نسخه کامل مشاهده نسخه کامل : چه جوری میشه یه GIF Animatin رو توی فوتوشاپ cs3 وارد کرد؟؟؟؟

28-09-2008, 11:35
چه جوری میشه یه GIF Animatin رو توی فوتوشاپ cs3 وارد کرد؟؟؟؟

من می خوام فریم هی انیمیشن هم توش باشه ولی نمی شه؟؟؟!!!!

جادوگر جوان
28-09-2008, 13:34
اگه از فتوشاپ cs3 استفاده کنید فک کنم بشه

28-09-2008, 14:28
اینجوری :

Importing animated GIF into Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended
If you have worked with Adobe Photoshop CS3 for a while, you will notice that Adobe ImageReady is no longer included with Adobe Photoshop CS3. The reason is that Adobe now includes Adobe Fireworks CS3, which replaces ImageReady, on the same CD as Photoshop. In addition, Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended can now officially do everything that ImageReady could do… except for opening animated GIF files. Regardless of the presence of Adobe Fireworks CS3, people find it silly that Adobe Photoshop CS3 can save Animated GIF files but can't open them!

However, Adobe Photoshop CS3 actually CAN open Animated GIF files through an unofficial method.

How to do it:
Make sure QuickTime 7 or later is installed on your computer.
It is most likely installed during Adobe Photoshop or Adobe CS3 setup but can also be downloaded and installed from Apple web site.
From the File menu, open Import submenu and select Video Frames to Layers… command.
The Load dialog box shows up. (This will take more than two seconds the first time but appears immediately afterwards.)
Navigate to the folder which contains your Animated GIF files.
They will not show up on your Load dialog box.
In the File Name field, type *.gif and press ENTER.
Your animated GIF files will show up.
Select the file you intend to import and click Load button or press ENTER.
Import Video To Layers dialog box will show up.
Ensure the Make Frame Animation check box is checked.
Click OK button.
The animation will load into Adobe Photoshop.

NOTE: In very rare cases, some Animated GIF files might be imported with wrong frame rates. Such Animated GIF files also load the same way in other programs like ACDSee and Adobe Fireworks CS3, so it seems that the problem is stemmed from the way they are originally created.

Now, you may edit the GIF animation the way you like and once you are done with it, export it via File > Save For Web & Devices… command.

As you have probably guessed, Adobe Photoshop CS3 uses QuickTime to import video. However, in addition MOV, AVI and MPEG, QuickTime is also able to render Animated GIF. We exploited this method to import our Animated GIF with the help of QuickTime. So, as you may have guessed, we could have also imported our animation using File > Open As... command. But again, as you have already guessed, it would give us a timeline animation instead of a frame animation.

The downside to this method is that the quality of import depend on Apple and not Adobe. Unfortunately, QuickTime has a bad reputation of being a piece of junk...

However, as Adobe Photoshop is already able to export Animated GIF files on its own. The export quality is outstanding.

فکر کنم بهتر باشه از Image Ready CS2 استفاده کنید ...

Saeed kmss-D
28-09-2008, 15:11

خلاصه و فارسيش ميشه اين:

از منوي file و زير منوي Import گزينه Video Frames to Layers رو انتخاب كنيد و گيف مورد نظر رو فراخوني كنيد.
البته يه سري شرايط بايد فراهم باشه، پس اگه ارور داد و نشد خيلي غير طبيعي نيست!
واسه خودم هزار بار پيش اومده،

و البته منم ايميج ردي cs2 رو پيشنهاد ميكنم،
ميتونيد همزمان نسخه هاي cs2 و cs3 رو نصب و از ايميج ردي نسخه قبلي استفاده كنيد.

موفق باشي♥♥♥

جادوگر جوان
01-10-2008, 18:39
راستش من خودم
یه ورژنی از ایمیج ریدی (فرقی نمیکنه)نصب کردم
بعدش انیمیشن مورد نظر را باهاش باز میکنم
بعدش بدون اینکه تغییری بهش بدم سیوش میکنم (با فرمت psd)
بعد هم با فتوشاپ بازش میکنم