نسخه کامل مشاهده نسخه کامل : Idioms, Proverbs, Expressions & Slang terms

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13-04-2006, 12:44
The most frequently-used idioms, expressions & slang terms are introduced here.

17-04-2006, 23:29
not Hold Water:
بي معني بودن. غير منطقي بودن. به عقل جور در نيامدن

The Kiss Of Death:
فاتحه چيزي را خواندن

Get The Hang Of Something:
قلق چيزي را به دست آوردن. راه كاري را ياد گرفتن

Raise A Stink:
الم شنگه به پا كردن. قشقرق راه انداختن

Get Off Someone's Back:
دست از سر كسي برداشتن

Be Greek To One:
قابل درك نبودن. سر در نياوردن

Dressed To The Teeth:
با سليقه لباس پوشيدن

Not Have A Leg To Stand On:
حتي يك دليل خوب براي ادعا نداشتن

Out On A Limb:
در موقعيت خطرناك قرار داشتن

Up One's Sleeve:
آماده داشتن. زير سر داشتن

Fork Over:
سلفيدن. رد كردن (پول)

Eat One's Heart Out:
حسودي كردن. دل كسي سوختن. غصه خوردن

Give Someone A Buzz:
به كسي زنگ زدن. تلفن زدن

The Salt On The Earth:
آدم هاي نازنين. آدمهاي بي نظير

17-04-2006, 23:49
not Hold Water:
بي معني بودن. غير منطقي بودن. به عقل جور در نيامدن

The Kiss Of Death:
فاتحه چيزي را خواندن

Get The Hang Of Something:
قلق چيزي را به دست آوردن. راه كاري را ياد گرفتن

Raise A Stink:
الم شنگه به پا كردن. قشقرق راه انداختن

Get Off Someone's Back:
دست از سر كسي برداشتن

Be Greek To One:
قابل درك نبودن. سر در نياوردن

Dressed To The Teeth:
با سليقه لباس پوشيدن

Not Have A Leg To Stand On:
حتي يك دليل خوب براي ادعا نداشتن

Out On A Limb:
در موقعيت خطرناك قرار داشتن

Up One's Sleeve:
آماده داشتن. زير سر داشتن

Fork Over:
سلفيدن. رد كردن (پول)

Eat One's Heart Out:
حسودي كردن. دل كسي سوختن. غصه خوردن

Give Someone A Buzz:
به كسي زنگ زدن. تلفن زدن

The Salt On The Earth:
آدم هاي نازنين. آدمهاي بي نظير

Dear Dianella, Thanks a lot for your cooperation. It would be really nice of you if you could possibly add at least one sentence to each idiom to contextualize them so that your freinds know how to use them. ;)


Reza :)

18-04-2006, 07:33
If you use Narcis Dictionary 5,then you will see a lot of slangs every day in start up . This is from it:
shake a leg
عجله كردن، جنبيدن
It's getting late. Come on, shake a leg!

19-04-2006, 01:43
Dear Dianella, Thanks a lot for your cooperation. It would be really nice of you if you could possibly add at least one sentence to each idiom to contextualize them so that your freinds know how to use them. ;)


Reza :)

Hi :)
you're right
I should have put some examples too.
alright...here are some more expressions ;)

همدرد بودن
I am broke, can you lend me a couple of bucks?
sorry I am at the same boat.

مجبور كردن. تحت فشار قرار دادن
daddy won't buy me the car unless I twist his arm

به عقيده شخص
in my book, you are the most generous person in the world!

از منبع موثق. از دهان خود شخص شنيدن. دست اول
I have heard straight from the horses mouth that he is gonna be the next president of the company

به كسي پريدن. از كسي به شدت عصباني شدن
why do you jump down my throat before you listen to what I have to say?

سر در گم. هاج و واج. حيران و سرگردان
henry was all at six and sevens since he lost his job.

19-04-2006, 08:33
kewl, finally some 1s started a good thread. here's one 4 yall

think about world of some1

دوست داشتن کسی

keep it up dooodz

21-04-2006, 00:48
برو پي كارت! بزن به چاك!
stop bothering me! go fly a kite!

لاف زدن. منم منم كردن. از خود تعريف كردن
Richard's always tooting his own horn. All he does is to talk about how good he is.

استقامت به خرج دادن. تاب آوردن. با اوضاع ساختن
I know things are pretty tough me. If you hang in there things will come out ok.

نامردي كردن. نارو زدن
iI'll never do any business with Peter again. He really hits below the belt

رازي از دهان كسي پريدن. پته كسي را روي آب انداختن
Nobody was supposed to tell him about the surprise party, but my sister let the cat out of the bag.

از چيزي كيف كردن. از چيزي حظ كردن
I always get a kick out of his jokes.

سلفيدن. اخ كردن
Come on man! Cough up the money you owe me!

با پر حرفي سر كسي را بردن
My grandmother talks my ear off whenever I see her.

حسابي رو به راه بودن. قبراق بودن
How's business Ted?
It's going great guns!

دست و پا چلفتي. ناشي
Let me do the dishes myself, you're all thumbs

21-04-2006, 15:19
دست كسي را خواندن. از نيت كسي آگاه بودن
joe has been so friendly to me recently. but i have his number. He just needs my money.

دست و پا چلفتي. بي ملاحظه. بي فكر. بي احتياط
Each time you enter the room, you knock something down. You are really like a bull in a china shop!

ديگه كار از كار گذشته. ديگه نميشه كاريش كرد. آب ريخته را نميشه جمع كرد
The fat's in the fire! There's 10 thousend $ missing from office safe.

راه افتادن. عازم سفر شدن
it's getting really late. Let's hit the road

از ترس زهره ترك شدن. از ترس قالب تهي كردن
You really scared me. I nearly jumped out of my skin!

ترغيب. تشويق
All he needs is a kick in the pants to get him going.

مايه دردسر. مايه عذاب. بلاي جان
There's something wrong with my car almost everyday. It's really become a pain in the neck!

پيش دستي كردن. روي دست كسي بلند شدن
No one has ever been able to get the jump on Margie in swimming.

غير رسمي. محرمانه
The mayor emphasized that what he had said was off the record

از كاه كوه ساختن. چيزي را گنده كردن
Don't let such a trivial thing bother you so much. You're just making a mountain out of a molehill.

22-04-2006, 12:33
you are not in the picture -1
تو باغ نیستی
worm book-2
خر خوان ( با عرض پوزش )
a kick on the back -3
he was discharged with a kick in the pants.
till I come again

22-04-2006, 14:55
تو هچل افتادن. توي دردسر افتادن
I really get into hot water whenever I play hooky.

هر كي هر كي. ظالم بي رحم
It's pretty though to survive in this dog-eat-dog world.

يك مرتبه عادتي را كنار گذاشتن. بي مقدمه اعتياد را ترك كردن
The doctor believes in that if he opium addict had gone cold turkey, he might have not survived

راز شرم آور. نقطه ضعف
my father was once behind bars. That's our family's skeleton in the closet.

پول رو رو سنگ بذاري سنگ آب ميشه! پول حلال مشكلاته!‌پول حرف اول رو مي زنه!
ِDon't worry. I have a way of getting things done. Money talks!

مواظب رفتار و زبان خود بودن. مودب بودن
you must mind your p's and q's at the reception tonight

از شدت خوشحالي يا عصبانيت ديوانه شدن
The children will go bananas when you tell them that trip is cancelled.

24-04-2006, 23:41
سريع افت كردن. مثل برق پايين آمدن. شديدا تنزل كردن
oill prices are doing to a nosedive.

به وقت ديگري موكول كردن
I'm pretty busy on Friday, could I take a rain check on your invitation?

از مجازات فرار كردن
After robbing the bank, the robbers spent off in a waiting car and got away clean.

سر بزنگاه كسي را دستگير كردن. مچ كسي را گرفتن
The hoodlums were tempering with the public phone when the police arrived and caught them red-handed.

به جون خودم قسم مي خورم!
I didn't break the glass. cross my heart!

كلاه سر كسي رفتن. به حق خود نرسيدن
martin's very unhapppy because he got the short end of the stick again.

صغري كبري چيدنو طفره رفتن. حاشيه رفتن
Stop beating about the bush! Answer my question frankly!

26-04-2006, 22:49
پی کسی افتادنTo follow someone .
او وراج است he is glib
فرق سر را باز کردن To part the hair
تیشه به ریشه خود زدن To lay axe to ones own root
خوب از جلوش در امدم I gave it to him hot
هرچی تلافی داره گله ندار Tit for tat
با باد وفیس وارد شد She arrived in pomp and pride

29-04-2006, 00:04
تو خال زدن. به هدف زدن. درست حدس زدن
I guess we need a lot of money to carry out the plan.
You're absolutely right. You've hit the nail right on the head!

پا روي دم سگ نگذاشتن. دنبال دردسر نگشتن. پا روي دم كسي نگذاشتن
Don't raise the issue again. It's almost forgotten. Let sleeping dogs lie.

آدم بخيل. ادم تنگ نظر
Kathryn never gives away anything she herself has no use for. She is such a dog in the manger

ساخت و پاخت كردن. زد و بند كردن. گاوبندي كردن
You can't do any business in this town if you don't wheel and deal.

دوز و كلك. حقه بازي. مسخره بازي
Stop the monkey business. This is serious.

به هدر رفتن. بر باد رفتن. نقش برآب شدن
All the money I invested in that damned business went down the drain.

از دنده چپ بلند شدن. عبوس بودن
Why are you so grouchy today? Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed?

01-05-2006, 17:14
زودتر از وقت شروع كردن. قبل از موعد مقرر كاري را انجام دادن. عجله كردن
They were scheduled to be married in June, but they jumped the gun.

كولاك كردن. معركه كردن. غوغا كردن
She made quite a splash in literary with her first book

بي قرار شدن. دلشوره گرفتن
I always get ants in my pants before a lecture.

نهايت سعي خود را كردن
-Do you think you can fix the washing machine?
-I'm not sure, but I'll give it my best shot.

زياد معطل شدن. زياد منتظر شدن
We arrived on time, but the lawyer let us cool our heels outside of his office for hours.

با فلاكت زندگي كردن. زندگي رقت بار داشتن. زندگي سگي داشتن
I gotta get rich realsoon. I'm quite tired of leading a dog's life.

03-05-2006, 03:56
شناسنامه كسي باطل شدن. مردن. كشته شدن
The poor man got his ticket punched while he was crossin the street!

سليقه ها مختلفه. هر كسي به چيزي علاقه داره
My husband likes watchin T.V. , but I like reading books. well, different strokes for different folks.

دير جنبيدن. فرصت را از دست دادن
There were still some tickets available last week. You could have bought one, but you missed the boat.

اخراج شدن. از كار بر كنار شدن
I got the ax two months ago. I have been able to find a new job yet.

از كسي طرفداري كردن. از كسي جانبداري كردن
I expect you to go to bat for me whenever you hear anyone gossip about me.

خراب شدن چيزي. دچار دردسر شدن
She got a real lemon by her new car!

نديده خريدن. چشم بسته خريدن
I won't buy your car without checking it. I can't buy a pig in a poke.

04-05-2006, 00:34
بي ربط بودن. يك موضوع ديگر. يك چيز ديگر
I was talking about trees, not bushes. Bushes are a horse of different color

رطب خورده منع رطب كي كند؟
She always criticized her friends for driving too fast but she herself used to did it. At last I told her: "Poeple who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"

غزل خداحافظي را خواندن. مردن
I hope I won't kick the bucket befor my grandchild is born!

اعانه جمع كردن. پول جمع كردن
No matter how hard he tries, he won't be able to pay his debts. I guess we'll have to pass the hat for him.

عجب حلال زاده اي!‌انگار كه موشو آتيش زدن!
Talk of the devil! We just mentioned your name before you stepped in!

كار دنيا وارونه شده. كارها برعكس شده!
nowadays, children control parents. It's a case of the taol wagging the dog!

كاملا با محيط نا آشنا بودن. در محيط نا مانوس بودن
for the first few days in newyork, I was like a fish out of water.

04-05-2006, 14:30
به گند كشيده شدن. به مخروبه تبديل شدن
Our neighborhood has really gone to the dogs since a bunch of drug addicts moved in.

به بازي گرفتن كسي. گول زدن كسي
By seeing him with another woman, She was realized that he was stringing her along

سبك سنگين كردن. اوضاع را سنجيدن. اوضاع را محك زدن
We have to test the waters before we make a final decision

هواي كسي را داشتن
If you lend me the money I need, I'll help you paint your house. You scratch my back and I scratch yours!

موفقيت ارزش تلاش را دارد
Assuming your efforts, I'm sure you'll find a good job. As they say: "All's well that ends well."

06-05-2006, 00:29
جدي صحبت كردن. رك و پوست كنده حرف شدن
Let's stop joking around. We've got to sit down and talk turkey

سبيل كسي را چرب كردن
He would have signed the contract if I'd greased his palm.

حواس خود را جمع كردن
You gotta keep your eye on the ball or you'll lose your job

مشكوك بودن. مظنون بودن
I smelled a rat as soon as I saw a strange man walking on our farm

از كسي دلخور بودن. از كسي گله داشتن. با كسي خرده حساب داشتن
Betty, I've got a bone to pick with you. Why didn't you come and see me yesterday? I waited for you for hours.

خود را سپر بلا كردن. خود را به خطر انداختن. ريسك كردن
Why should I stick my neck out to help him? What's he ever done for me?

ديگه بازي تموم شد
Freeze! Stick'em up! The party is over!

مثل كف دست
I know the city like the back of my hand.

خوش گذران بودن. خوش بودن. جشن گرفتن
I like to go to their party and really kick up my heels.

لو دادن. راپرت دادن. رسوا كردن
The gangs in our neighborhood have become intolerable. It's definitly time we blow the whistle on them.

از جان مايه گذاشتن. نهايت سعي خود را كردن
Mom and dad bend over backwards to please us.

06-05-2006, 23:11
دنيا به كام كسي بودن
With the new car Daddy's bought me, I have the world by the tail!

كوك كوك. شنگول
-How are you doing pal?
-I feel like a million bucks!

دود چراغ خوردن. تا پاسي از شب درس خواندن
I gotta go home and burn the midnight oil tonight. I have to take a big test tomorrow.

روي شاخ بودن. صد در صد
I've got the election in the bag. Everyone's gonna vote for me.

دست به كار شدن. شروع كردن
Move it guys! If you wanna get the job before dark, you gotta get the ball rolling now.

سرخر بودن. موي دماغ بودن. مزاحم بودن.
I guess you two wanna be left alone; I'm not gonna play gooseberry.

مته به خشخاش گذاشتن. مو را از ماست كشيدن
Let's stop splitting hairs. We should look at the problem as a whole.

07-05-2006, 22:57
براي كسي آرزوي موفقيت كردن
I'm gonna take a big test tomorrow.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

سرشاخ شدن درگير شدن. بحث و جدل كردن
Whenever they see each other, they got along for the first few hours, but they finally end up crossing swords.

چسبيدن. جون دادن
It is so hot in here. A cool drink really hit the spot.

جا زدن. تو زدن. دچار دودلي شدن
I usually get cold feet when I have to speak in public.

بزنم به تخته! بزن به تخته!
The children haven't had a cold so far this winter, knock on wood!

گوي و ميدان دست كسي بودن. نوبت كسي بودن
I did all I could. NOw, the ball is in your court.

09-05-2006, 02:02
بزن قدش!
Hey man! Gimme five!

آشتي كردن. دشمني و كينه را كنار گذاشتن. با هم كنار آمدن
You'd better bury the hatchet before things get worse between you two.

ارزش قايل نشدن. به شخصي بها ندادن
He couldn't prove his invention because everybody used to sell him short.

گرفته بودن صداي كسي. صدا از گلوي كسي درنيامدن
Excuse me, I can't talk clearly. I have a frog in my throat.

آس و پاس شدن. دار و ندار خود را باختن
I almost lost my shirt on that damn business

راز داري كردن. بروز ندادن
I wanna tell you a secret, but you gotta promise to keep it under your hat.

خربزه خوردن و پاي لرز نشستن
I told you not to spend all your money, but you did, and now you're going to have the face the music.

ذله كردن. به ستوه آوردن. كلافه كردن
I went home to get some rest, but the kids kept getting in my hair.

در بهترين شرايط قرار داشتن
He won the lottery and now he is really sitting pretty.

يك تخته كم داشتن. بالاخانه خود را اجاره دادن. عقل كسي پاره سنگ برداشتن
He never talks sense. He seems to have a screw loose!

دست از سر كسي برداشتن. كسي را ول كردن.
Come on1 get off my case! stop nagging me.

هر طور شده. در هر شرايطي
I'll always go see Dad on fridays, rain or shine.

طبق مقررات يا قانون
If the boss had gone by the book, he would have fired some of the workers who were on strike.

به چيزهاي شيرين علاقه داشتن
Dady eats sweets and chocolates everyday. He has a sweet tooth.

از جا در رفتن. از كوره در رفتن
Every time we talk about money, my father flies off the handle.

11-05-2006, 00:11
مفت. ارزان
My house is very expensive, but I bought it for a song two years ago.

نقش زمين شدن. به هلاكت رسيدن. شكست خوردن
A bullet hit the burgler in the back, and he bit the dust.

پا به پاي هم. دوش به دوش
They were coming toward the finish line neck and neck.

كاسه و كوزه. همه چيز
What Robert said at the meeting ruined the whole ball of wax.

دمق بودن. دل و دماغ نداشتن. حال كسي گرفته بودن.
I don't feel like going to work today. I feel under the weather.

13-05-2006, 14:25
مايه ي سر افرازي. مايه ي افتخار
His last book was another feather in his cap.

پاي حرف خود ايستادن. از حق خود دفاع كردن.
Many peaple tried to change his mind, but he stuck to his guns.

معذب بودن
People tell me what has been eating you maybe we can work your problem out together.

سرو مرو گنده، سالم و سرحال، چاق و چله
-Lynne, how is your uncle?
-He is alive and kicking!

به اشد مجازات محكوم كردن. شديدا مواخذه و تنبيه كردن
You've stolen a car and struck a cop. I'm gonna throw thw book at you.

13-05-2006, 20:37
لفت دادن. فس فس كردن. اين پا و آن پا كردن
If you keep draging your feet, you'll miss the train.

سمبل كردن. از سر و ته كاري زدن. از كار دزديدن
Most contractors are always finding ways to cut


روي سگ كسي را بالا آوردن. كفر كسي را بالا آوردن
The way you treat me in front of other people get my


مستقيم رفتن. راسته ي دماغتو بگير برو جلو!
Excuse me, where is the nearest gas station?
just follow your nose!

راكد گذاشتن. عقب انداختن. در آب نمك خوابانيدن
I have two pieces of land. One I sell and the other I keep on ice for a rainy day.

هم خدا و هم خرما را خواستن
George wants a regular income but doesn't want to work. He can't have his cake and eat it too!

جوش نزن. عجله نكن. يه دقيقه صبر كن.
keep your shirt on! You're next in line.

14-05-2006, 21:45
جوش آوردن. دو آتيشه عصباني بودن. داغ كردن
Daddy was hot under the collar when we told him his car had been stolen.

پارتي بازي كردن. اعمال نفوذ كردن
Is it possible to get anything done around here without pulling strings?

اصل قضيه كجاست؟ از مايه چه خبر؟
Your proposal seems to be really appealing, but where is the beef?

