairs, but not quite simultaneously, so that when the movement is slow one foot at least is always on the ground, and when fast all four feet are momentarily off the ground at once

01-08-2008, 12:56
Giant crocs once swam in Channel

by MILES ERWIN - Thursday, July 31, 2008
If you go for a dip in the Channel these days, the worst thing you face is raw sewage or being hit by a ferry.

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A crocodile. Not swimming in the English Channel.

But 50million years ago, it was more the threat of giant crocodiles, great white sharks and sea snakes that would have preyed on your mind.
In those times, the area between Paris and London was a tropical lagoon teeming with the most diverse marine life on the planet, say Natural History Museum researchers

Our shallow waters were more akin to the seas around Indonesia or Thailand today, with their hot and humid weather, too. The only creatures missing would be mammals such as whales and dolphins, which were only just evolving, said the museum's palaeontologist, Dr Jon Todd.
The discovery followed a study, published in the journal Science, of how tropical hotspots move around the planet in line with the shifting of tectonic plates. Sadly, much like any decent weather, the warmth moved on.
The sticky climate changed completely over the next 30million years as the plates moved and built mountains in the Middle East.
European waters were isolated from the warmth of the Indian ocean and the heat moved to the more familiar location of south-east Asia.
Fossils at the museum proved a critical piece of the puzzle, said fellow palaeontologist Dr Ken Johnson.
'They allowed us to map out the changing geographical spread of tropical biodiversity as the hotspot hopped around the world,' he said
an area of shallow water separated from the sea by low sandy dunes
a specialist in paleontology
the science of the forms of life existing in former geologic periods, as represented by their fossils

01-08-2008, 18:32
Fat N.J. cat's origins uncovered: He was abandoned

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] lly_big_cat_nyr102.jpg?x=180&y=128&q=85&sig=3oCach16sofIV.ueB7G_WA--
AP Photo: In this photo provided by Disney-ABC Domestic Television, host Regis Philbin pets Powder, a 44-pound...
Thu Jul 31, 8:46 PM ET

BLACKWOOD, N.J. - A 44-pound cat found lumbering around New Jersey was abandoned by a woman who said her home was foreclosed, an animal shelter official said Thursday
The porky white cat found Saturday became a local media sensation and was dubbed "Princess Chunk". But the animal is really a male whose name is Powder.
Jennifer Anderch, director of the Camden County Animal Shelter, said Thursday that the cat's owner came forward to describe the animal's background.
Anderch said she's received hundreds of calls from people seeking to adopt Powder.
The cat appeared Thursday on "Live With Regis and Kelly." A veterinarian on the show examined it and determine he was indeed a male.
The largest cat on record weighed 46 pounds, 15 ounces. That cat, who lived in Australia, died in the 1980s. The Guinness World Records has since dropped the category, fearing cat owners might harm their animals in an attempt to break the record.

05-08-2008, 05:06
Meet Evie the balled eagle

Monday, August 4, 2008
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Fetch boy

They are one of the most majestic creatures on the planet – but even eagles love a game of fetch, if Evie is anything to go by.
The white-tailed sea eagle, who has a 2.5m (8ft) wingspan, swoops to grab tennis balls from the water, then brings them back to her owner George Hedges. She can even catch them in mid-air.
'One day, by sheer accident, Evie saw a ball on the lawn and grabbed it. Now it's her toy,' said Mr Hedges, a falconry expert

'When she fetches it, her reward is a piece of fish like mackerel or trout, a day-old chick or a piece of meat like rabbit.'
White-tailed sea eagles were wiped out in Britain in 1918 but, after a long conservation drive, at least 36 breeding pairs can be found in the wilds of west Scotland alone.

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Here's your ball back

But Evie, who lives under Mr Hedges' wing with 18 other birds at his falconry in Dartmoor, Devon, is far removed from such conservation worries. She is much more concerned about where her next ball game is coming from
The linear distance between the extremities of an airfoil
To move in a sudden sweep: The bird swooped down on its prey
the art of training hawks to hunt

05-08-2008, 05:13
Beached Seal zooms in on Klum's bum

Monday, August 4, 2008
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Singer Seal manages to beach himself in the perfect position to get a close range snap of his wife's rear end, as the pair holiday together with their family.
German supermodel Heidi Klum was happy to give her novice paparazzo hubby a helpful pointer in which direction to point his lens as she posed on the sun-drenched beach with her fish net.
Nearby sunbathers were allowed to witness the couple's photography class on the shores of Porto Cervo in Sardinia as they attempt to fill the holiday album
a freelance photographer, esp. one who takes candid pictures of celebrities for publication
Word History: Drink and drench mean quite different things today, but in fact they share similar origins, and, historically, similar meanings. Drink comes from a prehistoric Germanic verb *drinkan, from the Germanic root *drink- meaning "drink." Another form of this root, *drank-, could be combined with a suffix *-jan that was used to form causative verbs, in this case *drankjan, "to cause to drink." The descendant of the simple verb *drinkan in Old English was drincan (virtually unchanged), while the causative verb *drankjan was affected by certain sound shifts and became Old English drencan, pronounced (drěnchŏn), and, in Middle and Modern English, drench. In Middle English drench came to mean "to drown," a sense now obsolete; the sense "to steep, soak in liquid" and the current modern sense "to make thoroughly wet" developed by early Modern English times. Drink and drench are not the only such pairs in English, where one verb comes from a prehistoric Germanic causative; some others include sit and set ("to cause to sit"), lie and lay ("to cause to lie"), and fall and fell ("cause to fall").

05-08-2008, 05:23
Rolling Stallone gathers Kate Moss

Monday, August 4, 2008
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Sly words: Kate looks extremely interested in Stallone's wise words
We'd love to know what Rocky legend Sly Stallone has said to make Kate Moss look so interested! He rolled into party island Ibiza with his family, where he and Moss enjoyed the sun and a cheeky smoke.
As Sly, 62, sucked on a whopping cigar, Moss puffed on two cigarettes as she enjoyed lunch on the beach with Stallone and his wife Jennifer Flavin, 39
And as if this wasn't enough she couldn't put the ciggies down as she joined her showbiz buddies on a yacht to continue with her nicotine session.
With a fag in one hand, another one in her mouth and holding a bottle of wine Moss ditched her supermodel prowess to for partying.

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Borat: Moss smokes two ciggies as she chats to Borat look-a-likes

The group were kept entertained as they soaked up the sun with a continuous supply of cigarettes and alcohol.
The 34-year-old has been hanging out in Ibiza where she has been letting her hair down on the party island.
She has been holidaying with her mother Linda and seven-year-old daughter Lila Grace and a group of -male pals on a yacht moored off the island of Formentera
a. exceptional or superior ability, skill, or strength: his prowess as a public speaker
b.a valiant or daring deed

05-08-2008, 05:32
Freeman cheats death after rolling car

Monday, August 4, 2008
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Fears for actor after smash

Film star Morgan Freeman was seriously ill in hospital after crashing his car.
The 71-year-old broke his arm and shoulder after possibly falling asleep at the wheel, although police ruled out drink-driving.
He rolled the car several times and landed in a ditch, where he and his passenger had to be cut loose and airlifted to hospital.
Clay McFerrin, a newspaper editor who was one of the first on the scene, said: 'He was lucid, conscious. He was talking, joking with some of the rescue workers at one point
Sgt Ben Williams claimed the actor might have fallen asleep ­before the accident near his home in Mississippi, adding no other cars were involved.
Freeman, currently starring in the Batman movie The Dark Knight, was driving Demaris Meyer in her car late on Sunday when it left the road.
'The vehicle went off the edge of the road and flipped several times,' said Sgt Williams.
'There's no indication that either alcohol or drugs were involved.'
Both passengers were wearing their seatbelts but the airbags did not deploy. 'They had to use the jaws of life to extract him,' added Mr McFerrin.
Bystanders converged on the scene near Charleston, trying to get a glimpse of the injured star.
When one tried to take a photo of the Oscar-winning actor with a mobile phone camera, Freeman said, 'No freebies, no freebies', Mr McFerrin claimed.
Freeman was flown to hospital in Tennessee, where last night a spokeswoman said he was in a serious condition. It was unclear how badly hurt Ms Meyer was.
Freeman was reportedly driving to his home in Charleston, which he shares with his second wife, Myrna.
He was born in Memphis, Tennessee, but spent much of his childhood in Mississippi and has opened a music club in the state.
He has starred in films such as Seven, The Shawshank Redemption and, more ­recently, Bruce Almighty. Perhaps to cement his status as a Hollywood legend, Freeman is to play Nelson Mandela in a film next year
easily understood; completely intelligible or comprehensible: a lucid explanation
A person who is present at an event without participating in it
to tend to meet in a point or line; incline toward each other, as lines that are not parallel
An article or service given free: "such freebies as subway and bus maps" (New York

05-08-2008, 05:41
Peaches to flee Britain on road trip

Monday, August 4, 2008
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Wild Peaches taking time out

Peaches Geldof is to go on a driving trip to lay to rest her recent 'crazy behaviour'.
The 19-year-old will hit the road in the US with sister Fifi to 'clear her head and sort things out', she told Closer magazine.
She denied being out of control despite claims of a drugs overdose

06-08-2008, 05:46
'Scrawny' Keira hits gym to beef up

by ANDREI HARMSWORTH - Tuesday, August 5, 2008
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Wafer-thin Keira Knightley has revealed she now feels 'more comfortable' with her fragile figure after employing a personal trainer to build up some muscle.
After years of banner headlines about her size zero figure, Knightley has finally conceded she did at one point look 'scrawny'.
'Now I work out once a week with this woman, who's great – I need a drill sergeant standing next to me to make me do things,' she said

Her confession came after her own mother went public to deny the 23-year-old was anorexic after a string of frighteningly thin appearances.
The Pirates Of The Caribbean actress has revealed during a break from a manic filming schedule that she had hired a personal trainer to bulk up.
Knightley said: 'Until this year, I've worked pretty constantly and I think you get to the point where you just need to stop for a minute.'
She added: 'I hadn't worked out for about a year. A friend bought me a few sessions with a personal trainer for Christmas, so I've stuck to it.
Before the trainer, I think I'd lost weight if anything. I lost muscle, so I looked scrawny. I don't know if it has changed anything, but it did make me feel good.'
The actress also launched another one of her now famous rants about the media.
'I've only ever caught the worst things written about me. I've never seen anything good,' she complained. Read the full interview in Glamour magazine out now
excessively thin; lean; scraggy: a long, scrawny neck
beef up
an act or instance of strengthening or reinforcing
to make concession; yield; admit: She was so persistent that I conceded at last

06-08-2008, 05:55
Freeman horror smash revealed

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

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Actor's mangled car plunged down verge

Here are the left overs of Morgan Freeman's crumpled car after he cheated death following a horror crash this week.
The Dark Knight actor suffered multiple broken bones, but escaped with his life following a serious one-car crash.
Freeman was in 'good spirits' and confident of making a full recovery after the crash left him with multiple broken bones, his spokeswoman Donna Lee said

The 71-year-old star, who won an Academy Award for his role in 2004's "Million Dollar Baby," was being treated in hospital in Memphis following the single vehicle accident late Sunday near Ruleville, Mississippi.
Freeman had suffered a "broken arm, elbow and minor shoulder damage
a. to injure severely, disfigure, or mutilate by cutting, slashing, or crushing: The coat sleeve was mangled in the gears of the machine
b. to spoil; ruin; mar badly: to mangle a text by careless typesetting
b.deface; destroy

06-08-2008, 06:03
I’m more of a racer than a jumper

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
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This is the moment a terrified horse was rescued after falling upside down into a muddy ditch, trapping its rider.
Drummer had been walking alongside the 2m (6ft) ditch when he bolted and slipped.
Rider Helen Johnson was pulled out within minutes but it took two fire crews, a vet and a farmer four hours to free
upside down
So that the upper or right side is down: turned upside down

06-08-2008, 06:09
Truck ploughs into disabled woman’s home

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

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Aftermath of lucky escape

A 20-TONNE truck ploughed into a disabled woman's house yesterday morning, missing her as she lay in bed by just 30cm (1ft).
Sheila Bredda, 75, was unharmed after the lorry crashed through the wall, showering her with glass and rubble.
'She was very lucky to get out alive. When we found her she was badly shaken,' said her son, Gary

'The lorry took out the corner of the house and was very close to hitting the bed.'
It is the 25th crash in a year on the bend in Longham, Dorset. 'It was a foot from being something far more serious,' added Insp Shaun Ferguson
plough = plow
To make or form with driving force: I plowed my way through the crowd
something that results or follows from an event, esp. one of a disastrous or unfortunate nature; consequence: the aftermath of war; the aftermath of the flood
broken bits and pieces of anything, as that which is demolished: Bombing reduced the town to rubble

06-08-2008, 06:24
Girl told shopkeeper: My name is Maddie...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
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Is this Maddie in the shop?

A little girl calling herself 'Maddie' told a shop worker in Amsterdam that she had been 'taken from her mummy' around the time Madeleine McCann disappeared.
The youngster said 'they took me from my holiday' when she was spotted in May last year, police files show.
Portuguese authorities had kept the sighting by Dutch worker Ana Stam, 41, a secret. Ms Stam also claimed the child said the woman she was with was a 'stranger'.
Another potential sighting was at a petrol station in the Algarve the day after Maddie disappeared.
The files also revealed e-fits of suspected abductors and 48 questions which missing Maddie's mother, Kate, refused to answer during questioning by police
Clarence Mitchell, the McCanns' spokesman, said the family would 'draw strength' from the lack of conclusive evidence that Madeleine was dead.
Two images of potential kidnappers were created based on eyewitness accounts on May 6 – three days after a three-year-old Madeleine vanished from her apartment in Praia da Luz, in Portugal – but both images were never made public.
Much of the evidence focuses on the McCanns, in which Mrs McCann used her right as an official suspect to remain silent during an interview with detectives last September. The only question she answered was: 'Are you aware that in not answering the questions you are jeopardising the investigation, which seeks to discover what happened to your daughter.'
She replied: 'Yes, if that's what the investigation thinks.' And in a damning verdict on the hunt, Portuguese prosecutors mocked detectives for 'not being Sherlock Holmes'.
'They worked with an enormous margin of error and they achieved very little in terms of conclusive results, especially about the fate of the unfortunate child,' a report said.
'This is not, unfortunately, a detective novel, a crime scenario fit for the investigative efforts of a Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot, guided by the illusion that the forces of law and justice can always re-establish order.'
Mr Mitchell said Kate and Gerry McCann, from Rothley, Leicestershire, would pass the information on to their private investigators.
'The longer it goes on, they actually draw strength from that,' he added
someone who unlawfully seizes and detains a victim (usually for ransom
synonym kidnapper
jeopardise = jeopardize
pose a threat to; present a danger to; "The pollution is endangering the crops
synonym endanger

07-08-2008, 06:34
A 111-year-old lizard-like thing becomes a dad

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
A New Zealand reptile - regarded as one of the last living reptilian descendants of the dinosaurs - is to become a father for the first time in decades, at the impressive age of 111.

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Henry the Tuatara: not bad going for an older chap

Henry the Tuatara and his mate Mildred (who herself is aged between 70 and 80) produced 12 eggs in mid-July after mating earlier this year at the Southland Museum on New Zealand's South Island, Tuatara curator Lindsay Hazley said

Tuatara are the lizard-like last descendants of a species of reptile that walked the earth with the dinosaurs 225 million years ago, zoologists say.

Henry has lived at the Southland Museum's special enclosure for Tuatara since 1970 and had shown no interest in ---, until he recently had a cancerous growth removed from his genitals.
He is now enjoying the company of three females and might breed again next March, Hazley said.
'With these guys, foreplay might take years. One has to be patient,' he said.
Hazley said while Henry had never before mated in captivity, it is unknown whether he had ever done so in the wild. The male Tuatara reaches sexual maturity at age 20.
The population of Tuatara in New Zealand is estimated at about 50,000
a person or animal that is descended from a specific ancestor; an offspring
a specialist in zoology
The branch of biology that deals with animals and animal life, including the study of the structure, physiology, development, and classification of animals
to produce by mating; propagate sexually; reproduce: Ten mice were bred in the laboratory

09-08-2008, 06:17
Mummy's return wrapped up in nonsense

Cert: (12A), Running time: 112mins

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The Mummy
Back in 1999, The Mummy filled an Indiana Jones-sized hole with its wisecracking archaeological adventuring. But with Indy now back on the big screen, who needs this uninspired counterfeit?

The plot, shamelessly tomb-raided from other classics, sees square-jawed explorer Rick O'Connell (Brendan Fraser) and feisty wife Evelyn (now Maria Bello) disenchanted with retirement and geared up for a jolly caper involving a Shanghai nightclub (à la Indy 2), their grown-up son (Indy 4) and Jet Li as a balletic ancient Chinese warrior (Crouching Tiger...) obsessed with destroying the world to gain the secret of immortality (take your pick).
Overlong and overcrowded, this tired threequel soon has you yawning. John Hannah's cry: 'Die, you mummy b******s, die!' is the only line to raise a cheer
an imitation intended to be passed off fraudulently or deceptively as genuine; forgery
To cause to be excessively crowded: a system of consolidation that only overcrowded the classrooms
a second sequel; a third installment of a book, movie, event, or other series
Etymology :1983 ;three + sequel
to open the mouth somewhat involuntarily with a prolonged, deep inhalation and sighing or heavy exhalation, as from drowsiness or boredom

11-08-2008, 19:52
onday, Aug 11, 2008 3:36 am EDT

Kerri Walsh loses wedding ring ... goes on to win anyway

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By Nick Friedell

A friend of mine misplaced his wedding ring a few months ago and almost had a nervous breakdown before we helped him find it; losing that all-important band can make people do crazy things. That's why I'm even more impressed with Kerri Walsh 's ability to focus after reading that she lost her wedding ring during Sunday morning's match against Japan].
According to the AP report, Walsh went up for a block at some point during the match and the ring flew off her hand. Fortunately, some broadcasters noticed what had happened, and were able to go back to the tape to show officials where they thought the ring might be.
Even with the video assistance, finding the ring amongst 17,000 tons of sand wasn't going to be an easy process. Especially when you consider that during each match, volunteers rake the sand to make the playing surface a little smoother, so that ring could have gone anywhere. After the day's matches had finished, volunteers combed the area with metal detectors until they located the missing band.

"The problem is, we rake the court," said Peter Paul Hreszczuk, the FIVB official manning the metal detector. "We heard a few noises; a few were false alarms. When we found it, it was pretty much under the net."

According to the report, Walsh was scheduled to get her ring back at some point today, and a meeting was set up with the volunteer who found it, obviously so that Walsh could thank them.
I think Kerri deserves a lot of credit for staying composed and finishing the match. I know if I lost anything that valuable, I'd either be digging in the sand trying to find the ring, or worrying about it constantly until I did. She didn't do either of those things, and that's why she and Misty May-Treanor are one step closer to another gold medal.

Photo via Getty Images

poor husband just divorce would make him happy

13-08-2008, 05:05
Cute turtle the size of a matchbox

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
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Turtally cute: A zookeeper shows off a three-week-old endangered Chinese box turtle, which is the latest addition to Bristol Zoo.
It is small enough to fit inside a matchbox and weighs just 15g

What a strange similarity between this extincted turtle and my avator is

13-08-2008, 05:17
'Spiderwoman' mountaineer uses iPod for support

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Her face a picture of calm focus, this lone climber carefully considers her next move.
And so she should – Steph Davis has no rope, safety harness or parachute and is 430m (1,400ft) above a very hard landing.

