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نام تاپيک: The Sims 3 ( راهنمای آپدیت کردن بازی در پست اول)

  1. #5071
    پروفشنال رضا جنگنده's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Jul 2009
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    میشه یه توضیح در مورد عمق بازی بدید؟

  2. #5072
    آخر فروم باز
    تاريخ عضويت
    Dec 2007
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    پس با این چزا خیلی باید جالب شده باشه ما بریم بخریم به نصبیم .اونوقت این گفته تو کجاست تو سایت خودشه.....
    تو سایت خود بازی خیلی اطلاعات کلی از بازی و اسکرین شات و تریلر رسمی میگذارن فقط.
    بیشتر تو سایت های هوادارن و سایت های تخصصی گیم و مصاحبه این چیزا گفته میشه.
    اگه خواستید بگید 75!! پرسش و پاسخ های تیم سازنده درباره این نسخه رو بزارم.

    دوستان من یکم تازه واردم یه مشکلی برام پیش اومده ....
    من الان سیمز 3 رو نصب کردم ... و امروزم سیمز Create a Sim رو خریدم و نصب کردم
    بعد این 2 چه طوری به هم مربوط میشن ؟ من مستقیم برم سیمز 3 رو بازی کنم ؟ پس اون نسخه Create چی میشه ؟
    بعد اگه مثلا نسخه دیگه ایشو خریدم مث سفر کردن به نقاط مختلف جهان , اونو چه طور به سیمز 3 (اصلی ) مربوط کنم ؟خودش خود به خود وصل میشه بهش ؟
    نسخه اصلی رو بازی کن،این یه نرم افزار هست که قسمت CAS رو قبل از عرضه بازی اصلی در اختیار علاقه مندان میزاره.(مدسازها هم ازش استفاده میکنن.)

    میشه یه توضیح در مورد عمق بازی بدید؟
    جمله تیم سازندست یعنی کیفیت بازی.
    همین معنی فارسی دیگه مثلا وقتی میگن فلان اثر از عمق/ژرفا بیشتری داره .
    Last edited by Big-Boss; 18-06-2011 at 21:49.

  3. 2 کاربر از Big-Boss بخاطر این مطلب مفید تشکر کرده اند

  4. #5073
    داره خودمونی میشه ***fandogh***'s Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    Jan 2009
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    اگه 75!! پرسش و پاسخ های تیم سازنده درباره این نسخه رو بزاری ممنون میشم....................

  5. #5074
    آخر فروم باز
    تاريخ عضويت
    Dec 2007
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    خدمت شما دوست داران سیمز
    به علت طولانی و انگلیسی بودن درون تب اسپویلر قرار میدم.

      محتوای مخفی: ! 
    1. This is something I have wanted a long time. Is it gonna be seasons in the Sims 3 Generations?
    The Sims 3 Generations focuses on the Sims themselves; who they are and how they interact with each other at different ages. For example, we really wanted the Child age of Sims to be about imagination and make believe; the things that are going on inside their mind, and not necessarily the outside world. Each life phase is defined by how Sims are feeling internally.

    2. Will it be some cool new jobs? And will it be like in Ambitions, so you can controll the sims at work?
    Sims can join the brand new Day Care Profession in The Sims 3 Generations. In this profession, Sims from around the neighborhood will drop their toddlers off at your house in the morning and your Sim will have to ensure the kids stay happy and healthy throughout the day. How many crying kids can your Sim handle at once?
    3. Can the sims go on a university, like in the Sims 2 University?
    In The Sims 3 Generations, parents have the option to send their children and teenagers away to a variety of different boarding schools. From Military School to the Sports Academy, parent’s have the options they need to make sure their children get a proper education!

    4. Will it be more in the real life when your sims get married? Like in a church, or under “bow” that we had in TS2?
    In The Sims 3 Generations, players can throw huge wedding celebrations using the brand new Wedding Arches. After the wedding, Sims might receive wedding gifts in the mail, and can even write thank you notes!
    5. What is the new neighborhood called? Is it a “city” like in TS3 Late Night?
    We wanted The Sims 3 Generations expansion pack to focus on the Sims themselves, who they are and how they interact with each other at different ages. Because of this, we used the development time to make the key features deeper and more intriguing instead of creating a new neighborhood.
    6. What happens if your sims get caught doing a prank?
    The Sims 3 Generations comes with an entirely new punishment system. Depending on what your Sim did, they can punished with anything from a time out, to having their TV privileges revoked, to even being grounded!

