نسخه کامل مشاهده نسخه کامل : Gyric poems of Ha'fez

04-05-2006, 14:40
الا يا ايها الساقي ادر كاسا و ناولها
O saki, Pass the brimming goblet round-
Love seemed so simple, hazards now abound!
Thank to the breez-blown musk from charming curls
Our hearts in blood of misery are drowned.
What safety in my lovers house,
when bells ring out their call the caravan to load?
Colour your mat with wine, If magus bids you:
The traveller knows the custom and the road.
Dark night and fear of waves and whirlpool's terror:
The burdenless on shore know not our state;
My pleasure-seeking brought me ill-repute.
What masks the mystery men celebrate?
To Find God, Hafiz, you must not have flown:
On finding him, this world you must thisown

05-05-2006, 22:34
روز وصل دوستداران ياد باد
that day of friendship when we met---Recall;
Recall those days of regret, Recall
As bitter poison grief my palate sours:
The sound: "Be it sweet!" at feasts of ours Recall.
My friends, it may be have forgotton long;
But I a thousand times that throng Recall;
And now while fettered by misfortune's chain,
All those who grateful sought my gain Recall.
Though thousand rivers from my eye descend,
That Zindarud, Where gardeners, Recall;
No more from HAFIZ' lips shall secrets pass:
Those who once kept them, I, alas! Recall.

09-05-2006, 02:08
فكر بلبل همه آنست كه گل شد يارش
The nightingale reflects upon the friendship of the roses with a mind clear, The rose ponder upon the ways to be coy and demure in that affair.
A ravishing heart does not slay lovers.
A leader would care for his followers;
It's pertinent to see a ruby heart bubbling blood:
when the pottery has slackened the trade of ruby with the sleight of hand; The birds learned warbling from the grace of the rose, or else-
All the melodies were not deviced in it's beak and nose;
Who ever passes through the alley of my beloved,
Let him take heed: the walls could break his head;
The one who has sojourned and accompanied by hearts a hundred, Wherever he is, Oh Lord, keep him safe and reversed; Salvation and welfare are nice and desirous,
But do not be blind to love, too, which is precious,
The sufi, who wears his hat tipped, is just one the spree,
Two more drinks shall make his turban toppled free;
Hafez's heart that is used to see your sight,
Is pampered with union, never treat it with slight.

13-05-2006, 15:33
گفتم غم تو دارم گفتا غمت سرآيد
I am doleful on your part, I said, Your sorrows shall depart, she replied,
Be my moon alight, I begged if it's within my might, she mermered;
Learn the mores of fidality from lovers compassionate: I said
Those with good look can hardely find this commensurate, she added;
I shall block the route to the sight of your fancy:
As a bird I shall find a way yonder to see,
The aroma of your hair led me astray,
If you knew well, that was the right way;
How nice is the fresh air of the morning,
Refreshing is the breeze that comes from the darling;
The sweet drinks of your lips slain me with desire:
Be subservient my dear, the lord is kind to the men dire;
Your merciful heart when wil l it resolve to peace, I said
Untile the time is ripe, Don't reveal it to else please;
The time of pleasure how soon did it end? I said,
Be silent Hafez, this gloom shall expire too, she replied.

15-05-2006, 23:40
منم كه شهره ي شهرم به عشق ورزيدن
I am a celebrity in the city of my amour,
I have not tainted my eyes with sights without glamour;
We shall be faithful, endure taunts and stay merry,
By the rule of our faith, to take offence is sheer heresy;
I asked the sage for the ways of deliverance,
Ordering his drink murmured, "Gloce over
What is the desire of the heart from the verdure of
the universe:
By the pupils of the eyes pick flowers from your face;
To ruin self-esteem and hsughtiness, I took up the
and to wash away vanity and conceit from self

17-05-2006, 00:58
بود آيا كه در ميكده ها بگشايند
Could it ever happen, that they open the tavern's door
And untie the knots that have entangled me so more
If doors are shut for the wishes of a some selfish piety,
And they shall open for the sake of diety;
The purity of the hearts of the morning drinkers,
Opens up many a door with the the prayers;
Write a letter of condolence to the daughter of the vine,
So that all the young wine tenders dishevel their hair'd whine;
For the demice of wine cut the tresses of the harp'
As all partners shed blood tears.
They've shut the doors of the tavern, Oh Lord! Do not permit!
That they open the ports to their treachery and deceit;
Hafez! unker the robe you wear, it shall be revealed Tomorrow, by the prayers, many tricks that are concealed.

17-05-2006, 20:20
فاش مي گويم و از گفته ي خود دلشادم
بنده ي عشقم و از هر دو جهان آزادم
I declare openly and I am pleased to admit:
As the slave of love to neither of the worlds I submit;
As a bird celestial, how can I define seperation?
And how I was trapped in net of unblessed afflictiom;
I was an angel and my abode paradise superior,
Adam brought me to this ruination inferior;
The shade of the tree the charm of the nymph,
And the flowing of the stream,
I had in paradise ignored them all for your sake and esteem;
On my heart's slate, there is no image but th elegance of your stature,
What to do! I have learned no other word from my divine teacher;
Astrologers are unable to locate my luck star in sight,
Tell me oh Lord! of which constellation,
do I have the birth right?
Since I have become to the tavern of love a bondsman,
Sorrow comes for solicitation, now and again as a clan;
If the pupils of my eyes drink the blood of my heart,
Serves me right as I love someone else's sweetheart;
Wipe out Hafez's tears by the tip of your hair,
Otherwise the incessant flood wipes me out clear.

18-05-2006, 12:18
بيا تا گل بر افشانيم و مي در ساغر اندازيم
فلك را سقف بشكافيم و طرحي نو در اندازيم
Come on and let's strew flowers and fill up our cups with wine,
Tear apart the azure ceiling and carve a new design;
If armies of sorrow attack lovers to shed blood,
I shall join forces with the Saki to wipe them out in a tide;
I shall fill the chalice with rose water and the wine purple,
And sweeten the fragrant breeze of the thurible;
O. minstrel! You have a fiddle tuned, sing a lyric boon,
And we shall rejoice, sing and dance till we swoon;
O. gentel Zephyr! take out dust to that lofty dear
Who is the king of beauties, and let us see her sight clear;
One boosts of wisdom, another talks idle,
Let's leave the case, before the eternal Judge;
If you desire the garden of Eden, you better come to the inn,
There, you shall ascend into paradise direct from the wine
In shiraz, they care not about eloquence and voices sweet,
Hafez! Let's leave this town and find somewhere else to inhabit.

19-05-2006, 15:33
عيب رندان مكن اي زاهد پاكيزه سرشت
كه گناه دگران بر تو نخواهند نوشت
Tell the devout reverned not to cavil at the tippler,
As the guilt of others shall not be a charge in his ledger;
Whether my deeds good or vicious you care about your own, Finally one gathers the yeilds from seeds, he has sown; Everyone seeks a sweetheart, Whether he's drunk or in the alert
Love has no preference for the place: synagogue, mosque or the fire-temple
My head is resigned to the walls of the tavern, thick,
The contender, ignorant of my words, has his head and the brick; Do not disappoint me of the eternal grace of the Almighty, Behinde the scene , you can't discern the good from the ugly; I am not the only one thrown out of the veil of moral, my forefather, Adam, too had to leave the paradise eternal; Hafez! On the day of demise If you've have a cup of wine, you will be taken direct to the heavens from tavern.

