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نام تاپيک: Useful English Sentences Learned from Movies

  1. #61
    پروفشنال minizoro's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Oct 2006
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    hi every one
    thank you my dear friend amir
    this is my 300th post and i want to tell sth
    Archi ; amir do you remember when we were writing a great story?
    now find this sentence in English:
    ياد باد آن روزگاران ياد باد
    there where no lessons at summer and we easily could have memorial times
    ohh god dam this education system of iran
    all your talents & eagers are distroyed just for your socity and your system of ejucation of your country
    thank you every one that listen to my heart notes
    don't you think you'd better having a topic such a this?
    or a topic that we can talk about our selfs?
    about our jobs ideas idealeolojy and any thing else which we may not tell to any body
    who know?

  2. #62
    حـــــرفـه ای mir@'s Avatar
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    Shrek the Third

    1- Onward,To the highest room of the tallest tower...
    پيش به سوي بالاترين اتاق در بلندترين برج

    2- I'm not cut out for this, Fiona.
    من براي اين كار ساخته نشده‌ام فيونا

    3- Somebody better be dying.
    (خطاب به كسي كه سر زده وارد شده) بهتره يكي در حال احتضار باشه

    4- Come here, all of you!Give your daddy a big hug!
    همه‌تون بياين اينجا [بچه ها] بياين بغل بابايي

    5- It's out of my hands, senorita. The winds of fate have blown on my destiny.
    از اختيار من خارجه. دست قضا چنين سرنوشتي رو براي من رقم زده است.

    6- All aboard!
    همه سوار بشن

    7- Time to pack up your toothbrush and jammies.
    وقتشه وسايلتو جمع كني

    8- All of them willing at a moment's notice to lay down their lives out of devotion to you.
    همه منتظر اون لحظه‌اي هستند كه اعلام بشه جونشونو بايد در راه تو در كف اخلاص بذارن

    9- We're heading back to Far Far Away one way or another...
    ما هر جوري شده به فارفاراِوِي بر ميگرديم

    10- You're getting on my last nerve.
    ديگه داري كاسه صبرمو لبريز مي كني

    11- Ladies, let go of your petty complaints.
    خانوما انقدر غر نزنين

    12- Jealous much?
    حسوديت ميشه؟

    13- Have a heart, old man.
    رحم داشته باش پيرمرد

    14- I am a little rusty, so there could be some side effects.
    من كمي فرسوده و پير شدم و لذا ممكنه عوارض جانبي داشته باشه اين كار

    15- Break a leg.
    موفق باشي (معمولاٌ به كسي كه ميخواد بره رو صحنه)

    16- Don't worry. She and the others are safe... for now.
    همه اونا در جاي امني هستند ... البته فعلاً

    17- I needed some fool to replace me. And you fit the bill.
    يه آدم احمق ميخواستم كه جامو بگيره و تو كاملاً مناسب بودي

    18- You really do have a way with children, Shrek.
    تو واقعاً خوب از پس بچه ها بر مياي

    19- No food or beverages in the theater!
    ورود خوردني و آشاميدني به سالن ممنوعه

    20- O to the K. The coast is clear.
    بسيار خوب. همه چيز مرتبه

    21- It's not like it seems.
    اون جوري كه به نظر مياد نيست

    22- Pray for mercy from Puss!
    از پاس طلب رحم و شفقت كن

    23- I'm doomed.
    من محكوم به فنا هستم

    If there's something you really want,or someone you want to be...the only person standingin your way is you

  3. #63
    آخر فروم باز eshghe eskate's Avatar
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    really great dear archy(dear friend i wish u wont be angry with me) & amir plz check movies morenot cartoons

  4. #64
    اگه نباشه جاش خالی می مونه Madame Tussaud's Avatar
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    I like Wallace & Gromit cartoon movie.Wallace has a crazy smile.

    برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید
    My favorit Cartoon movie is Anastasia.

    برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

  5. #65
    حـــــرفـه ای A r c h i's Avatar
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    I like Wallace & Gromit cartoon movie.Wallace has a crazy smile.

    برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید
    My favorit Cartoon movie is Anastasia.

    برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید
    Dear Madam ,(yr name is so long,sorry to use abbr. )
    This topic is " Useful sentences from movies", you can talk about yr favourtite ones in another topic which is [ برای مشاهده لینک ، با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

  6. #66
    حـــــرفـه ای mir@'s Avatar
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    Pride & Prejudice

    1- Have you no compassion for my poor nerves?
    دلت به حال اعصاب ضعيف من نميسوزه؟

    2- Watch your tongue.
    مواظب حرف زدنت باش

    3- How good of you to come.
    چه خوب كرديد اومديد

    4- I'm delighted to make your acquaintance.
    بسيار از آشنايي با شما مشعوف شدم

    5- Count your blessings, Lizzie.
    تو بايد سپاس گزار آنچه داري باشي

    6- When you die, which may be very soon, they will be left without a roof over their head nor a penny to their name..
    وقتي تو به زودي بميري، اونا نه سقفي بالاسرشون خواهد بود نه چيزي به نامشون

    7- Praise the Lord. We are saved!
    الحمدلله رب العالمين خلاص شديم

    8- Make haste, Jane.
    زود باش جين

    9- Tell your sister I long to see her.
    به خواهرت بگو من مشتاق ديدارش هستم

    10- Miss Elizabeth,let us take a turn about the room.
    اليزلبت، بيا يه دوري تو اتاق بزنيم

    11- Once lost, is lost forever.
    گذشته ها گذشته، آب رفته به جوي بازنمي گرده

    12- He may turn us out of the house as soon as he pleases.
    اون هر وقت دلش بخواد ما رو از خونه پرت مي كنه بيرون

    13- Mr Collins, at your service.
    آقاي كالينز هستم در خدمتتون

    14- How happy for you, Mr Collins, to possess the talent for flattering with such delicacy.
    چقدر مايه مسرت هست كه شما ميتونيد به اين قشنگي چاپلوسي بكنيد آقاي كالينز

    15- Oh, believe me, no one would suspect your manners to be rehearsed.
    باور كنيد احدي شك نمي كنه كه حركات شما از قبل تمرين شده باشه

    16- Besides, despite manifold attractions, it is by no means certain another offer of marriage will ever be made to you.
    به علاوه، با وجود جذابيت هاي زياد شما، اصلاٌ معلوم نيست كه ديگه بهتون پيشنهاد ازدواج بشه

    17- The eldest Miss Bennet has captured my special attention.
    دوشيزه بنت بزرگ بيشتر از همه توجه منو جلب كرده

    18- Unfortunately, it is incumbent upon me to hint that the eldest Miss Bennet is very soon to be engaged.
    متاسفانه، بايد به عرضتون برسونم كه دوشيزه بنت بزرگ به زودي نامزد خواهند كرد

    19- Mr Collins is a man who makes you despair at the entire ---.
    آقاي كالينز مردي است كه شما رو از كل جنس مذكر نااميد مي كنه

    20- You must be the shame of the regiment.
    تو بايد مايه ننگ هنگ باشي

    21- You may well be surprised, given our cold greeting this afternoon.
    شما بايد از برخورد سرد امروز ما خيلي متعجب شده باشيد

    22- what is the manner of your disapproval of Mr Darcy?
    چرا با آقاي دارسي مشكل داري؟

    23- Wickham is twice the man Darcy is.
    ويكهام خيلي از دارسي مردتره

    24- I've sworn to loathe him for all eternity.
    من قسم خورده ام كه تا ابد ازش متنفر باشم

    25- That reply will do for present.
    فعلاٌ اين جواب كافيه

    26- Do you talk as a rule while dancing?
    شما معمولاٌ موقع رقص تعيين تكليف مي كنيد؟

    27- And my Jane, marrying so grand, must throw her sisters in the way.
    جين با اين ازدواج عاليش بقيه خواهراش رو هم راه ميندازه

    28- I might solicit a private audience with Miss Elizabeth.
    من درخواست يك گفتگوي خصوصي رو با دوشيزه اليزابت دارم

    29- Sir, I am honoured by your proposal, but I regret that I must decline it.
    من از پيشنهاد شما بسيار مفتخرم ولي با تاسف بسيار بايد ردش كنم

    30- I know ladies don't seek to seem too eager...
    من ميدونم كه خانم ها نميخوان خودشون رو خيلي مشتاق نشون بدن ...

