نسخه کامل مشاهده نسخه کامل : Free Association

25-03-2013, 02:08
Well, you have met someone immensely charming, you want to create a strong bonding with them and suck them into the moment by starting off a conversation but somehow you got butterflies in your stomach and got stuck in the moment and were unable to interact properly and as a result you lose the game.
Sound familiar? If you have felt that in conversation you sometimes “run out of things to say”, here I have a medication for you, to help you talk NON STOP, follow me in this game and I show you how. Plus, not to mention that it also improves your English

This game or exercise which is going to be your savior is called “Free Association”:l
First you start by speaking a sentence, any sentence like this:l
I really like to watch that television show Heroes on Netflix when I get a chance.”

And then the next one begin the next sentence, by plucking a word out of the first previous sentence And riff off into another topic related to the work you picked out, like this:l
Because I mean, what makes a Hero nowadays , it’s not being a superhero in a cape but just being a cool person that makes other people happy… that’s what constitutes a hero to me.
[Note the word “hero” has been selected to create a new statement]

And this process goes on and on, off of each sentence

I don't need to oversell to draw your attention, but if you accompany me through this topic at the end of this journey your eyes will be clouded with tears of joy or gratitude. I can be happily monologue on this topic and carry its burden all by myself but if I can gather a pack of blood-thirsty wolves encircling me then we can go far & wide

Okay, Onward

25-03-2013, 12:13
Have you ever thought you get along better with which kind of people? If you ask me I would say mind free and easy going people are the best. Since when I am with these people I lose the track of time and all my attention is focused on the moment not future nor the past

25-03-2013, 12:31
Now I pluck a word from the last post which is "easy going" and resume the conversation. Also note that try not to deviate the topic of conversation unless you run out of idea. So you see how it's easy to talk on and on without being prepared in advance

The other night I was watching The Fight Club movie and somehow my attention was directed to Brad Pitt who cast in that file as Tyler Durden, he in that movie showed how a charismatic leader can influence so deeply his disciples, but still remain self amused and easy going

25-03-2013, 19:14

Have you ever realized how the life essence changes at nights? It seems when the sky wears the curtain of night the bonds of love gets stronger and in some way the guards people wear during days go off. But to sense this energy you must come to my place where I can show how lovers gather and celebrate their gathering

26-03-2013, 14:35

Have you ever felt an instantaneous love with someone? Like you were there and you were listening intently, it was like a cord of light going from you to them? And as that cord began to glow, with the warmth of that connection maybe you were able to imagine yourself somewhere in the future like maybe six moths from now and still sensing that incredible connection and looking back on today as having the start of it

26-03-2013, 14:44

See, I think it's very funny how some people can just do that and let it happen with instantaneous speed ...like the snap of your fingers...because for me it takes longer. However I do find that during night when you are listening to someone and start to recognize the values and qualities in them that you hold so dearly for yourself...with me that's when you can make that connection and really feel the growing bond

29-03-2013, 11:22

Have you ever found someone who can talk in a way you feel truly relaxed, truly comfortable? It's as if when he speaks the deepest places places inside you begin to come to life, in a way that makes you feel renewed, energized, stimulated and you freedom that makes it easy to allow yourself to truly open to and surrender to your own deepest passions

Antonio Andolini
29-03-2013, 22:43

Have you ever found someone who can talk in a way you feel truly relaxed, truly comfortable? It's as if when he speaks the deepest places places inside you begin to come to life, in a way that makes you feel renewed, energized, stimulated and you freedom that makes it easy to allow yourself to truly open to and surrender to your own deepest passions

I actually didn't get how it is formed but I give it a try:

Yea, but I feel what's more important is your own feeling and background rather than what you hear. I mean the same conversation could be made between two other people and makes no sense, but it could tremble someone else and makes him much more quaked. I mean what's more important is your mood rather than the talk. yea,certainly the way of speaking could be impressive as well but not as much as being a good listener

for example I remember we had a ver long and continuous series of programming contests(almost for 1.5 month we had a very hard contest every week) but one afternoon one of my friends invited me to have some tea with each other and although we had been defeated badly, during and after that meeting I felt all of these tiredness that I've got from those months gone away from me.
we had such meetings a lot, but never felt like that!

29-03-2013, 23:44

I appreciate your comment so I have some feeds for the conversation, what you are trying to put in very soundly is called Rapport my friend as I am sure you have felt it many times. You know how I picture it my mind? Imagine you and a close friend of you are walking side by side along beach maybe, as the wind whips in your face and everything blurs, you find yourself in this incredible sense of understanding stirring inside you, the kind of passion that let you feel a sense of balance as if your bodies are melting into each other and you are acquiring a sense of centeredness, have you ever felt like that? ....You know it gives you a sense of serenity which breaks some really hard lock in very deep layers of your body and it reminds you of the things and connect you to the things that are really important and meaningful

30-03-2013, 00:19
You know I have a deep and profound respect for people who are in touch with their real feelings, they are rare and wonderful specimen, I believe you must be aware of your senses and be able to summon them and share them at your will...You must find a way to break the spells that lock your feelings...Find ways to bring those vivid and colorful emotions to the surface of your attention, and then you will start to see how dramatically your perception from the things around you will change...What I am doing here is to take you to a spiritual journeys to the deep layers of your soul...for that you need to put at rest your analysing mind and start to visualize the words deeply in your mind

01-04-2013, 23:56
Well let me talk about the elusive obvious, many lands I have stepped and many people I have known, but not greater than this despotic monster could come across your way. Albeit sleeping is this monster on his dark throne with 69 eyes closed and fuming nostrils, once you awake him, with a quacking shriek he will toss you far far away, miles and miles away from rabbles. Only sublime ones know how far you can go, somewhere near to formidable pinnacles where eagles nest. Thus if your glowing eyes are yearning for high attitudes your quest has just triggered. I begged for a hint from a saint and he whispered close in my ear "the route to his lair starts with faith" l

02-04-2013, 21:43

My brothers, I beseech you, there is a sad myth that is born with every soul and that is life is unfair...But you have to bury it right now...if you want to progress in your life, you have to put in mental effort and your effort must be directed in a right direction, you need to use your head for that...these are obvious facts but these subtle facts separate winners from losers...just overcome your suffering self, being negative is the cult of losers and immerse yourself into positivity and ambition and you will be born anew

04-04-2013, 01:34
you know this place has changed to where I post my daily nagging, and that's cool
Have you ever felt that deep down your skin you have a mission in your life and you need to fulfill it otherwise you will remain restless? I sometime feel empty at my core because I don't know for sure what is my most important virtue? Is it to live like a hermit and spend time and learning? Or is it to be a social savvy person and acting seemingly to attract people? I know you need a cocktail of qualities to feel satisfied but when I think about it through my biological lenses, they say that your value is equal to your mating opportunity, this is the only thing my selfish genes want...Otherwise practically my ship of life will never reach to its safe haven...Although it's true, it's not congruent with my philosophy of life, it's not aligned with my current life, to be honest I hate girls' spirit and interaction with them, since everything in this ground is fake, the smiles, conversation etc. It really makes me sick to my stomach when I live with a mask to please someone...I don't know why but I am restless these nights, like a ship which is swaying in the storm, I wander aimlessly

05-04-2013, 01:26
Suddenly life has a new meaning
Has it ever happened to you when your head is busy involving thinking about a matter,suddenly your attention is drawn to a piece of music, so calm so relaxing you have never listened before and it seems to you as though this music encompasses all the beauty of life? The other night while I was watching this movie-Ghajini- suddenly I felt some sweet melodies have penetrated deep down in my soul, to the depths within my soul that so far had remained untouched, meanwhile I got completely mute and I found my heart free to let my eyes tears drop down and fall onto my chest...As the music went on it took me deep into a trance and I heeded nothing more and remained detached, and let the flow of music float all through me as I was feeling all renewed and restored. Now that I am listening to it I can say with conviction this is something I can listen to it for a life and die for it and let it be played it during my funeral ceremony for it entails all life fragrance

