نسخه کامل مشاهده نسخه کامل : مشکل در وعصلل شدن به اینترنت

02-02-2007, 15:31
من هر بار که می خوام وصل بشم به اینترنت وقتی verfying username and password ro minvise بعدش این پیغان رو میده:
Error 619:A connection to the remote computer could not be established, so the port used this connection was closed.For further assistance, click more...

02-02-2007, 22:06
این خطا وقتی اتفاق می افته که یک برنامه از Port استفاده کنه
مثلا برنامه ی فکس یا...

02-02-2007, 23:02
نه من برنامه فکس ندارم
میدونم ربطی نداره ولی باید بگم این مشکل فقط در رابطه با pc من وجود داره و با لپ تاپ دقیقا از همون خط وصل میشم

02-02-2007, 23:45
اگه حوصله داری بخونش . دلایل و راه حل هاشو کامل توضیح داده:

Generally, a 619 error means that the PPTP client on your computer cannot negotiate a connection
with the VPN server. This can happen if the VPN server is on the IT-100 or some other network server designed to provide VPN connections. Unfortunately, there can be multiple causes for a 619 error including the following:

If you are using a software firewall such as the one built into Windows XP or another type of software firewall, it may be configured to block Port 1723. This is the port used by the PPTP protocol.

If you are at home, the router in your broadband device (DSL or Cable) may not allow PPTP VPN pass through.

Your broadband device may require a firmware upgrade if the device is an older model.

Your broadband device may have caused the error as the result of a port scan (any device directly connected to the Internet is scanned all the time).

If you are on a corporate network and trying to use VPN, the network may have a policy set to deliberately block PPTP VPN.

If you are on a corporate network that uses older routers, those routers may not support the TCP/IP GRE protocol (also known as protocol #47) which PPTP requires in order to function.

The Windows Registry (configuration settings) of your computer may have become corrupted.

There are other potential causes including bugs in the DSL elements. Also, there can be an issue with Windows 2000 Active Directory domains that result in this error, but that doesn't apply in this case.


As you may have guessed from reading the above, there can be a wide variety of solutions depending on what is causing the error:

Turn off the software firewall on your PC or laptop and try to establish the connection. If you can, then your firewall is the culprit. You will need to open Port 1723 on the firewall. NOTE: Depending on what type of firewall you have on your computer, this is done in different ways. You will need to get support from the firewall's manufacturer to learn how to open ports.

If you are at home using a broadband device, unplug it for five minutes. Sometimes a port scan from the Internet can cause a malfunction on the device resulting in it letting some traffic through but not others. There may be other errors that occurred on your broadband device that cycling the power will solve.

If you suspect your broadband device may not allow PPTP VPN traffic by design, contact the support team at your ISP or the device's manufacturer to verify this and see if there is a solution.

If your broadband device is older and you suspect the firmware needs to be upgraded, you can go to the manufacturer's website and find the instructions on how to download and install the firmware.

If you are on a corporate network, contact your company's IT department and see if they are either blocking Port 1723 or if their routers do not support TCP/IP GRE protocol. If the port is blocked, they can open it unless there is a company policy preventing this.

Reboot your Windows computer. Sometimes, connection errors (as well as other types) can be corrected by rebooting your machine.

Delete the VPN connection in the Network Connections dialog box on your Windows computer and then re-create it. If the Windows Registry has become corrupted, this should resolve the problem. You may need the assistance of the person who administers the IT-100 (unless it's you) to get specific information about the setup.

For general assistance in creating a VPN connection, see the IT-100 User Guide located on the IT-100's CoreVista Web interface for instructions. You can also go to EmergeCore's support website at [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] then click on HOW TOs and then click on VPN to read the tutorials telling you how to create VPN connections on your computer.

محمد گل
03-02-2007, 00:18
جیگر مشکل شاید ماله سرویس دهی باشه .
بعضی موقع ها با یه Reset درست می شه.