نسخه کامل مشاهده نسخه کامل : Writing & Editing & Tips

24-06-2008, 21:01
This topic devoted to writing essays, articles and stories where you can get help and suggestion about structure and grammatical mistakes from other members.
It means that somebody writes an essay or article about any subject and the other members revise and correct his/her text.

I hope the people that are good in English accompany us.

I found some tips on the internet, I think it could be useful if you put some of your suggestions or experiences to improve writing skills.


- Space between paragraphs.
- Do not space between comma, You need a comma before a quotation.
After she slapped him, he said, “I still love you.”
-A comma is required in question tags.
Sonia lives in Mangalore, doesn’t she?
- Don’t use a comma between the month and the day and between street number and
I was born on April 26, 1977.
I live on 32 Cunningham Road.
- For the introduction, write the thesis statement and give some background
-Write clear and simple sentences to express your meaning.
- In the last sentence (or last paragraph) sum up your argument.

Good Luck

25-06-2008, 19:08
Some movies are serious, designed to make the audience think. Other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. Which type of movie do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer

I think both of them are necessary because everyone has it’s own sense. I personally do not confine myself to watch just some special types of movies, every kind of movies has its own value, sometimes I need to watch a comedy to make me laugh but I usually prefer to watch some kind of movies that make a big effect on me or make me think.

The reason behind my decision is clear, we only live on time and we do not have infinite time to experience everything, therefore we should try to take advantage of every second of our life. I really do not fancy to watch a cheap movie for example some romantic movies that you can guest at the end there will be a marriage, or an action movie that there is a good guy that kill all bad guys.

I like movies based on history, fiction (like Lord of the rings or Perfume) or real stories (like Beautiful mind or clockwork orange). Some of these movies have changed the direction of my life and somehow I owe them!.

In summery, I have respect for every kind of movies, we at different times have different feelings so we need to watch different movies, but I prefer to watch movies to make a big impact on me.

26-06-2008, 09:29
You have the opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks. Which country would you like to visit? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.

If I be lucky enough to have a chance to visit a foreign country on my own choice, I prefer to go to a European country and between these countries I choose Norway, It is a country that located in north of Europe and it has a very cold and long winters thus it’s better to go there on summer that whether is fair and nice. For me it’s the best country to visit. In the following paragraphs I will give some reasons to support my choice.

First of all, Norway is second tourists destination on summer, which mainly is because of its great landscapes, cool whether, some historic monuments and very civilized and easy-going people.

Second of all, many music bands especially metal bands have been originated from this country, so it would be great if I can go there and take part in some live concerts. It seams that most of Norwegians are good looking, I’ve read somewhere that 90% Norwegians are extremely attractive, and obese people are hardly to find ( I really doubt about it!.).

I do not know much about the culture and history of Norway, but it seams that they had a glorious and golden age when Vikings were ruling but after invading Christians to this country all things changed, so if I go there I can learn more about their history and also I would like to visit some museums and monuments at there.

In conclusion, visiting a foreign country is a golden opportunity to enjoy other culture, people and gain more knowledge and experience and finally learn new costumes and tradition.

A r c h i
26-06-2008, 23:42
Thanks dear Scythe

it's so good :10:l

27-06-2008, 14:19
Great job you do here, If I find time, I'll take part n write sth
first let me share what I know about writing then I go thourgh yr writings. Well, as far as I know, for essay writings which you are doing right now, you have to have at least 5 paragraphs, the very 1st one is inturdoctory. 2nd, 3d n the 4th one are our body n the very last one is the concolusion.
In introductory paragraph you have to follow sime tips, first of all you should try to start it with an impressive n attractive sentence or a question which can catch others' fancy, then you have to define what you are talking about in one or two sentences n then you should go to the main points which you wanna talk about in body paragraphs(as I mentoned, you have to have at least 3 body paragraphs, so you can mention 3 points n if you like to have more than 3 body parag, you can mention more than 3 points, but stick it in yr mind that at least you have to have 3 main points). just mention(dun spell 'em out) them in introductory n then go to yr body paragraphs, n talk about them(3 main points which you've mentioned in the introductory parag) n give some examples. n then you have to sum them up in yr last paragraph which is concolusion. here you may need to reapet what you've written but try not to repeat the exact words n sentences, try to make it somehow different so that you can have a very good writing.
As I see you've followed some of the tips but that's what I knew about essay writing n I shared it here, it's not complete yet n it might have some problems, I'd be grateful if others would correct me if there is any wrong info n beside add sth to what I've written

27-06-2008, 14:36
Some movies are serious, designed to make the audience think. Other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. Which type of movie do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer

I think both of them are necessary because everyone has it’s own sense. I personally do not confine myself to watch just some special types of movies, every kind of movies has its own value, sometimes I need to watch a comedy to make me laugh but I usually prefer to watch some kind of movies that make a big effect on me or make me think.

The reason behind my decision is clear, we only live on time and we do not have infinite time to experience everything, therefore we should try to take advantage of every second of our life. I really do not fancy to watch a cheap movie for example some romantic movies that you can guest at the end there will be a marriage, or an action movie that there is a good guy that kill all bad guys.

I like movies based on history, fiction (like Lord of the rings or Perfume) or real stories (like Beautiful mind or clockwork orange). Some of these movies have changed the direction of my life and somehow I owe them!.

In summery, I have respect for every kind of movies, we at different times have different feelings so we need to watch different movies, but I prefer to watch movies to make a big impact on me.

and about yr writings, I think they're very good, but some small mistakes

If I were in yr shoes I would use "have" hete instead of "make"l

of our life-> of our lives

I do not fancy watching ...( "fancy" comes with "ing")l

For movies, I've usually heard "Romance movies" not "Romantic"l

guest: you meant "guess" hmm:46:?!l

I think here it would be better if you had written: I respect every kind of movies

And if I were you, I would write "which" here instead of "to"l

27-06-2008, 14:37
You have the opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks. Which country would you like to visit? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.

If I be lucky enough to have a chance to visit a foreign country on my own choice, I prefer to go to a European country and between these countries I choose Norway, It is a country that located in north of Europe and it has a very cold and long winters thus it’s better to go there on summer that whether is fair and nice. For me it’s the best country to visit. In the following paragraphs I will give some reasons to support my choice.

First of all, Norway is second tourists destination on summer, which mainly is because of its great landscapes, cool whether, some historic monuments and very civilized and easy-going people.

Second of all, many music bands especially metal bands have been originated from this country, so it would be great if I can go there and take part in some live concerts. It seams that most of Norwegians are good looking, I’ve read somewhere that 90% Norwegians are extremely attractive, and obese people are hardly to find ( I really doubt about it!.).

I do not know much about the culture and history of Norway, but it seams that they had a glorious and golden age when Vikings were ruling but after invading Christians to this country all things changed, so if I go there I can learn more about their history and also I would like to visit some museums and monuments at there.

In conclusion, visiting a foreign country is a golden opportunity to enjoy other culture, people and gain more knowledge and experience and finally learn new costumes and tradition.

It was my problem for a while, n I still dun know the correct form , but "if I be" can not be correct, you may use "If I wlll be/ am lucky"l

Among these countries( when you are camparing two things you must use "between", more than two, you have to use "among")l

You have some dictation problems, like "seem" n " weather" which you have written "seam" n "whether" instead.l

it would be great, if I could go/-- by the way here you could write in this form as well "it will be great, if I go there", cuz it's sth which may happen in future n it's not imaginary.l

I think "at" should be omitted here

27-06-2008, 17:07
Thank you for your kindness, You did a great job for me:40::40::40:
With best wishes

27-06-2008, 18:12
Thank you for your kindness, You did a great job for me:40::40::40:

With best wishes

there is no need to thaaank me, it's the aim of this topic
:11:anyway, yrwelcome

28-06-2008, 18:36
I have some questions:
1-The subject of essays are usually about to choose between two options, and If I find some benefits in both options and choose one, where (In the Main part or introductory part) and how much should I write about the benefits of the other option?
2-How many word are needed to write a standard essay for Toefl exam?
3-Are you sure that I should not use “between” for comparing more than two things? (I have seen this case so many times, for example in the book of “Delta’s Next Generation Toefl Test”)

28-06-2008, 20:20
I have some questions:

1-The subject of essays are usually about to choose between two options, and If I find some benefits in both options and choose one, where (In the Main part or introductory part) and how much should I write about the benefits of the other option?
2-How many word are needed to write a standard essay for Toefl exam?
3-Are you sure that I should not use “between” for comparing more than two things? (I have seen this case so many times, for example in the book of “Delta’s Next Generation Toefl Test”)

Sorry, I didn't quite catch yr firs question? would you clarify what you mean:20:?l
but in case you mean there are prons n cons together in a subject, so there is a way
for example you are talking about the advantages of t.v n beside you see some disadvantages, here in yr itroductory paragraph you have to mention two advantages n one disadvantage or vice versa( I mean 2 disadvantages n 1 advantage) n then describe them in yr body parags
by the way, you have to pay attention what the topic is. for example when it is said to write the advantages of t.v you should not include disadvantage in yr writing any more
but if it wants you to talk about t.v you can contain disadvantages n advantages together

about yr second question, take a look at this page, you can get yr answer

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

28-06-2008, 20:25
by the way, would you plz write about this subject if you had time:D...I have to write n I will write it here as well, but yr ideas might help me to have a better writing:46:l
"Parents are too permissive now a days"

29-06-2008, 08:06
I made some changes, I would like to see your essay & your suggestions about my essay.

Parents are too permissive nowadays, In your opinion, is such a relationship good? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer

In these times, with improving technology, people’s attitude toward their children have changed completely, in the past children position in the family were different, they had to take more responsibilities. They had to do many jobs for their family either at home or outside the home, actually they were great assistants for their parents. The boys helped their father on the farm and the girls aided their mother to do tasks like washing, cooking, cleaning, and so on. However, nowadays the children have got more freedom and parents’ expectations have reduced. Children just do their homework and spend the rest of their time playing computer game or watching TV or hanging out with friends. I strongly disagree with this condition, and I think it has so many disadvantages for the children and community that in the following I will mention them.

First of all, the children who brought up in these families can not do their responsibilities well. As a matter of fact, They have been spoiled by their parents, They do not know how to make money or how to deal with different people. So when they enter to the society, They do not know what they should do, in addition they have weak personalities and can not tolerate difficult situations. These factors result in some defeats in their lives and
may lead to they go after drug or maybe they commit crimes or suicide.

Second of all, these children used to live in comfort, how you can expect them to be useful for their people when they are not familiar with the real life. They will break in burden of responsibilities. You can not expect them to do challenging or time consuming jobs. They probably need to get vacation frequently. This is a complete tragedy when we look at how much money the government has invested on them, so what are the results of this investment?. So many lazy and spoiled persons who just know how to amuse themselves. This is a huge loss.

To sum up, in my opinion sometimes parental love is hazardous and parents should be trained to how bring up their children well. Their children should learn to take responsibility, know how to endure difficult situations and also know that they owe to their community.

29-06-2008, 16:08
3-Are you sure that I should not use “between” for comparing more than two things? (I have seen this case so many times, for example in the book of “Delta’s Next Generation Toefl Test”)

Hi pals,

I really admire the job being done in this topic and try to contribute more.

prefer to go to a European country and between these countries I choose Norway

There isn't any problem with this sentence, between is ok!
between them...among them, both are right.

between should be used with two or more people or things that we see as individual:
Iran is located between Iraq, turkey and pakistan.
But if there wasn't the name of countries in the rest of sentense ,it was better to use among

among should be used when we see the people or things as part of a group or mass:
she found her passport among the clothes.

30-06-2008, 19:21
You may also have noticed the difference between new generations with their parents. By just looking at every one's life you can notice that nowadays parents have become too permissive. Children are not cared by their parents like before and they are free to do whatever they like. our parents used to devote their time to rear us in the best possible way but now a days, having so many irresponsible guys who waste their times on wandering and doing unimportant things is the consequence of having so many permissive parents.

As it is mentioned, one of the consequences is irresponsible children who dump their works, problems and duties on others and there is no one in their families to stir them up. And that’s the way they grow up.

The other problem which our new generation has is that they may never understand the value of life and may never notice that God have mercy on them. Because no one has ever expressed the importance and the value of life to them and that's why their minds are almost occupied with unimportant stuff.

Just having a few decent guys who are able to manage their own lives is one of the worst consequences of letting children be free. Because in their own families they haven’t learnt the correct way of living so they can not handle a new life and that’s why the number of unsuccessful lives has increased in last decades.

According to our juveniles' lives, parents are asked to be more careful and more attentive because following the current method of rearing the children may ruin the future lives of every one and that may destroy the future of our country.

30-06-2008, 23:34
It can be quite difficult to learn a new language. What do you think are the most difficult aspects of learning a new language? Give reasons and examples to support your response?

Most of the people moaning about how difficult is to learn a new language, some say they have problems in the listening part, some have problems in the speaking part and etc. In my opinion the most difficult parts depend on what language you are studying, but for me in English the most difficult aspects are pronunciation and grammar. In the following, I will mention why these are difficult for me.

Each Language has its own system of sounds and the way of pronouncing changes from one language to the other language. For instance, English students with Farsi as a first language may have a struggle to utter the words like “scythe” or “breathe” and so on, because they do not have the sounds like “th” in their mother tongue. However, by practicing I can improve my pronunciation, but it definitely takes time and for me who study by myself the situation is much harder.

In addition to the phonetics, I need to improve my English grammar. Learning to use appropriate grammar is very important, you must first know to use true structures to make an expression, without using proper grammar your text or talk will be vague. I find some difficulties in learning English grammar, first, in each structure or rule there are some exceptions and unfortunately I can not find a logical relation that help me to distinguish the exceptions, so I just have to memorize these rules and exceptions. Second, I have a very weak memory, I forget things quickly, as a result after a short period I forget the structures that I just memorized them. This will be a complete disaster when I am speaking with someone, I forget some of these rules, thus I have to think and try to remember the rules, no need to mention, this is ridiculous and embarrassing.

