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نام تاپيک: Useful English Sentences Learned from Movies

  1. #51
    حـــــرفـه ای sepid12ir's Avatar
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    Yeah, You are right, It's somehow impossible, Actually for me buying a cartoon is not hard there is a man who always stands near our university and sells different kinda animations and Dvds, and it caused me to think that for all of us it's easy to find but it's not actually.
    Any way, Hope you have a great time.

  2. #52
    در آغاز فعالیت heart land's Avatar
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    supper dupper

  3. #53
    حـــــرفـه ای mir@'s Avatar
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    1- "Anyone Can Cook!" climbed to the top of the bestseller list
    كتاب «همه مي توانند آشپز باشند!» در صدر جدول پرفروش ترين ها قرار گرفت

    2- Saffron will be just the thing.
    زعفران دقيقاٌ چيزي است كه نياز داريم

    3- If you focus on what you've left behind, you'll never be able to see what lies ahead.

    4- Which one is the chef? Who is next in command?
    سرآشپز كدومه؟ چه كسي در مقام بعدي قرار داره؟

    5- Perhaps I have been a bit harsh on our new garbage boy.
    مثل اينكه يه كم با مسئول آشغال جمع كردن خشن برخورد كردم

    6- Don't be so modest.
    انقدر متواضع نباش

    7- What's mine is yours.
    من و تو نداريم كه بابا !

    8- He's stolen food and hit the road!
    غذا رو دزديد و در رفت

    9- The whole thing is highly suspect
    كل قضيه به شدت مشكوك مي زنه

    10- This can't just happen! The whole thing is a setup!
    امكان نداره! اين يك ماجراي ساختگيه

    11- Don't ever play cards with Pompidou.
    هيچ وقت سر به سر پمپيدو نذار

    12- A little wine, a friendly chat. Just us cooks.
    يه كم نوشيدني. يه گفتگوي مختصر. فقط ما آشپزها با هم

    13- Sweet, crisp, slight tang on the finish.
    شيرين. ترد. آخرش هم يه كم تنده

    14- Forgive me for intruding on your deep, personal relationship with the chef.
    من رو به خاطر دخالت در روابط عميق و شخصيت با سرآشپز ببخش

    15- Spit it out!
    بنـــــال ديگه !

    16- All right. Dinner's on me
    بسيار خوب. شام با من

    17- I've lost my appetite.
    اشتهام كور شد

    18- You only tell me stuff I already know!
    تو فقط چيزايي رو به من ميگي كه خودم قبلاً مي دونستم

    19- This really means that much to you?
    واقعاً اين قضيه انقدر برات مهمه؟

    20- I can't remember the last time I asked a waiter to give my compliments to the chef.
    يادم نمياد آخرين بار كي بود كه از گارسون خواستم مراتب قدرداني و خشنودي خودم رو به سرآشپز ابلاغ كنه

    21- But the bitter truth we critics must face is that ...
    ولي حقيقت تلخي كه منتقدين بايد بپذيرند اينه كه ...

    22- But the only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability
    تنها چيزي كه قطعاً در مورد زندگي ميشه گفت عدم قطعيت اونه

  4. #54
    حـــــرفـه ای A r c h i's Avatar
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    you can't imagine how much I love this ratatouille ,Thanks for that @mir

  5. #55
    حـــــرفـه ای mir@'s Avatar
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    Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet

    1- He was neither tall and lanky nor short and heavy set.
    او نه دراز و ديلاق (!) بود و نه كوتاه و چاق

    2- I never saw before or after him the like of him.

    3- He gave them hope single-handedly.
    او دست تنها به ايشان اميد ميداد

    4- What more noble way to serve people than to risk your own life to save them.
    چه راه بهتري براي خدمت به مردم غير از اينكه جون خودت رو به خطر بندازي تا زندگي اونا رو نجات بدي؟

    5- Muslims have a lot of hostility being hurled at them.
    به شدت نسبت به مسلمانان دشمني روا داشته ميشه

    6- An individual in this dangerous world had absolutely no chance of survival.
    يك فرد تنها در اين دنياي مخاطره آميز هيچ شانسي براي زنده موندن نداشت

    7- They saw justice as taking revenge.
    به نظر اونا عدالت معادل انتقام گرفتن بود

    8- The pilgrims made it possible for him to make a living.
    زيارت كعبه براي او اين امكان را فراهم ميساخت كه خرج زندگيش رو دربياره

    9- He'd just married the wealthy widow for his own gain and profit.
    (مردم مي گتند كه) او با بيوه ثروتمند به خاطر منافع خودش ازدواج كرده