27-05-2006, 03:07
ياد باد آن كه نهانت نظري با ما بود
رقم مهر تو بر چهره ي ما پيدا بود
Hast thou forgotten when when thy stolen glance
was turned to me, when on my happy face
Clearly thy love was writ, which doth enhance
All happiness? Or when my sore disgrace (Hast thou forgot?) drew from thine eyes reproof,
And made thee hold thy sweet red lips aloof,
Dowered, like Jesus's breath, with healing grace?
Hast thou forgotten how the glorious,
Swift nights flew past, the cup of dawn brimmed high?
My love and I alone, God favouring us!
And when she likes a waning moon did lie,
And sleep had drawn his coif about her brow,
Hast thou forgot? Heaven's crecsent moon would bow the the head, and in her service pace the sky!
Hast thou forgotten, when a sojourner
Within the tavern gates and drunk with wine,
I found love's passionate wisdom hidden there,
Which in the mosque none even now devine?
The goblet's carbuncle (hast thou forgot?)
Laughed out aloud, and speech flew hot
And fast between thy ruby lips and mine!
Hast thou forgotten when thy cheek's dear torch
Lighted the beacon on desire in me,
And when my heart, like foolish moths that that scorch
Their wings and yet return, turned all to thee?
Within the banquet-hall of good repure
(Hast thou forgot?) the wine's self-pressed my suit,
And filled the morn with drunken jollity!
Hast thou forgotten when thou laid'st aright
The uncut gems of Hafiz's inmost thought,
And side by side thy sweet care strung the bright
Array of verse on verse-hast thou forgot?

16-06-2006, 12:19
صبحدم مرغ چمن با گل نو خاسته گفت
At dawn, the free bird of the lawn had a colloquy with the sprout: Blooms like you are spread throughout, no cause for your flout; The bud grinned: H tade no offence to face the truth, but no lover confronts his sweetheart with words such brute; If you desire to drink ruby wine from a studded chalice, beware there are many a pearl to pierce with the tip of lashes, if you care; One would never feel the warmth of affection,
If he does not sweep the dust off the tavern with his complexion; At the flower garden, the weather was charming, The tresses of hyacinth were tousled by the breeze of the morning, I asked about the whereabout of jam's mythical: Alas! the flourishing wealth has taken a nap; The world of love cannot be revealed by the tongue, let the wine tender serve her round and cut short the dialogue; The tears of Hafez washed away patience and wisdom to the ocean, What can I do, vexation of love could not remain arcance?

25-06-2006, 22:20
ترسم كه اشك در غم ما پرده در شود
وين راز سر به مهر به عالم سمر شود

I fear that my tears remove the cover of my love affair,
As soon the mystery becomes unveiled in the far and near,
Ston my turn into a transparent garnet,
A verity but, with great suffering and and lots of fret,
I shal go to the tavern, whimpering, to ask for justness,
There with a drink, I may be relieved from rancor and sadness,
I have sent arrows of prayers from many a corner,
Maybe one would hit the aim that I revere;
Oh my soul! recount the tale to my dear,
But whisper it low that zephyr could not hear,
From the reflections of your face, I have gained much favor,
The blessing of your foot steps turns dust into goldenware;
I'm amazed with the vyinginsolence of my rival,
May a pauper never become a man who gains approval,
There are points besides beauty that makes one:
To the taste of men of insight, a person renown,
The arrogance that fortifies the palace of coalescence,
Would remove many a head at its threshold, attemping intrance;
Hafez! the fragrance of the tips of her hair is in your hand
Be reticent, otherwise, zephyr is bound to find.

30-06-2006, 00:04
در خرابات مغان گر گذر افتد بازم

Within the Magian tavern
The light of God I see;
In such a place O wonder!
Shines out such radiancy.
Boas, not, O king of pilgrims,
The privilage of thee:
Thou viewest God's own temple;
God shews himself to me,
Combed from the fair ones' tresses
I win sweet musk to-day,
But ah! the distant fancy
That I should gain cathay.
A firy heart tears flowing,
Night's sorrow, Dawn's lament-
All this to me dispenses
Your glance benevolent.
my fancy's way thine image
Arresteth momently;
Whom shall i tell, What marvels
Whithin this veil i see?
Not all the musk of china,
The scents of Tartary,
Excel those subtle odours
The dawn breez wafts to me.
If Hafez plays at glances,
Friends, be not critical:
For truly, As I know him,
He truly loves you all.

13-07-2006, 14:15
سحر به بوي گلستان دمي شدم در باغ

Twas morning, and the lord of day
had shed his light o'er Shiraz towers,
where bulbuls trill their love-lorn lay
To serenade the maiden flowers.
Like them oppreesed by love's sweet pain,
I wander in a garden fair;
And there to cool my throbbing brain
I woo the perfumed morning air.
The damask rose with beauty gleams, it's face all bathed in rubby light, And shines like
some bright star that beams From out of the somber veil of night. The very bulbul, as the
Of pride and pasion warms its breast, Forgets awhile its former woe In pride that conquers
love's unrest.
The sweet narcissus opens its eyes, a tear drop glistening on the lash, As though twere
gazing piteously upon the tulip's bleeding gash.
The lily seemed to menace me,
And showed its curved andquivering blade,
While every frail anemone.
A gossip's open mouth displayed.
And here and there a graceful group
Of flowers like men who worship wine,
Each raising up his little stoup
To catch the dewdrop's draught devine,
And others yet like Hebes stand,
Their dripping vases downward turned,
As if dispending to the band
The wind for which their hearts had burned,
This moral it is mine to sing:
Go learn a lesson of the flowers;
Joy's season is in life's young spring,
Then seiz, like them, the fleeting hours.

01-10-2006, 18:09
May your goodness always increase
And your smiling face never cease
In our head the thought of your love
Every day is on the increase.
Every cedar and every spruce
From your height may you hear their pleas
The eye not intrigued by thee
Its tear drops a bloody disease.
Your eye for mesmerizing hearts
Is a magician and master-tease.
Wherever a heart is longing for thee
Impatiently shears its own fleece.
The beauty of all the lovers
Beside your swan is ugly geese.
The heart that is out of love’s lease
From the circle of union release.
Hafiz’s soul, your ruby lips ease
Away from base lips, if you please.
© Shahriar Shahriari
حسـن تو همیشه در فزون باد
رویت همه ساله لالـه گون باد
اندر سر ما خیال عشـقـت
هر روز کـه باد در فزون باد
هر سرو که در چـمـن درآید
در خدمـت قامتت نـگون باد
چشـمی که نه فتنه تو باشد
چون گوهر اشک غرق خون باد
چـشـم تو ز بـهر دلربایی
در کردن سـحر ذوفـنون باد
هر جا که دلیسـت در غـم تو
بی صبر و قرار و بی سکون باد
قد هـمـه دلـبران عالـم
پیش الـف قدت چو نون باد
هر دل که ز عشق توست خالی
از حلـقـه وصـل تو برون باد
لعـل تو که هست جان حافظ
دور از لـب مردمان دون باد

01-10-2006, 20:05
O Lord, this orb is no more than your bat and ball
The expanse of universe, your arena and your hall
The victorious queen is in awe of your lock
Your playing the course, victorious eyes enthrall.
Mercury’s composition speaks of your grandeur
Even the Universal Mind is at your beacon call.
The splendor of the trees of Paradise beside yours pale
Based on your majesty, Paradise you install.
Not only animate and inanimate are at your call
Whatever is in this world, at your command are they all.