19-04-2013, 01:36
I was thinking what makes a man, man? You know when you look through the eyes of guys you see, you can judge intuitively about them and be able to say that if you consider them somebodies or not. What I want to say is that some people believe in themselves, respect themselves and their words and whenever they commit themselves to do something they bravely go till the end of line to deliver their promises and they never settle for something lower, in other words they have standards for themselves and never go for reconciliation even if they have to pay a hefty price for that...Here I have to confess that I lack this quality and it is my earnest desire to acquire it and here I want to promise myself to be a man who respect his words, values and desires and fight with courage for them
This is a night I will remember it and it's a high time for me to grow up

09-05-2013, 22:12
Have a passion in your life
I don't blame you if you have multiple passions but if you don't have any, honestly shoot yourself out of window because you're a living dead. PERIOD

Right now write down your dreams that you always had them in your head but you were damn timid to follow them, no matter if you feel like a creep when you step into action to pursue them, it's far better than you die and feel like a loser...for example I always liked to be a good swimmer but my fear from water always let me down and as I got older the fear that I may sound like a fool in the pool who is trying to learn swimming haunted me...but I decided to overcome my unjustified fears and listen to the sound of the hidden desires...and guess what? I am trying to learn it and it seems to me as though I was reborn a new...Try to be honest with yourself and be brave to fulfill your needs...Don't be a walking dead

09-05-2013, 22:36
Be a REBEL, EDGY but dont be a humble obedient dog
Forget about the social norms that has made a timid obedient creature out of you. As a man you are born with the instinct to break the rules, standards or whatever. Think about Edison, Einstein and some successful guys around you that are your boss, what they have in common? You may say they are talented, but next to that they believe in themselves that in their life they have a mission, they were born to change, to impress, to think the unthinkable, to do the impossible...that must be your mindset otherwise you should keep your head down out of shame cause you are a waste, your life is a mistake, at the best the meaning of your life is to serve the others, you are the stepping stone...Listen carefully to this: While I am seeing your eyes, your eyes must show that you are a determined soul that is looking for a solution...Your eyes never should show an empty or lost soul...Try to understand this fact though it's full of pain: How many days do you feel the average man lives? In fact it's only 28000 days, you don't live that long and you need to move your sluggish body...My friends, Never live in the safe side of your soul and challenge everyone you are having interaction with...Think think think, and then step into action
Blessed Be

14-06-2013, 22:15
My Last Advice
I lived my life as a coward, I closed/slammed the doors of opportunities to myself/my face, I even did the same with the windows, no matter when they were fully opened or ajar..There is a river of sadness in my eyes
So learn from me, and by that I don't mean that live like a wimp! But do the opposite, accept all your vulnerabilities, no matter if you are dumb, short, ugly, poor or whatever, do not let these limiting beliefs limit you... Be bold, aggressive, assertive, courageous, be everything but don't be a reserved chump...since you lose all the opportunities, also don't forget to be human please

Always think you are living the last days of your life, because when you feel that your opportunities are scarce or sparse you will automatically motivated/energized...think of these through my friends...Do not waste your times and opportunities, do not live like a nobody, believe in thyself as an important, worth respect human...Respect yourself more than everything, this is what your eyes will tell on you when you look at the mirror, try to get the best version of yourself, find your boundaries and live at your edge, do not live in your comfort zone, always say to yourself "today I am going to try a wild experience and I FEAR NOT!" Live like a thirsty lion which fights for survival not like a tamed imprisoned dog that has nothing to do but yawning

Find your wild side

26-06-2013, 21:29
Too much is always better than not enough....I plea you my brothers think of it...I am sure you have heard the story of the running race between a rabbit and turtle, although it doesn't bear a direct analogy between what I am going to say, what is obvious is that crossing the lines is better than not reaching it...giving you another example, two guys see a girl, one is hesitant and never dare to try his chance but the other one step in and act like a fool and thus ruins his chance...if this opportunity happens 100 times and you look at statistically, the first one lose all his chances but the latter have some chances...so I guess you have got my point, don't leave any stone unturned and use 100% of your chances

