نسخه کامل مشاهده نسخه کامل : Everything about TOEFL & IELTS

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23-12-2006, 01:18
همه چیز درباره آزمون یا امتحان تافل

تافل چيست؟

تافل مخفف عبارت زير مي‏باشد

Test Of English as a Foreign Language

«آزمون انگليسي به عنوان يك زبان خارجي»

هر سال در سطح جهان و از بين 180 كشور مختلف حدود يك ميليون نفر در امتحان تافل ثبت نام مي‏كنند.

از بين اين تعداد، ممكن است بسياري از آنها نتوانند در اين امتحان موفق شوند و دليل اين امر آشنايي ناكافي آنها در خصوص مطالب كليدي زبان انگليسي و سيستم آزمون تافل است.

سؤالات زير معمولاً درباره تافل مطرح مي‏باشد:

هدف تافل چيست؟

از سال 1963 امتحان تافل به عنوان ابزاري براي آزمون اطلاعات انگليسي از سوي اكثر دانشگاه‏ها و مراكز آموزش عالي و كميته‏ها و انجمن‏هاي علمي و مراكز كاريابي براي تحصيلكردگان دانشگاهي مورد استفاده قرار گرفته است.

در كشورهاي انگليس زبان براي پذيرش دانشجويان، گذراندن دوره تافل و موفقيت در اين امتحان به عنوان يك پيش‏شرط اصلي مي‏باشد.

هم اكنون در كشور ما هم اين امتحان و مشابه آن (MCHE) به عنوان پيش‏شرط شركت در امتحاات دورة دكتري (Ph. D) مطرح شده است و براي شركت در امتحانات ورودي دكتري، ارايه مدرك قبولي زبان امري الزامي است.

* در حال حاضر چند نوع آزمون تافل در سطح جهان برگزار مي‏شود؟

ـ در حال حاضر آزمون تافل به سه روش زير برگزار مي‏شود.

1- روش كاغذ و قلم

2- روش كامپيوتري

3- روش آزمون كلي كه در مؤسسات برگزار مي‏شود.

اطلاعات مربوط به آزمون تافل به روش (1) در سايت اينترنتي زير موجود است:

( [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] )

آزمون تافل به روش (2) هم اكنون در ايالات متحده، كانادا، امريكاي لاتين، اروپا، افريقا و خاورميانه و تعداد معدودي از ساير كشورهاي آسيايي برگزار مي‏شود. اين روش در سال 1998 ابداع شده است.

روش سوم (آزمون تافل در مؤسسات) در بيشتر از 1200 دانشگاه، كالج و مؤسسات خصوصي آموزش عالي در سطح جهان كاربرد دارد،

در امتحان تافل بخش‏هاي زير به صورت تست ارايه مي‏شوند:

بخش اول = آزمون مهارت شنيداري (listening)

بخش دوم = آزمون مهارت گرامر و مهارت نوشتاري (Strueture/writing)

بخش سوم = آزمون مهارت خواندن

آيا در آزمون تافل بخش انشا نويسي وجود دارد؟
در آزمون كامپيوتري بخشي به عنوان مهارت نوشتاري وجود دارد كه تست مهارت نوشتاري به صورت انشانويسي ارايه مي‏شود. متن نوشتاري شما بايد حاوي 300 لغت باشد و معمولاً به 30 دقيقه وقت نياز دارد. ما در دوره آموزشي تافل مفصلاً در اين مورد صحبت خواهيم كرد.

در آزمون تافل (از نوع كاغذ و قلم) معمولاً اين نوع انشانويسي مطرح نمي‏باشد ولي اگر امتحانات تافل در ماه‏هاي آگوست، اكتبر، دسامبر، فوريه و يا ماه مه برگزار شوند ممكن است آزمون انشانويسي هم برگزار شود.

آيا تعداد تست‏هاي تافل در همه دوره مشابه هستند؟
در آزمون تافل كامپيوتري در هر نوبت تعداد متفاوتي تست ارايه مي‏شوند و روش نمره‏گذاري به نوع سخن و آرماني تست بستگي دارد.

معمولاً براي تست‏هاي سخت‏تر نمرات بيشتري در نظر گرفته مي‏شود. ولي در آزمون تافل (نوع كاغذ و قلم) هميشه تعداد تست‏ها مشابه است.

تست‏هاي آزمون كامپيوتري با هم مشابه نيستند. در آزمون كامپيوتري اگر شما به يك سؤال پاسخ درستي بدهيد، يك پاسخ سخت‏تر براي شما ارايه مي‏شود. ولي اگر پاسخ شما درست نباشد، رايانه به صورت اتوماتيك پاسخ آسان‏تري را مطرح مي‏كند ولي نمرات بيشتر را به سؤالات سخت‏تر مي‏دهد و نهايتاً آزمون را تمام مي‏كند.

افرادي كه مي‏خواهند در آزمون كامپيوتري تافل شركت كنند مي‏توانند روز قبل از امتحان به مركز آزمون مراجعه كرده و CD آموزشي روش تست‏زني تافل را تهيه نمايند. با مراجعه به آدرس وب سايت مؤسسه تافل نيز مي‏توانيد اين CD را مشاهده نماييد.

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] toefl. org

هزينه ثبت نام:

هزينه ثبت نام براي تافل كامپيوتري 110 دلار و براي تافل (كاغذ و قلم) 75 دلار است.

شب قبل از امتحان چكار بايد بكنم؟
به مهماني نرويد ولي سعي نكنيد كه همه مطالب كتاب تافل را مرور كنيد .فقط مطالبي را كه قبلاً علامت زديد را مرور كنيد.

اگر بخواهيد تمام مطالب را مرور كنيد، ممكن است دچار گيجي و كمبود وقت شده و مضطرب شويد و اين امر سبب بي‏خوابي شما خواهد شد. نبايد انتظار داشته باشيد كه به 100% سؤالات پاسخ صحيح بدهيد.

اين امر امكان‏پذير نيست. در تافل نمره قبولي مهم است و اگر بتوانيد به 75% سؤالات پاسخ صحيح بدهيد، نمره عالي خواهيد گرفت.

سر جلسه امتحان چه چيزي را بايد همراه داشته باشم؟
سه مداد همراه با پاك‏كن، همراه با كارت ورود به جلسه همراه با يك كارت شناسايي معتبر (شناسنامه، پاسپورت). آوردن كتاب، لغت‏نامه، ضبط‏ صوت، تلفن همراه، خودكار و دفترچه يادداشت در جلسه امتحان ممنوع است.

زمان امتحان تافل چقدر است؟
براي امتحان (كاغذ و قلم)، دو ساعت (120 دقيقه) تعيين شده است. از آنجا كه زمان دستورالعمل‏ها در آزمون تافل منظور نمي‏شود. با احتساب زمان دستورالعمل كل آزمون تافل حدوداً سه و نيم ساعت به طول مي‏انجامد.

براي هر بخش چقدر زمان دارم:

راه عاقلانه اين است كه با سرعت هر چه بيشتر تست‏ها را بزنيد. جدول زماني در صفحه (ix) امتحان تافل آمده است.در امتحان كامپيوتري تافل (ده دقيقه وقت استراحت) منظور شده است ولي براي امتحان از نوع قلم و كاغذ وقت استراحت تعيين نشده است.

نوع سؤالات امتحان تافل (در امتحان كاغذ و قلم) به صورت سؤالات چندجوابي است.

اگر سؤالي را بلد نباشم مي‏توانم حدس بزنم؟
بله مي‏توانيد، چون در امتحان تافل نمره منفي وجود ندارد.در ابتدا سه پاسخي را كه حدس مي‏زنيد نادرستند را حذف كنيد ودرنهايت پاسخ صحيح را حدس بزنيد.

اگر نتوانستيد به اين روش پاسخ صحيح را حدس بزنيد. يك (حرف)، (A, B, C, D) را انتخاب كنيد و براي همه پاسخ‏هاي حدسي خود همان (حرف) را انتخاب كنيد.

موقعي كه مراقب امتحان به شما مي‏گويد وقت شما تمام است مي‏توانيد با سرعت تمام سؤالات خالي را با حرف مورد نظر خودتان پر كنيد.براي آنكه اشتباهي پاسخ‏ها را انتخاب نكنيد، پرسشنامه را روي پاسخ‏نامه بگذاريد و سپس به ترتيب يكي پس از ديگري پايين بياييد و تست‏ها را بزنيد.

روش نمره‏دهي به امتحان تافل (از نوع كاغذ و قلم) چگونه است؟
نمرات تافل در اين نوع امتحان بين 310 تا 677 هستند.

در ابتدا نمره امتحانات هر بخش محاسبه مي‏شود. سپس اين نمرات با هم جمع شده و حاصل جمع ضربدر ده و تقسيم بر 3 خواهد شد.


نمره 52 Listening

نمره 48 Structure/Writing

نمره 50 Reading-Vocab

جمع 150

150 × 10 = 1500 ÷ 3 = 500 كل نمره تافل

نمرات تافل بالاي 650-600 عنوان نمره‏هاي قطعي قبولي تلقي مي‏شوند ولي برخي از دانشگاه‏ها نمرات 500 تا 600 را نيز بر اساس شرايط خاص خو به عنوان نمره قبولي تلقي مي‏كنند.

اگر در يك بخش نمره ضعيفي بگيرم آيا اميد است كه نمره كل من خوب شود؟
البته ممكن است، نبايد در امتحان بخش اول (مهارت شنيداري) نااميد شود اين امتحان براي همه افراد غيرانگليسي مشكل است و خيلي‏ها ممكن است حتي سؤال مطرح شده از بلندگو را متوجه نشوند. ولي در بخش دوم (امتحان گرامر) شما مي‏توانيد عقب‏ماندگي خود را جبران نماييد. خوشبختانه ايرانيان در امتحانات گرامر و درك مطالب سرآمد ديگران هستند و معمولاً در امتحان تافل موفق مي‏شوند.

اعتبار امتحان تافل چقدر است:

اعتبار زماني امتحان تافل دو سال است.

23-12-2006, 01:22
TOEFL (تافل) يا Test Of English as a Foreign Language يك امتحان زبان انگليسي است و از اعتباري بين المللي برخوردار ميباشد. اين امتحان معياري است جهت سنجش دانش زبان انگليسي اشخاصي كه ميخواهند از يك دانشگاه انگليسي زبان پذيرش بگيرند. بيش از 4400 دانشگاه وكالج در سر تا سر دنيا، اين امتحان را به رسميت ميشناسند.

امتحان تافل توسط موسسه Educational Testing Service) ETS) واقع در نيوجرسي آمريكا برگزار ميگردد. اين امتحان به دو صورت computer-based و paper-based برگزار ميشود، اما در بيشتر نقاط دنيا به شكل computer-based ميباشد و توضيحات ارائه شده در اين وب سايت نيز كلا در مورد اين نوع از امتحان است. در اين امتحان، تمام سوالات بايد از طريق كامپيوتر پاسخ داده شوند.

هزينه ثبت نام امتحان تافل، 130 دلار آمريكا ميباشد. اين مبلغ از اول July سال 2003 تا سي ام June سال 2004 معتبر است و معمولا هر سال مقداري افزايش مي يابد. جهت ثبت نام در اين امتحان، بايد زود اقدام نمائيد چرا كه ممكن است مراكز امتحاني ظرفيتشان تكميل شود. طوري تاريخ امتحان خود را تنظيم كنيد كه نتيجه امتحان به موقع و قبل از Dead Line به دانشگاههاي مورد نظرتان برسد. براي ثبت نام در امتحان، به چند طريق ميتوانيد عمل نمائيد:

1. ثبت نام تلفني: پس از تماس با مركز ثبت نام، بايد مشخصات خود را بطور شفاهي بگوئيد. سپس به شما تاريخ، ساعت، آدرس محل امتحان و Appointment Confirmation Number (كه يك عدد 16 رقمي است) گفته ميشود. جهت پرداخت هزينه ثبت نام، احتياج به يكي از كارتهاي اعتباري Visa ،Master Card و يا American Express داريد.

2. ثبت نام از طريق فاكس: پس از تكميل نمودن فرم ثبت نام، آنرا به مركز ثبت نام مورد نظرتان فاكس نمائيد. براي پرداخت هزينه ثبت نام، نياز به يكي از كارتهاي اعتباري گفته شده در فوق داريد.

3. ثبت نام از طريق پست: پس از تكميل نمودن فرم ثبت نام، آنرا به مركز ثبت نام مورد نظرتان بايد پست نمائيد. براي پرداخت هزينه ثبت نام، ميتوانيد يكي از كارتهاي اعتباري گفته شده در فوق را بكار ببريد و يا از چكي كه قابل وصول شدن در يكي از بانكهاي آمريكا باشد استفاده كنيد. چك بايد در وجه ETS-TOEFL نوشته شود.

پس از انجام ثبت نام به يكي از روشهاي 2 يا 3، شما نامه تائيديه اي (Confirmation Letter) دريافت خواهيد نمود كه در آن تاريخ، ساعت، آدرس محل امتحان و Appointment Confirmation Number نوشته شده است.

داوطلبان مقيم ايران بعلت نداشتن كارت اعتباري و يا چك قابل وصول در يكي از بانكهاي آمريكا، معمولا براي ثبت نام در امتحان تافل با مشكل روبرو ميشوند. براي رفع اين مشكل، ميتوانيد از دوستان و آشنايان خود كه داراي كارت اعتباري و يا چك قابل وصول در بانكهاي آمريكا هستند، كمك بگيريد.

امتحان تافل در ايران برگزار نميگردد و بايد به كشور ديگري سفر نمائيد. داوطلبان مقيم ايران، معمولا تركيه يا دبي را براي شركت در امتحان انتخاب مينمايند. حداقل نيم ساعت قبل از امتحان در محل حاضر باشيد و اگر امكان پذير بود، روز قبل به محل امتحان برويد تا با آدرس آنجا بيشتر آشنا شويد. در روز امتحان حتما بايد پاسپورت و Appointment Confirmation Number خود را به همراه داشته باشيد. نامي كه در فرم ثبت نام قيد نموده ايد بايد با نام درج شده در پاسپورتتان يكسان باشد. همچنين بايد دفتري را امضاء نمائيد. اين امضاء نيز بايد با امضاء شما در پاسپورتتان يكي باشد. قبل از امتحان از شما عكس گرفته ميشود. اين عكس در بالاي كارنامه تافل نيز چاپ ميشود. در تمام طول امتحان از شما فيلم برداري ميگردد.

اين امتحان از بالاترين و معتبرترين استانداردهاي بين المللي جهت سنجش سطح زبان انگليسي داوطلبان پيروي ميكند و چهار توانائي Reading ،Structure ،Listening و Writing را مورد ارزيابي قرار ميدهد. در بخش Listening، توانائي داوطلب در درك مكالمات انگليسي مورد ارزيابي قرار ميگيرد. اين مكالمات به لهجه American ميباشند. در بخش Structure، دانش داوطلب در تشخيص ساختار درست جملات انگليسي مورد سنجش قرار ميگيرد. براي پاسخگوئي به اين بخش، دانستن گرامر ضروري است. در بخش Reading، توانائي داوطلب در درك متون انگليسي مورد سوال واقع ميشود. اين متون داراي موضوعات آكادميك ميباشند. در بخش Writing، داوطلب بايد در مورد موضوعي انشاء بنويسد. بغير از قسمت Writing، پرسشهاي سه قسمت ديگر بصورت تستي چند گزينه اي ميباشند.

در روز امتحان، به ترتيب به بخشهاي Reading ،Structure ،Listening و Writing بايد پاسخ دهيد. زمان كل امتحان حدودا چهار ساعت است كه چهل دقيقه از آن مربوط به آموزش كار با كامپيوتر و نحوه پاسخگوئي به سوالات ميباشد. تعداد سوالات و زمان هر بخش مطابق جدول زير است:

Test Section
Number of Questions
Time to Complete

30-49 questions
15-25 minutes to answer questions. 40-60 minutes to complete entire section. Clock runs while you are answering questions, but not while you are listening to conversations and talks.

20-25 questions
15-20 minutes to complete questions.

44-55 questions
70-90 minutes to complete section (includes time spent reading passages and answering questions).

one assigned topic
30 minutes to write an essay.

قسمتهاي Listening و Structure اصطلاحا Computer-Adaptive ميباشند. بدين معنا كه هر سوالي كه مطرح ميشود بر اساس عملكرد شما در پاسخگوئي به سوالات قبلي ميباشد. اگر سوالهاي نخستين را درست پاسخ دهيد، سوالهاي بعدي مشكلتر ميشوند و البته امتيازي كه براي پاسخگوئي به سوالات مشكل در نظر گرفته ميشود، بيشتر از امتيازي است كه براي پاسخگوئي به سوالات آسان در نظر ميگيرند و اين يك حسن ميباشد. امتياز اين قسمتها بر مبناي تعداد و درجه دشواري سوالات پاسخ داده شده، تعيين ميگردد. در اين دو قسمت، شما نميتوانيد به سوالات قبلي باز گرديد و براي پاسخگوئي به سوال بعدي، بايد سوالي را كه پيش رو داريد ابتدا پاسخ دهيد.

به غير از قسمت Writing، نمرات بخشهاي ديگر امتحان تافل، بين صفر تا 30 ميباشد. نمره قسمت Writing بين صفر تا 6 ميباشد كه با نمره قسمت Structure تركيب ميگردد و نمره كلي Structure/Writing را ميسازد. نمره كل امتحان تافل بين صفر تا 300 ميباشد و براي محاسبه آن، معدل نمرات Reading ،Listening و Structure/Writing محاسبه ميگردد و سپس عدد حاصل در ده ضرب ميشود.

در قسمت Writing، شما ميتوانيد يا انشاء خود را توسط كامپيوتر تايپ نماييد و يا اينكه آنرا بر روي كاغذ بنويسيد. اگر انشاء را در كامپيوتر تايپ كنيد، پس از حدودا دو هفته نمره انشاء و نمره كل امتحانتان توسط موسسه ETS پست ميشود اما اگر انشاء را بر روي كاغذ بنويسد، اين زمان به پنج هفته افزايش مي يابد.

پس از پايان يافتن امتحان، نمرات شما بلافاصله بر روي مونيتور كامپيوتر ظاهر ميگردند. بعنوان مثال، نمرات يك داوطلب پس از امتحان به شكل زير ميباشد:

Listening 22

Structure/Writing 3-23

Reading 22

TOTAL 157-223

همانطور كه ملاحظه مينمائيد، نمرات Listening و Reading نهائي هستند اما بعلت معلوم نبودن نمره انشاء بلافاصله پس از امتحان، نمره كل و نمره قسمت Structure/Writing بصورت حداقل و حداكثر نشان داده شده اند.

پس از اينكه نمرات خود را بر روي مونيتور كامپيوتر ملاحظه نموديد، بايد تصميم بگيريد كه آيا ميخواهيد اين نمرات براي دانشگاههاي مورد نظرتان فرستاده شود يا خير. بهتر است قبل از امتحان، كد دانشگاهها و دانشكده هاي مورد نظرتان را از دفترچه راهنماي تافل پيدا نمائيد تا در روز امتحان با مشكل خاصي روبرو نگرديد. تا چهار دانشگاه را ميتوانيد انتخاب كنيد تا كارنامه امتحان تافل براي آنها مستقيما توسط موسسه ETS بطور رايگان ارسال گردد. اگر بيشتر از چهار كارنامه بخواهيد برايتان ارسال بشود، به ازاي هر كارنامه بايد 15 دلار آمريكا بپردازيد (اين مبلغ از اول July سال 2003 تا سي ام June سال 2004 معتبر است و معمولا هر سال مقداري افزايش مي يابد). بهمراه چهار كارنامه اي كه بصورت رايگان براي دانشگاههاي مورد درخواستتان فرستاده ميشود، يك نسخه هم براي شما ارسال خواهد شد. در كارنامه ارسالي از طرف ETS، علاوه بر نمره كل، نمرات بخشهاي Reading ،Listening و Structure/Writing بطور جداگانه درج ميشوند. نمره انشاء (Writing) نيز تحت عنوان essay rating مشخص ميشود.