    31- I am not the sort of female to torment a respectable man.
    من از اون خانمهايي نيستم كه بخوام يك آقاي محترم رو آزار بدم

    32- We're all in an uproar!
    ما توي يك بلبشوي عجيب گرفتار هستيم

    33- Ungrateful child!
    بچه نمك نشناس!

    34- Mr Darcy is impatient to see his sister and we are scarcely less eager.
    آقاي دارسي براي ديدن خواهرش بي صبر شده و ما هم همين طور

    35- And you have an affectionate mother who would make the most of it.
    و شما يك مادر مهربان داريد كه بيشترين استفاده رو از اين قضيه خواهد نمود

    36- Oh, hush.

    37- I'm already a burden to my parents.
    من سربار پدر و مادرم هستم

    38- I must confess, the view from where I sit has been rather grey.
    بايد اعتراف كنم افق پيش روي من هم نسبتاً تيره و تاره

    39- As for the favour you ask, it is no favour at all.
    راجع به چيزي كه خواسته بودي و اصلاً زحمتي نيست ...

    40- I would be happy to visit you at your earliest convenience.
    من خيلي خوشحال ميشم ببينمت به محض اينكه تو علاقمند باشي

    41- Welcome to our humble abode.
    به كلبه محقرانه ما خوش آمديد

    42- Lady Catherine's never been averse to the truly humble.
    خانم كاترين هيچ وقت از مورد سادگي و بي تكلفي صميمانه ناراحت نميشوند

    43- Mr Darcy, I had no idea we had the honour.
    آقاي دارسي من واقعاً فكر نمي كردم كه چنين افتخاري بهم دست بده

    44- I trust your family is in good health, Miss Elizabeth?
    اميدوارم خانوده تون در سلامتي كامل به سر ببرند

    45- I'm not afflicted with false modesty, when I say I play poorly.
    وقتي ميگم پيانو زدنم ضعيفه، از روي فروتني و تواضع نيست، واقعا اين طوريه

    46- No excellence can be acquired without constant practice.
    بدون تمرين مستمر هيچ مهارتي به دست نمياد

    47- You'll be in nobody's way in that part of the house.
    در اون قسمت خونه تو مزاحم هيچ كس نخواهي بود

    48- Fitzwilliam, I need you.
    فيتزويليام، بيا كارت دارم

    49- Please, do be seated.
    لطفاً بفرماييد بنشينيد.

    50- I love you. Most ardently.
    من از صميم قلب به شما علاقه دارم

    51- Might I ask why with so little civility I am thus repulsed?
    ميتونم بپرسم چرا با اين بي ادبي داريد من رو از خودتون ميرانيد؟

    52- Your arrogance and conceit, your selfish disdain for the feelings of others made me realise you were the last man in the world I could ever marry.
    تكبر، غرور و رفتار تحقيرآميز شما در مورد احساسات ديگران به من فهماند كه شما آخرين گزينه من براي ازدواج خواهيد بود

    53- Keep up.
    [خطاب به كسي كه از جمعي جا مونده] بيا ديگه

    54- I'm so sorry to intrude.
    من واقعاً متاسفم كه سر زده وارد شدم

    55- They are gone to Lord knows where.
    اونها به جايي رفتن كه فقط خدا ميدونه

    56- Let me catch my breath.
    بذار از راه برسم، بذار نفسم سر جاش بياد

    57- Most extraordinary.
    خيلي عجيبه

    58- I need to speak to Miss Elizabeth Bennet alone. As a matter of urgency.
    من فورا بايد با دوشيزه اليزابت بنت صحبت كنم

    59- You can be at no loss to understand why I am here.
    حتماً متوجه ميشي كه چرا من اينجام

    60- You pretend to be ignorant of it?
    يعني ميخواي بگي از اين قضيه خبر نداري؟

    61- Your sister's elopement resulted in a scandalously patched-up marriage.
    فرار خواهرت از خانه به يك ازدواج فضاحت آميز انجاميد كه ميخواستند باهاش قضيه فرار رو ماستمالي كنند

    62- Heaven and Earth! Are the shades of Pemberley to be thus polluted?
    واقعاً كه! فضاي پمبرلي چقدر آلوده شده

    63- I have never been thus treated in my entire life!
    هرگز در طول عمرم با من چنين رفتاري نشده بود.

