نسخه کامل مشاهده نسخه کامل : مشکل در نصب lms به نام digital scribe

10-02-2008, 20:44
سلام به همگی:40:
چند روزه که یهlms منو کچل کرده و داره کم کم روانیم میکنه
من چند lms معروف مثل moodle نصب کردم ولی الان مجبورم با این کار کنم.
اسم این lms = digital scribe
مشکلی که دارم اینه که هنگام نصب وقتی صفحه run_first.php رو باز میکنم که برنامه اجرا بشه
به جای اینکه یه صفحه مرتب برای من نمایش بده صفحه ای شبیه شکل زیر رو نمایش میده

You are done! The Digital Scribe is installed.

Please delete this file.

You may login here."; exit; } //create tables mysql_query("CREATE TABLE ".$conf['tbl']['teachers']." ( user VARCHAR (20) not null, pass CHAR (32) BINARY not null, name VARCHAR (20), ID INT (11) not null AUTO_INCREMENT, email VARCHAR (255), filename VARCHAR (255), grade VARCHAR (20), level CHAR(1), PRIMARY KEY (ID))")OR DIE ("There is a problem with creating table ".$conf['tbl']['teachers']." . This script has stopped."); echo "
Table ".$conf['tbl']['teachers']." created."; mysql_query("CREATE TABLE ".$conf['tbl']['studentwork']." ( stufirstname VARCHAR (40), stulastname VARCHAR (40), title VARCHAR (255), stuwork text, teacher VARCHAR (50), active VARCHAR (30), project VARCHAR (255), id INT (11) not null AUTO_INCREMENT, filename VARCHAR (50), TID INT (11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id))")OR DIE ("There is a problem with creating table ".$conf['tbl']['studentwork']." . This script has stopped."); echo "
Table ".$conf['tbl']['studentwork']." created."; mysql_query("CREATE TABLE ".$conf['tbl']['projecttable']." ( project VARCHAR (255), teachername VARCHAR (20), description text, publish VARCHAR(50), grade VARCHAR (50), teacheruser VARCHAR (20), imagename VARCHAR (20), date VARCHAR (100), archive CHAR(3), TID INT (11) NOT NULL, ID INT (11) not null AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (ID))")OR DIE ("There is a problem with creating table ".$conf['tbl']['projecttable']." . This script has stopped."); echo "
Table ".$conf['tbl']['projecttable']." created."; mysql_query("CREATE TABLE ".$conf['tbl']['grades']." ( SID INT (11) not null AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (SID), grades varchar(255))")OR DIE ("There is a problem with creating table ".$conf['tbl']['grades']." . This script has stopped."); echo "
Table ".$conf['tbl']['grades']." created."; mysql_query("CREATE TABLE ".$conf['tbl']['announcements']." ( title varchar(255) NOT NULL, announcement text NOT NULL, author varchar(255) NOT NULL, a_id int(5) NOT NULL auto_increment, date varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (a_id))")OR DIE ("There is a problem with creating table ".$conf['tbl']['announcements']." . This script has stopped."); echo "
Table ".$conf['tbl']['announcements']." created."; mysql_query("CREATE TABLE ".$conf['tbl']['homework']." ( title varchar(255) NOT NULL, work text NOT NULL, proj_id int(5) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, hw_id int(5) NOT NULL auto_increment, t_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, t_user varchar(255) NOT NULL, month_due varchar(10) NOT NULL, day_due int(2) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (hw_id))")OR DIE ("There is a problem with creating table ".$conf['tbl']['homework']." . This script has stopped."); echo "
Table ".$conf['tbl']['homework']." created."; mysql_query("CREATE TABLE ".$conf['tbl']['projecthomework']." ( teach_id int(5) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, proj_title varchar(255) NOT NULL, proj_desc text NOT NULL, live char(1) NOT NULL, proj_ID int(5) NOT NULL auto_increment, t_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, grade varchar(255) NOT NULL, t_user varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (proj_ID))")OR DIE ("There is a problem with creating table ".$conf['tbl']['projecthomework']." . This script has stopped."); echo "
Table ".$conf['tbl']['projecthomework']." created."; echo "

All tables have been created."; @chmod("header1.php", 0666); @chmod("header2.php", 0666); @chmod("footer.php", 0666); if(!@chmod("style.css", 0666)) { echo "

In order to fully use the Digital Scribe you must set the file permissions to writable (chmod 666) for the following files:
style.css"; } echo "

Please create a username, password, and e-mail address for administration."; ?>

E-mail Address:

Please select what grades your school has:
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade

Custom Grade
Custom Grade
Custom Grade
Custom Grade
Custom Grade
If you have additional custom grades you can submit them later.

البته از قسمت username به بعد رو چون بر اساس html است مشکلی نداره و جلوشون
text box هست تا اطلاعات وارد شود.
اون چیزی که من از این خطا میفهمم اینه که با این چهار تا فایل مورد داره header1.php
اما نتونستم تا حالا درستشون کنم چونکه اولا دو مرحله اول راهنمای نصب رو(که مربوط به mysql است) بلد نیستم انجام بدم
(البته فایل access.inc.phpرو که در مراحل نصب بهش اشاره میکنه دستکاری کردم ولی باعث شد
که اصلا دیگه phpmyadmin هم بالا نیاد. خوب هر چی باشه من تازه کارم و ناشی !
محتوای چند خط اول فایل access.inc.php iهم ایجوریه
// Only the login, password, and database variables need to be changed by replacing the capitolized words with the correct values.

//Login Name for MySQL.
$login = "LOGIN";

//Password for MySQL.
$pass = "PASSWORD";

//MySQL Database name.

$db = "DATABASE";

ضمنا من با wampserver کار میکنم اینا رو گفتم شاید که اگر باید اینا رو تغییر بدم راهنماییم کنید.)
راهنمایی نصب digital scribe در پایین آمده
To install:
برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید for detailed instructions. Quick Version:
1_Create or select a MySQL database.
2_Put your login name and password for the MySQL database in access.inc.php.

3_Upload the Digital Scribe files to your server.
4_Go to run_first.php via a browser and follow the instructions on the page.
5_Delete run_first.php and update.php.

To upgrade from version 1.3.1 or 1.3:
Download the following files from your server, header1.php, header2.php, style.php, footer.php, and all the images in the DigitalScribe/images folder.
Upload all the Digital Scribe files to your server and replace the duplicates.
Upload the files that you had downloaded during step 1.
Modify access.inc.php to have your MySQL login name, password, and database name. You can't use the old version as this file has changed.
Go to upgrade.php via a browser.
Delete upgrade.php and run_first.php.

Common Pitfall
If you get an error when you try to edit a file in the templates page of the administration section you need to change the file permissions to writable (chmod 666) for the files style.css, header1.php, header2.php, and footer.php - all of which are in your main Digital Scribe folder.

ضمنا این lms خیلی کم حجم است و کل فایلها همراه راهنماشون که در سایت digitalscribe.org هستن(همه در قالب یک فایل دانلود میشن)
حدود 2 مگابایت بیشتر نیست .