Current Protocols in Pharmacology - Last updated : 2 Jan 2008

Current Protocols in Pharmacology - Last updated: 2 Jan 2008
Publisher: Wiley-Liss | 2008 | 3489 pages | ISBN: 0471251038 | 41 MB

What's New in Current Protocols in Pharmacology
Supplement 38, September 2007

UNIT 5.8 Rodent Models of Depression: Forced Swim and Tail Suspension Behavioral Despair Tests in Rats and Mice (Revised)
UNIT 14.5 Metastatic Model of Colon Carcinoma in Mice: Utility in the Study of Tumor Growth and Progression (New)
UNIT 14.6 Models of Melanoma Metastasis: Using a Transient siRNA-Based Protein Inhibition Strategy in Mice to Validate the Functional Relevance of Pharmacological Agents (New)
UNIT 14.7 Application of Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy Protocols to Pre-Clinical Tumor Models (New)
APPENDIX 3A Assays for Determination of Protein Concentration (Revised)
APPENDIX 3C Purification and Concentration of DNA from Aqueous Solutions (Revised)

Developed by industry experts in the areas of drug discovery and safety pharmacology, Current Protocols in Pharmacology is a "best-practices" collection of lab protocols that can help anyone—from the novice investigator to seasoned pro—design and run successful research projects with maximum efficiency.

Updated every three months in all formats, CPPharm is constantly evolving to keep pace with the very latest discoveries and developments. A year of these quarterly updates is included in the initial CPPharm purchase price. That's 530 pages of new (64%) and revised (36%) content on average every year since the initial publication of the work in June 1998! Presently three volumes in its looseleaf print version, CPPharm...

* covers the full range of molecular, cellular, physiological, and chemical techniques used for the discovery and development of novel therapeutics.
* presents state-of-the-art techniques for high-throughput screening methods, including FLIPR, receptor-binding assays, enzyme assays, and an array of preclinical models of disease.
* offers topical guideline overviews for assessment of drug efficacy and side effect liability, supported with appropriate protocols used by the industry.

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