    7. Can you now, control your sims when they are at school?
    You can’t control Sims while they’re in the school building, but Sims can now take part in field trips during school that take them out into interesting places around the neighborhood!

    8. Does generations add more romantic interactions for teenagers, and if so, what are they?
    The Sims 3 Generations includes a few new romantic interactions for teenagers like Ask to Prom, but it really get’s fun with the brand new romantic reputations system for adults. If your Sim is spotted dating multiple Sims around town they might get the Player or Cheater reputations, which could make it harder for them to find true love down the road!

    9. What is the new creature?
    The imaginary friend is the new “creature” for The Sims 3 Generations. It starts as a toy doll when a toddler is born, and depending on their relationship with it as they grow up, it will turn into a real life imaginary friend that only your child can see and interact with!

    10. What are the new skills?
    There are no new skills, but Sims with a chemistry table can learn to create new potions and elixirs that can help them with their motives, turn them into a ghost, and much much more!

    11. Can teen sims can get caught throwing a party while the parents are gone?
    They can! Sometimes a pesky neighbor will call the police or your Teen’s parents will come home early! How fast can you get everyone to leave a party??

    12. will the kids get a bunch of new clothing and hair styles with this expansion?
    The Sims 3 Generations has tons of new clothes and hairstyles for kids!

    13. will the sims be able to play games in the pool like marco polo?
    There are no new games in the pool, but there are tons of new toys and objects for Sims to play with, including hopscotch courts! Kids can play alone or challenge a friend (or even an imaginary friend).

    14. will we get diveing boards?
    No diving boards in this pack, but check out the new Tree Forts! There are a bunch of different styles and unique interactions on each!

    15. how much did you guys put into the Child life stage is there a lots of things thay can do now?
    There’s so much stuff for kids in The Sims 3 Generations! From imaginary friends, to tree houses, to the costume chest (just to name a few!), there are tons of new things for kids to do and play with.

    16. Will there be any new foods/recipes?
    There are no new foods in The Sims 3 Generations, but if your Sim has an imaginary friend, you can have them get you snacks from the fridge!

    17. Any new collectible creatures (ie fish, frogs, etc)?
    There aren’t any new collectible creatures, but you never know what treasures your Sim might come across while playing in one of the new sandboxes!

    18. Any new interactions for babies and toddlers (aside from the stroller)?
    Toddlers can befriend their imaginary friend dolls! Also, adults have tons of new Socials with toddlers, like “The Claw!”

    19. Can babies fit in the stroller too, or just toddlers?
    Both babies and toddlers can ride in strollers.

    20. Can babies be bathed finally?
    Why would anyone want to get rid of that new baby smell?? No baths for babies in Generations.

    21. In one of the screenshots – it looks like the teens are inside a school lab. Is there a school building now that they can enter?
    There is no School Lab, but there is the brand new chemistry table that Sims can use to make tons of new potions!

    22. I wonder how the body hair looks like. Is it like a tatoo or something like a slider?
    Body Hair can be applied in Create A Sim like facial hair, with a bunch of different styles for different parts of the body… including feet hair!

    23) Will there be a new town? If so, what’s the name of it? The last two towns, Twinbrook and Bridgeport, were a bit limited on space and empty lots. Will the new town have more options when it comes to places for new families to move into?
    We wanted The Sims 3 Generations expansion pack to focus on The Sims themselves, who they are and how they interact with each other at different ages. Because of this, we used the development time to make the key features deeper and more intriguing instead of creating a new neighborhood.
    24) Will Pre-made sims already have memories?
    Players will get to experience new memories with premade Sims in the same way that they would with Player Create Sims.

    25) Will there be any famous Pre-made Families making a comeback?
    There aren’t any new pre-made Families in The Sims 3 Generations, but make sure to check out all of the new community and residential lots we’ve added to the Bin!

    26) Do the sims age gradually? We noticed in the trailer that when the children are toddlers the guys hair is all black then when they are children its a bit gray at the front. Was this just because he went from Young adult to adult or do they slowly go gray over time? Will there be any new age groups?
    The Sims 3 Generations doesn’t change the way Sims age, but it does include tons of new age specific content and features that make each phase of life unique, interesting, and fun to play in! You are also able to adjust the amount of time your Sims lives each stage of their life.

    27) Will we be able to bathe infants and toddlers? Will there be any new interactions with Adults, Children, Toddlers and infants? Will there be any new interactions between infants, toddlers and children? Like the toddler interactions from Sims 2? Will we be able to change diapers rather than spin them around?
    Adults have tons of new interactions with children and toddlers, including my favorite, “The Claw!” Children and toddlers also have plenty of new interactions and things to do together, like play pretend or a game of hopscotch… and don’t forget the new teeter totters!

    28) Is the “Imaginary friend” the new Lifestate for the game? Will we see any other life-states? What other things can sims do with the imaginary friend? Can Sims give birth to imaginary kids? What do they look like? (colors etc) What special powers will they have? Can you have an entire “Imaginary” family?
    The imaginary friend isn’t necessarily a new “life state” for Sims, it’s more of a new type of Sim completely. The imaginary friend starts as a doll object that arrives when your Sims have a toddler or a toddler is created in Create A Sim. If your toddler Sim builds up enough relationship with it, the doll has the possibility of turning into a real life friend for your Sim that no one else can see! Need a snack or help cleaning up a mess? Just ask your imaginary friend! If you Sim becomes a master at the new chemistry table, he or she can even create a potion that will turn an imaginary friend into a real life, player controllable Sim!

    29) What new interactive objects will we see? Will diving boards be added back into the game to compliment the new “water slides” feature? Will sims be able to walk their toddlers and use the stroller? Any new outdoor activities? What are all the new playground equipment? Can teens use them? Any new beach activities like search for shells, wave watching, sunbathing and building sandcastles or swimming in the ocean?
    There are tons of new objects in The Sims 3 Generations! I’m most excited about the new bunk bed and loft beds because we know our players have been asking for them! But we also have tons of other new things like, tree houses,strollers, costume chests, video cameras, and even sandboxes! You can even build sandcastles directly on any beach lots. Teens love to hang out on the new playground equipment and talk about their latest pranks!

    30) Since this Expansion is about Family, will we see some more family activities and hobbies? Is Generations going to help bring together families? Or just give each age group more to do?
    I think our players are going to be blown away, not only by how much new content and features we’ve crammed into this Expansion, but by how much fun it is to play! While players will have the ability to tell the “Family Story” with their Sims, this pack is really more about what makes each stage of life unique and interesting. Plus with pranks, booby traps, and out of control bachelor parties (where you never know who will show up…, Generations has way more going on than just family interactions!

    31) Will there be a “University” type of addition to the game? Back in a community poll on The Sims 3, players were asked which “Rabbit Hole” they wanted to be opened up and “School” was voted the highest on… So does this mean Schools in The Sims 3 will now be opened up? If so, will we be able to control the kids in school? Will there be a graduation ceremony? Will there be a private school?
    In The Sims 3 Generations, parents have the option to send their children and teenagers away to a variety of different boarding schools. From military school to the sports academy, parent’s have the options they need to make sure their children get a proper education! While they won’t be able to see inside of the school, there are indeed brand new graduation ceremonies for Sims who went to their local high school. They’re tons of fun!

    32) Will Teens have new social standing like Prankster/class clown, jocks/sports team, nerds/geeks/studious, popular/snobbish, etc. ? Will how the sims act when they are younger affect how they turn out as adults? I.E. a prankster teen still being a bit of a prankster as an adult? What other pranks will we be able to pull other than Stink bombs, Ding dong ditch, flaming poo and egging? Will pranks only be available for teens?
    If a teen or child successfully pulls off a streak of pranks without being caught, they can receive the Prank Streak moodlet, or even the Uber Prankster moodlet if they’re really good. Sims have a whole host of pranks and booby traps, from whoopee cushions and hair dye in the shower, to making a sink or toilet explode! But make sure to be quick went setting off pranks, you might be grounded or put on a time out if you’re caught!

    33) Will there be any Rabbit Holes opened up for Sim use? Restaurants Supermarkets etc?
    The Sims 3 Generations comes with a new community park complete with all of the awesome new playground objects like tree houses and sandboxes! Generations also has nine new residential lots packed with new content for your Sims to explore!

    34) In pictures that have been presented to us, the little girl is playing with a magic wand. Will magic be incorporated into Generations? If so, will it be only for children? Or all ages?
    Being a child in The Sims 3 Generations is all about imagination! While there isn’t any magic, children can play a lot of make believe in their new costumes or tree houses. The imaginary friend is quite magical as well.

    35) Will the body hair be a slider for us to add to sims in CAS? Will it be available for Males and Females? Or will this be a part of midlife change? How will the body hair work? Will there be chest hair? Leg hair? Arm Hair? Back hair? Belly hair? Armpit hair?
    Chest hair, shoulder hair, back hair, belly hair, arm hair, leg hair, and even foot hair! It’s all there and can be applied to male Sims in different sets and combinations in Create A Sim. The chest hair goes great with a nice moustache and some aviator sunglasses!

    36) Will the daycare profession be a Rabbit Hole or will you be able to actually see them take care of the kids and work there? Will a Parent be able to drop their child off at Daycare while at work? Are there any hidden Advantages in Day care? Will there be any new Jobs, Careers or Professions?
    The Sims 3 Generations introduces the brand new Daycare Profession. After joining the Daycare Profession, Sims from around the neighborhood will start dropping their children off at your house on weekday mornings. It will be your job to make sure the kids stay healthy, entertained, and well rested throughout the day, as your performance will determine how much your Sim gets paid. How many crying toddlers can you handle at once?

    37) What other new dramatic moments have been added to the game besides taping sims and using it as incrementing evidence? Any other new dramatic scenarios to explore?
    The new romantic reputations feature really helps to create some great dramatic moments. Not only will Sim’s notice your public displays of affection and give you a fitting reputation, but Sims can even tell your Sim’s significant other that your Sim has been cheating!

    38) With all the new outdoor activities; weddings, clubhouses, strollers, sandboxes, graduations, etc, are any of these going to be ruined by a sudden rain cloud? It was rumored that weather was going to be added in Late Night, so it must be ready to just add in with this new Generations Expansion. Are we getting any weather?
    The Sims 3 Generations focuses on the Sims themselves; who they are and how they interact with each other at different ages. For example, we really wanted the child age of Sims to be about imagination and make believe; the things that are going on inside their mind, and not necessarily the outside world. Each life phase is defined by how Sims are feeling internally and that’s what we wanted to focus on.

    39) Bunk Beds were introduced in pictures. Will bunk beds include an animation of the children actually climbing up the bed? Are bunk beds only for Children or for any age group?
    Not only does The Sims 3 Generations include bunk beds, but it features loft beds too! Sims will climb up and down the beds, and you can even place objects underneath loft beds like desks, cabinets, and other furniture!

    40) In the first leaked Generations trailer, there was a “Prom” like party. Will Teens Sims be able to attend Prom when they graduate? Will prom be a rabbit hole?
    The Sims 3 Generations does include School Dances and Proms at the local school. Before the dance starts you can select a date, and even have a limo come pick you up! Once at the dance, you can take prom pictures or even find love! They’re a lot of fun!

    41) Will there be any new Hugs, Kisses, Dancing? Will Slow-Dancing be re-introduced? Will there be any new interactions between teens? How will the new reputation systems (teen rep, romantic rep) work?
    The new romantic reputations system is a lot of fun to play with. For this feature, we’ve added tons of new reputations for how Sims conduct their romantic lives. Sims that are seen around town dating many Sims might receive the cheater reputation and have a harder time finding true love. Or perhaps your Sim is a bit more secretive when dating around, and receives the Player reputation that some Sims find irresistible!

    42) Memories and scrapbook are being introduced into the game. Could you please elaborate on how exactly scrapbooks and memories work in the game? Will previously played and saved sims be able to use the memories feature?
    When a significant moment occurs in a Sim’s life, a picture and description of the event will be recorded into the their scrapbook. Once there, players will be able to look back on their Sim’s memories throughout their lives, but they’ll also be able to upload and share those memories on TheSims3.com or Facebook. Players can also use the Capture This Moment button to create their own memory, complete with custom screen capture and description. Saved Sims will be able to collect any new memories that they capture when played with The Sims 3 Generations.

    43) Will Collections be added to the game? It has become very hard to keep track of all our store and game content.
    Collections aren’t available in The Sims 3 Generations, however we added a brand new filter that helps you sort content in build and buy modes and quickly find exactly what you want. You can set the filter to show content from any combination of expansion or stuff pack you have installed, in addition to any store or custom content you may have downloaded. It’s a great new way to navigate through the catalog when building a lot!

    44) What new death(s) will we see in Generations?
    There are no new death types, but Sims can discover and use the ghost potion at the chemistry set and turn themselves into ghosts!

    45) What new plants and foods will be added?
    There are no new foods in The Sims 3 Generations, but if your Sim has an imaginary friend, you can have them steal snacks for you from the fridge!

    46) What new skills will we see in this Expansion?
    There are no skills, but Sims with a chemistry table can learn to create new potions and elixirs that can help them with their motives, turn them into a ghost, and much much more!

    47) What new traits will we see in this Expansion?
    The Sims 3 Generations includes two brand new traits for your Sims; Nurturing and Rebellious. The Nurturing trait will surely help your Sim in the Day Care Profession, as well as make raising your Sim’s own family easier. The Rebellious trait gives defiant children and teens a little bit more leeway from the police when it comes to sneaking out after curfew and egging houses, just to name one advantage!

    48) What are all the new costumes for children?
    In The Sims 3 Generations, Sims can use the new costume chest to transform into a Dinosaur, Prince, Princess, and Astronaut!

    49) Will we get tutus, ballerinas and the dance bar back?
    In The Sims 3 Generations kids and teens can sign up for afterschool activities that include ballet class! Before they head to class, the little ballerinas will spin into their tutus. Children can also go to Scouts Group, and teens can attend many different clubs, from music to drama!

    50) Will sims be able to “Woohoo” in vehicles?
    Sim’s aren’t able to WooHoo in vehicles, but they can WooHoo in showers now as well as tree houses! Look out for splinters!

    51) Can you elaborate a bit more about how midlife crisis works and how it will effect sims?
    Some Sims will experience a Midlife Crisis when they age from young adult to adult, depending on a few different experiences they may or may not have had while growing up. During a Midlife Crisis, Sims will experience many different feelings, especially wishes to make significant changes in their lives like to get a new job or a new car! A Midlife Crisis will end at different times for different Sims, depending on how many wishes they’ve satisfied, or if they’ve received therapy for their issues.

    52) Social Services workers have been in the game since the beginning. Will our Sims be able to get a job as a social worker? How about a babysitter?
    The Sims 3 Generations introduces the brand new Daycare Profession. After joining the Daycare Profession, Sims from around the neighborhood will start dropping their children off at your house on weekday mornings. It will be your job to make sure the kids stay healthy, entertained, and well rested throughout the day, as your performance will determine how much your Sim gets paid. How many crying toddlers can you handle at once?

    53) Can you give us more info on how weddings work? Will sims sit down? Will there be a best man, bridesmaids? Will your parents walk down the aisle with you? Can you hire a wedding photographer/videographer? Will there be a wedding reception? Will there be the bride tossing flowers to the girls? Will the lucky couple feed each other cake? What about a honeymoon?
    Weddings have been completely remade in The Sims 3 Generations, starting with the new Wedding Arch objects. Placing a wedding arch on the lot where your wedding has been planned will allow you to select the Get Married interaction, which will call over all the wedding guests and start the ceremony. If the new Wedding Cake is placed on the same lot, it will soon be time to cut the cake! After the wedding, the newlyweds will be giving some time off work, and may even receive wedding gifts in the mail that they can write thank you notes for!