فورا بلافاصله بدون معطلي
The police nabbed the burglers and locked them in jail right off the bat.

سني از كسي گذشتن. ديگر جوان نبودن
I am not as agile as I used to be. I am no spring chicken.

شوخي. بي منظور. كنايه آميز
Even though Mary's reamrks about her sister were strictly tongue-in-cheek, she was offended.

نسنجيده حرف زدن
I really put my foot in it by telling my brother's secret at the party last night.

15-05-2006, 22:40
كلافه كردن. عاجز كردن. ذله كردن
Cut the noise kids. You're driving me up the wall!

تو زدن. جا زدن
Jane was going to go to mountain climbing with us, but she chickened out at the last minute.

اختلاط كردن. گپ زدن
We sat around at home, shooting the breeze for hours.

چاكر. مخلص. بنده
If you leave everything to yours truly, there won't be any problem.

الم شنگه به را ه انداختن. جار و جنجال به پا كردن. قشقرق راه انداختن
-Hey look! There is a fly in my tea. I'm gonna tear the restaurant down!
-Come on, Don't make a scene. Just forget about it.

از اين طرف و آن طرف شنيدن. از اين و از آن شنيدن
-How do you know Mr. Smith is resigning?
-I heard it over the grapevine.

16-05-2006, 13:52
جان كسي به لب رسيدن. كارد به استخوان كسي رسيدن
Tell the kids to stop fighting. I am at the end of one's rope.

ببخشيد بددهني مي كنم. با عرض معذرت
He is really a bastard, If you'll pardon my french.

دلگرمي. محرك. مشوق
The good test gradewas a shot in the arm for John.

سر رشته داشتن. فوت و فن كاري را دانستن. كاركشته بودن
Let Granny do the job, she knows the ropes.

چرت و پرت نگو. چرند نگو. مزخرف نگو
Cut the crap! Talk straight or buzz off!

از جان مايه گذاشتن
For passing all the exams successfully, his parents bent over backwards to help him.

طاقت آوردن. تحمل كردن. دندان روي جگر گذاشتن
I hate my present job. I gotta bite the bullet for a while until I find a new job.

جلو زبان خود را گرفتن. مواظب زبان خود بودن.
hold your tonque, Steve! You can't talk to your sister that way.

16-05-2006, 23:58
دست نگه دار. تند نرو. عجله نكن
Hey! don't get so mad! Hold your horses and let us explain.

با يك دست چند هندوانه برداشتن. خود را گرفتار كارهاي مختلف كردن
Things must be done one at a time. You shouldn't spread yourself too thin.

پا را از گليم خود درازتر كردن. از حد خود تجاوز كردن
You're too big for your bitches, young man! You'd better be more respectful.

بدون قيد و شرط. بدون تعهد
You don't need to worry about it. You can use my car with no strings attached.

تقصير را گردن ديگران انداختن. مسئوليت را متوجه ديگران ساختن.
No one will take the blame for the mistake. They keep passing the buck.

جيم شدن. فرار كردن
The street was really full of people that the thief managed to give them the slip.

شخصا با مشكلات روبرو شدن. مستقيما وارد عمل شدن
You can't expect a miracle. You're going to take the bull by the horns and settle the matter once and for all.

17-05-2006, 14:23
چشم غره رفتن
Why are you looking draggers at me? Have I done anything wrong?

حال كسي را گرفتن. دلسرد كردن
You really turn me off when you talk with your mouth full.

مرد زن ذليل. شوهر تو سري خور
I respect my wife's views, but I'm not a hen-pecked husband.

جان كندن. پدر خود را در آوردن. سخت كاركردن
I work my fingers to the bone to support my children, but they don't appreciate it.

بدون رو در بايستي گفتن. رك و پوست كنده گفتن. بي پرده حرف زدن
Grandfather hates fancy words; He always calls a spade a spade.

دخل و خرج را جور كردن
Things are so expensive nowadays that it's very difficult to make ends meet.

تا تنور داغ است نان را چسبانيدن. از فرصت استفاده كردن
The boss is in a good mood today. Go and talk to hin about your salary increase now. You've got to strike while the iron is hot.

18-05-2006, 00:09
توي رختخواب پريدن. خوابيدن
Okay guys, we have to get up early. I guess it's about time to hit the hey!

چه خبرا؟ تازه چه خبر؟
-What's cooking, Pat?
-Well, nothing much.

خيط شدن. گند شدن. خراب كردن
I hope I won't lay an egg when it's my turn to sing!

بيهوده دور خود چرخيدن. از زير كار در رفتن. ورجه وورجه كردن. بازيگوشي كردن
Stop horsing around and get to work.

مفت گران بودن. به درد نخور. بي فايده
Let's get out of here! what he's saying is for the birds!

از تعجب شاخ در آوردن
I dropped my teeth when I heard the news.

اسم خود را عوض كردن
You're not studing hard enough. I'll eat the hat if you pass the exam.

كسي را به بازي گرفتن. كسي را سر كار گذاشتن
Bob deosn't wanna marry your sister. He's just stringing her along.

از خنده روده بر شدن. ريسه رفتن
The play had us in stitches for hours.

كم محلي كردن. محل سگ هم به كسي نگذاشتن. توي دردسر افتادن
Because I forgot my wife's birthday, I have been in the doghouse for the pa

18-05-2006, 12:06
دل كسي را بهم زدن. حال كسي را بهم زدن
The party was so bad that it turned my stomach.

كسي را از توي هچل درآوردن. به داد كسي رسيدن. از هچل درآمدن
It's his own fault for getting himself into this situation, but we'll have to think of a way to get him off the hook.

صاف و پوست كنده. رك و راست. بي شك و ترديد
Linda made no bones about telling John how much she hated him.

به نظر كسي آشنا آمدن. به ذهن كسي آمدن
I have never met him, but his name rings abell.

فريب دادن. گول زدن. فريفتن
Trust people around you, but don't let anyone feed you a line.

باد كردن. خود را گرفتن
Our friend hasn't been paying much attention to anyone recently. He seems to bee on his high horse again.

خونسرد رفتار كردن. عادي رفتار كردن. آرام بودن
The cops won't suspect anything if yoou play it cool.

رو راست بودن. صادق بودن
Come on, lay your cards on the table. Tell me what you really think.

قرض بالا آوردن. زير بار قرض بودن. بدهكار بودن
I am five thousand bucks in the hole. I don't know what to do.

19-05-2006, 01:14
در جريان گذاشتن
Make sure to keep the doctor posted about the patiant's condition.

از خوشحالي پر درآوردن. از خوشحالي روي ابرها راه رفتن.
Bob was walking on air on his graduation day.

آب در هاون كوبيدن. كار بيهوده كردن
Doing business in this town is definitly a wild goose chase.

بي موقع از كسب و كار حرف زدن. از مسايل شغلي حرف زدن.
Okay guys, Let's stop talking shop and enjoy ourselves.

چاخان پاخان. خالي بندي :laughing: :biggrin:
Who the hell do you expect to believe your cock and bull story?

پرت گفتن. صد تا يه غاز حرف زدن. جفنگ گفتن. ليچار گفتن
Don't listen to him. He's just talking through his hat.

نفسهاي آخر را كشيدن. به روغن سوزي افتادن
My car is on its last legs. I have to get ride of it as soon as I can.

دردسر درست كردن. مشكل به وجود آوردن. شر به پا كردن.
Dick deosn't get along well with others at work. He's always trying to make waves.

درست جلوي چشمان شخص
The witness told the court that the murder had been committed under his very nose.

20-05-2006, 22:20
رشوه. زير ميزي
I had to pay one grand under the table to have the contract signed.

وراج. دهن لق. زبان دراز
Don't tell him any secrets. He's a big mouth.

خرابكاري كردن. گند زدن
I didn't write more than half of the question in the exam, I really blew it!

آرامش را بر هم زدن. دردسر درست كردن
Everyone is living in peace and quite here. Don't rock the boat please.

از جلوي چشمم دور شو! گورتو گم كن!
Get outa my face if you know what's good for you!

مجاني. به حساب فروشنده يا رستوران
We had to pay for the food, but the drinks were on the house.

از كوره در رفتن. به شدت عصباني شدن
Mom blew her top when she saw the room in a mess.

رييس خانواده بودن. حاكم خانه بودن. مرد خانه بودن
In our family, it's my mother who wears the pants.

به خطر افتادن. در معرض خطر قرار گرفتن
The company has already lost two million bucks. A lot of jobs are on the line.

20-05-2006, 23:46
more catholic than the pope
كاسه داغ تر از اش
is it true or not :ohno:

24-05-2006, 02:16
اجل كسي رسيدن. عمر كسي به سر رسيدن. كار كسي تمام بودن
Granny is worried all the time. She thinks her number is up.

بي خبر. مثل اجل معلق
As soon as the burglar stepped out of the house, a cup appeared out of the blue and busted him.

مشكل يا خطري را پشت سر گذاشتن. از خطر جستن
The doctor believes that the patient is out of the woods.

شعار دادن. حمايت تو خالي كردن
Don't sit and pay lip service to human rights. get busy!

دهان كسي بوي شير دادن. بي تجربه و خام بودن. جوجه بودن. بچه بودن
He is too young to become a manager. He's still wet behind the ears!

در كاري فضولي كردن. در كاري دخالت بيجا كردن
Why don't you stop poking your nose into my business? You'd better mind your own life.

حسابي خوش بودن. خوش گذراندن
Let's go out tonight and paint the town red!

مبلغ گزافي پرداختن. مبلغ هنگفتي پياده شدن
We paid throught the nose to get the car fixed and it still doesn't go properly.

از رويا بيرون آمدن. واقع بين بودن
You gotta come down to earth; you can't become a runner with a lam leg.

مثل آب خوردن. خيلي آسان
I'll fix the T.V. in a flash. It's a piece of cake.

حرص زدن
She ordered too much dessert, I don't think she can finish her food. Her eyes are bigger than her stomach.

دست به دست كسي دادن. با كسي همكاري كردن
Look pal! If you play ball with me, we'll be able to do almost anything together.

آيه ياس. حالگير
You shouldn't invite him to your birthday party. He's such a wet blanket.

با هم مشورت كردن. با هم طرح ريختن. همفكري كردن
If we put our heads together, we may be able to settle the problem.

سرزنش كردن. ملامت كردن. سركوفت زدن
I know I made a terrible mistake but there is no need to rub it in.

بند را آب دادن. حرفي از دهان كسي پريدن
He has no idea what I've got for his birthday party I beg you not to spill the beans!

از چيزي سر در نياوردن
I can't make head or tail of what you're saying. Why don't you speak more clearly?

گربه زبونتو خورده؟! لالموني گرفتي؟ زبونت بند اومده؟
Why did you come home so late last night? Answer me! Cat got your tongue?

بهترين لباس خود را پوشيدن
That party was really important to everyone, so all the guests were dressed to kill.

30-05-2006, 00:30
ملانصرالديني عمل كردن. كارها را وارونه انجام دادن. سرنا را از سر گشاد زدن
Hey Tom! Why are you eating your dessert first? You're putting the cart before the horse.

چرت و پرت گفتن. مزخرف گفتن
Oh, Sut up, Roger! You are full of it!

حاضر جواب. فرز. هفتير كش فرز
Peter's really quick on the trigger. He has a ready answer to almost any question.

به داد كسي رسيدن. كسي را نجات دادن
Thanks for not letting the boss fire me. You saved my neck in time.

خود را از فكر چيزي خلاص كردن. موضوعي را به كلي فراموش كردن
Mrs. Abrameshas not been able to get the memory of her husband's death out of her system yet.

برق از چشم كسي پريدن
I saw stars when I hit my head againt the door.

سر دست رفتن. مثل برق فروش رفتن
The new cordless phones are selling like hot cakes.

حساب كسي را رسيدن. نقشه كسي را نقش بر آب كردن. كار كسي را خراب كردن
Her goose was cooked when she was caught cheating on the test.

دست كم گرفتن
Don't sell him short, he is a smart lawyer

30-05-2006, 13:14
Like a fish out of water
با محیط نا آشنا بودن

all thumbs
دست و پا چلفتی

go cold turkey
یک مرتبه عادتی را رها کردن

pull strings
پارتی بازی کردن

shoot the breeze
صحبت کردن .گپ زدن

walk on air
از خوشحالی پر در آوردن

miss the boat
شانس رو از دست دادن

pain in the ass
مایه دردسر

دچار دردسر شدن

Go bananas
از عصبانیت ترکیدن


31-05-2006, 00:17
When he saw the intrance door open, he found

something fishy.

عجله كردن. جنبيدن
It's getting late. Come onm shake a leg!

زنده شدن. به وجد آمدن
When he arrived home, everyone came alive.

ثابت قدم ماندن
You need to hang on if you want the business to


درست رفتار كن يا بزن به چاك
He always went to his work late, at last his boss told

himto shape up or ship out.

به اندازه اي كه نشون ميده بد نيست
Our boss is so strike and everyone is scared of him but all know that his bark worse than his bite.

بازار گرمي. زبان بازي
That car dealer did a snow job on me by selling me a car that was a piece of junk.

نسنجيده حرف زدن. نسنجيده عمل كردن
Don't pay any attention to my brother. It's just his nature to shoot from the hip.

دهن لقي كردن. قپي اومدن. لاف زدن
Stop shooting off your mouth! You could cause a lot of trouble.

05-06-2006, 00:19
به قول خود وفا كردن
She at last could get the A in her exams, how about putting your money where your mouth is?

سراپا گوش بودن
Well, tell mee the story. I'm all ears!

كورخواندن. سخت در اشتباه بودن
If you think you can change my mind about marriage, you're all wet

خونسرد. آرام. بيخيال
A wheel comes off his car but he was as cool as a cucumber.

مثل سيبي كه از وسط نصف كرده باشند. كاملا شبيه هم بودن
The two sisters are as like as two peas in a pod.

سوراخ دعا را گم كردن. بيراهه رفتن. اشتباه رفتن
Chirs suspects Mark stealing her watch, but I bet she is bark up the wrong tree

06-06-2006, 00:41
تا خرخره در چيزي غرق بودن.
I am up to my ears in dept

اصلا نمي دونم!‌سر در نمي آرم!‌نمي دونم!
-Nina, do you know how the world came to existence?
-Beats me!

لقمه بزرگتر از دهان خود برداشتن
You won't be able to handle the project. You're bitting off more than you can chew.

به كسي خيانت كردن. لو دادن. فريب دادن
The police raided the gangsters' den and arrested the all. Apparently, someone has sold them down the river.

بدون تدارك قبلي كاري را انجام دادن
-What are we gonna do after the movie tonight?
-We'll play it by ear.

براي كسي شيشكي بستن
The audience gave the poor actor raspberry after the play.

07-06-2006, 02:11
دليل يا مدارك كافي براي ادعاي خود نداشتن
I'm sure you're in the right, but you don't have a leg to stand on.

با كسي روراست بودن. باكسي صادق بودن
Come on, Bill! I want you to level with me. Did you do it?

احساساتي شدن. ذوق زده شدن
Calm down, Al. Don't get carried away. We have to sit down and talk sense.

هيجان زده شدن
If you see John's new car, It will knock your socks off.

سر صحبت را باز كردن. رو دربايستي را از بين بردن
We sat there without saying a word until I finally broke the ice by telling a joke.

در ناز و نعمت. مرفه
Every one has problems, even people who live on easy street.

كسي را دست انداختن. سر به سر كسي گذاشتن. كسي را فيلم كردن
Come on, don't get mad; I'm just pulling your leg.

13-06-2006, 21:47
حسابي رو به راه بودن. قبراق بودن
-How's business Ted?
-it's going great guns!

سر كسي كلاه گذاشتن. كلك زدن. سر كسي را زير آب كردن
jack, if you're not careful, the mechanic will definitly take you for a ride.

تو خال زدن. به هدف زدن. درست حدس زدن
-I think we need a lot of money to carry out the plan.
-You're absolutly right. You've hit the nail on the head!

فيوز كسي پريدن. از عصبانيت منفجر شدن. آمپر كسي بالا رفتن
When Daddy heard that I had smashed his new car, he blew a fuse.

سبك سنگين كردن. اوضاع را سنجيدن. اوضاع را محك زدن
We have to test the waters before we make a final decision.

موفقيت ارزش تلاش را دارد
Assuming your affort, I'm sure you'll find a good job. As they say: "All's well that ends well".

طاقت كسي طاق شدن. كاسه صبر كسي لبريز شدن
She's always been rude to me, but it was the last straw when she started insulting my mother.

روي سگ كسي بالا آمدن. كفر كسي را بالا آوردن
The way you tread me in front of other people get my goat.

چاكر. مخلص. بنده
If you leave everything to yours truly, there won't be any problem.

از عصبانيت منفجر شدن. از كوره در رفتن
Walter's father hit the ceiling when he heard that his son had got a speeding ticket.

03-07-2006, 23:31
can not believe one's eye
آنچه را ديدن باور نكردن

catch one's eye
چشم كسي را گرفتن

second bes
نفر دوم-اولويت دوم

be caught in act
مچ كسي را گرفتن

the bottom line
موضوع مهم-حقيقت مهم

it's a long story
داستانش مفصله

be all ears
سر و پا گوشم

to have a bone with somebody
با كسي خرده حساب داشتن

to have a chip on one's shoulder
غمي در دل داشتن

04-07-2006, 20:50
a sore point/spot
نقطه ضعف
give some one a taste/dose of their own medicine
تلافي كردن

to have itchy feet
عشق سفر

to pop one's clogs

to be not all there
ديوانه بودن

to be as nutty as a fruitcake
ديوانه بودن

to be in seventh heaven
عرش را سير كردن
do sth fo kicks
كاري را براي تفريح انجام دادن

to be down in the dumps
ناراحت بودن

05-07-2006, 18:07
to know sth inside out
چيزي را به طور كامل بلد بودن

to know one's stuff
كار را بلد بودن

to have a familiar ring to itآشنا به نظر رسيدن

to ring a bell
كسي يا چيزي را به خاطر آوردن

don't have a clue
هيچ چيز ندانستن

to put sth down to experience
درس عبرت گرفتن

to know where some one stand
تكليف خود را دانستن

food for thought
خوراك فكر

learn one's lesson
درس عبرت گرفتن

get the message
مطلب را گرفتن

put the record straight
چيزي را روشن كردن

on/through the grapevine
شايعه-شايعه سازي

figment of one's imagination
ساخته و پرداخته ذهن

loss sight of
اهميت موضوعي را فراموش كردن

what beats me
آنچه كه من نمي فهمم اين است كه

to have second thoughts about
ترديد داشتن

the ins and outs of
از سير تا پياز چيزي

07-07-2006, 17:50
To come up against a brick wall
به بن بست رسيدن

To put foot in it.
گاف دادن-گند زدن

Dire straits

To dig yourself into a hole
خود را در چاه انداختن

To spread oneself too thin
با يك دست چند هندوانه برداشتن

To leave holding the baby
بار مسئوليت را به گردن ديگري انداختن

Over a barrel
روي پوست خربزه

Stumbling block
بن بست

To Cluche at staws now
دنبال سوزن در كاهدان گشتن

To face the music
عواقب چيزي را قبول كردن

10-07-2006, 12:20
She's a real fox
خیلی خوشکله

He has light fingers
دستش کجه

Do't sweat it
نگران نباش

in the wick of time
در لحظات آخر

Donkey years
سال های زیاد

I fell tip-top
احساس خوشحالی میکنم

13-07-2006, 14:38
بادكردن. خود را گرفتن
Our friend hasn't been paying much attention to anyone recently. He seems to be on his high horse again.