In conclusion, learning a new language is a time consuming task, there are so many difficulties in learning it, but for me the most difficult aspects are to learn to use correct structures and utter sounds like a native speaker of English.

30-06-2008, 23:45
It can be quite difficult to learn a new language. What do you think are the most difficult aspects of learning a new language? Give reasons and examples to support your response?

In conclusion, learning a new language is a time consuming task, there are so many difficulties in learning it, but for me the most difficult aspects are to learn to use correct structures and utter sounds like a native speaker of English.

good job pal. I see finally you make ur own topic. congratulations. it's very hard when u r learning a non native language though going to speak like'em!!! but practicing make us close to the target. for hundred precent to make it I think we need to be in that language atmosphere. I mean to be there or to make a place of that language native speakers. that'll help us out alot

01-07-2008, 00:05
good job pal. I see finally you make ur own topic. congratulations. it's very hard when u r learning a non native language though going to speak like'em!!! but practicing make us close to the target. for hundred precent to make it I think we need to be in that language atmosphere. I mean to be there or to make a place of that language native speakers. that'll help us out alot

Thanks buddy, actually speaking like a native speaker of English was a joke:46:
good luck

01-07-2008, 06:55
You may also have noticed the difference between new generations with their parents. By just looking at every one's life you can notice that nowadays parents have become too permissive. Children are not cared by their parents like before and they are free to do whatever they like. our parents used to devote their time to rear us in the best possible way but now a days, having so many irresponsible guys who waste their times on wandering and doing unimportant things is the consequence of having so many permissive parents.

As it is mentioned, one of the consequences is irresponsible children who dump their works, problems and duties on others and there is no one in their families to stir them up. And that’s the way they grow up.

The other problem which our new generation has is that they may never understand the value of life and may never notice that God have mercy on them. Because no one has ever expressed the importance and the value of life to them and that's why their minds are almost occupied with unimportant stuff.

Just having a few decent guys who are able to manage their own lives is one of the worst consequences of letting children be free. Because in their own families they haven’t learnt the correct way of living so they can not handle a new life and that’s why the number of unsuccessful lives has increased in last decades.

According to our juveniles' lives, parents are asked to be more careful and more attentive because following the current method of rearing the children may ruin the future lives of every one and that may destroy the future of our country.

As you know my English is not good enough to proofread your essay, so I put your text in an English forum, and hopefully a native speaker of English edited it

You may have noticed the difference between generations with their parents. By just looking at every one's life you can see that nowadays parents have become too permissive. Children are not cared for by their parents like before and they are free to do whatever they like. Our parents used to devote their time to rearing us in the best possible way but nowadays, the many irresponsible young people who waste their time on wandering and doing unimportant things is the consequence of having so many permissive parents.

As it is mentioned, one of the consequences is irresponsible children who dump their work, problems and duties on others and there is no one in their families to stir them up. That's the way they grow up. [Doesn't this merely repeat what you have already said?]

The other problem which our new generation has is that they may never understand the value of life and may never notice that God has mercy on them. This is because no one has ever expressed the importance and the value of life to them. That is why their minds are almost occupied with unimportant matters.

Only having a few decent people who are able to manage their own lives is one of the worst consequences of letting children be free. As in their own families they haven’t learnt the correct way of living, they cannot handle life and that’s why the number of unsuccessful lives has increased in last decades.

According to our juveniles' lives Owing to the effect on juveniles of permissive upbringing, parents are asked to be more careful and more attentive because following this method of rearing children may ruin the future lives of everyone and that may destroy the future of our country.

01-07-2008, 16:58
As you know my English is not good enough to proofread your essay, so I put your text in an English forum, and hopefully a native speaker of English edited it

would u mind to address those English Editing forums, it'll be very helpful I think

01-07-2008, 18:08
would u mind to address those English Editing forums, it'll be very helpful I think

There are so many types of these forums on the internet, I put the link of one here, but on one condition that you put your writing before and after editing here.
It will help the others to improve their writings because they may have same problems.

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید
If you want your text be edited go to "Editing & Writing Topics"

01-07-2008, 20:36
It can be quite difficult to learn a new language. What do you think are the most difficult aspects of learning a new language? Give reasons and examples to support your response?

Most of the people moaning about how difficult is to learn a new language, some say they have problems in the listening part, some have problems in the speaking part and etc. In my opinion the most difficult parts depend on what language you are studying, but for me in English the most difficult aspects are pronunciation and grammar. In the following, I will mention why these are difficult for me.

Each Language has its own system of sounds and the way of pronouncing changes from one language to the other language. For instance, English students with Farsi as a first language may have a struggle to utter the words like “scythe” or “breathe” and so on, because they do not have the sounds like “th” in their mother tongue. However, by practicing I can improve my pronunciation, but it definitely takes time and for me who study by myself the situation is much harder.

In addition to the phonetics, I need to improve my English grammar. Learning to use appropriate grammar is very important, you must first know to use true structures to make an expression, without using proper grammar your text or talk will be vague. I find some difficulties in learning English grammar, first, in each structure or rule there are some exceptions and unfortunately I can not find a logical relation that help me to distinguish the exceptions, so I just have to memorize these rules and exceptions. Second, I have a very weak memory, I forget things quickly, as a result after a short period I forget the structures that I just memorized them. This will be a complete disaster when I am speaking with someone, I forget some of these rules, thus I have to think and try to remember the rules, no need to mention, this is ridiculous and embarrassing.

In conclusion, learning a new language is a time consuming task, there are so many difficulties in learning it, but for me the most difficult aspects are to learn to use correct structures and utter sounds like a native speaker of English.

first I again wanna thank you for my writing:11:l
about yr writing, first of all, as far as I know, for essay writings, it's better to talk generally, cuz in essay writings, you're gonno catch others' fancy n by just using 'I' n expressing yr own ideas you may not be successful in attracting others. that's what I know about essay writings:20:l
:10:n about yr writing, I'm not good enough either, but I try to tell you as much as I know
If I were you, I would write; 'most of the people moan about the difficulties in learning a new language'l

Here who refers to a person and I think you had to write 'and for me who is studying/studies by himself/(on his own)l I'm not sure about this, I just think, I'm waiting for others to correct me if I'm wrong:46:.l
:46:here, quickly is not wrong but maybe the word 'soon' can be a better choice

11-07-2008, 10:33
For those who want to take the TOEFL/IELTS exam, these are TOEFL speaking topics, write a paragraph about any topic u would like.
I hope u accompany me.
1. Who is your best friend? Describe this person and say why he/she is your best friend.

2. What is your favorite place to visit on weekends? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite place to go.

3. What is your happiest childhood memory? Describe it and give reasons to explain why it is your happiest memory.

4. What is your most important possession? Describe it and say why it is so important.

5. Talk about a person in your life who has inspired you. Describe the person and explain why you found him/her inspirational.

6. Where do most like to go to eat out? Describe this place and say why you like it most.

7. Talk about an important national holiday in your home country. Describe it and explain why it is important.

8. What is your favorite book or movie? Describe it and say why it is your favorite.

9. Who do you feel close to in your family (or extended family)? Describe this person and say why you feel close to him/her.

10. Where is a good place to have fun in your city or town? Describe this place and explain why it is fun.

11. Talk about an experience in your life that made you feel embarrassed. Describe it and say why it was embarrassing.

12. What was your favorite subject at school? Describe it and explain why this subject was your favorite one.

13. Who is an important person in your country? Describe this person and explain why he/she is important.

14. Talk about an interesting tourist attraction you have been to. Describe it and say why it was interesting.

15. Talk about a time when you experienced success. Describe the experience and say why it was a success for you.

16. What is your favorite style of clothing? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite.

17. Name a person whom you truly admire. Describe the person and say why you admire him/her.

18. Think of a place that makes you feel relaxed and peaceful. Describe it and explain why it is relaxing and peaceful for you.

19. Talk about a difficulty you have overcome in your life. Describe the experience and say why it was difficult to overcome.

20. What is your most useful study aid? Describe it and explain why it is useful in helping you to study.

21. Talk about a teacher who had a positive influence on you. Describe this person and explain why he/she was so influential to you.

22. Where is your favorite place to study? Describe this place and say why it is a good place for you to study.

23. Talk about a positive experience with learning or using English. Describe the experience and say why it was a positive one.

24. What is your favorite kind of food? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite.

25. Name a famous or influential figure who has inspired you. Describe this person and say why he/she has been inspirational to you.

26. Which place has fond memories for you? Describe this place and explain why it is memorable to you.

27. When have you been happily surprised by something? Describe the experience and say why the surprise was a happy one for you.

28. Describe a resource that helped you to do something better than before. Describe it and explain why it was helpful to you.

29. Describe a person from your country’s history. Why do you think this person was important?

30. Where would you like to go to spend a vacation? Describe this place and say why you would like to holiday there.

31. Talk about something you and your family enjoy doing together. Describe it and explain why you all enjoy it.

32. What is your favorite recreational activity? Describe it and say why you enjoy doing it.

33. Who is the most intelligent person you know? Describe the person and say why you think he/she is intelligent.

34. Where would you most like to live? Describe this place and explain why you would like to live there.

35. What is your favorite season of the year? Describe the season and explain why you like it so much.

36. What custom from your home country are you most fond of? Describe the custom and explain why you are fond of it.

37. Which person are you most likely to go to with a personal problem? Describe this person and say why you would go to him/her in particular.

38. Name a place in your country you would recommend others to visit. Describe this place and explain why you would recommend it.

39. Talk about an event from the past that you would like to relive. Describe the original event and say why you would like to relive it.

40. What is your favorite way of getting around? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite means of transportation.

11-07-2008, 13:05
What custom from your home country are you most fond of? Describe the custom and explain why you are fond of it.

There are so many nice customs in my country, but I really love one them called "Yalda night". Yalda night is the longest night of the year which is at autumn season. The people celebrate this night by visiting each other and staying awake all or part of night. They usually prepare themselves for this night by buying fruits, nuts, cookies and so on. At this night, people talk about nonbusiness things, older people like grandfathers or grandmothers talk about their memories, share their experiences with youths; younger people talk about their future plans, daily affairs etc. Overall, I remember so many good memories from this special night, in addition, this night gives me an opportunity to visit some of my relatives that maybe during the year I have less chances to visit them.

What is your favorite way of getting around? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite means of transportation

I would like to travel by train, because it has some advantages over other means of transportation like airplane or car and so on. First, I think it’s the safest way of transferring at least in my country, everyday you hear so much bad news about car accidents, and also airplanes are old in Iran and every time there is an imminent danger that one of these planes crashes. Second, I think traveling by the train is fairly cheep in contrast to plane and its travel cost is comparable to travel by car. Third, the most important thing about train is its convenience, you can rest, study while you are traveling. Finally, advanced trains are fast and quiet and environment friendly.

12-07-2008, 20:59
What custom from your home country are you most fond of? Describe the custom and explain why you are fond of it.

There are so many nice customs in my country, but I really love one them called "Yalda night". Yalda night is the longest night of the year which is at autumn season. The people celebrate this night by visiting each other and staying awake all or part of night. They usually prepare themselves for this night by buying fruits, nuts, cookies and so on. At this night, people talk about nonbusiness things, older people like grandfathers or grandmothers talk about their memories, share their experiences with youths; younger people talk about their future plans, daily affairs etc. Overall, I remember so many good memories from this special night, in addition, this night gives me an opportunity to visit some of my relatives that maybe during the year I have less chances to visit them.

one them--> one of them

I think for the seasons we use 'in' not 'at'l

about 'the people', I think 'the' should be omidtted

here 'the' should be added before 'night'---> part of the night ( cuz we are talking about a specific night
which we've mentioned before)l

I've never heard 'at this night' ; I think it's better to say 'during this night' or 'on this night'l

What is your favorite way of getting around? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite means of transportation

I would like to travel by train, because it has some advantages over other means of transportation like airplane or car and so on. First, I think it’s the safest way of transferring at least in my country, everyday you hear so much bad news about car accidents, and also airplanes are old in Iran and every time there is an imminent danger that one of these planes crashes. Second, I think traveling by the train is fairly cheep in contrast to plane and its travel cost is comparable to travel by car. Third, the most important thing about train is its convenience, you can rest, study while you are traveling. Finally, advanced trains are fast and quiet and environment friendly.

by train; 'the' should be omitted

I think it would be better to write, 'and it has/they have friendly enviroment' or ' the enviroment is friendly there'l

12-07-2008, 21:24
Thanks a lot for correcting me, but:11:

Environment friendly, eco-friendly, and nature friendly are synonyms used to refer to goods and services considered to inflict minimal harm on the environment.

Source: Wikipedia

13-07-2008, 11:41
Thanks a lot for correcting me, but:11:

Source: Wikipedia

really?! why?!...but I've never heard
:11:thaaaank you

15-07-2008, 16:28
What is your favorite way of getting around? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite means of transportation

I would like to travel by train, because it has some advantages over other means of transportation like airplane or car and so on. First, I think it’s the safest way of transferring at least in my country, everyday you hear so much bad news about car accidents, and also airplanes are old in Iran and every time there is an imminent danger that one of these planes crashes. Second, I think traveling by the train is fairly cheep in contrast to plane and its travel cost is comparable to travel by car. Third, the most important thing about train is its convenience, you can rest, study while you are traveling. Finally, advanced trains are fast and quiet and environment friendly.