06-07-2013, 09:33
On Being A MAN
This is a way most men flutter...what does make a man, A MAN? Is it about your physical sizes? No, It's about making a dicision and following with conviction it till the end...Real men don't tread on the land where butter and honey flows! They walk on hard scary roads, not affected with the outcomes or whatever...P.s. I have changed this place to where I comfort my shattered heart by saying hard things to myself, the sore in my heart is as never before....I wish I could pour out the river uncried in me and find my marooned shore there

06-07-2013, 09:41
On Seeking Your Lover
Never change your attitudes or ideas to comply with the woman’s interests, reason being your value will be reduced dramatically if she realizes that you lied to win her over…stay firm to your beliefs and don’t change it to win someone’s approval even if you lose her because of that…be a man, not a needy liar

Do not try to impress her, a man who is attractive enough don’t need to act like a clown to win someone’s attention…a great man lives in his own reality and do it for his own

A great man has soft heart and a hard mind & body… Be witty but also be tough and your body language must reflect it

10-07-2013, 22:54
On the toughest road
The road is not beaten or crowded but when threaded it must be passed with steps which hit the ground heavily..The road is honesty, the only way to melt someone's heart or to feel genuine confidence, other roads go awry, tried a lot and proved failure each time...Open up your heart, show your prides, vulnerabilities to let others build the vibe with you (because no body is perfect and people love to see creatures similar to them to build rapport)... you will get a magnet if you show your brutal honesty...be courageous to try it once and you will repeat it zillion times

13-07-2013, 22:35
On Being in the Moment

15-07-2013, 08:09
On the Most Precious Realization: Self-Esteem
You must accept everything about yourself, you are simply a fact of life, you had no control over your existance, YOU CANNOT be ashamed of your eye color, your family, your upbringing, your iq, your look because you had zero power over it nor you should think others are better than you because they were more fortunate. Live your life, do not think about things that are out of your hand...Do your best, be relaxed, life is as short as a summer slumber, soon you will be wiped out of existance...I beg you my brothers to understand this elusive obvious fact

22-11-2013, 22:11
On the greatest sadness
How pitiful is human who is still harnessed more by his lust than his wisdom..I wish I could subdue my frigging selfish genes' whims in the act of choosing my soul mate but it was a losing battle, the more I persisted the more drained I got...now I hate myself more than any moment as I lost a precious rare diamond and I also feel abased...I want to bleed, eternal bleed...we are human, too human

Zero Hour
23-11-2013, 09:59
On the greatest sadness
How pitiful is human who is still harnessed more by his lust than his wisdom..I wish I could subdue my frigging selfish genes' whims in the act of choosing my soul mate but it was a losing battle, the more I persisted the more drained I got...now I hate myself more than any moment as I lost a precious rare diamond and I also feel abased...I want to bleed, eternal bleed...we are human, too human


I bleed for you, a hungry human
Why are you trying to harness your tremendous energy, your LUST
As they say: love brings peace, lust is a violent storm
My grandfather always said:" My little son, war is in fact a kind of peace"1
So, why sholud one love peace
It's just a flimsy port
Which can't abide violent storms
really, a heavy burden to bear
To subdue your unruly desires, just try to appreciate your lust

It's not a cut diamond
It's not a whim like women's whim-whams
It's a diamond in the rough
A valuable gem

Yes, we all are human
With the lust for money
With a lust for power
We just try to gratify our lusts
Not to curb them
Because we can't forget the past
the whims of fate

(Your lust diamond will return to u, dont worry)

23-11-2013, 23:04
Lust comes from the cruelty of soul, I hate to see my soul, gaunt and ghastly, oh no, I considered myself as an enlightened, at least I used to fake it ....What I know about myself is that I am a sucker for sublime ones who step into uncharted waters...those who seek exquisite virtues, emerald islands!...all blessings with those seafarers! l