هر دانشگاه براي پذيرش متقاضيان حداقل نمره اي را مشخص ميكند و اكثر آنها حداقل نمره كلي 210 را مي خواهند بطوريكه نمره انشاء هم از 4 كمتر نباشد (البته اين قاعده كلي است و هر دانشگاه شرايط خاص خود را دارد). اعتبار كارنامه تافل دو سال ميباشد و اگر از تاريخ امتحان، دو سال يا بيشتر گذشته باشد، موسسه ETS كارنامه تافل را براي دانشگاههاي مورد درخواست شما ارسال نمي نمايد. بخاطر داشته باشيد كه در هر ماه ميلادي فقط يكبار ميتوانيد در امتحان تافل شركت نمائيد.

يكي از مهمترين عوامل كسب موفقيت و نمره خوب در امتحان تافل، نحوه مطالعه شما براي چنين امتحاني است. بارها ديده شده است كه داوطلبان شركت در آزمون، با اتخاذ روشهاي ناكارآمد، در كسب نمره مورد نظرشان ناكام مانده اند. با اتخاذ روشهاي مطالعه درست و هدفمند، علاوه بر اينكه در وقت خود صرفه جوئي قابل ملاحظه اي ميكنيد، در دستيابي به نمره مورد نظرتان نيز موفق خواهيد بود. براي نيل به اين مقصود، به چند نكته زير توجه نمائيد:

1. بر اساس يك برنامه ريزي منظم به مطالعه بپردازيد. بعنوان مثال خود را مقيد سازيد كه بمدت چهارماه براي امتحان تافل مطالعه نمائيد و هر روز 6 ساعت را به اين امر اختصاص دهيد (اين مدت فقط جهت مثال ذكر شده است و بنا به اينكه پيشينه دانش زبان شما چگونه است، زمان آماده سازي جهت شركت در آزمون تغيير خواهد نمود).

2. تمامي چهار مهارت Reading ،Structure ،Listening و Writing را همزمان با هم تمرين كنيد. بعنوان مثال، يك ماه تمام فقط روي Listening تمرين نكنيد و به سه مهارت ديگر كاري نداشته باشيد. البته اگر روي قسمتي ضعيفتر هستيد، بايد وقت بيشتري براي آن صرف نمائيد.

3. مطالبي كه مطالعه مينمائيد بايد به امتحان تافل مربوط باشند. بهترين حالت اين است كه از كتابهائي كه در رابطه با تافل نوشته شده اند، استفاده كنيد. مثلا اگر ميخواهيد كه در بخش Reading امتحان تمرين نمائيد، خواندن متون مشكل ادبي به زبان انگليسي فايده اي ندارد. برعكس، كتابهائي كه در رابطه با بخش Reading امتحان تافل نوشته شده اند، علاوه بر اينكه به بالا بردن مهارت شما كمك مينمايند، شما را با سبك امتحان نيز بيشتر آشنا ميكنند. اين يك نمونه از مطالعه هدفمند است. زبان انگليسي و كتابهائي كه در رابطه با آن نوشته شده اند نامحدود ميباشند، اما وقت شما محدود است. هدف شما گرفتن نمره مورد نظرتان در امتحان تافل ميباشد. بنابراين، كتابهائي كه جهت مطالعه انتخاب مينمائيد بايد بصورت هدفمند و مخصوص امتحان تافل نوشته شده باشند.

4. قبل از امتحان، حتما بايد چندين تست استاندارد را جواب بدهيد تا هم از سطح آمادگي خودتان مطلع شويد و هم با نوع و سبك امتحان آشنا شويد. پاسخگوئي به سوالات بايد در مدت زمان مشخصي كه در امتحان اصلي تافل با آن مواجه خواهيد شد، صورت پذيرد.

23-12-2006, 01:23
1. از نگراني و اضطراب در هنگام امتحان بشدت پرهيز نمائيد. اضطراب فقط از قابليتها و توانائيهاي شما ميكاهد.

2. در امتحان تافل، نمره منفي وجود ندارد لذا هيچ سوالي را بي پاسخ نگذاريد. اگر جواب سوالي را نمي دانستيد، همواره گزينه شماره 3 ( يا C ) را انتخاب نمائيد.

3. هيچگاه براي يك سوال، بيش از اندازه وقت صرف نكنيد، چرا كه سوالهاي ساده تر را كه ميتوانيد پاسخ دهيد، از دست خواهيد داد.

4. قبل از امتحان، از نرم افزارهائي كه امتحان تافل را شبيه سازي ميكنند استفاده نمائيد تا با شكل وسبك امتحان بيشتر آشنا شويد.

23-12-2006, 01:29
بخش Listening امتحان تافل، توانائي شما در درك مكالمات انگليسي را مورد ارزيابي قرار ميدهد. اين مكالمات به لهجه American ميباشند و براي گوش دادن به آنها از هدفون استفاده ميشود. قبل از اينكه پاسخگوئي به سوالات اين بخش را شروع نمائيد، شدت صداي هدفون خود را تنظيم كنيد. در هنگام پخش مكالمات، عكسهائي نمايش داده ميشود كه يا تصوير گويندگان هستند و يا مربوط به موضوع مكالمات ميباشند.

در روز امتحان، زمان كل مربوط به اين بخش روي مونيتور كامپيوتر نمايش داده ميشود. زمان مربوط به پخش مكالمات كسر نميشود و فقط زمانيكه صرف پاسخگوئي به سوالات مينمائيد، محاسبه و كسر ميگردد. مكالمات فقط يكبار پخش ميشوند و شما حق هيچگونه يادداشت برداري نداريد. پس از اينكه سوالي را پاسخ داديد، بايد آنرا تائيد (Confirm) نمائيد تا بتوانيد به سوال بعدي برويد. پس از تائيد نمودن پاسختان، ديگر نميتوانيد آنرا تغيير دهيد.

بخش Listening اصطلاحا Computer-Adaptive ميباشد. بدين معنا كه هر سوالي كه مطرح ميشود بر اساس عملكرد شما در پاسخگوئي به سوالات قبلي ميباشد. اگر سوالهاي نخستين را درست پاسخ دهيد، سوالهاي بعدي مشكلتر ميشوند و البته امتيازي كه براي پاسخگوئي به سوالات مشكل در نظر گرفته ميشود، بيشتر از امتيازي است كه براي پاسخگوئي به سوالات آسان در نظر ميگيرند و اين يك حسن ميباشد. امتياز اين قسمت بر مبناي تعداد و درجه دشواري سوالات پاسخ داده شده، تعيين ميگردد. در اين قسمت، شما نميتوانيد به سوالات قبلي باز گرديد و براي پاسخگوئي به سوال بعدي، بايد سوالي را كه پيش رو داريد ابتدا پاسخ دهيد.

بخش Listening امتحان تافل از دو قسمت A و B تشكيل شده است. قسمت A شامل 11 تا 17 مكالمه كوتاه بين دو نفر ميباشد. پس از شنيدن هر مكالمه، به يك سوال چهار گزينه اي در مورد آن بايد پاسخ دهيد. در اين قسمت تصويري كه نمايش داده ميشود حاوي اطلاعات مفيدي نيست و از تمركز كردن روي آن پرهيز نمائيد. در قسمت B، بايد به 5 تا 7 مكالمه طولاني و كنفرانس گوش دهيد. پس از هر مكالمه يا كنفرانس، بايد به چندين سوال پاسخ دهيد. تعداد كل سوالهاي قسمت B، بين 20 تا 33 عدد ميباشد. بر خلاف قسمت A، تصاويري كه در قسمت B نمايش داده ميشوند، در درك مكالمه و پاسخگوئي به سوالات از اهميت زيادي برخوردار ميباشند.

استراتژيهاي زير جهت پاسخگوئي به سوالهاي قسمت A مفيد خواهند بود.

استراتژي اول : تمركز بر روي گوينده دوم

در مكالمات قسمت A، معمولا آنچه كه گوينده دوم ميگويد مورد سوال واقع ميشود. بنابراين بيشتر روي گوينده دوم تمركز نمائيد. البته توجه به آنچه كه گوينده اول ميگويد، در درك بهتر مكالمه مفيد است. به مثال زير توجه نمائيد:

Woman: How do you like your literature class?

Man: I love it; the professor is terrific.

Question: What does the man mean?

(A) The teacher is excellent.

(B) The professor thinks the new literature book is great.

(C) He likes the subject, but he is afraid of the professor.

(D) He thinks the class would be better with another teacher.

همانطور كه ملاحظه مينمائيد، جواب گوينده دوم مورد سوال قرار گرفته است. پاسخ صحيح گزينه A ميباشد.

استراتژي دوم : عوض شدن تن صدا

در امتحان تافل، شما بايد بتوانيد تغيير تن صداي گويندگان را بفهميد و معني آنرا تعبير كنيد. بنابراين، همواره مراقب تغيير تن صداي گويندگان باشيد. افزايش تن صدا نشان دهنده تعجب، پرسش و يا مخالفت ميباشد و كاهش آن، نشان دهنده موافقت است. به مثال زير توجه نمائيد:

Woman: They don't know the news yet.

Man: They don't?

Question: What does the man imply?

(A) They don't want to hear the news yet.

(B) He already told them the news.

(C) He is surprised that they don't know the news.

(D) They don't have any way to hear the news.

تن صداي گوينده مرد هنگاميكه ميخواهد عبارت don't را تلفظ نمايد، افزايش مي يابد. اين امر نشان دهنده تعجب وي است و پاسخ صحيح گزينه C ميباشد. اگر تن صداي وي هنگام تلفظ عبارت don't كاهش يابد، نشان دهنده هم عقيده بودن وي با گوينده زن ميباشد.

استراتژي سوم : توجه به لغات كليدي و مترادف

توجه نمودن به لغات كليدي يك مكالمه، فهم آنرا آسانتر مينمايد. اين لغات كليدي معمولا بصورتي ديگر (مترادف) در گزينه ها بكار ميروند. يافتن لغات كليدي و مترادف كمك موثري جهت پيدا نمودن گزينه صحيح ميباشد. به مثال زير توجه نمائيد:

Woman: What's this?

Man: It's a composition Peter wrote for his business class.

Question: What does the woman mean?

(A) This class was for peter.

(B) This is an essay Peter composed for a course.

(C) Peter's taking this composition to class.

(D) Peter is not interested in his composition course.

همانطور كه ملاحظه مينمائيد، لغت كليدي استفاده شده در گفته مرد، composition بمعناي انشاء ميباشد كه مترادف آن، لغت essay است. پس گزينه B صحيح ميباشد.

استراتژي چهارم : توجه به افعال تركيبي

افعال تركيبي در برخي از سوالات Listening مورد پرسش قرار ميگيرند. اين افعال از تركيب يك فعل با يك حرف اضافه (مانند on ،in ،at ،off و ...) بوجود مي آيند و معني آنها كاملا متفاوت با معني فعل اصلي است. به مثال زير توجه نمائيد:

Man: What time does the meeting start?

Woman: Didn't you hear that it was called off by the director?

Question: What does the woman say about the meeting?

(A) The director called a meeting.

(B) The director phoned her about the meeting.

(C) The director called the meeting to order.

(D) The director canceled the meeting.

call off يك فعل تركيبي است و معناي آن لغو نمودن است. مترادف آن لغت cancel ميباشد و بنابراين گزينه D صحيح است. فعل call بمعناي صدا زدن و تلفن زدن ميباشد، اما با اضافه شدن حرف اضافه off به آن، معني عبارت حاصل بكلي تغيير نموده است.

استراتژي پنجم : توجه به اصطلاحات

اصطلاحات در برخي از سوالات Listening مورد پرسش قرار ميگيرند. جهت پاسخگوئي به اين دسته از سوالات، بايد اصطلاحات رايج در زبان انگليسي را بلد باشيد. به مثال زير توجه نمائيد:

Man: Tom is a full-time student and is holding down a full-time job.

Woman: He's really burning the candle at both ends.

Question: What does the woman say about Tom?

(A) He's lighting a candle.

(B) He's holding the candle at the top and the bottom.

(C) He's doing too much.

(D) He's working as a firefighter.

عبارت burn the candle at both ends يك اصطلاح است و بمعناي سخت تلاش نمودن ميباشد و هيچ ربطي به شمع روشن كردن ندارد (شمع = candle). لذا گزينه C صحيح ميباشد.

استراتژي ششم : توجه به معاني متعدد يك لغت

در زبان انگليسي، اكثر لغات بيش از يك معني دارند و اين موضوع در برخي از سوالات قسمت Listening مورد پرسش قرار ميگيرد. به مثال زير توجه نمائيد:

Man: Jack's been very busy lately, hasn't he?

Woman: Yes, He's running his father's office.

Question: What does the woman mean?

(A) Jack runs to his father's office.

(B) Jack's father is running for a public office.

(C) Jack manages his father's office.

(D) Jack is running away from his father's office.

در اين سوال، معني لغت run مورد نظر ميباشد. اين لغت معاني متعددي دارد كه مشهورترين آنها، دويدن ميباشد. اما در اين سوال اين معني مورد نظر نيست. در اينجا run بمعناي مديريت كردن بكار رفته است و بنابراين گزينه C صحيح ميباشد.

[B]استراتژي هفتم : توجه به تلفظ لغات

در زبان انگليسي، برخي لغات از لحاظ تلفظ با هم شبيه هستند اما از لحاظ معني بسيار متفاوت ميباشند مانند: Living و Leaving، يا tall و ball، يا apartment و department و .... در هنگام گوش دادن به مكالمات، بايد به اينگونه لغات توجه نمائيد. مثال زير را در نظر بگيريد:

Man: Why couldn't Mark come with us?

Woman: He was searching for a new apartment.

Question: What those the woman say about Mark?

(A) He was in the department office.

(B) He was looking for a place to live.

(C) He was working on his research project.

(D) He had an appointment at church.

لغات research و church از لحاظ تلفظ به لغت search، و لغت department از لحاظ تلفظ به لغت apartment شبيه هستند. اما هيچكدام از گزينه هائي كه اين لغات در آنها بكار رفته اند پاسخ سوال نميباشند. پاسخ صحيح گزينه B ميباشد.

استراتژي هشتم : توجه به جزئيات

به اطلاعات و جزئياتي كه در يك مكالمه داده ميشود به دقت گوش دهيد. معمولا در بخش Listening، صفتها مورد سوال واقع ميشوند. سعي كنيد صفتهائي را كه در طول مكالمه در مورد آنها صحبت ميشود، به خاطر بسپاريد. صفتهائي همچون تعداد، رنگ، اندازه و ... معمولا مورد سوال واقع ميشوند. به مثال زير توجه كنيد:

Man: Let’s go to the store and get some apples to make the pie.

Woman: How many do we need?

Man: We’ll need five apples to make the pie.

سوالي كه ممكن است در رابطه با اين گفتگو مطرح شود اينستكه چه تعداد سيب مورد نياز ميباشد.

[B]استراتژي نهم : تعبير و تفسير

همچنان كه به مكالمه گوش ميدهيد، خود را به جاي گوينده قرار دهيد و سپس سعي كنيد تا جمله اي را كه گوينده ميگويد تعبير و تفسير نمائيد. يك نوع از سوالاتي كه در بخش Listening امتحان تافل مطرح ميشوند مربوط به همين نكته است. به مثال زير توجه نمائيد:

Woman: I think I’m sick with the flu.

Man: Why don’t you go see the campus doctor?

Sample Question: Why did the man mention the campus doctor?

Answer: The campus doctor would be able to determine if the woman had the flu.

استراتژي دهم : پيدا كردن معني پنهان

به دنبال معني پنهان يك عبارت بگرديد. اگر گوينده در پاسخ به سوالي، عبارتي را بيان نمود كه در نگاه اول بنظر نميرسيد ربطي به سوال داشته باشد، بدانيد كه پاسخ اصلي در معناي عبارت گفته شده، نهفته است. به مثال زير توجه نمائيد:

Man: Are you going to be ready for your presentation?

Woman: I’ve only got half of it finished and it’s taken me five hours just to do this much. There’s only an hour left before the presentation is due.

در نگاه اول بنظر نميرسد كه زن، جواب مرد را داده باشد. او جوابي داده است كه ربط كمي به سوال دارد. اما اگر عميقتر به جواب وي نگاه كنيد، متوجه ميشويد كه جواب اصلي در معني عبارت بيان شده نهفته است. از آنجا كه زن براي آماده سازي نيمه اول سخنراني خود پنج ساعت وقت صرف كرده است، پس بطور منطقي بايد پنج ساعت ديگر وقت صرف كند تا نيمه دوم را هم آماده نمايد. از طرفي، يكساعت به زمان برگزاري سخنراني وي بيشتر نمانده است، پس او نميتواند سخنراني خود را برگزار نمايد. بنابراين هر چند كه جواب داده شده از طرف وي در نگاه اول ربطي به سوال مرد ندارد، اما با كمي استدلال متوجه ميشويد كه جواب در معناي عبارت بيان شده از طرف وي نهفته است.

همانطور كه گفته شد، مطالب فوق در پاسخگوئي به سوالات بخش A كارائي دارند. در بخش B، شما بايد ايده اصلي يك گفتگو يا سخنراني را متوجه شويد و به جزئياتي مانند مكان و زمان وقوع مكالمه، نامها، تصاوير، نمودارها و ... دقت نمائيد.

در قسمت B، به چند جمله اي كه در اول مكالمه يا سخنراني گفته ميشود به دقت گوش دهيد. اين جملات حاوي اطلاعات ارزشمندي از قبيل زمان، مكان و موضوع گفتگو ميباشند و درك آنها كمك موثري به فهميدن كل مكالمه است. به مثال زير توجه نمائيد:

Man: May I help you?

Woman: Well, I hope so. I'm thinking about buying a new car and I saw one that I liked in your showroom.

دو سطر فوق، جملات اوليه از يك گفتگوي طولاني ميباشند. با دقت نمودن به همين چند جمله، شما متوجه ميشويد كه گويندگان فروشنده و خريدار اتومبيل ميباشند، مكان گفتگو نمايشگاه اتومبيل است و موضوع گفتگو، خريدن (فروختن) اتومبيل ميباشد. فهميدن اين مطالب، به درك بقيه مكالمه كمك شاياني مينمايد.

لغات مهم و ايده هاي اصلي يك مكالمه در طول گفتگو بارها تكرار ميشوند و شما بايد به دقت به آنها گوش دهيد. اين لغات به احتمال قوي، بيانگر ايده اصلي آن گفتگو ميباشند. بعنوان مثال، در مكالمه اي كه در مورد تجارت ميباشد، لغتهاي commerce و trade بارها تكرار ميشوند.

مكالمات و گفتگوهاي قسمت B بيشتر در مورد موضوعات دانشجوئي و آكادميك ميباشند. بنابراين مكان اين گفتگوها اغلب محوطه دانشگاه و يا كلاس درس است. عناوين موضوعاتي كه بيشتر در مورد آنها صحبت ميشود، عبارتند از:

Campus life: clothing, shopping, dining, phone call, health, housing, money, haircut, car, reading, mail, social & ...

Banking: customer, teller, cashier, deposit or withdraw money, pay bills, credit card, open an account, bank branch & ...

Entertainment: sports, movie, leisure & ...

Academic activities: administration activities, study activities & ...

Academic topics: economics, astronomy, optics, botany, zoology, sociology, meteorology, ecology, archaeology, anthropology & ...