Bahram, the very first day when I read yr writing, this sentence didn't seem correct to me n I searched about it n what I found was that we can use 'much' for 'news' but it is more common in negative form n it's better to write 'so many pieces of bad news'l
but in negative form, it's okay to say: there isn't much news to ...l
by the way, I'm not still sure but what I found was that:11:l

15-07-2008, 16:53
so many pieces of bad news" do not u think it's a little
too long and boring:31:, I do not think they really use these expressions, but if u search on the internet will realize it's very common to use so much negatively:

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

15-07-2008, 17:35
so many pieces of bad news" do not u think it's a little

too long and boring:31:, I do not think they really use these expressions, but if u search on the internet will realize it's very common to use so much negatively:

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

yeah, I myself had found the page, n I also said that I'm not sure
n I searched on the net n I asked s.o n according to what I found I said it
so much bad news is definitely correct n I just said that it may not be very common but as you say n as you've found it is probably common
anyway, sorry for that:11:n take care
by the way 'a peice of news' is alos common...:31:l

17-07-2008, 10:12
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Modern technology is creating a single world culture. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Nowadays, by advancing communication technologies and invention of new methods of communication via internet and satellites, people around the world can communicate live and easily besides they can receive TV channels or read online newspapers from other counties. These advances in technology make the people more familiar with each other, so they can learn other countries cultures or languages and so on. However, there are huge differences between the countries politically, economically and technically. As a result, those countries which are stronger in those aspects take advantage of their excellencies to export or better to say impose their culture to the weaker countries. I think that they have succeeded to some extent and one culture is spreading all over the world and in the following I will give my reasons for holding that opinion.

First, if you take a look on the internet or satellite channels, you will realize that common languages in these media are English or French, you rarely see other famous or important channels in other languages. The same story is true if you look at scientific journals or papers, scientific materials rarely are written in other language except English. Needless to say, this hegemony of one special culture or language is growing every day, so these evidences guide us to the fact that we are moving toward a global village or single cultured world. Second, the other important fact is that most of inventions are introduced by these leader countries, so they name those products in respect of their own culture and design them appropriate to their culture like so many modes of clothes, hairstyle, etc. This fact makes these foreign words and culture common in destination countries, so they gradually forget their native culture and accept imported culture.

In summary, world is changing, culture of stronger countries is taking over weaker ones, and this fact is getting clearer by looking at mass media or other common communication types

21-08-2008, 14:48
hey , I have a suggetion
this a great n great topic which can help us to improve our English so let's take it seriously
my suggetion is to study 504 book, every two or three days we can study one lesson of 504 n try to write an essay using the words of 504...hmm?! not all 12 words of a lesson, at least we can use 5 or 6 words of a lesson in our essay...I for one have studied 504 but all the words have slipped my mind since I haven't reviewed that, so agree?![ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] l

A r c h i
21-08-2008, 15:06
Such a great idea Sepide..All 504 words has skipped from my mind too

So what's the schedule of studying???:31:l

21-08-2008, 18:42
hey , I have a suggetion
this a great n great topic which can help us to improve our English so let's take it seriously
my suggetion is to study 504 book, every two or three days we can study one lesson of 504 n try to write an essay using the words of 504...hmm?! not all 12 words of a lesson, at least we can use 5 or 6 words of a lesson in our essay...I for one have studied 504 but all the words have slipped my mind since I haven't reviewed that, so agree?![ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] l

Thanks for bringing this topic up!l
I didn't quite catch you, you want us to write essays by including specified words? About every optional subject? I'm strongly agreed. Go on!l

21-08-2008, 19:29
Such a great idea Sepide..All 504 words has skipped from my mind too

So what's the schedule of studying???:31:l

well, it depends on us, whenever u like...from tom or whenever, n we can have about 3 days for each unit so that we dun miss any unit:20:l

Thanks for bringing this topic up!l

I didn't quite catch you, you want us to write essays by including specified words? About every optional subject? I'm strongly agreed. Go on!l

yeah, that's exactly what I mean, about whatever u like but including the words of 504...! n we start from the very first unit:27:l

22-08-2008, 00:17
Sepide would u write the key words, 'cause I'm not quite sure I have the same edition of that book

A r c h i
22-08-2008, 21:33
Here 's the first lesson of the 504 book :31:


22-08-2008, 23:44
Thank for the topic dear SCYTHE and thanks for the new idea dear sepid[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]
This topic is following a great idea. I just saw it last night and in my mind it's gonna be really useful specially in the new way.
Unfortunately I don't have the 504 book, I'm saving the pics dear Archi has attached and I hope I'll buy the book soon:20:l

23-08-2008, 11:52
well, since Dear Azade have put the very first unit here, we can start from today, I think that'll be good if we give time about 3 days for each unit so that others can follow us as well
I try to have my own essay in just 2 days
waiting for u paaals
:11:n thaaaaaaanx alot dear Azade, Bahram n snowy winter

24-08-2008, 16:21
In an early morning, in a dull n gloomy day, Tom dropped into an abandoned child who was left in a vacant and shabby building. He was in doubt to take the child but eventually he took him to his house. Tom's wife burst into cry when she saw the abandoned child n was keen to keep the child but since they were living in poverty n they had a life full of hardships n toils, Tom refused to keep the baby and he decided to give the child to an orphanage n they also named the baby Micheal. Since then Tom and his wife visited Micheal frequently till he grew up n became a qualified doctor. Then, Micheal who was aware of his childhood n Tom n his wife’s kindness swore an oath to remain a bachelor and support this poor, kind and old couple.l
sorry my immagination is tooooooo pooooor:27:, n I can never write a good story or a tale, English is my aim not the writing a story:27:, sorry if that's sorta crap
by the way, you can write whatever u like n as much as u like, no need to make a story. just write whatever u wish
:11:goood luck

25-08-2008, 02:39
In an early morning, in a dull n gloomy day, Tom dropped into an abandoned child who was left in a vacant and shabby building. He was in doubt to take the child but eventually he took him to his house. Tom's wife burst into cry when she saw the abandoned child n was keen to keep the child but since they were living in poverty n they had a life full of hardships n toils, Tom refused to keep the baby and he decided to give the child to an orphanage n they also named the baby Micheal. Since then Tom and his wife visited Micheal frequently till he grew up n became a qualified doctor. Then, Micheal who was aware of his childhood n Tom n his parents' kindness swore an oath to remain a bachelor and support this poor, kind and old couple.l
sorry my immagination is tooooooo pooooor:27:, n I can never write a good story or a tale, English is my aim not the writing a story:27:, sorry if that's sorta crap
by the way, you can write whatever u like n as much as u like, no need to make a story. just write whatever u wish
:11:goood luck

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]
You were born to be a fabulous writer!l
If you have some land to use as your wish, how you would use this land?

What should I do if some day I had some land to exploit it? It’s a serious question while it’s just an imaginary case. Before making a decision, I prefer to talk to some of my friends that have much tact so that I can trust them in order to gather some correct data.I've a variety of options in my mind, I can take advantage of this vacant land and build an apartment or business center at it, or build something that relieves some hardship of abandoned children and helps them to qualify as important and beneficial people for their community, e.g. by building a charity shop which can provide funds for bachelors to get married or public school, etc. I choose the first option and the reasons for my opinion are as follows.

Although I’m keen to help other people, I sometimes think that it’s better rather have an ordinary life, raise my standard of living. I’m not jealous of rich people and also I’m unaccustomed to this way of living. I never enjoy living at so called “big house” or having luxurious facilities, though if I have some land as an asset that I can guarantee my future, I don’t think it would be a bad idea. I’d like to build an apartment there and rent the units. In this way, In addition to having a constant income, I own something which its cost would raise daily probably and whenever I felt that I can do a better job instead of renting, I can take my property back without any problems. Furthermore, I’m unfavorable to risk my property by investing on other doubtful projects, simply because I’m not gallant enough. Finally, I’d like to share some of the profit among the poor too; nevertheless, I don’t take an oath that I would do.

From what has been discussed above, I may safely draw the conclusion that using this land to build an apartment would be the best option for me and also I’d like to be involved in helping other people

26-08-2008, 00:49
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

You were born to be a fabulous writer!l
If you have some land to use as your wish, how you would use this land?

What should I do if some day I had some land to exploit it? It’s a serious question while it’s just an imaginary case. Before making a decision, I prefer to talk to some of my friends that have much tact so that I can trust them in order to gather some correct data.I've a variety of options in my mind, I can take advantage of this vacant land and build an apartment or business center at it, or build something that relieves some hardship of abandoned children and helps them to qualify as important and beneficial people for their community, e.g. by building a charity shop which can provide funds for bachelors to get married or public school, etc. I choose the first option and the reasons for my opinion are as follows.

Although I’m keen to help other people, I sometimes think that it’s better rather have an ordinary life, raise my standard of living. I’m not jealous of rich people and also I’m unaccustomed to this way of living. I never enjoy living at so called “big house” or having luxurious facilities, though if I have some land as an asset that I can guarantee my future, I don’t think it would be a bad idea. I’d like to build an apartment there and rent the units. In this way, In addition to having a constant income, I own something which its cost would raise daily probably and whenever I felt that I can do a better job instead of renting, I can take my property back without any problems. Furthermore, I’m unfavorable to risk my property by investing on other doubtful projects, simply because I’m not gallant enough. Finally, I’d like to share some of the profit among the poor too; nevertheless, I don’t take an oath that I would do.

From what has been discussed above, I may safely draw the conclusion that using this land to build an apartment would be the best option for me and also I’d like to be involved in helping other people

a great n great writing
Just one thing, as far as I know, we can not write "have" in its short form when "have" is our main verb. actually in spoken lang it's used a lot n even in writing I've seen it alot,but grammatically it's not correct. so here I think it would be better if u had written "I have..."l:10:l

26-08-2008, 02:51
Hi pals

I had decided to accompany you and I wanted to write my essay today but unfortunately there was a blackout and after that I didn't have time and couldn't do it:41: I'm gonna write it tomorrow if our time is not over by then:20:

I've just read your writings which are really great. I just have some suggestions. Please let me know if any of them is wrong:11:l

In an early morning, in a dull n gloomy day, Tom dropped into an abandoned child who was left in a vacant and shabby building. He was in doubt to take the child but eventually he took him to his house. Tom's wife burst into cry when she saw the abandoned child n was keen to keep the child but since they were living in poverty n they had a life full of hardships n toils, Tom refused to keep the baby and he decided to give the child to an orphanage n they also named the baby Micheal. Since then Tom and his wife visited Micheal frequently till he grew up n became a qualified doctor. Then, Micheal who was aware of his childhood n Tom n his wife’s kindness swore an oath to remain a bachelor and support this poor, kind and old couple.l

A nice story and a great writing:11:
Just a few suggestions.. Wouldn't it be better to use "whether to" instead of "to"?

And how about writing "him" instead of the second "the child" so that we wouldn't be repeating it?

I have the same suggestion for "he". I think omitting it won't make any changes to the sentence and it will still be correct since the subject/agent hasn't changed, but the sentence will be a bit shorter and look better.

Good luck:10:l

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]
You were born to be a fabulous writer!l
If you have some land to use as your wish, how you would use this land?

What should I do if some day I had some land to exploit it? It’s a serious question while it’s just an imaginary case. Before making a decision, I prefer to talk to some of my friends that have much tact so that I can trust them in order to gather some correct data.I've a variety of options in my mind, I can take advantage of this vacant land and build an apartment or business center at it, or build something that relieves some hardship of abandoned children and helps them to qualify as important and beneficial people for their community, e.g. by building a charity shop which can provide funds for bachelors to get married or public school, etc. I choose the first option and the reasons for my opinion are as follows.

Although I’m keen to help other people, I sometimes think that it’s better rather have an ordinary life, raise my standard of living. I’m not jealous of rich people and also I’m unaccustomed to this way of living. I never enjoy living at so called “big house” or having luxurious facilities, though if I have some land as an asset that I can guarantee my future, I don’t think it would be a bad idea. I’d like to build an apartment there and rent the units. In this way, In addition to having a constant income, I own something which its cost would raise daily probably and whenever I felt that I can do a better job instead of renting, I can take my property back without any problems. Furthermore, I’m unfavorable to risk my property by investing on other doubtful projects, simply because I’m not gallant enough. Finally, I’d like to share some of the profit among the poor too; nevertheless, I don’t take an oath that I would do.

From what has been discussed above, I may safely draw the conclusion that using this land to build an apartment would be the best option for me and also I’d like to be involved in helping other people

Another great idea and writing.. Well done buddy:11:
Just some suggestions:
I think it should be written as "would you" in the title since it is a question.

Another suggestion for the title would be writing "it" instead of the second "this land" to avoid repeating it and also to make the title shorter.

If I were in your shoes I'd use "have" instead of "had". Because by writing "someday" you're talking about something that might happen in future so you're using the first type of conditional sentences (possible future).

I completely agree with what dear sepid has said about "I've".

How about using "rent out" instead of "rent"? I think it's clearer.

If I were you I'd put "probably after "would"": its cost would probably raise daily.

Also following the present tense used for "can" and totally talking about future, "felt" should be replaced with "feel".

And finally, I think the last sentence marked with red is missing an object. It would better be written as "I don't take an oath that I would do it", where "it" refers to the act of sharing some money with the poor which you don't promise to do.

Good luck:11:l

26-08-2008, 13:28
Hi pals

I had decided to accompany you and I wanted to write my essay today but unfortunately there was a blackout and after that I didn't have time and couldn't do it:41: I'm gonna write it tomorrow if our time is not over by then:20:

I've just read your writings which are really great. I just have some suggestions. Please let me know if any of them is wrong:11:l

A nice story and a great writing:11:
Just a few suggestions.. Wouldn't it be better to use "whether to" instead of "to"?

And how about writing "he" instead of the second "the child" so that we wouldn't be repeating it?

I have the same suggestion for "he". I think omitting it won't make any changes to the sentence and it will still be correct since the subject/agent hasn't changed, but the sentence will be a bit shorter and look better.