دردسر درست كردن. مشكل به وجود آوردن. شر به پا كردن
Dick doesn't get along well with others. He's always trying to make waves.

از جلو چشمم دور شو!‌گورتو گم كن!
Get out of my face if you know what is good for you!

با هم مشورت كردن. با هم طرح ريختن. هم فكري كردن
If we put our heads together, we may be able to settle this problem.

لقمه ي راحت. آسيب پذير. بي دفاع
The old lady sitting in the park by herself was a sitting duck for muggers.

سنگ تمام گذاشتن. گل كاشتن
When they give parties, they really go to town.

20-07-2006, 22:20
Red Eye : Does'nt mean An Eye Is Red
Red Eye means :
Overnight Flight
Cheap Whisky

Dear RoberDeniro

Try to include at least a sentence in your post to exemplify the expression.



Ok I Do Mr.Reza

Shake A Leg :

Hurry Up

The post was edited. Spelling mistake

What Was The Mistake Mr.Reza ?

Hi Robert

I can't remember clearly but I think something was wrong with the spelling of the word Hurry

22-07-2006, 23:31
ante up

MEANING: pay, produce a necessary amount of money


I had to ante up a lot of money to get my car fixed.

at all costs

MEANING: at any expense of time, effort or money


He plans to go to school at all costs.

back on your feet

MEANING: return to good financial health


My sister is back on her feet after losing her job last year.

bet your bottom dollar

MEANING: bet all one has on something


I would bet my bottom dollar that the accounting manager will be late again today.

bet on the wrong horse

MEANING: base your plans on a wrong guess about the results of something


He is betting on the wrong horse if he continues to support the other candidate for mayor.

born with a silver spoon in your mouth

MEANING: born to wealth and comfort, born rich


The student in our history class was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has never worked in his life.

bottom dollar

MEANING: your last dollar


He spent his bottom dollar on some new clothes to wear for his job interview.

bottom line 1

MEANING: line in a financial statement that shows net income or loss


The bottom line in the company's financial statement was much worse than expected.

bottom line 2

MEANING: final result, main point


The bottom line was that we were unable to attend the conference because of our busy schedule.

break even

MEANING: have income equal to expenses


Our company was able to break even after only six months of operation.

break the bank

MEANING: win all the money at a casino gambling table


He broke the bank at the casino and walked away with a lot of money.

bring home the bacon

MEANING: earn the family living


I have been working hard all month bringing home the bacon for my family.

burn a hole in your pocket

MEANING: money that one wishes or intends to spend quickly (often for something frivolous)


The money had been burning a hole in his pocket when he decided to go to the casino.

buy off

MEANING: give money to someone to stop them from doing their duty


They tried to buy off the politician but he refused to go along with their plan.


MEANING: selling something for cash only with no delivery


We were able to get a good price on a sofa in a cash-and-carry deal at the furniture store.

cash in

MEANING: exchange coupons or bonds for their value in money


I cashed in a large number of my savings bonds in order to get some money to buy a house.

cash in on

MEANING: make money from an opportunity


The former football player cashed in on his popularity to open a very successful restaurant.

cash in your chips

MEANING: exchange or sell something to get some money


I decided to cash in my chips to get some money to go back to school.

cash on the barrelhead

MEANING: money paid in cash when something is bought


I had to pay cash on the barrelhead for the used car.

caught short

MEANING: not have enough money when you need it


I was caught short and had to borrow some money from my father last week.


MEANING: a person who will not spend much money, a stingy person

27-07-2006, 04:49
that's great that you started a new way to teach the ones who are really interested to leran english
it's recomended for both english beginners and advanced learners
thanks again for everybody's help
for beginning of my posts in this topic i begin with some idioms which are used in the movies

do me a favour
یه لطفی بهم بکن

get your ass out of my face
از جلو چشم برو کنار ( دیگه نبینمت )

excuse me i dont remember anything else cause i feel i'm so tired and it's time to bed . i will back with a full hand of idioms

01-08-2006, 00:46
Practice makes perfect.
. كار نيكو كردن از پر كردن است

Whatever seemed to be easy turnout to be difficult.
. كه عشق آسان نمود اول ولي افتاد مشكل ها

Birds of a feather flock together.
. كبوتر با كبوتر باز با باز

Nothing is quite impossible.
. كار نشد ندارد

One good turn deserves another.
. كاسه جايي رود كه باز آيد قدح

Don't leave off till tomorrow what you can do today.
. كار امروز را به فردا مينداز

A burnt child dreads the fire.
. مار گزيده از ريسمان سياه و سفيد مي ترسد

The grass is greener on the other side of the hill.
. مرغ همسايه غاز است
. ماست همسايه شيرين تر است

Murder will out.
. ماه زير ابر پنهان نمي ماند

After death the doctor.
To lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen.
. نوشدارو بعد از مرگ سهراب

You can't eat your cake and have it.
. نمي شود هم خدا را بخواهي هم خرما را

Time is money.
. وقت طلاست

Jack of all trade.
A rolling stone gathers no mass.
. همه كاره و هيچ كاره

It will be a feather in your cap.
. هر گلي بزني به سر خودت زدي

If gold rusts , what then can iron do.
. هر چه بگندد نمكش مي زنند ؛ واي به روزي كه بگندد نمك

All that glitters is not gold.
. هر گردي گردو نيست

He who sows the wind shall reap.
. هر كه خربزه مي خوره پاي لرزش مي شينه

(A word to the wise ( is enough
. در خانه اگر كس است يك حرف بس است

A friend in need is a friend indeed.
. دوست آن باشد كه گيرد دست دوست در پريشان حالي و درماندگي
All is well that ends well.
Don't count your chicken before they hatched.
He laughs best who laughs last.
. شاهنامه آخرش خوش است

To hope against hope.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
. در نااميدي بسي اميد است ؛ پايان شب سيه سفيد است

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
. دوري و دوستي

Fine words butter no parsnips.
. ز تعارف كم كن و بر مبلغ افزاي

To carry coal to Newcastle.
. زيره به كرمان بردن

A barking dog never bit.
. سنگ بزرگ علامت نزدن است

Seeing is beliving.
. شنيدن كي بود مانند ديدن

A fair face may hide a foul heart.
. صورت ظاهر برادر هيچ نيست

He is trying to run before he has learned to walk.
. شاگردي نكرده مي خواهد استاد بشود
. غوره نشده مي خواهد مويز بشود

A sound mind in a sound body.
. عقل سالم در بدن سالم است

Haste make waste.
. عجله كار شيطان است

Many a little makes a mickle.
. قطره قطره جمع گردد وانگهي دريا شود

More catholic than pope.
. كاسه داغ تر از آش

There is something in the wind.
There is some hanky panky going on.
. كاسه اي زير نيم كاسه است

To beat the air.
To flog a dead horse.
. آب در هاون كوبيدن

We seek water in the sed.
. آب در كوزه و ما تشنه لبان مي گرديم

A miss is as good as a mile.
In for a penny, in for a pound.
. آب كه از سر گذشت چه يك ني چه صد ني

What is done can not be undone.
. آب از جوي رفته دگر باز نگردد

Too many cooks spoil the broth.
Two captains sink the ship.
. آش پز كه دو تا شد آش يا شور مي شود يا بي نمك

A hungry man is an angry man.
. آدم گرسنه دين و ايمان ندارد

Out of frying pan into the fire.
Driven from pillar to post.
. از چاله در آمد و توي چاه افتاد

I am through with the thread and thimbles.
. از هفت خان رستم گذشتم

He has not a penny to bless himself.
. آه ندارد كه با ناله سودا كند

Out of sight , out of mind.
. از دل برود هر آنچه كه از ديده برفت

To fish in troubled water.
. از آب گل آلود ماهي گرفتن

Do right and fear no man.
. آن را كه حساب پاك است از محاسبه چه باك است

One swallow does not make summer.
. با يك گل بهار نمي شود

Have two strings to one's bow.
. با يك دست دو تا هندوانه برداشتن

Easy come, easy go.
What comes with water, goes with the wind.
. باد آورده را باد مي برد

Cut your coat according to your cloth.
. پايت را به اندازه گليم خودت دراز كن

Come off your perch.
. پياده شو با هم بريم

Like father, like son.
. پسر كو ندارد نشان از پدر ؛ تو بيگانه خوانش نخوانش پسر

To teach grandma to suck eggs.
You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
. پيش لوطي و معلق بازي

Spare the rod and spoil the child.
. تا نباشد چوب تر فرمان نبرند گاو و خر

Knowledge is power.
. توانا بود هر كه دانا بود

Divide and rule.
. تفرقه بيندار و حكومت كن

There is no fool like an old fool.
. سر پيري و معركه گيري

One bird in the hand is better than two in the bush.
. سيلي نقد به از حلواي نسيه است

An early bird catches the worm.
. سحر خيز باش تا كامروا شوي

It is the case of tit for tat.
. چيزي كه عوض داره گله نداره

He who blows into fire will have sparkles in his eyes.
. چاه مكن بهر كسي اول خودت دوم كسي

Wherever there is a will , there is the way.
. خواستن توانستن است

When in rome , do as the romans do.
. خواهي نشوي رسوا همرنگ جماعت شو

Woman's dreams go by contraries.
. خواب زن چپ است

The feeling is mutual.
It is the case of telephaty.
. دل به دل راه دارد

Action talks louder than words.
. دو صد گفته چون نيم كردار نيست

To take one's courage in both hands.
. دل به دريا زدن

To strike a blow for someone.
. مشت نمونه خروار است

To rob Peter to pay Paul.
. كلاه نقي را سر تقي گذاشتن

Two wrongs do not make a right.
. خون را با خون نمي شويند

Turn a blind eye (to sth)
. خود را به كوچه علي چپ زدن

Cross one's finger.
. آرزوي موفقيت براي كسي كردن

There's not room to swing a cat.
. جاي سوزن انداختن نيست


The post was edited

18-08-2006, 12:09
Body politic
A group of people organised under a single government or authority (national or regional) is a body politic.

A carpetbagger is an opportunist without any scruples or ethics, or a politican who wants to represent a place they have no connection with.

Economical with the truth
(UK) If someone, especially a politician, is economical with the truth, they leave out information in order to create a false picture of a situation, without actually lying.

Fifth columnist
(UK) A fifth columnist is a member of a subversive organisation who tries to help an enemy invade.

Fourth estate
This is an idiomatic way of describing the media, especially the newspapers.

Get on your soapbox
If someone on their soapbox, they hold forth (talk a lot) about a subject they feel strongly about.

Gunboat diplomacy
If a nation conducts its diplomatic relations by threatening military action to get what it wants, it is using gunboat diplomacy.

Megaphone diplomacy
If negotiations between countries or parties are held through press releases and announcements, this is megaphone diplomacy, aiming to force the other party into adopting a desired position.

On the stump
When politicians are campaigning for support and votes, they are on the stump.

Pork barrel
Pork barrel politics involves investing money in an area to get political support rather than using the money for the common good.

Toe the line
If someone toes the line, they follow and respect the rules and regulations.

01-09-2006, 15:34
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
سركه نقد به از حلواي نسيه

(a case of ) the blind leading the blind
كوري عصا كش كور ديگري

A fool and his money are soon parted
احمق پولش را به راحتي از دست مي دهد.

A friend in need is a friend indeed
دوست آن باشد كه گيرد دست دوست
در پريشان حال و درماندگي

A little bird told me
كلاغه بهم خبر داد

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
ناداني به از كم داني

A penny saved is a penny earned
كم بخور هميشه بخور

A stitch in time
كار امروز را به فردا مسپار

ABC of something
الفباي چيزي

Abide by sth
پذيرش دستورات

01-09-2006, 15:35
Able to breathe again
نفس تازه كشيدن

Able to do sth blindfold
چشم بسته كاري را انجام دادن

Able to take a joke
ظرقيت شوخي داشتن

Able to take just so much
ظرفيت زيادي نداشتن

About to do sth
در شرف انجام كاري

Beyond the call of duty
بيشتر از حد نياز

واضح و روشن

Above one's station
بالاتر از كلاس اجتماعي فرد

Above someone's head
بالاتر از فهم كسي بودن

Above suspicion
بسيار متين و محترم

Absent without leave
ترك خدمت

According to all accounts
به گفته همه

01-09-2006, 20:42
Dont put the blame on me
كاسه كوزه رو سر من نشكن

To leave someone in the lurch
كاشتن كسي
.To steer a middle course.
كج دار مريز رفتار كن

To be a bit la-di-da
مكش مرگ ما بودن

Which son of bitch did it.
كار كدوم حرومزاده اي بوده ؟

To give it an apperance.
كلاه شرعي گذاشتن

He didnt turn a hair
ككش هم نگزيد

We heavebt god the slightest chance.
كلاهمون پس معركه است

We shall fall out
كلاهمون تو هم ميره

Black head
كله پوك

I am your humble
كوچيك شما هستم

01-09-2006, 21:51
All joking apart
از شوخي گذشته

I paid dear for it
برام گرون تموم شد

I could kick myself for doing it
گردنم بشكنه كه اين كار رو كردم

To act az a bully
گردن كلفتي كردن

A wolf in sheeps clothing
گرگ در لباس ميش

He wouldent hear it
گوشش به اين حرفا بدهكار نيست

Appearances are desceptive
گول ظاهر رو نبايد خورد

Keep the wolf from the door
گليم خود رو از آب كشيدن

To set the fox to watch geese
گوشت رو به دست گربه سپردن

Not to overtake comeone
بگرد كسي نرسيدن

My blood will be on your head
خون من به گردن شما

08-09-2006, 16:01
Some friend ship.This is a fine way to treat a friend
معني دوستي رو هم فهميدم
What is he driving at?
منظورش چيه؟
Are u daft
مگه مغز خر خوردي؟
It is not woeth a damn(peny)
مفت هم نمي ارزه
To make advances
منت كشيدن
To confer an obligationupan somebody.
منت سر كسي گذاشتن
It makes one's hair shand on end
مو به تن آدم راست ميشه
It is fodproof
مو لا درزش نميره
To split hairs.To make a fine distinction
مو رو از ماست كشيدن

10-09-2006, 15:33
he has come here for my sake
او به هواي من اينجا آمده.
The situation is not
هوا پس است
To have an eye on somthing
هواي چيزي را داشتن
To draw a deep breath
هو كشيدن
Another helping?
يك پرس ديگر
Once upen a time
يكي بود يكي نبود

10-09-2006, 21:25
To make an exhibition of oneself
خود را انگشت نما كردن
Light come Light go ~>باد آورده را باد ميبرد
Easy come Easy go ~>''

Great boast little toast
پز عالي جيب خالي
To feather one's nest
پشت خود را بستن
To break fly on wheel
پشه در هوا نعل كردن
His patience was exhausted
پيمانه صبرش لبريز مشود

11-09-2006, 22:43
To make one's blood run cold
گوشت كسي را ريختن
To notify a person
به كسي گوشزد كردن
Lobe of the liver
جگر گوشه
To outstrip or outdo
گوشه سبقت ربودن
Here is a good chance for a trial
اين گوي و اين ميدان
To become giddy
گيج شدن
To feed dizzy
گيج خوردن
To give the vertigo
گيج كردن
To be obtainable or available.
گير افتادن

29-09-2006, 20:18
That's only the tip pf the iceberg
اين رشته سر دراز دارد

The apple doesn't fall from tree
پسر كو ندارد نشان از پدر

The apples on the other side of the wall are are sweetest
مرغ همسايه غاز است

The bigger they are, the harder they fall
لاجرم هر كس كه بالاتر نشست،استخوانش سختر خواهد شكست

The blind can not lead the blind
كوري عصا كش كور ديگريست

The cat dreams of mice
شتر در خواب بيند پنبه دانه،گهي لپ لپ خورد گه دانه دانه

The die is cast
كار از كار گذشته

The early bird catches
The worm
سحر خيز باش تا كامروا باشي

29-09-2006, 22:43
The pot calls the kettle black
ديگ به ديگ مي گويد رويت سياه

The proof of the pudding is in the eating
مشك آن است كه ببويد نه آنكه عطار بگويد

The sky will not fall in
آب از آب تكان نمي خورد

The sprit is willing but the flesh is weak
دست ما كوتاه و خرما بر نخيل

The truth will out
خورشيد هميشه پشت ابر پنهان نمي ماند

The water has risen over his head
آب از سرش گذشته

01-10-2006, 15:12
Get foot in the door
قدم اول رابرداشتن

As safe as a home
امن و امان

Sit on the fence
بي طرف ماندن

Come down on one side or other side
طرف كسي را گرفتن
انتخاب كردن

Hit the ceiling/roof
زمين زمان را بهم ريختن

Burn the candle at both ends
از كله سحر تا بوق سگ كار كردن

Keep in the picture
در جريان امور قرار دادن

Get the picture

Take a leaf out of one girlfriend`s book
از كسي پيروي كردن

02-10-2006, 09:03
Made for each other
(دو نفر) براي يكديگر ساخته شدن

Make a big deal about sth
از كاه كوه ساختن

Make a cheque out to sb
چك را در وجه كسي نوشتن

Make a clean breast of sth
اقرار كردن

Make a living
زندگي را گذراندن

Make a muck of sth
به گند كشيدن

Make a name
مشهور شدن

Make a packet
پول به جيب زدن

11-10-2006, 18:08
[B]yes dear it's right

live and let live
هر كس سرش به كار خويش
love is blind
عشق چشم انسان را بر روي واقغيت مي بندد
make hay while the sun shines
تا تنور داغ نان را بچسبان
many hands make light work
يك دست به تنهايي صدا ندارد
money doesn't grow on trees
پول علف خرس نيست
money is no object
پولش اصلا مهم نيست
money is the root of all evil
پول منشا همه بد بختيهاست
money talks
پول حلال همه مشكلات است
the more the merrier
كار نيكو كردن از پر كردن است

The Knight
12-10-2006, 10:00
some slangs and abbreviations
come on
بیخیال ، کوتاه بیاد

shut the hell up
زبون به دهن بگیر

sup>>wussup>>whats up
چه خبرا!

gg>>g2g >> gtg>> gotta go
وقت رفتنه ، باید برم

m8>> mate
همکار ، همراه

w8 >> wait
صبر کردن

lol >> lots of laughs-- laughs out loud
کلی خندیدیم ، مردم از خنده

rofl >> rolling on the floor laughing
غلتیدن روی زمین و خندیدن [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

afk >> away from keyboard
دور از کیبورد (معمولا برای چند دقیقه)

brb >> be right back
الان برمیگردم

w/c >> wrong chat
اشتباه شد

hth >> hope that helps
امیدوارم موثر باشه

aka >> also known as
اسم دیگر چیزی ، به این اسم هم خوانده میشود

1337 >> l337 >> LEET
تبدیل شده از elite به هکر های ماهر یا سودجو گفته میشه

newb - Newbie - noob - n00b - n0ob - /\/00B
تازه کار ، مبتدی ، تازه به دوران رسیده (بیشتر تو بازیهای آنلاین)

np >> no problem
عیب نداره ، مشکلی نیست ، خواهش میکنم (در جواب ty یا thx)

ty >> thank you

cya - cu - see you
بعدا میبینمت

thx >> thanks
ممنون - تشکر

cuz - b/c - because
چون ، به دلیل اینکه

TTYL - T2UL - TTUL - T2YL - Talk To You (U) Later
بعدا بات حرف میزنم

l8r - later

jk - j/k - just kidding
بابا شوخی کردم

HAND - Have A Nice Day
روز خوش ، روز خوبی داشته باشی

itiefn [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ] -- i think it's enough for now [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]
cya l8r

17-10-2006, 13:09
30 American English idioms

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

18-10-2006, 19:59
Dear -Knight

The expressions you've written are mostly the ones which are widely used in chat rooms and we don't have anything to do with them here.

