Best Converter XP is an easy-to-use unit conversion program to convert almost anything to anything else. Nice looking and comfortable interface, over 1000 units conversions, 60 categories, currency conversions with online rate updates, custom units conversions and much more.

To make conversion:
Select the category
Add units to the result pane (you can double click on a unit in units list to transfer it to the result pane)
Select one unit as a source unit (unit to convert "from") (you can right click on the unit in units list and select "Set as source" command or just double click any unit in result pane to do it)
just type any number you want to convert. You will see the result immediately.

Keypad pane

You can type your numbers not only with a keyboard but using the built-in keypad as well, the same one like in calculators.

Currency conversions

With Best Converter you can convert currencies. All conversions here are performed in the same way as unit conversions. The only difference is that you can update all currency rates from European Central Bank automatically. To update currencies you have to right click on Currency category, and in context menu select "Update rates from European Central Bank" command. You can see the date in Currency category name, it is the date of last rates synchronization.

Advanced options

Best Converter allows you to create and add your own custom units for conversions, edit and delete the existing ones. You can create your own category, create your units here and set up their rates.

How it works:
You need to have one "base" unit in category (factor value assigned to 1)
Set up "factor" value in each unit. (means how much you need multiply "base" unit to get the targeted one.
Set up "shift" value in each unit if any. (means how much you need to add to "base" unit (after multiply) to get the targeted one.

Convert everything you want with Best Converter!
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]