Good luck:10:l

Another great idea and writing.. Well done buddy:11:
Just some suggestions:
I think it should be written as "would you" in the title since it is a question.

Another suggestion for the title would be writing "it" instead of the second "this land" to avoid repeating it and also to make the title shorter.

If I were in your shoes I'd use "have" instead of "had". Because by writing "someday" you're talking about something that might happen in future so you're using the first type of conditional sentences (possible future).

I completely agree with what dear sepid has said about "I've".

How about using "rent out" instead of "rent"? I think it's clearer.

If I were you I'd put "probably after "would"": its cost would probably raise daily.

Also following the present tense used for "can" and totally talking about future, "felt" should be replaced with "feel".

And finally, I think the last sentence marked with red is missing an object. It would better be written as "I don't take an oath that I would do it", where "it" refers to the act of sharing some money with the poor which you don't promise to do.

Good luck:11:l

hey, I do appreciate yr job here; thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanx a lot:11:, waiting rof yr wrting if you are in mood, we're gonno rock here
thaaanx again:11:l

26-08-2008, 22:29
Thanks dear Sepide and Snowy for your time and Kindness and care
I changed the topic to below form:

If you had some land to use as your wish, how would you use this land?

What should I do if some day I had some land to exploit it?l

Is it OK now? I think it's better to repeat "this land", because it's make the sentence clearer

Also following the present tense used for "can" and totally talking about future, "felt" should be replaced by "feel".

Check this:

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

And finally, I think the last sentence marked with red is missing an object. It would be better to be written [Of course "better" can be used as a verb, but I think it's not an appropriate place to be used for this purpose] as "I don't take an oath that I would do it", where "it" refers to the act of sharing some money with the poor which you don't promise to do.

Thanks Again

27-08-2008, 00:33
I'm finally joining you here!

Dear sepid, I could hardly find a subject to write about so I thought of continuing your story. I hope you don't mind:11:

Looking back on the past days and his childhood, Michael could easily remember all the hardships he had faced in his life to become a qualified doctor. Being an abandoned child and having grown up in an orphanage, he was unaccustomed to wealth and easy life and he hadn't got used to it yet.

Michael was very keen to help the poor and orphans to have a better life. After gathering some data, he decided to buy a pretty big land, on which there was a vacant building, and turn it into a dormitory as well as building a school for the orphans there.
He was still a bachelor, but he took an oath to adopt one or two kids when he's married and raise them just like his own children. And he never forgot his poor kind parents who had helped him so much and tried his best to make a better life for them.


I know I'm no good writer![ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] l

27-08-2008, 01:22
I'm finally joining you here!

Dear sepid, I could hardly find a subject to write about so I thought of continuing your story. I hope you don't mind:11:

Looking back at the past days of his childhood, Michael could easily remember all the hardships he had faced in his life before becoming a qualified doctor. Being an abandoned child and having grown up in an orphanage, made him unaccustomed to wealth and easy life and he didn't get used to it yet.

Michael was very keen to help the poor and orphans to have better lives. After gathering some data, he decided to buy a pretty big land, in which there was a vacant building, so as to turn it into a dormitory as well as building a school for the orphans there.
Despite the fact that He was still a bachelor, he took an oath to adopt one or two kids when he would get [I don't know for sure] married and raise them just like his own children. And he never forgot his poor kind parents who had helped him so much and tried his best to make a better life for them.


I know I'm no good writer![ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] l

Nice piece of writing! :10::11:l

27-08-2008, 01:39
hey, I do appreciate yr job here; thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanx a lot:11:, waiting rof yr wrting if you are in mood, we're gonno rock here
thaaanx again:11:l

You're warmly welcome my dear friend:10: I've finally written something but as I said above I've continued your story..I really hope you don't mind it:11:

Thanks dear Sepide and Snowy for your time and Kindness and care
I changed the topic to below form:

Is it OK now? I think it's better to repeat "this land", because it's make the sentence clearer

Check this:

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید==

Thanks Again

Thanks a lot for your attention dear SCYTHE

Well I think your essay is about a probability

by writing "someday" you're talking about something that might happen in future so you're using the first type of conditional sentences (possible future).Besides the word "someday", the tense of the verbs you've used is simple present, and if we write the first sentence with "have", then we're talking about a possibility and the plans we have for it.(If someday I have some land-I don't have a land now but I might have in future- I will build an apartment in it).
But if we write "had" in the first sentence and, following that, change the tenses of the rest of relevant verbs to past tense, then we're talking about something contrary to fact (If I had a land-that I don't have a land now- I would build an apartment in it.)

I don't know if I've been able to explain it.. Friends please correct me if I'm wrong:11:

Thanks for your attention and the link. I've checked it.. I didn't know the preposition for replacing two words is "by"..thaanks a lot
But how about this link? It's confusing[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنیدThanks again

27-08-2008, 02:12
Looking back at the past days of his childhood, Michael could easily remember all the hardships he had faced in his life before becoming a qualified doctor. Being an abandoned child and having grown up in an orphanage, made him unaccustomed to wealth and easy life and he didn't get used to it yet. Michael was very keen to help the poor and orphans to have better lives. After gathering some data, he decided to buy a pretty big land, in which there was a vacant building, so as to turn it into a dormitory as well as building a school for the orphans there.
Despite the fact that He was still a bachelor, he took an oath to adopt one or two kids when he would get [I don't know for sure] married and raise them just like his own children. And he never forgot his poor kind parents who had helped him so much and tried his best to make a better life for them.

Thanks a lot for your attention and correction my dear friend:11:
I think "looking back on" is correct.. this is what Cambridge online dictionary has expressed as an example:

It wasn't such a bad experience when I look back on it.

I think "he was accustomed to..." is correct too. And so is "made him...". Just that if we write it in the second way there's no comma needed.

Shouldn't "yet" be used with perfect tenses to have the meaning of "so far"?

Can't this sentence be correct? "he decided to buy a pretty big land and turn it into a dormitory"

And about "would get" I'm not sure either.. How about writing it as "... once he's married"?

Thanks a lot for your time and care:11:l

27-08-2008, 12:46
I'm finally joining you here!

Dear sepid, I could hardly find a subject to write about so I thought of continuing your story. I hope you don't mind:11:

Looking back on the past days and his childhood, Michael could easily remember all the hardships he had faced in his life to become a qualified doctor. Being an abandoned child and having grown up in an orphanage, he was unaccustomed to wealth and easy life and he hadn't got used to it yet.

Michael was very keen to help the poor and orphans to have a better life. After gathering some data, he decided to buy a pretty big land, on which there was a vacant building, and turn it into a dormitory as well as building a school for the orphans there.

He was still a bachelor, but he took an oath to adopt one or two kids when he's married and raise them just like his own children. And he never forgot his poor kind parents who had helped him so much and tried his best to make a better life for them.


I know I'm no good writer![ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] l

Thanks a lot for your attention and correction my dear friend:11:

I think "looking back on" is correct.. this is what Cambridge online dictionary has expressed as an example:

I think "he was accustomed to..." is correct too. And so is "made him...". Just that if we write it in the second way there's no comma needed.

Shouldn't "yet" be used with perfect tenses to have the meaning of "so far"?

Can't this sentence be correct? "he decided to buy a pretty big land and turn it into a dormitory"

And about "would get" I'm not sure either.. How about writing it as "... once he's married"?

Thanks a lot for your time and care:11:l

:11:wow. how nice u continued Micheal's life...thaanx dear
I see no problem n I think 'once he's married', is much better
'and turn it into a dormitory as well as building ' it seems to be correct
:10:and you are right, 'yet' should be used with perfect tenses

29-08-2008, 00:30
:11:wow. how nice u continued Micheal's life...thaanx dear
I see no problem n I think 'once he's married', is much better
'and turn it into a dormitory as well as building ' it seems to be correct
:10:and you are right, 'yet' should be used with perfect tenses

Thanks a lot my dear friend:10:
Could you please give me your suggestions on what I've written about dear SCYTHE's writing? I really hope I haven't made mistakes, but it's impossible! Would you please do me a favor and correct my possible mistakes? I'll be looking forward to reading your opinions.. And also dear SCYTHE's:20:
Thanks to both of you

29-08-2008, 18:41
Do you prefer to live in a location that has a warm climate all year or where the seasons change?l

I think I’d like to live in a place where the climate changes rather than a place that is always warm. First of all, I’m the type of the person who enjoys experiencing different things and for me having repetitive days is tiresome, I enjoy the snowy weather of winter and hot weather of summer along side with each other, not separately; and also I’d like to wear different kinds of clothing and see changes in nature that are due to changing in climate, and I can find none of them in monotone surrounding conditions. Furthermore, so many people that live in place that climate is steady, suffer sort of depression that is due to the lack of variation (variations?) of climate, and they usually have to take trips to other parts of the world to avoid this disorder. Therefore, maybe I’m just used to diverse climate, but for now that’s my choice

Which city would you like to visit?l

If I could visit any city in the world on my desire, I’d choose Bergen, a port city in southwestern Norway, since this city has everything that I’m longing for, beach, forest, and historical monuments. As you know Norway despite having very cold winters, is the second tourist destination during the summer, thanks to the fair and blessed atmosphere during this period of year that can rarely be found anywhere else. Moreover, experience (?) of fishing and skiing in this beautiful piece of world makes me more certain of this decision and also having some exciting adventures in grim jungles and mountains with wild animals is another thing that I reckon I’d get it if I had a chance to travel to that land. Best of all, I’ve hear a lot that Norwegians are very easygoing and gracious, and what’s more, they’re extremely attractive and good-looking. So, those were the reasons that I hold for my decision

01-09-2008, 00:05
I couldn’t write an essay with the words of the second lesson, so I continue the story:46:

Now Tom has changed to a qualified doctor, everyone respects him because of his personality and his high rank in the society. But, there is a sickness in his heart that brings him on his knees, and that’s the absence of real parents in his life.

Till now everything in his life was so simple, but everything changed during the first dismal dispiriting day of November when he was driving in a road through a grim forest. He could barely keep his eyes open while he was moving and that caused him to pay a high price for that, since all of a sudden his car was swerved from the road and hit a tree alongside the road. Thus, he had to stay all the night in this frigid and dismal jungle. Meanwhile, he was tempted to wander into the jungle for finding a place to spend the night, but a load shriek which sounded to be caused by a sinister creature numbed him awhile. Soon after getting aware of peril that laid ahead of him, he concealed himself by reclining beneath a bush around

To be continued … [preferably, by someone else]l

01-09-2008, 22:23
Thanks a lot my dear friend:10:

Could you please give me your suggestions on what I've written about dear SCYTHE's writing? I really hope I haven't made mistakes, but it's impossible! Would you please do me a favor and correct my possible mistakes? I'll be looking forward to reading your opinions.. And also dear SCYTHE's:20:
Thanks to both of you

hey, thaaanx for yr nice consideration, that is our aim here, I mean correcting our mistakes by everyone's help, so if I see any problem in yr I will put u wise. I hope we all do that:11:l
Bahram, thaaaaaaaanx alot, I try to have my writing tom:11:l

01-09-2008, 23:00
Do you prefer to live in a location that has a warm climate all year or where the seasons change?l

I think I’d like to live in a place where the climate changes rather than a place that is always warm. First of all, I’m the type of the person who enjoys experiencing different things and for me having repetitive days is tiresome, I enjoy the snowy weather of winter and hot weather of summer along side with each other, not separately; and also I’d like to wear different kinds of clothing and see changes in nature that are due to changing in climate, and I can find none of them in monotone surrounding conditions. Furthermore, so many people that live in place that climate is steady, suffer sort of depression that is due to the lack of variation (variations?) of climate, and they usually have to take trips to other parts of the world to avoid this disorder. Therefore, maybe I’m just used to diverse climate, but for now that’s my choice

Which city would you like to visit?l

If I could visit any city in the world on my desire, I’d choose Bergen, a port city in southwestern Norway, since this city has everything that I’m longing for, beach, forest, and historical monuments. As you know Norway despite having very cold winters, is the second tourist destination during the summer, thanks to the fair and blessed atmosphere during this period of year that can rarely be found anywhere else. Moreover, experience (?) of fishing and skiing in this beautiful piece of world makes me more certain of this decision and also having some exciting adventures in grim jungles and mountains with wild animals is another thing that I reckon I’d get it if I had a chance to travel to that land. Best of all, I’ve hear a lot that Norwegians are very easygoing and gracious, and what’s more, they’re extremely attractive and good-looking. So, those were the reasons that I hold for my decision

:11:well, that was really nice, thaanx again
here, I couldn't find any problem, about variation, I think it should be used singular(not sure)l
just 'the', here, I think it should be omitted. I'm not sure, I think it should be: 'I'm a type of person who....'l

I couldn’t write an essay with the words of the second lesson, so I continue the story:46:

Now Tom has changed to a qualified doctor, everyone respects him because of his personality and his high rank in the society. But, there is a sickness in his heart that brings him on his knees, and that’s the absence of real parents in his life.