Working experience: occupations, job hunting , job topic & ...

Feelings: in good or bad mood, tense, embarrassed, furious & ...

استراتژيهاي فوق هنگامي بيشترين كارائي را خواهند داشت كه شما به تعداد كافي لغت و اصطلاح بلد باشيد. كتاب Essential Words for TOEFL & IELTS حاوي لغات ضروري ميباشد كه شما در امتحان تافل به آنها نياز داريد.

23-12-2006, 01:31
در بخش Structure امتحان تافل، دانش شما در تشخيص ساختار درست جملات انگليسي مورد سنجش قرار ميگيرد. تعداد سوالهاي اين بخش بين 20 تا 25 عدد ميباشد و زمان پاسخگوئي بين 15 تا 20 دقيقه است. نمره قسمت Structure با نمره انشاء تركيب ميگردد و نمره كلي Structure/Writing را كه عددي بين صفر تا 30 است، ميسازد.

قسمت Structure اصطلاحا Computer-Adaptive ميباشد. بدين معنا كه هر سوالي كه مطرح ميگردد بر اساس عملكرد شما در پاسخگوئي به سوالات قبلي است. اگر سوالهاي نخستين را درست پاسخ دهيد، سوالهاي بعدي مشكلتر ميشوند و البته امتيازي كه براي پاسخگوئي به سوالات مشكل در نظر گرفته ميشود، بيشتر از امتيازي است كه براي پاسخگوئي به سوالات آسان در نظر ميگيرند و اين يك حسن ميباشد. امتياز اين بخش بر مبناي تعداد و درجه دشواري سوالات پاسخ داده شده، تعيين ميگردد. در اين قسمت، شما نميتوانيد به سوالات قبلي باز گرديد و براي پاسخگوئي به سوال بعدي، بايد سوالي را كه پيش رو داريد ابتدا پاسخ دهيد.

در اين بخش دو دسته سوال مطرح ميشود. در دسته اول، بايد جاي خالي را با گزينه صحيح پر كنيد. به مثال زير توجه نمائيد:

The columbine flower, ___________ to nearly all of the United States, can be raised from seed in almost any garden.

(A) native

(B) how native is

(C) how native is it

(D) is native

پاسخ صحيح گزينه A ميباشد.

در دسته دوم، جمله اي داده ميشود كه زير چهار كلمه آن خط كشيده شده است. يكي از اين كلمات از لحاظ گرامري اشتباه بكار رفته است و بايد آنرا بيابيد. به مثال زير توجه نمائيد:

One of the most difficult problems in understanding sleep is determining what the functions of sleep is.

شما بايد بر روي كلمه is كليك نمائيد چرا كه از لحاظ گرامري اشتباه به كار رفته است.

براي پاسخگوئي به سوالات اين بخش، دانستن گرامر ضروري است. به علت گستردگي مطالب، بيان استراتژيهاي پاسخگوئي به سوالات Structure در اين وب سايت ممكن نيست. لذا كتابهاي زير را معرفي نموده ايم تا با رجوع به آنها بتوانيد به دانش مورد نياز براي پاسخگوئي به سوالات Structure دست يابيد:

1. جلد دوم كتاب English Grammar in Use، نويسنده Raymond Murphy

اين كتاب، گرامر زبان انگليسي را بطور كامل توضيح ميدهد و شامل تمرينهاي متعددي به همراه جواب ميباشد.

2. Longman Preparation Course For the TOEFL Test، نويسنده Deborah Phillips، جلد A

مطالب بيان شده در اين كتاب براي پاسخگوئي به سوالات Structure بسيار موثر و مفيد ميباشند.

23-12-2006, 01:35
در بخش Reading امتحان تافل، توانائي شما در درك متون انگليسي مورد سنجش قرار ميگيرد. اين متون داراي موضوعات آكادميك ميباشند. تعداد متون تقريبا 5 عدد، تعداد سوالها بين 44 تا 55 عدد و زمان پاسخگوئي بين 70 تا 90 دقيقه ميباشند. در اين بخش، بر خلاف قسمتهاي Listening و Structure، شما ميتوانيد بين سوالها و متون رفت و برگشت نمائيد و يا بدون اينكه به سوالي پاسخ دهيد، به سراغ سوال بعدي برويد. اين بخش از امتحان Computer Adaptive نميباشد.

جهت پاسخگوئي به سوالات Reading، بكارگيري استراتژيهاي زير مفيد خواهند بود.

استراتژي اول : مرور سريع و سطحي كل متن (Scan & Skim)

اولين كاري كه شما بايد انجام دهيد اينستكه بفهميد كه يك متن در رابطه با چه موضوعي است. براي اينكار نيازي نيست كه كل متن را بدقت بخوانيد. جهت درك موضوع كلي يك متن، بهترين و سريعترين روش آنستكه جمله اول هر پاراگراف را بخوانيد. جمله اول هر پاراگراف معمولا خلاصه اي از كل آن پاراگراف است. با مطالعه جملات اول هر پاراگراف، موضوع كلي متن دستتان ميايد و از طرفي ميدانيد كه هر پاراگراف در رابطه با چه مطلبي است. به مثال زير توجه نمائيد:

مثال : پاراگراف اول يك متن در مورد Poet (شاعر) و پاراگراف دوم در مورد Poetry (شعر) ميباشد. اگر سوالي در مورد Poetry مطرح شود، بديهي است كه در پاراگراف دوم بايد بدنبال جواب آن بگرديد.

به اين روش اصطلاحا Scan & Skim نيز ميگويند. اين استراتژي، كاربرد بسيار زيادي دارد و در قسمتهاي بعد، از آن استفاده خواهد شد.

استراتژي دوم : يافتن لغات كليدي (Key Words)

هنگاميكه مي خواهيد به يك سوال Reading پاسخ دهيد، بصورت تصادفي به جستجوي جواب آن در كل متن نگرديد. هر سوال در بخش Reading، سرنخهائي دارد كه به كمك آنها ميتوان فهميد كه در كجاي متن به دنبال پاسخ بايد گشت. يكي از اين سر نخها، لغات كليدي ميباشند كه در پرسش استفاده شده اند. اين لغات كليدي در متن هم موجود ميباشند. با مرور سريع متن، سعي كنيد كه اين لغات كليدي را پيدا كنيد. پاسخ سوال، در محدوده همين لغات كليدي است. به مثال زير توجه نمائيد :

What caused Martin to suddenly return to Paris?

لغت كليدي در اين پرسش، كلمه Paris است. شما بايد با مرور سريع متن، اين كلمه را پيدا كنيد. پاسخ به اين پرسش در همان محدوده اي است كه كلمه Paris آمده است.

گاهي اوقات لغات كليدي يك سوال عينا در متن وجود ندارند. در اينگونه موارد بدنبال لغات مشابهي بگرديد كه همان مفهوم را ميرسانند. به مثال زير توجه نمائيد:

Which of the following was the psychological impact of the author’s childhood upon the remainder of his life?

لغات كليدي اين سوال childhood و psychology ميباشند. در حاليكه بدنبال اين لغات در متن ميگرديد، حواستان به لغات يا عباراتي مانند mentally يا emotional effect كه معني مشابه psychology دارند نيز باشد.

اعداد يا سالها معمولا لغات كليدي خوبي هستند چرا كه پيدا كردن آنها در متن كار ساده اي ميباشد. به مثال زير توجه نمائيد :

Which of the following best describes the influence of Monet’s work in the 20th century?

عدد 20th لغت كليدي مناسبي است و در هنگام مرور سريع متن بدنبال آن بگرديد.

در برخي از موارد، پيدا كردن لغات كليدي در يك پرسش دشوار است. به مثال زير توجه نمائيد:

Which of the following would the author of this passage likely agree with?

همانطور كه ملاحظه ميگردد، اين سوال حاوي هيچگونه لغت كليدي نيست تا بدنبال آن در متن بگرديد. در اينحالت لغات كليدي را در گزينه ها بيابيد و سپس سعي در پيدا كردن آنها در متن نمائيد. معمولا لغات كليدي گزينه ها همگي در يك پاراگراف هستند كه اين كمك خوبي براي كاهش زمان جستجو ميباشد.

پس از اينكه به كمك لغات كليدي و مرور سريع متن، مكان تقريبي پاسخ را يافتيد، بر روي گزينه هاي سوال تمركز نمائيد. گاهي اوقات قسمتي از متن، كلمه به كلمه در گزينه تكرار ميشود. در چنين مواردي بسيار هوشيار باشيد چرا كه اغلب اين گزينه ها يك دام هستند! معمولا گزينه صحيح قسمتي از متن را كه پاسخ سوال ميباشد با كلمات ديگري بيان مينمايد.

استراتژي سوم : حذف گزينه ها

برخي از گزينه ها را بسرعت ميتوان حذف نمود. مثلا فرض نمائيد كه گزينه اي شامل عبارت زير باشد:

"Andy Warhol lived there."

اگر Andy Warhol اصلا در كل متن وجود نداشته باشد، گزينه فوق قطعا جواب درست نيست.

اگر سوالي بصورت زير مطرح شود:

"the passage indicates all of the following EXCEPT"

در اينصورت براي هرگزينه بايد پاراگرافها را مرور نمائيد. اگر گزينه اي اشاره به پاراگرافي خاص ميكرد، آن گزينه جواب نيست و رد ميشود. اين عمل را تكرار ميكنيد تا فقط يك گزينه باقي بماند.

اگر سوالاتي بصورت زير مطرح شوند:

"which answer choice does NOT describe ...?"


"all of the following answer choices are identifiable characteristics, EXCEPT which?"

ابتدا بدنبال گزينه هائي بگرديد كه يك مفهوم را بيان ميكنند. از آنجا كه فقط يك گزينه صحيح ميباشد، گزينه هاي مشابه قطعا رد ميشوند. توجه داشته باشيد كه در اينگونه پرسشها، شما با متن كارزيادي نداريد و همين امر باعث صرفه جوئي در وقت شما خواهد شد.

استراتژي چهارم : يافتن گزينه هاي متضاد

معمولا يكي از دو گزينه اي كه از لحاظ معني و مفهوم متضاد هم هستند، درست ميباشد. فرض نمائيد كه دو تا از گزينه هاي يك پرسش به صورت زير ميباشند:

A.) if other factors are held constant, then increasing the interest rate will lead to a decrease in housing starts.

B.) if other factors are held constant, then increasing the interest rate will lead to an increase in housing starts.

همچنان كه ملاحظه مينمائيد، اين دو گزينه بسيار شبيه هم ميباشند و فقط وجود يك كلمه باعث شده است تا معني آنها با يكديگر متضاد باشد. در صورتيكه چنين مواردي را مشاهده نموديد احتمال اينكه يكي از اين دو گزينه جواب باشد زياد است و براي يافتن جواب صحيح بايد متن را به كمك روش Scan & Skim مرور نمائيد.

بر خلاف مثال فوق، گاهي اوقات گزينه ها شباهت ظاهري با يكديگر ندارند اما با كمي دقت متوجه خواهيد شد كه متضاد هم ميباشند. مثال زير دو گزينه فوق را بصورتي ديگر بيان مينمايد:

A.) if other factors are held constant, then increasing the interest rate will lead to a decrease in housing starts.

B.) when there is an increase in housing starts, and other things remaining equal, it is often the result of an increase in interest rates.

همچنان كه واضح است، اين دو گزينه باز هم متضاد يكديگر ميباشند.

سخن آخر:

1. قبل از اينكه شروع به خواندن متن نمائيد، سوالهاي مربوط به آن را بخوانيد. اين كار باعث ميشود تا هنگام خواندن متن بدانيد كه به دنبال چه اطلاعاتي بايد بگرديد. توجه نمائيد كه در اين مرحله، خواندن گزينه ها اتلاف وقت است و فقط صورت سوال را بايد بخوانيد.

2. برخي از گزينه ها ممكن است كه بيان يك واقعيت باشند و به ظاهر درست بنظر برسند اما در حقيقت جواب صحيح نميباشند. گزينه درست همواره بايد پاسخي باشد به سوال مطرح شده.

3. اگر با كلمه يا عبارتي تكنيكي، فني و يا علمي برخورد كرديد كه معني آنرا نميدانستيد، وقت زيادي را صرف آن نكنيد. هدف شما اين است كه مفهوم كلي متن را بفهميد.

4. اگر با سوالي مواجه شديد كه معني يك لغت را كه در متن بكار رفته است از شما پرسيده بود، بايد حتما به پاراگرافي كه لغت در آن بكار رفته است رجوع نمائيد. هرگز از معني كه خودتان ميدانيد استفاده نكنيد چرا كه معمولا در اين قبيل سوالات معاني مشهور يك لغت مد نظر نميباشند.

23-12-2006, 01:39
موسسه برگزار كننده امتحان تافل يا Educational Testing Service) ETS) هر سال دفترچه راهنمايي منتشر ميكند و در آن در مورد نحوه برگزاري امتحان تافل و قسمتهاي مختلف آن توضيح ميدهد. در بخش Writing اين دفترچه، 185 موضوع انشاء ذكر شده است و در روز امتحان، يكي از اين 185 موضوع بطور تصادفي براي شما انتخاب ميشود و بايد در مدت 30 دقيقه در مورد آن انشاء بنويسيد. در تافل، كمترين امتيازي كه براي انشاء در نظر گرفته ميشود صفر و بيشترين امتياز 6 ميباشد كه با نمره قسمت Structure تركيب ميگردد و نمره كلي Structure/Writing را ميسازد. در قسمت Writing، شما ميتوانيد يا انشاء خود را توسط كامپيوتر تايپ نماييد و يا اينكه آنرا بر روي كاغذ بنويسيد و انتخاب آن با شماست. اگر انشاء را در كامپيوتر تايپ كنيد، پس از حدودا دو هفته نمره انشاء و نمره كل امتحانتان توسط موسسه ETS پست ميشود اما اگر انشاء را بر روي كاغذ بنويسيد، اين زمان به پنج هفته افزايش مي يابد. اگر تصميم به تايپ نمودن انشاء خود توسط كامپيوتر گرفتيد، هرگز تا قبل از تكميل شدن انشاء، بر روي Next و Answer Confirm كليك نكنيد چرا كه ديگر امكان بازگشت وجود نخواهد داشت.

مطالب زير به شما مي آموزد كه چگونه در رابطه با يك موضوع ، انشائي را در مدت 30 دقيقه بنويسيد بگونه اي كه حداكثر امتياز را كسب نمائيد. بهمراه توضيحات ارائه شده، براي موضوع زير بصورت قدم به قدم انشاء نوشته شده است.


A company is going to give some money either to support the arts or to protect the environment. Which do you think the company should choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

قدم اول : هر آنچه كه به ذهنتان ميرسد را بنويسيد (brainstorming)

سه تا پنج دقيقه اول را به اين امر اختصاص دهيد كه هر آنچه در رابطه با موضوع انشاء به ذهنتان ميرسد را بر روي كاغذ بنويسيد. به موضوع انشاء از زواياي مختلف نگاه كنيد تا مطالب بيشتري به ذهنتان خطور نمايد. توجه داشته باشيد كه شما بايد از ديد خودتان به قضيه نگاه كنيد نه اينكه ديگران چه نظري ممكن است داشته باشند. براي هر ايده اي كه به ذهنتان ميرسد، دليل و مثال هم پيدا كنيد. بهترين انشاء ها آنهائي هستند كه ايده ها را با دليل و مثال بيان مي كنند. هر آنچه كه خود شخصا تجربه كرده ايد يا در يك جامعه ديده ايد و فكر ميكنيد كه به موضوع ربط دارد را به عنوان دليل و مثال ذكر كنيد. براي موضوع فوق، موارد زير به ذهن ميرسند:

Summary of brainstorming

Protect the environment
Pay money to environment because:
1. No environment then no art, no life.
2. Art is an inspiration from our environment. Better environment, better life and art
3. Situation of environment is very dangerous
4. Art has made a lot of progress
5. Good artists a hundred years ago
6. Environment on decline

پس از اين مرحله، آنچه را كه بر روي كاغذ نوشته ايد به ترتيب درجه اهميت مرتب نمائيد. ايده هائي كه برجسته هستند و براي آنها ميتوانيد دلايل و مثالهاي كافي ذكر نمائيد را در اولويت قرار دهيد و آنهائي كه ربطي به موضوع ندارند را حذف كنيد. همچنين ايده هائي كه مشابه هستند را در يكديگر ادغام نمائيد. يكي از مشخصه هاي ايده برجسته و خوب آن است كه به موضوع انشاء ربط داشته باشد و شما بتوانيد در مورد آن حداقل يك پاراگراف بنويسيد. اين ايده بايد توسط دلايل و مثال هائي كه مي آوريد پشتيباني شود. حالت استاندارد اين است كه شما در مورد هر ايده يك پاراگراف بنويسيد. بعنوان مثال، اگر مي خواهيد بدنه انشاء شما از سه پاراگراف تشكيل شود، سه ايده اصلي بايد داشته باشيد. با اجراي اين نكات در مورد مرحله قبل، به نتايج زير ميرسيم:

The organization of brainstorming

Protect the environment
Pay money to environment because:
1. Situation of environment is very dangerous. Art has made a lot of progress but environment on decline
2. No environment then no art, no life.
3. Art is an inspiration from our environment. Better environment, better life and art. Good artists a hundred years ago

همانطور كه ملاحظه ميگردد، پس از خلاصه سازي، سه ايده اصلي باقي مانده است. پس در قسمت بدنه انشاء، سه پاراگراف خواهيم داشت.

قدم دوم : نوشتن انشاء

پس از اينكه ايده هاي مربوط به يك انشاء را مرتب و دسته بندي نموديد، نوبت به نوشتن انشاء ميرسد. يك انشاء استاندارد از سه قسمت تشكيل شده است:

1. مقدمه يا Introduction

2. بدنه يا Body

3. نتيجه گيري يا Conclusion

در قسمت مقدمه، موضوع انشاء را بايد مجددا بيان نمائيد. از تكرار كلمه به كلمه موضوع انشاء در مقدمه پرهيز نمائيد. شما بايد موضوع انشاء را با كلماتي كه مربوط به خودتان است بيان نمائيد. اين امر نشان ميدهد كه شما چقدر در استفاده از لغات انگليسي مهارت داريد. پس از آن بايد نظر خود را در رابطه با موضوع بگوئيد. سپس بايد بطور خيلي خلاصه دلايلي را كه از نظر شما پشتيباني ميكنند، بيان نمائيد. اين دلايل همان ايده هائي هستند كه در قسمت قبل (قدم اول) به ذهنتان رسيده و دسته بندي كرده ايد. قسمت مقدمه نبايد از يك پاراگراف بيشتر باشد. بر طبق آنچه كه گفته شد، مقدمه موضوع فوق را به شكل زير ميتوان نوشت:


The environment in our time is in such a bad situation that everybody must think and do something to protect it. One of the best sources for doing so is big and rich companies especially those who make pollution to the world. Although they can support other things such as art but I think that our environment is much more important than our art because the environment is in very bad conditions now that there would be no life and art without it.

همانطور كه ملاحظه ميگردد، نويسنده علاوه بر اينكه موضوع انشاء را با كلمات خودش بيان نموده است، نظرش را اعلام كرده و بطور خلاصه دلايل خود را بيان نموده است.