    54) Will videography become a profession?
    We designed the new video cameras in The Sims 3 Generations to bea hobby for Sims. Excited parents could use the video camera to record the precious moments of their children growing up, rebellious teens can use them to capture some of their greatest pranks, or a best friend might use them to capture some awkwardly hilarious moments from a bachelor party! The possibilities are endless…

    55) Can you give us more info on the bachelor/bachelorette parties? Will there be wedding and baby showers?
    The new party types in The Sims 3 Generations include; bachelor/bachelorette parties, graduation parties,teen parties, slumber parties, and enhanced wedding ceremonies. Bachelor/bachelorette parties can be thrown for Sims who are currently in the engaged romantic relationship status with another Sim. Those parties can be held at home or on community lots (or out at bars if you have Late Night installed!). Lookout though, you never know who might show up to a bachelor/bachelorette party…

    56) There will be pillow fights, ghost stories, and sleeping bags in sleepovers. What else can we expect to see to do at an epic sleepover? Will we be able to attend sleepovers at someone else’s house?
    Only your Sims can plan slumber parties. While there, pranks can be pulled, home movies can be made, and BUNKBEDS can be used! There’s tons of stuff to do at sleepovers.

    57) Can you give us more info on chemistry sets?
    From affecting a Sim’s moodlets, to turning them into a ghost, or even freezing a Sim’s age, Sims can use the chemistry set to create a bunch of different potions that have different abilities to take advantage of. However, a Sim will have to invest some time at the Chemistry Set to discover all of the potions before he or she can actually make them.

    58) There was a recent screenshot from Facebook showing a stage with a sim who looked like a game show host. Will there be new venues and places to attend around town?
    The Sims 3 Generations comes with a new community park complete with all of the awesome new playground objects like tree houses and sandboxes! Generations also has nine new residential lots packed with new content for your Sims to explore!

    59) Will Teens have acne like Sims 2 did? Also, there are brown freckles on the trailer elder at the end of the video. Will there be aging spots on elder sims? How will the cane work? Is it only an accessory? What is new for elders?
    While teens won’t have to face acne issues in Generations they will have to face off against the elders with canes. We’ve added a new cane for elders! It’s a full on object that can be placed in a Sim’s inventory and can be selected to be used and to not be used. When equipped with a cane, Elders can harass individual Sims and groups of Sims as well. Elders can also reminisce about the good old days , their childhood, school, work, or even past romances!

    60) How will stargazing work? Is it a romantic interaction? Or will we also be able to star gaze with friends and family?
    Watch the Stars is a new social between two Sims who are romantically involved. Depending on the current context of the two Sims’ interactions, it can either be accepted or rejected. If accepted, the two Sims will go to a comfortable location outside and gaze at the stars, while slowly moving closer to each other…

    61) Are there any new CAS features or customization?
    Yep! And it is my most favorite feature in the entire pack; BODY HAIR! You can now apply many different styles of body hair to male Sims, from head to toe!

    62) Will there be more maternity wear and options to pick and choose? What about clothes for elders?
    The Sims 3 Generations comes complete with a bunch of new clothing for both pregnant Sims and elders! Not to mention a cane for elder Sims as well…

    63) So now that more stuff for younger ages will be added, can we expect to see more of it in the store as well? Such as more strollers, baby swings, more toddler toys, and other things of that nature?
    I can’t speak specifically about any future plans for The Sims 3 Store, but we always try to create content that compliments and supports the features we include in Expansion Packs.

    64) Will we be seeing fixes to previous issues in the next patch?
    Whenever we launch a new product or release a patch we try to fix as many issues from previous expansions that we can.

    65) How did the Sims team come up with the ideas for this Expansion?
    Our team is made up of all ages of people and we had a blast looking into what makes each life phase unique. From remembering when we were kids, to hearing about what some of our teammate’s bachelor parties were like, or even seeing what it’s like to be a grandparent, we had an extraordinary time making this pack and we hope it translates into the fun people have playing it!

    66) Will we get a picture of a imaginary friend before the game is released?
    I’m certain you’ll at least get a picture, if not a video clip as well!

    67) Can you have more then one Imaginary friend per Sim child?
    Each child can have one imaginary friend.

    68) Any chance of getting collections back? In this EP or the next?
    Collections aren’t available in The Sims 3 Generations, however we’re always listening to your feedback and suggestions for new features.

    69) Can we see inside the tree-house or it’s an rabbit-hole?
    You cannot see inside of the tree houses, however they’re much different than career buildings. Each of the three different tree houses has unique interactions specific to its theme. Explore new planets in the Sci-Fi tree house or hold a great feat in the castle tree house!

