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صفحه 2 از 384 اولاول 1234561252102 ... آخرآخر
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نام تاپيک: Translation

  1. #11
    داره خودمونی میشه hamed79's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Apr 2006
    محل سكونت
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    پيش فرض

    Dianella جان يك دنيا ممنونم از لطفتون
    خيلي باحالين
    بازم ممنون
    فقط تاپيكو گم كرده بودم كه الان ديدم اومده اينجا . در هر صورت متشكرم

  2. #12
    حـــــرفـه ای Reza1969's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Feb 2005
    محل سكونت
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    1 ترجمه بخش اول

    نقل قول نوشته شده توسط hamed79
    بچه ها كارم گيره اگه كسي ميتونه سريع بهم كمك كنه لطفا .
    من ترجمه اين متن رو لازم دارم با يه عالمه عجله.
    3 قسمتش كردم اگه هر كدوم از دوستان ميتونست مثلا يك قسمتو بگه و دوستاي ديگه جاهاي ديگشو .
    ببخشين تو رو خدا فقط تا فردا لازم دارم


    As indicated in the text, some of data reported here were not normalized to measures of adiposity and included all 26 of the diabetic subjects compared with controls or all 26 of the diabetic subjects in each treatment group. In this respect the data in Tables 1Go and 2Go did not significantly differ if all 26 subjects, as opposed to 23 or 21, were included.

    Plasma leptin is strongly related to percent body fat and is independent of gender

    Among the combined nonobese and BMI-matched nondiabetic control groups, a strong curvilinear relationship was observed when leptin was plotted against percent body fat that fit well to an exponential curve. Subsequently, we noted strong correlations between log leptin and various measures of adiposity (Fig. 2Go). The strongest occurred when leptin was expressed relative to percent fat (Fig. 2AGo) as opposed to total body fat mass (Fig. 2BGo) or BMI (Fig. 2CGo). The relationship between log leptin and percent body fat appeared independent of gender. The linear curve of leptin vs. percent fat was used to calculate normalized leptin values expressed as percent predicted. This normalized value was calculated as 100 x the unmodified measured leptin concentration divided by the antilog of the predicted log leptin based on the linear relationship shown in Fig. 2AGo. Likewise, leptin values were normalized to total fat and BMI. As shown in Fig. 2DGo, leptin differed by gender when normalized to total fat or BMI. As Rosenbaum et al. (26) reported a strong linear correlation between unmodified plasma leptin concentration and fat mass, we also examined our data in this way and observed a similar strong relationship (Fig. 2EGo) and a difference in leptin/fat mass by gender (Fig. 2FGo).
    ترجمه قسمت اول

    البته لازم مي دونم از ديانلاي عزيز بخاطر ترجمه بخش دوم و اشكان عزيز بخاطر ترجمه بخش سوم صميمانه تشكر كنم.

    همانطور كه در متن اشاره شد، بعضي از اطلاعات گزارش شده در اينجا براي اندازه گيري ميزان چاقي نرماليزه نشدند و شامل همه 26 فرد ديابتي مورد آزمايش در مقايسه با گروه تحت آزمايش يا همه 26 فرد ديابتي مورد آزمايش در گروه تحت معالجه بودند. با توجه به اين مساله، اگر همه 26 فرد مورد آزمايش كه مخالف با 21 و 23 بودند در اينجا شامل مي شدند، باز اطلاعات موجود در جداول 1Go و 2Go فرق زيادي نمي كرد. لپتين پلاسمايي كه شديدا به درصد چربي بدن بستگي دارد هيچ گونه ارتباطي با جنسيت ندارد. در ميان گروههاي تحت آزمايش غير ديابتي و غير چاق مختلط سازگار با بي ام آي، هنگامي كه لپتين در برابر درصد چربي بدن رسم شد كه به صورت يك قوس تصاعدي درآمد، ما متوجه يك ارتباط قوسدار قوي شديم. در نتيجه به ارتباط بين ثبت لپتين و ميزان مختلف چربي پي برديم ( شكل 2Go ). قويترين ارتباط زماني مشاهده گرديد كه لپتين نسبت به درصد چربي ( شكل 2Go ) كه متفاوت از حجم كل چربي بدن (Fig. 2BGo) يا بي ام آي (Fig. 2CGo) است بصورت نسبي ظاهر شد. مشخص شد كه ارتباط بين ثبت لپتين و درصد چربي بدن هيچ گونه رابطه اي با جنسيت ندارد. منحني خطي لپتين در مقايسه با درصد چربي براي محاسبه ارزشهاي لپتين نرماليزه شده كه به عنوان درصد پيش بيني شده ارائه شده بودند مورد استفاده قرار گرفتند. اين ارزش نرماليزه شده اين گونه محاسبه گرديد : 100 ضربدر چگالي لپتين اندازه گيري شده تعديل نشده تقسيم بر پاد لگاريتم لپتين ثبتي پيش بيني شده بر اساس ارتباط خطي موجود در شكل 2Ago. به همين ترتيب، ارزشهاي لپتين به كل چربي و بي ام آي نرماليزه شدند. همانطوريكه در شكل 2DGo مي بينيد، هنگاميكه لپتين به كل چربي يا بي ام آي نرماليزه مي شود با توجه به جنسيت فرق مي كرد. همانطور كه روزنبام و همكارانش (26) ارتباط خطي قوي بين چگالي لپتين پلاسماي تعديل نشده و ميزان چربي را گزارش كردند ، ما نيز اطلاعات خود را به همين ترتيب مورد بررسي قرار داديم و يك ارتباط قوي مشابه ( شكل 2Ego ) و يك اختلاف بين لپتين و ميزان چربي نسبت به جنسيت را مشاهده كرديم (2FGo ).