پس از نوشتن مقدمه، نوبت به بدنه (body) انشاء ميرسد. در قسمت بدنه انشاء بايد حرف و نظر خود را به كرسي بنشانيد. معمولا اين قسمت از سه يا چهار پاراگراف تشكيل ميشود. هر پاراگراف يك موضوع اصلي دارد كه در جمله اول آن بايد بيان شود. اين جمله يكي از همان ايده هائي است كه در قسمت قبل (قدم اول) به ذهنتان رسيده و در مقدمه هم خلاصه اي از آنرا بيان كرده ايد. پس از اينكه ايده اصلي هر پاراگراف را در جمله اول آن پاراگراف ذكر نموديد، بايد توسط دلايل و مثال هائي كه ذكر ميكنيد، آن ايده را پشتيباني نمائيد و براي خواننده مطلب را باز و روشن كنيد. معمولا هر پاراگراف در قسمت بدنه يك انشاء استاندارد، از چهار يا پنج جمله تشكيل ميشود. بر طبق آنچه كه گفته شد، بدنه موضوع فوق را به شكل زير ميتوان نوشت:


First of all, the environment is now in a dangerous condition in comparison with art. During the centuries, art has made a lot of progress but the environment, especially the nature, has fallen into decline. So, progress in art and environment has certainly been in contrast to each other. One is on the top and the other is on the bottom. It is time that we must stop and pay more attention to our environment.

Secondly, who can imagine a life without environment? It is very clear that with no environment there would not be any art. At least, for having satisfactory art results we must have suitable conditions. Suitable conditions are those that make us feel better such as a nice weather, a quiet place or a beautiful nature. If these conditions exist, then we can expect to have professional artists in every field.

Thirdly, in my point of view, art is nothing more than an inspiration from our environment. In a bad environment, such as our current environment, we cannot expect very strong inspiration from the nature, so our art products are not very good. I think that art quality was better a hundred years ago than our current art. In those days, artists had the opportunity to learn from a good atmosphere but now this is not the case.

همانطور كه ملاحظه ميگردد، سه ايده اصلي داشتيم كه براي هر كدام يك پاراگراف نوشتيم.

پاراگراف آخر يك انشاء به نتيجه گيري (Conclusion) اختصاص دارد. جمله اول پاراگراف نتيجه گيري، بايد نظر شما در مورد موضوع انشاء باشد. شما نظر خود را قبلا در قسمت مقدمه بيان نموديد ولي اينبار با كلمات ديگر بايد آنرا بيان كنيد. هرگز آنچه را كه در مقدمه گفته ايد بصورت كلمه به كلمه در اين قسمت تكرار نكنيد. شما بايد نشان دهيد كه توانائي استفاده از لغات مختلف را داريد. جملات بعدي خلاصه اي از ايده هائي هستند كه در پاراگرافهاي قسمت بدنه انشاء به آنها پرداخته ايد و در حقيقت جملات اول پاراگرافهاي بدنه انشاء هستند. در اين قسمت هم بايد سعي كنيد جملات اول پاراگرافهاي بدنه انشاء را با كلمات ديگري بيان كنيد و از تكرار كلمه به كلمه آنها جدا خوداري نمائيد. هر گز در قسمت نتيجه گيري ايده جديدي مطرح نكنيد چون جايش اينجا نيست. يك نتيجه گيري استاندارد، از چهار يا پنج جمله تشكيل ميشود. بر طبق آنچه كه گفته شد، نتيجه گيري موضوع فوق را به شكل زير ميتوان نوشت:


All in all, paying attention to our environment is much more important than considering art any more. This is because our current environment is now in a very dangerous condition in comparison with art. Humans have made a lot of progress in art with the cost of destroying the nature and being careless about it. It is clear that without a good environment, there would be no inspiration and art.

بطور خلاصه، يك انشاء استاندارد از يك پاراگراف مقدمه، سه يا چهار پاراگراف بدنه و يك پاراگراف نتيجه گيري تشكيل ميشود.

قدم سوم : بازخواني انشاء

سه تا پنج دقيقه آخر را به بازخواني انشاء اختصاص دهيد. در اين قسمت ايرادهاي املائي، نشانه گذاري و گرامري را بر طرف نمائيد. اگر جمله اي خيلي كوتاه است آنرا اصلاح كنيد و اگر جمله اي خيلي بلند است آنرا به دو جمله تقسيم نمائيد. اگر مطالب اضافه اي در بالا يا پائين صفحه انشاء نوشته ايد (مانند ايده هائي كه در قسمت قدم اول به ذهنتان رسيده است)، آنها را پاك كنيد.

سخن آخر

1. قبل از اينكه شروع به نوشتن نمائيد، مطمئن شويد كه موضوع انشاء را بدرستي متوجه شده ايد. اين امكان هست كه شما انشائي بنويسيد كه هيچ ربطي به موضوع نداشته باشد.

2. سعي كنيد از لغاتي استفاده نمائيد كه از معني درست آنها اطلاع داريد. از لغات مشكلي كه در مورد معني آنها ترديد داريد پرهيز كنيد. هدف مهم در يك انشاء اين است كه شما نظر خود را در رابطه با موضوع انشاء، بطور كاملا واضح و قابل فهم براي خواننده بيان نمائيد. هدف اين نيست كه با استفاده از لغات مشكل او را تحت تاثير قرار دهيد.

3. سعي كنيد كه طول پاراگرافهاي انشاء شما، يكسان باشد. معمولا در يك انشاء استاندارد، هر پاراگراف بين 4 تا 5 جمله دارد.

4. فصاحت و شيوائي متن را در انشاء خود رعايت نماييد. براي تحقق يافتن اين امر، پاراگرافها بايد به هم ربط داشته باشند و متني روان و يكدست به خواننده ارائه كنند. براي مرتبط نمودن پاراگرافها به يكديگر از كلماتي نظير

on the other hand, however, in addition, also, secondly, firstly و ... استفاده نمائيد.

5. از تكرار كردن يك مطلب با جملات مختلف پرهيز نمائيد.

6. اگر انشاء خود را بر روي كاغذ مينويسيد، سعي نمائيد كه تميز و خوانا باشد. بهتر است بين پاراگرافها يك خط خالي باشد.

در زير، موضوع و متن انشاء بطور كامل درج شده اند. 376 لغت در اين انشاء بكار رفته است.


A company is going to give some money either to support the arts or to protect the environment. Which do you think the company should choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

The environment in our time is in such a bad situation that everybody must think and do something to protect it. One of the best sources for doing so is big and rich companies especially those who make pollution to the world. Although they can support other things such as art but I think that our environment is much more important than our art because the environment is in very bad conditions now that there would be no life and art without it.

First of all, the environment is now in a dangerous condition in comparison with art. During the centuries, art has made a lot of progress but the environment, especially the nature, has fallen into decline. So, progress in art and environment has certainly been in contrast to each other. One is on the top and the other is on the bottom. It is time that we must stop and pay more attention to our environment.

Secondly, who can imagine a life without environment? It is very clear that with no environment there would not be any art. At least, for having satisfactory art results we must have suitable conditions. Suitable conditions are those that make us feel better such as a nice weather, a quiet place or a beautiful nature. If these conditions exist, then we can expect to have professional artists in every field.

Thirdly, in my point of view, art is nothing more than an inspiration from our environment. In a bad environment, such as our current environment, we cannot expect very strong inspiration from the nature, so our art products are not very good. I think that art quality was better a hundred years ago than our current art. In those days, artists had the opportunity to learn from a good atmosphere but now this is not the case.

All in all, paying attention to our environment is much more important than considering art any more. This is because our current environment is now in a very dangerous condition in comparison with art. Humans have made a lot of progress in art with the cost of destroying the nature and being careless about it. It is clear that without a good environment, there would be no inspiration and art.

مطالب بيان شده در اين صفحه، خلاصه اي از فن انشاء نويسي بود. جهت كسب اطلاعات بيشتر به كتاب l600 Essays for TOEFL مراجعه نمائيد. در اين كتاب، علاوه بر ذكر مثالهاي عملي جهت تفهيم بهتر فن انشاء نويسي، 185 عنوان انشاء بهمراه 600 انشاء استاندارد وجود دارد. اين كتاب مرجع كاملي است براي كسانيكه مي خواهند در قسمت Writing امتحان تافل مهارتهاي لازم را ضمن تمرين كردن، كسب نمايند.

23-12-2006, 08:19
Dear Dianella

Thanks for your contribution, but I hope you take the regulations of the forum into consideration. Persian posts are not allowed here.

23-12-2006, 11:11
Hello dear Mr Reza
I am aware of this basic rule in this forum. But as you can see this is some sort of informing text about the specified subject and I couldn't find a better place to put it in order to inform everybody about the terms and conditions of TOEFL.
Anyway if it's not accepted from your point of view I can compeletly edit it from here?
By the way I have one other similar text about IELTS and I am wondering if that is alright to put it here as this very text about TOEFL.
And I am really really sorry about this law breaking!! But I hope you make an exception this time. Or if not possible remove this topic compeletly!

Wish you best
Good Luck

23-12-2006, 13:52
... I couldn't find a better place to put it
Oh my god!
Excuse me, But I think the best place is here ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]) or here ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])

23-12-2006, 14:26
Oh my god!
Excuse me, But I think the best place is here ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]) or here ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])


My friend I don't think that is a good idea because this text is directly related to English learning and could be more useful for users who choose this forum to view and could be more of a help for them in here!

Best of Luck:)

24-12-2006, 22:21
thanks dear Dianella

25-12-2006, 01:27

You're welcome dear peyman1987:happy:

And by the way here is another informing text about IELTS which I prefered to put it here along with the previous information about TOEFL and ofcourse because that is not like me to break the rules of EFL forum again!! :blush:

Hope it'll be useful.

Good Luck:)

11-01-2007, 04:56
برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

20-06-2007, 10:18
Please help me to fit for IELTS test.
My english range is medium and i may take test next year .

A r c h i
20-06-2007, 11:30
For being familiar with Ielts test,you should buy Ielts book which are in the market with Cds, I think Barron's is the best. Also courses for preparing for Ielts which are held in some institutes are useful, But remmeber that these classes don't make you stronger in English they just let you know what's going on in Ielts exams.
You should try to expand yr knowledge of English all by yourself. Vocabularies, grammer and etc...You have plenty of time,Try makes perfect. Wish you luck:33:.

22-06-2007, 14:17
Thanks for your answer

30-07-2007, 15:23

hi guys

i'm going to enrol for TOEFL ibt exam for 2.5 month later

my english level is not too bad and i think you can almost guess my english level with these sentences

i have to get a score of 88 or above to apply my admission to an university in europe

please guide me about what to do to pass this exam with the most effective and short way

first of all tell me about the vital books that i have to read

and please rank them from the first book that i have to read to the last book

or if i have to read them or some of them together tell me please

please don't write several book names that i have to choose some of them

because i haven't got so much time and i don't want to get confused

please write names of the books that are most important

and if you've got another idea about how to pass tell me please

i think 2.5 month is a very short time for me to prepare myself for this test

and because of it i want to focus on the most effective and short way

thank you very much

30-07-2007, 19:04
I have heard that the best book for IBT is one whose name includes "Delta" , I don't know the exact name noe. I'll tell you later. IBT is a GODDAMNED kind of TOEFL, PBT was so better and easier!!C

30-07-2007, 19:45
I have heard that the best book for IBT is one whose name includes "Delta" , I don't know the exact name noe. I'll tell you later. IBT is a GODDAMNED kind of TOEFL, PBT was so better and easier!!C

thank you my friend

is it one of the books that i have to read or this is enough

30-07-2007, 20:13
is there anyone else that could help me

30-07-2007, 20:58
is there anyone else that could help me

A r c h i
31-07-2007, 00:05
Dear stevens_147,
hi, I think I can help you as I passed the classes for IBT Toefl. The first book that they concentrate on it ,is
1- "Longman Preparation course for Toefl + CD "..you can find it anywhere in Enghelab ST.

2- Essential words for Toefl

3- 185 Toefl essays

After you practiced Long man book, there's another one " Barron's preparation course for Toefl" The level of difficulty is a bit harder than longman

I myself also recommend 504 ..It's a good book, but just for remembering the words not examples .

Good Luck :10:l

05-08-2007, 00:42
The previous versions of TOEFL, were much easier than iBT!
In the iBT exam, grammar is not a particular section, it is mixed with high-level passages that contain a lot of words that most of them are newly-made! The books that Archi-girl introduced are essential but not enough!
The only way for passing this goddamn exam, is to widen your vocabulary and concentrate on grammar as a vital section that can improve your score extremely!
I already passed iBT in Dubai, but I don't think any institute in Iran is providing it! Since it needs a language lab with computers connected to the internet with a broadband connection!
Improve your listening skills by listening to American-made programs that are available on satellite TVs.
Don't just listen to news! Because it is very formal and is not appropriate for TOEFL iBT!
So long...

05-08-2007, 23:46
Can any one explain about all these exams?????
What are they????
i just know tofel but others?????

A r c h i
06-08-2007, 00:08
Sure Minizoro,
Toefl as you know is acceptable in American English speaking countries

IELTS : the same as Toefl but acceptable in Brithish English speaking countries like , Canada, England, Australia and etc.

FCE: It's a Birtish one, with no expiration, life-long but not acceptable for applying for universities

I don't remember anything else...so what else?l

A r c h i
06-08-2007, 00:14
Sure Minizoro,
Toefl as you know is acceptable in American English speaking countries

IELTS : the same as Toefl but acceptable in Brithish English speaking countries like , Canada, England, Australia and etc.

FCE: It's a Birtish one, with no expiration, life-long but not acceptable for applying for universities

I don't remember anything else...so what else?l

ps. I love your new signature :31:l

07-08-2007, 09:26
Sure Minizoro,

Toefl as you know is acceptable in American English speaking countries

IELTS : the same as Toefl but acceptable in Brithish English speaking countries like , Canada, England, Australia and etc.

FCE: It's a Birtish one, with no expiration, life-long but not acceptable for applying for universities

I don't remember anything else...so what else?l

oh dear Archi thanks..... and if you'd say what does these stand for it would be the best
is there some thing like BIT or GODDAMNED or PBT
thanks again...

A r c h i
07-08-2007, 23:27
IBT and PBT are two versions of Toefl.
the PBT is obsolete now and the IBT version has been replaced.

IBT : Internet Based Test

now in Toefl exams, you sit in front of a computer and answer the questions, you should even type your writings

PBT : Paper Based Test

In this old version you write down your answers on a paper

your welcome dear minizoro

12-08-2007, 14:01
Here is a very to the power of very good website for preparing for IBT


TOEFL Tiger focuses on strategies that students need to know in order to attack the iBT TOEFL test and achieve their desired score. Each post is categorized by the test section (reading, listening, speaking, or writing) and the question type

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

A r c h i
12-08-2007, 23:13
That's a great site..Thanks @mir:11:l

20-08-2007, 11:14
TOEFL Exam Success ebook

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] iles%2F49938783%2FTOEFL_Exam_Success.pdf)

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]
([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] iles%2F49938782%2FTOEFL_Exam_Essentials.pdf)

22-08-2007, 16:18
برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

28-08-2007, 23:01
Ask all your questions regarding TOEFL here.

29-08-2007, 14:52

I had been studing in ILI(iran language institute)[up to level advanced2] before passing unversity entrance exam and going to university
Now I have finished my education in B.A degree and I have passed in M.S(higher education) in power electronic engineering and I heard that for P.H.D exam I must have TOEFL
I want to know your recommandation about returning to ILI or going to the classes that preparing for TOEFL exam
I'm waiting.....v

Dear barzegaran,

As you mentioned, already you are studying in MS. Program and you are willing to continue your education to PHD soon.

If you have at least 1 year to finish your MS. Program, I strongly recommend you to take TOEFL Courses in ILI, They have very good teachers and their TOEFL preparation Courses are powerful and reliable, I have cooperated there, years ago and I approve the quality.

But I don't recommend you to continue your standard education to the next advanced level in ILI, since those courses are so time consuming and you will not need them for PHD admission, You will get whatever you need in TOEFL Courses.

You should know TOEFL department in ILI is managed separately and their resources are more up-to-date and more reliable.

If your time is limited and you can't afford to study for 1 year in ILI, I may recommend you some books and resources for self studying or perhaps some private classes.

Good luck with your studying

Babak Ebadi

30-08-2007, 09:09
hello dear firend
i think this will help too.

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

30-08-2007, 09:18
Tank you

02-09-2007, 06:24
Dear babak and other friends
I went to ILI and registered in toefl preparing classes as you said
but they have entrance exam for these classes
Now I ask you and other friend about this entrance exam
If you know anything about this please help me.which books do you recommand me ?x
my skills in listening ,grammer,vocabulary,reading are not compatible with each other
I'm sophesticated in reading and my vocab& writing is not bad but my listening is not good also I must review grammatical point..........I'm waiting for your answers

02-09-2007, 13:51
Dear babak and other friends
I went to ILI and registered in toefl preparing classes as you said
but they have entrance exam for these classes
Now I ask you and other friend about this entrance exam
If you know anything about this please help me.which books do you recommand me ?x
my skills in listening ,grammer,vocabulary,reading are not compatible with each other
I'm sophesticated in reading and my vocab& writing is not bad but my listening is not good also I must review grammatical point..........I'm waiting for your answers

Dear friend

I've attended ILI's classes and have taken it's entrance exam for TOEFL too. The exam wasn't very hard. If you want to pass it it will be enough to buy and read the Pre-Toefl 1 books. These books are being tought in ILI for TOEFL preparation courses.
Trust me you'll pass the exam. I passed three of four levels without studying any books.
However if you don't get a good mark at the exam you can start from the Pre-TOEFL 1 level.

Don't worry

02-09-2007, 16:16
Dear peyman
merci peyman about this description but this is the first term that they(ILI) establish these course because I'm not in tehran but tonight I'll go to tehran .please guide me where I can find this book(PT1).a
And another thing that if they have speaking test or not? merci again

02-09-2007, 19:47
I don't think so. It's about ten years since the ILI established TOEFL preparation courses.
Probably in other towns it's a new course. If you are coming to Tehran, you can buy those books from every branch of ILI.
But I suggest that you go to central department and buy them from main book store.

You can find the central department in the following address.

خ شهید استاد مطهری - خ جم - ساختمان کانون زبان ایران

Just make sure that you buy Structure,Reading and Vocabulary books for PT1. The listening books are useless because you can't get the tapes.
In addition I have to tell you that when I took the exam there was no speaking test. Just 20 questions of listening. 20 questions of grammer, 20 questions of vocabulary and 10 questions of reading comprehension.
Be sure that you will pass the exam. If you get 250 from 640 points you will be able to attend PT1 classes.

04-09-2007, 15:40
Dear barzegaran

As Dear Peyman said, there is no need to worry about this pre exam, it is easy and usually it shouldn't have speaking test, you will pass it, actually I don't think it is needed to read pre toefl books even
you will pass it, you better focus on what you know, not on what you don't know, try to review what you already know and that would be enough for you, this pre test exam groups students to 4 levesl, and usually only a few people fail.

Don't worry! be happy

24-09-2007, 05:05
Dear friends
I took ILI's toefl exam
the listening was so hard and too long 50 question but other sections weren't so hard
at first I want to know how they calculate the grade(listening=50q,reading=50q,grammer=40)
they said that we must get at least 420 of 673
How they calculate 673?q
the second thing I want to say is about listening that listening discourages me and I become worried about my listening at the moment
I saw and studied some listening book but none of them was at level of this exam
the level of my listening is average and i can recognize channel4's english news
I have studied CAMBRIDGE listenig extra upper intermediate and that was easy but this exam was so hard
I'm waiting for your help

24-09-2007, 13:18
Dear friend I've taken that exam too and it wasn't that much hard. In fact the listening part was the easiest part. I say that you shouldn't worry. If you've answered the question in a normal way you will pass the exam.