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Backing track: Ms Davis, inset, tunes in during her perilous free-climb

But, after all that effort clambering up the north face of Castleton Tower, she is rewarded with the thrill
of donning a chute and jumping off.
One of the world's top free-climbers, Ms Davis became the first person to scale and then base jump the tower in Utah, spurred on by a new-found love of flinging herself from tall objects

'The jump is a really special one. Although the tower is 120m (400ft) tall, it sits on top of a 300m (1,000ft) talus cone, or scree slope,' said the fearless American.
The 35-year-old, who has 18 years of climbing experience but started base jumping only a year ago, prepared carefully – scaling the peak three times beforehand with a rope.
Then came the 30-minute ascent with nothing but climbing shoes, chalk bag – and her iPod. But the base jump almost didn't happen.
'It was a little stormy and windy when I started the climb,' she said.
'When doing low jumps, it's important to have no wind, or at least no wind blowing into the wall.'
Yet Ms Davis maintains she lives a relatively normal existence. 'I am not an adrenaline junkie,' she insisted.

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Quick fling: Steph Davis leaps off before opening her chute

the equipment, as straps, bolts, or gears, by which a large bell is mounted and rung
the act of climbing or traveling up: Three climbers attempted the ascent of Mount Rainier

13-08-2008, 05:27
Gerrard's garden gym has neigbours fuming

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
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Steven Gerard with wife Alex Curran
An almighty row has kicked off after footballer Steven Gerrard built an 'unsightly' two-storey gym in his back garden.
The Liverpool and England star has scored a massive own goal with his neighbours, who are unhappy with the £350,000 copper and glass building.
Well-to-do neighbours have branded it an eyesore and one likened the building to an 'Asda supermarket in a beauty spot'

Gerrard, 28, and 25-year-old wife Alex Curran, knocked down an old bungalow at the back of their £2million home to make way for the luxury complex. It's so big, it has its own postcode.
But Cecil Crossley who lives across road from the gym in Formby in Merseyside, said: 'I cannot begin to understand why anyone would want to build an eyesore like this in their back garden.

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‘Eyesore’: Work begins on the £350,000 gym at Gerrard’s home

'It is not in keeping with the properties in this area.
'It's like building an Asda supermarket in the middle of a beauty spot, but our objections were ignored.'
Fellow resident John Ulyatt added: 'It is strange Gerrard was given permission to demolish an old bungalow that had stood there for years to erect this huge glass and copper thing with a flat roof. Having celebrities in the area must have an effect on property prices.
'Who else would build a glorified garden shed that is worth more than the average semi?'

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Luxury: Steven Gerrard’s mansion with the huge new gym complex at the rear

The lavish building will include a plunge pool, treatment area, changing rooms, a solarium, a kitchenette and a games area, and will be linked to the couple's existing swimming pool by a walkway.
It has gone down a treat with Liverpool fans in the area. 'We are all massive Liverpool fans and we think Stevie can do what he wants,' said one die-hard Reds supporter.
The affluent area is also home to Manchester United star Wayne Rooney and his wife Coleen, and ex-world snooker champion John Parrott
to show fretful irritation or anger: She always fumes when the mail is late
something unpleasant to look at: The run-down house was an eyesore to the neighbors
in the U.S.) a derivation of the Indian house type, popular esp. during the first quarter of the 20th century, usually having one and a half stories, a widely bracketed gable roof, and a multi-windowed dormer and frequently built of rustic materials
a glass-enclosed room, porch, or the like, exposed to the sun's rays, as at a seaside hotel or for convalescents in a hospital
having an abundance of wealth, property, or other material goods; prosperous; rich: an affluent person
Synonym : rich

13-08-2008, 05:44
Peaches ties the knot in Vegas wedding

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
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Two become one: Peaches with hubby Max Drummey

He's a familiar face on the party scene but wildchild Peaches Geldof is ready to settle down after sensationally getting hitched in Las Vegas.
The 19-year-old married rocker Max Drummey in a spontaneous wedding in Sin City last week while they were on holiday.
Her father, Bob Geldof, is believed to have been told shortly before the ceremony at one of Las Vegas' famous chapels but no family were present

'Peaches and Max Drummey are delighted to announce their very happy marriage,' said her agent in a statement.
'Their marriage has the full support of their family and friends. Peaches and Max did not want unnecessary publicity, but following growing media speculation, have decided to set out the facts. No further comment from either will be forthcoming.'
Peaches first met 23-year-old Drummey, a Harvard graduate in anthropology, two years ago. But they are believed to have become an item at last month's I-Tunes festival where his band, Chester French, played and Peaches was a co-presenter.
It continues to be an eventful year for Peaches, who last month reportedly collapsed following a suspected drugs overdose at her home.
Her mother, Paula Yates, died from an overdose in 2000.
Peaches admitted having a 'bad experience' but denied it was an overdose, saying: 'I have tried drugs in my life. I'm not going to deny it but I don't need to go to rehab because I never, and will never, have any sort of habit with drugs
settle down
to become established in some routine, esp. upon marrying, after a period of independence or indecision
coming or resulting from a natural impulse or tendency; without effort or premeditation; natural and unconstrained; unplanned: a spontaneous burst of applause
A place of worship that is smaller than and subordinate to a church

14-08-2008, 06:47
Wednesday, Aug 13, 2008 12:31 pm EDT
The mystery of the showering divers

By Chris Chase
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Over the last three nights, NBC has led its primetime Olympic coverage with synchronized diving. According to the stacks of letters that have poured into the Fourth-Place Medal Investigative Unit Headquarters, you've all been watching but are baffled by one facet of the competition. In that case, you're in the right place. After successful forays into the cases of Cullen Jones' disappearance and the identity of the hot Paraguayan , Fourth-Place Medal will today tackle the mystery of the showering divers.
After completing a dive, competitors swim to a ladder, climb out of the pool and head immediately to a bank of showers that sit adjacent to the diving boards. Then, in full view of the crowd and NBC cameras, they shower off. Divers keep their suits on, of course, usually appearing only to rinse off their hair and arms. Oftentimes, the divers will receive their scores while still showering off. What's the purpose of this?

Theories have ranged from 'to get the chlorine off' to 'they want to have fun' -- seriously, that last one is a direct quote from NBC's diving analyst, Cynthia Potter. Neither are the reason.
Divers shower in between each dive to keep their muscles warm after getting out of the pool. The temperature of the pool water and the air are usually different (the pool is usually around 80 degrees, with the air temperature between 68 and 72 degrees). This difference can cause muscle tightness. To combat this, divers warm up in either the showers or a hot tub.
Mystery: solved. (Although we're still a bit unclear as to why the showers are out in the open.The water cube cost over $200 million to build. They couldn't have put a privacy wall in?!)

If you have an Olympic mystery you'd like solved, leave your question in the comments section. For regular mysteries consult your nearest library and head to the children's mystery section. The selection of Hardy Boys books will provide all the guidance you need.)
Photo via Getty Images

15-08-2008, 05:18
Cow escapee found 'hiding' in drain

Thursday, August 14, 2008
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One of two cows which fled an abattoir in northern France was found 'hiding' in a drain. It was rescued
– from the drain, at least, if not the abattoir

A pipe or channel by which liquid is drawn off
to run away, as from danger or pursuers; take flight
a slaughterhouse

15-08-2008, 05:26
Meet Stany the Stingray

Thursday, August 14, 2008
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Making waves: The Stingray – aka Stany Kempompo Ngangola

Remember Eric the Eel, the loveable Olympic loser who grabbed the headlines for his slow time in the
100m freestyle at Sydney 2000?
Well, meet his friend, Stany the Stingray, who followed in his wake in Beijing's Water Cube on Thursday.
The Stingray – aka Stany Kempompo Ngangola from the Democratic Republic of Congo – came last out of the 97 swimmers in the 50m freestyle heats

The wildcard entrant – who is the Eel's some-time training partner – managed the swim in 35.19 seconds.
His time was almost ten seconds slower than the 13 heats' fastest swimmer and four seconds slower than the man who came second to last.

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Stany grabs the headlines in the 50m freestyle

But, by way of consolation, his time was more than 30 seconds quicker than that recorded on the official start list, which had his race entry time down as 1min 15 secs.
That is about the time it would take America's superstar swimmer Michael Phelps to cover almost 150m of a 200m freestyle race.
Stany, an electrical engineer by trade, had insisted before the race that he was faster than he had been given credit for.

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He said a probable explanation was that officials had mistakenly used his 100m time.
However, he did not appear that bothered, saying: 'I love swimming from the time I was a kid and now. I give my love for swimming.'
The 34-year-old has so far been unwilling to answer swimming's big question – is the Stingray faster than the Eel?
He diplomatically said: 'I can never talk about beating Eric, because he is my good friend. I can never talk bad about him.'
The Eel – aka Eric Moussambani – is also said to be from DR Congo but swam for Equatorial Guinea in Sydney, reportedly because they had a wild card place and needed 'a good swimmer like him'.
He entered sporting folklore for swimming the 100m freestyle in 1min 52.72 secs and for his insistence on holding his head above water at all times, while flailing his arms

any of the rays, esp. of the family Dasyatidae, having a long, flexible tail armed near the base with a strong, serrated bony spine with which they can inflict painful wounds
a competitor in a contest
Sports. a game, match, or race for tournament entrants eliminated before the final round, as a basketball game between the losing semifinalists

15-08-2008, 05:49
Men claim to have found 'Bigfoot'

Thursday, August 14, 2008
In the latest monster-hunting news, three American men claim to have found a body of the famed Bigfoot – and have released a photograph to 'prove' it.

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They claim that the body – which they say is 7ft 7in tall and weighs more than 500lb – was found in the

woods of northern Georgia (the US state, not the superpower-bothering country in the Caucasus).
The announcement was made by the CEO of searchingforbigfoot.com, who says he will be holding a press conference on Friday along with the discoverers, Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer, where they will unveil further photos and DNA evidence

The sasquatch body, from the photo already released, has reddish-brown hair, an ape-like face, and generally looks a bit like a slightly mildewed fancy-dress gorilla costume.
Noted Cryptozoologist (someone who studies legendary animals) Loren Coleman says on his website ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]) that 'it certainly looks like the real deal.'

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Bigfoot supposedly looks something like this

He adds 'the gorilla-like facial features, the robust lack of canines, and the grinding surfaces shown in

the teeth suggest a bulky vegetarian with a mixture of higher primate characteristics.'
The team behind the discovery say: 'Extensive scientific studies will be done on the body by a team of scientists including a molecular biologist, an anthropologist, a paleontologist and other scientists over the next few months at an undisclosed location.'
They are yet to say who those experts will be
sasquatch = bigfoot
A very large, hairy, humanlike creature purported to inhabit the Pacific Northwest and Canada. Also called Sasquatch
strong and healthy; hardy; vigorous: a robust young man; a robust faith; a robust mind

15-08-2008, 10:42
Jennifer Love Hewitt Reveals New Thinner Body

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[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] Magazine
In November, Jennifer Love Hewitt was criticized for weight gain after photos surfaced of her looking fuller-figured in a bikini in Hawaii.

"We know what you ate this summer, Love -- everything!" TMZ.com notoriously wrote.

Now, the Ghost Whisperer star has the last laugh.

In the new issue of Us Weekly, on newsstands now, the 32-year-old shows off the new body she got after just 10 weeks and her trainer reveals to Us exclusively how she lost 18 pounds.

"I am in a pretty good workout regimen that I like, so it inspired me to keep it up," Hewitt tells Us. "The energy level and the way I feel now is great."

"With her, it's not, 'I want to look good in that dress,'" trainer Stevie Sant'Angelo tells Us. "She wanted to start moving around because she thought it would make her feel better.

"She told me, 'They said some rude, mean things, but that's not why I wanted to change,'" Sant'Angelo says

15-08-2008, 10:52
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

BEIJING - AUGUST 15: Michael Phelps of the United States competes in the Men's 100m Butterfly
Semifinal held at the National Aquatics Centre during Day 7 of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games on August 15, 2008 in Beijing, China. (Photo by Al Bello/Getty Images)

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] pics_swimming_mens_medleys_olysw215.jpg
United States' Michael Phelps starts to the men's 100-meter butterfly semi-final during the swimming competitions at the Beijing 2008 Olympics in Beijing, Friday, Aug 15, 2008

18-08-2008, 05:34
Great Britain's golden weekend

Sunday, August 17, 2008
A stunning weekend of medals at the Beijing Olympics has seen Great Britain leap up to third in the medal table, powered by triumphs in the cycling, rowing, sailing and swimming.

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Flying the flag: Ben Ainslie blew the competition away in a rain storm to win gold in the Finn sailing, his third Olympic gold

Britain took a phenomenal haul of 17 medals over the two days, eight of them gold. They have now
passed their gold medal tally from Athens in 2004 and equalled their tally of 11 from Sydney eight years ago.
One more gold will make it the most successful Olympics since 1920 – and with several Britons hotly tipped to claim further cycling titles in the velodrome, it's looking good

Sunday saw four more golds added to Saturday's haul. First up, the sailing trio of Sarah Ayton, Sarah Webb and Pippa Wilson produced a superb run in the Yngling, winning the race in heavy weather to keep out the Dutch team, the only competitors left who could still deny them gold.

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Golden girls: The Yngling trio of Sarah Ayton, Sarah Webb and Pippa Wilson protected a slender lead to take victory

The British trio entered the regatta as heavy favourites after dominating the Yngling class for the past two years – but they went into the medal race with only a slender one-point, meaning that it was a winner-takes-all head-to-head with the Dutch.
Then Zac Purchase and Mark Hunter continued Britain's excellent performance in the rowing, claiming the men's lightweight double sculls title.

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Mark Hunter and Zac Purchase, apparently attempting to eat their gold medals

Purchase and Hunter came into the final unbeaten in 12 races, but any fears of falling at the unlucky 13th hurdle were dispelled by a commanding race in which they led from start to finish. Greece were half a length behind in second.
After that, it was back to the sailing regatta, where two-time Olympic champion Ben Ainslie made it three in a row with victory in the Finn class.
Ainslie had endured a frustrating few days, with unsettled wind conditions causing the race to be abandoned on Saturday, and then strong winds and heavy rain descending on the waters off Qingdao this afternoon to delay the start of the race for nearly two hours.
But he held off his only challenger, Zach Railey of the United States, and won the final race – meaning he finished a massive 22 points ahead of his nearest rival.

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Cyclists Rebecca Romero (left) and Wendy Houvenaghel celebrate their gold and silver medals in the Women's Individual Pursuit

And finally at the Laoshan Velodrome, Rebecca Romero won cycling gold in the women's pursuit, beating fellow Brit Wendy Houvenaghel in the final.
Romero became the first British woman to win two medals in two different summer Olympic sports, having won a silver in rowing in Athens four years ago.
And there was more success in the rowing, where the women's quadruple sculls and the men's eight both claimed silver to ensure that Britain topped the rowing medals table.
And finally, 19-year-old Louis Smith rounded off a brilliant weekend with a surprise medal in the gymnastics, taking bronze on the pommel horse - become the first British man to win an individual gymnastics medal.

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You don't see that very often: Great Britain are now third in the medal table

There was, however, agony for Paula Radcliffe, who missed out on an Olympic marathon medal once again. Plagued by injury coming into the race, she could only manage 23rd place as her disrupted preparations unsurprisingly caught up with her on the streets of Beijing. She had to stop with four kilometres to go to stretch against railings as cramp tugged at her muscles – but battled on to finish in a time of 2:32.38, before being embraced and crying on the shoulder of team-mate Liz Yelling.
But in the same race, which was won by Romania's Constantina Tomescu, Britain's Mara Yamauchi ran brilliantly and was the best-placed Briton in sixth place.
On Saturday, Team GB kicked off their golden weekend with victory for Rebecca Adlington in the women's 800m freestyle – smashing the world record in the process, and becoming the first British woman ever to win two golds in the pool.
Then in the men's fours, Britain continued their domination of the event, with the crew of Tom James, Steve Williams, Pete Reed and Andy Triggs Hodge timing their race perfectly to win BG's third consecutive gold in the event.
After that, the cyclists provided more golden moments, as the seemingly invincible Bradley Wiggins romped to victory in the men's individual pursuit, and the enormous Chris Hoy destroying the competition in the keirin – with Ross Edgar making it a one-two for Britain with a superbly raced silver
highly extraordinary or prodigious; exceptional: phenomenal speed
synoyms : uncommon, outstanding, surpassing, unprecedented
something that is taken or acquired: The thieves' haul included several valuable paintings

18-08-2008, 05:49
Weddings choosing cheese cakes

Sunday, August 17, 2008

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Cheesy: the savoury alternative to a wedding cake?

No, it's not a wedding cake that's been left at the back of the fridge for too long - it's a wedding 'cake' made from cheese.
The savoury alternative to the traditional fruit cake is rocketing in popularity, makers say

One cheese company is taking up to six orders a week as more and more newlyweds turn to the tiers of brie, cheddar, Cornish yarg and Stilton to add an 'original touch' to their reception.
'The craze for wedding cheese cakes is really taking off. We spend a lot of time preparing these cakes as they need to be of the right dimensions and perfect for the couple,' said Kai Peacock, of the Bath Fine Cheese firm
morally wholesome or acceptable; "a past that was scarcely savory
syn:savory ant:offensive
a hard, smooth-textured cheese, made usually from the whole milk of cows and varying in color from white to deep yellow and in flavor from mild to sharp as it ages

18-08-2008, 05:56
Easy lover Phil hands over £25m for divorce

by ANTHONY PHILLIPS - Sunday, August 17, 2008

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Payout: Phil Collins

Rock star Phil Collins has given his former wife £25million in what is believed to be the biggest divorce settlement in British showbiz.
Collins, 57, handed over more than a third of his estimated £70million fortune to his third wife, Orianne Cevey, following the end of their six-year marriage.
The payout tops the £24.3million Paul McCartney gave Heather Mills and the £17million Collins paid to his second wife, Jill Tavelman, after infamously dumping her by fax in 1994

Cevey, 35, is said to be living in the £20million matrimonial home in Geneva while Collins also lives in Switzerland to be near his sons, aged eight and four.
The former Genesis frontman has since been linked with American newsreader Dana Tyler, 49. His first wife, Andrea Bertorelli, left him. Collins, whose solo hits include You Can't Hurry Love and Easy Lover, also starred in the lead role of the 1988 Great Train Robbery movie, Buster.
The London-born musician, who won an Oscar in 2000 for his soundtrack to the Disney film Tarzan, announced he was retiring from touring earlier this year
an act or instance of paying, expending, or disbursing
of or pertaining to matrimony; marital; nuptial; connubial; conjugal

19-08-2008, 06:12
Amy's amazing recovery at weird weekend

by ANDREI HARMSWORTH - Monday, August 18, 2008
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Amy looked grey and sick on Saturday, buy was glowing on Sunday
After being booed by thousands, Amy Winehouse managed to transform herself from a sickly vision of death to a bubbly success at the Virgin Mobile V Festival.
The ropey singer shocked the audience and drew boos from the crowd as she struggled to work her way through her first performance at the Staffordshire Weston Park leg of the festival on Saturday.
Looking grey, gaunt and with full rib cage on show, she turned up on stage 15 minutes late and then was booed heavily after dedicating a song to Blake

Then just 24 hours later the star emerged cleaned up, with make up intact and three roses in her hair, to turn up only ten minutes late at the Chelmsford leg on Sunday.
However, this time her camp blamed her tardiness on Lenny Kravitz over-running on the set before.
Pulling at her dress and trying to give her second performance some welly, the 24-year-old was let down by the festival's sound system as her famous gravelly voice could barely be heard, again drawing boos.
Her showing comes as friends say her long awaited third album has been heavily influenced by The Wizard of OZ.
An insider said: 'She loves the surreal look, sound and score' of her new obsession.
'One of her new songs heavily samples the theme tune
to show disapproval of by booing
extremely thin and bony; haggard and drawn, as from great hunger, weariness, or torture; emaciated

20-08-2008, 05:51
Dancing dolphin teaches tricks

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Now, repeat after me...
A wild dolphin has been teaching others in her group to perform tricks she learnt in captivity 20 years ago.