  3. #13
    داره خودمونی میشه
    تاريخ عضويت
    Mar 2006
    پست ها

    پيش فرض اين يك بيت شعره

    نقل قول نوشته شده توسط Reza1969
    اي عرب بيابانگرد ، مي ترسم به كعبه نرسي زيرا اين راهي كه مي روي به تركستان است. اين بيت از كدام شاعر است؟
    ترسم كه به كعبه نرسي اعرابي كين ره كه تو مي روي به تركستانست

    اين شعر حضرت مولاناست.

  4. #14
    داره خودمونی میشه hamed79's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Apr 2006
    محل سكونت
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    پيش فرض

    بچه ها ممنونم ازتون واقعا لطف كردين
    ashkan جان Dianella عزيز و reza1969 خوبم واقعا ازتون ممنونم
    اميدوارم بتونم جبران كنم .
    يه دنيا ممنونم ازتون
    merciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiii

  5. #15
    آخر فروم باز Ali_p30's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Sep 2005
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    پيش فرض يكي اين متنو ترجمه كنه!!!!



    Dear Winner,

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    علي جان اگه متني براي ترجمه داري ، لطفا اونو تو تاپيك مورد نظر ( يعني اينجا ) پست كن



  6. #16
    آخر فروم باز Ali_p30's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Sep 2005
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    پيش فرض

    خيلي فوريه
    لطفا يه خورده سريعتر

  7. #17
    آخر فروم باز Venus's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Jan 2005
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    پيش فرض

    مفهومه کلی نامرو بهت میگم
    این نامه میگه که شما یکی از 9 برنده خوش شانس بخت ازمایی که در 15 دسامبر انجام شده هستید. تمامی 10نفر ادرساشمون تصدفی برگزیده شدهاز بین 20 میلیون و 2 میلیون یورو برنده شدید و هرچه سریعتر با اقای باری به ایمیلی که دادهشده تماس بگیرید.تا 15 روز بیشتر این نامه مورد قبول نیست. زیر 18 سال حذفن. تغییر ادرس رو اطلاع بدین و ...
    البت به این جور نامه ها زیاد توجه نکن
    موفق باشی

  8. #18
    داره خودمونی میشه hamed79's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Apr 2006
    محل سكونت
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    ************************************************** *********
    ********ديگه نميخواد بچه ها ممنون مشكل رفع شد ******************
    ************************************************** *********

    اگه ممكنه بهم كمك كنين



    In this section, we take two systems to demonstrate the potential
    of the proposed CPFLOW-based algorithm. These two
    numerical examples (5-bus and 7-bus systems) are chosen because
    all load-flow solutions have been calculated in [19] and
    [20]. Therefore, they can serve as good examples for evaluation
    of the proposed algorithm.
    Example 1: The one-line diagram of the 5-bus system with
    line and bus parameters is shown in Fig. 2.
    In this first test example, we select the variations of active
    power of bus 2, and the variations of reactive power of bus 3, 4,
    and bus 5, as continuation parameters at the beginning of each
    trace. We take the flat point as an initial state to find the stable
    equilibrium point. To follow, it is based on the predictor–corrector
    scheme to search for the Type-1 load-flow solutions in
    the direction of increasing load parameters and the direction
    of decreasing load parameters. Four Type-1 load-flow solutions
    found by the proposed method for 5-bus system is shown in
    Table I. The Jacobian eigenvalues of Type-1 solutions for the
    5-bus system are listed in Table II. In Table II, the eigenvalues
    of the power flow Jacobian for the Type-1 load-flow solutions
    are the ones with a single positive real-part eigenvalue, and the
    others are negative real-part eigenvalues.