01-10-2006, 20:06
For a long time my Beloved no message sent
Didn’t write a greeting, and no word sent
I sent a hundred letters, yet that mounted King
Dispatched no messages, no greeting sent.
Towards the wild and mind-ridden me
No tame deer and no fine grouse sent
Knew that I, my hearts bind, would fly away
Yet from his vast stores, no trap sent.
Alas that sweet & joyful cup bearer
Knew that I was drunk, yet no cup sent.
Often I faked my standing in life
No news of a place for me was sent.
Hafiz be polite, there is no questioning
If the King no message to his subjects sent.

02-10-2006, 09:11
Last night, pansy addressed flowers and itself displayed
My swinging in this world, so and so's hair would braid.
My heart was a treasure chest of secrets, the hands of fate
Closed and locked and its key, to my Beloved bade.
Physician sent the broken me to my Beloved and said
My panacea and cure, only by Your hands are made.
May he be healthy, and happy, and in bliss
That his healing hands upon the needy laid.
Take your own advice, O incessant counselor
Sweet lover and wine, whosoever forbade?
Passed by poor me, and towards my rivals strayed
Said, "my poor Hafiz has given his life, I am afraid."

02-10-2006, 09:12
Whoever, to your face, such cheerful colors gave
Patience and serenity for poor me can also save
Whoever trained your hair so arrogantly to behave
His grace, such injustice for poor me can also waive.
I gave up my desires on the first day when
Beloved took my heart's rein and made me her slave.
If there's no golden treasure, at least satisfied I remain
He who gave that to the king, made this the lot of the knave.
This world, just like a bride, in appearance is glorified
He who gave his life to this, has only dug his own grave.
From now on, I spend my time in nature with rivers & trees
While the breeze, of time of spring, would rant and rave.
Hafiz's heart was brave, rode hardships wave after wave
Though separations deprave, the King as our healer gave.

03-10-2006, 07:33
He, who always keeps his trust in the One
The One keeps all evils from him apart and gone.
I will not tell the tale of a friend, save to a friend
For it is a friend who keeps a friend’s word anon.
O heart make your living so that if you slip
The Angels will hold your upraised hands to the sun.
And if you want the Beloved not to break His oath
Keep your oath such that the chain won’t come undone.
And if one day upon that lock you see my heart,
Ask for His mercy, to keep my place, give to none.
When I asked him to keep my heart, replied
Ask the Father in Heaven, I am a helpless son.
My health and wealth, heart and soul, I give for Thee
May god keep compassion in my heart, always won.
Where is the dust of thy path, so Hafiz keep
In memory of the morning breeze’s gentle run.

03-10-2006, 07:34
With clear wine, a wise one washed his behind
Early morning in tavern, who had homage on his mind.
When the golden cup of sun, descended from the skies
Curve of the new moon, of the curved cup would remind.
Happy is the one whose prayers and needs stem from his pain
With tears of his eyes and blood of his veins, cleans his behind.
The head priest leading prayers should be the one
Whose shrinking gown, blood of the daughter of vine defined.
My heart bought upheavals for the locks of that flowing hair
I know not that in this trade, what profit it could ever find.
If the head priest asks for me and my kind
Tell him Hafiz, with wine, is baptizing his behind

03-10-2006, 07:35
Dervish laid a trap with slight of hands and trick of the eyes
With the help of this trickster merry-go-round mystifies.
Tricks of his fate will keep the rabbit in his hat
How can you trick those whom to secrets are wise?
Come hither wine-bearer, the Sufi's beautiful lover
Came with full grace, and evaded their many, many tries.
O minstrel, with what tune was inspired to head for Iraq
Longingly sang to return to the Arabian Hejaz?
Come O heart, let's commend ourselves unto the Lord
Keep from rolled up sleeve that outstretched arm belies.
Undeceived, whoever lost himself in compassion
In the Spirit of Love, his soul upward flies.
In the court of the Truth, at the time of our demise
Shame on he, who permissible never defies.
Where to now, O proud partridge, halt and pause
Your delusions, prayers of the pious cat, never ever identifies.
Hafiz, mad Dervishes upon the path, don't criticize
Freedom from false piety for eternity is our prize.

03-10-2006, 15:37
O heart, the pain of love burned once again
Beloved departed and drove the lover insane.
O flowers, you played your magic tricks
Alas that the drunk the sober shall reign.
My tears were my friends, since Beloved stayed away
My unkind fate from helping would refrain.
At dawn Beloved's house's bright glow
The lover's wounded heart would strain and pain.
O bearer give me a cup, since the hidden hand that writes
Has plans, access to which nobody can gain.
The artist of firmaments, earth and spheres
Nobody knows what plans it would feign.
Burning love, Hafiz's heart would entertain
Beloved from old times this poor lover has slain.

03-10-2006, 15:38
O friends, repented from drunkenness, daughter of vine
Began enforcing the law, became a preacher of divine.
From beyond entered our midst, let her now rest
And protests of others for separation decline.
Bring good news O heart, for the musician of love
Played in drunkenness, and found a cure for this wine.
Neither wash away its color, nor with a hundred fires burn
The stain of that wine which is the mystic’s gown’s design.
The flower of union with the breath of life bloomed
And the singing bird of joy, to the petal sang a joyous line.
In the face of jealousy, with humbleness yourself refine
Honor and wealth, desire, creed, with pride your head align.

03-10-2006, 15:41
For years my heart was in search of the Grail
What was inside me, it searched for, on the trail

That pearl that transcends time and place
Sought of divers whom oceans sail

My quest to the Magi my path trace
One glance solved the riddles that I Braille

Found him wine in hand and happy face
In the mirror of his cup would watch a hundred detail

I asked, "when did God give you this Holy Grail?"
Said, "on the day He hammered the world’s first nail!"

Even the unbeliever had the support of God
Though he could not see, God’s name would always hail.

All the tricks of the mind would make God seem like fraud
Yet the Golden Calf beside Moses’ rod would just pale.

And the one put on the cross by his race
His crime, secrets of God would unveil

Anyone who is touched by God’s grace
Can do what Christ did, without fail.

And what of this curly lock that’s my jail
Said this is for Hafiz to tell his tale

04-10-2006, 12:30
The radiance of your goodness manifested in eternity
Love appeared and set fire to the mountain, earth and sea
Your face radiated, and still saw angels were loveless
Setting this fire on man, was then your zealous decree
Mind wanted to turn this fire to its own guiding light
You set the world in chaos with your ardent, radiant glee
False seeker sought to witness the secrets of the world
Hidden hand came and kept away his undeserving plea
To others fate brought a lot, filled with pleasure and joy
My sad heart's lot was to be saddened on its knee
My sublime soul was longing for a glimpse of your face
My hand running through the locks of your hair lovingly
Hafiz wrote his love poems only on the day that he
Let the pen write from the heart that is joyous and free.