    64- Let me be understood.
    بذار روشنت كنم

    65- How can I ever make amends for such behaviour?
    چطور ميتونم اون رفتار رو جبران كنم؟

    66- So I heartily give my consent.
    بنابراين من رضايت قلبي خود را اعلام مي كنم

    67- Send them in. I'm quite at my leisure
    بفرستشون داخل. من وقت كافي دارم

    Last edited by mir@; 09-02-2008 at 19:54.

  7. #67
    حـــــرفـه ای A r c h i's Avatar
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    I loveee this movie , Not only it's a great movies, but also I like the expressions esp this one:
    40- I would be happy to visit you at your earliest convenience.
    من خيلي خوشحال ميشم ببينمت به محض اينكه تو علاقمند باشي
    Old english or British, I like it
    Thanks @mir, you always has a great taste in selecting movies,
    By the way, Long time no see?????Hope to you soon here

  8. #68
    حـــــرفـه ای mir@'s Avatar
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    Hey Dear Azadadeh,

    Thanks for your interest.

    Working hard for making a living does not allow me to spend a lot of time surfing internet and especially this forum as I did before. Life is tough sometimes!!

    By the way, "at your earliest convenience" is my favorite expression too, but it is not old at all. It's quite common, at least in formal English.

    The repeated translation was corrected.

    All the best

  9. #69
    حـــــرفـه ای A r c h i's Avatar
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    Hey Dear Azadadeh,

    Thanks for your interest.

    Working hard for making a living does not allow me to spend a lot of time surfing internet and especially this forum as I did before. Life is tough sometimes!!

    By the way, "at your earliest convenience" is my favorite expression too, but it is not old at all. It's quite common, at least in formal English.

    The repeated translation was corrected.

    All the best

    Yes I know, Life is so tough these days, Just wish you all the best in your job.
    I didn't know that it's a formal expression, I just thought that it can be a British one

    By the way thanks for the prompt reply,
    good luckl

  10. #70
    اگه نباشه جاش خالی می مونه Bret's Avatar
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    پيش فرض Saw 2

    Society would call you an informant, a rat , a snitch
    جامعه به تو مي گه خبرچين ، آدم فروش
    Help you?
    Abbreviation for "can I help you?"
    Here for Daniel Mathew
    اومدم دنبال دانيل متيو
    I'm sorry I didn't have it penciled on my schedule
    متاسفم اينو تو برنامه هام يادداشت نكرده بودم
    This works out great for me , thought
    اگرچه از اين كار خيلي خوشم اومد
    What is it with you?
    چه مرگته؟
    You a tough guy cause you steal now
    حالا كه دزدي كردي خيلي خشن هستي؟
    Spotted people down here , though
    اگرچه چند نفري اين پائين ديده شدن
    Bunch of kids held a rave in the boilerroom about 2 months back
    يه عده از بچه ها دو ماه پيش تو موتورخونه شلوغ كاري مي كردن
    So far , everything matches Jigsaw's pattern
    همه چيز شبيه كاراي جيگساست
    Don't ever pull some shit like that again on me at a crime scene
    ديگه سر يه صحنه جرم اين چرت و پرت هارو بارم نكن
    A bunch of desk errands and shit work
    يه مشت كاغذبازي و كاراي الكي
    Between that I.A breathing down my neck
    گذشته از اينا آي.اي هم رفته رو اعصابم
    I,d say hands are pretty full
    منظورم اينه كه سرم خيلي شلوغه
    Just bust in there and scare the shit out of anyone who happens to be inside
    فقط بپريد تو و هر كي رو كه اون تو هستش بترسونيد
    Just tagging along for ride
    فقط اومدم سواري كنم
    I don't intend to mock you , officer
    نمي خوام مسخره ات كنم ، جناب سروان
    He's the guy who put me away , he set me up
    اين آدم منو بدبخت كرد ، برام پاپوش درست كرد

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