Till now everything in his life was so simple, but everything changed during the first dismal dispiriting day of November when he was driving in a road through a grim forest. He could barely keep his eyes open while he was moving and that caused him to pay a high price for that, since all of a sudden his car was swerved from the road and hit a tree alongside the road. Thus, he had to stay all the night in this frigid and dismal jungle. Meanwhile, he was tempted to wander into the jungle for finding a place to spend the night, but a load shriek which sounded to be caused by a sinister creature numbed him awhile. Soon after getting aware of peril that laid ahead of him, he concealed himself by reclining beneath a bush around

To be continued … [preferably, by someone else]l

l'his car was swerved '...I think there is no need to use the passive form. hmm?:20:!l
instead of 'for' here u should use 'to'...I'm sure about it:46:. bcuz I had it in grammar two, last semester:27:. u can never use 'for' when u are talking about purposes but the times u are describing a thing. e.g: a spoon is for eating
:Some other examples
Correct: I went to market for some milk
Correct: I went to market to buy some milk
Incorrect: I went to market for buying some milk
:11:goooood luck

02-09-2008, 20:41
:11:well, that was really nice, thaanx again
here, I couldn't find any problem, about variation, I think it should be used singular(not sure)l
just 'the', here, I think it should be omitted. I'm not sure, I think it should be: 'I'm a type of person who....'l

l'his car was swerved '...I think there is no need to use the passive form. hmm?:20:!l
instead of 'for' here u should use 'to'...I'm sure about it:46:. bcuz I had it in grammar two, last semester:27:. u can never use 'for' when u are talking about purposes but the times u are describing a thing. e.g: a spoon is for eating
:Some other examples
Correct: I went to market for some milk
Correct: I went to market to buy some milk
Incorrect: I went to market for buying some milk
:11:goooood luck

Really thanks, many thanks

I think the statement of:l

'I'm a type of person who....'l
is true, and I think using the article of "the" is also true:l
I found these statements on some reliable sources:l

I'm the type of person who worries that I will miss an important call
I am a person who is easily distracted
You are right in other cases:27:

Good luck and looking forward to reading your writing and also snowy's:20:l

02-09-2008, 23:48
hey, thaaanx for yr nice consideration, that is our aim here, I mean correcting our mistakes by everyone's help, so if I see any problem in yr I will put u wise. I hope we all do that:11:l

Thanks a lotttt :11:l
And also thanks for the tip you've said about the difference of using "to" and "for".. I didn't know it.. thank you very much:10::11:

Dear SCYTHE, your writings were really great [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] I couldn't find any problems either.. I just agree with sepid's comment about "the" and "swerved". In fact, about "the" your comment is right, too. So I think both of the uses are right but in this sentence "I'm a type of person who..." would be better:20:

By the way, I have a small suggestion for one of the sentences of your text:

Furthermore, so many people that live in place that climate is steady, suffer sort of depression that is due to the lack of variation (variations?) of climateHow about using some other relative clauses to avoid using "that"? Like: "so many people who live in places where the climate is steady suffer sort of depression that(which) is due to lack of variation of climate"

I've also made some small changes to the sentence and I'm looking forward to hearing your opinions about it:11:l

03-09-2008, 14:54
firts I want u to accept my appology bcuz of this delay:11:, I wanted to have the story yesterday but there was a problem n I couldn't access to p30
:27:n second, Bahraam, that was really hard to continue but I did it
as soon as he reclined behind the bushes, he found out himself reclining beside a coprse n that caused him to shriek loudly n he just fled from that place n cencealed behind a tree. In that frigid n dismal night Tom was unable to get help from others, he was alone n he had to wait till morning. his hands n feet had become numb n he was trembling all the night n when he opened his eyes he found himself in a hospital. He could catch some of the inhabitants of his howtown around himself, he was not aware of what had happened to him n he just thanked God for surviving from such a peril

04-09-2008, 11:40
What kind of products you prefer, hand-made or machine made?l

I think in this machine era, seeing scarce hand-made products which has been devised and created by especial talent of artists, persuade everyone that still minimally there are some essential areas in the life which can’t be replaced by machines. Annually we witness that machines are substituted for newer ones, but on the other hand, not only hand-made articles lose their prices, but get more and more expensive. Because, they’re typical work that cannot be recurred; the blend of art and unique talent of artists and also their creation dates has made them distinctive

05-09-2008, 01:51
What kind of products you prefer, hand-made or machine made?l

I think in this machine era, seeing scarce hand-made products which has been devised and created by especial talent of artists, persuade everyone that still minimally there are some essential areas in the life which can’t be replaced by machines. Annually we witness that machines are substituted for newer ones, but on the other hand, not only hand-made articles lose their prices, but get more and more expensive. Because, they’re typical work that cannot be recurred; the blend of art and unique talent of artists and also their creation dates has made them distinctive

Another nice writing.. Well done, buddy [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]
Just a couple of suggestions:

I think you should use "have" instead of "has", since you're describing "hand-made products" which is plural.

And I think it would be better to write "replaced with". Here's a example Cambridge Online Dictionary has expressed:

The factory replaced most of its workers with robots.

I'm in doubt about the underlined parts. I'm not sure about what I think. Let me wait for other friends' comments:20:

Looking forward to your comments, pals.. Please let me know if I've made any mistakes

05-09-2008, 12:01
Another nice writing.. Well done, buddy [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

Just a couple of suggestions:

I think you should use "have" instead of "has", since you're describing "hand-made products" which is plural.

And I think it would be better to write "replaced with". Here's a example Cambridge Online Dictionary has expressed:

I'm in doubt about the underlined parts. I'm not sure about what I think. Let me wait for other friends' comments:20:

Looking forward to your comments, pals.. Please let me know if I've made any mistakes

well, about replace, both of them are right; with or by, both are correct, according to Oxford:10:l

08-09-2008, 15:35
Sarah, a 19 year old lady, who was studying Physics, decided to drop out her studying n follow what her heart wanted. She had a great talent in art n some of her paintings had been sold too expensive in one of the most famous annual exhibition. By the time she dropped out studying, she persuaded her parents to let her travel to other countries so that she could find better n more beautiful subjects to paint since all her paintings had become typical recently n none of her paintings could draw others' attention as before. Money was essential if she wanted to travel to other countries but her parents could not afford such money n Sarah decided to sell all her paintings wholesale

08-09-2008, 17:28
Sarah, a 19 year old lady, who was studying Physics, decided to drop out her studying n follow what her heart wanted. She had a great talent in art n some of her paintings had been sold too expensive in one of the most famous annual exhibition. By the time she dropped out studying, she persuaded her parents to let her travel to other countries so that she could find better n more beautiful subjects to paint since all her paintings had become typical recently n none of her paintings could draw others' attention as before. Money was essential if she wanted to travel to other countries but her parents could not afford such money n Sarah decided to sell all her paintings wholesale

Well done, very nice, thanks too much for pursuing the topic:11:l
I don't think typical has a disapproving meaning, what about this one:l
since all her paintings had become typical monotone recently

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

08-09-2008, 22:11
Well done, very nice, thanks too much for pursuing the topic:11:l

I don't think typical has a disapproving meaning, what about this one:l
since all her paintings had become typical monotone recently

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

yeah, totally agree, actually I was looking for such a word n now u gave it. thaaaaaaaaaaaanx a lot:11:l

09-09-2008, 01:04
I evaded:31: the lesson 4 because assembling majority of those words was a burden to me:46:. I think sometimes we should reform the rules and break with tradition:27:.l

Choose one resource that is disappearing and explain why it needs to be saved

It’s a very debatable topic and I think it’s better before making any decision I probe the variety of options. Anyway, my choice for now is trees and I’m really concerned about the future of the Earth if the process of destroying the jungles continues in this way. In the following I would explore some important reasons for my choice.

First, trees by doing the procedure of photosynthesis in which they turn carbon dioxide into oxygen play a significant role in maintaining a good condition for the ecosystem which is in danger of annihilation because of human’s destroyer activities.
Trees by reducing carbon gases amounts prevent the phenomenon of the greenhouse effect that result in increasing the mean temperature of the Earth and changing the environment. Besides that, jungles are home of many different species of animals like birds and mammals and insects, etc. Lives of these creatures are strongly reliant on these kinds of ecosystems, and if one day these jungles vanish, without doubt we will lose these creatures as well, and this will be a big blow that we destroy the life on this planet in order to reaching some temporary and unnecessary goals.

Second, I think we do need jungles to bring happiness to us, you will not understand what I’m saying unless you spend a night in jungle or at rural treed areas. If you try it you will never allow the thought of destroying these precious god-given gifts comes to your mind. Furthermore, the issue of destroying jungles gets more bothersome when we see that all of the products made by wood can be produced by other materials, for example, we can use other materials for making pencil or door or table and so on. The other drawback of destroying jungles is that this process is irreversible and it means that we practically will disappoint the next generations from enjoying the green nature.

In a word, for practical and emotional reasons we need to preserve our plant’s trees

09-09-2008, 01:39
Sarah, a 19 year old lady, who was studying Physics, decided to drop out her studying n follow what her heart wanted. She had a great talent in art n some of her paintings had been sold too expensive in one of the most famous annual exhibition. By the time she dropped out studying, she persuaded her parents to let her travel to other countries so that she could find better n more beautiful subjects to paint since all her paintings had become typical recently n none of her paintings could draw others' attention as before. Money was essential if she wanted to travel to other countries but her parents could not afford such money n Sarah decided to sell all her paintings wholesale

Great story dear sepid[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

Just a couple of suggestions:

Shouldn't we write "exhibitions"?

I feel strange about using "too" in this sentence. Doesn't it give negative meaning to the sentence? And here, doesn't it mean that the painting wasn't worth the price that had been paid for it?[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] l

10-09-2008, 16:10
Despite all hardships n tails, Sarah could afford to travel to Europe. First she went to France, there she stayed with one of her old friends, Maggy, who was living on her own in an enormous house. the very first days of her trips she had great time n she could go to different beautiful places n catch some fabulous subjects for her paintings but these happy days did not last for a long time, one humid night, while Sarah was descending the stairs in her way to home she bumped into a dense, lunatic villain, she was totally scared n tried to flee but she could do nothing;
It was about 2 a.m n Sarah had been vanished n Maggy was too worried. Maggy phoned all the places where Sarah could be, but she couldn't find her n eventually she phoned the police; The day after Sarah's photo was circulated on all the morning newspapers. The police could not find Sarah after 48 hours following up, For Maggy this event was unpredictable n she was in dilemma whether to inform Sarah's parents. By the time Sarah made up her mind to put Sarah's parents wise, she received a phone call from the police station. the police had found Sarah passed out in an old vacant building

10-09-2008, 16:18
I evaded:31: the lesson 4 because assembling majority of those words was a burden to me:46:. I think sometimes we should reform the rules and break with tradition:27:.l

Choose one resource that is disappearing and explain why it needs to be saved

It’s a very debatable topic and I think it’s better before making any decision I probe the variety of options. Anyway, my choice for now is trees and I’m really concerned about the future of the Earth if the process of destroying the jungles continues in this way. In the following I would explore some important reasons for my choice.

First, trees by doing the procedure of photosynthesis in which they turn carbon dioxide into oxygen play a significant role in maintaining a good condition for the ecosystem which is in danger of annihilation because of human’s destroyer activities.
Trees by reducing carbon gases amounts prevent the phenomenon of the greenhouse effect that result in increasing the mean temperature of the Earth and changing the environment. Besides that, jungles are home of many different species of animals like birds and mammals and insects, etc. Lives of these creatures are strongly reliant on these kinds of ecosystems, and if one day these jungles vanish, without doubt we will lose these creatures as well, and this will be a big blow that we destroy the life on this planet in order to reaching some temporary and unnecessary goals.

Second, I think we do need jungles to bring happiness to us, you will not understand what I’m saying unless you spend a night in jungle or at rural treed areas. If you try it you will never allow the thought of destroying these precious god-given gifts comes to your mind. Furthermore, the issue of destroying jungles gets more bothersome when we see that all of the products made by wood can be produced by other materials, for example, we can use other materials for making pencil or door or table and so on. The other drawback of destroying jungles is that this process is irreversible and it means that we practically will disappoint the next generations from enjoying the green nature.

In a word, for practical and emotional reasons we need to preserve our plant’s trees

yeah, lesson 4 was really hard, I worked on it for about an hour while I usually write in just 15 mins:31:; anyway, it's a good idea, we can use different words from different units
I still have not read yr essay, I read n I tell my idea:11:l

Great story dear sepid[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

Just a couple of suggestions:

Shouldn't we write "exhibitions"?

I feel strange about using "too" in this sentence. Doesn't it give negative meaning to the sentence? And here, doesn't it mean that the painting wasn't worth the price that had been paid for it?[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] l

yeah are right, it should be exhibitions:31:, about the second one, actually I meant that it could even be sold cheaper:31:; my stories are meaningless:27:l
but u r totally right, 'too' is used for negetive froms:27:l

10-09-2008, 16:32
I evaded:31: the lesson 4 because assembling majority of those words was a burden to me:46:. I think sometimes we should reform the rules and break with tradition:27:.l

Choose one resource that is disappearing and explain why it needs to be saved

It’s a very debatable topic and I think it’s better before making any decision I probe the variety of options. Anyway, my choice for now is trees and I’m really concerned about the future of the Earth if the process of destroying the jungles continues in this way. In the following I would explore some important reasons for my choice.

First, trees by doing the procedure of photosynthesis in which they turn carbon dioxide into oxygen play a significant role in maintaining a good condition for the ecosystem which is in danger of annihilation because of human’s destroyer activities.
Trees by reducing carbon gases amounts prevent the phenomenon of the greenhouse effect that result in increasing the mean temperature of the Earth and changing the environment. Besides that, jungles are home of many different species of animals like birds and mammals and insects, etc. Lives of these creatures are strongly reliant on these kinds of ecosystems, and if one day these jungles vanish, without doubt we will lose these creatures as well, and this will be a big blow that we destroy the life on this planet in order to reaching some temporary and unnecessary goals.

Second, I think we do need jungles to bring happiness to us, you will not understand what I’m saying unless you spend a night in jungle or at rural treed areas. If you try it you will never allow the thought of destroying these precious god-given gifts comes to your mind. Furthermore, the issue of destroying jungles gets more bothersome when we see that all of the products made by wood can be produced by other materials, for example, we can use other materials for making pencil or door or table and so on. The other drawback of destroying jungles is that this process is irreversible and it means that we practically will disappoint the next generations from enjoying the green nature.