Here you can introduce just idioms, slang and common expressions not anything else.


The Knight
19-10-2006, 00:30
ok but... they are called internet slangs , theyre used in chatrooms , online games , or en based forums
!as you wish sir

19-10-2006, 01:15
Dear Dianella

Good job and keep it up!

It's good that you've included the Farsi translation of the idioms and slang

Just wondein' if there is any book or web-site that you've used as a source
and I would greatly appreciate having access to the whole "source" package



15-12-2006, 23:22
ok but... they are called internet slangs , theyre used in chatrooms , online games , or en based forums
!as you wish sir
useful for me! just the meanings not the short forms:D

behnam karami
11-01-2007, 11:48
(fair shake(to give someone
یه شانس دیگه به کسی دادن

talk someone into something
متقاعد کردن کسی

as plain as the nose on your face
خیلی واضع

pull someone's leg
شوخی کردن

flash in pan
خیلی زود گذر

pop the question
خاستگاری کردن

12-01-2007, 20:59
In one of the topics, dear reza had said this sentence:" let me touch the wood". the

meaning is pretty clear. I checked it in dictionary, and here is the explaination.

Touch wood (BrE) (AmE, knock on wood), Its American is more similar to Iranians,

isn't it?

used when u have just mentioned some way in which u have been lucky in the past,

to avoid bringing bad luck: I've been driving over 20 years and never had an

accident- touch wood! .
بزن به تخته.

another on with wood:D

Not see the wood for trees( AmE, not see the forest for the trees). To not see or understand the main point about sth, because u r paying much attention to small details.

Is there any equivalent in persian for this one?

Kick someone's ass
حال کسی رو گرفتن

13-01-2007, 03:44
[LEFT]In one of the topics, dear reza had said this sentence:" let me touch the wood". the

meaning is pretty clear. I checked it in dictionary, and here is the explaination.

Touch wood (BrE) (AmE, knock on wood), Its American is more similar to Iranians,

isn't it?

used when u have just mentioned some way in which u have been lucky in the past,

to avoid bringing bad luck: I've been driving over 20 years and never had an

accident- touch wood! .
بزن به تخته.

another on with wood:D

Not see the wood for trees( AmE, not see the forest for the trees). To not see or understand the main point about sth, because u r paying much attention to small details.

Is there any equivalent in persian for this one?

Kick someone's ass
حال کسی رو گرفتن
Dear Amin

Thanks for your attention to smallest details in my posts, but don't you think it is good to practice what we preach?;) Before making your post, did you bother just to take a quik look at it to see if you've goofed up and if so, how many times?:tongue: Let me clear it up for you:

In one of the topics, dear reza has said this sentence:" let me touch the wood". the meaning is pretty clear. I checked it in the dictionary, and here is the explanation:

Touch wood (BrE) (AmE, knock on wood), Its American style is more similar to its Persian equivalent, isn't it?

And about your question, I don't think we've got any equivalents for it in Persian.However, that's what I think. But ytou can use other idioms like :
Don't split hairs : مته به خشخاش نگذار

13-01-2007, 08:14
Dear Amin

Thanks for your attention to smallest details in my posts, but don't you think it is good to practice what we preach?;) Before making your post, did you bother just to take a quik look at it to see if you've goofed up and if so, how many times?:tongue: Let me clear it up for you:

[LEFT]In one of the topics, dear reza has said this sentence:" let me touch the wood". the meaning is pretty clear. I checked it in the dictionary, and here is the explanation:

Touch wood (BrE) (AmE, knock on wood), Its American style is more similar to its Persian equivalent, isn't it?

And about your question, I don't think we've got any equivalents for it in Persian.However, that's what I think. But ytou can use other idioms like :
Don't split hairs : مته به خشخاش نگذار

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: wow! thanks dear

14-01-2007, 06:28
Hey guys,
I don't know if any of these has already been mentioned here or not but i give it a 50 out of 100 that I am the ace :cool:
going for a bender= بریم تا خرخره مشروب بخوریم
This one has been used about 100 years ago in England but still the yougsters are using it on daily conversations. On the old good days the 50 shilings coin was made out of silver and it was easy to bend it with teeth , it was also the money that you should have paid for 8 pints of larger ( 4liters of beer) and a packet of cigrette. so if they were saying let's go for a bender,it meant, let's go and spend 50 shilings on beers and get proper drunk.

upper crost=منصوب به کسی که از اشراف باشد. توانمند
again meny years ago when the bakers were making bread in england they were putting the paste on the hot ashes to cook. after the bread was cooked then it would be cut in to 2 halves horizentaly. the top bit which was called upper crost was for richest part of the society who could pay double on the price as it was nice and the bottom bit which was called lower crost was for the poor part of society who would not have enough money and they would recieve the bread with the burnt ash mixed with the bread. soon it became a saying between people to descreminate one from the other and today it is still in use between the crowd.

14-01-2007, 06:38
Ta mate= Thank you my friend
Ta Ra= See you later
it bugs me=it bothers me
you with me?= are you listening to what I am describing to you
I am mashed, I am shattered, I am hammerd= I am so tired

behnam karami
15-01-2007, 12:12
come clean
صادق بودن

if worse comes to worse
در بدترین حالت

Bite your tongue
زبونتو قاز بگیر

have the best time one's life
بهترین لحظه ی زندگی یه نفر

sleep like a log
با خروپف خوابیدن

05-02-2007, 02:33
thanks a lot for these

06-02-2007, 17:20
they are so nice
good luck

13-02-2007, 16:19
hi buddies
i know these idioms but im not sure that they are right or wrong could you please tell me ?&if they r not correct could you please tell me how should i use them?
keep up the good works همین جوری ادامه بده
not be up to much تعریفی نداشت
hands off دست نزن
save my blush خجالتم نده
from now to one از حالا به بعد
i keep u inform بهت اطلاع میدم
you mean a lot to me خیلی خاطرت رو می خوام...

14-02-2007, 22:26
Hi i found some slang terms with some example & i thought maybe it's useful for U
Nada=nothing, none
I asked him, but he didn't say nada
Name of the game= the way things R; the way things can be expected to be(always with the)
the name of the game is money, money.
Nothing to it=it is very easy
look anybody can do it! Nothing to it
Nothing doing= NO
me go to the opera! i refuse to do it

14-02-2007, 22:34
bread & butter=one's livelihood
it's bread & butter to me.i have to do it
take on (so) =to whine, cry,and be in great despair(folksy
i know it hurts, but don’t take on so
take off=(for some one ) to leave in a hurry
I’ve got to take off -i'm late
in nothing flat=immediately
i'll be there in nothing flat

15-02-2007, 13:45
take it slow=go slowly & carefully
U'll make it.take it slow & keep your spirits up.
what of it=''why does it matter?''; ''so what''که چی؟
so i'm late what of it?
that's a new one to me=that is truly amazing;''i didn't know that
that's that=''that is final
i wont go & that's that

15-02-2007, 13:59
that's the ticket=that is exactly what is neededدرست همونی که می خواستم
that's the ticket!perfect
that'll be the day=that will never happenخوابش رو ببینی
U win a medal?that'll be the day
that does it=that is the end
that does it!i'm leaving
that-a-boy excalm.''that is the way to do it
taht-a-boy, chuck U can do it

15-02-2007, 14:01
there U go =hooray!U did it right
there U go!thats the way
that's the way the cookie crumbles=''that is life
i lost my job.oh well.
that's the way the cookie crumble
that's the way to go & way to go=nicely doneکارت خوب بود!یا...خوب از عهدش بر اومدی!
that's the way to go.U did it
this is where i came in=this all seems very familiar
this is where i came in.it's the same things all over again

15-02-2007, 14:02
till hell freezes over=forever
i'll be here till hell freezes over
use your head & use your noggin=think;think it through
U know the answer use your head
what's it to U=''what does it matter to U'';'' is it any of your business?''
what's it to U if i don't do it?

15-02-2007, 14:07
hi dear friends
well i hope they were usefull for U & why don't U tell me your opinion about my posts?

12-03-2007, 07:02
my opinion:

16-03-2007, 19:04
hi dear friends
well i hope they were usefull for U & why don't U tell me your opinion about my posts?

hey man u have got great posts here we hope u continue!:10:

18-03-2007, 17:58
hi dear friends
i hope those expresion were helpful for u and i'm going to countinue again.
good luck

18-03-2007, 17:59
Alphabet soup=initialisms and acronyms in general.
Just look at the telephone book!u can’t find anything because it’s filled with alphabet soup
Beat it=’’get out’’,’’go away’’
U bother me .beat it
Bingo=yes,thet’s right
Bingo ,I’ve got the answer.
Bite your tongue=’’be sorry u said that!’’;take back what u said!’’
Me a thief?bite your tongue.
Beak it up!=’’stop it’’(an order to 2 or more people to stop doing sth such as fighting)
All right u 2, beark it up
Buy trouble=to encourage trouble ;to bring on trouble
I don’t want to buy trouble .i have enough already.

18-03-2007, 17:59
Come again?=’’what did u say ?’’(folksy).
Come again ?it’s awful noisy in here.
Cut out =to leave ;to run away.
It’s lae.i think I’ll cut out
Cut the comedy=’’get serious!’’;stop acting silly!’’
Cut the comedy and get to work.
Daed from the neck up=stupid
He acts like he is dead from the neck up
Don’t make me laugh=tat is a stupid suggestion.
U a judge?don’t make me laugh!
Don’t give it another though. & don’t give it a second though=’’it’s nothing.don’t worry about it.’’
No problem. don’t give it another though
Eyeball to eyeball=face to face
Let’s talk more when we r eyeball to eyebal

18-03-2007, 18:47
go down=to happen
something strange is going down around here
golden opportunity=a very good opportunity.l
this is my golden opportunity and i can't pass it up.l
go for it=''do it!'';''try it!'' l
go for it !give it a try.l
oh golly !did i step on your toe?l
go to=go to hell
oh, you're terrible .just go to!!l
`heads up=look out
(i couldn't find any example for this)
hit the books and pound the boooks=to study hard
i gotta go home and hit the books.l
hope to it=''get moving''; ''hurry up''l
hope to it !i don't pay u to stand around.l
how come?=''why?''l
how come we never see u any more?
how 's by U and how's with U =how R you?l
i'm fine.how 's with U?l
i)beg( your)pardon=1-’’excuse me I’m sorry’’.l
Beg your pardon.i didn’t see U.’2-‘’ I am sorry but I din’nthear what u said’’.
I beg your pardon.it’s so noisy In here.3-‘’ I object to what U said’’
I beg your pardon !i’m not a clerk!

18-03-2007, 19:26
i kid U not=''i 'm not kidding''l
i kid u not.this is the best.l
in one's blood=inborn;part of one's genetic makeup
running is in his blood.he loves it.l
ins & outs=the fine points(of something);the details;the intricacies.
i'm learning the ins & outs of this business.l
it's a deal=''okay,it is agreed''l
ok man ,it's a deal.l
keep your shirt on and keep your pants on!='' just waite a minute''!l
i'll be right with U .KEEP your shirt on.l
keep your pants on .you're next.
let's have it=''please tell (us)the news!''l
what's happened ?let's have it!l
like there was no tomorrow=like there would never be another opportunity
he lived like there was no tomorrow.l
like it or lump it=''give up!''; ''shut up'';''accept it or to go away!''l
if u don't want to do it my way,lump it!l
too bad! like it or lump it!l
long story short=''to make a long story short''.lخلاصش کنم..
ok,long story short:everything that goes up comes down ,ok?l
long time no see=i haven't see u in a long time''
hey john!long time no see!l

20-03-2007, 21:52
A human being should have humanity
ادمی را آدمیت لازم است

The more noble, the more humble
درخت هر چه بار آرد سر فرو آرد

Pleasant hours fly fast
زمان وقتی که خوش است زود می گذرد

The end of game you will see whom as winner
شاهنامه آخرش خوش است

Gaming, woman and wine, when they laugh they make men pine
وقتی که می و معشوق و قمار دست به دست هم میدهند آدمی را به غم و رنج و اندوه مبتلا می سازد

Neither extreme is good
هیچ افراط و تفریطی پایدار نیست
گاهی از سوراخ سوزن رد میشود گاهی از در هم رد نمیشو

Out of sight, out of mind
همینکه از دیده رفتی از دل هم میروی

Give credit, where credit is due
عیب ها جمله بگفتی...هنرش نیز بگوی

There is no color beyond black
بالاتر ا زسیاهی رنگی نیست

Two is company….three is none
ما صد نفر بودیم تنها......آنها دو نفر بودند همراه

Politeness cost nothing
ادب مرد به ز دولت اوست
با ادب باش تا بزرگ شوی

Late children, early orphans
بچه آخر عمری " زنگوله ی پای تابوت است

Soon hot is soon cold
عشق تند زود به سردی میگراید

Rome was not built in a day
گر صبر کنی ز غوره حلوا سازی

The first step is the hardest one
هرکاری اولش سخت است

20-03-2007, 21:53
Worth a world
یک 2نیا می ارزه

Come off your high hours
از خر شیطون بیا پایین

Eat your word
حرفتو پس بگیر

Costumer is always right.
همیشه حق با مشتری است

be clean with me
با من رو راست باش

Wall have ear
دیوار مش دلره موش هم گوش داره

Its up to u
میل خودته

Out of blue
مثه عجل معلق بودن

Easy come easy go
باد آورده را باد میبرد

Give me five
بزن قد ش

More catholic than pop
کاتولیگ تر از پا پ شدی
خرما رو به بم بردن

Walk u talk
به حرفت عمل کن

See not see
شتر دیدی ندیدی

20-03-2007, 21:54
Its between to our ears
بین خودمان باشد

God help them that help themselves
ارتو حرکت از خدا برکت

No money no honey
نابرده رنج گنج میسر نمیشود

Watch you big mounts
دهنت رو ببند

Ladies go blah blah on the phone all the time
(دیگه معنیش که معلومه البته با عرض پوزش)

I plan it
در صدد هستم

:10: :10: :10:

20-03-2007, 23:55

Couch potato: lazy

Forget it: never mind

Bingo: Yes, that is right

Cut it down: stop it, that’s enough

Cut the comedy: stop it

Don’t make me laugh: that’s stupid
(D M M L ! tom couldn’t do that)

Dead: quiet
(what a dead day)

Dear me: oh my goodness
(Dear me! I am late)

I am so sure: I’m right
(this is too much ,I’m so sure)

Let’s have it: plz tell us the news
(What’s happened! let’s have it)

Hop to it: hurry up
(I need it now, hope to it)

Oil it: to study all night
(I have a test tomorrow and I really have to oil it tonight.

Rise and shine: get up and get going

Same here: me too, I agree

Out of luck: unfortunate

Watch it: be careful

Zip it up: be quiet

Trust me: believe me
:8: :8: :8:

20-03-2007, 23:56
With it: up to date

Spit it out: say it
(come on ,don’t be shy…spit it out)

That’s the ticket: that’s exactly
(What is needed. good! that’s the ticket. Now you’re cooking with gas.)

Talk like a nut: to say stupid things

Chicken feed: make very little money

This place is for the bird: it is undesirable

Spot: see,motice,recognize

Feel blah: feel terrible

Ostrich: very fast

Screwy: crazy

Tense :nervous

:21: :21: :11:

22-03-2007, 22:01
Right as rain=completely correct(folksy. often with a s)l
Yes, indeed! U R right as rain.l

Right guy=good boy:a straight guy.l
I’m glad u’re right guy.i can trust u.l

Play with the fire=to do something dangerouse or risky
When u talk to me like that,u’re playing with the fire.l

Out of luck=unfortunate:in a hopeless position
If u think u are going to get any sympathy from me.u’re just out of luck.l

Make a lap=to sit down
Pull up a chair and make a lap.l

Lots of luck=1-‘’good luck’’ l
I’m glad you’re giving it a try !lots of luck!l
2-‘’u don’t have a chance’’l
Think u stand a chance??lots of luck.l

Listen up=listen carefully(usually a command)l
Now, listen up !this is important

Like a bat out of hell=very fast or sudden(caution with hell)l
The cat took off like a bat out of hell.l
Mouthful=1-a true statement
U said a mouthful,and I agree
2-a triade
Paul really geve me a mouthful.i didn’t now I hurt his feelings.l

22-03-2007, 23:27
Fear is the brother of death
هرکس ترسید مرد...هرکه نترسید برد

Who is fault,suspects every body
آدم گناهکار به همه مظنون است

The eye is bigger than belly
چشم پر به از دست پر است

If u wish the dog to follow you need him
نان بده فرمان بده

To fly with other wings
از ریسمان دیگران پنبه ساختن

What ever comes from a friend is good
از دست دوست هر چه ستانی شکر بود

Life is short and time is swift
زندگی کوتاه است اما زمان به سرعت میگذرد

While there is a life,there is a hope
تا دم است...امید باقی است

Life is battle, not a feast
دنیا جای آزمایش است نه اسایش

22-03-2007, 23:27
Love generates love
از دل به دل راه است

Love me little love me long
مرا کم دوست بدار ولی همیشه(کریستوفو مارلو)

Love is without reason
عشق منطق و قانون نمیشناسد

A mother love never ages
تا حیات است عشق مادری هست

Love is full of trouble
عشق درد نیست ولی به درد آرد

Old love doesn’t rust
ای خوش آن روزگار دیرینه عشق دیرین و یار دیرینه

All is fair in love and war
عشق و رشک از هم جدا هستند

Love speaks even the lips are closed
گر چه تفسیر زبان روشنتر است لیک عشق بیزبان روشنتر است

22-03-2007, 23:29
Every mad man thinks all other men mad
کافر همه را به کیش خود پندارد

All meat not pleasant all mouths
علف باید به دهن بزی شیرین باشه

Better a lean peace than a fat victory
تا صلح توان کرد در جنگ مکوب

No pay …. No piper
گربه ای که موش میگیرد نه از بهر خداست

The bird loves her nest
هیچ جا بهتر از خانه ی آدم نیست
:8: :8: :8:

02-04-2007, 09:17
Relationships & Love
ask for someone's hand in marriage

- ask someone to marry you

After dating his girlfriend for several years he finally asked for her hand in marriage.

attracted to (someone)

- feel a physical or emotional attraction to someone

I was attracted to the woman at the party from the moment that I first met her.

blind date

- a date where the two people have never met before

I went on a blind date in university but it did not work out very well.

break someone's heart

- cause someone emotional pain

The man broke his girlfriend's heart when he told her that he was no longer in love with her.

break up

- end a relationship

They broke up after dating for more than three years.

crazy about (someone)

- think that another person is wonderful

My cousin has been crazy about the bank manager for many months now.

date someone

- go on or have a date with someone

My sister has been dating her boyfriend for over two years now.

dig someone

- like someone a lot (dig someone is not a commonly used idiom now)

She really digs the boy in her chemistry class.

double date

- a date where two couples get together to do something

It was a good idea to go on the double date even though everybody wanted to do something different.