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Billie picked up 'tailwalking' when she was rescued after getting trapped in a marina lock.
The bottlenose was kept for three weeks - though not trained like performing animals

But she passed on the skill - Wave (pictured) is regularly seen surging out the water and 'walking' on her tail fin.
'We can't for the life of us work out why they do it,' said Mike Bossley of the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, who has studied the group in Adelaide, Australia
a membranous, winglike or paddlelike organ attached to any of various parts of the body of fishes and certain other aquatic animals, used for propulsion, steering, or balancing

20-08-2008, 05:56
Stroke of good luck turns man into artist

by ROSS MCGUINNESS - Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Already left disabled and existing on benefits, life seemed to take an even worse turn for former engineer Ken Walters when he had a stoke.

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One of Ken Walters' creations for Spore

But the seizure turned out to be his salvation as it 're-wired' his brain, transforming him into a gifted artist.
He has now been snapped up by computer giant EA Games to design 100 creatures for the highly anticipated 'evolution simulation' game Spore, and another company wants him to create visuals for mobile phones.
Life had seemed over for Mr Walters, of Ormskirk, Lancashire, when his spine was crushed by a fork-lift truck in 1986

Two heart attacks followed and, while talking to a friend over the phone, he suffered a stroke in 2005.
The 51-year-old battled depression for 19 years after the accident confined him to a wheelchair.
Desperate to relieve his boredom in hospital, he started doodling. 'I had the stroke and this passion for art just came out from nowhere,' he said.
'I wasn't actually drawing anything, just letting my hands do whatever my brain was telling them.'
Doctors encouraged him and he went on to develop his own software and sell his work before EA hired him.
Mr Walters added: 'Having a stroke was the biggest blessing in disguise I ever could have wished for
the state of being bored; tedium; ennui
to conceal or cover up the truth or actual character of by a counterfeit form or appearance; misrepresent: to disguise one's intentions

20-08-2008, 06:16
Tuesday, Aug 19, 2008 10:01 am EDT
Paraguayan heartthrob breaks our collective hearts

By Chris Chase
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Leryn Franco is just your run-of-the-mill javelin thrower/pageant queen/model with her own calendar. But during the Beijing Olympics the 26-year old Paraguayan became so much more to the American people; she became our javelin thrower/pageant queen/model with her own calendar. So, my fellow Americans, it is with a heavy heart that I regret to inform you that our favorite Paraguayan athlete (sorry Jose Luis Chilavert) was eliminated from the Olympics this morning after failing to qualify for the javelin finals. Take all the time you need.
Ms. Franco became the object of our attention after she was noticed by NBC cameras during the Parade of Nations at the Olympic Opening Ceremony. Fourth-Place Medal's fledgling Investigative Unit discovered her identity eight magical days ago and since then our schoolboy crush blossomed into unrequited love.
Leryn -- can we call you Leryn? -- didn't return our collective calls, but we didn't mind. We knew she was busy preparing for her event: the javelin throw. She competed this morning, finishing second-to-last in the qualifying round with a throw that was 12 meters short of her personal best. It was a disappointment, to be sure, but not altogether surprising. After all, Leryn's goal was never to medal; it was to win the hearts of men and women worldwide. And in that event, Leryn Franco won gold.
Photo via Getty Images

Photo Coverage

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BEIJING - AUGUST 19: Leryn Franco of Paraguay competes in the Women's Javelin Qualifying Round held at the National Stadium on Day 11 of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games on August 19, 2008 in Beijing, China. (Photo by Mark Dadswell/Getty Images)

22-08-2008, 06:42
... Once you start, you can't Lego

Thursday, August 21, 2008

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The winter nights will just fly by if you invest £200 in buying this Taj Mahal model from Lego.
At 50cm wide, 41cm tall and almost 6,000 pieces, it is the largest model produced by the toymaker in its 74-year history.
Lego's Jenny Brown said it was 'designed for very experienced Lego builders', and may take up to 40hours to complete.
It has 800 more bricks than the next biggest model – the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars

22-08-2008, 06:48
Rachel and Teddy hit the dance floor

Thursday, August 21, 2008
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Teddy will battle it out on the dance floor

A new season of reality TV shows are hitting our screens again, X-Factor's new series kicked off last week and now a new cast of celebs, including Rachel Stevens and Teddy Sheringham, are going to be shaking their tail feathers on Strictly Come Dancing.
The new series of the dancing show will air on September 13 and Lisa Snowden, Jodie Kid, Katie Price, Peter Andre, M People's Heather Small, Melanie Sykes, Emma Barton and chef Gary Rhodes are rumoured to be joining the former football legend and pop star
The show has been fantastic publicity for celebrities such as Kelly Brook in the past and former S Club 7 star Rachel will no doubt be hoping for the same success.
A source told the Daily Mirror: “Rachel has met her dance partner. She is excited about the show and is going to get stuck into training.”
The 30-year-old, who was once voted the world's most beautiful woman, will be getting back into tip top shape for the gruelling dance routines that the show demands.
Danielle Lloyd's ex squeeze Teddy will also be practicing his dance moves for the new series and a source told The Sun that sportsmen and women always do well on the show
kick off
the initial stage of something; start; beginning: the campaign kickoff

23-08-2008, 06:18
HOT OR NOT? Coleen vs Alice

By JESSICA SATHERLEY - Friday, August 22, 2008
Metro has carefully chosen the best and worst dressed celebs this week to find out who has hit the fashion jack-pot and who has missed.
Coleen McLoughlin brought a new meaning to festival chic when she arrived at the V Festival this week.

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Coleen looks glam even when dressed down in wellies!

The wife of Wayne Rooney teamed up patent black wellies with a funky black skirt, leather jacket and colourful shirt.
The 22-year-old WAG is normally dressed to the nines and has openly expressed her love for Christian Louboutin kicks but she shows us here she can look equally as glamorous in good old gumboots.
This week both our best and worst dressed celebs derived from the festival based in Essex and Staffordshire and what a variety in style there was!
Model, it-girl, new face of Mango, you'd think she has it all, but is this really what fashion has come to?

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Alice Dellal dressed to kill, literally, at the V Festival

She is hailed as a fashionista and style guru but this barely there pink mini, black chunky soled boots, baggy ripped T-shirt and messed up hair like she has been sleeping in a dumpster looks more hobo than high street.
Her trademark semi-shaved hair might not be conventional but that is probably the point of it, as she has said previously, “I like my style. If people don't like my hair, then they don't have to book me

The model has introduced a new kind of arrogance to bad fashion which has branded her the epitome of cool; however can anyone honestly say they think this is a hot look?
Maybe this is the look of the new millennium but are we ready for it? If this outfit was worn by anyone other than Dellal they would probably be mistaken for a working lady of the night, rather than the queen of cool
a very fashionable person, esp. one who works in the fashion industry

an intellectual or spiritual guide or leader

thick or stout; stocky

23-08-2008, 06:24
Trio held in PM death threats probe

Friday, August 22, 2008
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Police are reported to be probing death threats against Gordon Brown

Three men arrested on suspicion of terror offences are linked to an investigation into threats to kill the Prime Minister, police sources said.
No plot was in place but there were calls for the death of Gordon Brown on an extremist jihad website in January.
The internet hosts many websites from groups and individuals, claiming allegiance to al Qaida and Osama bin Laden and routinely issue warnings and threats to political leaders in the UK and the US over the Wests involvement in the Middle East.
The three suspects, aged 21, 22 and 23, were all arrested on August 14. They are all from Blackburn, Lancashire, and were held under the Terrorism Act 2006.
Two were arrested at Manchester Airport as they were about to board a flight to Finland. The third suspect was arrested in Accrington, Lancashire.
Counter-terrorist officers from Greater Manchester and Lancashire are now in Scandinavia continuing their investigations.
Police have until Thursday to charge the men, release them or seek an extension to their custody.
Detectives have been granted up to next Thursday to hold the three suspects as they carry out investigations.
The swoop came as a culmination of a counter-terrorism operation between Lancashire Police and Greater Manchester Police's Counter Terrorism Unit (CTU).
Lancashire Police have refused to comment at this stage

27-08-2008, 06:01
Mother and grandfather accused of killing girl, 4

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
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'Killed by accident': Rose Ron, 4

A girl of four who vanished three months ago may have been murdered by her mother and grandfather, police fear.
Rose Ron is thought to have died at the hands of Marie Pisam, 23, and Roni Ron, who were also lovers.
The grandfather, 45, has admitted accidentally killing her – but has withdrawn another statement saying he put her body in a suitcase and dumped it in a river.
'He confessed he gave the child a blow, a blow he did not expect to have such a result,' his lawyer, Revital Swid, said.

'He panicked, was very worried about his partner's reaction and took action to conceal the body.'
Rose vanished from Netanya in Israel in May but the alarm was raised two weeks ago, when her great-grandmother said she had not seen her for months.
Ron and his one-time daughter-in-law Pisam, with whom he has two children, have been held since.
The case has unearthed a history of abuse for most of Rose's short life.
As a baby she was taken to Israel by her mother and French father, Benjamin.
But Pisam fell for Benjamin's father and stayed in Netanya, while he and Rose returned to France.
Later, Rose came to live with Pisam, after her father allegedly abused her.
Ron has claimed Pisam had nothing to do with Rose's death
a sudden overwhelming fear, with or without cause, that produces hysterical or irrational behavior, and that often spreads quickly through a group of persons or animals
to hide; withdraw or remove from observation; cover or keep from sight: He concealed the gun under his coat

27-08-2008, 06:07
Cats in a bit of a flap

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
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Chasing birds might be a little easier for these cats now they have grown wings of their own.
The moggies developed the furry flaps on their backs during a spell of hot weather in China's western Sichuan province.
The harmless growths are down to a genetic mutation, according to experts
a cat
a sudden departure from the parent type in one or more heritable characteristics, caused by a change in a gene or a chromosome

27-08-2008, 06:15
Sahara, the Arctic seal who hates cold water

by JOEL TAYLOR - Tuesday, August 26, 2008
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Sahara the seal takes a dip

There is nothing worse than stumbling bleary-eyed into the shower in the morning and being greeted with a deluge of icy cold
So, spare a thought for Sahara, the two-year-old seal who hated cold Arctic water so much, he swam thousands of miles to warmer climes in Morocco.
Having been saved - twice - Sahara is now being treated for his fear of ice by having half a tonne of it a day poured into his enclosure at a Cornish sanctuary

'We think he recognises ice from when he was a pup. He was scared - it's like he remembers,' said Rachael Vine from the National Seal Sanctuary in Gweek.
'He likes to crunch and chew it, which is slightly weird. We don't think it will be long now before Sahara is a proper ice-loving seal again.'
Hooded seal Sahara was first rescued off the coast of Morocco last year and taken to the sanctuary, where he recovered from dehydration. The pup was returned to Orkney but, instead of swimming to his native cold habitat, he sought out the warm waters of Spain instead.
Again the sanctuary brought him back - and devised a novel way to help him cool down for his own safety.
'It's like a pub ice machine but it's bigger. It's working at maximum capacity,' added Miss Vine.
His species is used to temperatures of between minus 10ºC (14ºF) and 10ºC (50ºF) but he still fled to the other side of the pool when the ice went in.
There are also plans to build him a £250,000 refrigerated enclosure to accommodate his adult frame.
Sahara is expected to reach 400kg (63st) in a few years. For now, the treatment seems to be working. Miss Vine added: 'He will come out to sit in the ice. We haven't seen this before. We don't know if they do it in the wild
something that encloses, as a fence or wall
a sacred or holy place
an abnormal loss of water from the body, esp. from illness or physical exertion

27-08-2008, 06:25
Hillary backs Barack to win

by AIDAN RADNEDGE - Tuesday, August 26, 2008
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Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton took to the stage at the Democrats' convention on Tuesday – with delegates hoping she would heal the damage caused by her nomination battle with Barack Obama.
With Republicans keen to exploit any whiff of tension between them, Mrs Clinton's keynote speech was expected to encourage her die-hard supporters to get behind Mr Obama's presidential bid.
Mr Obama, 47, will formally accept the party's nomination in Denver, Colorado, Wednesday after emerging victorious from his contest with the former First Lady

The convention kicked off on Monday with a speech by Mr Obama's wife Michelle. Her husband – on campaigning duties in the US mid-west – joined the event in a video link-up as his wife outlined his plans for the November ballot.
'That's why he's running – to end the war in Iraq responsibly, to build an economy that lifts every family, to make health care available for every American and to make sure every child gets a world-class education all the way from pre-school to college,' she said.
Her speech included a nod to Mrs Clinton, praising her for inspiring the nation's children to 'dream a little bigger'.
Mrs Clinton, 60, later returned the compliment, telling delegates: 'Didn't Michelle Obama do a wonderful job tonight?'
keen to

27-08-2008, 06:34
Rushdie writer 'sorry' for lies

by SARAH GETTY - Tuesday, August 26, 2008
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Salman Rushdie

A former police officer has apologised to Sir Salman Rushdie for telling lies in a book about the author.
Ronald Evans, a convicted fraudster, helped protect the author after he received death threats for writing The Satanic Verses in 1989.
In his book On Her Majesty's Service, Mr Evans claimed Sir Salman tried to profit from the fatwa that was put on his head, and that he had been suicidal.

Another lie was that Sir Salman's third wife, Elizabeth West, married him for his money.
Mr Evans - sacked from the police after being convicted of fraud in 2005 for fiddling expenses - his ghost writer, Douglas Thompson, and John Blake Publishing admitted 11 falsehoods in London's High Court.
They apologised for causing 'hurt and damage'.
Mr Justice Teare made a declaration of falsity against the three.
Sir Salman did not seek damages but said: 'I'm gratified by this outcome. These were appalling lies.'
The publisher pulped the first 4,000 copies of Mr Evans's book and is correcting two chapters
one who commits fraud
to give pleasure to (a person or persons) by satisfying desires or humoring inclinations or feelings: Her praise will gratify all who worked so hard to earn it

30-08-2008, 05:57
Mugabe hands Olympic medalist $100,000 cash reward

Fri Aug 29, 12:38 pm ET

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] entry.jpg?x=213&y=161&xc=1&yc=1&wc=409&hc=309&q=100&sig=W_0YTKH1PZ1Q7loHZ6qJXQ--
Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe (L) congratulates swimmer and Olympic gold medallist Kirsty Coventry (R) in Harare August 29, 2008. Mugabe presented an award of $100,000 for Coventry's achievements in the Beijing Olympics.(Stringer/Reuters)

HARARE (Reuters) – Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe on Friday handed the country's only Olympic medalist in Beijing a $100,000 cash reward for her performance at the games.
Swimmer Kirsty Coventry smashed the world record to win gold in the women's 200 meters backstroke. She also captured three silver medals.
Mugabe handed the U.S-based swimmer the cash at a ceremony in Harare carried live on state television.
"Our national spirit must exude joy and pleasure and say you have done well, daughter of Zimbabwe. We are proud of you, we wish you well. She's our golden girl ... take care of her," he said at the ceremony.
The U.S. dollars, scarce in a country struggling with an economic crisis marked by a severe shortage of foreign currency, were carried in a briefcase by Zimbabwe's central bank governor.
Other members of Zimbabwe's Olympic team received between $2,000 and $10,000 each.
(Reporting by Nelson Banya; Editing by MacDonald Dzirutwe)
to project or display conspicuously or abundantly; radiate: to exude cheerfulness
insufficient to satisfy the need or demand; not abundant: Meat and butter were scarce during the war -
seldom met with; rare: a scarce book -
Synonyms 1. deficient. 2. uncommon, infrequent —
Antonyms 1. abundant —

01-09-2008, 05:29
Wave goodbye to boring surfing

by AIDAN RADNEDGE - Sunday, August 31, 2008
Some like it hot, some like it almost freezing, while others enjoy death-defying heights or stomach-churning speeds.
Surfers pride themselves on their free spirits - and so-called 'extreme surfers' are even more ambitious in their search for the ultimate adrenaline rush.

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Daredevil stuff: Pipeline, Hawaii, as pictured in Extreme Surf

Now a glossy new study promises to identify the world's most challenging - or intimidating - waves for those daredevils.
Those who can't stand the heat are best advised to avoid Andhra Pradesh in India, where surfers enjoy 45°C temperatures. At the other end of the thermometer - and the map - Low Island in the South Shetlands has welcomed surfers with temperatures of just 1°C

And then there is the 20m (70ft) Teahupoo, pronounced 'choo-poo', meaning 'hot head', off Tahiti - described by world champion surfer Andy Irons as 'the balls to the wall, craziest wave in the world'.
Extreme Surf author Benjamin Marcus says Teahupoo is perhaps the 'heaviest' wave in the world - or, in surfing slang, the 'gnarliest'.

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Thrill-seeker: Garrett MacNamra surfs the Jaws wave in Hawaii

Other eye-catching contenders to do before you, er, die include the 1.7km (5,700ft) long wave at Matanchen Bay in Mexico and the roaring 'Jaws' and 'Pipeline' in Hawaii.
The new guide, published by Pavilion, also traces the history of surfing. British explorer James Cook told how he watched Polynesians riding the waves around the Hawaiian islands in 1776.
He said of one man: 'He felt the most supreme pleasure while he was driven on so fast and so smoothly by the sea
to challenge the power of; resist boldly or openly: to defy parental authority
Synonyms 1. dare, brave, flout, scorn -
a recklessly daring person

01-09-2008, 05:34
Rabbits: breeding like rabbits

by JOEL TAYLOR - Sunday, August 31, 2008
Looking after just one baby rabbit must be hard work. But imagine caring for 26 Thumpers - and giant ones at that.

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Bunny girl: Denise McGill with some of the bumper litter

Well, welcome to Denise McGill's world. The breeder is having to cope with the simultaneous arrival of two enormous litters.
Continental giant rabbits Jemima - who weighed 9kg (20lb) when pregnant - and Bobbin had a litter of 14, but one died.
On the same day, bunnies Alice and Merlin became parents of nine babies

Shortly afterwards, Millie and Rooney rounded off the baby boom with a litter of four kits.
Mrs McGill said: 'For the rabbits to give birth to so many kits and bring them up is absolutely incredible.' The 47-year-old, who got her first continental giant rabbit seven years ago, was stunned when the mothers gave birth on June 29.
'They were only like sausages when they were born. They are now the size of normal rabbits and will obviously get much bigger,' she said.
And the new arrivals - who will be re-homed - certainly don't go unnoticed.
'They have been drinking a litre of goats' milk a day and every other day I go through a 25kg sack of rabbit food,' said Mrs McGill, of Fulwood, Lancashire
adjective -
unusually abundant: Bumper crops reaped a big profit for local farmers
a number of young brought forth by a multiparous animal at one birth: a litter of six kittens
producing more than one at a birth

01-09-2008, 05:53
This gallery is a load of rubbish

by JO STEELE - Sunday, August 31, 2008
Two artists have beaten the credit crunch by building a gallery out of rubbish.