04-10-2006, 12:30
Morning breeze, its fragrance will exhale
The old world will once again youthfully sail.
Tulip will bring a red cup to the meadows
Narcissus' eyes from poppy will grow pale.
When would nightingale put up with such abuse
In the chamber of the rose cry and wail.
I traded the temple for the tavern, fault me not
Prayer is long and stale, time is frail.
Leave not joy of the now till the morrow
Who can vouch that the morrow, the now shall trail?
Month of Sha'aban put not down the jug of wine
Till the end of Ramadan you'll miss this Holy Grail.
Hold dear all the flowers and commune
Came to be and will whither with a breeze or a gale.
This feast is for friends, O minstrel, play and sing
Sing again, it came thus and went thus, to what avail?
Hafiz, for your sake, entered this tale
Walk with him, say farewell, he'll tear the veil.

04-10-2006, 12:31
I see no friends around, whatever happened to every friend?
I see no-one I love, when did come to an end?
Water of life has turned dark, where is glorious Elias?
Flowers are all bleeding, whence the breeze which branches bend?
Nobody says that a friend has got the right to befriend
What has come of loyalty? Whatever happened to every friend?
For years no gem has been dug from the mine of loyalty
What happened to sunshine? And what about wind and rain’s trend?
This was the home of the Kings, and the land of the Kind-hearted
When did kindness end, and since when Kings pretend?
The ball of compassion and joy is now inside the field
Why is it that in this game still no players will attend?
Thousands of flowers are in full bloom, yet not a song
What happened to nightingales? Where did those thousands descend?
Venus is not making music any more, did all her instruments burn?
Nobody is in the mood, to whom do the wine-sellers tend?
Hafiz, secrets divine nobody knows, stay silent
Whom do you ask, why isn’t our turning fate now on the mend?

05-10-2006, 12:34
From now on, that tall spruce has my command
Whose graceful stature uprooted me from the land.
I wish not for song and wine, unveil your face
Cause your beauty my passion's fire has fanned.
No face can be the mirror of bridal chamber of Fate
Except one upon which stallion hooves stand.
I spoke of my secrets, said just be with your sorrows
My patience has run out, do you hear what I demand?
O hunter, leave my deer and let it live
Be ashamed of its eyes, with that rope in your hand.
My earthly life is feeble, weak, impotent
How can I kiss those lips, majestic, grand?
Hafiz, let your heart be tied by a hair strand
Madmen better remain in chain and band.

05-10-2006, 12:35
O wine-bearer brighten my cup with the wine
O minstrel say good fortune is now mine.
The face of my Beloved is reflected in my cup
Little you know why with wine, I always myself align.
Eternal is the one whose heart has awakened to Love
This is how Eternal Records my life define.
So proud are the tall beauties of the world
Outshines all the others this handsome spruce of mine.
O breeze if by chance you pass through friendly gardens
From me to my Beloved, please give a sign;
Ask why you choose to forget my name?
Will come the one to whom an audience you decline.
Intoxication pleases my Beloved and my Lord
To the wine, they would assign, my life's design.
What if on Judgment Day, no favor would be gained
From eating bread and leaving a forbidden water so fine?
Hafiz, let a tear drop or two leave your eyes,
May we ensnare the Bird of Union, divine.
The sea of the skies and the gondola of the moon
With the grace of the Master, radiantly shine.

08-10-2006, 06:45
The bright moon reflects your radiant face
Your snowcapped cheekbones supply water of grace
My heavy heart desires an audience with your face
Come forward or must return, your command I will embrace.
Nobody for good measures girded your fields
Such trades no one in their right mind would chase.
Our dormant fate will never awake, unless
You wash its face and shout brace, brace!
Send a bouquet of your face with morning breeze
Perhaps inhaling your scent, your fields we envision & trace.
May you live fulfilled and long, O wine-bearer of this feast
Though our cup was never filled from your jug or your vase.
My heart is reckless, please, let Beloved know
Beware my friend, my soul your soul replace.
O God, when will my fate and desires hand in hand
Bring me to my Beloved hair, in one place?
Step above the ground, when you decide to pass us by
On this path lie bloody, the martyrs of human race.
Hafiz says a prayer, listen, and say amen
May your sweet wine daily pour upon my lips and my face.
O breeze tell us about the inhabitants of city of Yazd
May the heads of unworthy roll as a ball in your polo race.
Though we are far from friends, kinship is near
We praise your goodness and majestic mace.
O Majesty, may we be touched by your grace
I kiss and touch the ground that is your base.

08-10-2006, 06:46
When you hear the lovers’ words, think them not a mistake
You don’t recognize these words, the error must be your take.
The here and hereafter cannot tame my spirit and soul
Praise God for all the intrigue in my mind that is at stake.
I know not who resides within my heart
Though I am silent, he must shake and quake.
My heart went through the veil, play a song
Hark, my fate, this music I must make.
I paid no heed, worldly affairs I forsake
It is for your beauty, beauty of the world I partake.
My heart is on fire, I am restless and awake
To the tavern to cure my hundred day headache.
My bleeding heart has left its mark in the temple
You have every right to wash my body in a wine lake.
In the abode of the Magi, I am welcome because
The fire that never dies, in my heart is awake.
What was the song the minstrel played?
My life is gone, but breathing, I still fake!
Within me last night, the voice of your love did break
Hafiz’s breast still quivers and shakes for your sake.

08-10-2006, 06:47
Disheveled hair, sweaty, smiling, drunken, and
With a torn shirt, singing, the jug in hand
Narcissus loudly laments, on his lips, alas, alas!
Last night at midnight, came and sat right by my bed-stand
Brought his head next to my ears, with a sad song
Said, O my old lover, you are still in dreamland
The lover who drinks this nocturnal brew
Infidel, if not worships the wine's command
Go away O hermit, fault not the drunk
Our Divine gift from the day that God made sea and land
Whatever He poured for us in our cup, we just drank
If it was a cheap wine or heavenly brand
The smile on the cup's face and Beloved's hair strand
Break many who may repent, just as Hafiz falsely planned.

10-10-2006, 19:27
When God designed your features and joined your brows
Paved my way, then trapped me with your gestures & bows
The spruce and I, both rooted to the ground
Fate, like a fine cloth belt, its bind endows.
United the knots of my doing and of the budding heart
The fragrant breeze, when to you it made its vows.
Fate convinced me to be enslaved to thee
Yet nothing moves unless your will allows.
Like an umbilical cord, don't wrap around my heart
It is your flowing lock of hair that I espouse.
You were the desire of another, O breeze of union,
Alas, my heart's hope and fire you douse.
I said because of your infliction I shall leave my house
Smilingly said go ahead Hafiz, with chained hooves and paws.

10-10-2006, 19:27
The hermit has no need to watch the stage
Since Beloved is at home, no need for pilgrimage.
O soul you have a pact with the Divine,
Then ask how should I my life manage?
O King of goodness, I swear that I’m on fire
Then ask how this beggar should I manage?
I am the master of demands, yet my tongue is still
In your compassion to ask is an outrage.
No need to plot, if our blood you demand,
Our body is yours to take at any age.
Essence of the Beloved is the Holy Grail,
In expressing our needs, we need not engage.
I put up with the hardships of the sea
No need for the sea, once I earned my pearly wage.
No need to deal with fake prophets because
When friends are here, false claims disparage.
O begging lover, when Beloved’s life giving lips
Give their dutiful gifts, begging discourage.
Hafiz desist, for art self-radiates
Needless debate with fake artist and false sage.