dump someone

- end a relationship by telling someone that you don't want to see him or her

The woman dumped her boyfriend after they began to have many fights.

fall for (someone)

- fall in love with someone

She always seems to fall for the wrong person and is never happy.

fall in love (with someone)

- begin to feel love for someone

He fell in love with a woman from his university class and they got married several months later.

find Mr. Right

- find the right or perfect person

She is always hoping to find Mr. Right but so far she hasn't had any luck.

first love

- the first person that one falls in love with

Her first love was with a boy in her high school art class.

get along with someone

- have a good friendly relationship with someone

The woman gets along with her friends very well.

get back together

- return to a relationship or marriage after breaking up

The man got back together with his girlfriend after separating for several months last winter.

get engaged

- decide to marry someone

He got engaged to his wife several years before they actually got married.

get hitched

- get married

My sister and her boyfriend surprised everyone by suddenly getting hitched last weekend.

get serious

- a relationship becomes serious and long-term

The two students dated for several months before they began to get serious.

give someone (or something) a second chance

- try to save a relationship by forgiving and welcoming the other person back

The girl's boyfriend left her for several months but when he wanted to come back she was happy to give him a second chance.

go dutch

- a date where each person pays half of the expenses

In university many of the students had little money so they often went dutch when they were on a date.

good together

- two people who get along well with each other

They are very good together and nobody has ever seen them argue.

go out with someone

- go on a date or be dating someone

I have been going out with a woman from my hiking club for several months now.

go steady

- date one person regularly (not so common recently but at one time used often by teenagers)

The two students have been going steady for three years now.

have a crush (on someone)

- have strong feelings of love for someone (often for a short time and with no results)

The young girl had a crush on her teacher in junior high school but of course it was an impossible situation.

have a thing for (someone)

- be attracted and care a lot about someone

She seems to have a thing for the new guy who just started to work at her company.

head over heels in love with someone

- be very much in love with someone

My friend is head over heels in love with the accountant in his new company.

hit it off (with someone)

- get along well with someone (usually from the beginning)

I hit it off with a woman in my photography class and we have been dating for several months now.

hung up on someone

- be obsessed with another person

The young woman has been hung up on a member of her tennis club for many months now.

interested in (someone)

- have a romantic interest in someone and possibly want to date that person

My sister has been interested in one of the students in her university biology class for many months now.

kiss and makeup

- become friends again after a fight or argument

After they have a fight the couple is always very quick to kiss and make up.

leave someone for someone else

- end a relationship with your partner and start a relationship with someone else

The man left his wife for his secretary but soon discovered that his life was worse than before.

love at first sight

- fall in love with someone (or something) the first time that one sees him or her

When I saw the woman at the party it was love at first sight and I knew that I wanted to meet her.

made for each other

- two people who get along extremely well

Although we had some differences we got along very well together and seemed to be made for each other.

make eyes at someone

- look at someone in a way that makes it clear that you like that person and find them attractive

The man became angry when he thought that his girlfriend was making eyes at someone else at the party.

make up

- when two people forgive each other after an argument or begin to see each other again after ending a relationship

The couple had a big fight at the restaurant but they quickly made up and things quickly got back to normal.

a match made in heaven

- a couple who get along perfectly

When the two people finally got together it was a match made in heaven and everyone thought that they would stay together forever.

meet/find the right girl/guy

- find the right partner, the one to marry

When she moved to Madrid she joked that she would never return home if she met the right guy.

on the rocks

- a relationship or a marriage that is experiencing problems

They are experiencing many problems at the moment and their relationship appears to be on the rocks.

the one (for someone)

- the right partner, the one to marry

As soon as I introduced my girlfriend to my mother she said that she was probably the one for me.

one and only

- the only person that one loves

She was his one and only and he felt lost when the relationship ended.

patch up a relationship

- repair a broken relationship

Although the couple had been fighting and wanted to separate they managed to patch up their relationship and are now very happy together.

perfect couple

- two people who appear to get along perfectly

Our neighors have always seemed to be the perfect couple.

pop the question

- ask someone to marry you

He put much thought into his possible wedding before he actually decided to pop the question.

puppy love

- infatuation (strong feelings of love) between school-age children or teenagers

The two teenagers thought that their love was the greatest in the world but everyone knew that it was only puppy love.

say "I do"

- get married (during a wedding ceremony it is common to say "I do" when you agree to marry your partner)

He loved the woman very much and was hoping that she would say "I do" as soon as they could make the wedding arrangements.

seeing someone

- be dating someone on a regular basis

The woman was not seeing anyone when she met a man who she liked at the party.

set a date

- decide on a date for a wedding

After thinking about marriage for a long time they have finally decided to set a date.

settle down

- establish a regular routine after getting married

After dating dozens of women the young man finally decided to settle down.

split up

- two people in a relationship decide to end their relationship

My sister's daughter and her boyfriend decided to split up after being together for seven years.

steal someone's heart

- cause someone to fall in love with you

She quickly stole the heart of the man who was working beside her at her office.

take one's vows

- get married and take your wedding vows (promises)

They were taking their vows down at the county courthouse when I came for a visit.

those three little words

- the words "I love you"

After several months of dating the young man finally said those three little words to his girlfriend.

tie the knot

- get married

After dating for several years the young couple suddenly decided to tie the knot.

true love

- a genuine feeling of romantic love

It seemed like true love until we began to fight all of the time.

unrequited love

- love that is not returned, one-way love

The woman was in love with the president of her company but from the beginning it was a case of unrequited love.

walk down the aisle together

- get married (in this case in a Christian church where many weddings take place and where the bride walks down the aisle to the altar)

They get along very well and they have finally decided to walk down the aisle and begin their life together.

walk out on

- abandon your partner and end a relationship

The man walked out on his wife and their small baby and nobody knew the reason why.

whisper sweet nothings in someone's ear

- romantic, intimate talk

The movie was rather romantic and most of the scenes had the actor whispering sweet nothings in the ear of the actress.

02-04-2007, 09:19
Leave of absence مرخصي بدون حقوق
Absence makes the heart grow fonder دوري و دوستي
He was looking at me in an absent way جاي ديگري بود به من نگاه مي كرد در حاليكه حواسش
In these animals the tail is absent دمدار نيستند اين حيوانات
The absent party is always to blame است كه تنها به قاضي مي رود هميشه حق با كسي
Long absent, soon forgotten از دل برود هر آنكه از ديده برفت
We express our deepest condolence for your misfortune
به مناسبت مصيبت وارده عميق ترين تسليت خود را ابراز مي داريم
Mucus of the nose: آب بيني
All the seas of the earth تمام آب هاي زمين
At the end of در پايان
At the foot of در شروع
At the mercy of وابسته به...…

His business is brisk: كسب او رونق دارد
To give a curt negative reply: آب پاكي را روي دست كسي ريختن
To risk one’s life: خود را به آب و آتش زدن
To become free of danger: آب از آسياب افتادن
An honorable death is better than an inglorious life: مردن با عزت به از زندگي در مذلت است
An injury forgiven is better than an injury revenged در عفو لذتي است كه در انتقام نيست
A sound mind is in a sound body: عقل سالم در بدن سالم

12-04-2007, 12:56
سلام ميشه خواهش كنم 1100 كلمه كتابه
1100words you need to know ترجمه كنيد.

12-04-2007, 12:57
سلام ميشه خواهش كنم 1100 كلمه كتابه
1100words you need to know ترجمه كنيد.

12-04-2007, 13:45
hi dear zedboy
if u like u can put some of those words here and if i knew them i will translate them 4 u!l

15-04-2007, 21:22
There is no fool like an old full
سر پیری و معرکه گیری

Life is battle, not a feast
دنیا جای آزمایش است نه آسایش

Cheating play never thrives
بار کج به منزل نمیرود

To carry water in a sieve
آب در هاون سائیدن

Put an old cat to an old cat
شعال بیشه مازندران را نگیرد جز سگ مازندرانی

To make an empty compliment
آب حمام به هم تعارف کردن

There is time for every thing
حرف در گرو وقت است

The good man die young
Good man are scarce
خداوند گلچین میکند

When I am not, let happen what may
دنیا پس از مرگ ما چه دریا چه سراب

15-04-2007, 21:22
People of the same level understand each other
آشنا داند زبان آشنا

If u are physician, heal yourself
کل اگر طبیب بودی سر خود دوا نمودی

Saying and doing are two different thing
ز قول تا عمل چند هزار فرسنگ فاصله است

Better, beg than steal
گدایی به از دزدی است

Man needs wisdom rather than gold
آدمی را عقل می یابد نه زر

A wise man avoid edged tools
غایت جهل بود مشت زدن سندان را

Two wrong don’t make a right
خون را باخون نمیشورند

16-04-2007, 13:32
He who can do any thing. Can do nothing
همه کاره و هیچ کاره

To put the cart before the horse
لقمه را از پشت سر خوردن

All is fair in love and war
میان دعوا حلوا نمیدهند

Failure teaches success
شکست مقدمه پیروزی است

Grey hair are death’s blossom
موی سفید نشانه مرگ است

Habit is second nature
عادت طبیعت ثانوی است
Two hand are better than one
یه دست صدا نداره

A good dog deservers a good bone
هر رفتی امدی دارد

Chinese food, Japanese wife and American life
غذا غذای چینی زن زنه ژاپنی زندگی زندگی امریکایی .
*به همین مضمون مثلی در پارسی امده : ظرف ظرفه مسی...فرش فرشه قالی....نان نانه گندم.....بالاخره دین دینه محمدی.

16-04-2007, 13:32
Few words are best
کم گوی گزیده گوی چون در تا ز اندک نو جهان شود پر

It’s the unexpected that constantly happens
از هرچه بدم میاد سرم میادFirst try and then wives.
مه نا ازموده مفر مای کار

Every one sees his picture in the water
افراد خوب همه را خوب و افراد بد همه را بد میبینند

Don’t love at the first look
با اولین نگاه عاشق نشو

Life is short, and time is swift
زندگی کوتاه است و زمان به سرعت میگذرد

Face to face , the truth come out
چشم تو چشم بیفتد حیا میکند
حیای انسان در چشم اوست

A good character is better than a good face
به است از روی نیکو خویِ نیکو

The longest day must have an end
همیشه در دنیا به یک پاشنه نمیچرخد

17-04-2007, 21:45
There is four sorts of men:
_He who knows not and knows not he knows not;
He is a fool-shun him;
_He who knows not and knows he knows not;
He is simple –teach him;
_He who knows and knows not he knows.
He is asleep wake him;
_He who knows and knows he knows;
He is wise –follow him;

انسانها به چهار دسته تقسیم میشوند؟
_ آنکس که نداند و نداند که نداند –دیوانه ای بیش نیست از او بپرهیزید
_آنکس که نداند و بداند که نداند- او ساده لوحی بیش نیست تعلیمش دهید
_ انکس که بداند و نداند که بداند- او در خواب غفلت است بیدارش کنید
_آنکس که بداند و بداند که بداند- او عاقل است از او تاسی جوئید
( لیدی بورتون)

17-04-2007, 21:46
In for a penny, in for a pound
آب که از سر گذشت چه یک نی چه صد نی

The heart’s letter is read in the eyes
چشمش را ببین دلش را بخوان

He that swear , will die.
دروغگویی و سوگند ملازم همدیگرند

We can’t lie down and cry ( god help us)
از تو حرکت از خدا برکت

When poverty comes in at the door love flies out of windows
وقتی که فقر از در وارد میشود عشق از پنجره پرواز میکند
تنگت نگرفته که عاشقی یادت برود

Man is the measure of all things
انسانها محور و معیار همه ارزشهایند

No man can serve two master
به یک روی در محراب بودن
نمیتوان در عین حال اش معاویه را خورد .هم نماز علی را خواند. هم طبال یزید بود هم علمدار حسین.هم اسب شمر را نعل کرد هم مشک حضرت عباس را دوخت. هم نماز شب خواند هم اب توی شیر کرد و .....

17-04-2007, 21:55
Desperate man needs no help
از جان گذشته را به مدد نیاز نیست

There is some different between peter and peter
شکر مازندران و شکر هندوستان هردو شیرینند اما این کجا و ان کجا

Hanging and winning go by destiny
ازدواج و اعدام هر دو جزو سرنوشته آدمی است
هر کجا داغ بایدت فرمود چون تو مرهم نهی ندارد سود

The devil isn’t as black he is painted
پیشداوری افراد در قضاوتها دخالت دارد

The devil dances in an empty pocket
جیبش از خانه ی خدا پاک تر است
شپش تو جیبش چهار قاب میندازه

He that falls today, may rise tomorrow
شکست مقدمه پیروزی است

Many drops make a flood
اندک اندک جمع گردد وانگهی دریا شود

19-04-2007, 17:52
Slang’s word

Respond: answer, reply

Bill: proposed low

Manage: succeed

Doubt: be uncertain

Emotion: strong feeling

Joe blow: every one

No way Jose: absolutely

Uncle sam: the tax man

Buddy: pal, fellow, guy, friend

Pole: along

Fat so: a fat person

Literally: actually

Jack: nothing ( I don’t know jack about him)

Quality: character

Tub of lard: very fat

Chicken leg: slender and thin leg

Beanpole with chicken leg: a very tall man with thin leg

Yuck: chat a lot

Know it all: sb who thinks that knows every thing

Brand-new: completely new

Mild: soft, gentle, moderate

Dig? : understand?

19-04-2007, 17:53
A right-winger: politically, conservative

Left wing: extremely liberal

Insult: injure

On hand: present and available

Know like the back of one’s hand: know very well

Consider: think over

Junk: unless or worthless article

Impress: affect, make an impression

Glad hand: shack hand

Spin-doctor: some one who improve a politician’s image

Recognize: know, identify

Hands clown: easily

Lend a hand: help, serve

Eat out of one’s hand: do any thing one want

Sweetie: lover

Good mother: family friend chosen to be sponsor of child

Rap: talk

Boggy: leave very fact

Grub: food

Trip: fall, stumble

Bummer: lazy person

Guy: fellow, chap

Dull: stupid

19-04-2007, 17:54
Cook the book: falsify record

Belly up: fail

All in all: in summary, on the whole

So so: average

Ta ta : goodbye

Kiss kiss: I am going a big kiss

Bush bush: private

Bah bye: good-bye

Hard time: prison time

Rift raff: people, undesirable

In the red: in bad financial situation

Boom: to become move prosperous, to increase

Woe: sadness or trouble

Get the boot: loose the job

Get shacked: “ “ “

Get booted: “ “ “

Fishy: suspicious

Tank: fail miserably

Account: explain

Playful: lively and enjoying playing

19-04-2007, 17:56
Sandal: light shoe with an open top made of strap

Mish mush: confuse

See eye to eye: agree

On the up and up: honest

Chit chat: talk about trivial matter

Went on and on: talked cautiously

Overly: too much

Effected: touched the feeling of

Stuff: matter

Casual: not formal

Frou frou: overly

Nice shmice: very nice

Coherent: clear

Mean: nasty or unpleasant

Glue: to stick thing together

Screwy: crazy

Concrete: real, important

Chill: coldness

Concrete: very good

19-04-2007, 22:00
Chill pill: relax

Feel blah: feel terrible

Stick as a dog: very dog

Out of it: not wise

Lose one’s cookies: vomit

Hatch: to break out of the egg

Yell: speaking truthfully

Sort of: Somewhat, to some point

Tiptop: excellent

Pick up: smart again

Spot: see, notice

Order: class,

Lay the ground work: to establish a good job

08-05-2007, 08:26
1.once upon a timeیکی بود یکی نبود

2.when there is a will,there is wayخواستن توانستن است .

3.take no painزحمت نکش.

4.it slipped my tungeاز دهنم در رفت.

5.i decided to do without itاز خیرش گذشتم.

6.do not cost your pearls before swineپول علف خرس است.

7.longer is the best sauceآدم گرسنه سنگ هم می خورد

دلخوشی ازش ندارم 8.iam sore at her

9.you can not serve God & mammonشما نمی توانید هم به خدا خدمت کنید هم به ثروت

10.you don,t lose by itاز آن بد نمی بینی.

11.heven help him this timeخدا به دادش برسد.

12.it is a herculean task کار حضرت فیل است .

13.you must be out of your mind تو باید دیوونه شده باشی.

14.i felt it in my bones به دلم برات شده بود .

15.put yourself to gether حواست را جمع کن .

16.i don,t feel well حال ندارم.

17.i,m in a good mood سر حالم.

18.we are even ما حساب نداریم .

19.you are asking for it تنت می خارد.

20.pleas exuse my back ببخشید پشتم به شماست

. [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

08-05-2007, 08:44

21.be a good felow and do it جون من اینکار رو بکن.

22.lightly come ,light go باد آورده را باد می برد.

23.one swallow doesn,t make a summer با یک گل بهار نمی شود

24.let me know خبر بده.

25.i have had enough,thanks a lot برای هفت پشتم بس.
26.don,t count on me رو من حساب نکن .

27.there is only tow possibilityes از دو حال خارج نیست.

28.he has a great deal pull الاغش می رود .

29.don,t spoil the child بچه رو لوسش نکن .

30.spoil my appetite اشتهام را کور کرد.

31.i was keeping my fingers crossed خدا خدا می کردم .

32.what on earth shall i do now? حالا چه خاکی به سرم بریزم

33.a sound mind in a sound body عقل سالم در بدن سالم است .

34.you can not get blood out of astone کف دستم را بو نکردم.

35.a garden full of weeds عالم بی عمل نبور بی عسل .

36.plenty,in time of adversity not one many twenty تا پول داری رفیقتم قربون بند کیفتم.

37.cool down=take it easy .جوش نزن

38.they that dance must pay the fiddler هر کسی خربزه می خورد پای لرزش هم می نشیند.

39.many a little makes a mickle اندک اندک جمع شود وانگهی دریا شود.
39.little and often fills the purse همان مفهوم بالایی.

40.take it or leave it ! می خوای بخوای, نمی خوای نخوای


08-05-2007, 08:51
abolish نابود کردن
abution وضو
abort=miscarry سقط
طاقچهءروی بخاری mantel
mantte پوشش
at all به هیچ وجه
not at all قابل شما را ندارد
it is not at all اصلا خوب نیست

shrill جیغ زدن
thrill لرزش
drill مته

cradle گهواره
candle شمع
candle-stick شمعدان

civil war جنگ داخلی
civil engineer مهندس ساختمان
civil غیر نظامی

mustard خردل
mustache سبیل
beard ریش

involve درگیر شدن
involition برگشت چیزی به حالت اول
revolition انقلاب
involuntary غیر ارادی
invalnerable آسیب ناپذیر

tin=can قوطی کنسرو شده
can of peach کمپوت هلو
tined meat گوشت کنسرو شده

can you can? می تونی قوطی رو کنسرو کنی؟

.flying saucer بشقاب پرنده
saucer نعلبکی

08-05-2007, 09:12
41.she will never realiz this wish آرزو بر دلش می ماند.

42.suddenly he showed up ناگهان سرو کله اش پیدا شد .

43.he is no fool آنقدرها هم احمق نیست .

44.it is much more than he deserves از سرش هم زیاد .

45.the night is still young هنوز اول شب .

46.he has no sense of shame. خجالت سرش نمی شود

47.what the hell do you want?به چه کوفتی می خوای؟

48.eat the damaned thing لعنت کردن.

اومدی و نسازی 49.now,now ,now !

0.she is very touchy. خیلی زود رنج است

51.my shoes pinch کفش پاهام را می زند.