    70) Can the sims swim in the sea with this expansion since it added the ability to make sand-castles?
    There is no swimming in the sea, however Sims will develop their sandcastle building ability the more and more they build sandcastles. An experienced sandcastle builder can make some awesome castles!

    71) Will we have backless showers and pool tables like in University and sports items like in Free Time?
    There are a couple new showers in The Sims 3 Generations, however none are “backless.” You can however, attempt to perform the brand new WooHoo in Shower interaction with any Sims in a romantic relationship!

    72) Will the expansion include water slide?
    Yes! It includes two new awesome water slides for backyard fun!

    73) Will we be able to set height individually for each Sim (we can see something in game box)?
    You won’t be able to adjust height of Sims, however the thing you’re probably seeing in the game box is a new wall decoration for Children’s rooms. It’s a lot of fun to use it and the new Video Camera object to make fun movies about your Sims growing up!

    74) Will there br smooth transition between ages – e.g. progressive growing up without sudden jump?
    Nothing specific has changed about the way Sims grow up, however there are a bunch of new Lifetime Rewards like Age Freeze and Young Again that allow your Sims to beat the affects of natural aging! You are also able to adjust the amount of time your Sims lives each stage of their life.

    75) Will Sims be finally able to drink alcohol and make themselves drunk?
    There is no alcohol in the world of The Sims 3, however in World Adventures you can make nectar and in Late Night you can learn to mix special concoctions as a mixologist. Drinking these beverages can give your Sims strong moodlets that affect their mood and abilities.

  6. 2 کاربر از Big-Boss بخاطر این مطلب مفید تشکر کرده اند

  7. #5075
    در آغاز فعالیت lovely9776's Avatar
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    Jun 2011
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    سلام به همه سیمز بازان من خیلی به سیمز علاقه دارم اما هنوز نتونستم بازیشو بخرم ... قراره اخر هفته بازار اینجا بیاد(من تهران نیستم)منم با سر برم بخرم

    قبل از بازی چند تا سوال دارم (سیمز 3)

    می خواستم بدونم موقع انتخاب کردن کاراکتر ما چند تا می تونیم اتخاب کنیم
    اگه بتونیم انتخاب کنیم می تونیم بهشون نسبت فامیلی بدیم؟

    مثلا اگه 5 نفر اتخاب کنیم.مادر پدر 3 تا بچه فقط می تونم بجای یکیشون بازی کنم ؟؟؟یا نه یه بار می تونم از دید باباهه یه با ر از طرف مامانه و ... بازی کنم؟؟؟ ممنون.

    تا عصر اگه میشه جواب بدین.

    در ضمن من وقت ترجمه ندارم اگه میشهیه بزرگی این بالا رو ترجمه کنه

  8. #5076
    پروفشنال Eshghe_door's Avatar
    تاريخ عضويت
    May 2007
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    سلام به همه سیمز بازان من خیلی به سیمز علاقه دارم اما هنوز نتونستم بازیشو بخرم ... قراره اخر هفته بازار اینجا بیاد(من تهران نیستم)منم با سر برم بخرم

    قبل از بازی چند تا سوال دارم (سیمز 3)

    می خواستم بدونم موقع انتخاب کردن کاراکتر ما چند تا می تونیم اتخاب کنیم
    اگه بتونیم انتخاب کنیم می تونیم بهشون نسبت فامیلی بدیم؟

    مثلا اگه 5 نفر اتخاب کنیم.مادر پدر 3 تا بچه فقط می تونم بجای یکیشون بازی کنم ؟؟؟یا نه یه بار می تونم از دید باباهه یه با ر از طرف مامانه و ... بازی کنم؟؟؟ ممنون.