10-10-2006, 19:28
Keep to your own affairs, why do you fault me?
My heart has fallen in love, what has befallen thee?
In the center of he, whom God made from nothing
There is a subtle point that no creature can see.
Until His lips fulfill my lips like a reed
From all the worldly advice I must flee.
The beggar of your home, of the eight heavens has no need
The prisoner of your love, from both worlds is thus free.
Though my drunkenness has brought forth my ruin
My essence is flourished by paying that ruinous fee.
O heart for the pain and injustice of love do not plead
For this is your lot from the justice of eternity.
Hafiz don’t help magic and fantasy further breed
The world is filled with such, from sea to sea.

11-10-2006, 18:18
Though the wine is joyous, and the wind, flowers sorts
Harp music and scent of wine, the officer reports.
If you face an adversary and a jug of wine
Choose the wine because, fate cheats and extorts.
Up your ragged, patched sleeves, hide & keep your cup
Like this flask of wine, fate too bleeds and distorts.
With my teary eyes, I cleanse my robe with wine
Self-restraint and piety is what everyone exhorts.
Seek not your joy in the turn of the firmaments
Even my filtered clear red fluid, dregs sports.
This earth and sky is no more than a bleeding sieve
That sifts and sorts kingly crowns and courts.
Hafiz, your poems invaded Fars and Iraqi ports
It is now the turn of Baghdad and Tabrizi forts.

11-10-2006, 18:19
I long to open up my heart
For my heart do my part.
My story was yesterday’s news
From rivals cannot keep apart.
On this holy night stay with me
Till the morning, do not depart.
On a night so dark as this,
My course, how can I chart?
O breath of life, help me tonight
That in the morn I make a start.
In my love for you, I will
My self and ego thwart.
Like Hafiz, being love smart;
I long to master that art.

11-10-2006, 18:20
Amidst flowers, wine in hand, my lover I embrace
King of the world is my slave on such a day in such a place.
Bring no candles to this, our festive feast, tonight
Full moon is pale beside the light of my lover's face.
Drinking of wine, our creed has sanctified
Yet without you, drinking wine is disgrace.
My ears only hear the song of the harp and the reed
My eyes see your ruby lips, and the cup chase.
Keep perfumes away from our feast tonight
The fragrance of your hair, our feast will grace.
Speak not to me of sweetness of candy and sugar;
Since my lips, sweetness of your lips, did once trace.
Your treasures are hidden in the ruins of my heart
And my path to the tavern has now become sacred space.
Speak not of disgrace; that's my fame and my base
And fame and high place, I despise and debase.
Drunk and disconcerted and demented and deceived
Show me one who's not, within our town and our race.
Fault not the pious one, because he, also, like us,
Is seeking love and grace, in his own way, at his own pace.
Hafiz, wine in hand, always your lover embrace
'Cause flowers and joy fill this festive time and space.

14-10-2006, 03:54
The corner of the tavern is my altar, where I pray
At dawn, the mantra of the Old Magi, I say.
Fear not if the harp plays not at sun's morning ascent
My morning cry of repentance is the music I play.
Thank God, free from beggars and kings, away, I stay;
Homage, to the beggar at the door of the Beloved, I pay.
For Thee, in the mosque and the tavern, my time, I spent;
By God, from this intent, I never ran nor walked astray.
Only, Angel of Death's blade can uproot my tent
Running from love and grace has never been my way.
From the time that I made my search for Thee my intent
I lean upon the throne on which the sun may lay.
Not your fault was the sins that were put into your clay
Nonetheless accept them, Hafiz, and good taste display.

14-10-2006, 03:54
My eyes drown in tears, yet thirst for but one chance
I'll give away my whole life, for Beloved, but one glance.
Be ashamed of Beloved's beautiful eyes and long lashes
If you have seen what I have, and still deny me my trance.
O traveler, leave these city gates behind and go back
Tread the same path, and towards my Beloved you'll advance.
With such shortage of love, I submit to my fate
That drunken gypsy's love is now my circumstance.
The aromatic flowers, the perfume of that hair
Is only a sample from my Perfumer's fragrance.
O gardener, like the breeze, do not drive me away,
You water your flowers with my tears' assistance.
Ordered me to drink much from my lover's sweet lips
And healed my sickened heart by taking such joyous stance.
The one who taught Hafiz, how his ghazals enhance,
Is none but my silent friend, with a sweet parlance.

14-10-2006, 03:55
Whoever had found his way to the tavern’s block
Would have to be insane if on another door knock
Fate never crowned any with drunkenness, except
The one who considered this the highest luck.
Whoever finds his way into the tavern
From the bounty of the wine, temple’s secrets unlock.
He who read the secrets of this wine,
Found the secrets in the dust upon which we walk.
Only seek the obedience of the insane
In our creed, logic and sanity we mock.
My heart asked not for longevity of beauty
Because sadly this is the way of the clock.
From the pain of the fading morning star at dawn
I cried so much that I saw the moon, though Venus my eyes struck.
Who talks about the story of Hafiz and his cup?
Why would the king know where the policemen flock?
Praise the King who considers the nine heavens
A mere crevice in His courtly block.

15-10-2006, 22:29
What beauty, sweetness of the world with her lies
Soft eyes, smiling lips, and happy heart with her lies.
Though sweetness of the tongue, kingship implies,
She is Solomon of times, and prophecy with her lies.
Beauty, artistry and innocence are her guise,
And hence, in both worlds, will of the Good, with her lies.
Her beauty-mole is that fair face's prize,
The secrets that seek the wise, with her lies.
My lover is leaving, God be with her through my cries,
What to do with broken heart, since my cure with her lies.
With whom can I share that she brought me my demise
I am now crucified, resurrection with her lies.
Respect Hafiz, his faith no-one denies,
Forgiveness of godly souls with her lies.

15-10-2006, 22:30
The corner of the tavern is my altar, where I pray
At dawn, the mantra of the Old Magi, I say.
Fear not if the harp plays not at sun's morning ascent
My morning cry of repentance is the music I play.
Thank God, free from beggars and kings, away, I stay;
Homage, to the beggar at the door of the Beloved, I pay.
For Thee, in the mosque and the tavern, my time, I spent;
By God, from this intent, I never ran nor walked astray.
Only, Angel of Death's blade can uproot my tent
Running from love and grace has never been my way.
From the time that I made my search for Thee my intent
I lean upon the throne on which the sun may lay.
Not your fault was the sins that were put into your clay
Nonetheless accept them, Hafiz, and good taste display.

15-10-2006, 22:30
I long for a kind sentiment from the Friend
I’ve sinned and hope for Her pardon in the end.
I know She will overlook my crimes, though she is
Beautiful-faced, on her angelic nature I can depend.
I cried such that whomever passed me by
Was in awe of the stream of my tears descend.
Naught is that mouth there, of it I see no sign
And there is that fair hair, yet knowing transcends.
I see her image in my mind and can’t wash out
In spite of all the tears that my eyes spend.
With no talk of your hair, my heart is just dead.
With your enchanting hair, which talk can I defend?
A life time has passed since I smelled your hair
That aroma, in the nose of my heart has since remained.
Hafiz your perturbed state is bad, yet
Perturbation over Beloved’s hair is a good trend.