    10- This is not going to fly.
    اين نمي پره (يعني جواب نميده و به تنيجه نميرسه)

    11- You're going to be accountable to that God for the good deeds and the bad deeds.
    شما براي اعمال نيك و بد خود در مقابل خدا پاسخگو خواهيد بود

    12- We're all in the same boat before God.
    ما همه در مقابل خداوند يكسانيم

    13- It doesn't come over in translation but the Arabic is extraordinary.
    ترجمه قرآن حق مطلب رو ادا نميكنه ولي عربي اون فوق العاده است

    14- When he looked at someone he looked at them with his face turned perfectly towards them.
    وقتي به كسي نگاه ميكرد كاملاٌ به سمت او بر ميگشت (چپ چپ نگاه نميكرد

    15- Whoever saw him unexpectedly was in awe of him.
    هر كس بيمقدمه او را ميديد تحت تاثير هيبت او قرار ميگرفت

    16- Early in his prophetic career, Muhammad condemned female infanticide.
    در آغاز پيغمبريش، كشتن نوزادان دختر را محكوم كرد

    17- I make it easier for the next Muslim that comes on board.
    من شرايط را براي مسلمان بعدي كه به ما ملحق ميشه فراهم ميكنم.

    18- Now there can be up to 40, 50 people. We're busting out of the room that we're in
    الآن جمعيتمون به 40 50 نفر ميرسه و اتاقي كه توش هستيم داره ميتركه

    19- The survival of both the clan and Islam were in jeopardy.
    بقاي اسلام و قبيله در معرض خطر بود
    20- Gabriel who mounted him on a Buraq a magical stead and they flew from Mecca to Jerusalem. And then he began an ascent.
    جبرئيل او را روي براق، يك جايگاه جادويي، گذاشت و سپس به سمت بيت المقدس پرواز كردند و از آنجا معراج آغاز شد

    21- To join up with people who were of no kin to you at all was absolutely unheard of..
    پيوستن به افرادي كه پيوند فاميلي با شما نداشتند كاملاٌ نامعمول بود

    22- Imam Hassan Qazwini, was drawn to America by the promise of religious freedom and economic opportunity.
    امام حسن قزويني با انتظار آزادي مذهبي و موقعيت هاي اقتصادي بهتر به آمريكا آمد

    23- He emigrated to Dearborn Michigan a community that boasts the highest per capita concentration of Muslims in the United States
    او به ديربورن ميشيگان مهاجرت كرد كه بالاترين تمركز سرانه مسلمانان در آمريكا را داراست

    24- They think that the faith of Islam is a very maybe terroristic, militant, barbaric spread by the sword faith.
    اونا تصور ميكنند كه مذهب اسلام احتمالاٌ خيلي تروريستي، جنگ طلب وحشيانه و به كمك شمشير گسترش پيدا كرده است

    25- Many Muslim women still wear the hijab as a sign of modesty and piety.
    بسياري از زنان مسلمان از حجاب به عنوان نشانه فروتني و پرهيزگاري استفاده مي كنند

    26- The Muslims felt that angels had been fighting alongside them.
    مسلمانان احساس كردند كه فرشتگان دوشادوش آنان مي جنگيدند

    27- But his followers also knew that the Meccans would seek violent retribution.
    ولي مسلمانان ميدانستند كه اهالي مكه به دنبال انتقام سختي هستند.

    28- The resulting rout left the future of Islam in mortal peril.
    تار و مار شدن مسلمانان آينده اسلام را به شدت به خطر انداخت

    29- it would be wrong to think of the Prophet as basking decadently in the garden of sensual delights with his harem.
    كاملاٌ نادرست است كه تصور شود پيغمبر با حرمش در باغ لذات شهواني، مفسدانه حمام آفتاب مي گرفتند.

    30- the Meccans girded themselves for a final assault that they hoped would finish off the Muslims once and for all.
    اهالي مكه كمر به انجام كاري بستند كه اميدوار بودند پس از آن يكبار و براي هميشه مسلمانان را نابود خواهد نمود.

    31- The QURAN continues to tell Muslims to honor the People of the Book.
    قرآن همواره به مسلمانان مي گويد كه به اهل كتاب احترام بگذارند.

    32- There is absolutely nothing in Islam that justifies the claim of Osama bin Laden, Al Qaeda or other similar groups to kill innocent civilians.
    چيزي در اسلام به هيچ وجه نيست كه بخواهد اعمال اسامه بن لادن القاعده و گروه هاي مشابه را در كشتن شهروندان بيگناه توجيه كند.

