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نام تاپيک: Free Association

  1. #51
    آخر فروم باز SCYTHE's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    May 2008
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    formidable paths
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    On the road I chose to tread
    I never wanted to be a romantic dancer or musician improviser or blind tightrope walker...what I wanted to be was to be a passionate hermit, a foreseer a sage who is in the moment...someone with resentful, spiteful eyes who everyone begged for his attention, one omniscient one who is omnipower but also a giver

    In the cold castle of my soul I ruled...seized all my attentions to me,, but still I am arrogantly the proud ruler who is yet inebriated by his fantasies never call for others' heeding
    This nothingness to me is the spoil I will not trade for diamonds! Its fire in my heart is forged into eternity! In this citadel I am ever beholding the pantheon of my inner old grim sovereign warrior

  2. 2 کاربر از SCYTHE بخاطر این مطلب مفید تشکر کرده اند

  3. #52
    آخر فروم باز SCYTHE's Avatar
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    May 2008
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    On the lust for life
    Start each day like it's a sally to achieve unattainables...Make the world a spacious place to be delved & explored each day...Be a man or woman but do not be an ass, look for trouble, do not compromise to an easy life, real life is just about troubles, death is the peace and the last destination so live like you are losing your precious gems which is your opportunities out of your hand....talk or act not by just your head but all your body including your heart must be in harmony and synchronization with it...do not be a pessimist observer but an actor even an active loser is thousand times better than a timid spectator since he at least has tested the water...wake up! and be prepared to plunder the earth to make it your every day troubled paradise

    kudos ahead for hungry sailors

    Last edited by SCYTHE; 22-12-2013 at 00:36.

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  5. #53
    داره خودمونی میشه intellectual2009's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Apr 2009
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    We were both experienced sailors, and I the hungriest in living memory. But, a hungry man would do anything.now I'm fishing in troubled waters and you, like Don Quixote sally the troubled seas in search of adventure...Just be aware of whirlpools

  6. #54
    آخر فروم باز SCYTHE's Avatar
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    wow we are on the same wavelength! Currently I am reading Don Quixote and it's such an immense pleasure to read...there is a list of books on my wishlist but if you will, I am willing to listen to your books expeditions

  7. این کاربر از SCYTHE بخاطر این مطلب مفید تشکر کرده است

  8. #55
    داره خودمونی میشه intellectual2009's Avatar
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    My pleasure
    Nowadays I'm reading the works of Edgar-Allan-Poe & Vladimir Holan selected poems
    I can't begin to describe their beauty!!! For instance, The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe, WoW, a mood of gloom & madness pervades the whole poem, have u read it?

    Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
    Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
    While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
    As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
    "'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door-
    Only this, and nothing more

    How about Vladimir Holan

    In Nothingness
    In nothingness larded like a fat book
    about a lost lyric;
    by an unknown poet,
    we, who sweat instead of weeping,
    we, who say a stone s-weats when it weeps,
    thought today of one who was drowned
    while learning to swim so as not to drown ..•
    Meanwhile the park beyond the window, at other times so
    rubbed its green nose on the sleeve of the wind
    and then looked at it through the eyes of the mistletoe.

  9. این کاربر از intellectual2009 بخاطر این مطلب مفید تشکر کرده است

  10. #56
    آخر فروم باز SCYTHE's Avatar
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    I like your hunger for darkness...I used to read dark lyrics and those you have named seem great, thanks for your introduction

    Nowadays there has been a turmoil in my mind by watching the movie of "The Lawrence of Arabia", that is such a great movie...go and watch it if you haven't already....Also I am going to read the book of "Seven Pillars of Wisdom" written by Lawrence

    you know nowadays I talk less and less...I am fully drifted by the wisdom of Lawrence

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  12. #57
    آخر فروم باز SCYTHE's Avatar
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    May 2008
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    Silence is not the best response to the cruelty of life
    Just floating idly with the stream of life is not the best way to make the best out of it...if it was, the stone was the most coveted gem...Enjoy changing, playing a role, being part of something, someday the sun will shine on your side too, my exhausted friend
    Last edited by SCYTHE; 04-01-2014 at 00:10.

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  14. #58
    آخر فروم باز SCYTHE's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    May 2008
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    formidable paths
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    In the praise of German decaying soldiers in the western front trenches
    They waged war perfectly only were sadly marred by the bad political leadership
    Never will we forget
    Last edited by SCYTHE; 08-01-2014 at 08:58.

  15. #59
    آخر فروم باز SCYTHE's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    May 2008
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    formidable paths
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    On what I have learned so far
    I conjecture now I am at a point in my life I am nearly stalled in my progress, I need to observe, reassess my situation and find a new break through in my life...I require to find some hooks or principals to give my actions, thoughts a congruency...I am inherently strategist, I need plans before action not a improviser
    The first thing is I must avoid overreacting, misjudgments happen to everyone...I have been overly affected by some past mistakes...I must resolve them but not let the events to overrun my thinking...the fact is life is trifle, and the life occurrences are the ornament of this brief small almost nothing...so keep the balance in your life, do not pay unjustly....that's the most important lesson of this life: BALANCEE

  16. این کاربر از SCYTHE بخاطر این مطلب مفید تشکر کرده است

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