27-10-2006, 19:55
The messenger who arrived from the land of my friend
Brought a charm, fragrant, and in the hand of my friend.
Wonderfully displayed her beauty and her glory
With the tales of noble and regal stand of my friend.
My heart took in the good news, though coy and shy
My heart readily will serve every command of my friend.
Thank heavens for the help of smiling fate
Runs smooth every errand of my friend.
The revolving orbs and the firmament have no say
They move at every wish and demand of my friend.
If the winds of calamity blow in both worlds
My eyes upon the composure, calm & bland of my friend.
Bring me a rare jewel, O gentle morning breeze
Since you have blown over the very sand of my friend.
We stand in Love's land, while our needs grand
Sweet dreams never brought a hair strand of my friend.
Hafiz, fear no foes who reprimand my friend
Thank God, I am not ashamed of me and of my friend.

27-10-2006, 19:56
Well done O messenger, bring a message from my friend
Willingly I'll give my own life for the sake of my friend.
Like a nightingale in cage, being love-sick is my trend
A singing parrot in love with nuts and sweets of my friend.
My trap is her hair, her mole is the seed, and I
In search of those seeds have been trapped by my friend.
Will remain always drunk, until resurrection is nigh
Whoever, like me, drank from the cup poured by my friend.
I will speak no more of my elation, I trust
Focusing on me diverts me from my friend.
I'd use as eye-liner, if I could, the very dust
Upon which, once or twice walked my friend.
I long for union, while my friend away will turn,
I give up my desires to fulfill those of my friend.
In this your incurable fever, Hafiz, calmly burn
None can heal the pain of longing, my friend.

27-10-2006, 19:56
From whose house this joyous light brightens my heart?
Whose lover has sent my soul this cupid's burning dart?
This state wrecks my house and my faith
Whose bosom enfolds her & whose fingers her hair part?
The nectar of her lips always remains upon my lips
Whose soul will comfort & for whom pour a wine quart?
That candle who radiates riches and joy
Ask God, whose moth flight tonight shall thwart?
Mesmerizes everyone, while none can know
To whose tale her gentle heart will wake and smart?
O God, that supremely gentle and graceful face
Whose rare jewel is tonight and whose irreplaceable art?
I sighed, O Hafiz, that I'm crazy when apart
Smilingly you said who is the mad one from the start?

28-10-2006, 09:29
Falsely pious, of our state are unaware
No offence if their words our hearts tear.
On the path, whatever you meet is for your good
On the straight and the narrow, can't be lost there.
Whatever the rook may play, we'll knock it down
On the chessboard of lovers, Kings won't dare.
What is this multi-patterned, tall, simple dome?
Who is wise to this riddle? Show me where?
Is this your grace, O Lord, powerful, wise?
Too many hidden wounds; no time to catch a breath of air.
It's as if the Judge of our Court is not fair.
This Royal Seal, sign of God does not bear
Whoever wishes may come, and whatever, may declare.
No guards, no grandeur, this hall is bare
Those who enter the tavern, openly share.
Those who sell themselves, meet the wine-seller's glare
Whatever befalls us is the doing of our own affair.
Your grace is not rare, and there's no one you'd spare
I serve the Tavern-Master, with his endless love and care.
Piety, sometimes is cold, sometimes will flare.
Hafiz gracefully declines from taking the head chair
Lovers are free from fortune and fame's snare.

28-10-2006, 09:30
Lit up by the light of your face, there is no soul that is not
Longing for the dust of your place, there is no eye that is not.
Those who have seen your face, are all-knowing and wise
Secrets of your beauty and grace, there is no head where is not.
No wonder if my telling tears, red and bloody, rise from my eyes
Ashamed and repentant of one's own case, there is no one who is not.
Till His breeze settles His dust upon my lap as my prize
All things, everyone I chase, there is none passing that is not.
Till the fragrance of your hair to every inhaler flies
Morning breeze confer, embrace, there is no dawn that is not.
Puzzling fate, in my fate, my agony and pain lies
Being showered by your grace, there is no one who is not.
From your sweet lips, life's spring will chastely rise
Bathing in such a place, there is no sweetness that is not.
Disclosing such secrets is uncalled for and unwise
Else in the feast of the insane and base, there is no gossip that is not.
Brave lion in love's desert, just like a fox hides and lies
Alas, for on this path, at this pace, there is no hazard that is not.
Dust of the door of your house, my teary eyes will chastise
Obliged with such favors and such grace, there is no dust that is not.
My existence, some name, a little fame, identifies
Else, there, you can trace, there is no weakness that is not.
Hafiz is upset with you, with your harshness and your ties
Else in you, from toe to face, there is not a thing that is not.

28-10-2006, 09:31
The heavenly breeze comes to this estate,
I sit with the wine and a lovely mate.
Why can’t the beggar play the king’s role?
The sky is the dome, the earth is my state.
The green grass feels like Paradise;
Why would I trade this for the garden gate?
With bricks of wine build towers of love,
Being bricks of clay is our final fate.
Seek no kindness of those full of hate,
People of the mosque with the church debate.
Don’t badmouth me, don’t blacken my name;
Only God can, my story narrate.
Neither Hafiz’s corps, nor his life negate,
With all his misdeeds, heavens for him wait.

31-10-2006, 22:39
At the break of dawn from sorrows I was saved
In the dark night of the Soul, drank the elixir I craved.
Ecstatic, my soul was radiant, bright,
Sanctified cup of my life, drunk I behaved.
O, what exalted sunrise, what glorious night
That holy night, to the New Life was enslaved.
From now on, in the mirror, O what a sight
The mirror, glory of my soul, proclaimed and raved.
Wonder not if I am bathed in heart’s delight
I deserved and was given, though may have seemed depraved.
Angelic voice brought news of my God-given right
My patience is the fruit of hardships that I braved.
Sweet nectar drips from my lips, as my words take their flight
Beloved, my sweetheart, upon my soul patiently had engraved.
‘T was Hafiz, divinely inspired that I attained such height
It was God’s mercy that time’s sorrows for me waived

31-10-2006, 22:41
O heart, break, because a shattered heart, many wonders attains
Your midnight needs, shall repel a hundred pains.
Criticisms of your angel-faced Beloved, lovingly bear
Because a single smile, compensates for a hundred strains.
From this world to the angelic realm, will all be unveiled
For one who in the service of the Grail tries and trains.
Physician of love has the healing hands of Christ, yet
Where there is no malady, why think the healer remains?
Be focused on serving your own God, and be content
Because God has mercy, though the claimant complains.
I am hurt by my dormant fate, perhaps my wakefulness
At the time of demise of the night, in prayer gains.
Hafiz, shattered and broken, and not a whiff of Beloved’s curls
Perhaps a trace of that aroma, when the morning breeze travels the plains

31-10-2006, 22:44
When sorrows upon seekers' hearts settle, will not rattle
When beauty with comfort starts battle, will unsettle.
When to fate they submit their mind, themselves will bind
Finally, when Beloved's beautiful curls find, put egos behind.
If they come to us a moment, and sit near, disappear
Yet when joy in their hearts will appear, becomes clear.
If they understand that a lonely tear is but a gem that is dear
With a love so sincere, face early-risers they fear.
When laughter like red rubies to my eyes cling, my tears bring
From my face, when hidden secretes spring, joyously they sing.
The healing balm of the pain of love is not easy for sure, and is pure
Those who use their mind to find such a cure, many failure will endure
Those who climbed fortune's ladder wrung after wrung, were strung and hung
And the ones who in praise sing Hafiz's song, are thought wrong.
Those favored by this spirit, noble and pure, tempt and allure
For love's pain if a cure they must secure, then failure will endure

31-10-2006, 22:45
Those who turn lead into gold
Will they ever our sight behold?
I hide my ills from false physicians
May my cure come from the invisible fold.
When beloved reveals a glimpse
Many tales by many are told.
Salvation is not in piety,
The deed for its own sake should unfold.
Be fair with my increasing love
Let not others mock me and scold.
Behind the veil, many schemes remain,
After unveiling, how will they be sold?
Heartwarming tales of lovers in this world
Warm even the hearts that may be ice cold.
Drinking the forbidden wine with sincerity
Surpass the moral rules we pretend to uphold.
The shirt that carried Joseph’s scent,
His brothers would gladly have sold.
Come, show yourself in the tavern
To the servants whom your passage extolled.
Keep jealous eyes away, because the good
For God’s sake, choose the good and bold.
Hafiz, sustained union cannot be cajoled;
Kings in the marketplace rarely strolled.

31-10-2006, 22:46
When sweethearts with such charm lovers cajole,
In believers’ faith they will poke a hole.
Wherever a flower begins to bloom,
Eyeballs inside the head begin to roll.
O handsome and young man of tall stature
Play the ball before you are a bat or pole.
The lovers choose and act without control,
You the playwright, and lovers play their role.
Beside the bloody tears that eyes shed
Pales even the thundercloud’s heavy toll.
When my love begins to sing, that song and sound
Angels in the heavens clap and extol.
Heartbroken, tearful eyes, I long for thee,
Why such cruelty must endure the soul?
Leave sorrows behind, listen to your heart,
Then separation becomes a mere droll.
In the darkness of the night, Hafiz, stroll,
Let the bright light of the morn become your goal

13-11-2006, 08:58
O pious of the heart, I am lost in a love, so great
O pain the hidden secrets will become open debate.
Shipwrecked we just float, O favorable wind arise,
May we one more time gaze upon that familiar trait.
Passage of time and the stars, are but what we fantasize
For compassion and kindness, it is never too late.
In the circle of wine and roses, nightingale’s song is prize
With the aroma and the wine your senses satiate.
O Thou compassionate one, life giver and the wise
One day bestow thy grace upon this mendicant’s state.
For peace of this world and the next, understand what I advise
Magnanimity the lot of friends, and with foes try to relate.
In the land of repute, our passage they will dispute
If this will not suit, don’t stay mute, and transmute dictates of fate.
When destitute and in need, let your love and passion breed
Life’s alchemy, essence and seed, unimagined wealth shall create.
If unruly with pride, with a candle’s zeal your flame will rise
Beloved turns stone to lava, and molten wax manipulate.
The Grail contains but wine, if only you realize
Then the Kingdom of the world, at your feet prostrate.
The good and wise Magi, forgivers of lives and lies
Bearer bring good news, drunkards’ wine consecrate.
With this wine stained robe, Hafiz would never disguise
O untainted pure Master, exempt us from this fate.

13-11-2006, 09:00
Kindly tell the tender deer, O morning breeze
I am wandering your desert and the wild countries.
Long live the sugar merchant, but why
Is he unkind to sweet lovers, the honey-bees?
Tender rose, pride in your goodness forbids
To ask the manic nightingale of his fantasies.
Only with gentle compassion can you trap the wise.
The wise bird from any snare simply flees.
I know not why there is no familiarity
With the tall, black eye, bright faced beauties.
When in company of friends, glass of wine in hand
Remember old companions who travel upon the breeze.
The only criticism that I can have of you;
For kindness, the beauties charge extortionate fees.
No wonder if in the heavens, as claims Hafiz;
Venus’ song brings Christ to dancing sprees.

24-11-2006, 22:22
I said, when will your lips mine satisfy?
You said, with your wishes I’ll comply.
I said, your lips demand a price so high,
You said, your profits will multiply.
I said, who found you while only on himself rely?
You said, there are very few who even try.
I said, leave the idols, choose the one that won’t die;
You said, for lovers, love to all will apply.
I said, the tavern drowns my every sigh;
You said, happy is the one who makes sorrows fly.
I said, in my creed, the way of wine must defy;
You said, this is the way of the creed of the old Magi.
I said, what use the wine, for one as old as I?
You said, it wets your spring of youth, which has gone dry.
I said, when will the master beside his bride lie?
You said, when the conjunction of moon and Jupiter is nigh.
I said, your praise is Hafiz’s ceaseless cry,
You said, this is the song of the angels in the sky.

24-11-2006, 22:23
On the pulpit, preachers, goodness display
Yet in private, they have a different way.
I have a question to ask of the learned in our midst
Why Confession-Priests, their own repentance delay.
Perhaps they don't believe in Judgement Day
They deceive, and to appease God, they pray.
May these New Masters, God, find their stay
And from slaves and mules not turn away.
Church-beggar, go to the abode of the Magi
Drink the water that strength of heart convey.
His endless goodness, many lovers slay
Lovers from the void, rise up and play.
In Love's Tavern, the Angelic array,
Ferment our soul's grape, knead our clay.
Heavenly music at break of the day
As if Angels sing Hafiz's songs, and sway.

24-11-2006, 22:26
For years, to the red wine, my heart was bound
The Tavern became alive with my prayer and my sound.
See the Old Magi's goodness, with us, the drunks,
Saw whatever we did, in everyone beauty had found.
Wash away all our knowledge with red wine,
Firmaments, themselves, the knowing minds hound.
Seek that from idols, O knowing heart,
Said the one whose insights, his knowledge crowned.
My heart, like a compass, goes round and round,
I'm lost in that circle, with foot firmly on the ground.
Minstrel did what he did from pain of Love,
Lashes of wise-of-the-world in their bloody tears have drowned.
With joy my heart bloomed, like that flower by the stream
Under the shade of that tall spruce, myself, I found.
My colorful wise Master, in my dealings with the black robes,
My meanness checked and bound, else my stories would astound.
Hafiz's cloudy heart in this trade was not spent,
This merchant saw and heard every hidden sight and sound.

24-11-2006, 22:27
Happy days were when your hand was by my side,
Signs of your love, my features beautified.
Happy days were when your words crucified,
Then my soul resurrected, upward glide.
Happy days were when the wine, we glorified,
God was with me while by my side was my bride.
Happy days were when your candle was my guide,
And my heart, like a moth, yoشur flames would ride.
Happy days were when amidst knowledge and pride
The drunken laughter was dignified.
Happy days were when we drank from the cup in our stride,
And told tales of the things that we tried.
Happy days were when Beloved would decide,
On the sun and moon, in service, relied.
Happy days in the tavern I would abide
Saw the things that from the temple would hide.
Happy days were when your signal verified;
Made the crooked straight, Hafiz, narrow, wide

24-11-2006, 22:30
As long as wine and tavern are around,
Before the Master, I bow to the ground.
To the old Master, eternally I am bound,
Have always been, will always be, on this merry-go-round.
When you pass by my tomb, ask for grace,
It’s a shrine where the drunkards abound.
The self-serving pious can’t see this
That is veiled and with eyes can’t be found.
My lovely beloved left our midst on this day,
My tears ceaselessly flow, ceaselessly my chest I pound.
And when I go to sleep in my grave,
Until awakening, my concerns soul will hound.
Hafiz please help, or else fate will astound,
Beloved’s locks around arms of others may be wound.