I don't know how they calculate the marks but I remember that I had 8 mistakes in grammer and vocabulary part and 3 mistakes in listening part. My mark was 641

25-09-2007, 03:11
dear barzegaran

each test you take has a point, in order to correct your paper and granting your mark, they use a key patterns, it varies from test to test, so you can't say it has the same point for all the quizes, but it is for sure that not all the questions has the same point.

different students have different talents, I can say some are easy in speaking, some in listening, some are better in reading or writing.

if you feel you need to improve your listening, ofcourse there are many ways you can consider, I can help you by offering you some tested methods, which I use in my toefl classes, if you are interested, just let me know and I will give you more explanations .

best regards

Babak Ebadi

25-09-2007, 09:41
where should we register for the exam???and how much is the price 4 registering???and do you know when is the time 4 next exam(toefl???

25-09-2007, 10:34
Dear babak
As I said I'm interested in improving my listening up to the highest class
help me please
sincerely yours

26-09-2007, 00:50
where should we register for the exam???and how much is the price 4 registering???and do you know when is the time 4 next exam(toefl???

Dear shamim,

Are you talking about TOEFL real exam, or Mark toefl Exam?

if Mark toefl, you may just call ILT institute and ask them about the schedule.

if it is the reall exam, you may check sanjesh.org

sincerely yours


27-09-2007, 01:07
Dear shamim,

Are you talking about TOEFL real exam, or Mark toefl Exam?

if Mark toefl, you may just call ILT institute and ask them about the schedule.

if it is the reall exam, you may check sanjesh.org

sincerely yours


sorry...I dont know the diffrence between real and mark exam???I thought that we have only 1 type for toefl exam...if its possible 4 u giva me a little explanation...thank u

27-09-2007, 07:32
hi friends:
i want 2 prepare myself 4 the MA exam in english teaching but dont know which 1 is better 4 my general english and what s the difference among these books: TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, .. & the books like these? it would be helpful 4 me to get my answer immediately, plz.


27-09-2007, 22:47
sorry...I dont know the diffrence between real and mark exam???I thought that we have only 1 type for toefl exam...if its possible 4 u giva me a little explanation...thank u

Dear Shamim,

Mark Toefl is not real toefl exam, it is only an exam to make your know your mark, you don't get any certificaiton , (ILI) kanoon zaban Iran provides it for you, so you don't have to pay lot of money to apply for the real TOEFL

But Taking Reall TOEFL Can be applied in sazmane azmoon sanjesh (sanjesh.org), They offer you TOEFL IBT-
or you may apply for TOEFL PBT in Markaze Azmoonhaye daneshgah azad.
These TOEFL are reall, you should pay about 150$ for them and you will recieve mark and reall certifications

As you may know reall TOEFL has 3 different Verstions, PBT, CBT and IBT. if you need more information about them, just let me know.

Best regards

Babak Ebadi

27-09-2007, 22:56
hi friends:

i want 2 prepare myself 4 the MA exam in english teaching but dont know which 1 is better 4 my general english and what s the difference among these books: TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, .. & the books like these? it would be helpful 4 me to get my answer immediately, plz.


Dear Mobile 6600,

You should know that GRE is not ENGLISH Exam, it is 4 skills examsto evaluate your skills for continuing your education in engineering majors ofsciences.

GRE contains 2 ENGLISH EXAMS, IQ Test and Mathematic Test, it isnot as much hard as it looks like.

TOEFL is American English Evaluation system which is known allover the world, you may prepare yourself for this test by buying Barrons book, they are the best.

IELTS is British Evaluation System for English Proficiency, whichis popular for applying for immigration or study visa in Europe and dependantcountries ( such as Australia).

Now, you tell me again, what you are going to do, what do youmean by MA, is it stands for MASTER DEGREE? OR ?

If you need more info, just let me know.

Best regards

Babak Ebadi

27-09-2007, 23:56
1-تعداد سوالات
2-نوع سوالات
3-speaking نداره؟(مثل FCE)
4-نمره ی قبولی؟


28-09-2007, 08:04
by MA i mean Master of Arts i.e. postgraduate (fwqe lisans), thanks for ur nice and helpful response, but would u plz tell me whats the difference between those books? why barrons are better than the other books for TOEFl? i u want 2 prepare urself for TOEFL and buy some books for it, u see lots of toefl books b ut i dont know which one is better, i meant this. now can u say which one, plz?i saw ur nice site(
برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید), too.but all ur links doesnt work!!they link to ur hard drive file:///L:/Bobbyusb/01-Eco/01-Majors/02-E-Commerce/

28-09-2007, 16:38
Dear Mobile 6600,

Barron's is a good institute which provides TOELF preparation courses for a long time, just like Cambridge which is the best in IELTS field, I have been teaching many students TEOFL courses and I have tried different books, but Barron's always provided the best result and the fastest improvement.

Good luck with TOEFL exam, perhaps you are going to go to Sweden too, recently most of students talk about it, it has free university and you don't have to pay tuition.

Thanks for visiting my website, I am redesigning and it will be ready soon, god willing.

Take care of yourself and if you had more question just let it here,

I can't visit p30word every day, so if you had urgent q, you can call me: 09126125524,
I will call you back, if I be at class.

Good luck man!

28-09-2007, 17:20
First, please don't type farsi, or the manager will delete this topic.

There are 160 questions in this Exam, 40 in each section
skills will be measured in each 4 sections.


Students who attend TOELF and IELTS, usually get a better mark in TEOFL, there fore it is assumed that IELTS is more difficult than TOEFL.

IELTS is used to apply for universities administration process or immigration.

IELTS is Evaluation System, scores can be granted between 0 to 9,
Ielts is not matter of passing or failing, it is the matter of evaluating your skills, just like TOEFL.

But usually score 5 is good for work visa
Score 6.5 is good for applying for immigration to Australia
And 6.5 academic version is used for universities

Good luck


28-09-2007, 18:43
i dont know the diffrent betwen tofel and tolimo
can you guide me???

01-10-2007, 11:03
As you may know reall TOEFL has 3 different Verstions, PBT, CBT and IBT. if you need more information about them, just let me know.

Best regards

Babak Ebadi

I think the first one is paper toefl,second is computer but i dont know the third one...a question???do we have all of them in iran

01-10-2007, 12:56
I think the first one is paper toefl,second is computer but i dont know the third one...a question???do we have all of them in iran

IBT=Internet Based TOEFL

Now, the commonest (and apparently the most difficult) type of exam is this one.
In Iran, we have paper based (but very rare) and internet based exams.

IBT has speaking part that didn't exist in PBT and thus increases its difficulty.

01-10-2007, 19:43
thank u mr amir & ebadi...I usually have trouble in listining part only because of the quality of the tape recorder, ...is this problem exist in the sazman sanjesh exam???

01-10-2007, 22:41
No, the quality is really good, u listen via headphone and it is much better and easier than listening from speakers

Albeit this kind of test highly depends on listening skills. Besides listening part, you need a good listening skill in writing and speaking parts as well

03-10-2007, 20:08
wow....listining with headphone....realy fountastic:18:...Its so much better ...u made me happy,couse it was the worst part of toefl exam 4 me ...tnx 4 your information:20:

07-10-2007, 11:25
Dear babak & other
Finally I passed the ILI toefl intrance exam and got 480 from 673 and if I got 481 I could go to the second level of this classes
By the way thank you about everything
sincerely yours

07-10-2007, 23:16
Congradulation Dear Barzegeran

I knew you can make it easily, well I hope you go straight to your goal.

IF there is any problem, you know how to find us

Good luck

Babak Ebadi

19-10-2007, 11:19
I think the best book for preparing Toefl is:
Delta’s Key to the Next Generation TOEFL Test: Advanced Skill Practice
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

30-10-2007, 21:08
Ask all your questions regarding TOEFL here.

Hey man, I wanna take a pbt TOEFL exam in December and I'm hardly searchin' for some essential books.
But unfortunatly I have not found them yet.Can u please help me that from where I can find these books:

Peterson (TOEFL Success)
ETS Prepration Kit
ETS Achual tests 7

Thank you

04-11-2007, 00:19
you can't find them easily, but you may go to enghelab and ask the people who are selling books in street, they are professional to find rare books

09-11-2007, 22:21
Hey folks,
At last I took iBT... Internet Based Toefl
I absolutely messed it up [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] ..[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

He he he ... really it was not that bad

Lemme describe my story of taking this test

The test was to be started at 15:30

I was given a ride to Sanjesh organization

I was there by 14:30 ... after hanging around for several minutes...we entered the lab ... wooooow... what a modern and advanced lab... for several minutes you think that you are not in Iran... tables ... computers ... headphone ...!!!l

At first they took my picture by means of a webcam and I went and sat at my table C#20..l

After some ridiculous instructions the test bigan

At first hardware was checked

Then the reading part ... 3 long and boring readings... The best strategy is to not even skim it and immediately go to the questions... read each question and find its answer... unless, if you want to read all of the reading, you will be short of time for sure
Regularly it has 3 readings ... however some unlucky and miserable test takers should answer 5 long and exhausting readings...anyway, the reading part was over and was not bad

Immediately the listening part began, well...the listenings were a bit harder than what I had practiced with Delta or Longman book and Kaplan software, however, it was not too bad and I think I could get through it ... taking notes is a necessary skill here, it contains 3 conservations and 6 lectures... the lectures are really long

After that we had a break for 10 minutes, eating two cakes and soft drinks and needless to say... responding to call of nature [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

And after a couple of minutes ... the most dreadful part began... yes SPEAKING which I was always afraid of... It had 6 questions ... 2 independent ... 2 integrated listening, reading, speaking questions and 2 integrated listening speaking questions. The topic for the first independent speaking was:
1- Which skill do you think is the most important for future jobs? 1-Computer skills, 2- Social communication 3- Creativity
The second topic for independent question:
unfortunately I don't remember now
Anyway, it wasn't that bad... although my speaking was somehow slow but I had a few fragments in it

And at last, the writing part with an integrated listening-reading-writing question and an independent one. The topic of the independent writing was:
Which one has the greater effect on the society: cars or airplanes?l
we have committed not to disclose the test materials ... !!!

And finally, the nightmare of iBT was finished. l

On the whole, it was a pleasant experience... I hope to get something more than 90

OK... our story is finished now
We went up there was youghourt
We went down and there was another kind of youghourt!
Our story was true

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

11-11-2007, 23:50
hi every one
i need some help in teaching IELTS

please put your message in this topic:
Every thing about IELTS

and tell me what exactly you need to know, then I will do my best to help you

good luck


01-12-2007, 09:58
Hi folks again

My score was announced today

103 It is Great!!!!l

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

Never in my wildest dreams had I thought I would get such a score, without even 1 minute of TOEFL preparation class

Unfortunately, as I expected, my weakest performance was on the speaking part

All the best

A r c h i
01-12-2007, 12:31
wow, How could I possibly miss such a great topic and your story
Anyway @mir congratsssssssssssssssssssss:11::11::11::11:

I wish you all the best and hope you have more success in future
I'm so proud that I have a friend who got 103 in Toefl:31::31:

.Well, Thanks alot for the exam story,. I really don't know why I hadn't noticed the topic so far. It was great to know what IBT version looks like:5:, about the speaking part I also think that it's the worse one:27:
And also about the unfair action (which is extra questions for random people ), I really feel sorry for thoese unlucky people :41:

you did great..and you are a star for English Room members:31::31:l

01-12-2007, 14:23
Dear Azadeh (Azi joon!),

Are you mocking me ? [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

Thanks for your kind and inspiring words

If I am a faint and dim star here, you are the bright shining sun which lights up the sky of the EFL forum

It's my pleasure to be here with some lovely and intellectual people like you

Best of lucks

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

17-01-2008, 03:26
Can anyone help me about Tofel and ILETS tests in Iran:19:

A r c h i
17-01-2008, 12:01
Hi dear friend,
welcome to Efl froum:31:

About your question, will you please clarify what you exactly want to know???
As far as I get from your message and how you should register for the test, for TOEFL exam, you can go to
sanjesh site and register there.They have IBT exams.

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

I'm not sure about Ielts, but I think you should register in Elmosant University:13:
Hope other friends help you about this
Good luck:11:l

21-01-2008, 01:06
Hello my dear friend
thank you for answering my guestion
in [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]) site they just tell you what time these test are going to be but never help you with how we should prepared our self and what books can we get. I wanted to know how can I prepared my self for these tests. and what is the different between these tests.

A r c h i
21-01-2008, 20:44
Hello my dear friend
thank you for answering my question
in [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]) site they just tell you what time these test are going to be but never help you with how we should prepared our self and what books can we get. I wanted to know how can I prepared my self for these tests. and what is the different between these tests.

Wow, did you really expect to find guides in that site..I think you should have read my message more carefully,I said what you wanted exactly and this site is just for registering..we have many topics about toefl..please search for them in the room

22-01-2008, 00:22
:11:Thank you for your advice, I really appreciate it

15-02-2008, 07:09
hello everyone
I wanna to take place in TOEFL exam but I dont know which one I want
As I heard taking PBT is better for me because of grammatical part
but I heard again that in future maybe this kind won't get in iran
would you inform me about it?
sincerely yours

A r c h i
15-02-2008, 15:14
hello everyone
I wanna to take place in TOEFL exam but I dont know which one I want
As I heard taking PBT is better for me because of grammatical part
but I heard again that in future maybe this kind won't get in iran
would you inform me about it?
sincerely yours

It's been more than a year that there's no PBT exam in Iran. So I think you'd better prepare for IBT and as I see your level of English in the above sentences,I recommend you improve your knowledge of English first and then try Toefl exams.

In IBT version, there are 4 parts which are, Reading, Listening, Speaking and writing, so you don't need grammar but for writing. your ability of understanding a text,listening and speaking will be evaluated, you should more concentrate on your vocabularies and expand your knowledge in this field.
Have a great time:11:l

16-02-2008, 00:19
PBT is being given in Iran and it is easier than iBT (because of speaking) as a common sense. For more information, refer to toefl.com website.

However, I don't know how long PBT will be available in Iran, or even iBT, nothing is stable in our dear country, you know, I mean sanctions and ... .

If I were in your shoes, I would take part in the next and nearest PBT.

Good luck

Antonio Andolini
16-02-2008, 01:29
can anyone give me some advice to improve my speaking?(not exactly for TOEFL or GRE or other international English exams

16-02-2008, 13:56
Dear Amir
Thank you about your correct information
I have another question
I am studing in ILI in TOEFL and also I had sutdied in ILI general duration up to AD2
But as I've seen self-studing is better than spending my time and money
by the way If you have any recommadation I am waiting for your advice.j
sincerely yours

17-02-2008, 00:26
Dear Amir
Thank you about your correct information
I have another question
I am studing in ILI in TOEFL and also I had sutdied in ILI general duration up to AD2
But as I've seen self-studing is better than spending my time and money
by the way If you have any recommadation I am waiting for your advice.j
sincerely yours


Yes, I agree. Attending TOEFL Preparation classes and courses is a waste of time. However, your final score basically depends on your level of English knowledge and this knowledge is obtained over a long period of time.

Any recommendations?... Well, Improve your English skills! Especially work on those parts that you are weaker such as writing or listening or speaking. Try various TOEFL simulator softwares. Read related books. Expand on your vocabulary. Watch movies. Read newspapers. Try to speak English with everyone, even the bus driver!!


Don't hesitate to ask if you had more questions

Good luck

17-02-2008, 07:34
Dear Amir
I am really satisfied because of being familiar with you
I have another requestion
As I know you studied in ILI TOEFL, you yourself said that
so tell me if you have your books with you(pt2,T1,T2with answers)
because I think their books is usefull but as I've experienced they're self sudy so they don't need teacher
except listening that is not available for us
By the way is there any listening cd&books or software as hard as ILI's?
sincerely yours

17-02-2008, 20:39

Says who?!!

I have not.

I don't know the ILI listening level, but there are a lot of softwares and TOEFL preparation books with their audio CDs which are excellent. You can find them in Enghelab street for example.

Wish you all the best

Antonio Andolini
18-02-2008, 23:45
can anyone give me some advice to improve my speaking?(not exactly for TOEFL or GRE or other international English exams


19-02-2008, 20:49
What kind of advice do you want Mr. Antonio Andolini?

It's obvious. READ, LISTEN and SPEAK as much as you can. Watch movies with subtitles. Expand on your vocabulary domain.

Hope this helps

Antonio Andolini
21-02-2008, 20:03
What kind of advice do you want Mr. Antonio Andolini?

It's obvious. READ, LISTEN and SPEAK as much as you can. Watch movies with subtitles. Expand on your vocabulary domain.

Hope this helps

I've tried alot in reading and listening but ....talk to who ?my-self?i've try this method but when i want to discuss with my friend i can't combine my words correctly

22-02-2008, 15:41
I've tried alot in reading and listening but ....talk to who ?my-self?i've try this method but when i want to discuss with my friend i can't combine my words correctly

First, yes, talk to yourself! Why not. When u are in streets, at university, school, everywhere, try to state your opinions in English, aloud or silently. Also talk to your friends. If you cannot combine the words properly, it means u need much more practice. Reading a lot and listening to speeches and conversations will also help a lot.

Another way: Consider each of these topics. At first, think just 15 seconds about them. Then talk about them in 45 seconds. You'd better record your voice and then listen to it and find your problems.

1. Your favourite pet

2. Your dressing style

3. What do you do in your free time? (Your most favourite hobby)

4. How do you learn English?

5. Which sport do you like best?

6. Which dish do you like best?

7. Your most favourite/important subject

8. You future plan

9. Your best scholastic achievement

10. What kind of music do you like best?

11. What do you expect in your parents?

12. If you had a wish, what would you wish?

13. If you can change one thing in your university, what would you change?

14. Your best friend

15. The person you like best

16. Your unforgettable day

17. What is unforgettable in your school life?

18. Your idea of a happy life

19. A type of book you enjoy reading

20. The fruit you like to eat most

21. Your favourite TV show

22. The movie you like best

23. The place you would like to visit

24. The strangest dream you have had

25. What would you do if you suddenly had a lot of money?

26. Your first attempt to gain something

27. Your ideal holiday resort

28. Your ambition

29. Your most influential person/teacher, and explain why you feel this person is a positive role model.

30. Where will you be professionally in ten/15/20 years time?

31. What quality do you like best in a friend?

32. What do you treasure most in life?

33. What are the qualities of a good citizen?

34. Your favourite time of the year?

35. Your favourite colour?

36. What are the qualities of a good teacher?

37. What are the qualities of a good student?

38. What are the qualities of a good parent?

40. If you could change one thing in your country, what would you change?

41. The most inspiring person to you

42. Describe a job that you’ve had, and explain why it was important.

43. Describe a person you admire and explain why you admire him or her.

44. If you could have any job in the world, which job would you choose?

45. Describe a book that you have read and explain why it was important to you.

46. Describe a house that you live in

47. If you had an entire month to do whatever you would like to do, what would it be? Include details and example to support your selection

48. What are the characteristics of a good neighbour?

49. Which person has helped you the most to get where you are today, and how has he or she helped you?

50. What does your dream house look like?

51. What person who is alive today would you most like to meet?

52. Why are you preparing for the TOEFL test?

53. At what age should a person be allowed to drive?

54. What is the best excuse to give your teacher when you have not done your homework?

55. What is your favourite day of the year?

56. What change would you like the government to make?

25-02-2008, 10:11
Dear my friends
Thank you amir by your complete and beautiful comment
I have a request
Does anybody have ILI's TOEFL BOOKS (with answers)? I asked peyman and he told me that he have it and I send PM but I haven't got answer yet.
so if anyone has them please tell me.
Thank you
sincerely yours

29-02-2008, 07:24
I'm still waiting
peyma,where are you ?