Zero Hour
24-11-2013, 10:44
an island of peace and tranquility

Once upon a time, a turbid stream was islanding a black rock. the black rock was gaunt & ghastly, but full of peace and tranquility. While he was uncharted, yet the woods knew his address & every dawn blessed him with a bright green colour. yes, he was small, in an ocean of conflict and war, but he was a precious island...maybe he was a cold painting, but upon my soul, he wasn't without soul

24-11-2013, 21:28
zero hour
I like the silky passionate run of your deep soul over the green meadow of life canvas, you wooer of truth
like to talk more to you when I find some time

Zero Hour
25-11-2013, 12:55
zero hour
I like the silky passionate run of your deep soul over the green meadow of life canvas, you wooer of truth
like to talk more to you when I find some time

Dear Scythe

I don't live here anymore, I'm sick & tired of ordinary people who suppose r pro

Do u believe in afterlife which surrounds us beyond cold graves

Your distance, absolutely, makes me turn over in my grave


The end is near

Till then

25-11-2013, 13:38
Dear Scythe

I don't live here anymore, I'm sick & tired of ordinary people who suppose r pro

Do u believe in afterlife which surrounds us beyond cold graves

Your distance, absolutely, makes me turn over in my grave


The end is near

Till then

I really admire your cojones, but I'm not quite sure I like how there are two (maybe even more I haven't noticed) sides to you based on how you judge characters... You're not very clear with where you stand on your favorite qualities and characteristics... I've dealt with 4 people I thought exactly alike, but you... No opinion whatsoever

Those in doubt can view our conversation history]I]

Zero Hour
25-11-2013, 21:08
I really admire your cojones, but I'm not quite sure I like how there are two (maybe even more I haven't noticed) sides to you based on how you judge characters... You're not very clear with where you stand on your favorite qualities and characteristics... I've dealt with 4 people I thought exactly alike, but you... No opinion whatsoever

Those in doubt can view our conversation history]I]


My bravery will make history


You will go down in history as a cowardly commander


Always supposed history deals with past conversations

25-11-2013, 21:13
Don't spill bad blood here my friends, this hut is the haven of a lost wanderer who used to enjoy his spirit & solitude here

Keep your talk here, pure

25-11-2013, 22:39

My bravery will make history


You will go down in history as a cowardly commander


Always supposed history deals with past conversations

Is there a logical reason to the way you behave?:n13: Do you see me as your enemy? What did I ever do to you؟!!!:n04:

You're the one who came to me in the first place and that was like, 3 days ago! Boy, you change color fast!:n04:

Zero Hour
25-11-2013, 23:02
Is there a logical reason to the way you behave?:n13: Do you see me as your enemy? What did I ever do to you؟!!!:n04:

You're the one who came to me in the first place and that was like, 3 days ago! Boy, you change color fast!:n04:


I changed my colour
I see your true colours

Oh, my gosh

You look a bit of colour

Are u feeling all right

25-11-2013, 23:40

I changed my colour
I see your true colours

Oh, my gosh

You look a bit of colour

Are u feeling all right

You know, for a second, I took you seriously...:n08: Then I realized you're a troll and nothing more...:n07:

I don't even know why I'm wasting my time on you...:n13:

Zero Hour
25-11-2013, 23:52
You know, for a second, I took you seriously...:n08: Then I realized you're a troll and nothing more...:n07:I don't even know why I'm wasting my time on you...:n13:[

So, you showed ur true colour

the secrets of creation will always remain unknown to mankind, of course, Ignorance is bliss.
He who laughs last, laughs longest

26-11-2013, 00:03
Ignorance is bliss.

You of all people must know that!:n06:

Zero Hour
26-11-2013, 07:54
You of all people must know that!:n06:

There are two sides to every story

Those, who imagine other as troll

Will remain in absolute ignorance for ever

Hey, you

It is not easy to feed a large family

26-11-2013, 09:50
There are two sides to every story

Those, who imagine other as troll

Will remain in absolute ignorance for ever

Hey, you

It is not easy to feed a large family

I can't even imagine but having a large family of trolls must be tough...

However, you should'nt take your problems and shove it down everybody's face...