52.she must suffer in silence. باید سوخت و ساخت

53.bother the flies.حوصلهء کاری را ندارد

54.may i have a word with you می شه دو کلمه با تو حرف بزنم.

55.let,s have a break. اجازه بده یک استراحتی داشته باشیم

56.leave her alone کاری به کارش نداشته باش .

57.look before leap بی گدار به آب نزن.

58.i want to make up my mind about it من می خواهم بیشتر فکر بکنم.

59.the tyre is flat (puntured) تایر ماشین پنچر شده است

60.he has 6 mouth to eat. 6 سر عائله دارد

08-05-2007, 09:19
truth حقیقت
trust اعتماد
trash آشغال
thrush برفک دهان
trust in GOd توکل به خدا
concave کاو
convex کو...
flexion خم کردن
friction اصطکا ک

comence شروع کردن
comerce تجارت
commend ستودن
command فرمان دادن
abandon رها کردن
abundont فراوان
it,s the weather آن از آب و هواست
weather آیا

nausea تهوع
sneeze عطسه
hiccup سکسکه
the rich ثروتمندان -جمع rich
the poor فقیران-جمع poor
breach شکاف
breech ته(یک اصطلاح ما ما یی وقتی نوزاد با ته می اید)
beach ساحل
peach هلو

rear عقب
roar غریدن
road جاده [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

08-05-2007, 09:22
61.birds of a feather flok to gether کبوتر با کبوتر باز با باز .

62.she is a ball of fire آتش پاره است .

63.too many cook spoil the broth آشپز که دو تا شد آش یا شور می شود یا بی نمک.

64.you can not teah an old new trick سر پیری و معرکه گیری.

65.do your best حد اکثر سعی ات را بکن .

66.i,ll eat my hat if i don,t do it اگر اینکار رو نکنم اسمم را عوض می کنم.

67.the pot called the kettle black. دیگ به دیگ می گوید روت سیاه

68.he has a finger in every pie. نخود هر آش است

69.all is well. همه چیز رو براه است

70.go and blow your noise برو دماغت رو بگیر .

71.life is too short دنیا دو روز است .

72.make faces قیافه گرفتن برای کسی .

73having haldly arrived you want هنوزز از راه نرسیده.

74.all is lead to room به سوی کعبه راه بسیار است .

75.pleas give my best regards to him سلام مرا به او برسانید.

76.stand a good chance شانس داشتن .

77.to have the luck of devil. شانس ز یاد داشتن

78.burn the mid night oil زیاد درس خواندن .

79.you have become cocky lately تازگی ها دم در آوردی.

80.they cann,t hold a candle to him. سگش به همهء آنها می ارزد


08-05-2007, 09:36
puerperium دورهء نقاهت بعد زایمان
puerpera زائو
purpura ضایعات پوستی
purple ارغوانی
pepper فلفل
propose پیشنهاد
purpose هدف
purwlent چرکی

competent رقابت
in competent نارسایی دریچه

intimatly صمیمی
intimatly friend دوست صمیمی
introduce معرفی کردن
introduction مقدمه
later بعدا
the latter آخری
the former اولی
the latter +فعل مفرد=آخری
+the latter فعل جمع=آخری بجز اولی
موقتی transient
transit عبور
permanent دائمی
in which که در آن
for whom که برای آن
stat فوری
ایالت state
.contusion کوفتگی
concusion تکان
confusion گیج
target هدف
goal=porpose=aim هدف
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

08-05-2007, 09:38
81.may i see your death? مرده شور ببرنت

82.it slipped my tunge از دهنم در رفت .

83.really? مرگ من

84.pull your own weight. کلیمتو از آب بکش

85.don,t couse trouble کرم نریز.

86.tell me what i,m supposed to do حا لا چه خاکی به سرم بریزم .

87.don,t provoke me to talk دهنم را وا نکن .

88.no thing un fortunate i hope انشا الله که خیر است .

89.any port in a storm کفش کهنه در بیا بان نعمت است.

90.when there is smoke,there is fire. تا نباشد چیزکی مردم نگویند چیزها

91.his bread is buttered on both sides. نا نش تو روغن است

92.a constant guest is never welcome! کم بیا شیرین بیا

93.every thing comes to him who waits گر صبر کنی ز غوره حلوا سازی .

94.the graps are sour گربه دستش به گوشت نمی رسد ................

95 keep a civil tonge in your head. حرف دهانت را بفهم

96.well,what do you know !well i never به حق چیز های نشنیده .

97.i feel pins and needle in my foot پا هام خواب رفته .

98.we are even ما حساب نداریم .

99.you did a good job دستتان درد نکند .

100.many happy returus of the day صد سال به این روزها .

Good luck

08-05-2007, 13:56
result in منجر شدن به
result from ناشی از
expiration باز دم
inspiration دم
respiration تنفس
persspiration تعریق
restoration بحالت اول برگشتن
date خرما
have a date قرار ملاقات داشتن(دوست دختر یا پسر)
have an appointment قرار ملاقات داشتن(قرارهای رسمی)

irrational غیر منطقی
irrigation شستشو دادن
irritation تحریک

tic پرش عضلانی
tick کهنه
tickle غلغلک دادن
shot out پخش کردن
shut up خفه شو
shut up the house همه جا رو ببند
is used to=get used to=is accustomed to عادت داشتن
i used to smoke من سابقا سیگار می کشیدم (به امید روزیکه همه بکار ببرندالبته نه اینکه پیشرفت کنند!!)
it is used to آن بکار می رود برای
beer آبجو
bear خرس-نخل-زائیدن
dear عزیز
deer آهو
deliver تحویل دادن
delivery زایمان
labor درد زایمان-کارگر
salt -box نمکدان
suger-bowl قندان

09-05-2007, 07:32
frequently غالبا
subsequently متعاقبا
consequently نتیجتا
fatal کشنده
fetal جنینی
palpitation طپش
palpation لمس
the other day چند روز پیش
every other day یک روز در میان
every other week یک هفته در میان
swell ورم کردن
swallow بلع-پرستو
by all means با کمال میل
by means of بوسیلهء
myringitis التهاب پردهء صماخ
meningitis التهاب پرده های مغزی
twin دوقلو
teens 13-19
twins دوقلوها
twenties 20-29
twentieths بیستم
caw قار قار کلاغ
cow گاو ماده
ox گاو نر
crow کلاغ
crew خدمهءکشتی
on time سر وقت
in time 5 دقیقه اینور, اونور
fold چین
5 fold 5برابر

how do you do? حالتان چطوره؟(رسمی)
how are you حالتان چطوره؟(خودمونی)
require نیاز داشتن
enquire بررسی
wean از شیر گرفتن بچه
win پیروز شدن
weanling بچهء از شیر گرفته شده

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

09-05-2007, 07:42
God will انشا الله
as to=about برای اینکه .
صرفنظر از این مسئله regardless of=
in order of = بر حسب .
بطوریکه so that=

despite=in spite of علیرغم

so am i من هم همینطور

as soon as به محض اینکه
تخم مرغ نیمرو one sided fried egg

i,m confident=i,m positive=i,m sure = من مطمئنم .
as to=in order to برای اینکه
so that بطوریکه
i,m in the dark اطلاعی از آن ندارم
i,m not in the picture من در جریانش نیستم

can you can? می تونی قوطی رو کنسرو کنی؟


any way=any how بهر حال
as yet تا کنون..
what a pitty!حیف شد
by the way راستی

keep the change بقیه مال خودت (پول خرد)
roughly تقریبا

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

09-05-2007, 07:50
tranck بدنه
how ever اما

or else! والا

as yet تا کنون
.it,s itself خود خودش
i mean it معنی دادن-جدی می گم آ
i,ll show you نشونت می دم-خیال کردی
welcome back رسیدن بخیر.
in that=beacouse=as=for=since چون
.9 month in gone 9 ماهش است(ما ما یی)
.at all به هیچ وجه
not at all قابل شما را ندارد
it is not at all اصلا خوب نیست
be over =finish تمام شدن
slipper دمپا یی
in which که در آن
for whom که برای آن
e.g برای مثال
i.e یعنی
et.al همکاران

have a seat بفرما بشین
take a seat بفرما بشین
. .................

09-05-2007, 08:02
owe to =due to ناشی از
far off =far a way دور
. .is to بایستی
yet با این وجود
than تا اینکه-از-نسبت به
i can,t help it چاره ای ندارم
i can,t but go چاره ای جز رفتن ندارم
near-sighted نزدیک بین
far-sighted دور بین
imitate=simulate تقلید کردن
is used to=get used to=is accustomed to عادت داشتن
. .traffic ticket جریمه
it can be said that می توان گفت که
i over than you من از شما بزرگترم
the menu pleas غذا را بیا ر
good appetite نوش جان
با درجات مختلف some degree
try on پرو کردن
take in کوتاه کردن شلوار
the ultimate result نتیجهء نهایی
as to راجع به
simply فقط
so long خدا حافظی صمیمی

firm decision عزم راسخ
برای همه تون آرزو می کنم

18-05-2007, 15:23
rare کمیاب-خام
medium نیم پخت
well done خوب پخته-آفرین

exagrrate زیاده از حد خود را نشان دادن
aggression تهاجمی

proof غیر قابل نفوذ-دلیل
reasen دلیل
roof پشت بام
ceiling سقف
floor کف
flour آرد

argue جرو بحث
discuss جرو بحث همینجوری
in other words بعبارت دیگر
on the other hand از طرف دیگر

voice صدای انسان
sound صدای هر چیزی

bowl کاسه
bowel روده

look like بنظر رسیدن با( چشم)
بنظر رسیدن با ( گوش)sound like
abbreviation اختصار
contraction قرارداد-انقباض-مخفف

sever=cut بریدن
severe شدید
serve خدمت کردن

lever اهرم
level سطح

blank جای خالی
blanket پتو
blanch سفید شدن
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

18-05-2007, 15:28
sample نمونه
ample فراوان

call on=visit ملاقات کردن
call up تلفن کردن

lining آستری
coverپوشش خاجی

borrow قرض گرفتن
lend قرض دادن

i,m sorry اشتباه از طرف خود
i,m affraid اشتباه از طرف دیگری

city شهر بزرگ
town شهر کوچک
down town مرکز یا قسمت اداری شهر

thump ضربه

incidence بروز
prevalence شیوع

steal دزدی-فولاد
still هنوز-با وجود این-ساکن
still birth جنین مرده

obstruction انسداد
obstipation یبوست سرکش
constipation یبوست

.sew دوختن
saw اره-گذشتهء see

put on پوشیدن
have on به تن داشتن

chill احساس لرز
shiver لرز در اثر بیماری
rigor لرز

18-05-2007, 15:34
by فرعی-بوسیلهء-تا-کنار
bye=good bye
by-product محصول فرعی
by-pass راه فرعی

grill کباب پختن روی آتش
fry پختن توی روغن

province استان
process زائده

life-lives زندگیها
leaf-leaves برگها
leave-leaves ترک کردن

snort=snak خرو پف کردن
snare به دام انداختن

sweet fennel مرزه
sweet basil ریحان

egg plant بادمجان
zucchiny کدو

pea نخود
split pea لپه
lentil عدس

mustard خردل
gingre زنجبیل
turmeric زردچوبه

پوست پرتقالorange peel
walnut shell پوست گردو
fur coat پوست خز
water melon rind پوست هندوانه
peel on orange پوست کندن پرتقال
skin an animal پوست کندن حیوانات

walnut گردو
hazelnut فندق
pistachio پسته
almond بادام
raisin کشمش
pea nut بادام زمینی
dry nut آجیل

that is all همه اش همین
not at all قابل شما رو ندارد

28-05-2007, 01:37
Hi dears!...
Here is some idioms that I wish they will be usefull for you...
Bye,have a good time.

To see off بدرقه کردن
To stay up بیدار ماندن
To let on آشکار کردن
To take on استخدام کردن
To cut in صحبت کسی را قطع کردن
To make out موفق شدن
To show up ظاهر شدن-حاضر شدن
to come about اتفاق افتادن
To get on <> To get off سوار شدن <> پیاده شدن
To put on <> To take off پوشیدن <> در آوردن
To turn on <> To turn off روشن کردن <> خاموش کردن
To look for جستجو کردن
To look after مواظبت کردن
To look out مواظب بودن-احتیاط کردن
To look up جستجو کردن لغت
To pick up برداشتن
To pick out انتخاب کردن
To get over بهبود یافتن
To get out بیرون رفتن
To get up بر خاستن
To get through تمام کردن
To leave out ول کردن
To leave for عازم شدن
To wait on خدمت کردن
To wait for منتظر شدن
To take part شرکت کردن
To take place اتفاق افتادن-رخ دادن
To call up تلفن کردن
To call down سرزنش و توبیخ کردن
To call on ملاقات کردن
To break off خاتمه دادن
To break out ناگهان اتفاق افتادن
To break into به زور وارد شدن
To put out خاموش شدن
To put off به تعویق انداختن
To keep on ادامه دادن
To go on ادامه دادن
To fall in love with عاشق شدن
To be over تمام شد>انجام کاری بصورت اتمام
To give up تسلیم شدن-رها کردن
To cross out خط کشیدن-خط زدن
To try on امتحان کردن
To try out امتحان دادن
To find out فهمیدن-ملتفت شدن
To talk over بحث کردن
To run over زیر گرفتن>تصادف
To run out تمام شدن چیزی
To hear from خبر گرفتن از
To do over تکرار کردن
To check out بررسی کردن-امتحان کردن

31-05-2007, 18:29
1- Don’t keep on me. گیر نده!
2- An old trout. پیرزن غرغرو
3- Shake e leg. جم بخور- یه تکونی به خودت بده
4- Chop-Chop یالا
5- Stone the crow. اوا خاک عالم!
6- Glory be! پناه بر خدا
7- Be sitting pretty. بی خیال بودن
8- A call of nature. قضای حاجت
9- Cut the cackle. حاشیه نرو!
10- And co. دارو دسته - بروبچ
11- I showed him up. پته اش را ریختم رو آب
12- A bunch of cowboys. یه مشت آدم بی سر و پا
13- Pretty-Pretty گل منگلی- اجق وجق
14- Tag! استپ (در بازی)
15- Be all wet. کاملا در اشتباه بودن
16- I take my hat off to you. بابا ایول!
17- You son of a gun! پدر سوخته (با عرض پوزش فراوان...)

11-06-2007, 18:34
yo fellas
these thing which you written in past post, ain't mean any for me. in case of you can't search what you want here, why you all try to extract your knowledges here?
any way, i don't want to disapoint you all, but do something usefull, something like an always online tranlator group, or sth like this. it work here. i'm a translator, and there is no benefit in it for me, but for some others who ain't have enough money or enough time, that is totaly usefull.
waitig for hear from you soon

have fun

16-06-2007, 01:30
ممنون از زحماتی که میکشی dianella

19-06-2007, 15:57
cook a nice goose for someone (براي كسي نقشه ريختن) - يه آشي برات بپزم كه يه وجب روغن روش باشه.
go into a nosedive (سريع افت كردن) - قيمت نفت به سرعت طي چند روز گذشته نزول كرده است.
come down yo earth (از رويا بيرون آمدن)
go bananas (از شدت عصبانيت يا خوشحالي ديوانه شدن)

اينا رو گذاشتم، اگر خوشتون اومد براتون باز هم مي‌نويسم.


01-07-2007, 12:57
Hi buddies.
you are in truble to write these words and phrases, but how can we use and push them into our memry .

01-07-2007, 23:57
Hi buddies.
you are in truble to write these words and phrases, but how can we use and push them into our memry

Just repeat them in your mind! and try to use them in your usual life!
speak with everyone that you can and use this slangs in your speaks!
its my manner of learning slangs:10:

07-07-2007, 20:24
The burnt child dreams the fire
مار گزیده از ریسمان سیاه سفید میترسد !

Great honors are great burdens.
آدمی هر چه فراتر مرود امکان فرو افتادنش نیز بیشتر میشود

Every one knows best where his shoe pinches
هیچ کس از درد کسی خبر ندارد
اموری تمثیل زیبایی دارد :
آن شنیدم که رفت نادانی ، به عیادت به درد دندانی
گفت باد است زین غم مباش ، گفت آری ولیک نزد تو این
درد من همچو کوه فولاد است، چون نو زان فارغی ترا باد است

I say “ it’s bull” but he tell me to milk it
آسمان ریسمان بافتن
من میگم نره تو میگی بدوش !
من میگم لباس ندارم اون میگه دامنت رو بگیر !
من از بند حسین در اضطرابم ، تو از عباس میگویی جوابم

To build castle in the air
کس نباید چشمه ی آب حیات اندر سراب
سودای خام در سر داشتن

07-07-2007, 20:27
You can not know the wine by the barrel
از ظاهر کسی نمیتوان به باطنش پی برد

Boil not the pape before the child is born
دیر اومده زود میخواد بره

Watched not never boils
انتظار بدترین حالت انسانی است !

It is very hard to shave an egg!
از روود خشک ماهی گرفتن

First try and then wives!
پرهیز از بی گدار به آب زدن و بی احتیاطی !

Two wrong do not make a right
One does not wash away blood with blood!
خون رو با خون نمیشورند !
آتش رو با آتش خاموش نمیکنند !

08-07-2007, 21:48
تو هچل افتادن. توي دردسر افتادن
I really get into hot water whenever I play hooky.

هر كي هر كي. ظالم بي رحم
It's pretty though to survive in this dog-eat-dog world.

يك مرتبه عادتي را كنار گذاشتن. بي مقدمه اعتياد را ترك كردن
The doctor believes in that if he opium addict had gone cold turkey, he might have not survived

راز شرم آور. نقطه ضعف
my father was once behind bars. That's our family's skeleton in the closet.

پول رو رو سنگ بذاري سنگ آب ميشه! پول حلال مشكلاته!‌پول حرف اول رو مي زنه!
ِDon't worry. I have a way of getting things done. Money talks!

مواظب رفتار و زبان خود بودن. مودب بودن
you must mind your p's and q's at the reception tonight

از شدت خوشحالي يا عصبانيت ديوانه شدن

08-07-2007, 21:48
May I die for your height and top. (Love U too much)
Ghorboone ghado balat

Ate my head. (talked too much)
Saramo khord

He has grown a tail! (has become too smart for his own good)
Dom dar avorde

On my eyes. (your wish is my command)
Be rooyeh cheshmam

Light up my homework! (tell me what I'm supposed to do)
Taklife mano roshan kon

Don't hit yourself into left Ali Street. (don't pretend you don't know anything about it)
khodet ro be kocheye alichap nazan

To my death? (really?)
marge man ?

I ate the ground and my father came out! (I fell and it hurt a lot)
Khordam zamin, Pedaram dar oomad

May they take away the person that washes your dead body! (hate your guts - may I see your death)
Morde Shooret ro bebaran!

Pull your carpet out of the water! (pull your own weight - stand on your own two feet)
Geleemet ro as Ab bekesh!

I'll hit you so hard that electricity will pop out of your eyes!
Enghadr seft bezanamet keh bargh az cheshmat bepare!

His/Her donkey passed over the bridge! (he/she got what she wanted)
Kharesh as pol gozashte

What kind of dirt should I put on my head?! (what the he-- am i supposed to do now?)
Che khaki be saram berizam?!

The neighbor's chicken is a goose! (grass is greener on the other side)
Morghe hamsaye Ghaze!

Marriage is an uncut watermelon! (marriage is a risk)
Ezdevaj hendooneye naboridast

Happiness has hit you under the belly! (you have nothing "real" to complain about, so you're nagging about trivial things)
Khooshie zade zire delet

Don't drop worms! (don't cause trouble - don't bug me)
Kerm nariz!

08-07-2007, 21:51
این كتاب یك كتاب تمرین با اصطلاحات زبان انگلیسی است كه هدف از آن، تقویت دانش زبان انگلیسی خوانندگان خود با یاد دادن عبارات و اصطلاحاتی است كه مردم انگلیسی زبان هر روز در مكالمات و نوشته‌های خود به كار می‌برند و به این ترتیب، احساسات و عواطف‌شان را به صورت بهتر و دقیق‌تری ابراز می ‌نمایند. این كتاب شامل 128 تمرین مختلف در مورد بیش از 800 اصطلاح و عبارت توصیفی است كه بیش‌ترین كاربرد را در زبان انگلیسی دارند.خواندن این كتاب آموزشی میزان سواد انگلیسی شما را از این روی به آن روی خواهد كرد و تغییرات شگرفی در نحوه‌ی جمله‌سازی شما پدید خواهد آورد. به كمك اصطلاحاتی كه در این كتاب یاد خواهید گرفت، می‌توانید طوری صحبت كنید كه انگار از ناف انگلیس برگشته‌اید! این كتاب در قطع پی‌دی‌اف و 95 صفحه در حدود یك مگابایت حجم دارد و واقعا حیف است كه به خاطر آن به ادامه‌ی متن تشریف نبرید...

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]
English Idioms : Exercises on Idioms ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])

08-07-2007, 21:52
fair shake(to give someone
یه شانس دیگه به کسی دادن

talk someone into something
متقاعد کردن کسی

as plain as the nose on your face
خیلی واضح

pull someone's leg
شوخی کردن

flash in pan
خیلی زود گذر

pop the question
خاستگاری کردن

08-07-2007, 21:53
دليل يا مدارك كافي براي ادعاي خود نداشتن
I'm sure you're in the right, but you don't have a leg to stand on.

با كسي روراست بودن. باكسي صادق بودن
Come on, Bill! I want you to level with me. Did you do it?

احساساتي شدن. ذوق زده شدن
Calm down, Al. Don't get carried away. We have to sit down and talk sense.

08-07-2007, 21:54
دیر رسیدن بهتر از هرگز نرسیدن است .

No news is good news
بی خبری , خوش خبری است .

A man's home is his castle
هیچ جا خونه ی آدم نمی شه .

There is no smoke without a fire
تا نباشد چیزکی مردم نگویند چیزها .

Money doesn't grass on tree
پول علف خرس نیست .

He is a yes man
بله قربان گو است .

In Rome do as Roman do
خواهی نشوی رسوا همرنگ جماعت شو .

Rome wasn't built in one day
نمی شه یک شبه ره صد ساله را پیمود .

08-07-2007, 21:55
Make up your mind
سریع تر تصمیم بگیر .

Once in a blue moon
خیلی کم , به ندرت

You seem to be miles away
حواست این جا نیست .

You are under the weather
خیلی غمگین و ناراحتی .

Much coins , much care
هرکه بامش بیش , برفش بیش تر .

08-07-2007, 21:56
تا آنجايي که من مي دانم
As Far As I Know
به نظر من
As I See It
با بهترين آرزوهاي موفقيت
All My Best Wishes
فعلا خداحافظ
Bye For Now
يک لحظه ديگر بر مي گردم
Be Back In A Bit
زود بر مي گردم
Be Back In A Few
بعدا بر مي گردم
Be Back Later
ديگه خداحافظ
Bye Bye Now
همديگر را خواهيم ديد
Be See In' You
موضوع مهم
Big Deal
By the Way
زياد اميدوارم نباش
Don't Hold Your Breath
پايان پيغام
End Of Message
جهت اطلاع شما
For your Information
زندگي کن
Get A Life
موفــق باشي
Good Like
بــرو پي کارت
Go Sit On A Snack
بايد بروم خدا حافظ
Got to Go , Bye
برو به جهنم
Go to Hell
از ديدنت خوشحال مي شوم
Glad to See Ya
خوش باشي
Have A Good One
زود برگرد
Hurry Back
صــبـر کــن
ها ها ؛ شوخي کردم
Ha Ha , Only Kidding
به هــر حال
In Any Event
نمي فهمم
I Don't Get It
نمي دونم
I Don't Know
تــرا نمي شناسم
I Don't Know You
من اينو نگفتم
I Don't Say That
اين طور فکر نمي کنم
I Don't Think So
به مشکلي برخوردم
I Fount A Bug
اگر من جاي تو بودم
If It Were Me
دوستت دارم
I love you
به نظر من
In My Opinion
مشکـل من نيست
Not My Problem
اگــر منظورم را نمي فهمي
If You Know What I Mean
منظور مرا نمي فهمــي
Know What I Mean
خبــرم کــن
Let Me Know
خيلي دوستت دارم
Love Ya Lots
مثل خواهرم دوستت دارم
Love you Like Sister
به تو احترام مــي گذارم
My Hat's Off To You
مـذکـــر يا مونث
Male Or Female
چيز مهمي نيست
No Big Deal
راه ندارد
بازي جديد
New Game
مهم نيست بي خيال
Never Mind
به تو مربوط نيست
No of Your Business
لازم به جواب نيست
No Replay necessary
اوه فهميدم
Oh I See
اوه خداي من
Oh My God
همين حالا
Right Now!
روزگار همينه ديگه
Sh** Happens
بد شانس
Out Of Luck
خوب , چي فکر مي کني ؟
So What Do You Think?
ممنون براي همه چيز
Tanks For Nothing
قبلا تشکر مي کنم
Tanks in Advance
فــکر مي کنم که عاشق شده ام
Thinks I Am in Love
به من اعتماد کن
Trust Me
Tank you
هر چه قدر پول بدي ؛ آش مي خوري
Value For Money
خوش آمدي
Welcome Back
چــي گفتي ؟
What Did you Say?
چــــي فکر مي کني ؟
What do you Think?
چه سودي براي من داره ؟
What's in If For Me?
نفهميدم چه خبره !؟
What The F***
راهش اينه ؛ آفرين
Way To go
مشکلت چيه ؟
What's Your Problem?
هر چي تو بگي
Whatever You Say
اسم واقعي تو چيه ؟
What's Your Real Name?
منو نمي شناسي ؟
You Don't Know Me
بودن يا نبودن
To Be Or Not To Be
در اولين فرصت
As Soon As Possible
تمام شده بدونش
Consider it out
بعدا گپ مي زنيم
Chat With You Later
به من دروغ نگــو
Don't lie For Me
نمي دانم ؛ اهميت نمي دهم
Don't Know Don't Care
فقط براي اين که بدانيد
For What It's Worth
اگر درست به خاطر بياورم
If I Remember Correctly
پيغام روز
Message Of The Day
ببخشيد پريدم وسط
Pardon Me For Jumping In
غير عــادي
Out Of Character
آيا از من باهوش تري
You Are Too Wise For Me
من از روي درياچه مثل فنر در بهار پريدم

08-07-2007, 21:58
Practice makes perfect.
كار نيكو كردن از پر كردن است
Whatever seemed to be easy turnout to be difficult.
كه عشق آسان نمود اول ولي افتاد مشكل ها
Birds of a feather flock together.
كبوتر با كبوتر باز با باز
Nothing is quite impossible.
كار نشد ندارد
One good turn deserves another.
كاسه جايي رود كه باز آيد قدح
Don't leave off till tomorrow what you can do today.
كار امروز را به فردا مينداز
A burnt child dreads the fire.
مار گزيده از ريسمان سياه و سفيد مي ترسد
The grass is greener on the other side of the hill.
مرغ همسايه غاز است. ماست همسايه شيرين تر است
Murder will out.
ماه زير ابر پنهان نمي ماند
After death the doctor.
To lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen.
نوشدارو بعد از مرگ سهراب
You can't eat your cake and have it.
نمي شود هم خدا را بخواهي هم خرما را
Time is money
وقت طلاست
Jack of all trade.
A rolling stone gathers no mass.
همه كاره و هيچ كاره
It will be a feather in your cap.
هر گلي بزني به سر خودت زدي
If gold rusts, what then can iron do?
هر چه بگندد نمكش مي زنند ؛ واي به روزي كه بگندد نمك
All that glitters is not gold.
هر گردي گردو نيست
He who sows the wind shall reap.
هر كه خربزه مي خوره پاي لرزش مي شينه
A word to the wise ( is enough)
در خانه اگر كس است يك حرف بس است
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
دوست آن باشد كه گيرد دست دوست در پريشان حالي و درماندگي
All is well that ends well.
Don't count your chicken before they hatched.
He laughs best who laughs last.
شاهنامه آخرش خوش است.
To hope against hope.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
در نااميدي بسي اميد است ؛ پايان شب سيه سفيد است
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
دوري و دوستي

08-07-2007, 21:58
Fine words butter no parsnips
. ز تعارف كم كن و بر مبلغ افزاي

To carry coal to Newcastle.
. زيره به كرمان بردن

A barking dog never bit.
. سنگ بزرگ علامت نزدن است

Seeing is believing.
. شنيدن كي بود مانند ديدن

A fair face may hide a foul heart.
. صورت ظاهر برادر هيچ نيست

He is trying to run before he has learned to walk.
. شاگردي نكرده مي خواهد استاد بشود
. غوره نشده مي خواهد مويز بشود

A sound mind in a sound body.
. عقل سالم در بدن سالم است

Haste make waste.
. عجله كار شيطان است

Many a little makes a mickle.
. قطره قطره جمع گردد وانگهي دريا شود

More catholic than pope.
. كاسه داغ تر از آش

There is something in the wind.
There is some hanky panky going on.
. كاسه اي زير نيم كاسه است

To beat the air.
To flog a dead horse.
. آب در هاون كوبيدن

We seek water in the sed.
. آب در كوزه و ما تشنه لبان مي گرديم

A miss is as good as a mile.
In for a penny, in for a pound.
. آب كه از سر گذشت چه يك ني چه صد ني

What is done can not be undone.
. آب از جوي رفته دگر باز نگردد

Too many cooks spoil the broth.
Two captains sink the ship.
. آش پز كه دو تا شد آش يا شور مي شود يا بي نمك

A hungry man is an angry man.
. آدم گرسنه دين و ايمان ندارد

Out of frying pan into the fire.
Driven from pillar to post.
. از چاله در آمد و توي چاه افتاد

I am through with the thread and thimbles.
. از هفت خان رستم گذشتم

He has not a penny to bless himself.
. آه ندارد كه با ناله سودا كند

Out of sight , out of mind.
. از دل برود هر آنچه كه از ديده برفت

To fish in troubled water.
. از آب گل آلود ماهي گرفتن

Do right and fear no man.
. آن را كه حساب پاك است از محاسبه چه باك است

One swallow does not make summer.
. با يك گل بهار نمي شود

Have two strings to one's bow.
. با يك دست دو تا هندوانه برداشتن

Easy come, easy go.
What comes with water, goes with the wind.
. باد آورده را باد مي برد

Cut your coat according to your cloth.
. پايت را به اندازه گليم خودت دراز كن

Come off your perch.
. پياده شو با هم بريم

Like father, like son.
. پسر كو ندارد نشان از پدر ؛ تو بيگانه خوانش نخوانش پسر

08-07-2007, 21:59
The heart of the matter
جان كلام
Heaven forbid
خدا نكند
It is heaven's will
خواست خداست
Heart and soul
با دل و جان- با تمام قوا

Don't put the blame on me
كاسه كوزه رو سر من نشكن

to leave someone in the lurch
كاشتن كسي
.To steer a middle course.
كج دار مريز رفتار كن

Which son of bitch did it?
كار كدوم حرومزاده اي بوده ؟

To give it an appearance.
كلاه شرعي گذاشتن

He didn't turn a hair
ككش هم نگزيد

We heavebt god the slightest chance.
كلاهمون پس معركه است

We shall fall out
كلاهمون تو هم ميره

Black head
كله پوك

I am your humble
كوچيك شما هستم
All joking apart
از شوخي گذشته

I paid dear for it
برام گرون تموم شد

I could kick myself for doing it
گردنم بشكنه كه اين كار رو كردم

To act as a bully
گردن كلفتي كردن

A wolf in sheep's clothing
گرگ در لباس ميش

He wouldn't hear it
گوشش به اين حرفا بدهكار نيست

Appearances are deceptive
گول ظاهر رو نبايد خورد

Keep the wolf from the door
گليم خود رو از آب كشيدن

To set the fox to watch geese
گوشت رو به دست گربه سپردن

Not to overtake someone
بگرد كسي نرسيدن

My blood will be on your head
خون من به گردن شما

behnam karami
10-07-2007, 11:19
keep somthing to oneself
به صورت راز نگه داشتن

what gives
موضوع چیه

on the level

go off on someone
با عصبانیت روی کسی نعره زدن

i'll say

no laughing matter(to be)
تعیین کردن شرایط سخت

13-08-2007, 01:23
Im just using you .you are prefect please go on

24-08-2007, 11:52
hi guys i wanna expalain about some idomsthen maybe you heard and no ok i learn when i gotta help some bpdy dont pay attendtion to his/her appreince then i love you and you ikiss u

1- A cat above some one or some thing
یک سر و گردن از کسی یا چیزی بالاتر بودن
2- A little bird told me
به دلم افتاد – آگاه شدم
3- Act up
بد کار کردن – بد رفتار کردن
4- As mad as a wet hen
مثل گرگ خشمگین
5- As plain as the nose on one's face
مثل روز روشن
6- As quick as a wink
در یک چشم بر هم زدن
7- Ask for trouble
دنبال درد سر گشتن
9- at sixes and sevens
هاج و واج – گیج و سر درگم
10- At stake
در مخاطره – در معرض خطر
11- At the crack/ break of dawn
صبح کله سحر- صبح علی الطلوع
12- Bank on something
روی چیزی حساب کردن
13- Be even- Steven
یک به یک در – کاملا مساوی
14- Bite the hand that feeds one
نمک خوردن و نمکدان شکستن
15- Come off it!
حقیقت را بگو – راستش را بگو]

eng part

Stand up and be counted

Those who express their private opinions openly have concluded that it is time for them to stand up and be counted. They do this by writing, speaking, or voting on issues they consider important. " Excuse me, what's your opinion ? Why don't you stand up and be counted ? If you want to see some changes made, stand up and be counted !" " How many of you little fellows would like to go to market ? Hurry, stand up and be counted !" Henrietta Hen called.

Top ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])

Back to the salt mines

In Siberia, salt is found deep underground. Many years ago, prisoners were sent there and were forced to bring the salt to the surface. From that, back to the salt mines has come to mean hard work of any kind, and this humorous expression refers to going back to work. "The weekend is over it's time to get back to the salt mines." Oliver sighed as he and his friends walked to work.

Top ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])

Lead by the nose

"I fully understand that people don't like being led by the nose," Timothy said. " Most mice object to that too," he noted. "How do you elephants feel about it ?" I asked. The elephant he was leading didn't reply. To lead by the nose is to control someone. " And make them do what you want, " Timothy added.

Top ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])

Snatch something from under someone's nose

"When I go to bed at night I count sheep, "Angela said. "Where do you put the sheep when you are done counting them ?" Teddy asked. "If I told you, you would probably snatch them from under my nose," Angela replied. They both laughed, because to snatch something from under someone's nose is to take or steal something directly in front of someone.

Top ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])

Money does not grow on trees

William asked his boss for a raise. "I need more money because the cost of everything is going up," he said. The boss looked at William and sighed. "Let me be frank with you, William: Money doesn't not grow on trees." William signed and departed empty-handed because he knew that this expression means that money is not so plentiful that one can pick it off the trees like leaves.

Top ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])

Say cheese

If you look into a mirror and say the word "cheese", you will notice that you appear to be smiling. For that reason, photographers often ask you to say cheese when they are about to take your picture. "If you don't mind, would you look into the lens of my camera and say cheese?" Timothy asked. "And though you may look at my cheese and admire it, you may not have it. Just gaze at it, say cheese, and then I will return to eating it."

Top ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])

Get the hang of something

When Teddy trained for the circus, it took him no time at all to get the hang of being a trapeze artist. "Everything depends on getting the timing right," he explain. Meanwhile his partner has been having trouble getting the hang of working with him. "It's hard to swing and chew gum at the same time," she said. To get the hang of something means to learn how to do something.

Top ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])

Live in a vacuum

Timothy and Tina have moved to a new home. "It's so far from our family and friends that we feel isolated!" Tina said sadly. "We are so remote from everything that someone even accused me of living in a vacuum!" Timothy added. When people are said to live in a vacuum they are unaffected, unaware or don't care about what goes on in the world around them.

Top ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])

On a high horse

Someone on a high horse can be difficult to deal with. "There's an explanation for that," Hallaway said, " because someone on a high horse is haughty and proud -- and he may think he's better than anyone around him." Hallaway should know : he's been on his high horse ever since he got promoted. "Yes, I'm the boss of the riding club now," Hallaway declared.

Top ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])

Rest on one's laurels

The ancient Greeks awarded crowns of laurel leaves to the winners of games and competitions as a symbol of achievement. From that, those who are satisfied with past honors and do nothing to improve upon their successes are said to rest on their laurels. "Several years ago Haliburt won a trophy for excellence, but ever since then he has been resting on his laurels. Some people have said it's because he's lazy !

Top ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])

(as) black as one is painted

In this idiom, black doesn't refer to a color. Instead, it refers to someone's evil or wicked qualities. And the word painted here means 'describe'. Therefore, someone who is ( as ) black as he/she is painted is truly as sinister as he or she is portrayed. "I'm painting a picture of someone who is said to be a very naughty person," Robert said, "but to me he seems rather nice. Surely he can't be as black as he is painted !"

Top ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])

A (The) moving spirit

The spirit in this idiom is a lively, energetic person who plans an action and then sets it in motion. That's why he or she is described as a moving spirit. "If we want to win the championship, our team will have to find a coach who can be a moving spirit." Here's another example of the idiom: "Mr. Becker is the moving spirit behind our company's expansion plans."

Top ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])

In someone's shoes

To understand how someone feels or thinks, we should try to be in their shoes. To be in someone's shoes means to attempt to think as they think, or to put ourselves in the same situation that they are in. It may not be easy, but it's a valuable thing to keep in mind. "My grades aren't very good," Angela said. "If you were in my shoes, what would you do ?" "Well, if I were in your shoes I would discuss the matter with the teacher," Teddy replied.

Top ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])

With a light heart
Angela's teacher asked her to write a paper describing her weekend. "It was with a light heart that I went to the park," she wrote, " and with a light heart I went home. Furthermore, it is with a light heart that I look forward to going to the park next weekend," Angela concluded. This describes being filled with joy.
Top ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])

A flight of fancy
"Do you know what it's called when someone dreams or imagines something highly unusual or imaginative ?" Felix asked Sylvester. "I believe that is called a flight of fancy," Sylvester answered. "Correct," Felix smiled, "and yesterday, in a flight of fancy, I imagined I could fly !" "What good is a flight of fancy if nothing becomes of it ?" Sylvester smiled. "Climb on board and dream no more !"
Top ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])

Rock bottom
(1) Physically or emotionally, rock bottom means the very lowest. "It's like being way, way down at the bottom of the sea," Bighead said. "My spirits have touched rock bottom today and I feel miserable!" "If I were you, I wouldn't worry about him," Eggmont said. "He always says that he hits rock bottom when the tourist boats are due to arrive." (2) When you visit shops that advertise things at rock bottom prices, you expect to find the lowest prices in town. In money terms, rock bottom means the cheapest price. "A real estate agent told me it was still possible to find land selling at rock bottom on one of the nearby islands."