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Folke Köebberling and Martin Kaltwasser created the elaborate Amphis space in countryside near Cambridge
Forty volunteers helped build it using donated old doors, windows, furniture and school desks. It will host art displays and film screenings
'We're very proud. It's the first building we've made totally out of garbage and cost next to nothing,' said Mr Köebberling, who believes 'one person's trash is another person's treasure'
worked out with great care and nicety of detail; executed with great minuteness: elaborate preparations; elaborate care

03-09-2008, 21:18
Parrot snapped smoking a fag

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
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Smoking parrot in London

This unidentified parrot was caught smoking in London.
It's not known how long he has been smoking for but we all hope he quits the bad habit soon
Have you seen this parrot before?
that 's ali 's parrot
i mean this one,you can see efforts of addiction in 2nd pic
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04-09-2008, 05:19
Fearless man dives 35ft into 1ft of water

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
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Fearless diver jumps 35ft into 1ft of water

Even Britain's hotshot young Olympian Tom Daley would never attempt these crazy dives
But Darren Taylor – or Professor Splash as he is better known – is not after gold medals.
His goal is to break world records – for landing in the least amount of water from the greatest height

The 47-year-old has fearlessly dived 10.5m (35ft) to land in just 30cm (1ft) of water.
Now on September 12 he is planning a world record attempt from 12m (40ft) live on American TV.
'I started diving at age four. I began competing at a national level at age 12, and turned pro at age 25,' said Taylor, of Denver, Colorado.
'I always was a high diver but I became involved in shallow-diving rather suddenly when I saw the potential to get in the record books.'
However, his first shallow dive in 2001 was memorable for all the wrong reasons.
'Thirty-three feet was the height of that first jump,' said the father of one.
'I jumped “out” instead of “up” and I landed in the front of the pool on my face! It hurt, and it did scare me.'
Now Taylor feels he has perfected the art – instead of jumping head first, he spreads his body as far and as wide as he can to distribute his weight and avoid injury.
'I become rock hard. I feel no pain,' he said.
And his tip for anyone crazy enough to emulate him? 'For your life's sake, jump straight up and jump out and stay completely focused on your “flight plan” – or it could lead to your death

04-09-2008, 05:25
Why we won’t be going to work in Britain 2033

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
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Manchester as it is today

Once, visions of a futuristic society saw us getting to work using hover-cars or jetpacks – but the latest wave of seers say that soon we won't be commuting at all.
Research out today says the internet will lead to more of us working from home – putting an end to crowded trains and roads, office blocks and even the traditional night out

Seven out of ten workers already have a better work-life balance, 44 per cent work more from home and 18 per cent say head offices are dying out, a study by Microsoft Windows Mobile found.
Timo Veikkola, from The Future Laboratory which helped with the research, said Britain was leading the way, with 22 per cent of firms allowing staff to work flexibly.

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Manchester in the future

He added: 'There will be a great social impact, with people spending less time socialising in the evening and more time out during the day.'
Instead of office spaces, the study says, cities will offer wi-fi hubs, while blocks that do remain will house leisure facilities, exhibition spaces and roof gardens

04-09-2008, 05:28
Forget Gustav – here comes Hanna

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
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Hurricane Hanna on its way

Tropical storm Hanna bore down on the US on Wednesday after wreaking havoc in the Caribbean.
The near-hurricane was gathering strength as it blew towards Florida after leaving 21 people dead and causing devastating flooding in Haiti

The city of Gonaives was cut off, with the UN saying: 'The situation is as bad as it can be.'
Meanwhile, residents of Gustav-hit New Orleans were told they could return to the battered – but relatively unscathed – city from today

04-09-2008, 05:38
Cottage is a perfect fit for tiny tenant

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
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Cottage is a perfect fit for this tiny tenant
A tiny tenant has been found to move into one of Britain's smallest and oldest council houses.
Fay Laflin is just 1.52m (5ft) but can touch the ceilings of her new listed home – a Dutch cottage built in 1621.
The historic building in Rayleigh, Essex, is just 6m (20ft) wide and the freelance stage manager is expected to show visitors round every Wednesday

A tiny tenant has been found to move into one of Britain's smallest and oldest council houses.
Fay Laflin is just 1.52m (5ft) but can touch the ceilings of her new listed home – a Dutch cottage built in 1621.
The historic building in Rayleigh, Essex, is just 6m (20ft) wide and the freelance stage manager is expected to show visitors round every Wednesday.

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But the upside is the rent is just £75 a week.
Miss Laflin, 33, said: 'It's compact and bijou but it's just such a beautiful place to live, it's really quirky
something small, delicate, and exquisitely wrought
informal terms; strikingly unconventional

06-09-2008, 05:41
Former sprinter released from prison

SAN ANTONIO (AP)—Disgraced sprinter Marion Jones was released Friday from federal prison after completing most of her six-month sentence for lying about her steroid use.
Jones left a halfway house in San Antonio around 8 a.m., said LaTanya Robinson, a community corrections manager for the federal Bureau of Prisons. Jones, who has a house in Austin, will remain on probation.
Jones’ attorney did not immediately respond to a call or e-mail from The Associated Press requesting comment.
The sprinter admitted last October that she used a designer steroid known as “the clear” from September 2000 to July 2001. The drug was linked to the Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative, the lab that became the center of a steroids scandal that touched numerous professional athletes, including baseball star Barry Bonds.
Her admission of drug use in 2007 came after years of denials.

In 2004, she sued the founder of BALCO for defamation after he said she used steroids. The lawsuit was settled the following year, long before she told the truth in a federal courtroom.
Jones gave back the three gold medals and two bronze medals she won at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney before the International Olympic Committee officially wiped her name from the record books in December.
a short race at full speed

06-09-2008, 05:54
Romeo turns batty for birthday

Friday, September 5, 2008
Romeo Beckham celebrated his sixth birthday in style by turning into his favourite superhero and hosting a party fit for Hollywoods next generation of celebrities.
The second Beckham son powered through LA to Universal Studio's in his black Batman costume accompanied by his Power Ranger sidekick- his little brother Cruz Beckham.

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Supermum Victoria and her equally heroic sons Cruise and Romeo

But not one to be taken from the spotlight, super-mum Victoria was in an equally powerful costume sporting an orange square fitted dress.
The group were joined by a host of A-list Hollywood children and their parents

Heidi Klum and Gwen Stefani's rocker husband Gavin Rossdale brought their kids to the theme park party as well as Ginger Spice Geri and her redhead two-year-old daughter Bluebell.
David missed the big do as he in training in England with the team
a strong, focused light thrown upon a particular spot, as on a small area of a stage or in a television studio, for making some object, person, or group especially conspicuous

06-09-2008, 06:03
HOT OR NOT? Elle MacPherson vs Meg Mathews

By JESSICA SATHERLEY - Thursday, September 4, 2008
Metro has carefully chosen the best and worst dressed celebs this week to find out who has hit the fashion jack-pot and who has missed.
Elle Macpherson wasn't nicknamed 'The Body' for nothing, which means that pretty much anything she wears makes her look like a goddess.

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Elle McPherson shows us how to look fabulous in your forties

This Herve Leger dress is no exception and the 44-year-old mum of two looks nothing less than ravishing as she flows down the red carpet at London's GQ awards.
The Aussie supermodel and lingerie designer looks effortlessly chic, making us grind our teeth with envy as she out shone stars half her age.
The pricey bandage dress, favoured by copious 'A listers', hugs the figure in all the right places for a tiny waist and jaw dropping cleavage.
The bronzed beauty garnished the ensemble with a matching maroon leather jacket and peep toe black stilettos to accentuate her Amazonian legs.
The former Mrs Noel Gallagher, usually seen shopping at Gucci seems to have swapped her high fashion couture for tacky couture.

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Meg Mathews shocked us on the red carpet with tacky animal print

Meg Mathews must have forgotten to look in the mirror before she stepped out at the RocknRolla premiere this week in red leopard print pants, an overkill plunging neckline and heels that only belong in a strip club

The 42-year-old shows us what to avoid when worrying about looking like mutton dressed as lamb.
It just goes to show how two women, both in their 40's, can look so remarkably different depending on their outfit.
The party girl might have looked cute in animal print 20-years-ago but it's time for a new fad for her fabulous forties

the occupation of a couturier; dressmaking and designing
sticky to the touch ; adhesive

07-09-2008, 05:06
Bhutto's widower wins presidency

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Asif Ali Zardari, the widower of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, has won a sweeping victory in Pakistan's presidential election.
The election was called after Pervez Musharraf resigned rather than risk being impeached.
Mr Zardari faces severe economic problems and a rampant Islamist insurgency that are threatening Pakistan's stability.
During the voting, a bomb killed at least 30 people near Peshawar city.
The president is elected by secret ballots in the national and four provincial assemblies.
Mr Zardari won 481 votes out of 702, far more than the 352 votes that would have guaranteed him victory, leaving his two rivals trailing far behind.
In Sindh province, Mr Zardari won all 65 votes. In North West Frontier Province (NWFP) he got 56 out of the 65 votes. In Balochistan province he won 59 of the 65 votes.
By contrast he only won 22 out of 65 seats in Punjab province, the heartland of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's PML-N party.
The two daughters of Mr Zardari and Ms Bhutto hugged friends in delight in the gallery of the national assembly as the results became clear. Members of Mr Zardari's Pakistan People's Party (PPP) declared the result to be a "victory for democracy".

Mr Zardari was thrust into the centre of political power by the killing of Ms Bhutto last December after which he became head of the PPP

The BBC's Barbara Plett in Islamabad says that in recent months Mr Zardari has shown skill by forging a large coalition and using it to peacefully unseat President Musharraf.
Mr Zardari is one of Pakistan's most controversial politicians.
For years he has been hounded by allegations of massive corruption - although he has never been convicted.
Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif took his PML-N party out of the governing coalition last week, accusing Mr Zardari of breaking key promises.
Many in Pakistan fear the country is facing a return to an old-style politics of confrontation at a time when urgent action is needed to improve the economy and deal with a raging Islamist insurgency.

Juggling demands
Mr Zardari is seen as pro-Western and supportive of Washington's self-declared war on terror. He will have to juggle the demands of the United States, Pakistan's powerful army, and strong anti-American sentiment in the country.

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Nawaz Sharif's coalition with Mr Zardari did not last long

Our correspondent says Mr Musharraf tried to do that and failed. She adds that Pakistanis hope that Asif Zardari will have more success, but they see little in his past to encourage them.
The fortunes of the Bhutto-Zardari family have fluctuated dramatically.
Mr Zardari spent years in prison while Gen Musharraf ruled Pakistan. Benazir Bhutto was assassinated at an election rally in December. Her father, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, was hanged during the military dictatorship of President Ziaul Haq.
A further reminder of the dangers of public life in Pakistan came on Wednesday when gunmen attacked the motorcade of the prime minister. Two bullets hit his car, although he was not in it at the time officials say.
The other candidates for the presidency were Saeeduz Zaman Siddiqui, a former judge who had the backing of Mr Sharif, and Mushahid Hussain Sayed, who was nominated by the PML-Q party that supported Mr Musharraf.
In the Islamabad parliament, members of the upper house, the Senate, were due to vote first, followed by the lower house.
Pakistan's four provincial assemblies of Sindh, Punjab, Balochistan and the NWFP had a similar schedule.
However, voting in the NWFP capital, Peshawar, was delayed when a 5.6 magnitude earthquake hit the area and neighbouring Afghanistan, prompting deputies to flee the assembly building.

The provincial assemblies are given equal weighting with 65 votes each. In the three assemblies which do not have 65 deputies, the value of each deputy's vote is adjusted by a mathematical formula.
There is only one round of voting and whoever has most of the 702 votes wins

09-09-2008, 06:05
Guide to Harry Potter series banned

Monday, September 8, 2008
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Win for JK Rowling

An unofficial guide to the Harry Potter book series must be scrapped after the author of the wizard's adventures won a copyright court case.
The Harry Potter Lexicon – a 400-page reference book on the hugely successful series – was banned by a US judge after JK Rowling argued it infringed her copyright in what she called a landmark case for authors.
Judge Robert Patterson agreed with the 43-year-old writer, saying the encyclopedic companion 'appropriates too much of Rowling's creative work for its purposes as a reference guide'

He said independent book publisher RDR Books 'had failed to establish an affirmative defence of fair use' – and should stop work on the as yet unpublished guide.
It was written by Steve Vander Ark based on his Harry Potter fan website.
Denying claims of plagiarism, he claimed the book was intended to help readers and celebrate Rowling's work.
Warner Brothers, which owns the property rights to the Potter books, and Rowling, were awarded damages of £430 for each of the seven novels about the boy wizard and £3,888 for two companion books she wrote – Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them and Quidditch Through The Ages.
'Since the Lexicon has not been published and thus plaintiffs have suffered no harm beyond the fact of the infringement, the court awards plaintiffs the minimum awards for each work,' judge Patterson said at a hearing in New York

14-09-2008, 04:46
Super Madonna gets into a hi-tech groove

by ARWA HAIDER - Friday, September 12, 2008

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One of Madonna's perfectly choreographed routines

In the late 1980s and 90s, Madonna live tours were a rare treat - in the 21st century, they keep coming thick and fast, and upping the extravagant ante.
The Sticky & Sweet tour is her fourth this decade, two years on from the glitterball thrills of her Confessions arena spectacle, and this time it's boldly stadium-sized, from the masses of dynamic dancers and musicians backing the superstar, to the gigantic 'M' initials flanking the stage. Madonna makes her entrance to a rapturous packed house, appropriately enough, on a bespoke throne.

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Super fit Madonna

There's never any questioning who's queen of this show, and by the second number - the snappy, hip-hop flavoured Beat Goes On, taken from latest album Hard Candy - she's already packed in more energy and visual trickery than average artists muster in an entire concert: hi-tech screen projections, super-slick choreography, revolving surfaces and an onstage Rolls Royce. Hard Candy's bombastic pop production and playful humour is well suited to this massive venue, but the show's highlights include live 'remixes' of older favourites, including a vibrant rendition of Into The Groove (featuring Keith Haring cartoons and double dutch skipping en masse) and a Gypsy jam version of La Isla Bonita (she played this version at Live Earth last year, but it's still a raunchy winner).
Less successful is the show's pronounced 'rock' element - whenever she's compelled to pick up an electric guitar, it seems to sap her natural assurance. And it does nothing for tracks such as Human Nature and Hung Up - why reinvent your own classics in the style of Avril Lavigne?

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Britney made a surprise appearance with a video message

Overall, though, Sticky & Sweet is delectable fun - and Madonna enhances its tight pacing and heady scale with some expert audience rapport; she gives praise that 'it didn't f*******' rain!' before leading a 90,000-strong singalong to her 1989 hit Express Yourself.
Having recently turned a nifty 50, Madonna stakes her claim as the most inexhaustible entertainer in the world, both in terms of repertoire and stamina.
This London date is just midway through the European leg of her latest tour, with a glut of shows across the Americas taking her right up to Christmas.
And at the core of this confection are two characteristically Madonna conceits - the golden age of showbiz and world dominationa

14-09-2008, 04:50
... Lame pet? Try a fling with this

Thursday, September 11, 2008
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Cats and dogs can be such boring pets. They don't eat crickets or live in trees – and they don't fly.
Well, if Fido or Tiddles is not exciting enough for you, why not pick up a sugar glider – a critter which can glide up to 60m (200ft) by spreading its limbs like wings.
The possums, native to Australia and New Guinea, can fit in the palm of your hand and are becoming popular pets in Britain

Owners report seeing the gliders shimmying up curtains and flying across rooms, using their tails to help steer them.
Sugar gliders were first bred in captivity in the US ten years ago. A few breeders have set up shop in Britain, claiming the possum-like animals are good companions thanks to their lively, ­inquisitive natures.

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Martin Bieda, from Pets Love Us in Southampton, has sold 40 pairs in two years. 'It's becoming quite a celebrity-type thing,' he said. 'Women wear them around their necks in pouches.'
But before you think about forking out £150 for your new pet, ­beware – they are high maintenance. They are nocturnal, very sensitive to sunlight, and have a strict diet.

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Leap of faith: The possum prepares to land on breeder Sian Bailey's arm

The little creatures must be bought in pairs as, alone, they get so sad they can die.
Sugar gliders form strong bonds and love nothing more than curling up on their owner's shoulder or in their hair.
Breeder Sian Bailey, from Southampton, said: 'My only concern with them becoming more popular is that some people will buy them because they are unusual and then get bored

14-09-2008, 05:03
Zola reveals Hammers plan of attack

Friday, September 12, 2008
Gianfranco Zola last night pledged to liberate West Ham's players by putting the smiles back on their faces.

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Looking forward: New West Ham boss Gianfranco Zola wants to entertain

Zola beamed his way through a press conference held to announce his appointment as Alan Curbishley's successor and proceeded to outline his footballing philosophy.

In news that will be warmly greeted by Hammers fans who had grown restless during Curbishley's regime, Zola vowed to honour the club's attacking traditions

And the former Italy and Chelsea favourite expects his influence to be felt by the team sooner rather than later.
'Football is joy. The best part of the game comes when you are enjoying what you're doing,' he said.
'So my first target will be to make it as enjoyable as possible for the players.
'Once they realise that I'm sure their performances will be better. The crowd will enjoy it more too.
'My philosophy is to play offensive football. I've always played that way because I trust it. It will be quicker for my philosophy to take effect than many people think.
'Once the players realise what I want from them and feel the freedom, it will happen quickly. But I haven't seen the players yet. I need to judge the situation with my eyes.
'I'm aware of the high expectations of West Ham fans. This is a challenge but I like challenges. I'm not afraid.'
Curbishley departed Upton Park in acrimonious circumstances, resigning from a position he held since December 2006 after clashing with the board over transfer policy.
He complained players has been sold behind his back amid reports of an uneasy relationship with technical director Gianluca Nani.
But Zola, who yesterday became West Ham's 12th permanent manager after agreeing a three-year contract, does not envisage any difficulty working with Nani.
'I have no problem working with a technical director. My job is working on the pitch,' he said.
'I will develop the players and team, then I'll report to the technical director.
'He's working with me, not against me. We will do what is good for the club.'
Zola is held in high esteem by English football thanks to a seven-year spell at Chelsea that saw him score 80 goals in 312 appearances.
The 42-year-old's coaching CV is far less impressive, comprising of a two-year stint as an assistant with Italy's Under-21s, but he is confident he will be a managerial success.
'I know I am not the most experienced manager around but I have ideas - I have been in football for 20 years,' he said.
'I know what we're talking about and I will certainly give something to this club - whether it is enough or not we will see.
'But I have a lot of knowledge of the game and the players will help me with this.'
West Ham's chief executive Scott Duxbury denied the club had taken the cheap option in opting for Zola over the more established Roberto Donadoni and Roberto Mancini.
'I agree the lack of experience is a question mark and there were people on the shortlist who had more experience,' he said.
'But meeting him and talking to him at length about his football philosophy, it became clear there was no other choice.
'It wasn't about a taking a cheap option, he was the perfect option. His interview was so impressive that it was clear who we needed
to contemplate; visualize: He envisages an era of great scientific discoveries
Synonyms 1. picture, imagine, conceive, envision

15-09-2008, 05:50
I forgive my son's killers, says mother of stabbed teen

by JO STEELE - Sunday, September 14, 2008
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Victim: Oliver King-Onzila

The grieving mother of a promising young footballer stabbed to death outside a nightclub said yesterday that she had forgiven his killer.
Caroline King-Onzila spoke out after her 19-year-old son, Oliver, became the 26th teenager to be murdered in the capital this year.
'Whoever can take a knife and use it to hurt someone else is possessed by demons and needs help,' said the committed Christian. 'I forgive that person because my faith is strong, but only Jesus can help them.'
Her son, who played for Barnet FC and captained the England College team, was drinking with friends in the early hours of Saturday when he was attacked by two youths

The teenager collapsed outside the E Bar in Croydon, south-east London, and died of his injuries.
Police arrested two 18-year-olds, one of whom was later released. One of them needed treatment for injuries to his hands.
It is the second tragedy to hit the family this year. Oliver's elder brother Herve, 27, collapsed and died of a suspected heart attack during a football match in February.
'I am totally devastated. I don't know what to do. I've only got one son left now. This is like a story that is repeating itself,' said Mrs King-Onzila.
She described Oliver as 'a kind and gentle boy who never carried a knife and could never harm anyone'
a thrust or blow with, or as if with, a pointed weapon
An inferior deity, such as a deified hero

15-09-2008, 05:56
New model army kicks off London Fashion Week

by SOPHIE FREEMAN - Sunday, September 14, 2008
High heels, military dress and bright colours marked the start of London Fashion week yesterday.

