نسخه کامل مشاهده نسخه کامل : مشکل کمک کنید ای دیم بسته شد

19-11-2010, 20:39

توی روم با یه نفر کل کل کردم گفت ای دیت رو می بیندم حالا نمی تونم با ای دیم وارد شم از سایت رفتم این پیام اومد
Sorry, this account has been locked.

You have exceeded the maximum number of Sign In tries for the Yahoo! ID **. As a result, the account has been temporarily locked for your security.

You can wait 12 hours before trying to sign in again. If you have forgotten your password, you can request a new one by confirming your account information. Once you have received a new password you will be able to sign in again after 12 hours.

To unlock your account now, Yahoo! can email an unlock link to the email address we have on file.

To receive this email, follow these two steps:
Request the unlock link be sent to the email address we have on file.
Check for email from "Yahoo! Member Services" and click the unlock link in the email. You will then be allowed to sign in again.

If you no longer have access to the email account that Yahoo! has on file, please try to sign in again in 12 hours. Thank you

19-11-2010, 21:35
اين يك قابليت امنيتي ياهو هست
شما وارد ياهو ميل شو و id هركي رو كه دوست داري 10-15 بار بزن وهر بار پسوردش رو اشتباه وارد كن
id طرف بمدت 12-24 ساعت بسته ميشه.
id شما هم اگر بخوني متن رو بمدت 12 ساعت بسته شده است

20-11-2010, 11:07
حق با دوست ماست..!

البته شما مي توني از ميل لوگين شي و با دوستاتون به چت كردن بپردازين..

موفق باشين..