    تا عصر اگه میشه جواب بدین.
    سوال اولی رو نفهمیدم

    ولی آره میتونی یه خانواده ی 5 نفری اونجوری که گفتی تشکیل بدی

    و تو بازی هم تک تک باید به جای همه شون بازی کنی

    نمیشه فقط برا یه نفر بازی کنی

    توی هر خونه ای چند نفر زندگی میکنن باید بجای همه شون بازی کنی

  9. #5077
    در آغاز فعالیت lovely9776's Avatar
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    البته منظورمم اینه که می تونم بجای مادره برم خرید بعد بجای بچه هه برم خونه دوستم؟؟

  10. #5078
    آخر فروم باز camry's Avatar
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    اره میتونین به خونواده ای که میسازین هم اسم هم فامیلی بدین که دیگه خود سیمز به صورت خودکار مثلا شما او بابا رو ساختین بعد میخواین مامان رو بسازین خوده سیمز فامیلی پدر رو روی مادر میزاره که شما اگه از صورت و تیپ زنه خوشتون اومد فقط میخواد اسم براش انتخاب کنین
    بچه ها هم همینجور
    همون جور که eshghe_door هم گفت نمیشه تک تک با هر کدومشون بازی کنی
    داخله یک خونه باید کارای همشونو انجام بدی مثلا همشونو باید وقتی که گرسنه شدن غذابدی یا حمام ببرسشون
    یا یک روش دیگه هم هست میتونی مامان و بابا رو پیر کنی و بچه هارو جوون یعنی نه یک ادم که میخواد بره دانشگاه یا همون (بالغ)
    و نه یک ادم بزرگ شده ولی پیر نشه
    اینارو بالای قسمتی که اسم فامیلی میزارین هست
    1.نی نی
    5.نمیدونم چیه ولی یک فرد معمولی
    بچه هارو بزنین شماره 4
    بعد وقتی که خون ساختینو رفتن توی اون خونه
    میتونین بچه هرو بیارین بیرون و هر کدوم رو جداگونه ببرین داخله یک خونه دیگه دیگه اون جوری همه چی درست میشه بچه ها میتونن بیان به خونه مامان باباشون سر بزنن این جور کارا
    بچه هرو هم که هر کدومشون داخله خونه ای جدا گونه رفتی میتونن با یک نفر ازدواج کنن که همون فردی رو که میخواد باهاش ازدواج کنرو هم میتونی درستش کنی
    بچه دار میشنو کار پیدا میکنن و میرن سر کار پول در میارن دزد میاد خونه مهمون میاد اتش سوزی میشه کسایی که پیر شدن میمیرن
    این جور چیزا!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by camry; 20-06-2011 at 13:52.

  11. #5079
    در آغاز فعالیت lovely9776's Avatar
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    مرسی به جای فرد معمولی می تونی بگی میانسال

    من می خوام یه نی نی بسازم یه بچه کودک یه نوجوون و مامان و بابا

    حالا جدا از اینا بعد می تونم شخصیت اصلی رو از بین این خانواده انتخاب کنم؟؟؟

    یا مثلا ممکنه با باهه بدون اطلاع من بره یه زن دیگه بگیره؟

  12. #5080
    آخر فروم باز camry's Avatar
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    مرسی به جای فرد معمولی می تونی بگی میانسال

    من می خوام یه نی نی بسازم یه بچه کودک یه نوجوون و مامان و بابا

    حالا جدا از اینا بعد می تونم شخصیت اصلی رو از بین این خانواده انتخاب کنم؟؟؟

    یا مثلا ممکنه با باهه بدون اطلاع من بره یه زن دیگه بگیره؟
    خواهش میکنم
    1.شخصیت اصلی؟؟؟؟شخصیت اصلی نداره همه شخصیت اصلی هستن یعنی وقتی که میخوای به همشون دستور بدی که برن بخوابن باید روی تک تکشون کلیک کنی روی تخت کلیک کنی این جوریه بازی
    2.نه نمیتونه چون هر کاری که اون ها دارن انجام میدن شما دستور دادین یعنی شما از همه کارای اونا باخبرین
    البته بعضی از موقع ها برای من پیش اومده مرده میره با یک زن دیگه میگه میخنده بعد همسرش اونارو میبینه و ناراحت میشه قهر میکنه و باید کلی کار انجام بده تا راضی بشه (شما میتونین کاری کنین که مرده با یک زنه دیگه ازدواج کنه اون زن قبلیشو طلاق تلاغ تلاق طلاغ بده)

  13. این کاربر از camry بخاطر این مطلب مفید تشکر کرده است

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