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نام تاپيک: English love poems

  1. #61
    تاريخ عضويت
    Jul 2005
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    I thought love was just a mirage of the mind,
    it's an illusion, it's fake, impossible to find.
    But the day I met you, I began to see,
    that love is real, and exists in me.

  2. #62
    تاريخ عضويت
    Jul 2005
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    The Meaning

    To love is to share life together
    to build special plans just for two
    to work side by side
    and then smile with pride
    as one by one, dreams all come true.

    To love is to help and encourage
    with smiles and sincere words of praise
    to take time to share
    to listen and care
    in tender, affectionate ways.

    To love is to have someone special
    one who you can always depend
    to be there through the years
    sharing laughter and tears
    as a partner, a lover, a friend.

    To love is to make special memories
    of moments you love to recall
    of all the good things
    that sharing life brings
    love is the greatest of all.

    I've learned the full meaning
    of sharing and caring
    and having my dreams all come true;
    I've learned the full meaning
    of being in love
    by being and loving with you.

  3. #63
    تاريخ عضويت
    Jul 2005
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    For You Are The One

    For you I would climb
    The highest mountain peak
    Swim the deepest ocean
    Your love I do seek.

    For you I would cross
    The rivers most wide
    Walk the hottest desert sand
    To have you by my side.

    For you are the one
    Who makes me whole
    You've captured my heart
    And touched my soul.

    For you are the one
    That stepped out of my dreams
    Gave me new hope
    Showed me what love means.

    For you alone
    Are my reason to live
    For the compassion you show
    And the care that you give.

    You came into my life
    And made me complete
    Each time I see you
    My heart skips a beat.

    For you define beauty
    In both body and mind
    Your soft, gentle face
    More beauty I'll ne'er find.

    For you are the one
    God sent from above
    The angel I needed
    For whom I do love

  4. #64
    تاريخ عضويت
    Jul 2005
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    Pledge of Love

    I've made a vow, to no one but you
    I pledge my love to forever be true
    I'll take care of you and treat you right
    I'll lay beside you all through the night
    I'll feed you and clothe you and keep you warm
    I'll hug you and kiss you and give shelter in the storm
    I'll help you and guide you and clear a path
    I'll protect you and shield you from an angry man's wrath
    I'll listen to your problems help you solve them too
    I'll make you a rainbow and let the sun shine through
    I'll take your side even if you're wrong
    Just to prove our love is strong
    I'll plant you flowers and make them grow
    They'll be a symbol of love that only we'll know
    I'll whisper your name when no one is near
    So low that only you can hear
    You'll feel my love even if we're apart
    You'll know that we are one in heart

  5. #65
    تاريخ عضويت
    Jul 2005
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    Unlicensed Love

    On a summer's day long, long ago
    I fell in love and I'll never know
    Just what it was that made me feel
    So drawn to her, what the appeal
    That set my pulses so to race
    When e'er I gazed upon that face
    Of one who was scarce but a child
    Yet even then could drive me wild
    I'll never know the how's and why's
    I lost my heart to Hazel Eyes
    But when I got that long sought kiss
    I knew I'd found my Perfect Miss
    My elfin girl from down the lane
    And I'll never let her go again

    For how could I describe our love?
    Romantic love, all hearts and flowers
    No way to count the days and hours
    Spent in self-indulgent wishes
    And thoughts of long awaited kisses
    Of sweet embraces, tender sighs
    And gazing into love filled eyes
    Oh yes, it is that kind of love

    Or, is it yet the love of passion
    The ecstasy that knows no ration
    That shuddering nerve-tingling feeling
    The climax with your senses reeling
    The wondrous joy when you discover
    That sweet surrender to your lover
    Oh yes, it's that kind of love too.

    Or even yet a love that grows
    One that cares and one that knows
    That sees beyond the outer skin
    Into the person deep within
    That loves the spirit and the soul
    The inner self that makes the whole
    Built on trust and empathy
    A love you know was meant to be

    The love we share is all these things
    A love that has no need of rings
    A love you never need to doubt
    A love I cannot live without
    A love to last us all our days
    A love I'll share with you always

  6. #66
    تاريخ عضويت
    Jul 2005
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    Perfection in my Eyes

    All I ever wanted was to be part of your heart,
    And for us to be together, to never be apart.

    No one else in the world can even compare,
    You're perfect and so is this love that we share.

    We have so much more than I ever thought we would,
    I love you more than I ever thought I could.

    I promise to give you all I have to give,
    I'll do anything for you as long as I live.

    In your eyes I see our present, our future and past,
    By the way you look at me I know we will last.

    I hope that one day you'll come to realize,
    How perfect you are when seen through my eyes

  7. #67
    تاريخ عضويت
    Jul 2005
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    Because Of You

    Because of you
    my world is now whole,
    Because of you
    love lives in my soul.
    Because of you
    I have laughter in my eyes,
    Because of you
    I am no longer afraid of good-byes.
    You are my pillar
    my stone of strength,
    With me through all seasons
    and great times of length.
    My love for you is pure
    boundless through space and time,
    it grows stronger everyday
    with the knowledge that you'll always be mine.
    At the altar
    I will joyously say 'I do',
    for I have it all now
    and it's all because of you.

  8. #68
    تاريخ عضويت
    Jul 2005
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    There is a dime a dozen...
    Then there is one in a million...
    But baby, you are once in a lifetime.

  9. #69
    تاريخ عضويت
    Jul 2005
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    A path winding across the horizon
    over mountains, across seas
    through blue skies and gray
    never ceasing, continuous.
    My love for you.

  10. #70
    تاريخ عضويت
    Jul 2005
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    Will you ever?

    I don't think you will
    ever fully understand
    how you've touched my life
    and made me who I am.

    I don't think you could ever know
    just how truly special you are
    that even on the darkest nights
    you are my brightest star.

    I don't think you will ever fully comprehend
    how you've made my dreams come true
    or how you've opened my heart
    to love and the wonders it can do.

    You've allowed me to experience
    something very hard to find
    unconditional love that exists
    in my body, soul, and mind.

    I don't think you could ever feel
    all the love I have to give
    and I'm sure you'll never realize
    you've been my will to live.

    You are an amazing person
    and without you I don't know where I'd be.
    Having you in my life
    completes and fulfills every part of me.

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