    Comparing our results with that of [19] and [20], it is clearly
    observed that all searched Type-1 load-flow solutions in the
    5-bus system by the proposed CPFLOW-based algorithm are
    complete. The searching process of the proposed algorithm
    for the 5-bus system is shown in Table III. The sign “ ”
    corresponds to the searching for the Type-1 load-flow solutions
    in the direction of increasing load parameters at the beginning
    of manifold; and the sign “ ” corresponds to the searching for
    the Type-1 load-flow solutions in the direction of decreasing
    load parameters at the beginning of manifold. The number
    of solutions indicates the sequence in which the continuation
    traces performed, i.e. the first traced Type-1 load-flow solution
    is marked 1, the second traced solution is marked 2, etc. For
    example, the P2+ represents a load parameter for variations of
    active power of the bus 2, and search for the Type-1 load-flow
    solution in the increasing direction of load parameter. Similarly,
    the P2- represents searching for the Type-1 load-flow solution
    in the direction of decreasing load parameter, and the searched
    Type-1 load-flow solution is the solution number 1.
    The manifolds of the first two traces for solutions number 1
    for the 5-bus system as plotted in plane are shown in
    Fig. 3(a) and (b). Due to space limit, the other manifolds are not
    shown in this paper.
    Example2: The one-line diagram of the 7-bus system with
    line and bus parameters is shown in Fig. 4.

    In the second test example, we select the variations of active
    power of bus 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and bus 7 at the beginning of each trace.
    The process of searching for the Type-1 load-flow solutions by
    the proposed CPFLOW-based algorithm for 7-bus system is illustrated
    in Table IV. P2, P3, P4, P5, and P6 are load parameters
    which are selected to search for the Type-1 load-flow solutions
    of the 7-bus system. The sign “ ” and “ ” respectively correspond
    to the searching for the Type-1 load-flow solutions in
    the direction of increasing and decreasing load parameters at
    the beginning of manifold. The manifolds of the first two traces
    for solutions number 1 of the 7-bus system that are plotted in
    plane are shown in Fig. 5(a) and (b). Due to space
    limit, the other manifolds are not shown in this paper.
    Two Type-1 load-flow solutions of the 7-bus system are listed
    in Table V. And the Jacobian eigenvalues of Type-1 solutions for
    the 7-bus system are listed in Table VI. The Jacobian eigenvalue
    characteristics of the Type-1 load-flow solutions are the ones
    with a single positive real-part eigenvalue, and the others are
    negative real-part eigenvalues.
    Comparing our results with [19] and [20], it is clearly seen
    that all searched Type-1 load-flow solutions in the 7-bus system
    by the proposed CPFLOW-based algorithm are complete.
    From the simulation results, one has the following observations.
    • The proposed algorithm has the potential to find all the
    Type-1 load-flow solutions by tracing a smaller number
    of manifolds, compared to [19] and [20].
    • The proposed algorithm can avoid the fractal phenomenon.
    • The algorithm only needs to traces 2(N-1) manifolds
    for computing all of the Type-1 load-flow solutions.
    Last edited by hamed79; 22-05-2006 at 01:30.

  9. #19
    اگه نباشه جاش خالی می مونه ashkanbuffon's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Mar 2005
    محل سكونت
    The slums of Tehran
    پست ها

    13 Please form this persian sentence into an english WH question

    Hello everybody
    I've a question that really really cannot be described in english!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!
    I want you to help me troubleshoot this strange problem!!!
    The persian sentence is: جان اف کندی چندمين رئيس جمهور آمريکا بود؟
    Please form this persian sentence into an english WH question.
    I've asked many english professors, instructors and teachers this question but none of them could tell me the answer. I want to know what a native english speaker uses to explain this question.
    Furthermore, I've asked my father this question but he couldn't help me. Remember that my father has lived in the US for many years. He has lived in the states of Texas, New York,.... for many years. He has also travelled many countries of the world 'cause he is a retired flight engineer.
    Please inform me as soon as possible.

  10. #20
    حـــــرفـه ای Marichka's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Sep 2005
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    پيش فرض

    I am not sure excactly but maybe we can say it this way:
    How many presidents did the united states of America have befor John.F.Kennedy.

    or this one:

    How many presidents were on the same position of J.F.K befor him?

    I hope they are correct.
    Anyway that was an interesting question


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