In a word, for practical and emotional reasons we need to preserve our plant’s trees

Wow, Barham, I used my dic for more than 10 times while reading yr essay, how can u memorise all these hard n forgettable words:31:l
I think 'and' should be omitted n ',' should be used isntead, hmm?!l
After 'in order' we dun use 'ing', we have infinitive
I explained about the usage of 'to' n 'for' a few days ago, here 'to' should be used instea of 'for'l

10-09-2008, 17:43
Despite all hardships n tails, Sarah could afford to travel to Europe. First, she went to France, there she stayed with one of her old friends, Maggy, who was living on her own in an enormous house. At the very first days of her trips she had a great time n she could go to different beautiful places n catch some fabulous subjects for her paintings, but these happy days did not last for a long time. At one humid night, while Sarah was descending the stairs in her way to home she bumped into a dense, lunatic villain, she was totally scared n tried to flee but she could do nothing.
It was about 2 a.m. n Sarah had been vanished n Maggy was too worried. Maggy phoned all the places where Sarah could be, but she couldn't find her n eventually she phoned the police. The day after, Sarah's photo was circulated on all the morning newspapers. The police could not find Sarah after 48 hours following up, For Maggy this event was unpredictable n she was in dilemma whether to inform Sarah's parents. By the time Sarah made up her mind to put Sarah's parents wise, she received a phone call from the police station. the police had found Sarah passed out in an old vacant building

Very well, excellent[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] I just couldn't put these words[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] together but you could[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

What a tragic story![ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

12-09-2008, 21:02
If people behave differently when they wear different clothes?l

I undoubtedly agree that people’s behaviors are affected by their kind of clothing, and there so many arguments that this thought is true and through this essay I will convey some reasons to support this idea.

One clear example that helps to approach this idea is that when you wear formal clothes and take part in a serious meeting or even walk in the street your actions are completely differently than when you wear casual clothing like T-shirt and jeans. In the first case, you try to show yourself as a gentleman and treat tactfully, whereas, in the second situation you are more free and convenient to make jokes with other people or even you can neglect some social costumes. Besides that, wearing stuff like hat or sunglasses more often than not cause some sense of confidence and coolness; or usually people wear things like necklace to make themselves appear better-looking or to imply their some particular beliefs.

Moreover, one of the places that the effect of kind of clothing is detectable is office. Usually in offices the employees were uniform, perhaps one reason for that is to make distinction between clients and employees. But, I think when employees were such uniforms they comprehend that they are working for what firm or corporation and they must obey its rules, otherwise, defrauders and deceiver must compensate for their irresponsible actions.

Finally, clothe color is also an important factor and truly has an effect on their owners’ feelings. For example, black color brings the feelings seriousness and grief, or red color makes happy and thriving sensation, and green color causes harmony and peace.

All in all, from what has been discussed above, I can safely draw the conclusion that clothes which we wear do influences our manners and feelings and there are so many evidences and fact that approve this idea

15-09-2008, 13:15
Micheal, the neglected child of our former story who was detected by a couple was hospitalized for a while in a luxury hospital after his accident. he was released after three weeks when doctors became sure that he is healthy with no defection; by the time he wanted to leave the hospital, the head of hospital asked him to work with them in the hospital n become one the employees of this luxury hospital, since he was so popular among the people in his home-town n this could increase the number of clients of this hospital
Undoubtedly this offer was one of the best offers Michael had ever given, it was one of his wishes, working in such a hospital. But he hesitated n did not reply very soon; first he wanted to consult with her parents. When he shared this offer with his parents, they were shocked n could not comprehend it well, they were so happy n they just thanked God for the gift which was given to them.l

15-09-2008, 13:17
If people behave differently when they wear different clothes?l

I undoubtedly agree that people’s behaviors are affected by their kind of clothing, and there so many arguments that this thought is true and through this essay I will convey some reasons to support this idea.

One clear example that helps to approach this idea is that when you wear formal clothes and take part in a serious meeting or even walk in the street your actions are completely differently than when you wear casual clothing like T-shirt and jeans. In the first case, you try to show yourself as a gentleman and treat tactfully, whereas, in the second situation you are more free and convenient to make jokes with other people or even you can neglect some social costumes. Besides that, wearing stuff like hat or sunglasses more often than not cause some sense of confidence and coolness; or usually people wear things like necklace to make themselves appear better-looking or to imply their some particular beliefs.

Moreover, one of the places that the effect of kind of clothing is detectable is office. Usually in offices the employees were uniform, perhaps one reason for that is to make distinction between clients and employees. But, I think when employees were such uniforms they comprehend that they are working for what firm or corporation and they must obey its rules, otherwise, defrauders and deceiver must compensate for their irresponsible actions.

Finally, clothe color is also an important factor and truly has an effect on their owners’ feelings. For example, black color brings the feelings seriousness and grief, or red color makes happy and thriving sensation, and green color causes harmony and peace.

All in all, from what has been discussed above, I can safely draw the conclusion that clothes which we wear do influences our manners and feelings and there are so many evidences and fact that approve this idea

vey nice subject a very nice essay. thaaanks
:46:well, I think it should be 'different'; not sure

15-09-2008, 23:52
In general, people are living longer. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon

One of the outcomes of developing human’s science and culture is definitely increase in the average number of years that humans live on and this is a massive achievement which is unique to men that have an ability to interfere in nature in their own favor to postpone the time of death. In the following I will provide more explanation for my speculation.

The most important reason for this phenomenon is development in knowledge that includes fields like anatomy, genetics, psychology, biology and also other nonmedical areas that are connected with medicine technically such as electronics, mechanics or alike. By using this knowledge diseases like rabies, malaria never threaten human’s life as before and nowadays vaccines (vaccine?) of so many diseases have been made that in past were the main reason of fatalities in big and small communities. This is very interesting that capsules that contain a special substance can preserve thousands of lives. Beside that, today we can forecast devastating natural disasters like torrents, cyclones, and floods that were gloomy and unforeseen phenomena for our ancestors and they tried to connect these events to the sky for example they taught that it is because of God’s resentment. Consequently, thanks to our increased data we can prepare ourselves before encountering these ex-tragedies.

The other important factor is improvement in humanity and understanding of human-kind. During man’s history so many bloody battles happened resulted in many casualties. In past, any not consenting claims simply caused two sides (that could be two persons or tribes or nations) start to molest and fight one another. However, today there are organizations like national committee or court that people and governments can denounce their disagreements completely in a diplomatic manner without any violent actions.

Overall, today’s people have more chance to breathe longer and I reckon two prominent factors of higher knowledge and culture are mainly involved in this improvement

16-09-2008, 00:22
Micheal, the neglected child of our former story who was detected by a couple was hospitalized for a while in a luxury hospital after his accident. he was released after three weeks when doctors became sure that he is healthy with no defection; by the time he wanted to leave the hospital, the head of hospital asked him to work with them in the hospital n become one of the employees of this luxury hospital, since he was so popular among the people in his home-town n this could increase the number of clients of this hospital
Undoubtedly this offer was one of the best offers Michael had ever been given, it was one of his wishes, working in such a hospital. But he hesitated n did not reply very soon; first he wanted to consult with her parents. When he shared this offer with his parents, they were shocked n could not comprehend it well, they were so happy n they just thanked God for the gift which was given to them.l

A fantastic and catchy story:10:l
So nice! thanks a lot
About "defection" I think it is better to use "infection"
home-town=> hometown

"consult with her parents", I'm not sure about this check it yourself:

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

Thanks a million for your attention and time:11::11::11:l
I'm learning a lot through this process, I hope this helpful exercise goes on

16-09-2008, 10:28
A fantastic and catchy story:10:l

So nice! thanks a lot
About "defection" I think it is better to use "infection"
home-town=> hometown

"consult with her parents", I'm not sure about this check it yourself:

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

Thanks a million for your attention and time:11::11::11:l
I'm learning a lot through this process, I hope this helpful exercise goes on

I should be thaankful for yr nice consideration:11:l
about 'consult', that's what is written in Oxford: Consult~ (with) sb (about / on sth) to discuss sth with sb to get their permission for sth, or to help you make a decision

24-01-2009, 13:06
ببخشید من وقتی میخوام یه چیزی رو به انگلیسی بگم ، حتما باید قبلش فارسی شو بنویسم بعد تبدیلش کنم به انگلیسی ...
خیلی کم پیش میاد که همین طوری یه جمله انگلیسی بدونه فکر به فارسی بگم .... باید چی کار کنم ؟
در ضمن بهترین راه برای افزایش دایره لغت چیه ؟ متنه انگلیسی خوندن ؟
(مثلا همین پست رو اگه میخواستم به انگلیسی بگم اصلا نمیشه ، حتما باید فارسیش جلوم باشه تا تبدیلش کنم )
فکر کنم ضعف در جمله سازیه .... بهترین تمرین برای جمله سازی چیه ؟
sorry .... when I wnat to write somthing to english , certainly I have to write it to farsi and then I translate it to englsih
meantime which way is better for increasing vocabularies
reading english passeges ?
(like if i want to write this sentece to english surly its farsi must in front of my eyes for translatoring )
I think thtas why for making sentences ..... which way is better for make sentences ?
(قرار شد پست هامو به انگلیسی اینجا بگم و اساتید ایراداتشو بگیرن ) ty

24-01-2009, 18:23
sorry .... when I wnat to write somthing to english , certainly I have to write it to farsi and then I translate it to englsih
meantime which way is better for increasing vocabularies
reading english passeges ?
(like if i want to write this sentece to english surly its farsi must in front of my eyes for translatoring )
I think thtas why for making sentences ..... which way is better for make sentences ?
(قرار شد پست هامو به انگلیسی اینجا بگم و اساتید ایراداتشو بگیرن ) ty

to English: write in English/Farsi

way is better for increasing : I think this is not correct; if I were you I would write: Which way is recommenِded/better if I want to improve my vocabulary?

like: for example

its farsi must in front of my eyes for translatoring: I couldn't get? what were u trying to say?did u mean: I have to have the farsi text with my self if I want to write in English?l

Plz keep writing in English in this topic(Farsi is forbidden here:5:, n if there was any mistake which u had question about, u can ask here or even in grammatical problems' topic or even in سوالات خود را به فارسی مطرح کنید):10:l
good luck

24-01-2009, 22:42
(مثلا همین پست رو اگه میخواستم به انگلیسی بگم اصلا نمیشه ، حتما باید فارسیش جلوم باشه تا تبدیلش کنم )
فکر کنم ضعف در جمله سازیه .... بهترین تمرین برای جمله سازی چیه ؟
For example, I can't write this post in English and I need to have it in Farsi available till I can translate it
I guess the problem is my weakness in making English sentences... so, what's the best exercise for improving that?
Your answer: KEEP GOING

24-01-2009, 23:01
really nice ....
thanks thanks ....
I really surprise
nice nice....
I learn many thing with ur answers

04-04-2009, 14:18
:11: Hi . I want to writ in english ! but i have a problem ! im a noob
please help me !

04-04-2009, 14:27
:11: Hi . I want to writ in english ! but i have a problem ! im a noob
please help me !

I think u just sell yourself short
you can write a sentence with the least possible mistakes so be brave, go on...write about whatever you like in a paragraph and we help you to find out yr mistakes if there was any... By the way, I think a group tp study English can also be of a great help for you:10:l
Dun hesitate, write whatever you like, yr problems will be solved:10:l

04-04-2009, 15:06
you know what sepid12ir ! you are a good man thank you for help . i owe you :11:

20-07-2009, 23:20
hey guys,

I think this topic is one which can be of a great help for all of us, n since Singleguy is done with his own topic those who r interested in keeping their writings I do recommend u to join us here... we can come up with a topic n ask interested ones to have a piece of writing in at least 6 lines n for sure all writings will be corrected
... so if u r in just go on n rock here... it can be of some help indeed

Good luck guys:10:l

08-08-2011, 09:45
Hi , sorry if I brought this topic up
Could you please someone take a look at this short story , and tell me my mistakes
There are many beautiful farms in our planet but
they are always in danger because
there are always some little creatures , we called them Dirty Bugs, and they
want to attack the farms and eat them all. You must defeat them and help the farmers to keep farms beauty as always. All farmers will appreciate your good job.