05-03-2008, 20:01
hi every body

can u answer my questions about toefl and gre and tolimo

which one is more difficult? -1
how much do I have to pay for any of them? -2
when and where do I have to register for having any of these exams? -2
is it really useful or importrant to have toefl or tolimo or gre degree? -3

thank you my friends

A r c h i
05-03-2008, 22:01
hi every body

can u answer my questions about toefl and gre and tolimo

which one is more difficult? -1
how much do I have to pay for any of them? -2
when and where do I have to register for having any of these exams? -2
is it really useful or importrant to have toefl or tolimo or gre degree? -3

thank you my friends

1- Of course GRE is more difficult, because GRE is

The GRE (Graduate Record Examination) General Exam is a required test for most American graduate schools (except business schools, which require the GMAT, and law schools, which require the LSAT). The GRE consists of three multiple-choice sections, Quantitative, Analytical and Verbal, and a new essay section called the Writing Assessment, which is taken separately.

Quantitative Section (Math Questions)
28 questions
45 minutes Verbal Section (Sentence Completion, Antonym,
Reading Comprehension)
30 questions
30 minutes
Essay Questions (Writing Assessment):
In the Writing Assessment section, you have to answer two essay questions. One essay asks you to present your opinion on an issue in 45 minutes, and the second asks you to analyze the reasoning of an argument in 30 minutes.

If you want to continue your studies (MS and P.H.D ) you should get good results in both Toefl and GRE, GRE has math questions which makes it so hard. The GRE is just needed for Engineering fileds.The price is 151$ and you can register at Sanjesh ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]).l
Fot Toefl ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]) you have to pay 156$
If you wanna study abroad you have to have Toefl and GRE (If needed), if not you can participate if you wish, But remember that they expire in 2 years , so it's better to get the degree whenever you need it:31:
About Tolimo, It's like the Toefl IBT version, with the same composition, The validation is just for Iran and you should get a good score if you wanna study P.H.D in Iran. Actually it's the English test for everyone who wanna enter p.h.d in Iran universities

Good luck:11:l

05-03-2008, 22:33
In addition to Azadeh's descriptions, I make the following points (with some corrections:31:)


Too difficult English questions
Much too easy math question
About 170$
Required for all US and a few Canadian universities


Only questions related to English Skills
Difficulty level depends to your English language capabilities
All universities of US and Canada need it (However, IELTS is an alternative)


Similar to TOEFL PBT
Required for Iranian universities for PhD (However, you can take TOEFL instead)
8500 Tomans
Refer to Sanjesh

If you do not want to further your education in PhD or MS (abroad or in iran) none of them is necessary

06-03-2008, 13:03
In addition to Azadeh's descriptions, I make the following points (with some corrections:31:)

Too difficult English questions

Much too easy math question

About 170$

Required for all US and a few Canadian universities

Only questions related to English Skills

Difficulty level depends to your English language capabilities


All universities of US and Canada need it (However, IELTS is an alternative)

Similar to TOEFL PBT

Required for Iranian universities for PhD (However, you can take TOEFL instead)

8500 Tomans

Refer to Sanjesh

If you do not want to further your education in PhD or MS (abroad or in iran) none of them is necessary

thank you for your usefull information my friend

10-03-2008, 13:43
با سلام خدمت همه اساتيد زبان

راستشو بخاين من يه مدته دارم يه كارايي مي كنم(پول جمع مي كنم و خدمتو دور ميزنم:31:) كه برم مالزي فوق ليسانس مديريت mba بخونم ولي شنيدم بايد مدرك ielts داشته باشيم برا همين عزم خود را جزم كردم كه تو مدت باقيمونده(حدود يه سال) برا رفتن آماده شم و مدرك رو بگيرم ولي ميگن خيلي سخته وچاره اي ندارم كه مبارزه كنم وبه هدفم برسم

دوستان عزيزي كه مدرك دارن يا دارن مي گيرن در موردش اگه ميشه توضيح بدين كه بايد چكار كنم واز كجا شروع كنم؟ كلاس كدو م موسسه رو برم؟(بخاطر شرايط كاري ومحيطي فقط مي تونم كيش-خوارزمي-امام رضا رو برم)

در ضمن يه سي دي آموزشي مال يه موسسه از مشهد رو دارم كه شامل

202 Useful Exercises for IELTS
101 Helpful Hints for IELTS
aippg downloads
Cambridge IELTS 1
Cambridge IELTS 2
Cambridge IELTS 3
Cambridge IELTS 4
Check Your Vocabulary for IELTS
ELTS Practice Now
IELTS Essays
IELTS Practice Tests Plus
IELTS Preparation and Practice
IELTS Secrets—Your Key to IELTS Success
IELTS Spoken Real Test
IELTS to Success
Insight Into IELTS
Insight Into IELTS - Extra
Prepare for IELTS
Specimen Materials
Strategies for Study
IELTS Writing lists.pdf
Students Writing Samples.pdf هست . اساتيد بگن به ترتيب كدومشونو بخونم(با رديف چون خسته نشين) :11:

A r c h i
11-03-2008, 21:34
Dear friend,
I think we don't have any Ielts expert here :41:, Most of friends knows about Toefl. I think Reza has got great information about it..Hope he come here soon, so that he can answer your questions

Good luck:11:l

12-03-2008, 10:27
?Are you have not his email

12-03-2008, 15:55
I am English teacher and I teach IELTS courses for a long time, I don't like to advertise here for myself, but if you have quesitons maybe I can help you, you may send me private message and I will answer at my first free time
Good luck

12-03-2008, 19:21
thank you master
i visit your vebsite before.but i can not present in your good class
because i work in birjand city and can not travel in capital
?are you can help me to learn ielts in my home
?( and please help me how read my top book. and present in what class( kish-kharazmi-emam reza

14-03-2008, 15:42
Dear R0zeabi
I didn't mean that you come to my class,

I think the best Institute in your area is KISH, you may study yourself too, you just need to have a good program
I suggest you to provide Cambridge IELTS Papers 4,5 and 6
You may find them online too, including MP3, but I don't have the address
After your provide the books, let me know, I will send you a good program and also Techniques which you should use to improve your English as fast as possible
I do this for free and I am sorry that it is all I can do
wish you success
Happy studying

15-03-2008, 11:34
oh my god
dear babak
i was very happy if i can present in your class because i havent difficault money
i deside to registration to kish institute today
? and are you say i start read Cambridge IELTS Papers 4,5 and 6
?or i read them with my top book
are you can help me read my top book in a table
first-second- .... - end

17-03-2008, 20:09
by the way whats this thang bout having a pasport for being able to get an ielts?any body knows anything?

01-04-2008, 16:51
I just read cambridge IELTS 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. Academic Writing IELTS book, and IELTS speaking preparation and paractice nad could get a good mark.

02-04-2008, 01:50
Hi everybody

Please answer me: What`s source of IELTS?

Please Put linkes

and inke emtehan chand bar dar sal va koja bargozar mishe?

Thanks a lot

04-04-2008, 18:34
مي خواستم بدانم امتحان tofel & itels چگونه است ؟

نمره دادن چگونه است به چه شكلي انجام مي شود

آيا نمره دادن رده بندي دارد منظروم a b c d است

04-04-2008, 19:15
تافل از 900 نمره است که باید برای اکثر جاها بالای 6 و هفت بگیرید
Ielts هم از 9 نمره که ان هم باید 6 یا هفت باشد

04-04-2008, 20:44
No there is no A,B, C, D

Ielts is from 0 to 9

Toefl has 3 versions
PBT 0 to 677
CBT 0 to 300
IBT 0 to 120

04-04-2008, 22:08
میشه بهترین کتاب برای ielts رو معرفی کتید؟


05-04-2008, 11:26
خيلي متشكر هستم خيلي به دردم خورد

05-04-2008, 19:34
hi.in iran there is an online tofel exam taken which name is IBT tofel exam and u can get the IBT tofel books and also IBT tofel tapes to get extra ready for tofel exam..

A r c h i
05-04-2008, 20:14
Questions about Ielts ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])

Everything about Toefl ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])

05-04-2008, 20:35
oh my god
dear babak
i was very happy if i can present in your class because i havent difficault money
i deside to registration to kish institute today
? and are you say i start read Cambridge IELTS Papers 4,5 and 6
?or i read them with my top book
are you can help me read my top book in a table
first-second- .... - end

I believe there is no need to read any extra book, You just need to learn from the original old papers
if you are ready I can send you the method to improve your listening skill,
but speaking should be practiced every day from the beginning of schedule till the end.

happy studying


PS. I believe you need a grammar review

I suggest you this book :

Communicate what you mean

and this one as reference:

Grammar in use ( vol1 to 3)

A r c h i
05-04-2008, 23:22
and this one as reference:

Grammar in use ( vol1 to 3)

Thanks for introducing great books
Links to download the above book

English Grammar in use ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])

07-04-2008, 00:54
Hi everybody
I`m going to go to NZ therefore I need to get IELTS certificate
I`m studying very hard but I need good program and source!
Source books... where are those? name or link or address?
Please help me for useful study
Thanks a lot!

10-04-2008, 15:04
prepare IELTS CAMBRIDGE 4,5 and 6
to improve your listening, I suggest you to buy 504 vocabularies
for grammar I recommend : communicate what you mean
for grammar reference I recommend: grammar in use ( elementary, intermediate and advanced)
for a good program, you need to learn the methods, so I recommend you to get a tutor

good luck


22-04-2008, 01:21

به نطر شما مدرک تافل معتبر تره یا آیلس ؟؟؟:20:
اگر میشه اطلاعات اولیه هر دوشونو رو برام بذاربد....

با تشکر

22-04-2008, 10:21
صد در صد(ielts (international english language testing system بهتره.
شما در اروپا هر جایی که بخوای درس بخونی ازت ielts می خوان.

22-04-2008, 12:40
Dear, you must write your questions in english.
I send your answer in farsi but in a private message

22-04-2008, 13:30
[quote=[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]]Dear, you must write your questions in english.
I send your answer in farsi but in a private message[/quote

Ok,thank you very much my dear...:20:
i was Dont undrestood must Write English i\to this Form...

Bye & Thank You Again for your answer...
By the way,i have 16 years old,I can join to IELETS Classes !?
please help me...

23-04-2008, 10:31
Good for answering in Pm.
But I thinks that's much better if we discuss is here too.

24-04-2008, 11:03
i listen that now it 's not importan that your degree is ielts or tofe,l mmm,my teacher said now if you want to go to countries that they want from you tofel degree but you have ielts,they change your score of your ilets to tofel
but i'm not sure that is right

but i think this way is good

mmm any body knows about price of registration ielts exam in iran ?(sazman sanjesh )thanks

24-04-2008, 21:49
Well ,Personally I think it's better if we discuss about differences of both these degrees

A r c h i
25-04-2008, 00:13
i listen that now it 's not importan that your degree is ielts or tofe,l mmm,my teacher said now if you want to go to countries that they want from you tofel degree but you have ielts,they change your score of your ilets to tofel
but i'm not sure that is right

but i think this way is good

mmm any body knows about price of registration ielts exam in iran ?(sazman sanjesh )thanks

Ielts is not with Sanjesh, only Toefl and the price is 156 $

As everyone has said, the difference between these two degrees just depends on which university you want to apply for, Or where do you wanna go. Usually British English speaking countries accept Ielts like Australia, Canada, England..and the rest accept Toefl.

I think no big difference..your goal of getting the degree is important
so good luck:11:l

25-04-2008, 11:17
Ielts is not with Sanjesh, only Toefl and the price is 156 $

As everyone has said, the difference between these two degrees just depends on which university you want to apply for, Or where do you wanna go. Usually British English speaking countries accept Ielts like Australia, Canada, England..and the rest accept Toefl.

I think no big difference..your goal of getting the degree is important
so good luck:11:l

hi & thanks for your attention

but dear it's about sanjesh IELTS

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید
220,000 Toman[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

mmm,i know british english sapaeking countries accept ielts but i said any thing, i said , recently i listend that if you have tofel but that country you want to go there accept ilets ,they can change your tofel's score to ielts,so now it's not important that you have ielts or tofel

25-04-2008, 22:36
Dears, if you need complete Infor about TOEFL or IETLS, I invite you to my yahoo 360, just search my name in yahoo 360

Bye they way, already we have 2 IELTS examination
155 toman iranscholarship.net
220 sanjesh.org

for more info just read my blogs in 360

good luck

27-04-2008, 12:28
this room is to help those who want to take IELTS exam

As a teacher, I do my best to support all students here and I invite you all to share your
Tips, tricks, strategies and suggestions to manage a good study program for IELTS Takers

Happy studying


27-04-2008, 12:34
There are plenty of books about IELTS

To save your time you need something which be fast , reliable and effective

I believe the best way to prepare for IELTS examinaiton, is IELTS past papers,

already you can find 6 vols of Cambridge IELTS past papers in tehran market

all the vols have the same difficulty and reffers to different years,they are reall papers of past examinations.

I suggest you to buy VOl 5 and 6 and I believe it is adequate for you

When you get the books, you will have another questions, the first would be how to use the books effectively, I'll discuss that later

Happy studying


27-04-2008, 16:44
الان مي توانم براي اين امتحانها ثبت نام كنم من در اصفهان زندگي مي كنم كجاها بايد ببرم

الان هزينه امحتانها چقدر است

چه مداركي لازم دارد

27-04-2008, 21:17
there are 2 links which can help you to get your answers

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

Happy studying


02-05-2008, 22:34
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]
The book helps the reader focus on the skills necessary to perform well on the IELTS test and shows the way in which these skills can be improved.

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

03-05-2008, 08:21
thank you dear it is usefull,
why don't you come and help others in
برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید
you can put any information you feel is usefull here

03-05-2008, 20:00
so busy
but i do my best

07-05-2008, 14:31
با سلام

یک سوال دیگر

من اگر در امتحات ielts یکبار امتحان دادم و نمره بد شد

اگر خواستم بازم می توانم شرکت کنم یا باید دوباره پول بدهم

در ضمن برای ielts چه چیزهای و کتابهای بخوانم
و نمره باید چند بگیریم
بیشتر رو چی کار کنم

اگر میشه در مورد تافل هم کمی توضیح دهید

please type persian

A r c h i
07-05-2008, 18:39
با سلام

یک سوال دیگر

من اگر در امتحات ielts یکبار امتحان دادم و نمره بد شد

اگر خواستم بازم می توانم شرکت کنم یا باید دوباره پول بدهم

در ضمن برای ielts چه چیزهای و کتابهای بخوانم
و نمره باید چند بگیریم
بیشتر رو چی کار کنم

اگر میشه در مورد تافل هم کمی توضیح دهید

please type persian

سلام دوست عزیز
شما اگه تکست به انگیلیسی را متوجه نمی شین، بهتره فعلا سراغ امتحان تافل و آیلتس نرین..چون فایده ای نداره

در مورد پول هم برای هر امتحان باید جدا پولش را داد. دفعه قبل که شرکت کردین ، هزیبنه همون دفعه را دادید.

در مورد نمره: بستگی داره برای چه کاری بخواین، نمره تافل بالای 100 و آیلتس بالای 6.5 معمولا مورد قبوله

09-05-2008, 12:47
با سلام...از دوستانی که امتحان تافل شرکت کردن یه سوال داشتم..

برای تافل pbt پشت کارت یه قسمتی هست که نوشته شماره کد دانشگاه و یا موسسه ای که می خواهید نتیجه شما به اونجا ارسال بشه رو بنویسید...
که من فعلا این رو برای خودم میخوام...

حالا ....

1- اگه این قسمت رو ننویسیم نتیجه برای ما نمیاد؟؟؟

کلا دوستان هر اطلاعاتی راجع به این قضیه دارن و پیشنهاد ..لطفا بفرمایند...و یه مطلب دیگه اینکه علاوه بر کد دانشگاه یه قسمتی هست برای کد رشته ای که فارغ التحصیل شدیم..اینم لطفا یه توضیحی بدید که برای چی باید پر بشه؟؟

و دیگه اینکه آیا کسی از این طریق جوابشو گرفته ؟؟؟و ترجیحا کد کدوم دانشگاه رو بزنیم؟؟


A r c h i
09-05-2008, 16:04
you can ask @mir ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])about this, He took the Toefl test

By the way, There is a topic in top of the page,

Everything about Toefl ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]), you can ask your questions there

Good luck

12-05-2008, 05:44
the exam was realy realy awful....can u believe???the questins on listining part were 70 instead of 50 :(

A r c h i
12-05-2008, 13:03
the exam was realy realy awful....can u believe???the questins on listining part were 70 instead of 50 :(

:13::13::13:I think you were one of the unlucky persons who got more questions:41:l

12-05-2008, 17:00
come on archi....what did u mean by that???probably the rules of pbt have been changed,it cannot be my bad luck:41:

12-05-2008, 19:19
میدونین تاریخ برگزاری آزمون تافل در سال 87 کی هست؟:40: کامپیوتریشا!:20::11::21::27:

12-05-2008, 19:30
You can find information about last TOEFL examinations on
برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

although already there is no specified date for next TOEFL IBT examination and you should wait for their announcement


Babak Ebadi

12-05-2008, 19:31
Dear You should write your questions abotu TOEFL in this topic:
I answered your question there:

Everything About TOEFL

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

just copy and paste the above address in the address bar

12-05-2008, 19:34
but there is nothing about the new ones.i mean that the last toefl exam was on 21th.is the exam taken again this year?

there is no body to answer me?i will kill myself as........did!

Mr babak dont wanna answer me?

i am dead now

A r c h i
12-05-2008, 19:56
come on archi....what did u mean by that???probably the rules of pbt have been changed,it cannot be my bad luck:41:

Oh, Oh, sorry..I thought you participated in IBT version:31:, because there is something like that in IBT, some students get more questions, random:13::13:l

A r c h i
12-05-2008, 20:00
Dear rosenegarin
This is not a chat room, you should wait till others come and and answer your questions, Sometimes it'll take more than a week, you have to be patient..and please do not post every one sentence in a different post!!! thanks

but there is nothing about the new ones.i mean that the last toefl exam was on 21th.is the exam taken again this year?

okkk, they take the exam every month or every 2 month, so just check the site every week, you'll see the announcement soon

Good luck dear:11::11:l

12-05-2008, 20:38
but there is nothing about the new ones.i mean that the last toefl exam was on 21th.is the exam taken again this year?

The only way is to check the website, be patient dear

by the way, please forgive my curiosity but why don't you take PBT, it is much easier than IBT and we have many past papers which can help you better,
and almost every where, it is as respected as IBT

Happy studying


12-05-2008, 21:51
Hey dear Babak, actually I've decided to take part in Kish TOEFL exam, I dun know wether or not you are familiar with it but I just want you to give me some tips about answering the questions. I mean forexample for the reading part I've heard that if we read the questions first then go through the reading is better
I just need some tips which might help me to be faster, not only about the reading parts but also listening n structure
By the way, r u familair with Kish TOEFL exam?If yep would u plz give some info about it:20:l
Thaaaanx in advance

12-05-2008, 21:54
Oh I have to add sth, would u plz introduce some useful books about TOEFL?l
My questions might have beem asked before but I dun have enough time to go through all the pages of the topic so accept my apologize if they are repetitive:11:l

12-05-2008, 22:11
Hey dear Babak, actually I've decided to take part in Kish TOEFL exam, I dun know wether or not you are familiar with it but I just want you to give me some tips about answering the questions. I mean forexample for the reading part I've heard that if we read the questions first then go through the reading is better
I just need some tips which might help me to be faster, not only about the reading parts but also listening n structure
By the way, r u familair with Kish TOEFL exam?If yep would u plz give some info about it:20:l
Thaaaanx in advance

Of course that's the case, actually I suggest you to just read the questions and find the answers, don't even read the passage once! This is my own experience and it works, I bet.
As far as I know, Kish TOEFL or something like that is a preparation test and it has nothing to do with the official TOEFL.
Good luck

13-05-2008, 11:43
Oh I have to add sth, would u plz introduce some useful books about TOEFL?l
My questions might have beem asked before but I dun have enough time to go through all the pages of the topic so accept my apologize if they are repetitive:11:l

Dear Sepid,

As Dear Amir said, Kish only Give Mark Toefl for Preparation and it is not a real Test,

To do your Listening better, provide Barrons IBT book
( I Know you are not taking IBT test ),
Do the Listening Test and try to understand your weaknesse
It is very good idea if you try to repeat what you hear, as many times as necessary to be able to repeat the exact phrase, to check use the scrips at the end of the book.