Zero Hour
26-11-2013, 10:07
I can't even imagine but having a large family of trolls must be tough...

However, you should'nt take your problems and shove it down everybody's face...


the pitiable condition is your baby face
can't imagine is running in the street naked
really, a miserable performance
Hey darling
R U Lost

26-11-2013, 10:27
the pitiable condition is your baby face
can't imagine is running in the street naked
really, a miserable performance
Hey darling
R U Lost

How about thinking up your own jeers for a change, huh؟

So lame...

Zero Hour
26-11-2013, 10:40
How about thinking up your own jeers for a change, huh؟

So lame...

Dont put ur blame on me

U R playing badly and crowd keep jeering on you
I give u a second chance
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

Finally, u decided to burn ur letters and erase the memory of ur blindness from other minds, so, I send u to eternity and put an end to these conversations

( Those who r blinded by quack titles, are condemned to be underdogs)


26-11-2013, 11:51
Dont put ur blame on me

U R playing badly and crowd keep jeering on you
I give u a second chance


Finally, u decided to burn ur letters and erase the memory of ur blindness from other minds, so, I send u to eternity and put an end to these conversations

True... If my memory serves me correctly, you said you don't live here anymore...

Sad... You were one of the good ones...

Too bad you will never be missed...

26-11-2013, 19:57

The topic is way deviated from its main path and purpose

I beg you to end this conversation or continue it privately

Put personal problems aside and talk to each other in a more friendly way

No sarcasm, No off-topic, and No personal stuff settled in a public environment

No further post in this regard will be acceptable

Any criticism or complaint you have against any members of English Forum's moderators, please raise it in Criticisms/Suggestions forum

Thanks a lot :n16:i

01-12-2013, 22:10
On the well of longing
each night this longing seduces me to tears & songs...I don't know this feeling is the will for what desire, but the heavy burden of it makes me walk pensively...I hope to find my way to the blessed paths

02-12-2013, 11:37
On the well of longing
each night this longing seduces me to tears & songs...I don't know this feeling is the will for what desire, but the heavy burden of it makes me walk pensively...I hope to find my way to the blessed paths

The pensive look in your eyes
seeks a winding path, that is covered with a nap of yellow grass
Once, it was green
but, your pities
are a cold snap

Sell ur soul to return ur best nights

03-12-2013, 22:19
The pensive look in your eyes
seeks a winding path, that is covered with a nap of yellow grass
Once, it was green
but, your pities
are a cold snap

Sell ur soul to return ur best nights

I'd like to write some words on you...but for that I must be in a right mood to make a rhyme of my words...Just know for now I am considerate of you! l
I have sold my soul to whom I remember not but he has come to refund it and it has stolen my tranquility...Since then I have been surfing on the restless waves for some moons for some reasons I know not

11-12-2013, 21:21
On the way I see life
It has been for a couple of days I have been reading "Zorba, the Greek", and it has brought me very different and broad sensations, so variant from despair to enlightenment...I have always paused the normal journey of my life and asked myself if it's the version of life I am living and to me it's seemed my life has been far from perfect, that's obvious, but regarding my potential and circumstances, and when I try to think of it logically, which is what I do not like as an idealist dreamer, I cannot be too regretful or wasteful

For me life has a very simple meaning, having passion for adventure and being a little bit provident, and the challenge is to keep the balance between these two sometimes defiant needs...Oh life how badly you tore me apart, I sail on your waves to find solace or adventure, I am content with either...so, sail on without a rest, to maraud more from the sea

11-12-2013, 23:20
On the suffering

In my life I have had the chance to know some people, I have known some people for a greater degree some less...But all have something in common, all have some wounds deep in the flesh of their souls that made them suffer, they cannot walk away from their suffering, they show their anguish
by laughing, crying but cannot escape it or accept it and eventually they find themselves in the claws of madness to find tranquility...this is the story of humanity, the cost of being vulnerable

I have thought what could save us and to me the answer is finding a soul-mate to repay your lacks...we as alone creatures are doomed to morbid sensations, we, alone, are incomplete