08-08-2011, 17:52
Hi , sorry if I brought this topic up
Could you please someone take a look at this short story , and tell me my mistakes
There are many beautiful farms in our planet but
they are always in danger because
there are always some little creatures , we called them Dirty Bugs, and they
want to attack the farms and eat them all. You must defeat them and help the farmers to keep farms beauty as always. All farmers will appreciate your good job.

don't be sorry for bringing this topic up, I for one would be happy to see this topic up again :10:i
it was good, but would be better if you had used "which are" instead of "they are". since we have "there are" twice and besides "they are" which sounds like "there are" and it's like having repetition which is better to be avoided ( I mean repetition )

We called: We call

want to: why not omitting it and use attack alone

good luck Brian, my dear old pal :11:l

11-08-2011, 01:07
I steel have many problems writing formal letters:19:

I want to write a letter to a master in a foreign university and I want to ask him to let me translate his article/book

can I put my essay here, and will anyone correct it?
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

11-08-2011, 01:21
I steel have many problems writing formal letters:19:

I want to write a letter to a master in a foreign university and I want to ask him to let me translate his article/book

can I put my essay here, and will anyone correct it?
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

ye, definitely, why not?
no need to ask :10:i

13-08-2011, 16:30
Hello Professor --------
I'm studying electrical engineering in --------university and I'm interested in your book , ----------. My teacher Dr------- who was also graduated in A&M university of technology and I attempt to translate your book to Persian language and publish it in Iran and then we will set some courses based on this book in order to make a team and do activities in this field.
Thank you for taking the time to read this e-mail. I look forward to your response.
My Name
My phone number
My Email

13-08-2011, 21:10
Hello Professor --------
I'm studying electrical engineering in --------university and I'm interested in your book , ----------. My teacher Dr------- who was also graduated in A&M university of technology and I attempt to translate your book to Persian language and publish it in Iran and then we will set some courses based on this book in order to make a team and do activities in this field.
Thank you for taking the time to read this e-mail. I look forward to your response.
My Name
My phone number
My Email

much better to use my instructor instead of my teacher! Teacher is kinda low, though it is correct and used.

attempt is also a correct word, but if I were you I would say eager to grab the attention
when u say attempt it's as if u have already decided on that while eager can be a kinda polite request
so I would write my instructor and I are eager to translate your book

of course that's just an idea

good luck :11:l

14-08-2011, 09:17
much better to use my instructor instead of my teacher! Teacher is kinda low, though it is correct and used.

attempt is also a correct word, but if I were you I would say eager to grab the attention
when u say attempt it's as if u have already decided on that while eager can be a kinda polite request
so I would write my instructor and I are eager to translate your book

of course that's just an idea

good luck :11:l

did I start and finish the letter correctly?l

14-08-2011, 17:25
ya, it is correct
but instead of Hello, write Dear Dr,...
much more appropriate

17-08-2011, 00:06
Hi [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]
I'm very concerned [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]
could u please check the whole letter again?l [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

subject: Permission

Dear Professor Mehrdad Ehsani
I'm studying electrical engineering in Isfahan (Khorasgan) university and I'm interested in your book: Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles. My instructor, Dr. Mohammad Ali Abbasian who was graduated from Texas A&M University and I are eager to translate your book to Persian language and publish it in Iran. Our main goal is to set some courses based on this book in order to make a team and do activities in this field. before starting, we need your permission to translate the book.
Thank you for taking the time to read this e-mail. I look forward to your response.

my name - my family name
Khorasgan Azad University
Tel: 0098913-----
Email: ------@gmail.com

17-08-2011, 16:51
Hi [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]
I'm very concerned [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]
could u please check the whole letter again?l [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

subject: Permission

Dear Professor Mehrdad Ehsani
I'm studying electrical engineering in Isfahan (Khorasgan) university and I'm interested in your book: Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles. My instructor, Dr. Mohammad Ali Abbasian who was graduated from Texas A&M University and I are eager to translate your book to Persian language and publish it in Iran. Our main goal is to set some courses based on this book in order to make a team and do activities in this field. before starting, we need your permission to translate the book.
Thank you for taking the time to read this e-mail. I look forward to your response.

my name - my family name
Khorasgan Azad University
Tel: 0098913-----
Email: ------@gmail.com

who is graduated

I think that's good enough :10:i

18-08-2011, 12:21
It's me again [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

I have to send new letter [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] . could you please check it out? [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

Dear CRC press
I'm eager to translate the book: Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles to Persian language because I need it in Iran. I've given the permission of the writer, professor M.Ehsani. What should I do to translate CRC press book to other language? Should I get formal approval from CRC press? how?l
Thank you for taking the time to read this e-mail. I look forward to your response.

my name - my family name
Khorasgan Azad University
Tel: 0098913-----
Email: ------@gmail.com

18-08-2011, 22:08
It's me again [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

I have to send new letter [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] . could you please check it out? [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

Dear CRC press
I'm eager to translate the book: Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles to Persian language because I need it in Iran. I've given the permission of the writer, professor M.Ehsani. What should I do to translate CRC press book to other language? Should I get formal approval from CRC press? how?l
Thank you for taking the time to read this e-mail. I look forward to your response.

my name - my family name
Khorasgan Azad University
Tel: 0098913-----
Email: ------@gmail.com

Hi again :46:i

I need it in Iran: come on! you don't translate a book for yr own sake :31: (just kidding :10:) much better to say we are eager to translate it to Farsi since we have found this book so useful and practical and we believe it can be of a great help to electrical students'
u gotta come up with compliments :46:i

I've given: I have got

What should I do ...: not very formal, so much better to say: I'd be thankful if you could give me any needed information on the issues of translating a book of CRS Press.

If I were you I would also omit this part, no need to say it! they'll tell wotever needed:
Should I get formal approval from CRC press? how?l

18-08-2011, 23:49
first of all: :41::19:

I need it in Iran: come on! you don't translate a book for yr own sake [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] (just kidding [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])believe me or not, this book won't sell out and I will be the only person to use that :31:. If I use these sentences:

much better to say
we are eager to translate it to Farsi since we have found this book so useful and practical and we believe it can be of a great help to electrical students' they will thought that I'm going to make a lot of money with this book, therefor they will ask for a lot of money :31:

u gotta come up with compliments [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] the way, thanks.

19-08-2011, 13:25
they will thought that I'm going to make a lot of money with this book, therefor they will ask for a lot of money [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

hadn't considered this :31:i


20-08-2011, 00:07
by the way, your English is pretty good and maybe you can help me:31:

as I noticed, you didn't used the last sentence in question form with out any question mark. is it right? should I always ask something politely in this way?l
could u please explain a bit about it?l
and the last question (in this post :D ) . how can I improve my writing?l

20-08-2011, 15:11
as I noticed, you didn't used the last sentence in question form with out any question mark. is it right? should I always ask something politely in this way?l

I didn't ask any question, I just requested/asked for sth, so no need to use question mark
I believe that is one of the most polite and formal way of asking for sth:

could u please explain a bit about it?l
I'd be thankful/ grateful /pleased if you+the rest of the sentence but in "Past tense" since it makes it more formal

I'd be grateful if you could tell me more about yrself

and the last question (in this post :D ) . how can I improve my writing?l
first, yr writing IS good
second, keep writing

good luck :11:i

20-08-2011, 15:57
first, yr writing IS good
I've just send that email. I hope they answer

I didn't study English at all for a year because and I was translating and I have understood that translating, does not improve English at all....
by the way on Mehr 19th to 21st , MAYBE I want to write some essays in English and post them on my web-log and I have to do it just in 2 or 3 days . I guess I should write at least 6 (and God knows about at last ) posts in my web-log. Is it possible for you to edit all my posts?

20-08-2011, 22:17
I've just send that email. I hope they answer

I didn't study English at all for a year because and I was translating and I have understood that translating, does not improve English at all....
by the way on Mehr 19th to 21st , MAYBE I want to write some essays in English and post them on my web-log and I have to do it just in 2 or 3 days . I guess I should write at least 6 (and God knows about at last ) posts in my web-log. Is it possible for you to edit all my posts?

ya, translating can not be of a help to improve English

any posts are welcomed here'n if I have time, I'll definitely take a look at them

23-08-2011, 22:56
hi :11:
The publisher has answered me.:5:
please edit the next letterS

Dear Christina M. Taranto
Thanks for responding. I haven't found any publisher yet. After finishing translation, I will find a publisher and introduce you to them. So I will inform you about it few months later

the second letter.:20:
I should send a letter to professor Ehsani and let him to know the result of the letter to the CRC press.

Dear professor Mehrdad Ehsani
I send a letter to CRC press and asked them for any needed information on translating the book. Christina M. Taranto, who was responsible, told me I'm free to translate for personal purposes but the publisher of the new book, should contact them in order to speak whit them about the publish program.
So, I continue translating and after it accomplished, I'll send it to you and professor Ali Emadi in PDF file to take a look at it. Is it possible to ask you about the problems I face up to while translating?

how can I tell it without the question form?

Is it possible to ask you about the problems I face up to while translating?

can I start the letters with the name of God? does it make the letter informal?


24-08-2011, 20:45
Thanks for responding. I haven't found any publisher yet. After finishing translation, I will find a publisher and introduce you to them. So I will inform you about it few months later
it few months later: in few month

I send a letter to CRC press and asked them for any needed information on translating the book. Christina M. Taranto, who was responsible, told me I'm free to translate for personal purposes but the publisher of the new book, should contact them in order to speak whit them about the publish program.
So, I continue translating and after it accomplished, I'll send it to you and professor Ali Emadi in PDF file to take a look at it. Is it possible to ask you about the problems I face up to while translating?

I send: I sent

better to omit 'any'

told me: responded that I am free

the publisher of the new book, should contact them in order to speak whit them about the publish program.
first off, what do you mean by "the new book" I don't get it
if you mean the translated one which you are going to make it ready, it would be better to say:

but for some publishing programs, the new publisher should get in touch with the CRC press

after it accomplished: when it is accomplished

I'll send it to you and professor Ali Emadi in PDF file to take a look at it. Is it possible to ask you about the problems I face up to while translating

I'll send a copy of that to you and professor Ali Emadi to have a look at it. Besides, I was wondering if I could share my problems with you while translating the text


hope it helps
good luck

11-11-2011, 13:39

could you please edit it and tell the best expressions to replace?

The 1390 summer

Like all the previous summers, I wanted to make it my best summer but I couldn’t do my best or it’s better to say I didn’t make enough effort to make the 1390 summer to become the best. So It’s better to flashback and check it up and try not to repeat the wrong things again.

In the beginning weeks of the summer I was busy translating all the day and some of the mornings I went to exercise a little. I used to wake up soon for praying and being ready to go exercising or beginning the day. The beginning was the most important time of the day as it is right now and will be in the future for me. Unbelievably, putting effort on the first minutes of the day while praying had affected all of the daylong activities. But some of the days, the damn sense of sleep, prevented to pay enough attention to that valuable time. So, I really believe that waking up early in the morning is directly related to the felicity; as one of our biggest religion persons say: If you can’t wake up early to pray, you probably are a guilty person and you have some faults in your activities.

The second part of the summer started with the summer semester in the university. It was very compressed and I didn’t have enough time to study for that. I had to go to university 4 days a week for 2 classes. But attending one of the classes was all wrong and I just wasted my time because I thought that the presence of the student in the class is important but it wasn’t! Unfortunately the master couldn’t teach at all and I learned everything by self plus the book thanks to the publisher…!

The third part of the summer started with the Ramadan. The best and the weirdest month of the year. My schedule in this month changed. I used to sleep in the day and do my activities in the night. For example I went to exercise in 3am in the park. No one was there! Alone with a quiet and pretty scary park but it was lovely. And it was a bit dangerous – but not for me LOL. I had the craziest time at night. I went to park by my father’s car and there was no cars in the streets so I drive the car with the speed of light and the most amazing times was the drifting times in the squares and intersections. It was all full of fun. But I never do these stuff in the day and in populated streets.

In some of the days in Ramadan I attended the class without and sleep in the last night. It was really really hard and some of the times I fall in to sleep will I was standing and that was the most important thing in the weakness of the semester.

The last part of the summer was the last weeks of the summer and I was busy translating again.


11-11-2011, 15:35

could you please edit it and tell the best expressions to replace?

The 1390 summer

Like all the previous summers, I wanted to make it my best summer but I couldn’t do my best or it’s better to say I didn’t make enough effort to make the 1390 summer to become the best. So It’s better to flashback and check it up and try not to repeat the wrong things again.

In the beginning weeks of the summer I was busy translating all the day and some of the mornings I went to exercise a little. I used to wake up soon for praying and being ready to go exercising or beginning the day. The beginning was the most important time of the day as it is right now and will be in the future for me. Unbelievably, putting effort on the first minutes of the day while praying had affected all of the daylong activities. But some of the days, the damn sense of sleep, prevented to pay enough attention to that valuable time. So, I really believe that waking up early in the morning is directly related to the felicity; as one of our biggest religion persons say: If you can’t wake up early to pray, you probably are a guilty person and you have some faults in your activities.

The second part of the summer started with the summer semester in the university. It was very compressed and I didn’t have enough time to study for that. I had to go to university 4 days a week for 2 classes. But attending one of the classes was all wrong and I just wasted my time because I thought that the presence of the student in the class is important but it wasn’t! Unfortunately the master couldn’t teach at all and I learned everything by self plus the book thanks to the publisher…!

The third part of the summer started with the Ramadan. The best and the weirdest month of the year. My schedule in this month changed. I used to sleep in the day and do my activities in the night. For example I went to exercise in 3am in the park. No one was there! Alone with a quiet and pretty scary park but it was lovely. And it was a bit dangerous – but not for me LOL. I had the craziest time at night. I went to park by my father’s car and there was no cars in the streets so I drive the car with the speed of light and the most amazing times was the drifting times in the squares and intersections. It was all full of fun. But I never do these stuff in the day and in populated streets.

In some of the days in Ramadan I attended the class without and sleep in the last night. It was really really hard and some of the times I fall in to sleep will I was standing and that was the most important thing in the weakness of the semester.