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Some of the designs on display at the beginning of London Fashion Week

Irish designer Paul Costelloe kicked off the event with a collection mixing army-style coats with short dresses, first in neutral colours and later in pink and yellow.
Newlywed Peaches Geldof attended the Topshop show and looked impressed with its new range.
In an opening speech, British Fashion Council chairman Harold Tillman said: 'This is the most exciting fashion capital in the world

'Here is where fashions start. Our schedule provides diversity in style, inspired by our culturally rich city.'
An estimated 5,000 buyers, models and journalists are expected to attend the 52 shows which run until Friday evening at locations including the Natural History Museum.
Highlights include collections from Julien Macdonald, Vivienne Westwood and Luella Bartley.
Last month, it was announced that a move to bring in health certificates for models had been dropped after New York, Paris and Milan said it was unworkable.
But model Erin O'Connor, vice-chairman of the BFC, said 'We've gone to great lengths to make sure London Fashion Week is a healthy place for models to work

I gonna go London,anybody wants souvenir?

15-09-2008, 06:06
It's Beyoncé on the beat

by JONATHAN MARTENS - Sunday, September 14, 2008
Pop diva Beyoncé shows her masculine side as she shoots her new video, If I Were A Boy.

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The 27-year-old is seen wearing a police uniform while frisking a criminal on the streets of Harlem in New York.
The r'n'b star's as-yet-untitled new album is said to include suggestive new offerings about gender role reversals
on the beat
in the correct rhythm or tempo: By the end of the number they were all finally playing on the beat
the act of searching someone for concealed weapons or illegal drugs; "he gave the suspect a quick frisk
Finally i find out why boys like to be criminal in early ages

15-09-2008, 06:15
Mother 'took girl's ID to be school cheerleader'

by JOEL TAYLOR - Sunday, September 14, 2008
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Wendy Brown: 'wanted to be a cheerleader'

A mother has been charged with stealing the identity of her 15-year-old daughter - so she could fulfil her dream of being a high school cheerleader.
Wendy Brown got as far as attending practice with the cheerleading squad at a US school without raising suspicions.
The 33-year-old was given her own locker and went to a swimming pool party at the home of the squad's coach.
Her daughter was living 3,200km (2,000 miles) away in Nevada with her grandmother at the time. When questioned by police, Brown said she never had a proper childhood and wanted to regain a part of her life that she missed

Kim Demeny, who works at the school in Green Bay, Wisconsin, said Brown seemed timid and even cried when she talked about moving from a school in Nevada.
She said that while Brown looked older than a student, she behaved like one.
Teachers became suspicious only when Brown turned up for just one day of classes last week. Her cheque for £67 towards her cheerleading uniform also bounced.
She appeared in court charged with identity theft via video link
If convicted, Brown could face six years in prison and a £5,000 fine. She allegedly has a history of ID theft.
Police said the school was given all the correct pupil registration documents.
A spokesman said: 'I don't know how long she could have continued to play the game but she was successful at what she was doing
lacking in self-assurance, courage, or bravery; easily alarmed; timorous; shy
Synonyms fearful, fainthearted

15-09-2008, 06:20
Guitar hero who is just nine years old

by MILES ERWIN - Sunday, September 14, 2008
Most children his age would be happy standing in front of a mirror playing air guitar - but Yannick Koffi is no ordinary nine-year-old.

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The youngster can play the bass so well that he is being hailed as a future rock star.
The pint-sized prodigy's ability to perform complex pieces of music has astounded experts, with electric guitar maker Fender making him one of their youngest endorsees.
Yannick, who looks the part of a rock star with his dreadlocks, plays with two of his father's bands as a bass player and on the keyboards. 'I just pick stuff up really quickly,' he said

His father, Gervais, added: 'He's got the ear - he has a very pure ear. He can hear instantly if a note isn't right. Even with some of the musicians in the band, if they are not in shape he will look at them and say, "What are you doing?"'
Yannick's talents became obvious at the age of ten months when he began singing a traditional Ivory Coast song. By the age of two he had learnt an entire Michael Jackson concert from a video.
A home video shows him singing Billie Jean, strumming a tiny plastic guitar and attempting a moonwalk.
The youngster, who has been dubbed the Mozart of Marrickville, after his home town in New South Wales, Australia, is now off to Japan to film a TV show. He will play in a band with host of other pre-teen prodigal talents in the rock world
a person, esp. a child or young person, having extraordinary talent or ability: a musical prodigy

17-09-2008, 06:04
Lava-ly view for volcano snapper

by JO STEELE - Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The temperature of this lava is more than 1,000˚C (2,000˚F) but the man behind the camera is cool as ice.

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Red hot: Lava pours from Kilauea volcano in Hawaii

Brad Lewis has travelled the world to photograph these extreme forces of nature. Known as the Volcano Man, he gets close to the action without being burnt to a crisp

'If I stay upwind, I can get pretty close,' said the 50-year-old, adding: 'I love being around exploding bubbles of lava for the twisting dynamics of exploding light.'

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But the American from Hawaii insists he's not taking risks.
'If my little voice inside tells me I am in danger, I leave,' he said.
'It is great fun being a volcano photographer but more fun being a father and husband
the molten, fluid rock that issues from a volcano or volcanic vent
Something crisp or easily crumbled: The roast was burned to a crisp
moving or situated toward or in the direction from which the wind is blowing: an upwind leap; the upwind portions of the aircraft

17-09-2008, 06:08
Smallest man meets world's longest legs

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
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Keep your eyes to the front, not up

Here's an image you don't see very often: the world's smallest man standing directly underneath the woman with the longest legs ever.
Svetlana Pankrtova's legs rise a whopping 51.96in while He Ping Ping measures at just 29.37in tall
They met today in London's Trafalgar Square to celebrate the launch of this year's Guinness Book Of Records.
She may not be the world's tallest woman, that record is held by Yao Defen, who stands 7ft 9in.
But she certain has pins to die for and was not afraid to show them off in a daring ocean blue mini dress
what a lovely couple they could be
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17-09-2008, 06:20
A smile in the sky from inverted rainbow

by JO STEELE - Tuesday, September 16, 2008
It's something which always puts a smile on your face - but this upside-down rainbow has a grin all of its own.

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The dazzling vision - or circumzenithal arc to those in the know - is rarely seen outside polar regions.
But freak weather conditions in Cambridge combined to produce this cheerful rainbow.
'I've never seen anything like it before,' said astronomer Dr Jacqueline Mitton, who captured the smile on camera near her home. 'It was just an amazing combination of factors that happened at the right time
Normal rainbows form when light penetrates raindrops and comes out the other side. But these upside-down one are made when it bounces off ice crystals in high-level cirrus clouds, sending rays up towards the Sun.
'The arc is a quarter circle, pointing toward the setting Sun,' said Dr Mitton's husband, Simon, an astronomy writer.
'It is much brighter and more concentrated than a rainfall rainbow.' The couple were surprised to see the phenomenon in the East Anglia sky.
The apparition was made more spectacular by the presence of 'sun dogs' - gleaming spots on a halo around the Sun.
According to Jim Bacon, managing director of Weatherquest, upside- down rainbows are more common than you might think. 'But they are usually obscured by clouds lower down or the cirrus cloud may be too thick to observe it,' he added.
And Dr Mitton, 60, explained: 'The conditions have to be just right - you need the right sort of ice crystals and the sky has to be clear.
'We're not sure how big an area it was visible over, but it was certainly very impressive
with the upper part undermost -
in or into complete disorder; topsy-turvy: The burglars turned the house upside down -

18-09-2008, 17:09
Lion hides from Ike but tiger runs wild

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
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The King of Beasts in the House of God

A lion escaped from the rising floodwaters after Hurricane Ike by seeking sanctuary in a Texas church – but elsewhere a hungry tiger was on the loose.
The lion's owner was trying to drive to safety with the animal when he saw cars and trucks stranded in the rising floodwaters. He knew he and the King of the Jungle were in trouble.
He headed for the church on Bolivar and was met by a group of residents who helped the lion wade inside, where they locked it in a sanctuary as the storm raged

The lion's owner Michael Ray Kujawa said the group got on pretty well in the latter day Noah's Ark.
"When you have to swim, the lion doesn't care about eating nobody," he said.
But Texas authorities trying to clean up after Ike have a new problem on their hands: There's a tiger loose.
A county official said that the animal somehow left its enclosure at an exotic pets centre in Crystal Beach on Bolivar Peninsula, an area that is one of the hardest hit by Ike.
Animal experts are coming in to try to catch the tiger.
Galveston County Judge Jim Yarbrough, the county's top elected official, put it this way: "Turns out there's a tiger, and I understand he's hungry ... so we're staying away from him

18-09-2008, 17:12
Sweethearts reunite after 40-year break

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
A pair of lovers forced apart in the 1960s when they had a baby are getting married - after their daughter reunited them.

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Back together: Christine Orchard and Chester Locke

Christine Orchard was banned from seeing Chester Locke when she told her family she was pregnant at the age of 16.
Mr Locke, who was 23 at the time, was also warned off trying to contact his daughter, Tracey.
The pair led separate lives and went on to marry - and divorce - other people

But Tracey secretly kept in touch with her father and arranged a surprise meeting for her parents when their marriages collapsed.
Despite their years apart, the pair fell in love for the second time and are due to marry at the end of the month.
'It felt very safe going back to someone I already knew. I suppose in a way we were reliving our youth,' said Ms Orchard, 57, of Taunton, Somerset.
Mr Locke, 64, said: 'She's the love of my life and I couldn't be happier. If you'd have told me ten years ago that I'd be marrying Christine after all these years I would never have believed you.'
Mother of three Tracey, 40, added: 'I think it's going to be a new beginning for the whole family

18-09-2008, 17:14
World's oldest man turns 113

Thursday, September 18, 2008
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Veteran: Tomoji Tanabe

The world's oldest man is today celebrating his 113th birthday as he tells reporters that he wants to live for another five years.
Tomoji Tanabe, who was born September 18, 1895, received birthday gifts, flowers and US$1,000 cash from the mayor of his hometown of Miyakonojo, on Japan's southern island of Kyushu.
Tanabe told reporters he wants to live 'another five years or so,' according to city spokesman Akihide Yokoyama. That was a slight downgrade from last year, when he said he wanted to live 'for infinity
The former city land surveyor, who lives with his son and daughter-in-law, is in good health and sticks to the habits that have gotten him this far.
He rises early and reads the newspaper each day, drinks milk every afternoon and eats regular meals. He also avoids alcohol and does not smoke.
On Tuesday, he woke up early in the morning to eat breakfast before walking out to meet the mayor and members of the press at his home, Yokoyama said. The cash gift he received is given annually to the city's oldest resident.
Japan has one of the world's longest life expectancies, nearly 86 years for women and 79 years for men, which is often attributed to the country's healthy diet rich in fish and rice.
The number of Japanese living past 100 has more than doubled in the last six years, reaching a record high of 36,000 people this year. The country's centenarian ranks are dominated by women, who make up 86 percent of the total.
Japan's centenarian population is expected to reach nearly 1 million - the world's largest - by 2050, according to U.N. projections.
The world's oldest person is 115-year-old Edna Parker, who was born on April 20, 1893, and lives in a nursing home in Indiana

19-09-2008, 10:02
Artist whose music is a load of scrap

by JO STEELE - Thursday, September 18, 2008
Most musicians would get irate if you called their work rubbish - but for Joao Ricardo such a comment is, well, music to his ears.

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The 49-year-old makes his instruments from junk and he is able to belt a tune out of anything from golf trolleys and computer keyboards to vacuum cleaners and ironing boards.
Among his creations is an instrument made from a table, which forms the base of a 'harp', and on which a sound is created by old piano hammers striking strings made from strimmer cord

His repertoire has now landed him a dream gig after he was invited to perform alongside the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. The Portuguese artist, who has been working with art students at Great Yarmouth College, Norfolk, is composing a piece for his 'junk orchestra' to perform at Great Yarmouth's Hippodrome next month.
Joao said: 'This is the first time I have had students of this age helping me make them and I have really enjoyed the experience
the list of dramas, operas, parts, pieces, etc., that a company, actor, singer, or the like, is prepared to perform

21-09-2008, 06:07
Mrs Brown gets an eyful

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Forget the credit crunch, just look at the cut of that cloth.
Sarah Brown, wife of the prime minister, was obviously most impressed by what was on view when she attended a London Fashion Week show.

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Tyson Beckford was the so-buff model stripped down to his underpants who caught her eye in the Fashion for Relief show.
But it was singer-turned-presenter Cilla Black who stole the star-studded show, as she sashayed down the catwalk dressed in an Yves St Laurent top hat, shirt and tails and little else.

The event was organised by supermodel Naomi Campbell in aid of the White Ribbon Alliance, which campaigns for safer childbirth in the Third World. Mrs Brown, who is a patron of the charity, said of Wednesday's event: 'This will have a major impact on the lives of many women around the world.'
Girls Aloud's Cheryl Cole, model Erin O'Connor, artist Tracey Emin, Kimberly Stewart and the Sugababes all strutted down the catwalk.
The final day of London Fashion Week today sees collections from designers including Josh Goot, Bora Aksu, Modernist and MAN.
Yesterday, fashionistas were treated to Vivienne Westwood's coveted Red Label as well as designs from the four finalists in the Fashion Fringe competition

21-09-2008, 06:12
No fairytale ending for this Grimm goggle story

by JOEL TAYLOR - Thursday, September 18, 2008
Veteran swimmer Roland Grimm has been banned from his local pool because leisure centre bosses do not like his goggles.

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Roland Grimm: unpopular goggles

He was told by managers that as his goggles covered his eyes and nose and feature non-shatterproof panels they breached health and safety guidelines.
So, despite using the pool for more than 30 years, Mr Grimm has been ordered to ditch the goggles or stay out of the water.
'I've used these goggles in more than 100 different pools in countries including Germany, Spain, France and Portugal and no one else has ever complained or questioned why I am using them,' said the 60-year-old
'I'm very upset because it seems mad. I like to swim every day and this is messing up my whole life,' he added.
Mr Grimm, of Swiss Cottage, north London, said he had started wearing the special brand of eye-wear to stop water going up his nose.
It also features a single eye piece which does not press against his face.
But centre manager Gary Dark insisted the goggles were a potential safety hazard.
'Non-shatterproof panels in enclosed environments can cause facial injury on impact with pool surfaces or other bathers and may pose a further hazard in relation to broken glass remaining on the pool floor,' he said.
The angry swimmer hit back: 'After you've been swimming for 40 years all over the world, you know what works best for you and what's safe

21-09-2008, 06:15
?Will Faldo lead from tears to triumph

Friday, September 19, 2008
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The 37th Ryder Cup starts in Valhalla today and Europe team captain Nick Faldo was reduced to tears after meeting local sporting icon Muhammad Ali.
The European team met boxing great and Louisville-born Ali on the eve of the eagerly anticipated clash against the USA , an experience which Faldo said left him close to tears, adding: 'It was just an incredible moment.'
He will, though, be hoping the US won't have him in tears on Sunday night as his side look to extend their dominance after three successive victories.
Faldo may have made a meal of it but his 'sandwich list' became his real list last night with Padraig Harrington and Robert Karlsson kicking off Europe's bid for a fourth straight Ryder Cup today.
The European captain's pairings leaked out on Wednesday when Faldo was ­pictured holding a piece of paper showing the initials of his players during practice at Valhalla.
This suggested Faldo would start with Sergio Garcia and Lee Westwood in the morning foursomes. But instead Open and US PGA champion Harrington and Karlsson go first with Garcia and Westwood fourth out against Kenny Perry and Jim Furyk.
Confirming his selections last night Faldo, in reference to Irishman Harrington, said: 'It's pretty tough to push a three-time major champion out of his seat.'
Henrik Stenson and Paul Casey are in the second game against Justin Leonard and Hunter Mahan while Justin Rose partners controversial wild-card selection Ian Poulter against Stewart Cink and Chad Campbell

21-09-2008, 06:22
? Britney set for The X Factor

By SOPHIE ROBEHMED - Thursday, September 18, 2008
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? Could Britney be heading for the X Factor

. Britney Spears is reported to be making a comeback visit to Britain to star on The X Factor
If rumours of Britney's return to perform single Womanizer on the show are to be believed, it will be her first visit on British soil since her Onyx Hotel tour more than four years ago
An insider on ITV1 hit told The Sun: 'Everyone is thrilled. To have Britney involved is a massive coup. They expect ratings to go through the roof when her performance airs.'
The news indicates the 26-year-old's continued recovery after she suffered a very public meltdown last year that prevented her from coming here to promote her previous album, Blackout

21-09-2008, 06:25
Tropic Thunder fights a losing battle

(15) Running time: 107min
Larushka Ivan-Zadeh - Thursday, September 18, 2008

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Arrive early for this stupidly expensive action-comedy or you'll miss the best bits: the spoof trailers. From action flick Scorcher IV: Global Meltdown with its Arnie-worthy tagline 'Who left the fridge open?' to an Oscar-winning tale of conflicted monastic passion hilariously titled Satan's Alley, they're spot-on brilliant. Frustratingly, the actual film fails to top them.
Instead it's laughs a-few as pampered A-list stars Tugg Speedman (Ben Stiller doing his usual insecure Zoolander shtick), Kirk Lazarus (Robert Downey Jr controversially blacked up as a Russell Crowe-alike Aussie method actor) and Jeff Portnoy (Jack Black, wasted as a Porky's-style gross-out king) set out to make 'the best Vietnam movie ever made'. Only to find themselves stranded in the jungle without a stylist

With new comedy blood such as producer Judd Apatow (Superbad, Knocked Up) nipping at his heels, you'd have thought director/writer/star Ben Stiller would have upped his game – instead he's just upped the budget. War movie parody here amounts to little more than Stiller repeatedly collapsing, Platoon-style, in front of expensive flames, the main aim being to show off his 'look, no carbs!' biceps. And Robert Downey Jr's uncomfortable, eye-rolling, 'crazy fool' act just isn't funny enough to justify its weak satirical pay-off. Team America this ain't.
You may think I'm being a spoilsport but I'm doing you a favour by lowering your expectations. Get the beers in first and Tom Cruise jive-dancing to T-Pain's Lo in a hairy fat suit may well be the funniest thing you've seen that evening. Otherwise it's a case of wasted talent. A fart in the face of Apocalypse Now that fails to blow you away

22-09-2008, 06:37
Milan Fashion Week gets underway

Sunday, September 21, 2008
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Models take to the catwalk presenting creations of the Emporio Armani ready-to-wear collection Spring-Summer 2009

The catwalk spotlight moved from London to Milan at the weekend as Italy's fashion week got underway.
Emporio Armani ready-to-wear collection Spring-Summer 2009 created a stir with chic boob tube tops and shimmering jackets, staying focused on black unlike some new designers at London Fashion Week who experimented with vivid colour.
One show saw Hollywood actress Juliette Lewis appear to have a real scream as she hit the catwalk for the Miss Bikini Luxe spring/summer collection

Another model received a dirty look as she prepared to pose for Italian fashion house Frankie Morello with mud spattered on her face.
With the debate over skinny models never far away, the show was praised for opening with a plus-size collection by Elena Miro.
A hint of home will be injected today when designer Christopher Bailey shows his work for Burberry Prorsum

22-09-2008, 06:47
Daredevils, aged 74, still swimming with sharks

Sunday, September 21, 2008
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Valerie Taylor, enjoying a risky retirement

For many, retirement means daytime chat shows on the telly and a slowing of the pace of life.
But it is fair to say Ron and Valerie Taylor are not your average OAPs as they celebrate more than 40 years of getting up close and personal with sharks.
The pair, aged 74 and 71, met as members of a spearfishing club in Sydney but decided to stop hunting fish in the 1960s and turned to conservation instead

They began their quest by making a series of ground-breaking films showing life underwater, and are credited with being the first people to film great white sharks without the protection of a cage.

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Valerie Taylor, enjoying a risky retirement

Some of their most famous footage of the creatures, which can grow to more than 6m (20ft), reached an even wider audience when it was used by Steven Spielberg in his 1975 film Jaws.
Their underwater work regularly puts the couple in danger, with Valerie surviving one particularly close call when a shark bit her leg during a dive off the California coast.
'I felt a gentle bump and I looked down and my leg was in quite a large shark's mouth – that was a startling sight,' she said.
Valerie was able to break free after punching the shark in the gills to loosen its grip.
To try to make their job safer, Ron designed a chain mail diving suit.
But, after spending thousands of pounds, he found it was too small for him, so his wife volunteered to be filmed while sharks chewed her arms and legs.
The pair have won dozens of awards and Valerie was made an honorary member of the Order of the Golden Ark in recognition of her conservation work

22-09-2008, 06:50
Diamond this big could be man's best friend too

Sunday, September 21, 2008
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A new diamond has been found in Africa at 478-carat (96g) and is worth tens of millions of pounds

They say diamonds are a girl's best friend but, compared with these massive jewels, other rocks seem like casual acquaintances.
The new 478-carat (96g) diamond is worth tens of millions of pounds, experts say.
In its current state, the gem is the 20th largest rough diamond ever found

'The diamond will go to auction – and then a second auction, once it's cut,' added a spokesman for Gem Diamonds, owner of the mine where the almost flawless diamond was dug up.
Chief executive Clifford Elphick added: 'It will yield a record-breaking stone of the very best colour and clarity.'
Once cut, it is thought the newly mined diamond is capable of producing a 150-carat stone, which would dwarf the 105-carat Koh-i-Noor in the Crown Jewels.
The African mine in Lesotho has already produced three of the world's biggest diamonds.
They include the 603-carat Les­otho Promise the 601-carat Lesotho Brown and the 493-carat Letseng Legacy

22-09-2008, 06:57
Paris's Blink 182 ex in plane crash

Sunday, September 21, 2008
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Blink 182 drummer and DJ caught in plane crash

Celebrity well-wishers have been leading the prayers for Travis Barker, the former Blink-182 drummer and ex-boyfriend of Paris Hilton, and his friend DJ AM after they were injured in a plane crash that left four people dead.
Lindsay Lohan and her DJ girlfriend Samantha Ronson were among the first stars to write messages of support for the pair who are in hospital being treated for burns

Barker, 32, and 35-year-old DJ AM, whose real name is Adam Goldstein, miraculously survived after their private jet crashed on take-off in Columbia, South Carolina.

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Paris and Travis as a couple some time before the crash

Li-Lo, 22, wrote on her MySpace blog: 'Please send your prayers out to Adam Goldstein and Travis Barker – along with the others lost in the plane crash... it's so scary to think that life can end so fast... we must all treasure each and every moment – and be thankful for what we have. 'All my love xoxo.'
Ronson, 31, wrote in her message: 'It's such horrifying news, but I was hoping you guys would please send him your best wishes/prayers because I don't really know what else to do.
'Soooo sad and I'm so sorry.'
Barker starred in the reality TV show Meet the Barkers with his wife and former Miss USA Shanna Moakler.
He filed for divorce in 2006 before his brief fling with Paris Hilton.
Those killed in the crash on Friday night included two members of Barker's entourage, as well as the pilot and co-pilot

23-09-2008, 07:14
Jamie Lynn breastfeeding pic 'goes missing'

Monday, September 22, 2008
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Jamie Lynn and Casey

A missing picture of Jamie Lynn Spears breastfeeding has sparked a pornography investigation by police, it was reported.
Insiders claim the 17-year-old's boyfriend, Casey Aldrige, took the image of his girlfriend feeding their baby Maddie on his digital camera.
He then took his memory card to the local Wal-Mart to be printed but police now think an employee made duplicate copies and has tried to sell them on, breaking prohibited pornography laws because Spears is underage

23-09-2008, 07:18
Beano book to mark 70 years of Menace

Monday, September 22, 2008
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It started with a story about an ostrich being bitten on the bum – now 70 years and 3,452 copies later the official history of The Beano has been written.
The 352-page book gives a complete guide to one of the world's best-loved comics – including the famous troublemaker Dennis the Menace.
The Beano, which also introduced the nation to the Bash Street Kids and Roger the Dodger, first hit the shelves on July 30, 1938

It was an instant hit and at the height of its popularity in the 1950s sold 1.9million copies a week – helped by the arrival of Dennis the Menace in 1951.
A few months after his debut, he was kitted out in his trademark stripey jumper which has survived several attempts to update his image.
One revamp in 1991 saw him kitted out in a trendy tracksuit and headphones but the idea had to be dropped after a public outcry.
Dennis was joined by his sidekick Gnasher in 1968 and since then the pair have been inseparable – apart from six weeks in 1986 when the hound went missing.
Euan Kerr, who edited the Beano for 22 years up to 2006, puts its success down to it anti-authority stance.
'I think there is a real resistance to the overt political correctness creeping into British life and The Beano can hopefully continue to use this to its advantage,' he added.
But the comic's cheeky appeal has not always been appreciated.
Artist Dudley Watkins and editor George Moonie were put on a Nazi hit list after they were accused of showing 'gross disrespect' to Adolf Hitler

23-09-2008, 07:20
Crew cut schoolboys put in isolation

Monday, September 22, 2008
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Snippy school: Max Miller, left, and Kieron Hawkins

Three schoolboys who helped each other cut their own hair extra short have been told they will be taught in isolation because of their crew cuts.
Kieron Hawkins and Max Miller, both 14, and another pupil at Oakmeeds Community College in Burgess Hill, West Sussex, were told the cut was against school rules.
But Kieron's father, Glenn Hawkins, said: 'Having short hair does not affect their education or the way he learns

24-09-2008, 05:05
Rock artist's amazing balancing act

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
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Balancing act: These giant rock sculptures were created by Bill Dan without any trickery, he insists

You probably wouldn't want to challenge Bill Dan to a game of Jenga if your life depended on it, as he claims to be a master at balancing things.
The performance artist insists his skill is genuine but some people believe his work could be fake.
Dan started using rocks around San Francisco's shoreline in 1994 and since then has been wowing the crowds

Films of his work on YouTube have clocked up plenty of hits.
But, if you look at some of the gravity-defying objects, it's not difficult to see why some doubters wonder if he is using glue or delving into computer imagery.
'I had so many negative e-mails from sceptics saying it is computerised art that I got tired of explaining it over and over,' says Dan.

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Artist Dan shows his skills

The artist, who is in his mid-50s, claims he can also balance shoes, cans and even glass objects. He has become so popular, private galleries and event organisers have requested his sculptures.
Explaining how he does it, Dan said: 'I don't picture what the sculpture looks like beforehand, it just forms as I work. It is not difficult to stack two or three rocks upwards.
'Don't worry if you start with large contact points, you can get smaller and smaller as you build your skills.'
Dan said he enjoyed the art because it was 'uniquely beautiful'.
'Based on curiosity alone I could create a piece of beautiful art, unlike any other,' he added.
Andrew Burton, one of Britain's most respected sculptors, said: 'I would just say that this is possible – after all, he would be found out pretty quickly if it were not

24-09-2008, 05:10
Big Bang secrets put on hold

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
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The Large Hadron Collider

We'll have a wait a bit longer for the secrets of the universe – the machine built to do the job is out of action until next spring.
Engineers are investigating a fault in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) near Geneva.
A large amount of helium leaked into the tunnel on Friday, forcing the £3.6 billion particle accelerator to be shut down, less than ten days after the start of the project which scientists hope will unravel the secrets of the first moments of the universe

The European Organisation for Nuclear Research (Cern), which is running the experiment, said an initial investigation suggested a faulty electrical connection between two of the accelerator's magnets could be to blame.
The collider requires temperatures just above absolute zero (-273.15 degrees C) to allow particles to be steered around the circuit.
But as a result of the fault, the temperature of the magnets rose by about 100C.
The affected area of the 27km (16.8 mile) tunnel must be brought up to room temperature to allow engineers to inspect the magnets, and this process will take three or four weeks.
Robert Aymar, director general of Cern, said: "Coming immediately after the very successful start of LHC operation on September 10, this is undoubtedly a psychological blow.
"Nevertheless, the success of the LHC's first operation with beam is testimony to years of painstaking preparation and the skill of the teams involved in building and running Cern's accelerator complex.
"I have no doubt that we will overcome this setback with the same degree of rigour and application."
Cern said the time needed to repair the fault meant there was no chance the accelerator would start up again before the scheduled winter maintenance period, meaning the LHC would not be activated until spring 2009

24-09-2008, 05:13
Revealed: 'Bottle Banksy' comes out of shadows

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Lotta bottle: Etchings of farmyard scenes by Charlotte Hughes-Martin

The identity of a mystery artist who had been delivering amazing artwork to the doorsteps of suburbia has been revealed.
For months, the early-rising talent had been swiping milk bottle empties and returning them etched with stunning pictures of farmyard scenes.
But like guerilla graffiti artist Banksy, nobody knew the identity of the person with a lotta bottle

That is until now. Glass moulder Charlotte Hughes-Martin yesterday claimed she was behind the phenomena.
'What better way to get art to people's doorsteps than by using glass milk bottles,' the 30-year-old said.
'The first time I did it, it felt kind of naughty – like I was doing something a bit weird, not like giving a gift. I guess I got a bit of a thrill.'
Mrs Hughes-Martin's etchings had been the talk of the town in Stourbridge in the West Midlands where she is the artist in residence at the Red House Glass Cone museum.
Before the artist was unmasked Dawn Jones, 81, said: 'I am collecting them for my grandchildren, they are marvellous. I can't wait until I get another one.'
And a 35-year-old who did not wish to be named said: 'My son has been trying to get up early to catch the artist at it. But it's like Santa, you never see him.'
A spokesman for Dairy Crest which delivers in the area said: 'This seems to be a nice idea, so far we haven't had any complaints

24-09-2008, 05:22
Top 500 film list snubs UK movies

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

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Marlon Brando starred in The Godfather

Despite the labours of a stuttering Hugh Grant, a naked Robert Carlyle and a smooth Sean Connery, we only have eyes for US films.
British-based hits, such as Four Weddings And A Funeral, The Full Monty and most of the Bond movies have failed to make the Top 500 greatest films in an Empire magazine poll.
Only horror classic American Werewolf In London (107th) and gangster flick Get Carter (225th) kept the British flag somewhat limply flying

The dismal result emerged after the monthly film bible spoke to British and US fans, critics and directors.
Top came The Godfather, followed by Raiders Of The Lost Ark and The Empire Strikes Back.
The Shawshank Redemption was the top choice with fans, especially British ones, while 2001: A Space Odyssey was the critics' favourite.
But British filmmakers were behind many Top 500 successes, said Dan Jolin, Empire features editor.
'Alfred Hitchcock came out top in a lot of the list and elsewhere you have films such as Blade Runner, directed by Ridley Scott,' he added.
Filmakers, Critics and Moviegoers' Top 10
1. The Godfather (1972)
2. Raiders Of The Lost Ark (1981)
3. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
4. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
5. Jaws (1975)
6. GoodFellas (1990)
7. Apocalypse Now (1979)
8. Singin' In The Rain (1952)
9. Pulp Fiction (1994)
10. Fight Club (1999)

causing gloom or dejection; gloomy; dreary; cheerless; melancholy: dismal weather -
characterized by ineptness or lack of skill, competence, effectiveness, imagination, or interest;
pitiful: Our team played a dismal game

Synonyms 2. hopeless, abysmal, dreadful
Antonyms 1. cheerful; gay

24-09-2008, 05:25
Charlotte heavy with child

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
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A heavily pregnant Charlotte Church was spotted out with daughter Ruby Megan on her first birthday.
The Welsh singer and TV presenter was with partner Gavin Henson. The couple are expecting their second child in January

24-09-2008, 05:27
Scarlett pleads for end to poverty

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
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Celebrities from around the world spell it out as they call for UN leaders meeting in New York to keep Millennium promises and halve world poverty by 2015.
Actresses Scarlett Johansson, Kristin Davis, and ex-Spice Girls singer Mel B (below) have joined the In My Name campaign.

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24-09-2008, 05:38
Posh: I don't want another baby

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
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Victoria and David stronger than ever

After recently revealing that she in fact does eat food and boasting that her perfume range alone is worth £109 million, Victoria Beckham has now quashed rumours that she's desperate to have another child.
"I don't want another baby for two years because I'm working so hard on my fashion business. I haven't got time," she said in an interview with The Sun

But the 34-year-old mother-of-three didn't rule out the possibility of adding another Beckham - especially a little girl - to the family.
"Yes we would like another child but it won't be for a couple of years yet."
It's no surprise that she's pushed for time as she has been busy carving out a career for herself as a top fashion designer.
Victoria received a triumphant result when she recently showcased her new fashion range at New York Fashion Week.
After a failed attempt as a solo singer, Posh may have finally found her calling.
She has thrown herself into her work to continue the successes of her Posh and Becks empires.
She's now in the process of designing her new fashion range and is also about to launch a his-and-hers signature fragrance with David.
But after speculation that her marriage with David is on the rocks she insists that they're stronger now than ever before.
"I love him more now than I did when we first met," she said.
"I know people sometimes don't want to believe that we are happy but we are. And come on, I couldn't put on act. I'm not that good an actress. Have you seen Spiceworld
she is kidding don't believe it
David you are our team hope

27-09-2008, 06:28
J-Lo brings up the rear

Thursday, September 25, 2008

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Jennifer Lopez, 39, shows off her finest asset as she steps on to the runway in Milan to model Dolce and Gabbana's 'off the peg' range for spring/summer 2009

27-09-2008, 06:35
McCartney is a real Tel star

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Sir Paul McCartney salutes the 40,000 people who saw him perform in Tel Aviv last night.
Billing the concert as 'Friendship First' the ex-Beatle said he wanted peace for Israel and Palestine.
Singing Give Peace A Chance, the 66-year-old told fans: 'It's here tonight. You sang it, you want it


27-09-2008, 06:57
? World's tallest man set to spawn world's tallest baby

Friday, September 26, 2008
The world's tallest man is set to become the tallest father in the world after announcing that his wife is pregnant.

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Tall man holds on to small wife with baby on the way

Bao Xishun and his wife Xia Shujuan were snapped holding hands and going for a walk outside of their home in Zunhua China.
Standing at an average 5ft 5inches Xia just about reaches her towering husband's elbow.
This will be Bao's first child since he married 29-year-old Xia in 2007
The herdsman stands at a whopping 7 feet, 9 inches in height.
He lost his title in 2006 to the Ukrainian Leonid Stadnyk but was awarded it again after Stadnyk refused to be measured under this year's Guinness Book Of Records guidelines.
One thing's for sure, there will be great anticipation as to what size the baby will be

27-09-2008, 07:01
Human breast milk 'to be used for ice cream'

Friday, September 26, 2008
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The next time you pick up an ice-cream you could be indulging in the natural goodness of breast milk.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has approached the ice-cream makers Ben& Jerry's to consider using the milk from newly pregnant mothers instead of cows.
This move is aimed at reducing the harm caused to cows and calves as well as of course making ice-cream a more healthy snack

PETA wrote a letter to company founders Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, telling them cow's milk is hazardous and that milking them is cruel.
"We're aware this idea is somewhat absurd, and that putting it into practice is a stretch. At the time same, it's pretty absurd for us to be drinking the milk of cows," said Ashley Byrne, a campaign coordinator for PETA.
But Leon Berthiaume a spokesperson for the company that provides Ben & Jerry's with milk has responded rejecting the idea.
"Milk from cows has long-term health benefits and has been proven to be safe and healthy and an important part of the American diet for generations," he said. "I'm not ready to make that change," He said

I wanna go China to marry a chinese girl
ta ta

27-09-2008, 07:02
Dentist breaks into woman's home to steal her teeth

Thursday, September 25, 2008
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A woman suffered some unwanted tooth extraction

A woman suffered the freak nightmare of mouth surgery after her dentist burst into her home and yanked out her teeth.
The German dentist is now under investigation for assault and theft after performing the surgury because the woman had not paid him.
According to police, the dentist form Bavarian town of Neu-Ulm barged into the womans house, tied her up, forced her mouth open and yanked out the two dental bridges that he had previously put in

The work that he had perviously perfomed on the 35-year-old woman came to £320, but after her company's insurance refused to settle the bill, he took matters into his own hands.
Although he has not been arrested, he could face discipline from both the health insurance company and the dental association.
"The dentist is being investigated for assault for the way he forced open her mouth, and theft for taking the bridges," said Christian Owsinski a police spokesman.
"The woman was in pain when she showed up at the police station

27-09-2008, 07:05
Greedy snake finds toad too tough to swallow

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

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There's a saying about having eyes too big for your stomach. And for this grass snake, it certainly did bite off more than it could chew.
The 1m-long reptile pounced when it came across a fat toad. Only the toad wasn't going down that hole quietly and resolutely stuck its back legs out.
After a ten-minute battle, the resilient toad escaped to live another day when the female snake realised it was too big to swallow and regurgitated it

The shots were taken by a housewife from her kitchen window in the back garden of her home, in Liss, Hampshire. 'It was the kind of thing you would expect to see on a wildlife programme,' she said.
'The toad was probably 4ins long and the snake was definitely taking on quite a challenge – I think it must have realised it wasn't going to make it

27-09-2008, 07:12
Tourist books for Australia, ends up in Canada

Thursday, September 25, 2008
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You'd think she'd get the message on board this plane

Warning: The next time you book your holiday online, check that you're going to the right place and not end up like Monique Rozanes Torres Aguero.
The Argentinean lady planned a nice trip to Sydney, Australia, but ended up in Sydney, Nova Scotia, in Canada.
The mix-up occurred when Monique simply didn't check which country her booking was intended for.