25-11-2006, 06:08
Those who are tired may seek your aid
It is unfair if your aid is stayed.
You never mistreated us. It’s not your way.
Any such mischief, you would degrade.
Unfortunate the eyes that can’t shed tears of love,
Unhappy the hearts that candle of love barricade.
With the auspicious fly towards the light,
Leave behind bats and birds who seek the shade.
Wonder not if I sought help in the tavern,
My Master said in the temple they trade.
Without virtue, worship is idolatry,
Goodness won’t come, when virtue delayed.
Hafiz, through virtue and wisdom wade,
Else hold your tongue and remain afraid.

25-11-2006, 06:08
Till you grant my wish, I won't give up my demand
I will reach the Soul of Souls, or be buried in this land.
When I am dead and buried, open my grave and see
Smoke rising from my corps, by my inner fire fanned.
Show Thy face to the people, awe-struck and radiant
Man and woman will cry out, at Thy smallest command.
I am tired of this life, jealousy eats away my heart
Without a kiss from your lips, I end my worldly errand.
In search of those sweet lips, I have spent my whole life
Desires of the deprived, those lips will reprimand.
In the circles of the Lovers, his goodness they understand,
With reverence, Hafiz's name, they pass from hand to hand.

25-11-2006, 06:09
When the golden orb ascends from the east of the cup
A thousand tulips upon the beloved's cheeks open up
The morning breeze breaks upon the head of the bouquet
The bouquet of the bouquet will flow amidst the grass and crop.
The story of the night of separation is not that story
Of which a small account many, many books would fill up.
This poor and impoverished house of Fate can't satiate
Cry out a hundred sorrows and upon a morsel sup.
With brain and brawn cannot search for the essence
A mere fantasy, this endeavor too will flop.
If like Noah, you can patiently await the end of storm
The tides of fortune turn, and your life-long desires prop.
If the breeze of Your hair at Hafiz's tomb makes a stop
A hundred thousand tulips will adorn his grave-top.

27-11-2006, 09:04
One more breath, my fate is at stake
Alas, my good fortune does not wake.
Morning breeze blew Her dust in my eye
I cannot see from the tears and the ache.
I cannot embrace and hug your body, why?
My most ardent wishes I must break.
Only with the Beloved, I can be & can try
No other labor can I undertake.
Only from your hair some good news I can pry
Else, from strangers, there's no news I can take.
Ardently, sincerely, a thousand prayers I let fly
What use, not even one in my world I can make.
Enough sharing my heart with the morning breeze's sigh
With my luck tonight, not even the dawn will break.
I spend my whole life in pursuit till I die
Yet misfortunes of your hair I cannot shake.
Hafiz & his heart, everyone must forsake
Has hidden himself within your wave & wake.

27-11-2006, 09:05
Good news, spring is neigh and grass is green
Leave the trees and treat flowers like a queen.
Birds whistle, singing where is loon of the wine?
The nightingale cries, who painted this flowery scene?
Fruits of Paradise are tasteless for the one
Whom the face of a lover has never seen.
Complain not of the hardships on the path
Comfort comes from enduring the obscene.
Pick a flower from the face of the bearer
Violets encircle the face of the grassy green.
The bearer has stolen my heart in a way
That even conversations I now demean.
I will burn my colorful flowery robe, which
The Tavern Master with wine could not clean.
O Fair one, spring is gone, take note I mean
This wine, Hafiz, has not had a chance to glean.

27-11-2006, 09:07
Spring winds the March rain clouds feed
Excuse for drinking wine, playing the reed.
Lovers are in full glory, poor me ashamed
Burdened with indigent love, yet I accede.
Shortage of generosity, yet I keep my integrity
Pay with my gown for the wine that I need.
Please say you open up the knot that is in my affairs
Last night till time of dawn, I prayed and plead.
The smiling flower, with a thousand laughs bloomed
As though grace itself had blessed its very seed.
If I rend my shirt in my madness, so what?
Even our good name demands that we be freed.
Who speaks these tales that I tell from your lips?
Who sees your beauty's deceit and misdeed?
If the King seeks not to know of lover's state
Take heed lovers and give up your rest and greed.
Cupid's arrow, Hafiz's heart tore and cleaved
I see his verses, with their wet ink, bleed.

02-12-2006, 20:34
In the morning breeze, your scent, whoever inhaled
A close friend these familiar words, in his ear hailed;
O King of Goodness, glance at this beggar’s state
Of beggars and kings this ear heard many tales, quite detailed.
With this aromatic wine, I satisfy my soul’s appetite
I’ve seen robe wearing priests that many deceptions trailed.
God’s secrets that the godly man silently kept
How in the world the wine-seller so clearly unveiled?
O God where is the one who knows and sees
To open up the secrets that in my heart are jailed.
It was not fair to punish my godly heart
With abuse, my heart bitterly cried and wailed.
If I was deprived in my longing, say naught
Kindness of fate from this hardship, none bailed.
Come bring me wine, my love cries out loud
Heard it from ourselves, whoever our tale detailed.
This is not the first time we covertly drink the wine
Master of the tavern caught us in the act each time we exhaled.
This is not a first for drinking to the song of the harp
Many turns the Wheel of Fate this familiar turn scaled.
Advice of the wise comes from a deep goodness within
Beside the one who understood, even heavenly bliss paled.
Hafiz in duty the ocean of prayer sailed
Regardless of if his prayer was granted or failed.

02-12-2006, 20:36
If you drink wine, let a drop or two spill
A sin that helps another, courageously fulfill.
Worry not, drink to the music of the harp
Fate worries not when it is time to kill.
It is for your sake, my darling beloved
That on my last day I take the bitter pill.
Whether heading for heaven or hell, angel or man,
Self-denial, in any creed, is ill.
Designer of the world designed our path
With no way out of the grave, save being still.
Daughter of the vine makes the mind creative, divine
May the vine forever adorn every hill and rill.
Towards the tavern, Hafiz went forth with thrill
Prayers of the godly heart, may your heart fill.

04-12-2006, 05:11
Friends, unlock the locks of the Beloved’s head
On this joyous night, let the story spread.
In familiar solitude friends have tread
Close the door after a prayer is read.
Violin and harp loudly sang and said
Listen and let your sense by the Knower be led.
I swear all sadness will have fled
Once you trust in God to give your daily bread.
The lover and beloved differ as white and red
Need your hunger, when beloved wants to be fed.
The first words of the wine-master simply said
The unworthy companion strongly dread.
Whoever in this world with love is not wed
Hold his funeral as another living dead.
And if Hafiz for alms towards you has sped
Redirect him towards the Beloved’s bed.

04-12-2006, 05:13
O bird of Paradise, your secrets disclose
Cease not the sweetness your tongue outward throws.
May you remain vital, your heart content
From the Great Artisan, the beauty you chose.
You spoke in riddles with all thy foes
Unveiling of the secrets, God only knows.
From the rosy cup splash and bring me scent
We only went to sleep when fate arose.
How the minstrel played this playful tune
Drunk and sober dance on feet and toes.
From intoxication, who is immune?
Both friend and foe lost their repose.
No water in sight for Alexander’s thirst
Neither power nor gold, can impose.
Listen to the pain of the heart at first
Few words that much meaning enclose.
Clay idols, the heart and soul oppose
To all idols my heart and soul may God close.
To the drunken say not secrets of the wine
Nor to lifeless the tale of soul disclose.
By the royal decree wrote line after line
To such poetic heights Hafiz ever rose;
It is not ours but God’s will that goes
May God keep him from all harmful blows.