The last part of the summer was the last weeks of the summer and I was busy translating again.

for praying and being ready to go exercising or beginning the day:
to pray and get ready to go out to do some exercises or to begin a new day

had affected all of the daylong activities, why did u use past perfect ? simple past would be ok, affected

But some of the days: some days

prevented to pay: prevented me from paying

everything by self: by myself

plus: besides,

the Ramadan: no need to use 'the' for month, Ramadan

was no cars: was no car

drive: drove (past tense)

the most amazing times was: time

good luck :11:i

15-11-2011, 14:31

Thanks for the correction Dear Sepid12ir

I want to send an email to someone who I don't know his/her name

How should I start it? Dear who?l

by the way take a look at this

Dear Glacier Builders

I'm the manager of the -------- website and I've translated and published a post on what you design and what you are building .You can see that post in this link (LINK). One of the Glaciers visitors have posted a comment recently and he asked an important question. I'd be thankful if you answer this question. I'll translate your response and tell them in my website. The question is that the desert doesn't have an steady surface and there's a possibility to move tons of sand by wind and the Glacier may Buried under the tons of sand in such situations. How do you want to prevent it to occur?l

thanks for taking the time reading this email. I'm looking forward to your response

17-11-2011, 14:30

Thanks for the correction Dear Sepid12ir

I want to send an email to someone who I don't know his/her name

How should I start it? Dear who?l

by the way take a look at this

Dear Glacier Builders

I'm the manager of the -------- website and I've translated and published a post on what you design and what you are building .You can see that post in this link (LINK). One of the Glaciers visitors have posted a comment recently and he asked an important question. I'd be thankful if you answer this question. I'll translate your response and tell them in my website. The question is that the desert doesn't have an steady surface and there's a possibility to move tons of sand by wind and the Glacier may Buried under the tons of sand in such situations. How do you want to prevent it to occur?l

thanks for taking the time reading this email. I'm looking forward to your response

you can write: dear sir,

you design: you are designing

if you answer: if you could answer

there's a possibility to move tons of sand by wind: there's a possibility that tons of sand might be moved by wind

prevent it to: prevent it from occurring

12-02-2012, 09:58
you can write: dear sir,

you design: you are designing

if you answer: if you could answer

there's a possibility to move tons of sand by wind: there's a possibility that tons of sand might be moved by wind

prevent it to: prevent it from occurring

سلام، من از نوشته های شما یاد میگیرم. چندتا پرسش دارم:
possibilityو might be ، هردو در یک جمله اشکالی نداره؟
در جمله prevent ، آوردن from occurring ضروریه؟ یعنی حذفش بهتر نیست؟
در چند پست بالاتر هم few آروده بودید. a fewبهتر نیست؟

12-02-2012, 20:01
سلام، من از نوشته های شما یاد میگیرم. چندتا پرسش دارم:
possibilityو might be ، هردو در یک جمله اشکالی نداره؟
در جمله prevent ، آوردن from occurring ضروریه؟ یعنی حذفش بهتر نیست؟
در چند پست بالاتر هم few آروده بودید. a fewبهتر نیست؟


ممنون از دقتتون :11:

در مورد سوال اول، راستش نمیدونم. یعنی از نظر گرامری که مسلما اشکالی بهش وارد نیست، ولی شاید از لحاظ معنایی، حق با شما باشه، یک جور تکرار به حساب میاد .

در مورد دوم هم، نه آوردنش ضروری ست و نه حذفش واجب : )
از اونجایی که هرچه جمله کوتاه تر، بهتر، شاید به قول شما حذفش بهتر هم باشه...

نتونستم این a few/ few را پیدا کنم منظورتون کجاست ؟!

باز هم ممنون از وقت و دقتی که گذاشتین :11:

13-02-2012, 09:05

نتونستم این a few/ few را پیدا کنم منظورتون کجاست ؟!

باز هم ممنون از وقت و دقتی که گذاشتین :11:

خواهش میکنم؛ عرض کردم که، یاد میگیرم.

it few months later: in few month
در پاسخ به جناب singleguy.

13-02-2012, 20:13
خواهش میکنم؛ عرض کردم که، یاد میگیرم.

در پاسخ به جناب singleguy.

آره، اگه درست یادم باشه صحبت از ترجمه ی کتاب هم هست که زمان بر هست
بنابراین a few بهتره ...

02-07-2012, 21:47
this is the true story of my former colleague. she was handicap in her both legs, she can't walk even by stick and she always used her wheelchair for commuting to her work place. despite her severe disability, she was going to work every day at 8:00 until 19:00. she even can't went to the bathroom because of her circumstances. can you imagine that! but she is a woman with strong conviction. she is so determined in her work. after 5 years working for a well known firm. she moved out and establish her own firm. right now her business is so lucrative and she has 5 employee. for me she is the BEST paragon of absolute determination. and always adore her.
.i desperately asking you guys to pointing out my mistakes especially in my grammar
thanks in advance guys!

03-07-2012, 19:45
this is the true story of my former colleague. she was handicap in her both legs, she can't walk even by stick and she always used her wheelchair for commuting to her work place. despite her severe disability, she was going to work every day at 8:00 until 19:00. she even can't went to the bathroom because of her circumstances. can you imagine that! but she is a woman with strong conviction. she is so determined in her work. after 5 years working for a well known firm. she moved out and establish her own firm. right now her business is so lucrative and she has 5 employee. for me she is the BEST paragon of absolute determination. and always adore her.
.i desperately asking you guys to pointing out my mistakes especially in my grammar
thanks in advance guys!

wow, I liked it, i mean i liked the story

yr eng is truly good, just need to be more careful on the tenses,

i found some tenses in past 'n some in present, n that was a lit bit confusing,

she was handicap: she was handicapped

always used: she always uses

she was going to: she goes to

she even can't went: she can't go >> use present tense of the verbs, after modal verbs

she moved out and establish: established

employee: employees

04-07-2012, 11:02
wow, I liked it, i mean i liked the story

yr eng is truly good, just need to be more careful on the tenses,

i found some tenses in past 'n some in present, n that was a lit bit confusing,

she was handicap: she was handicapped

always used: she always uses

she was going to: she goes to

she even can't went: she can't go >> use present tense of the verbs, after modal verbs

she moved out and establish: established

employee: employees

thank you so much
you are really encouraging me.
did i use these words right?
? i mean words and terms like: established, handicapped in both legs, paragon, circumstances, absolute determination

04-07-2012, 12:44
she was handicapped
Maybe, she is handicapped would be better, because it's her current physical situation that we are talking about.

04-07-2012, 18:39
thank you so much
you are really encouraging me.
did i use these words right?
? i mean words and terms like: established, handicapped in both legs, paragon, circumstances, absolute determination

yr welcome, hope it helps u

i'm not quite sure about handicapped in both legs, n i googled it but could find suhc a phrase, i really dun know

Maybe, she is handicapped would be better, because it's her current physical situation that we are talking about.

not maybe, it is absolutely better,

: )

16-08-2012, 11:57
یه متن کوچیک انگلیسی آماده کردم میخواستم ببینید غلط املایی انشایی داره یا نه
اگه لازمه جایی تغییر داده بشه هم بگید
خیلی ممنون

In the name of God

As all of you know, our ongoing mediafire account (over 250 Gb) got blocked again.
The last time that my account got blocked, i started uploading animes on mediafire and used Safelinking to protect mediafire links against google and mediafire robots.
But i forgoted a great danger. there is some poeple that share my mediafire links on there websites without any protection agains robots.

So i decided to do a little change.
1.i wont share mediafire links any more.
Assume this is a mediafire link:

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

from today i add only the last part of the mediafire link in post, for example:6p609c5f58k3n9p

when you open a post click on a episode to this code be copied into your clipboard.
you should add it in front of [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

go to this website:
add mediafire link in big box
go back to the post there is button in above the links as Sharing Code. click on it. a long code will be copied into your clipboard. go to this website and add this code into small box. click on generate, it will give you a link that can be downloaded by IDM and other download managers.
only in this way you can download ongoing animes.
for now you can download completed animes like old days. from mediafire folder

for summer animes i added ihostia as mirror.
links Please suport us by downloading from ihostia.

16-08-2012, 23:47
یه متن کوچیک انگلیسی آماده کردم میخواستم ببینید غلط املایی انشایی داره یا نه
اگه لازمه جایی تغییر داده بشه هم بگید
خیلی ممنون

i corrected the ones i noticed :11:i

In the name of God

As all of you know, our ongoing mediafire account (over 250 Gb) got blocked again.
The last time that my account got blocked, i started uploading animes on mediafire and used Safelinking to protect mediafire links against google and mediafire robots.
But i forgot a great danger. there are some poeple that share my mediafire links on their websites without any protection agains robots.

So i decided to do a little change.
1.i won't share mediafire links any more.
Assume this is a mediafire link:

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

from today i add only the last part of the mediafire link in post, for example:6p609c5f58k3n9p

when you open a post click on an episode to this code be copied into your clipboard.
you should add it in front of [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

go to this website:
add mediafire link in big box
go back to the post there is a button above the links as Sharing Code. click on it. a long code will be copied into your clipboard. go to this website and add this code into small box. click on generate, it will give you a link that can be downloaded by IDM and other download managers.
only in this way you can download ongoing animes.
for now you can download completed animes like old days. from mediafire folder

for summer animes i added ihostia as mirror.
links Please suport us by downloading from ihostia.

17-08-2012, 10:56
خیلی ممنون
من دیشب این پست رو توی تاپیک ترجمه زدم دیدم غیب شده اومدم به ناظر انجمن پیغام بدم که غیرفعال بود
هرچی گشتم این پست رو پیدا نکردم همونو گذاشتم توی سایتم. الان درستش میکنم.
نه به خودم امیدوار شدم گفتم الان از نصف متن ایراد میگیرن :31:

بازم ممنون

A M ! N
17-08-2012, 11:01
خیلی ممنون
من دیشب این پست رو توی تاپیک ترجمه زدم دیدم غیب شده اومدم به ناظر انجمن پیغام بدم که غیرفعال بود
هرچی گشتم این پست رو پیدا نکردم همونو گذاشتم توی سایتم. الان درستش میکنم.
نه به خودم امیدوار شدم گفتم الان از نصف متن ایراد میگیرن :31:

بازم ممنون

سلام دوست من.

بله شما پسستون رو در بخش ترجمه داده بودین. و البته ما مسائل ویرایش متن و رفع ایرادات رو اینجا انجام میدیم.

به همین دلیل منتقلش کردیم به این بخش.

با تشکر..

29-09-2012, 01:48
I want to know how i can improve my writing. Does writing from text books and memorizing their text help to improve my writing?
Do you have any suggestion?

A M ! N
29-09-2012, 17:37
I want to know how i can improve my writing. Does writing from text books and memorizing their text help to improve my writing?
Do you have any suggestion?

? hey, what do you mean by improving your writing ? you mean you got problems at dictation of words
if so, you should devote more time to reading books , particularly story books
:) beside that you should do the exercises at the end of each lesson, and you should be fine

30-09-2012, 08:31
Hello freinds,
I'v got a sentence, but I'm not sure that is correct

I usually like find unique gift for my father

?? what's about?? arrangement is true

A M ! N
30-09-2012, 12:23
Hello freinds,
I'v got a sentence, but I'm not sure that is correct

I usually like find unique gift for my father

?? what's about?? arrangement is true

you only missed a " to" anda " a" in your sentence

: try this

"I usually like to find a unique gift for my father"

07-11-2012, 19:46
wow, I liked it, i mean i liked the story

yr eng is truly good, just need to be more careful on the tenses,

i found some tenses in past 'n some in present, n that was a lit bit confusing,

she was handicap: she was handicapped

always used: she always uses

she was going to: she goes to

she even can't went: she can't go >> use present tense of the verbs, after modal verbs

she moved out and establish: established

employee: employees

this is the true story of my former colleague. she was handicap in her both legs, she can't walk even by stick and she always used her wheelchair for commuting to her work place. despite her severe disability, she was going to work every day at 8:00 until 19:00. she even can't went to the bathroom because of her circumstances. can you imagine that! but she is a woman with strong conviction. she is so determined in her work. after 5 years working for a well known firm. she moved out and establish her own firm. right now her business is so lucrative and she has 5 employee. for me she is the BEST paragon of absolute determination. and always adore her.

I just flourish that passage! so please read it and give me your opinion

This is the true story of my former colleague. she is crippled. she can't walk even with a cane and she always used her wheelchair for commuting to her work place. Despite her severe disability, she was going to work every day at 8:00 and She couldn't even go to the bathroom because of her condition. Can you imagine that! But she is a woman with strong convictions. She is so determined in her work, that, after five years working for a well-known firm, she moved out and established her own firm. Right now her business is very lucrative and she has five employees. For me she is a paragon of absolute determination. And I always will adore her.

19-11-2012, 23:29
I just flourish that passage! so please read it and give me your opinion

This is the true story of my former colleague. she is crippled. she can't walk even with a cane and she always used her wheelchair for commuting to her work place. Despite her severe disability, she was going to work every day at 8:00 and She couldn't even go to the bathroom because of her condition. Can you imagine that! But she is a woman with strong convictions. She is so determined in her work, that, after five years working for a well-known firm, she moved out and established her own firm. Right now her business is very lucrative and she has five employees. For me she is a paragon of absolute determination. And I always will adore her.

come on guy's
im waiting for your sage opinion'.
and by the way, Can i use condition instead of circumstances in the passage above?
i don't know why, but i guess circumstances is wrong in that passage.
i'm getting bewildered.
please put some light on my question.

20-11-2012, 17:26
I want to know how i can improve my writing. Does writing from text books and memorizing their text help to improve my writing?
Do you have any suggestion?

learn grammar only

20-11-2012, 17:28
Hello freinds,
I'v got a sentence, but I'm not sure that is correct

I usually like find unique gift for my father

?? what's about?? arrangement is true

you always or sometime like

A M ! N
20-11-2012, 20:34
come on guy's
im waiting for your sage opinion'.
and by the way, Can i use condition instead of circumstances in the passage above?
i don't know why, but i guess circumstances is wrong in that passage.
i'm getting bewildered.
please put some light on my question.

This is the true story of my former colleague. she is crippled. she can't walk even with a cane and she always used her wheelchair for commuting to her work place. Despite her severe disability, she was going to work every day at 8:00 and She couldn't even go to the bathroom because of her condition. Can you imagine that! But she is a woman with strong convictions. She is so determined in her work, that, after five years working for a well-known firm, she moved out and established her own firm. Right now her business is very lucrative and she has five employees. For me she is a paragon of absolute determination. And I always will adore her

This is a true story about my former colleague. she is handicapped. she can't even walk using a cane but she has always been using her wheelchair for commuting to her workplace. Despite her severe disability, she has been going to work every day at 8:00 . She couldn't even Take a shower due to her poor condition. Can you imagine that! But she is a woman of iron will. She worked for a well-known firm for five years but She was so determined in her work that she could establish her own firm afterwards

At the moment her business is very lucrative and she has five employees. To me she is a paragon of absolute determination. And I will always adore her