نسخه کامل مشاهده نسخه کامل : کرک DAEMON Tools Pro 4.35

Xx Hossein xX
21-08-2009, 13:47
سلام .........

کرک DAEMONToolsPro4350306 رو میخواستم ممنون ........... :11::11::11:

21-08-2009, 14:43
4.35.0306.0088 این ورژن دقیقش هست!
من هم قبلا گفتم کسی جوابمون رو نداد!
اگر میشه کیش هم بدید چون بعضی وقت ها موقع نصب که کی میخواد دیگه جلو نمیره!
این هم که کرکش میخواهیم برای اینه که ویندوز 7 ورژن قدیمی این برنامه رو قبول نمیکنه!
لطفا راهنمایی کنید!
با تشکر

17-09-2009, 14:00
سلام.منم میخوام.کسی نمیدونه از کجا میشه گرفت؟

17-09-2009, 19:59

مطابق مراحل زیر برنامه رو ریجستر کنید:

Ok i've tried to create time loader And found easy way how to make Daemon Tools Trial eternal Thanks to Proud_Like_a_God, Layras & ynbIpb. An idea is from them.

1/ Create an account at
برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید
2/ Download latest trial of DTPRO.
3/ Install and after setup asks you serial/license. Normally select trial and enter your registered email, name is optional. Connect to Disc-Soft and finish installation.
4/ Run Once DTPRO and in options uncheck Auto Updates + uncheck Use DTPro Agent and exit.
5/ Block following address in firewall or by hosts file. This step is very important!


برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

or add following to hosts file secure.disc-soft.com
برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

6/ Now you are ready to use loader. Place them into dtpro directory. Rename it as you want. If loader runs for the first time it will ask you for simple configuration. Enter location of your trial dtpro.dat and select what app you want to run. Now click save&exit. This will backup dtpro.dat if loader runs for the first time or if in a backup folder doesn't exist. Also will be created ini file with settings. Filename of ini is dependent on a assembly name. So you can make as much configurations/loaders as you need.
7/ Now run loader again and now should run chosen app. If dtpro.exe is selected then it will popup messagebox about Warning Validation of DTPRO. Just hit cancel and program will run fine Loader waits 15seconds and then change systemtime back. So don't close loader until time will be changed back otherwise your systemtime will be incorrect.

Hope that's all. Simple Tested on Windows XP SP3 and Widnows 7 build 7068 x64. Runs for five days and still with 20days remaining


برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید



Loader needs .NET framework 3.5 SP1. Win7 has this already installed.