نسخه کامل مشاهده نسخه کامل : لطفا" کمک نمایید merge کردن فایل split

09-03-2008, 08:57
با سلام
از کتابخانه ای در سوئیس درخواست فایلی را نموده ام . حال که برای ارسال شده ، فایل ها به صورت splitted.000,splitted.001,.... است و یک فایل unsplit thèse.cmd دارد البته توضیحاتی به شرح ذیل داده است ولی نتوانستم آنها را merge کنم .nc هم ظاهرا" روی ویندوز نصب نمی شود. لطفا" راهنمایی فرمایید.

Madam, Sir,
Because of the size of the file, I split up it in several pieces So that you can receive it.
This first mall contains the command file of reconstitution of the original pdf file; the explanation relative to this first sending is described under point 3 of the procedure.

The procedure to be followed in order to reconstitute original file pdf is as follows:
1) create a new folder on the desk
2) record in this new folder all the enclosures which will be addressed to you (this by the means of several malls)
3) rename the file: unsplit thèse.txt and to change the extension into: unsplit thèse.cmd (this one had to be modified to allow the sending because your box blocks the reception of a command file).

4) double to click on the cmd order (joined to the first mall) in order to reconstitute original file pdf.
NB. Naturally this one must be saved in the same file as that containing the various fragments.

10-03-2008, 03:08
برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید