نسخه کامل مشاهده نسخه کامل : شرکت Ibm اعلام کرده تراشه ای ساخته که یک فیلم را تنها ظرف مدت 1 ثانیه دانلود می کند .

12-07-2007, 22:23
منبع: economist
تاریخ: july 2007
مترجم: shafiee01
شرکت IBM اعلام کرده تراشه ای ساخته که یک فیلم را تنها ظرف مدت 1 ثانیه دانلود می کند .
در ساخت این تراشه ازشبکه های پالس ها و فوتون های نوری (optic) استفاده شده بر خلاف تراشه های قبلی که از انتقال الکترون استفاده می کردند . و پر واضح است که سرعت جابجایی فوتونها چقدر از الکترون ها بیشتر است .
خلاصه خفن تراشه ایست

12-07-2007, 22:33
منبع: economist
تاریخ: july 2007
مترجم: shafiee01
شرکت IBM اعلام کرده تراشه ای ساخته که یک فیلم را تنها ظرف مدت 1 ثانیه دانلود می کند .
در ساخت این تراشه ازشبکه های پالس ها و فوتون های نوری (optic) استفاده شده بر خلاف تراشه های قبلی که از انتقال الکترون استفاده می کردند . و پر واضح است که سرعت جابجایی فوتونها چقدر از الکترون ها بیشتر است .
خلاصه خفن تراشه ایست

می شه بازم در این باره مطلب بزاری

12-07-2007, 22:36
متاسفانه دوستم تونسته بود همیت قدر رو ترجمه کنه

12-07-2007, 23:21
از گفتن اين خبر ها به دليل سوختن دل كاربران ايراني خودداري كنيد .

ماهنوز اي دي اي ال هم نداريم . اونها به كحا رسيدن .

*PiNk PaNTHeR*
13-07-2007, 00:02
ماهنوز اي دي اي ال هم نداريم . اونها به كحا رسيدن .
البته الان با قیمت ارزون همه جای ایران هست. مردم توی اروپا و شمال آمریکا پول دارن که به اینترنت بدن اما توی ایران نه.
امیدوارم بزودی یک خبر بهتر بشنوم ازین قضیه.

13-07-2007, 11:19
بد نيست اين نكته يادآوري شود كه اين چيپ مبتني بر cmos قابليتهاي خود از جمله توانايي انتقال 160 Gb/s داده را صرفا در موارد بسيار خاص علمي- تحقيقاتي بكار مي گيرد.

خلاصه ي خبر :

A hot-from-the-lab optical chipset from IBM promises to reduce the download time of a movie to as little as a second. It moves data at 160 gigabits per second by replacing electrons flowing through wires with light pulses.

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

Of course, that's exactly what the fastest current fiber-optic networking technology --- like Verizon's FiOS --- is doing now on a nationwide scale. But IBM's new technology is eight times faster. And the chip would scale down optical connectivity to the circuit boards inside PCs, set-top boxes and other products. Instead of copper and silicon, exotic materials like indium phosphide (InP) and gallium arsenide (GaAs) would come into play.

The only thing IBM's technology won't do is improve the quality of the movies and music. Who will speed up the pathways of Hollywood's brain?
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

شرح كامل براي علاقمندان و متخصصان:

IBM Researchers Demonstrate World's Fastest Optical Chipset

Prototype Technology Points to New Era of Data Sharing, Instant Movie Downloads

Anaheim, CA - 26 Mar 2007: At the 2007 Optical Fiber Conference, IBM (NYSE: IBM) scientists will reveal a prototype optical transceiver chipset capable of reaching speeds at least eight times faster than optical components available today.
The breakthrough could transform how data is accessed, shared and used across the Web for corporate and consumer networks. The transceiver is fast enough to reduce the download time for a typical high definition feature-length film to a single second compared to 30 minutes or more.

The ability to move information at blazing speeds of 160 Gigabits -- or 160 billion bits of information in a single second -- provides a glimpse of a new era of high-speed connectivity that will transform communications, computing and entertainment. Optical networking offers the potential to dramatically improve data transfer rates by speeding the flow of data using light pulses, instead of sending electrons over wires.

"The explosion in the amount of data being transferred, when downloading movies, TV shows, music or photos, is creating demand for greater bandwidth and higher speeds in connectivity," said Dr. T.C. Chen, vice president, Science & Technology, IBM Research. "Greater use of optical communications is needed to address this issue. We believe our optical transceiver technology may provide the answer."

As the amount of data transmitted over networks continues to grow, researchers have been looking for ways to make the use of optical signals more practical. The ability to use these signals could offer previously unheard of amounts of bandwidth and enhanced signal fidelity compared to current electrical data links. By shrinking and integrating the components into one package, and building them with standard low-cost, high-volume chip manufacturing techniques, IBM is making optical connectivity viable for widespread use.

For example, the technology could be integrated onto printed circuit boards to allow the components within an electronic system – such as a PC or set top box -- to communicate much faster, dramatically enhancing the performance of the system itself.

To achieve this new level of integration in the chipset, IBM researchers built an optical transceiver with driver and receiver integrated circuits in current CMOS technology, the same standard, high-volume, low-cost technology used for most chips today. They then coupled it with other necessary optical components made in more exotic materials, such as indium phosphide (InP) and gallium arsenide (GaAs), into one, integrated package only 3.25 by 5.25 millimeters in size.

This compact design provides both a high number of communications channels as well as very high speeds per channel, resulting in an amount of information transmitted per unit area of card space taken up by the chipset (the ultimate measure of viability for practical use) that is the highest ever. This transceiver chipset is designed to enable low cost optics by attaching to an optical printed circuit board employing densely spaced polymer waveguide channels using mass assembly processes.

The report on this work, “160-Gb/s, 16-Channel Full-Duplex, Single-Chip CMOS Optical Transceiver,” by C.L. Schow, F.E. Doany, O. Liboiron-Ladouceur, C. Baks, D.M. Kuchta, L. Schares, R. John, and J.A. Kash of IBM’s T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, N.Y. will be presented on March 29 at the 2007 Optical Fiber Conference in Anaheim. This work was partially funded by Defense Advanced Research Project Agency through the Chip to Chip Optical Interconnect (C2OI) program.

About the IBM Research Division
IBM Research is the world's largest information technology research organization, with about 3,000 scientists and engineers in eight labs in six countries. IBM has produced more research breakthroughs than any other company in the IT industry.
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

*PiNk PaNTHeR*
13-07-2007, 17:34
ممنون ocz عزیز.