    33- Acts of terror violence that have occurred in the name of Islam are not only wrong, they are contrary to Islam.
    ترورهاي وحشيانه اي كه به نام اسلام انجام شده است نه تنها غلط است بلكه مغاير با آموزه هاي اسلام است

    34- we're figuring that some of the brothers or even anyone, you know, people could still be alive, trapped under the rubble.
    ما فكر مي كرديم كه هنوز افراد ديگري زير آوار باشند

    35- So, you have to separate fanaticism,which every religion has from the reality and the truth of that religion.
    بنابراين بايد بين تعصب كه در هر ديني ديده ميشود با واقعيت و حقيقت آن دين تفاوت قائل شويد

    36- September 11th, underscored the need to have dialogs with non-Muslims and other faiths to understand each other and to try to resolve these hot spots that fester and cause this type of hatred.
    حادثه 11 سپتامبر تاكيدي است بر گفتمان با غير مسلمانان تا مشكلات موجود را كه سبب تنفر بيشتر بين طرفين ميشود حل كنند

    37- Revenge, suicide bombing, things of that kind they have no place in Islam.
    انتقام، بمبگذاري انتحاري و مسائلي از اين دست جايگاهي در اسلام ندارند.

    38- It means that there is no harming of other people in Islam and no returning or retaliating harm for harm.
    يعني در اسلام نبايد به كسي آسيب رساند و بدي را با بدي تلافي كرد.

    39- He did not come in as an arrogant conquering warrior. He comes in humbled by a victory that he sees is from God.
    او مانند يك قهرمان فاتح و مغرور وارد مكه نشد، بلكه با فروتني پيروزي را از جانب خدا ميدانست

    40- Muhammad said that my time has come.
    محمد صلي الله عليه و آله گفت كه اجل من فرا رسيده است

    41- In the midst of this chaos, Abu Bakr reminded the Muslims of a verse from the Quran
    در بحبوحه اين آشفته بازار، ابوبكر آيه اي از قرآن را به مسلمانان يادآوري كرد

    42- He didn't let his ego get the best of him.
    او نگذاشت هواي نفس بر او غالب شود

    43- MUHAMMAD is the kind of person who combines political and military and social and religious and intellectual dimensions of life in ways that are important for those of us in the 21st century who are struggling to put together complete lives ourselves
    پيامبر نمونه كسي است كه توانست در همه ابعاد سياسي نظامي اجتماعي مذهبي و عقلاني زندگي هماهنگي به وجود آورد و اين امر براي ما كه سعي در ايجاد يك زندگي كامل داريم الگوي خوبي است

  6. #56
    حـــــرفـه ای A r c h i's Avatar
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    Great movie. great sentences.great translation
    Thanks a lot @mirl

    By the way.I think Harem means
    زنان حرمسرا
    in this sentence

    29- it would be wrong to think of the Prophet as basking decadently in the garden of sensual delights with his harem.
    كاملاٌ نادرست است كه تصور شود پيغمبر با حرمش

  7. #57
    حـــــرفـه ای mir@'s Avatar
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    Great movie. great sentences.great translation
    Thanks a lot @mirl

    By the way.I think Harem means
    زنان حرمسرا
    in this sentence


    ‎Thanks for your attention. You are absolutely right. I meant that meaning too
    Kind regards

  8. #58
    حـــــرفـه ای mir@'s Avatar
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    1- Like so many things, it is not what is outside, but what is inside that counts.
    مثل خيلي چيزاي ديگه، نبايد فقط به ظاهر توجه كنيد. مهم باطن اونه

    2- I'll have your hands for a trophy, street rat.
    دستت رو به عنوان غنيمت مي‌گيرم موش خيابوني

    3- You were born a street rat, you'll die a street rat and only your fleas will mourn you.
    تو يك موش خيابوني به دنيا اومدي يك موش خيابوني مي ميري و فقط شپشات برات عزاداري ميكنن

    4- I'm not going to be around forever, and l just want to make sure you're taken care of.
    من هميشه در كنارت نخواهم بود و ميخوام مطمئن بشم كه يكي ازت مواظبت خواهد كرد

    5- Allah forbid you should have any daughters.
    خدا نكنه صاحب دختر بشي

    6- My life is but to serve you, my lord.
    زندگي من فقط وقف خدمت به شماست اعليحضرت

    7- Sugar dates. Sugar dates and figs. Sugar dates and pistachios.
    عجب خرماها و انجيراي شيريني. آآآآي عسله خرما ... عسله پسته ... بدو بدو

    8- Do you know what the penalty is for stealing?
    ميدوني مجازات دزدي چيه؟

    9- Unhand him. By order of the princess.
    رهايش كنيد. به فرمان شاهزاده

    10- That's not your concern. Do as l command.
    اون ديگه به تو ارتباطي نداره. طبق دستور من رفتار كن.

