نسخه کامل مشاهده نسخه کامل : کرک AutoPlay Media Studio رو میخوام

17-09-2006, 12:36
دوستان اگه کسی کرکی سراغ داره کمک کنه
اگه یه سریال معتبر هم برای برنامه سراغ دارید بدید

17-09-2006, 12:42
برای این چیزی فعلا نیومده اما ورژن رو با کرک میتونی از اینجا دانلود کنی. فکرم نمیکنم این نسخه با اون نسخه ای که مشا میخواین فرقی داشته باشه !

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

پسورد :

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

17-09-2006, 15:17
فرقش اینه عزیزم

Release History - September 13, 2006

* Feature: Made it so that the "Input Mask Settings" dialog allows longer input masks. Also made it so that input masks can be used when "Multiline" is enabled for the Input object.
* Fix: Fixed a bug where in-use action plugins were being targeted for removal by the Optimize Resources feature.
* Fix: Fixed a bug where the On Select event was not getting fired when selecting items in a Listbox object using actions.
* Fix: Fixed a bug in the design where if you had the Flash player greater than version, an error message would be shown each time you selected a Flash file through AMS.
* Fix: Fixed a bug in the Dialog.SplashFlash action where if you had a Flash player greater than version, the action would fail.
* Fix: Fixed a bug where plugin actions and objects were not showing in the intellisense in the Script Editor pane.
* Fix: Fixed a bug where if the Script Editor pane had focus while you previewed or published your project, any changes you last entered in the pane would not be reflected in the built application.
* Fix: Fixed a crashing bug in the Flash.Load action that would fail if the action was called when the AutoPlay window was not visible (behind other windows).
* Fix: Adjusted the Web Browser object at runtime so that if a javascript:window.close() function was called in the HTML, the webbrowser object window will be recreated but hidden (visible set to false).
* Fix: Fixed a bug where the built-in LUA string functions would not work in the Tree object.
* Fix: Fixed a bug where the File.RunAs() action was incorrectly handling the command line parameter option. Now all command line options will make it through to the launched process.
* Fix: Fixed a bug in the Label.SetText action where if the text contained "\n" such as in a file path, it would cause a newline in the label's text.
* Fix: Fixed a bug where the file count passed to the file and folder delete callbacks would occasionally not count directories properly.
* Fix: Fixed a bug where distributing grouped objects vertically would occasionally produce incorrect results.
* Fix: Fixed an error where the autoproxy feature was not working properly with autorproxy scripts that returned more then one proxy server. This affected all HTTP actions.
* Fix: Fixed a bug where under some rare circumstances, certain fonts would fail to be temporarily registered at runtime.
* Fix: Fixed a bug where Zip actions would occasionally display internal error messages when an error was encountered.
* Fix: Fixed a bug where macros recorded in the Code Editor were not being saved properly across design-time sessions.
* Fix: Fixed a bug where the default "select all" keystroke would occasionally have a second incorrect keystroke.
* Fix: Fixed a bug where in certain rare circumstances objects from previous pages would be left on the screen when jumping from page to page. This would happen with the MediaPlayer plugin object in particular.

شاید برای شما فرقی نداشته باشه
اما برای کسی که با این برنامه به صورت حرفه ای کار میکنه خیلی فرق داره

17-09-2006, 23:32
كسي نبود؟؟؟؟

17-09-2006, 23:35
نیومده عزیز. اگه اومده بود حتما من میزاشتم. این آخرشه که اومده

18-09-2006, 15:05
چه بد شد پس
اگه اومد حتما بزاريد