Even when she was travelling to the Canadian province she didn't question why she had to jump on a small propeller plane in Halifax that would take her on the last leg of her journey.
But rather than make a fuss, Torres decided to stay and make the best of her trip. "When things happen, you let them happen," she said through an interpreter.
Apparently this isn't the first time that a would-be-tourist has mistaken the town for Australia

27-09-2008, 07:16
Bomb squad explode hotdogs after terror threat

Thursday, September 25, 2008
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A pack of hotdogs posed such a threat at a stadium in Philadelphia that the whole building had to be evacuated.
Fans enjoying the match at the Citizens Bank Park had to be rushed out during the game when several suspicious packages wrapped tightly in duct tape were found outside of the buildings ticket office.
A bomb squad was called and discovered that the boxes were full of hotdogs.
However, officials didn't want to take any chances, and the hotdogs were detonated

A police official investigating the incident said: "It was clear from when we looked at it at first glance and when you looked at the debris afterwards, there was packaging and duct tape; I don't see many hot dogs sold here with duct tape. We just did what we felt was appropriate

28-09-2008, 00:29
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Beloved actor and humanitarian Paul Newman has died of cancer in his home in Westport, Connecticut. He was 83.
Newman, whose stunning blue eyes and immense capacity for generosity made him one of the most cherished personalities of his era, was an extremely private man and was rumored to have been seriously ill for several months. He had canceled some planned appearances in the summer.
Born in Shaker Heights, Ohio in 1925, Newman first made his mark on the stage and TV but his startling good looks and undeniable presence destined him to appear on the screen. Newman often played troubled characters with streaks of nobility such as “Fast” Eddie Felson in The Hustler, and the eponymous, irrepressible roles of Hud Bannon in Hud and the imprisoned rebel, Cool Hand Luke.
But it was his role as Butch in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, opposite Robert Redford, that thrust him into the realm of super-stardom. He followed it with other classic films including The Sting, The Towering Inferno, Slap Shot, and The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean.
Newman was a star right out of the gate, however, being nominated for an Oscar for his third major role as Brick Pollitt, the drunken husband locked in a loveless marriage with Elizabeth Taylor’s smoldering “Maggie the Cat” in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.
Newman’s real-life relationship was exactly the opposite. He was married to actress Joanne Woodward for 50 years. The two worked together in 1958’s The Long Hot Summer. It was the same year they were wed and that Woodward won an Oscar for her work in 1957’s The Three Faces of Eve.
It was not the end of their professional collaborations. Newman also directed her to another Oscar nomination in Rachel, Rachel (the film picked up four nominations, including Best Picture and Best Adapted Screenplay by their lifelong friend, Stewart Stern). Newman also directed Woodward in The Glass Managerie and starred with her in Mr. & Mrs. Bridge.
Nominated for seven Oscars (including Best Actor nods for Absence of Malice and The Verdict) Newman finally won on his eighth nomination for his reprisal role of Fast Eddie in Martin Scorsese’s The Color of Money (he would be nominated two more times afterwards, for Best Actor in Nobody’s Fool and Best Supporting Actor in Road to Perdition).
But of all the trophies Newman won or was awarded in his life none seem more appropriate than his honorary 1994 Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award. Newman’s charitable giving, from his Hole-in-the-Wall Gang, a camp for seriously ill children or his proceeds from Newman’s Own, are legendary. As was the man. As will be his legacy.
Newman is survived by Woodward, his five daughters and several grandchildren. A son, Scott Newman, died of an accidental drug overdose in 1978.

30-09-2008, 05:38
Potter star joins Paris fashionistas

Monday, September 29, 2008
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Young Harry Potter millionairess Emma Watson was all geared up to spend some of her estimated £10 million fortune as she tottered up to Paris Fashion Week.
The 18 year-old joined a sleuth of famous front-row faces including Dita Von Teese, Lily Allen and Katy Perry at Christian Dior's spring-summer 2009 ready-to-wear collection in the Tuileries Gardens


30-09-2008, 05:42
Beer-loving horse barred from pub

Monday, September 29, 2008
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No horseplay: Beer-loving mare Peggy is banned from pub

A beer-swilling horse has been left with a long face after a landlady barred it from her pub.
Peggy, a mare partial to John Smiths bitter, was a regular at the Alexandra Hotel in Jarrow, South Tyneside.
But when Jackie Gray did the place up she decided Peggy's face just didn't fit

The horse's owner, known as Mr Dolan, 62, says Peggy has been left out in the cold pining for the good old days.
'Everyone saw her as one of the locals,' he said

30-09-2008, 05:45
... Emma does a twirl

Monday, September 29, 2008

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A light-hearted Emma Thompson shows her pole-dancing skills at the premiere of Brideshead Revisited in Chelsea, west London.
The actress, 49, joked she 'doesn't care' if it bombs

are jone ammat

30-09-2008, 05:48
World faces financial meltdown

by FRED ATTEWILL - Monday, September 29, 2008
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Down and out: One trader in New York shows the strain

The world is facing financial meltdown after a £390billion rescue package for US banks was thrown out.
Stock markets were braced for another grim day after Congress rejected plans to buy bad debts in what would have been the biggest bail-out since the Great Depression of 1929.
The surprise decision sent the Dow Jones index tumbling by seven per cent – its biggest one-day fall in history – and left one analyst warning: 'Now, things could get nasty

It also followed a turbulent day in Britain, with £15billion wiped off the value of high street banks' shares and more evidence that the housing market was grinding to a halt.
Last week, George Bush warned of a 'long and painful recession' if the rescue plan was not approved. But Republicans in Congress turned against their president by rejecting the package, which would have cost taxpayers £1,270 each.
The vote meant Mr Bush and his economists would have to go back to the drawing board to come up with a new plan to halt the crisis.
Analyst David Buik said: 'They will have to go back and renegotiate. To have no agreement is a non-option, it is just ridiculous.
'Those who have voted “no” have engaged their backsides rather than their brains.' Gordon Brown said the government had 'sent a message to the White House about the importance of taking decisive action'.
He added: 'The governor of the Bank of England, the chancellor and I will take whatever action necessary to ensure continued stability for Britain.'
Earlier, the City had responded grimly to the nationalisation of Bradford and Bingley bank, which it had been hoped would stabilise the markets. The FTSE plunged 269.7 points to its lowest level since April 2005, wiping £64billion off the value of blue chip stocks.
Experts were predicting that the FTSE could see further drops of 200 points, wiping another £48billion off the stocks, when it opens on Tuesday
Monday's falls were echoed across Europe after the government of Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg stumped up £8.9billion to save banking giant Fortis from collapse

30-09-2008, 05:59
The early bird gets the rabbit

by Fred Attewill - Monday, September 29, 2008
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. Down the hatch: The heron grabs the little rabbit

If you're rather fond of cute furry animals then look away now.
These pictures show how cruel nature can sometimes be as a grey heron snacks on a rabbit.
The bird, which usually eats fish and small animals, was searching for a meal when it spotted the black bunny emerging from a hole.

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After grabbing hold of it by an ear, it drowns it.

Undeterred by its size, the heron swooped down and grabbed its prey by its ears.
Wildlife photographer Ad Sprang captured these dramatic images in Vianen, central Holland, last year

'I was trying to get some nice shots of this grey heron,' said the 56-year-old Dutchman. 'After taking several shots, a little rabbit appeared out of a hole.
'The heron was interested in it and slowly approached the little rabbit. You could feel the tension.'

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The bird, which usually snacks on fish, then gobbles the bunny whole.

Obviously hungry, the adult bird, which averages about 100cm (3ft) in height and has a 1.95m (6ft) wingspan, made its move.
'In a split second, the bird caught the rabbit,' said Sprang. 'I managed to make two photos and the bird flew away with its food in its bill.
'It landed in some water and I quickly turned the car around and took several photos of the rest of the story. I have often seen herons catching prey like mice and fish but catching a rabbit was a surprise,' Sprang added

04-10-2008, 07:08
First pics of Angelina after twin birth

Thursday, October 2, 2008
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Angelina and daughter Shiloh arrive in New York

Angelina Jolie has been snapped for the first time since giving birth to her twins Vivienne and Knox months ago.
The actress pulled herself away from her temporary home in Germany to touch down in New York to promote her new movie The Changeling.
But she did not arrive alone. Along with her came the full Jolie Clan including her two year-old daughter Shiloh.
Looking slightly jet-lagged the actress led the way with Shiloh perched on her hip while Brad catered to the rest of the family.
The Clint Eastwood directed movie was first premièred in Cannes when Angelina was heavily pregnant with her twins.

The Changeling is set in the 1920's about a mother who loses her son.
The boy is later returned to her by the LAPD but she soon discovers that he's not her blood.
And mother-of-six, Angelina isn't taking any chance by keeping her kids very close to her

04-10-2008, 07:10
Britney tries bizarre new 'Bethlehem' look

by ANDREI HARMSWORTH - Friday, October 3, 2008
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Britney Spears looked as though she was tottering off to Bethlehem after donning a biblical head shawl
during her latest publicity rounds.
It seems the pressure of being back in the spotlight is all becoming a little too much for the radiant singer, who is heading back to the charts.
The singer arrived back in LA to be faced with a media scrum after returning from her visit to New York

Meanwhile, her ex-boyfriend says claims that he intends to sell an alleged --- tape they filmed together are false.
British paparazzo Adnan Ghalib was quoted as saying he would sell the two-hour tape, filmed in Mexico, if the price was right.
But now the Brummie says he is so angry about the claims he's planning to sue.
'There is no --- tape. I'm extremely upset and taking legal action,' he said

04-10-2008, 07:12
Madonna on new date with A-Rod?

Friday, October 3, 2008
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Madge out dinner dating?

Madonna has been spotted enjoying dinner with New York Yankee baseballer Alex Rodriguez.
The daring dinner date comes months after both their marriages were rocked by allegations they had been hanging out at her New York apartment together.
According to fellow diners the pair looked 'very close' during at meal at Dos Caminos Third Avenue on Tuesday
However a source close to the singer denies the date ever happened.
The singer was dragged into the sports star's marriage woes after his wife Cynthia accused him of having an 'affair of the heart' with the singer

04-10-2008, 07:16
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Paris Fashion week

Ginger was all the rage at Paris Fashion Week last night as designers turned up to pay homage to the 40th anniversary of the Sonia Rykiel house

04-10-2008, 07:18
Cat eyes up American Millionaire deal

Friday, October 3, 2008
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Cat Deeley eyeing up dollar signs...lots of them

Cat Deeley is set to land a £1million jackpot after being lined up to present the US version of Who
Wants To Be A Millionaire?
The reported offer comes after the British beauty filmed a stint as a guest presenter on the show, with producers so impressed they now plan to sign her up full time, insiders claim

Deeley, 31, who now lives in the US full-time, first won over American audiences as the presenter of Stars In Their Eyes.
Now a source tells the Daily Mirror: 'Cat is the ideal presenter. She's smart, sassy and absolutely gorgeous.'
'She is a real hit with US audiences and has proven her worth on other shows stateside

04-10-2008, 07:21
Jeremy: 'Madonna is a beast'

by ANDREW WILLIAMS - Thursday, October 2, 2008
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Jeremy Piven, 43, won his highest profile role four years ago when he started playing showbiz agent Ari Gold in TV's Entourage, and he scooped an Emmy and a Golden Globe award for his role. After several small TV shows and the occasional big film, such as Black Hawk Down, he can now be seen in RocknRolla. A new series of Entourage is out on DVD.

How did you end up in Guy Ritchie’s film, RocknRolla?
I was in Cannes when I read the script and I just wanted to be a part of the movie, in any way, shape or form. I begged and tried to bribe Guy and, somehow, I made it into the movie.
Why were you so keen to do it?
I just wanted to take the ride and it didn’t disappoint, that’s for sure.
Why do you always take your mum down the red carpet?
I’m just close to my mother. She’s a great, strong woman. She was my acting teacher from the time I was eight, so if there’s something that involves being honoured for acting in any way, it seems appropriate to bring her because she nurtured what I do. I come from a theatre family, so I feel lucky that I get to share my success with them. I’m having the time of my life and I’m very grateful.
Does your mum still give you acting tips?
She does. With Entourage, I fly on my own. I have a pretty good sense of who Ari is and the world he lives in. With other jobs, I’ll call my mom and we’ll talk it over and discuss what I’ll do at the audition.
You’ve been papped canoodling with ladies. Does that put pressure on a relationship?
It’s tough. You have to be conscious about what’s going on because people are documenting you and your private moments for their own profit and gain. It’s worse now than it’s ever been, so you have to kind of readjust to the new reality.

Do you do things differently knowing you’re going to be followed?
It doesn’t matter when I’m working because I’m usually on set by 6.30am, so there isn’t any time to do anything interesting. I wish I had the energy to go out and get crazy.
What do you like about your character in Entourage?
He can be very abrasive but ultimately he is a loyal husband trying to put food on the table for his family, so that justifies a lot. When people meet me, they always comment on how different I am to Ari. I do yoga and like to be calm, peaceful and even-keeled. I look forward to playing roles that are more like me, kind of like the everyman in the middle of the storm.
What is playing someone so different like?
It’s therapeutic for me. I get to come to work and fire people, clear desks, break computers. I recommend it for anyone. It’s great therapy. The Emmy wins must make you proud. I’m really surprised by any nomination or win because I went under the radar for the first 20 years of my professional life. You kind of get used to that. You get totally used to your anonymity. I looked at it like: ‘OK, I’m playing the abrasive best friend again.’ I feel I’ve been capable of the things you’re seeing from me right now for a long time. It’s been an amazing opportunity and it all still feels new.
You’re doing Speed-The-Plow on Broadway. Madonna did it 20 years ago. Did she have any tips?
Ha ha, no. She was very intimidating. She didn’t have to say anything. She was just Madonna. It’s like she was some sort of wild animal – a wild beast walking into the room. It’s like, there she is – it’s Madonna! I actually did speak to David Mamet [the writer] about her and he said he was absolutely blown away by how professional she was in the play. He said she was totally on her game, more so than the rest of the stage actors. I wish I could have seen the production.
What’s your ideal day off?
I’m a lot more boring than you might expect. I like to go outdoors, run around and enjoy the day. That is always incredible to me. Because I grew up in this incredibly cold climate in Chicago, living in California and being able to be outside enjoying nature is still amazing to me

08-10-2008, 06:20
Madonna bans Palin from show

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
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Madonna has thrown her trademark cowboy hat into the US presidential ring by banning US vice presidential hopeful Sarah Palin from her shows.
Madge made her feelings very clear after launching into a stage rant during her 'Sticky & Sweet' tour in New York

Slamming the Republican, the 50-year-old singer told the crowd: 'Sarah Palin can't come to my party. Sarah Palin can't come to my show. It's nothing personal.'
She then taunted the Alaska Governor and her home state with a high-pitched technical screech, saying: 'Here's the sound of Sarah Palin's husband's snowmobile when it won't start.'
Madonna recently came second in Billboard's 100 Hottest Artist of All Time, just behind The Beatles.
But while she may be the most successful female artist of all time, she lost out on the money stakes last year. Beyonce was the highest paid female artist earning £43m against Madonna's £20m

08-10-2008, 06:22
Pilot abseils down billboard for slogan

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
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An Air New Zealand pilot abseils down a billboard in London

Air New Zealand pilot, Peter Clulow, goes beyond the call of duty to abseil down a billboard in London to paint a slogan on it.
The airline's 'kiwi can-do' campaign features genuine cabin crew

08-10-2008, 06:23
Chilling brush with death

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
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Climbers amazingly survived this brush with death

Frozen on camera, this is the moment two climbers scaling an ice waterfall narrowly escaped death when part of the structure collapsed.
Albert Leichtfried, 32, and Markus Bendler, 24, were nearly 100m (300ft) above the ground when the ice snapped off in -10ºC temperatures.
'There was this rumbling and then the giant threw a monstrous load of ice at us,' said Mr Leichtfried, who has 12 years of climbing experience

'An ice roof fell down and crashed to the right of us into thousands of boulders.'
The Austrian pair continued up before abandoning the ascent and escaping to safety over drift ice.
They were scaling notorious ice waterfalls on the island of Hokkaido, Japan, and were snapped by their photographer friend Hermann Erber

08-10-2008, 06:25
War hero turns espionage into art

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
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War hero turned espionage into art during WWI

Brave Len Smith turned espionage into an art form by sneaking into no man's land during World War I to draw the enemy, it has emerged.
In one bizarre mission, the soldier with the 7th London Battalion had to sketch a tree near an enemy HQ which engineers could replicate and hollow out to use as a listening post.
Mr Smith of Bexhill, Sussex, kept his role in war a secret

He died aged 83 in 1974 but he left a diary and his story now lives on in the Pictures And Diary Of A Wartime Artist – an online website run by his great-nephew, Dave Mason

08-10-2008, 06:26
Is this the world's dumbest car thief?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
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Car thief caught by his tattoo

This car thief was jailed for seven months after his tattoo gave him away.
Aaron Evans, 21, was filmed breaking into a police 'honeypot' vehicle in Bristol.
The images showed the ink design on his neck – which included his surname and date of birth

08-10-2008, 06:27
High School Musical hits London

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
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High School Musical hit London and the cast were greeted by thousands

High School Musical three premiere hit London on Tuesday with thousands of fans braving the rain.
Stars Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens were among the co-stars who stepped out onto the red carpet.
The Disney-made movie is an international hit with tweens and is already breaking the box office

08-10-2008, 06:37
Women's voices squeakier when fertile

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
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A woman's voice is squeakier when fertile, studies show

Move over, Mariella Frostrup. A high-pitched voice – not a husky one – may be the key to finding a perfect mate.
Women speak with a squeakier voice when they are at their most fertile – making them more attractive to men, a study has shown.
Their voice pitch goes up as they near the moment of egg release, suggesting --- hormones act on vocal chords in social situations to encourage procreation

The discovery provides further evidence that females give off hidden signals about their fertility which men unknowingly pick up.
'We interpret this finding as evidence of a fertility-related enhancement of femininity,' California University's Dr Greg Bryant said.
Several previous studies have linked fertility to changes in women's traits or behaviour.
Women have been found to dress more flirtatiously when ovulating and give off special body scents to attract men. Research has even suggested lap dancers tend to get bigger tips when most fertile.
For the latest study, volunteers' voices were recorded twice during their menstrual cycle – when fertility was low and near ovulation.
Voice pitch was found to go up as egg release approached but only when they spoke simple sentences.
The rise may be one of many subtle sexually communicative signals, Dr Bryant said in Biology Letters

08-10-2008, 06:38
School’s closed – staff in Spain

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
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School was closed for teachers to go to Barcelona

A headteacher has def­ended closing his school for the day while staff went to Barcelona for a training weekend.
Whitegate End Primary School closed last Friday while 20 teachers visited the Spanish city at a cost of £5,700.
'Barcelona was chosen because the artists Miro and Picasso have been studied in school,' said head teacher Adrian Guy

'And the city exemplifies how to celebrate and embrace culture.'
But local councillor Dave Hibbert said: 'It's a cavalier decision which is going to antagonise people and certainly sends out the wrong message.'
The trip – booked in April – meant the school in Oldham, was closed as part of its four days set aside for training and planning each year.
Mr Guy insisted it was the cheapest option and had the backing of governors and parents' representatives.
He also claimed no one had complained about the trip.
Last week, an excursion to Marbella for up to 80 staff at Edensor Technology College in Longton, Stoke, was cancelled at the last minute and held in the school instead.
The head teacher called off the two-day conference because he said there had been too much media pressure

08-10-2008, 06:40
Ryanair boss: I’d love a recession

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
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RYANAIR boss Michael O’Leary delivered a buoyant economic forecast

RYANAIR boss Michael O'Leary delivered a buoyant economic forecast on Tuesday in the face of the global financial meltdown.
He insisted it was 'good for business' and said his no-frills airline would reap the benefits of the gloom.
'Everyone will be wanting to trade down now,' he said

'We have a great economic outlook, the great thing about flying is that people will never stop.'
Addressing the London Chamber of Commerce, Mr O'Leary said he wanted to double his traffic and profits by 2012.
Meanwhile, since the credit crunch started, the BBC's Robert Peston has seen his celebrity stock rise and rise.