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

14-12-2013, 23:21
On the road I chose to tread
I never wanted to be a romantic dancer or musician improviser or blind tightrope walker...what I wanted to be was to be a passionate hermit, a foreseer a sage who is in the moment...someone with resentful, spiteful eyes who everyone begged for his attention, one omniscient one who is omnipower but also a giver

In the cold castle of my soul I ruled...seized all my attentions to me,, but still I am arrogantly the proud ruler who is yet inebriated by his fantasies never call for others' heeding
This nothingness to me is the spoil I will not trade for diamonds! Its fire in my heart is forged into eternity! In this citadel I am ever beholding the pantheon of my inner old grim sovereign warrior

22-12-2013, 00:18
On the lust for life
Start each day like it's a sally to achieve unattainables...Make the world a spacious place to be delved & explored each day...Be a man or woman but do not be an ass, look for trouble, do not compromise to an easy life, real life is just about troubles, death is the peace and the last destination so live like you are losing your precious gems which is your opportunities out of your hand....talk or act not by just your head but all your body including your heart must be in harmony and synchronization with it...do not be a pessimist observer but an actor even an active loser is thousand times better than a timid spectator since he at least has tested the water...wake up! and be prepared to plunder the earth to make it your every day troubled paradise

kudos ahead for hungry sailors

22-12-2013, 11:23
We were both experienced sailors, and I the hungriest in living memory. But, a hungry man would do anything.now I'm fishing in troubled waters and you, like Don Quixote sally the troubled seas in search of adventure...Just be aware of whirlpools

22-12-2013, 13:11
wow we are on the same wavelength! Currently I am reading Don Quixote and it's such an immense pleasure to read...there is a list of books on my wishlist but if you will, I am willing to listen to your books expeditions

22-12-2013, 19:38
My pleasure
Nowadays I'm reading the works of Edgar-Allan-Poe & Vladimir Holan selected poems
I can't begin to describe their beauty!!! For instance, The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe, WoW, a mood of gloom & madness pervades the whole poem, have u read it?

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
"'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door-
Only this, and nothing more

How about Vladimir Holan

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

In Nothingness
In nothingness larded like a fat book
about a lost lyric;
by an unknown poet,
we, who sweat instead of weeping,
we, who say a stone s-weats when it weeps,
thought today of one who was drowned
while learning to swim so as not to drown ..•
Meanwhile the park beyond the window, at other times so
rubbed its green nose on the sleeve of the wind
and then looked at it through the eyes of the mistletoe.

24-12-2013, 22:14
I like your hunger for darkness...I used to read dark lyrics and those you have named seem great, thanks for your introduction

Nowadays there has been a turmoil in my mind by watching the movie of "The Lawrence of Arabia", that is such a great movie...go and watch it if you haven't already....Also I am going to read the book of "Seven Pillars of Wisdom" written by Lawrence

you know nowadays I talk less and less...I am fully drifted by the wisdom of Lawrence

03-01-2014, 23:45
Silence is not the best response to the cruelty of life
Just floating idly with the stream of life is not the best way to make the best out of it...if it was, the stone was the most coveted gem...Enjoy changing, playing a role, being part of something, someday the sun will shine on your side too, my exhausted friend

08-01-2014, 01:19
In the praise of German decaying soldiers in the western front trenches
They waged war perfectly only were sadly marred by the bad political leadership
Never will we forget

25-01-2014, 00:34
On what I have learned so far
I conjecture now I am at a point in my life I am nearly stalled in my progress, I need to observe, reassess my situation and find a new break through in my life...I require to find some hooks or principals to give my actions, thoughts a congruency...I am inherently strategist, I need plans before action not a improviser
The first thing is I must avoid overreacting, misjudgments happen to everyone...I have been overly affected by some past mistakes...I must resolve them but not let the events to overrun my thinking...the fact is life is trifle, and the life occurrences are the ornament of this brief small almost nothing...so keep the balance in your life, do not pay unjustly....that's the most important lesson of this life: BALANCEE