When you are in Listening Exam, try to read questions before the test starts
try to guess what the answer could be ( is it a name? is it an agreement, is it a date?)

about reading, as dear Amir said, Reading the whole passage is not a good idea, just read 2 questions and then try to find one of the answers, ( don't read 1 questions, always pick a pair)

about Structure, you need a quick review, ( grammar in use is a very good book , but as a reference, so I don't recommend it) but please prepare this book:
Common mistake in English
This book can provide you lot of mistakes and correct forms which you can learn lot from them

To have real past papers I recommend you:

TOEFL ( Actual Tests)
Administrated in the past by ETS
6 full length paper-based tests

So just don't worry , sit relax and program your study

1- Do the real test from TOEFL Actual Test and learn from your mistake
2- Listen to Barrons Listening test and do the test
3-Repeat Listening conversations to improve your listening
4-Review Common mistake in English

13-05-2008, 18:38
thaaaaanx alot for answering me

25-05-2008, 23:28
Hey folks,
At last I took iBT... Internet Based Toefl
I absolutely messed it up [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] ..[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

He he he ... really it was not that bad

Lemme describe my story of taking this test

The test was to be started at 15:30

I was given a ride to Sanjesh organization

I was there by 14:30 ... after hanging around for several minutes...we entered the lab ... wooooow... what a modern and advanced lab... for several minutes you think that you are not in Iran... tables ... computers ... headphone ...!!!l

At first they took my picture by means of a webcam and I went and sat at my table C#20..l

After some ridiculous instructions the test bigan

At first hardware was checked

Then the reading part ... 3 long and boring readings... The best strategy is to not even skim it and immediately go to the questions... read each question and find its answer... unless, if you want to read all of the reading, you will be short of time for sure
Regularly it has 3 readings ... however some unlucky and miserable test takers should answer 5 long and exhausting readings...anyway, the reading part was over and was not bad

Immediately the listening part began, well...the listenings were a bit harder than what I had practiced with Delta or Longman book and Kaplan software, however, it was not too bad and I think I could get through it ... taking notes is a necessary skill here, it contains 3 conservations and 6 lectures... the lectures are really long

After that we had a break for 10 minutes, eating two cakes and soft drinks and needless to say... responding to call of nature [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

And after a couple of minutes ... the most dreadful part began... yes SPEAKING which I was always afraid of... It had 6 questions ... 2 independent ... 2 integrated listening, reading, speaking questions and 2 integrated listening speaking questions. The topic for the first independent speaking was:
1- Which skill do you think is the most important for future jobs? 1-Computer skills, 2- Social communication 3- Creativity
The second topic for independent question:
unfortunately I don't remember now
Anyway, it wasn't that bad... although my speaking was somehow slow but I had a few fragments in it

And at last, the writing part with an integrated listening-reading-writing question and an independent one. The topic of the independent writing was:
Which one has the greater effect on the society: cars or airplanes?l
we have committed not to disclose the test materials ... !!!

And finally, the nightmare of iBT was finished. l

On the whole, it was a pleasant experience... I hope to get something more than 90

OK... our story is finished now
We went up there was youghourt
We went down and there was another kind of youghourt!
Our story was true

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

Hello my Professional Friend

I sincerely congratulate you on getting a great score in Tofel Exam

you better know I never hesitate to ask my Questions ; lol

first talk about Delta and Longman book & also Kaplan software that you mentioned in the above post

؟ was the listening part consisted of slang terms too

؟ over all ; is it required to know idioms and slang term for toefel Exam

is speaking given a high priority in this exam

It had 6 questions ... 2 independent ... 2 integrated listening, reading, speaking questions and 2 integrated listening speaking questions

nothing of above is understandable for me

in your posts in this thread which have all been read by me ; you said that there are different softwares for toefel preaparation ; can you explain it more please

u didn't talk about any vocab part in your exam
so what was the role of vocabulary in ur exam
؟ just the use was limited in phrase reading

OK... our story is finished now
We went up there was youghourt
We went down and there was another kind of youghourt!
Our story was true

my interesting pal ; you're so funny :31:

Ok now I'm sort of tired ; i will ask other Questions Later

Thanks a million to have shared your info & exprience with us

26-05-2008, 11:04
Hi dear friend
excuse me for this question
?what TOFEL

26-05-2008, 11:57
Hi dear friend
excuse me for this question
?what TOFEL

Here you can find some information about TOEFL .

In English

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

In Farsi

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

26-05-2008, 12:03
Here you can find some information about TOEFL .

In English

In Farsi

Tanx very much:11:

28-05-2008, 12:51
hi dear babak i want to take ielts certificate but i dont know strating from where and how to start
please help me

28-05-2008, 21:45
First go and buy IELTS Cambridge 4,5 and 6,
You may even find them online, just search this forum
then take a look at questions and tell me hard the test is for you

Then I tell you a good program to start

Good luck

03-06-2008, 21:44
Dear @mir

Long time ... No kiss :31:

I'd really apreciate it if you please do me a favor and respond my last page post

I very much look forward to hearing from you :40:

03-06-2008, 22:37
Hello my Professional Friend

I sincerely congratulate you on getting a great score in Tofel Exam


you better know I never hesitate to ask my Questions ; lol

That's OK

first talk about Delta and Longman book & also Kaplan software that you mentioned in the above post

What do you mean? Talk? They help you to prepare for TOEFL! Delta is better than Longman I suspect. Kaplan is a software. Overall, I think Delta is the best. First of all you should know, or you may know that we have 3 types of TOEFL test, paper based, computer based and internet based. I took internet based TOEFL (iBT)l

؟ was the listening part consisted of slang terms too
؟ over all ; is it required to know idioms and slang term for toefel Exam

Mmmmmmm .... (That's I'm thinking!).. you know, I really don't remember. Of course it is helpful to have a good command of idioms and expressions (not definitely slang terms), but honestly my idiom and expression knowledge was not good at all, nevertheless my result was really good. (111 out of 120 in the 2nd effort)l

is speaking given a high priority in this exam

In the PBT and CBT types there is no speaking part. However, in iBT, there is speaking part too. iBT is divided into 4 sections: Reading, listening, speaking, writing, each part has 30, totally 120. These four sections have the same value. For us Iranian (and generally every non-native speaker) usually speaking is the most difficult section. I myself got the worst score in this part, 23 out of 30

nothing of above is understandable for me

in your posts in this thread which have all been read by me ; you said that there are different softwares for toefel preaparation ; can you explain it more please

If you read Delta book you can understand everything. But it is required in case of taking internet based TOEFL, which is usually considered as the most difficult type because of speaking and writing. If you want to participate in this test, I recommend Paper Based TOEFL.

u didn't talk about any vocab part in your exam
so what was the role of vocabulary in ur exam
؟ just the use was limited in phrase reading

As I said before, there is not a separate Vocab section in TOEFL test any more. However, your vocabulary knowledge is really important, because you need it in any section of the test.

my interesting pal ; you're so funny :31:

Ok now I'm sort of tired ; i will ask other Questions Later

Thanks a million to have shared your info & exprience with us

You're welcome.
Don't hesitate to ask if you had any further questions

06-06-2008, 14:51
hello every body

06-06-2008, 22:54

They are not comparable.

that's your final answer

they are used for difference purposes

Good luck


07-06-2008, 14:07
hello every body

as far as I know ... totally depends on your destination (if you want it for another country or foreign university I mean to say) ...

07-06-2008, 15:41
Thanks friends
Now I won't study in foreign country but I like complete and perfect my English for better job and better view of world
Meanwhile I will open if you visit my website and opine

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید
God speed you

07-06-2008, 18:04
Thanks friends
Now I won't study in foreign country

So having TOEFL or IELTS degree isn't necessary for you !

but I like complete and perfect my English for better job and better view of world

You should do your best to improve your English so that you can use it in your job or st .

Good Luck

07-06-2008, 18:36
prety good! i thought that IELTS is more difficult than ToEFL!But now you say are same!
actually? But for ielts you must study so hard an toEfl just need some formal words ...
it's confusable...

11-06-2008, 17:00
Dear rosenegarin

This is not a chat room, you should wait till others come and and answer your questions, Sometimes it'll take more than a week, you have to be patient..and please do not post every one sentence in a different post!!! thanks

okkk, they take the exam every month or every 2 month, so just check the site every week, you'll see the announcement soon

Good luck dear:11::11:l

:41::41::41::41::41::41::41:why are u talking to me like this?u really made me sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
which site i have to visit?
sorry for my posts !!I know this is not a chatroom but i wanna know when they take it
coz next year i have university entrance exam i wanna study for thatttttttttttt:41::41::41::41:

tell me about the damn website


16-06-2008, 07:28
Hey dear Babak, actually I've decided to take part in Kish TOEFL exam, I dun know wether or not you are familiar with it but I just want you to give me some tips about answering the questions. I mean forexample for the reading part I've heard that if we read the questions first then go through the reading is better
I just need some tips which might help me to be faster, not only about the reading parts but also listening n structure
By the way, r u familair with Kish TOEFL exam?If yep would u plz give some info about it:20:l
Thaaaanx in advance

Hi dear Sepid,

I just saw your post after almost a month I think :31:l

I would very much like to know if you could take the exam at Kish or not? How was the exam? What was the result?l

Bye for now :20:l

19-06-2008, 11:02
hey guys theres a question which has obsessed my mind for some time now
is there a lot diference between an ielts general training and academic in terms of questions and admittance I mean do I have to get an academic ilets for admittance to english speaking universities or just a general training will do

19-06-2008, 13:57
hey guys theres a question which has obsessed my mind for some time now
is there a lot diference between an ielts general training and academic in terms of questions and admittance I mean do I have to get an academic ilets for admittance to english speaking universities or just a general training will do

Your answer dear

Admission only will be considered, Only if you have got IELTS ACADEMIC, your score should be more than 5.5 and usually at least 6.5 is needed.

Academic IELTS is different with IELTS General in Reading and writing sessions

For my students usually it takes 3 more month to get ready for Academic sessions, it means that ACADEMIC IELTS is much harder than General. ( compare 3 months to 15 months total course they have with me from 0 to 6.5 general)

For more information about ACADEMIC IELTS and GENERAL IETLS, please buy IELTS CAMBRIDGE 5 OR 6. you can compare academic and general questions to get to know the difference yourself

Good luck and happy studying

Babak Ebadi

19-06-2008, 17:03
Your answer dear

Admission only will be considered, Only if you have got IELTS ACADEMIC, your score should be more than 5.5 and usually at least 6.5 is needed.

Academic IELTS is different with IELTS General in Reading and writing sessions

For my students usually it takes 3 more month to get ready for Academic sessions, it means that ACADEMIC IELTS is much harder than General. ( compare 3 months to 15 months total course they have with me from 0 to 6.5 general)

For more information about ACADEMIC IELTS and GENERAL IETLS, please buy IELTS CAMBRIDGE 5 OR 6. you can compare academic and general questions to get to know the difference yourself

Good luck and happy studying

Babak Ebadi

thanx for answering the question but here's another one
Does TOEFL has these two types of tests and if the answer is negative then will that give Ielts more credit than Toefl

19-06-2008, 22:09
it is a good question for me too

19-06-2008, 22:33
thanx for answering the question but here's another one
Does TOEFL has these two types of tests and if the answer is negative then will that give Ielts more credit than Toefl

Your welcome

TOEFL has 3 different versions:PBT, CBT and IBT, PBT is easire one
You can take PBT or IBT in iran, just go to sanjesh.org for more information
TOEFL is not like IELTS, it has no Academic Versions, I mean PBT , CBT or IBT are not the matter of difficulty, they are the matter of method of test taking, for example PBT is by paper, but IBT is online test

About your second q

There is no way to compare IELTS with TOEFL, they are used for different purpose and both of them are accredited as well

Usually American Universities asks for TOEFL,
Canadian Universities Asks for IELTS but TOEFL is accepted in many cases
European universities mostly accept only IELTS
Australia Only accept IELTS

For immigration to Australia or Canada, General IELTS is required

You should know what you need your certification for, then you will apply

If there is any more question, don't hesitate to ask

Good luck

Babak Ebadi

20-06-2008, 06:34
Hello everybody
I have same problem, and I want to go abroad for my PHD, but I don't know TOEFL or IELTS is better,
I thought TOEFL is better because every university accept it but IELTS is accepted only in Europe.
would you please answer my question?

20-06-2008, 12:02
go this, your answer is in:

Everything about TOEFL & IELTS

20-06-2008, 14:40
Hello everybody
I have same problem, and I want to go abroad for my PHD, but I don't know TOEFL or IELTS is better,
I thought TOEFL is better because every university accept it but IELTS is accepted only in Europe.
would you please answer my question?

must be different between universities ... so you must check that one ... overall I had it here that :

IELTS is accepted by most Australian, British, Canadian, Irish, New Zealand and South African academic institutions, by an increasing number of academic institutions in the United States,

27-06-2008, 01:42
Hi every body
I intend to get the degree IELTS , Can you introduce to me the best institute for learning in Tehran ?
Has anyone any suggestion regard this online learning ?

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید
Kind Regards
Nima Chavoshi

27-06-2008, 09:39
if you live in tehran, you beter take part in a real class, not online one,
if you want to have self study, it is ofcourse possible too, but you should use more time and keep track of your schedule
I recommend you to buy Cambridge IELTS 5, or 6
these books includes reall old papers of previous test

I am IELTS teacher and I have my own office and students
if you have any more q, just ask me

and if you are not living in tehran, just let me know to send you what you need, if it is not available in your area

good luck

Babak Ebadi

27-06-2008, 10:59
Very thanks Dear Babak for your attention
I could not find time scheduling course and its price.
please clarify this needed information on site or via this forum or E-mail
Kind Regards
Nima Chavoshi

death knight
27-06-2008, 15:07
ببخشيد اگه فارسي غدقن
ميخاستم ببينم در حال حاضر تو ايران امتحان Ielts برگزار ميشه؟
من تا 5 ماه ديگه بايد اين مدرك داشته باشم
كدوم اموزشگاه ميتونه فشرده و تو اين مدت به من ياد بده

28-06-2008, 11:26
What do I need to sign up for ibt Toefl exam?(credit card?) If I now sign up, how much time it takes between signing up and exam time? (I want to take exam in Aban)

29-06-2008, 21:01
Very thanks Dear Babak for your attention
I could not find time scheduling course and its price.
please clarify this needed information on site or via this forum or E-mail
Kind Regards
Nima Chavoshi

it depends on your choice and your potential ability
You will need 3 hours of working usually
if you have 15 month time, you can only use 1 hour per day for studying
if you 'd like to know about my english class, you can send me private message,
because I am not here to advertise my job

Good luck

Babak Ebadi

29-06-2008, 23:29
My Dear friends

TOEFL or IELTS it is the problem:31:

Really, which one is better and more international?
which one is more acceptable for foreign countries?


30-06-2008, 12:26
Hi. it's my first time that i came here and i wanna say sth here that is u read english books (like longman stories or others) and continue it in best ways so u can win in ielts or toefl. u must do these levels:
1. u read a part and don't pay attention to the words that u don't know the meaning of them. just read and enjoy the story. (reading skill)
2.then u give somary to urself (speaking skill and with that writing skill)
3.after that u read very fast that part to just find new words and find their meaning in persian (vocabulary)
4. when u read all the parts in the book in this way u just read the words and their meanings.(vocabulary)

30-06-2008, 15:45
My Dear friends

TOEFL or IELTS it is the problem:31:

Really, which one is better and more international?
which one is more acceptable for foreign countries?

Your question is repetitive, just look at the previous post
good luck

30-06-2008, 22:35
با سلام ..

دوستان من برای بدست اوردن این مدارک باید چه کار کنم , به یه اموزشگاه تو شهرمون رفتم و گفتن ما فقط اموزش میدیم و اگه برای ازمون باید بری تهران و گفت نمیدون .. باید بری سفارت کجا و درخاست بدی و ...

خلاصه کاملا توضیح بدین برای این مدارک چیکار باید بکنم

01-07-2008, 06:24
you can check countries and universities in all over the world that accept ielts in the site which I'll put below

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

and toefl

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

01-07-2008, 10:52
Farsi questions should be asked in

سوالات مبتديان به زبان فارسي فقط در اين تاپيك

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

ask your question there again and I answer you

11-07-2008, 16:01

I have a question

I have finished reading TOEFL books and the last time that I test myself I get 520.

Now for 2 year I have stopped reading and now I want to take an exam and get my certificate. But there is a problem.

But now the testing method has been change to IBT :18:and I have studied PBT now I don’t know to what to do!!! :41:

Which one is better???????

11-07-2008, 22:41

I have a question

I have finished reading TOEFL books and the last time that I test myself I get 520.

Now for 2 year I have stopped reading and now I want to take an exam and get my certificate. But there is a problem.

But now the testing method has been change to IBT :18:and I have studied PBT now I don’t know to what to do!!! :41:

Which one is better???????

Better is not a proper word for your question
both are the same, both are TOEFL examination
one is pbt and the other is IBT

you know in the middle we have cbt too

IBT is much harder than PBT, don't take IBT because you really get disappointed, unless you prepare yourself again
IBT has speaking, listening is much longer and you can't view the questions before the test
structure section is completely removed

so I suggest you to take what you are prepared for
take pbt
go sanjesh.org

Good Luck

Babak Ebadi

own arman
12-07-2008, 18:52
hi guys
recently my brother tried to sign up for toefl test but the web site didn let him do that !
it say that the password is incorrect or somethin like that
help us plz

13-07-2008, 08:29
hi guys
recently my brother tried to sign up for toefl test but the web site didn let him do that !
it say that the password is incorrect or somethin like that
help us plz

Go to sanjesh.org
go to contact us
email them and report them your problem
by the way, sanjesh doesn't need password to register for exams

good luck

babak ebadi

13-07-2008, 10:42
Go to sanjesh.org
go to contact us
email them and report them your problem
by the way, sanjesh doesn't need password to register for exams

good luck

babak ebadi

Dear Babak,

As far as I know, you do need to have a profile in SANJESH web site to register online and that means you should have a valid user name and password.
I recently took IELTS and that was the case when I wanted to register.

Good luck :11:

13-07-2008, 14:04
Dear Babak,

As far as I know, you do need to have a profile in SANJESH web site to register online and that means you should have a valid user name and password.
I recently took IELTS and that was the case when I wanted to register.

Good luck :11:


let me tell you one simple secret

go by person and register by person

online activities doesn't work as smooth as it should

many students go and register by person, but you see the site is still closed

that's the way it is , although it shouldn't be

good luck


13-07-2008, 15:40
Dear Mr.Babak; i enrolled for toefl being held on August 3rd in sanjesh centre, and i am unsure what to take on the exam day . i know i should print out a page on ETS holding my ID, but it is not reliable in any sense since it has no picture of me! i am wondering how they certify i am the actual person taking the test!!!
is there anything else that i am unaware of?!
tnx indeed.

