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نام تاپيک: مجموعه كتابهاي خانواده C

  1. #11
    اگه نباشه جاش خالی می مونه
    تاريخ عضويت
    Aug 2007
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    عالي بود.
    اگه كتاب ديتل هم بذاري ممنون مي شم.

  2. #12
    آخر فروم باز Mehran NZ's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Sep 2006
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    عالي بود.
    اگه كتاب ديتل هم بذاري ممنون مي شم.
    دوست عزيز كتاب ديتل كه چند تاييش و گذاشتم شما منظورت كدومشون هست؟

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    Last edited by Mehran NZ; 06-12-2007 at 12:55.

  3. 7 کاربر از Mehran NZ بخاطر این مطلب مفید تشکر کرده اند

  4. #13
    آخر فروم باز Mehran NZ's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Sep 2006
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    پيش فرض Symbian OS C++ for Mobile Phones

    This latest edition provides you with the tools to become an effective Symbian OS developer and offers a deep understanding o the fundamental principles upon which Symbian OS is based. The text is also complemented with a suite of examples.
    Symbian OS C++ for Mobile Phones Volume 3 includes:
    *An introduction to Symbian C++, with descriptions of the basic building blocks and usage patters.
    *Examples that are fully compatible with the latest Carbide.++ Symbain IDEs guide the reader through increasingly complex aspects of Symbian C++.
    *The core concepts, resources and programming idioms that you need to create, test and publish a non-trivial GUI (graphical user interface) application.
    *An introduction to some of the most significant Symbian OS system services: extensibility and the use of plug-ins and practical descriptions of the communications, multimedia and database services.
    *Advice on the available range of graphics APIs and help to ensure that your application code is as device-independent as possible.
    As it is targeted at the high-growth area where computers and mobile communications converge, Symbian OS gives you unparalleled opportunities in mass-market, enterprise and system programming.
    If you've programmed in C++ at any level, and wish to develop software for mobile phones, this book is essential.
    Symbian OS C++ for Mobile Phones Volume 3 draws on the experience of Symbian's own engineers to provide you with a thorough grounding in writing C++ applications for mobile phones using the latest version of Symbian OS and beyond.
    برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

  5. این کاربر از Mehran NZ بخاطر این مطلب مفید تشکر کرده است

  6. #14
    اگه نباشه جاش خالی می مونه
    تاريخ عضويت
    Oct 2007
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    خسته نباشی.استفاده کردییم.

  7. #15
    آخر فروم باز Mehran NZ's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Sep 2006
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    پيش فرض Intel Threading Building Blocks: Outfitting C++ for Multi-core Processor Parallelism [ILLUSTRATED]

    خسته نباشی.استفاده کردییم.
    قابل شما رو نداشت استاد

    Multi-core chips from Intel and AMD offer a dramatic boost in speed and responsiveness, and plenty of opportunities for multiprocessing on ordinary desktop computers. But they also present a challenge: More than ever, multithreading is a requirement for good performance. This guide explains how to maximize the benefits of these processors through a portable C++ library that works on Windows, Linux, Macintosh, and Unix systems. With it, you'll learn how to use Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB) effectively for parallel programming -- without having to be a threading expert.
    Written by James Reinders, Chief Evangelist of Intel Software Products, and based on the experience of Intel's developers and customers, this book explains the key tasks in multithreading and how to accomplish them with TBB in a portable and robust manner. With plenty of examples and full reference material, the book lays out common patterns of uses, reveals the gotchas in TBB, and gives important guidelines for choosing among alternatives in order to get the best performance.
    You'll learn how Intel Threading Building Blocks:
    *Enables you to specify tasks instead of threads for better portability, easier programming, more understandable source code, and better performance and scalability in general
    *Focuses on the goal of parallelizing computationally intensive work to deliver high-level solutions
    *Is compatible with other threading packages, and doesn't force you to pick one package for your entire program
    *Emphasizes scalable, data-parallel programming, which allows program performance to increase as you add processors
    *Relies on generic programming, which enables you to write the best possible algorithms with the fewest constraints
    Any C++ programmer who wants to write an application to run on a multi-core system will benefit from this book. TBB is also very approachable for a C programmer or a C++ programmer without much experience with templates. Best of all, you don't need experience with parallel programming or multi-core processors to use this book.
    برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید
    برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید
    Last edited by Mehran NZ; 06-12-2007 at 16:02.

  8. #16
    اگه نباشه جاش خالی می مونه
    تاريخ عضويت
    Aug 2007
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    ديتل براي وي‍ژوال بيسيك كتاب ننوشته؟

  9. #17
    آخر فروم باز Mehran NZ's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Sep 2006
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    پيش فرض Ole Db And Odbc Developer's Guide

    ديتل براي وي‍ژوال بيسيك كتاب ننوشته؟
    برادر فكر كنم اشتباه اومدي اينجا انجمن C هست براي ويژوال بيسيك بخش جداگانه اي داره
    در مورد سوالتون هم نمي دونم والا زياد ويژوال بيسيك كار نكردم فقط كتاب ويژوال بيسيك در 21 روز رو خوندم از بچه هاي همون جا بپرسيد بهتره

    Ole Db And Odbc Developer's Guide
    Starting where most books end, this savvy guide shows you how to hone your Visual C++ 6 data-access skills and develop sophisticated programs with new OLE DB and COM components, as well as the more traditional ODBC technologies. Expert author and instructor Chuck Wood tests, reviews, and documents the Visual C++ 6.0 environment to reveal the latest tricks of the trade -- including coverage of ATL lightweight components, OLE DB providers and consumers, Web database access, OLAP databases, and more. With step-by-step instructions, tips, cautions, and cross-references -- plus tons of code and real-world multi-tier sample apps -- this one-of-a-kind reference is the only tool you'll need to become a world-class Visual C++ Windows and Internet database programmer.

    برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید
    Last edited by Mehran NZ; 06-12-2007 at 23:47.

  10. #18
    اگه نباشه جاش خالی می مونه
    تاريخ عضويت
    Aug 2007
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    درست اومدم. من خودم c كار مي كنم. فقط مي خواستم بدونم ديتل براي اين هم كتاب داره يا نه.

  11. #19
    اگه نباشه جاش خالی می مونه
    تاريخ عضويت
    Oct 2007
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    درست اومدم. من خودم c كار مي كنم. فقط مي خواستم بدونم ديتل براي اين هم كتاب داره يا نه.
    آره یه کتاب نوشته که توی بازار هم هست انتشارات جهان نو ترجمه پاشایی.یه جلد زرد هم داره.

  12. #20
    آخر فروم باز Mehran NZ's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Sep 2006
    پست ها

    پيش فرض Pragmatic Unit Testing in C# with NUnit, 2nd Edition

    Pragmatic Unit Testing in C# with NUnit, 2nd Edition
    The NIST estimates that poor testing costs the US economy $60 billion annually. This book gives teams straightforward and proven ways to introduce unit testing into their process, resulting in higher quality and fewer bugs.
    All over the world, software teams are using unit testing both to verify their code and as a way of helping them design better code. This book is unique in the way it covers two aspects: showing developers both how to test and helping them determine what to test.
    New in the second edition:
    *Updated for NUnit 2.4 (.NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005)
    *More assert methods
    *New String and Collection assertion support
    *Better support for multiple-platform development
    *Higher-level setup and teardown fixtures
    *Whole new chapter on extending NUnit
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