    11- Sadly, the boy's sentence has already been carried out. Death. By beheading.
    متاسفانه مجازات پسره قبلاٌ اجرا شده. مرگ. با زدن سر

    12- A cave of wonders, filled with treasures beyond your wildest dreams.
    غار شگفتي ها. پر از گنجهايي مافوق بزرگترين روياهاي تو

    13- So. Do we have a deal?
    خوب ... قبوله؟

    14- Just a handful of this stuff would make me richer than the sultan.
    فقط يك مشت از اين چيزا منو از سلطان هم پولدارتر مي كنه

    15- That two-faced son of a jackal.
    اون بچه شغال دو رو

    16- From now on, you're to discuss sentencing of prisoners with me.Before they are beheaded.
    از اين به بعد در مورد مجازات رندانيها با من مشورت كن. قبل از بريدن سرشون.

    17- My most abject and humblest apologies to you as well, Princess.
    عرض خاكسارانه و فروتنانه ترين عذرخواهي هاي من به محضر شما شاهزاده خانم

    18- Desperate times call for desperate measures, my lord.
    در مورد مسائل دشوار بايد پيش بينيهاي جدي و سخت داشت عاليجناب

    19- Your Highness, no. l must intercede on Jasmine's behalf.
    نه عاليجناب. من بايد به خاطر ياسمن پادرمياني كنم.

    20- Royalty going out into the city in disguise.
    يكي از اعضاي خانواده سلطنتي كه در لباس ميدل به شهر ميره

    21- On a scale of one to ten, you are an eleven.
    در يك بارم بندي يك تا ده، تو يازدهي (يعني خيلي كارت درسته)

    22- l made a mess of everything.
    گند زدم به همه چيز

    23- Now, back to Agrabah. Let's go.
    حالا بر ميگرديم به عقربه. بريم

    24- It pains me to see you reduced to this, Jasmine.
    واقعاً برام سخته كه ببينم تا اين درجه تنزل پيدا كردي ياسي جون

    25- Your wish is my command.
    امر امر شماست

    26- Al, you're not going to find another girl like her in a million years.
    علاالدين ... همچين دختري رو يك ميليون سال ديگه هم نميتوني پيدا كني

    27- l wish for the Nile.- No way.
    من رود نيل رو ميخوام. - نميشه

    28- I'm hitting the road. I'm off to see the world.
    من دارم راه ميفتم تا در تعطيلات دنيا رو سياحت كنم

    29- From this day forth, the princess shall marry whoever she deems worthy.
    از اين روز به بعد شاهزاده با هر كس كه اورو با ارزش بپندارد ازدواج خواهد كرد

    30- Bye-bye, you two crazy lovebirds. Ciao.
    باي باي شما دو تا مرغ عشق ... چائو

  9. #59
    داره خودمونی میشه
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    پيش فرض american pie 4

    U are going down.
    کارت تمومه
    Are u a rokey? U look lost
    تو تازه کار هستی؟ به نظر میاد گم شدی
    U are shaggy and smell shit
    تو پشمالو هستی؟ تو بوی گه میدی
    He poisoned my band
    او گروه من را مسموم کرده بود
    On my way
    بکش کنار
    U still don’t follow the rules
    هنوز قانون رو عایت نمی کنی
    Set the man with his beanie
    اقا رو با کلاهش چفت کنید.
    Earn their trust
    اعتمادشون رو جلب کن
    U go to stage and performane and crowd decide who is win
    شما روی صحنه می روید و نمایش می دهید .جمعیت تصمیم می گیرد کی برنده است
    Does any body know about this yet?
    کسی در مورد این قضیه کسی میداند؟
    Now u set me up here.
    حالا من را اینجا سر کار گذاشتی؟؟
    What is going on here?
    اینجا چه خبره؟
    Are u having fun?
    خوش می گذره؟؟

    Sorry for my possible mistakes .cause it was movie without any subtitle .and I had to write these by my listening ability .
    It has translated from American pie 4 movie. I hope it would be useful.

  10. #60
    اگه نباشه جاش خالی می مونه Bret's Avatar
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    thanx so much @mir
    very nice and helpful topic
    I'll try to participate here

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