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The BBC’s Robert Peston has seen his celebrity stock rise and rise

He was the first to reveal Northern Rock asked for money from the Bank of England, and the takeover plan of HBOS by Lloyds TSB.
On Tuesday morning, the business editor reported that the heads of RBS, Barclays and Lloyds TSB held crisis talks with Alistair Darling.
The apparent leak caused fury among City traders.
Peston, 48, is now seeing his fame stretch beyond the business pages.
He was tenth in a 'lust' chart in The Observer on Sunday and it is rumoured that he has dyed his hair to maintain its sheen after a recent appearance on Newsnight

08-10-2008, 06:42
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
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Ibuprofen 'cuts risk of breast cancer by fifth'

Taking common painkillers can cut the risk of breast cancer by up to a fifth, a study has found.
Aspirin reduced the danger by 13 per cent, while ibuprofen cut the risk by 21 per cent, a review of 2.7million cases has found.
Both are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) which inhibit two enz­ymes in the body linked to cancer proliferation

Cox 1 and 2 enzymes are thought to affect the creation of blood vessels that feed tumours, tissue invasion by cancer cells, and the responsiveness of our immune system.
'The results are encouraging and may help us better understand the imp­ortance of inflammation in the pathology of the disease,' said Dr Mahyar Etminan from the University of British Columbia, which led the research.
The findings were published in the US Journal of the National Cancer Institute after data from more than 38 studies in five countries were brought together.
However, previous studies looking at whether NSAIDs can protect against breast cancer have produced conflicting results. A 2005 study of 100,000 US women found ibuprofen instead increased breast cancer risks.
But, by combining results from a number of investigations, it is thought a clearer picture has emerged.
Charity Cancer Research UK was optimistic about the findings but warned of the dangers of regularly taking painkillers.
'More research is needed,' said the charity's Dr Jodie Moffat

08-10-2008, 06:47
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
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Icesave bank savers face cash claim

More than 350,000 British customers of internet bank Icesave have been warned they may have to claim compensation for cash held in their savings accounts.
Customers who tried to access their accounts online on Tuesday were greeted with the message: 'We are not currently processing any deposits or withdrawal requests through our Icesave internet accounts.'
British authorities are expecting the bank's parent group in Iceland, Landsbanki, to be made insolvent

The Icelandic government took control of the country's second-biggest bank on Tuesday to keep it afloat.
This would trigger payouts from Britain's and Iceland's saver protection schemes, with the first £15,500 being paid out by the Icelandic compensation scheme and the Financial Services Compensation Scheme topping the remainder up to £50,000.
Any savings over that amount are not guaranteed and savers will have to join the queue with other creditors.
Icelandic prime minister Geir Haarde said the island faced the 'real possibility' of 'national bankruptcy'.
Meanwhile, EU finance ministers agreed on Tuesday to protect deposits in all EU banks up to a value of £38,900 at a meeting in Luxembourg

08-10-2008, 06:49
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
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Fans in the child's room may help reduce cot death

Keeping a fan on while a baby sleeps could dramatically cut the risk of cot death, it has been revealed.
The risk of sudden infant death syndrome was cut by 72 per cent when an electric fan was used in tests.
'Increased movement of air in the room of a sleeping infant may potentially decrease the accumulation of carbon dioxide around the infant's nose and mouth and reduce the risk of rebreathing,' researchers in California told the American Medical Association

About 300 babies a year are victims of cot death in Britain. Its cause remains a mystery but overheating is a known risk factor

08-10-2008, 06:50
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
A Japanese restaurant has taken an unusual approach to employing waiters - they have two trained monkeys who wait on their clientele.

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Yat-chan in action

The Kayabukiya tavern, a sake house just north of Tokyo, employs the two macaques to help out their more traditional human waiters.
The macaques, called Yat-chan and Fuku-chan, are tipped by the cutstomers with boiled soya beans

Yat-chan, aged twelve, is the more experienced of the two - he takes customers' drinks orders and brings them to their table.
Fuku-chan, who is younger, isn't up to taking orders yet, but hands the customers hot towels.

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Yat-chan brings a beer to a customer

Kaoru Otsuka, 63, the owener of the tavern, originally kept the monkeys as pets - but then noticed how they began copying his actions in the restuarant, and so set them to work as waiters.
Otsuka is currently hoping to train three baby monkeys as the next generation of waiters

08-10-2008, 07:01
by ANDREI HARMSWORTH - Monday, October 6, 2008
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Brad and Ange step out in New York. Their first public outing in more than two months

Angelina Jolie has said the birth of her fifth and sixth children has all but put the stoppers on her --- life with Brad Pitt.
Talking for the first time in months since the birth of her twins - Knox and Vivienne - the actress said the couple were 'exhausted'

She told the couple struggle to find time alone without the interruption from one of their six tots.

'Even if we lock our door, the children come knocking.'
'We often try and have a bath alone together at the end of the night and sit and talk, but they hear the water and want to jump in.'
When asks whether the pressures of motherhood have altered her plans for her and boyfriend Brad Pitt to marry, she replied: 'You'll have to ask Brad.'
But the 33-year-old told of the joy her six tots bring her, telling: 'It's so much fun but it's very hard work. The kids are forming beautiful friendships. They're team mates and they're very loving to the babies.'
On her latest two additions, she says: 'The twins are just the sweetest little things. They lay next to each other. They're starting to smile a lot. Knox looks like Brad and Vivienne looks more like me'.
'They are developing interesting personalities. Knox seems more relaxed and Vivienne is more loud', she told the Daily Mirror.
Jolie, speaking at the premiere of her new film Changeling in New York, says her family is what makes her tick but regret her and Brad fame limits what they can do as a family in public.
'I feel so blessed that every day I wake up and I live with my favourite people in the world and my best friend.
"I live with Brad who, more than me, has to deal with fame, so we share that together and we find a way to make it fine and fun. We're grateful for everything we have, but I wish I could just walk down the street with my kids and take them to get an ice cream, like my mom did with me

09-10-2008, 20:02
Beyonce Finally Reveals Details Of Wedding To Jay-Z

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LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- After remaining tight-lipped about her marriage, Beyonce is at last speaking out about her wedding to Jay-Z.
"What Jay and I have is real. It's not about interviews or getting the right photo op. It's real," Beyonce told Essence magazine in its November issue.
VIEW THE PHOTOS: Star Sightings
The singer says she did not want an engagement ring.
"People put too much emphasis on that," she told the mag. "It's just material and it's just silly to me."
According to Essence, the R&B superstar wears a band over a tattoo of the Roman numeral IV, which is significant because both Beyonce and Jay-Z were born on the fourth day of the month and they were married on April 4.
The couple chose to have a small ceremony because Beyonce said she is not a "traditional woman."
"It's been my day so many days already," she added

10-10-2008, 06:20
Thursday, October 9, 2008

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Kimberley Walsh, Sarah Harding, Nicola Roberts, Cheryl Cole and Nadine Coyle pose for their book signing

If you thought Girls Aloud were just a pretty girl group you were wrong, as they have just released their first book 'Dreams That Glitter: Our Story'.
The ladies arrived at a bookstore in central London for their book signing on Thursday, dressed to the nines for the promotion.
Fans camped for hours overnight to see their idols and they were greeted with big smiles and tiny miniskirts
The book features unseen photographs of the group and a look into the lives of Britain's most successful girl band.
The girls say they have poured their hearts into this book and Cheryl opens up about her husband Ashley's cheating, while Sarah has the chance to deny her slapper reputation

10-10-2008, 06:22
Thursday, October 9, 2008

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The atlas features 154 maps and 800 images, over 576 pages

It is the ultimate guide to the world. But, at a weighty 30kg (65lb), this book of maps will need its own suitcase – and send most travellers looking for the excess baggage counter.
Earth – officially the world's biggest atlas – takes up a third of a square metre when closed, and features 154 maps and 800 images, over 576 pages.

It also has descriptions of every country's geography, history and culture
The gigantic tome took more than 20 years to compile and is described by its creator, Gordon Cheers, as 'a time capsule of where we are in the world today'.
With internet and digital mapping, it is being touted as the last of the great atlases to be produced.
Only 3,000 copies of the leather-bound work have been printed and each will cost £2,000 to buy.
Alan Smith, of publisher Global Mapping, said: 'The physical size of the atlas is amazing. The content, including the maps, text and images, is more detailed than any other atlas ever produced

10-10-2008, 06:24
Thursday, October 9, 2008
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Sarah Ayton and Nick Dempsey tie the knot

Gold medal-winning sailor, Sarah Ayton, married her long-term partner on Thursday – seven years after the couple put off wedding plans to train for two Olympic Games.
The 28-year-old was part of the so-called Three Blondes In A Boat team which took gold in the Yngling class at the Beijing Olympics in August.
Sarah and husband Nick Dempsey, an Olympic windsurfer, got engaged in 2001 but put their marriage plans on hold for the 2004 Athens Games and this year's competition

'We decided we had to set a date this year or it wouldn't happen for another four years,' said Sarah.
Her winning crew mates, Pippa Wilson and Sarah Webb, were at the service at Holy Trinity Church in Fleet, near Weymouth, Dorset

10-10-2008, 06:25
Thursday, October 9, 2008

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Ramma Damma, aka Ulli Hopper, decided to get married – to a pineapple
As celebrity weddings go, it's one of the wackiest (and, er, sweetest) you're ever likely to see.
German pop star Ramma Damma, aka Ulli Hopper, decided to get married – to a pineapple.
Picking up his bride for about £8 – he wanted one who wasn't cheap – he drove her across the Scottish border to Gretna Green in a Jaguar covered in green AstroTurf
There he and the pineapple – which he affectionately named Tippi – were wed before returning to his home in Munich.
'We drove through the night – it was a fun away wedding, not a runaway wedding,' he said.
'I loved her. I wanted to marry her. We stayed in Gretna Green Hall Hotel and we were married by a craftsman wearing a kilt.
'We enjoyed meals out. We would go to restaurants and she would enjoy a glass of water over dinner.
'Tippi loved to go to the movies – especially ones about earthquakes – and she would sit on my lap when she got scared.'
Now in case you were wondering why you've never heard of Hopper, this all happened 38 years ago.
But although Tippi has long since departed, the union has borne fruit.
Today, Hopper is known as the Green Rebel in Munich, where he runs the only 'plant sanctuary' in Germany, accommodating 300 indoor plants.
The 65-year-old is almost completely self-sufficient, even making his own stinging nettle spaghetti or brewing plum cider in a 230-litre bin.
'I will defend every plant,' he said. 'They are the wonders of our world – we just to need to listen to them

10-10-2008, 06:27
Thursday, October 9, 2008

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Alan Melhuish spent half an hour reeling in the 102kg (16st) giant
It sounds like a fisherman's tale but an angler has landed one of Europe's biggest catfish.
Alan Melhuish spent half an hour reeling in the 102kg (16st) giant on the River Ebro near Barcelona.
The 61-year-old was nearing the end of a week-long fishing trip when the 2.4m (8ft) long fish took his line 'and raced 40m up river'

Mr Melhuish, from Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, said: 'It fought like a bull. I had to use all my strength to stop myself from being pulled into the river.'

The biggest freshwater fish ever caught in Europe was a catfish in Italy that weighed 110kg (17st

10-10-2008, 06:33
By JESSICA SATHERLEY - Thursday, October 9, 2008
Metro has carefully chosen the best and worst dressed celebs this week to find out who has hit the fashion jack-pot and who has missed.
The High School Musical premiere took London by storm this week and when the film's lead character, Vanessa Hudgens, stepped out onto the red carpet she looked phenomenal in a rock chick chic ensemble.

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Vanessa Hudgens wows fans with her cute rock chick chic outfit

The 19-year-old beauty showed off her tanned figure in a black polka dotted ruffled lace hem Simone mini dress.
To shelter herself from a cold London evening, the star covered up with a black grained leather Catherine Malandrino jacket.
No outfit would be complete without accessorizing and Hudgens paired up her black dress with towering pointy pumps laced with double ankle straps which accentuated her shapely pins.
To add some extra pizzazz to her rocking look, the raven haired senorita draped her fingers with chunky rings, her arm with silver bracelets and her lobes with sparking earrings which scream 'I'm a star'.
No wonder Vanessa is adored by millions with her fresh but sultry look, without looking too overdone, she manages to look cute and ---- at the same time – a perfect combination for a young actress.

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Christina Aguilera looks like she forgot to look in the mirror before leaving the house this week

It wasn't so long ago that Christina Aguilera was also a fresh faced teen like Vanessa, but the 'Dirrty' singer seems to have lost her style status and has turned into a fashion disaster.
Christina seems to have traded places with her rival Britney Spears in the fashion stakes, as Britney makes a remarkable comeback, Aguilera was caught out with unflattering checkered tights that look like one of Britney's old outfits - circa her head shaving days.
The mother of one has tried to match a grey knit hat with the outfit but then throws caution to the wind by flinging a hot pink handbag over her shoulder

Is the blonde star's oversized black jumper trying to disguise some added weight? Or is she just in a frumpy sort of mood?
Whatever her reason is, there is no excuse for those checkered skin tights trousers

10-10-2008, 06:35
Thursday, October 9, 2008
A mouse thrown into a deadly viper's cage as a snack for the snake turned the tables – attacking and killing the serpent.

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The mouse totally flips out on the snake

The mouse was put into the cage by firefighters in Nantoun, Taiwan, after they'd removed the snake from a home in the area. Thinking the viper was probably hungry, the decided to feed the mouse to it.
But the mouse had other ideas.
One firefighter described the scene: 'It attacked the snake continuously, biting and scratching it

The life-and-death battle lasted for half an hour before the mouse emerged triumphant, and the snake emerged dead.
Lan Sengqiu, the firefighter's team leader, speculated: 'Perhaps it used up all its venom when we caught it - but the mouse barely had a scratch on him

10-10-2008, 06:37
Thursday, October 9, 2008

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A Welsh school has banned children from eating Marmite because it contains too much salt.
The yeast extract spread, famous for its slogan "Love it or hate it", has been yanked from Pontrhydfendigaid primary school's breakfast club menu.
Parents have criticised the decision saying anything that encourages children to eat breakfast is a good thing.
They said it was unfair that it had been ditched but that sugary jams and marmalades were still on the menu.
School bosses are sticking by their decision.
A spokesman said it was dropped from the menu because of the high salt content and that the food served at school breakfast clubs are based on Welsh Assembly Government guidelines - and Marmite is not included.
He added that was also not served at breakfast clubs

10-10-2008, 06:43
Thursday, October 9, 2008

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Clara Meadmore, 105, has revealed the secret of her longevity - remaining a virgin

Britain's oldest virgin who celebrates her 105th birthday this weekend has revealed the secret of her longevity - 'no ---'.
Proud Clara Meadmore has never had --- in her life because she has always been "too busy" for intimate relationships and it seemed like "a lot of hassle".
Clara knew she would remain single from the age of twelve and abstained as a young woman to concentrate on earning a living.
Retired secretary Clara said --- meant marriage during her youth in the 1920s and 1930s and she just didn't buy into it

Clara, of Truro, Cornwall, is proud of the fact she remained a virgin.
She said: "People have asked whether I am a homo.se*ual and the answer is no. I have just never been interested in or fancied having ---.
"I imagine there is a lot of hassle involved and I have always been busy doing other things.

"I've never had a boyfriend - I've never been bothered about relationships. When I was a girl you only had --- with your husband and I never married.
"I've always had lots of platonic friendships with men but never felt the need to go further than that or marry.
"I made my mind up at the age of 12 never to marry and I've not gone back on that."
Despite "several" offers of marriage she turned them all down.
Clara said: "I grew up in an era where little girls were to be seen and not heard so I had to learn to stand up for myself and earn my own living.
"Some men don't like that in a woman and before long I was too old to marry anyway."
Instead of boyfriends Clara took up hobbies which she still enjoys including reading, gardening, walking, cooking and listening to Radio 4's Woman's Hour.
Clara will celebrate her 105th birthday this weekend at a party with friends

10-10-2008, 16:28
by ANDREI HARMSWORTH - Friday, October 10, 2008

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Polished Britney returns after here hellish year in 2007 (right)

Britney Spears has spoken for the first time about her umbrella-wielding, head-shaving meltdown asking, 'What the hell was I thinking?'
The comeback queen speaks for the first time in an upcoming 90-minute documentary in which she admits she suffers from ongoing loneliness.
'I sit there and I look back and I'm like, "I'm a smart person. What the hell was I thinking

Holding back tears in the trailer for the show, the 26-year-old says: 'I've been through a lot in the past two or three years, and there's a lot that people don't know.'
'Sometimes I think I get kind of lonely because you don't open the gate up that much, you know I mean?' she said.
In the MTV interview set to air on November 30, just 48 hours before the release of her new album Circus, the mum-of-two says at times she doesn't know how to deal with the attention on her.

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Britney chokes up as she speaks on new documentary

'You're guarded. You have to be that way, so I'm kind of stuck in this place and it's like: How do you deal? And you just cope, and that's what I do. I just cope with it, every day.'
The documentary will feature behind-the-scenes footage of the 'Womanizer' hit-maker, with some of the shots said to be filmed on her recent visit to New York.
Britney: For The Record will also feature footage of the singer talking about the last two years, which have seen her deal with divorce, lose custody of her two baby boys and a battle with substance abuse

10-10-2008, 16:32
Friday, October 10, 2008

A British woman and her 14-year-old daughter have drowned after being swept downstream by a river swollen by floods.
The ministry says the two bodies were found early Friday in a ravine around 50km (30 miles) inland from the eastern coastal city of Valencia.
Police did not immediately provide the names of the 47-year-old woman or her teenage daughter.
Two other women were in the group that tried to cross the River Clariano by foot Thursday but were swept away by the current.
The two other women managed to get out of the river and alert police.
The Valencia region has experienced heavy rains in recent days