13-07-2008, 23:10
The best source for IELTS preparations:

1-Cambridge old papers or IELTS examinations (4,5,6 vol)

The best books for TOEFL PBT Preparation:
1-Toefl Actual tests 2004

The best book for TOEFL IBT preparation:
Barrons 2007 TOEFL IBT

Happy studying


14-07-2008, 11:00

let me tell you one simple secret

go by person and register by person

online activities doesn't work as smooth as it should

many students go and register by person, but you see the site is still closed

that's the way it is , although it shouldn't be

good luck


Dear Babak,

I am also one of the many who registered in person just a short time before the exam, at the time the web site was saying that there is no free seat for the test :19: BUT still I needed to have a profile as you have to check your interview date and time online and later you can check your result online in your profile.
I agree that things may not go very smoothly when all is online but it's simply because we are not used to it, you know :13:l

Bye for now and good luck :11:

14-07-2008, 11:34
Dear Mr.Babak; i enrolled for toefl being held on August 3rd in sanjesh centre, and i am unsure what to take on the exam day . i know i should print out a page on ETS holding my ID, but it is not reliable in any sense since it has no picture of me! i am wondering how they certify i am the actual person taking the test!!!
is there anything else that i am unaware of?!
tnx indeed.

Dear you should bring your passport and your Melli card, and your shenasname ( just to make sure you have all they many need) but usually passport is adequate.

if you are taking IBT, they will take a picture of you, just before the exam themselves

Good luck and happy studying

14-07-2008, 11:36
Dear Babak,

I am also one of the many who registered in person just a short time before the exam, at the time the web site was saying that there is no free seat for the test :19: BUT still I needed to have a profile as you have to check your interview date and time online and later you can check your result online in your profile.
I agree that things may not go very smoothly when all is online but it's simply because we are not used to it, you know :13:l

Bye for now and good luck :11:

You are completely right dear

Perhaps you should contact them and ask them to help you, just email them and explain your problem

sorry if I can't help you better

Good luck

15-07-2008, 17:14
Important NEWS

You can register for IELTS online now
after long waiting, finally it is open again

Good luck

check this link

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

18-07-2008, 19:00

.I went to ETS web site and I was looking for the date of PBT TOEFL test and also to find in which city I can take it. But unfortunately no date was available

??Does it means that the PBT tests has been abolished

And also in (SANJESH.org) the registering time is not available

?What should I do

21-07-2008, 00:47
Important NEWS

You can register for IELTS online now
after long waiting, finally it is open again

Good luck

check this link

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

Does anyone know about other exams after Sep 08?I mean will Sanjesh provide more exams or not?

21-07-2008, 14:23

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنیدDoes anyone know about other exams after Sep 08?I mean will Sanjesh provide more exams or not?

IELts tehran and sajesh are 2 different exam centers

YOu can check sanjesh.org for news about their new exams dates and registration

As I know, sanjesh hasn't open any registration yet.

good luck

babak ebadi

23-07-2008, 00:07
IELts tehran and sajesh are 2 different exam centers

YOu can check sanjesh.org for news about their new exams dates and registration

As I know, sanjesh hasn't open any registration yet.

good luck

babak ebadi
I also got question.
what about ETS?will it open registration?
I ask it because of ur experience in this field ,How often ,they open registration?

23-07-2008, 21:53
I also got question.
what about ETS?will it open registration?
I ask it because of ur experience in this field ,How often ,they open registration?

They open registration usually every 2 or 3 months
and they are open now
go to
برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنیدgood luck

babak ebadi

31-07-2008, 18:23

.I went to ETS web site and I was looking for the date of PBT TOEFL test and also to find in which city I can take it. But unfortunately no date was available

??Does it means that the PBT tests has been abolished

And also in (SANJESH.org) the registering time is not available

?What should I do

we have pbt tests in tehran,kish and maybe babol(Im not sure about babol
you should check the ets site regularly,,the last exam was on ordibehesht,,and you must have something like visa card,because the registration for pbt needs credit cards,,but about IBT,its not like that


22-08-2008, 19:40
hi dear Babak, I have a Q about TOEFL exam, I want to know the examination of toefl for those who want to immigrate is hold in Iran or another country?...would u plz tell some detail about it
thaanx in advance

A r c h i
22-08-2008, 21:45
hi dear Babak, I have a Q about TOEFL exam, I want to know the examination of toefl for those who want to immigrate is hold in Iran or another country?...would u plz tell some detail about it
thaanx in advance

Hey Sepideh, sorry I'm not Babak :31:

But the answer is, your Toefl score is acceptable all around the world if you take it in Iran or any other country, It doesn't matter where you take the exam

Good luck:11:l

22-08-2008, 22:11
hi dear Babak, I have a Q about TOEFL exam, I want to know the examination of toefl for those who want to immigrate is hold in Iran or another country?...would u plz tell some detail about it
thaanx in advance

Sorry for interrupting:31:, but I think you want to know if in Iran you can take that exam or not, am I right?l

If you want to take the IBT TOEFL test there are several institutions that take that exam, but the best of them is Sanjesh org. If you want to register for the exam go there (near Mofatteh metro station!) and they will guide you ...l

28-08-2008, 16:21
i heard that the IELTS exam became cancelled is it true or not?

01-11-2008, 13:59
Hi, is there anybody here tell me the source of IELTS exam

02-11-2008, 18:57
i don't think there's a definitive source for ielts ... or is there? ... though , there are lots of good books which you can worn on ...

04-11-2008, 19:44
there are many books to help you in passing ielts

10-11-2008, 14:28

I'm looking for a way to find out my IELTS results without coming to Tehran.:13:
I took the academic exam ( held by Chabahar university(sanjesh.org) )
on 23rd of October and it seems the results are announced.:5:
Is there any way to do so?:20:

If not,are The TRFs in the office which I take my speaking exam on Shahid Sattari Avenue?:13:


10-11-2008, 20:02

I'm looking for a way to find out my IELTS results without coming to Tehran.:13:
I took the academic exam ( held by Chabahar university(sanjesh.org) )
on 23rd of October and it seems the results are announced.:5:
Is there any way to do so?:20:

If not,are The TRFs in the office which I take my speaking exam on Shahid Sattari Avenue?


13-11-2008, 12:19

I'm looking for a way to find out my IELTS results without coming to Tehran.:13:
I took the academic exam ( held by Chabahar university(sanjesh.org) )
on 23rd of October and it seems the results are announced.:5:
Is there any way to do so?:20:

If not,are The TRFs in the office which I take my speaking exam on Shahid Sattari Avenue?


Dear Amir,

I remember when I took the exam, my result was also available in my profile at Sanjesh website.
So, you just need to sign in to your profile and click on "my result" from the side menu bar. That's it.

Good luck :11:l

30-11-2008, 15:37
I want to register for IELTS exam in ieltstehran website
does anybody know how much it costs?a

24-12-2008, 14:36
من می خوام برای تافل اسم نویسی کنم ولی نه سازمان سنجش و نه مجتمع فنی Voucher ندارند و می گند تمام شده!!!!
از کجا می تونم یک Voucher بخرم؟

24-12-2008, 14:53
من می خوام برای تافل اسم نویسی کنم ولی نه سازمان سنجش و نه مجتمع فنی Voucher ندارند و می گند تمام شده!!!!
از کجا می تونم یک Voucher بخرم؟
یه راهش اینه که credit card بگیری و مستقیمآ از ETS ثبت نام کنی
موسسه های دیگه مثل امیربهادر(میدون ولی عصر) و ... هستند

A r c h i
24-12-2008, 23:49
voucher که نمی تونید بگیرید. باید با credit card ثبت نام کنید. اگه کسی را خارج از کشور دارید که می تونه براتون پول بریزه، user, password که توسایت ساختید بهش بدین تا بتونه پول را واریز کنه.
اگه نه موسسات زیادی هستند که این کار را می کنند ولی خب دلار را حدود 1300 تومان حساب می کنند و براتون تافل ثبت نام می کنند :20: (سرچ کنید به راحتی تعداد زیادی پیدا می کنید)

موفق باشید

21-01-2009, 15:44
سلام .....
کتاب هایی که باید برای آزمون تافل بخونیم چیا هستن ؟؟؟؟ ( منظورم منابعش هستش )
یه سوال دیگه هم داشتم .......
من قصد دارم مدرک تافل بگیرم تا الانم هیچ اقدامی نکردم و تازه می خوام شروع بکنم ....
میخواستم بدونم اگه بخوام موفق بشم حتما باید کلاس برم یا خودمم میتونم بخونم و برم و توی امتحانش موفق بشم ؟؟!!!
اینم بگم که به شدت علاقه مندم که انگلیسی رو یاد بگیرم .....
الانم خودم پیش دانشگاهی هستم و همیشه نمرات زبانم توی مدرسه عالی بوده ......
یه سوال دیگه هم اینکه تافل بهتره یا ielts ؟؟؟؟!!!
اگه ممکنه منو راهنمایی کنید ...
پیشاپیش ممنون ....

24-01-2009, 14:31
hi friends
im 18 years old and i study french in university but i like english more than french so i like to continue english:40: .and i like teaching english alot.i heard if i want to teach english in institutes i must have IELTS or TOEFL is it true or not?and can i go to IELTS or TOEFL class?because the institutes have entrnce exam for their IELTS and TOEFL classes and i dont know any thing about their exams.(i think i have alot of problem in this text too:46:).thanks

24-01-2009, 18:32
hi friends
im 18 years old and i study french in university but i like english more than french so i like to continue english:40: .and i like teaching english alot.i heard if i want to teach english in institutes i must have IELTS or TOEFL is it true or not?and can i go to IELTS or TOEFL class?because the institutes have entrnce exam for their IELTS and TOEFL classes and i dont know any thing about their exams.(i think i have alot of problem in this text too:46:).thanks

first off, dun be worried about the mistakes u make:10:l
then, who said so?! no, not every institute needs TOEFL/ IELTS...as far as I know, in Kish, those who have IELTS or TOEFL dun need to take part in the TOEFL exam of kish(as u know if u wanna start teaching in Kish or ILI u have to pass a TOEFL exam of the mentioned institutes ) but in case u yrself have the TOEFL or IELTS degree, that wouldn't be nessacary having Toefl exams' of the institutes but other steps(Interview, TTC, Demo n ...) should be followed even if u had TOEFL degree
and besides, ya, each institute, first u have to have an interview then they can tell u whether or not u r good enough to take part in IELTS/ TOEFL classes
goood luck:11:l

02-02-2009, 13:42

I have a book "Longman complete course for the toefl test, Preparation for the computer and paper tests" a

I think it is issued about 2 years ago.
Is it appropriate for preparation for the PBT test or it's too old and the questions type of the test has changed.

Its cover is as below but the left-bottom arm is different (my be because of its iranian publisher) a

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

Dr Violin
27-02-2009, 13:43
Which one of TOEFL Classes In Tehran is Best Among Others

A r c h i
27-02-2009, 19:38
Which one of TOEFL Classes In Tehran is Best Among Others

There are lots of Toefl classes in Tehran. I've heard Arianpour is the best one. But at least it takes about 6 months to enter to that institutes. And among the rest, institutes with the name of "Jahad Daneshgahi" of universities are great ones, because they are under supervision of English Department of that University. I personally went to Jahad daneshgahi of Univeristy of Tehran and the teachers are great and knowledgable.

Good luck:11::11:l

28-02-2009, 13:15
نمونه سوالات مربوط به آزمون تولیمو را کسی از دوستان در اختیار دارد؟؟؟

A r c h i
28-02-2009, 16:16
نمونه سوالات مربوط به آزمون تولیمو را کسی از دوستان در اختیار دارد؟؟؟

Tolimo exam is just like Toefl PBT exam. So you can use Toefl PBT books and it'll cover Tolimo for you. I don't think that there's any Tolimo book,

By the way, Tolimo is so easy, I'm sure everyone can do great in it


Good luck

30-03-2009, 20:17
whats the most valuable score in IBT test?

A r c h i
31-03-2009, 12:36
whats the most valuable score in IBT test?

I think the great score is more than 100, but most universities accept 95 and upper marks

31-03-2009, 22:52
هميشه وقتي اسم تافل را مي شنيدم يا مي ديدم مي لرزيدم.فكر مي كردم كسي كه در تافل قبول مي شود يعني ديگر آخر زبان است.
خوب من با دو هفته خواندن موفق به كسب نمره 97 در امتحان IBT شدم.

راز موفقيت:استفاده از كتاب ها و مخصوصا نرم افزار شبيه سازي شده امنحان تافل در كتاب longman, و غيره

در امنحان ibt.سه چيز مهم است.

1-اعتما د به نفس
2-نداشتن ترس
3-listening قوي

من امتحات تافل را در امير بهادر دادم و همين باعث كم شدن نمره ام شد زيرا كامپيوتر من خراب بود و 30 دقيقه امتحان من به تاخير افتاد در نتيجه listening من روي speaking ديگران افتاد و همين موضوع باعث شد كه listening من كم شود.30/26
به هر حال به همه توصيه مي كنم كه
1-در يك امتحان آزمايشي سنچش شركت كنند.
2-در سنجش شركت كنند.
3-خودتان را باور داشته باشيد.
4- نترسيد.

در امير بهادر كليه ميزها كنار هم است و از نظر اكوستيك محيط نا مطلوبي است در صورتي كه در سنجش همه ميزها 1.5 با هم فاصله دارد و براي جلوگيري از بازگشت صدا از يونوليت و موكت كف زمين و...استفاده شده است.
در صورتيكه در اميربهادر كف سراميك .....واقعا محيط مطلوب براي بازگشت امواج است و اگر بغل دستي شما از اون پسرهايي باشد كه صداش زيادي بلند است .كارتان تمام است.


03-04-2009, 21:50
ممکنه در مورد آزمون به روش سوم(آزمون کلی در موسسات)توضیح بیشتری بدید.
در ضمن میشه راهنمایی کنید که این کلاسهای آموزش تافل به درد بخور است یا نه؟واینکه مکالمه انگلیسی رو هم قوی میکنه یا نه؟

04-04-2009, 08:54
کسی خودش شخصا امتحان تافل داده
امتحانش در چه حده؟

25-04-2009, 04:32
Who claimed that TOEFL or IELTS exams are frightening
Well,you actually mentioned good tips for passing those exams and I wnat to underline the most important one which is practice.
Something that the Iranians miss is that what is your goal for acquiring a degree in a language?
Do you want to be able to communicate or not Always remember that you will use this language for bigger purposes so look at the bigger picture coz this is no KONKOOR to hide behind a certificate

09-06-2009, 11:41
من امسال میخوام امتحان ایتلس شرکت کنم...
3تا مهراتم خوبه نسبتا ولی speaking هم خیلی ضعیفه
با اینکه سر کلاس خیلی تمرین میکنم ولی خب باز هم ضعیفه
میخواستم ببینم منبعی چیزی هست؟
کتابی..نواری؟ که خیلی توپ باشه؟
واسه رایتینگ هم اگه چیزی خوب دارید که همچین رایتینگت قوی به ممنون

10-06-2009, 13:15
من امسال میخوام امتحان ایتلس شرکت کنم...
3تا مهراتم خوبه نسبتا ولی speaking هم خیلی ضعیفه
با اینکه سر کلاس خیلی تمرین میکنم ولی خب باز هم ضعیفه
میخواستم ببینم منبعی چیزی هست؟
کتابی..نواری؟ که خیلی توپ باشه؟
واسه رایتینگ هم اگه چیزی خوب دارید که همچین رایتینگت قوی به ممنون
خب speaking که دیگه فقط تجربه اس ... یه نسخه یا آمپولی (=کتاب و نوار) نداره که یه دفعه اتفاقی بیفته ... همینطور در مورد writing ... به نظرم شرایط رو بسنج که مثلا اگه تو کلاس راحت نیستی ، با یه دوست صمیمی تمرین کن ... گاهی حتی برعکسه ، یعنی بعضی ها با آدمایی که می شناسن راحت نیستن ، اما جلوی یه سری غریبه راحت تر حرف می زنن ..

29-06-2009, 17:58
ببخشید آزمون بعدیه تافل زمان برگزاریش کی هست؟

A r c h i
29-06-2009, 21:57
ببخشید آزمون بعدیه تافل زمان برگزاریش کی هست؟

Go to this page and choose Iran

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] 2Fgetprogram.cgi%3Ftest%3Dtoefl)

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

29-06-2009, 22:30
What about GRE??And which one do you recommend?

Master generals
30-06-2009, 15:15
Hi every body
I am living in Dubai and i want to study in dubai
So i need to pass educational TOEFL exam

I want to ask every body that if they have any source for self-study

Do you have any samples for exams
I have 1.5 month to prepare myself for ToEfl exam so i should study hard
I forget to tell i am not going to pass the international TOEFL exam
I just want to pass Intrance TOEFL exam which unniversities usually holds
But i think it is as difficult as international TOEFL exam:19::19:
Please guide me how to study
I am sorry if i write too much:11::11:

11-07-2009, 23:36
bah bah bah
what a great topic
first i musy thanks dear daniella for the great posts and updates in first page

in second i wat to know if i want to register in this exams from where i must begin?!~!
i live in tehran

21-07-2009, 12:37
Hey guys.ive a quiestion.i used to live in india.but i came back 2 iran about 2 months ago.n i can go back whenever i wan.n i was wonderin if i shud take my TOFEL exam in iran or india.are there really much differents btw them?cuz ive heared dat Irans Tofel aint valuable n not accepted in alot of countries .s dat true?

A r c h i
21-07-2009, 14:03
Hey guys.ive a quiestion.i used to live in india.but i came back 2 iran about 2 months ago.n i can go back whenever i wan.n i was wonderin if i shud take my TOFEL exam in iran or india.are there really much differents btw them?cuz ive heared dat Irans Tofel aint valuable n not accepted in alot of countries .s dat true?


Toefl IBT in Iran has the same value as in all other countries, and is accepted by all universities around the world. So it won't make any difference if you take it here or there..the choice is yours :46:l

01-08-2009, 21:48
help me please

02-08-2009, 17:04
how's your English skills ? ... I suggest going to class if you're anything less than advanced ... (and even then probably!)

10-08-2009, 04:27
سلام دوستان.من دنبال بهترین موسسه ی زبان در زمینه ی دوره های آموزش تافل در تهران هستم و خیلی هم عجله دارم آیا کسی از شما بزرگواران خودتون یا از دوستانتون در این زمینه میتونید به بنده کمک کنید؟ممنون میشم.

30-08-2009, 15:17
hi there
i read a test (comprehension dialuoge ) that included a short biography of martin luther king .
now i want that test !
i know that the tips are limited. please help me finding this,

by the way, is there any indexede version of Toefl tests ?!

A r c h i
30-08-2009, 23:58
by the way, is there any indexede version of Toefl tests ?!


what do you mean exactly??l

31-08-2009, 16:55
hi there

i read a test (comprehension dialuoge ) that included a short biography of martin luther king .
now i want that test !
i know that the tips are limited. please help me finding this,

by the way, is there any indexede version of Toefl tests ?!

Hi homie
honestly I did not understand what you said, please ask your request clearly

سلام دوستان.من دنبال بهترین موسسه ی زبان در زمینه ی دوره های آموزش تافل در تهران هستم و خیلی هم عجله دارم آیا کسی از شما بزرگواران خودتون یا از دوستانتون در این زمینه میتونید به بنده کمک کنید؟ممنون میشم.
سلام وست عزیز
بهترین موسسه در حال حاض موسسه ایراان-آمریکا هست کهمورد تایید مستقیم وزارت علوم هست ولی خب قبول شدن توی این موسسه یک کم سخته
در بین موسسه های دیگه موسسه های شیوه تدریس موسسه کیش نسبت به موسسات دیگه بهتره
موفق باشی

01-09-2009, 20:08
what do you mean exactly??l

is there any source for toefl tests?!

honestly I did not understand what you said, please ask your request clearly
? can you help me finding a comprehension dialuoge test that was about martin luther kings biography