26-08-2007, 21:56
come on men hi im arman i think this idioms help to you get a better from other side of body langauge
ok men i tell ya whats thing in idioms its very important then you think it ok

1.Teacher's Pet

A teacher's pet is a student who is favoured and given special attention by the teacher. "I am worried that the other kids might get jealous if they think I am teacher's pet," Teddy said. I don't think Teddy has to worry, for even though the students can see that he is teacher's pet, they know there are serious disadvantages to that. "That's because Professor Oxbridge can be pretty difficult to please !" Teddy explained.

Top ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])

The King's / Queen's English

The King and Queen act as though they have just met ! "Actually, we are here to explain the difference between the King's English and the Queen's English, " the King said. "In reality, there is no difference," the Queen added, " because these terms describe the very best and most correct English, and whether you call it the King's English or the Queen's English depends on who is on the throne of England at that moment, " she smiled

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Meet someone halfway
When Chief Totem got news that explorers had set sail for his continent, he decided to meet them halfway. Hopping into his boat, he soon found them somewhere in the middle of the ocean. "I'd be ever so happy to show you the way to my lands if you will show me the way to yours," he smiled. There is no record of what the explorers replied, but it is well-known that to meet someone halfway is to cooperate with someone by agreeing to make compromises.

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Count sheep

You won't find him counting sheep. He sleeps very well, thank you. I if this sounds odd it's because to count sheep is an old method of trying to get to sleep by counting imaginary lambs jumping over a fence in one's mind. "Poor father. I know I've disappointed him. I hope he doesn't lie in bed counting sheep thinking that I have failed him, " Sal sighed.

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Blue Monday
To be blue is to be sad. Many people feel sad returning to work after a weekend of rest -- and that's the meaning behind blue Monday. "The weekend's over," Felix sighed, "and here it is, blue Monday, time to get back to the routine of work."

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Play (a) cat-and-mouse (game)
Play a cat-and-mouse (game) is to deliberately confuse someone so that he or she does not know what is happening. "Christopher played a cat-and-mouse game with the management until finally resigning to go to work for our competitors. Until then, no one knew if he would stay or leave." "That fellow was playing a cat and mouse with me!" the boss exclaimed.

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Go Bust
When a store or company has no money, it goes out of business. Colloquially, it goes bust. That makes me think of the time Felix sold balloons at the fair. "One by one, my balloons broke!" he said. "In no time at all, my business went bust!" Today, Felix has a much better job working for a large company. "There is no chance of it every going bust!" he said.

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Live in a fishbowl / goldfish bowl
A person described as living in a fishbowl ( or in a goldfish bowl ) has absolutely no privacy. His every movement can be observed and he has no place to hide ... just as a fish living in a glass bowl. "I don't think I'd enjoy being a television star. It must be like living in a fish bowl."

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(Like) water off a duck's back
Ducks aren't bothered by water because the oil in their feathers keeps moisture from reaching their bodies. Any water that gets on them runs right off. That has given us this expression, which we use to say that we are not annoyed by something. "School doesn't bother Mary. To her, doing homework is like water off a duck's back." Someone criticized Teddy, but he isn't bothered. " What do I care ? It's water of a duck's back to me," he said.

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Top dog

A top dog is a person of authority and importance. One's boss, for instance, could be said to be the top dog in a company. Or it could be someone of importance politically. "I'm curious to know who the new top dog will be at the Office of trade," Winnie said.

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A golden key opens every door

"Look what I found!" Albert cried. "Why, it's a golden key!" Officer Mutt observed. "It reminds me that a golden key opens every door," Albert smiled. "Yes, I think it will open a door for you at my nice jail, " Mutt replied. Actually, the golden key here is money for it is assumed that money will let a person do anything he wants.

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An Old Salt

"Look, there's an old salt coming off that ship!" Teddy exclaimed. "That looks like a sailor," Angela answered. "An experienced sailor is often called an old salt,"Teddy explained. "Is that because the sea is salty?" Angela asked. "That's right, but we don't call people who sail boats on weekends old salts,"Teddy said. "The term is reserved for sailors who have been to sea a long time.

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Save one's breath

"It's too hot to work today," Eddie said. "Why don't we ask the boss if we can have the afternoon off ?" "Save your breath," his co-workers advised. Eddie asked the boss anyway, and she said the same thing. To save one's breath means to say nothing, usually because one's words have no value or will have no effect.

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Stand up and be counted

Those who express their private opinions openly have concluded that it is time for them to stand up and be counted. They do this by writing, speaking, or voting on issues they consider important. " Excuse me, what's your opinion ? Why don't you stand up and be counted ? If you want to see some changes made, stand up and be counted !" " How many of you little fellows would like to go to market ? Hurry, stand up and be counted !" Henrietta Hen called.

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Back to the salt mines

In Siberia, salt is found deep underground. Many years ago, prisoners were sent there and were forced to bring the salt to the surface. From that, back to the salt mines has come to mean hard work of any kind, and this humorous expression refers to going back to work. "The weekend is over it's time to get back to the salt mines." Oliver sighed as he and his friends walked to work.

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Lead by the nose

"I fully understand that people don't like being led by the nose," Timothy said. " Most mice object to that too," he noted. "How do you elephants feel about it ?" I asked. The elephant he was leading didn't reply. To lead by the nose is to control someone. " And make them do what you want, " Timothy added.

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Snatch something from under someone's nose

"When I go to bed at night I count sheep, "Angela said. "Where do you put the sheep when you are done counting them ?" Teddy asked. "If I told you, you would probably snatch them from under my nose," Angela replied. They both laughed, because to snatch something from under someone's nose is to take or steal something directly in front of someone.

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Money does not grow on trees

William asked his boss for a raise. "I need more money because the cost of everything is going up," he said. The boss looked at William and sighed. "Let me be frank with you, William: Money doesn't not grow on trees." William signed and departed empty-handed because he knew that this expression means that money is not so plentiful that one can pick it off the trees like leaves.

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Say cheese

If you look into a mirror and say the word "cheese", you will notice that you appear to be smiling. For that reason, photographers often ask you to say cheese when they are about to take your picture. "If you don't mind, would you look into the lens of my camera and say cheese?" Timothy asked. "And though you may look at my cheese and admire it, you may not have it. Just gaze at it, say cheese, and then I will return to eating it."

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Get the hang of something

When Teddy trained for the circus, it took him no time at all to get the hang of being a trapeze artist. "Everything depends on getting the timing right," he explain. Meanwhile his partner has been having trouble getting the hang of working with him. "It's hard to swing and chew gum at the same time," she said. To get the hang of something means to learn how to do something.

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Live in a vacuum

Timothy and Tina have moved to a new home. "It's so far from our family and friends that we feel isolated!" Tina said sadly. "We are so remote from everything that someone even accused me of living in a vacuum!" Timothy added. When people are said to live in a vacuum they are unaffected, unaware or don't care about what goes on in the world around them.

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On a high horse

Someone on a high horse can be difficult to deal with. "There's an explanation for that," Hallaway said, " because someone on a high horse is haughty and proud -- and he may think he's better than anyone around him." Hallaway should know : he's been on his high horse ever since he got promoted. "Yes, I'm the boss of the riding club now," Hallaway declared.

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Rest on one's laurels

The ancient Greeks awarded crowns of laurel leaves to the winners of games and competitions as a symbol of achievement. From that, those who are satisfied with past honors and do nothing to improve upon their successes are said to rest on their laurels. "Several years ago Haliburt won a trophy for excellence, but ever since then he has been resting on his laurels. Some people have said it's because he's lazy !

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(as) black as one is painted

In this idiom, black doesn't refer to a color. Instead, it refers to someone's evil or wicked qualities. And the word painted here means 'describe'. Therefore, someone who is ( as ) black as he/she is painted is truly as sinister as he or she is portrayed. "I'm painting a picture of someone who is said to be a very naughty person," Robert said, "but to me he seems rather nice. Surely he can't be as black as he is painted !"

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A (The) moving spirit

The spirit in this idiom is a lively, energetic person who plans an action and then sets it in motion. That's why he or she is described as a moving spirit. "If we want to win the championship, our team will have to find a coach who can be a moving spirit." Here's another example of the idiom: "Mr. Becker is the moving spirit behind our company's expansion plans."

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In someone's shoes

To understand how someone feels or thinks, we should try to be in their shoes. To be in someone's shoes means to attempt to think as they think, or to put ourselves in the same situation that they are in. It may not be easy, but it's a valuable thing to keep in mind. "My grades aren't very good," Angela said. "If you were in my shoes, what would you do ?" "Well, if I were in your shoes I would discuss the matter with the teacher," Teddy replied.

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With a light heart
Angela's teacher asked her to write a paper describing her weekend. "It was with a light heart that I went to the park," she wrote, " and with a light heart I went home. Furthermore, it is with a light heart that I look forward to going to the park next weekend," Angela concluded. This describes being filled with joy.
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A flight of fancy
"Do you know what it's called when someone dreams or imagines something highly unusual or imaginative ?" Felix asked Sylvester. "I believe that is called a flight of fancy," Sylvester answered. "Correct," Felix smiled, "and yesterday, in a flight of fancy, I imagined I could fly !" "What good is a flight of fancy if nothing becomes of it ?" Sylvester smiled. "Climb on board and dream no more !"
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Rock bottom
(1) Physically or emotionally, rock bottom means the very lowest. "It's like being way, way down at the bottom of the sea," Bighead said. "My spirits have touched rock bottom today and I feel miserable!" "If I were you, I wouldn't worry about him," Eggmont said. "He always says that he hits rock bottom when the tourist boats are due to arrive." (2) When you visit shops that advertise things at rock bottom prices, you expect to find the lowest prices in town. In money terms, rock bottom means the cheapest price. "A real estate agent told me it was still possible to find land selling at rock bottom on one of the nearby islands."

A day late and a dollar short ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If something is a day late and a dollar short, it is too little, too late.
All bets are off ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If all bets are off, then agreements that have been made no longer apply.
All hat, no cattle ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
When someone talks big, but cannot back it up, they are all hat, no cattle.
All over the map ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If something like a discussion is all over the map, it doesn't stick to the main topic and goes off on tangents.
At loose ends ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If you are at a loose end, you have spare time but don't know what to do with it.
At the bottom of the totem pole ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If someone is at the bottom of the totem pole, they are unimportant. Opposite is at the top of the totem pole.
At the end of your rope ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If you are at the end of your rope, you are at the limit of your patience or endurance.
Baby boomer ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
A baby boomer is someone born in the years after the end of the Second World War, a period when the population was growing very fast.
Beat someone to the draw ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If you beat someone to the draw, you do something before they do.
Beating a dead horse ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If someone is trying to convince people to do or feel something without any hope of succeeding, they're beating a dead horse. This is used when someone is trying to raise interest in an issue that no-one supports anymore; beating a dead horse will not make it do any more work.
Bells on ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
To be somewhere with bells on means to arrive there happy and delighted to attend.
Belt and suspenders ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
Someone who wears belt and suspenders is very cautious and takes no risks.
Bet your bottom dollar ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If you can bet your bottom dollar on something, you can be absolutely sure about it.
Big Apple ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
The Big Apple is New York.
Blow off steam ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If you blow off steam, you express your anger or frustration.
Blow smoke ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If people blow smoke, the exaggerate or say things that are not true, usually to make themselves look better.
Can't dance and it's too wet to plow ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]'t+dance+and+it's+too+wet+to+plow.html)
When you can't dance and it's too wet to plow, you may as well do something because you can't or don't have the opportunity to do anything else.
Cat fur and kitty britches ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
When I used to ask my grandma what was for dinner, she would say "cat fur and kitty britches". This was her Ozark way of telling me that I would get what she cooked. (Ozark is a region in the center of the United States)
Cat's pajamas ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]'s+pajamas.html)
Something that is the cat's pajamas is excellent.
Caught with your hand in the cookie jar ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If someone is caught with his or her hand in the cookie jar, he or she is caught doing something wrong.
Circle the wagons ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If you circle the wagons, you stop communicating with people who don't think the same way as you to avoid their ideas.
Close but no cigar ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If you are close but no cigar, you are close to success, but have not got there.
Country mile ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
A country mile is used to describe a long distance.
Curve ball ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If something is a curve ball, it is deceptive.
Cute as a bug ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If something is as cute as a bug, it is sweet and endearing.
Different ropes for different folks ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
This idiom means that different people do things in different ways that suit them.
Different strokes for different folks ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
This idiom means that different people do things in different ways that suit them.
Dime a dozen ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If something is a dime a dozen, it is extremely common, possibly too common.
Dog and pony show ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
A dog and pony show is a presentation or some marketing that has lots of style, but no real content.
Dollars for doughnuts ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If something is dollars for doughnuts, it is a sure bet or certainty.
Don't sweat the small stuff ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]'t+sweat+the+small+stuff.html)
This is used to tell people not to worry about trivial or unimportant issues.
Don't take any wooden nickels ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]'t+take+any+wooden+nickels.html)
This idiom is used to advise people not to be cheated or ripped off.
Down to the wire ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If something goes down to the wire, like a competition, then it goes to the very last moment before it is clear who has won.
Drop in the bucket ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
A drop in the bucket is something so small that it won't make any noticeable difference.
Duck soup ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If something is duck soup, it is very easy.
Ducks in a row ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If you have your ducks in a row, you are well-organized.
Eat crow ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If you eat crow, you have to admit that you were wrong about something.
Fair shake of the whip ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If everybody has a fair shake of the whip, they all have equal opportunities to do something.
Fall off the turnip truck ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If someone has just fallen off the turnip truck, they are uninformed, naive and gullible. (Often used in the negative)
Fifth wheel ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
A fifth wheel is something unnecessary or useless.
Fish or cut bait ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
This idiom is used when you want to tell someone that it is time to take action.
Forest for the trees ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If someone can't see the forest for the trees, they get so caught up in small details that they fail to understand the bigger picture.
From Missouri ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If someone is from Missouri, then they require clear proof before they will believe something.
From the get-go ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If something happens from the get-go, it happens from the very beginning.
Go fly a kite ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
This is used to tell someone to go away and leave you alone.
Go fry an egg ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
This is used to tell someone to go away and leave you alone.
Green thumb ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
Someone with a talent for gardening has a green thumb.
Hold the bag ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If someone is responsible for something, they are holding the bag.
Horse of a different color ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If something is a horse of a different color, it's a different matter or separate issue altogether.
Hot button ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
A hot button is a topic or issue that people feel very strongly about.
Hot ticket ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
A hot ticket is something that is very much in demand at the moment.
How do you like them apples ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
This idiomatic expression is used to express surprise or shock at something that has happened. It can also be used to boast about something you have done.
If I had a nickel for every time... ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
When someone uses this expression, they mean that the specific thing happens a lot. It is an abbreviation of the statement "If I had a nickel for every time that happened, I would be rich"
In high gear ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If something is in high gear, it is in a quick-paced mode. If someone is in high gear, they are feverishly on the fast track.
John Q Public ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
John Q Public is the typical, average person.
Kick up your heels ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If you kick up your heels, you go to parties or celebrate something.
Like taking candy from a baby ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If something is like taking candy from a baby, it is very easy to do.
Like white on rice ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If you do something like white on rice, you do it very closely: When Bob found out I had front row tickets for the concert, he stuck to me like white on rice.
Little pitchers have big ears ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
This means that children hear more and understand the world around them better than many adults realize.
Mad as a cut snake ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
One who is mad as a cut snake has lost all sense of reason, is crazy, out of control.
Mad as a hornet ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If someone is as mad as a hornet, they are very angry indeed.
Make bets in a burning house ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If people are making bets in a burning house, they are engaged in futile activity while serious problems around them are getting worse.
Make out like a bandit ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If someone is extremely successful in a venture, they make out like a bandit.
Mind your own beeswax ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
This idiom means that people should mind their own business and not interfere in other people's affairs.
Mom and pop ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
A mom and pop business is a small business, especially if it is run by members of a family. It can used in a wider sense to mean that something is small scale.
Monday morning quarterback ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
A Monday morning quarterback is someone who, with the benefit of hindsight, knows what should have been done in a situation.
My dogs are barking ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
When someone says this, they mean that their feet are hurting.
New York minute ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If something happens in a New York minute, it happens very fast.
Nickel tour ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If someone gives you a nickel tour, they show you around a place. ('Fifty-cent tour' is also used.)
Not know beans about ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If someone doesn't know beans about something, they know nothing about it.
Not worth a red cent ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If something is not worth a red cent, it has no value.
Paddle your own canoe ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If you paddle your own canoe, you do things for yourself without outside help.
Paint yourself into a corner ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If someone paints themselves into a corner, they get themselves into a mess.
Penny ante ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
Something that is very unimportant is penny ante.
Pick-up game ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
A pick-up game is something unplanned where people respond to events as they happen.
Polish the apples ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
Someone who polishes the apples with someone, tries to get into that person's favor.
Pull out of the fire ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If you pull something out of the fire, you save or rescue it.
Pull your chain ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If someone pulls your chain, they take advantage of you in an unfair way or do something to annoy you.
Put some mustard on it! ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]!.html)
I think its used to encourage someone to throw a ball like a baseball hard or fast.
Ragged blue line ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
This term was used to signify the Union forces (who wore blue uniforms) in the American Civil war .
Raise Cain ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If someone raises Cain, they make a big fuss publicly, causing a disturbance.
Rake someone over the coals ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If you rake someone over the coals, you criticize or scold them severely.
Rest is gravy ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If the rest is gravy, it is easy and straightforward once you have reached that stage.
Run around the bush ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If you run around the bush, it means that you're taking a long time to get to the point.
Saigon moment ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
A Saigon moment is when people realise that something has gone wrong and that they will lose or fail.
Say uncle ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If you say uncle, you admit defeat. ('Cry uncle' is an alternative form.)
Sharp as a tack ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If someone is as sharp as a tack, they are very clever indeed.
Snow job ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
A snow job is an attempt to persuade or deceive someone, especially when flattery is used.
Squeaky wheel gets the grease ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
When people say that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, they mean that the person who complains or protests the loudest attracts attention and service.
Squeeze blood out of a turnip ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
When people say that you can't squeeze blood out of a turnip, it means that you cannot get something from a person, especially money, that they don't have.
Stool pigeon ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
A stool pigeon is a police informer.
Talk a blue streak ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If someone talks a blue streak, they speak quickly and at length. ('Talk up a blue streak' is also used.)
That's all she wrote ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]'s+all+she+wrote.html)
This idiom is used to show that something has ended and there is nothing more to say about something.
Tough row to hoe ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
A tough row to hoe is a situation that is difficult to handle. ('A hard row to hoe' is an alternative form.)
Ugly as a stick ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If someone is as ugly as a stick, they are very ugly indeed.
Uncle Sam ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
Uncle Sam is the government of the USA.
Under the wire ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If a person does something under the wire, they do it at the last possible moment.
Watch your six ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
This idiom means that you should look behind you for dangers coming that you can't see.
Water over the dam ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If something has happened and cannot be changed, it is water over the dam.
Wedge politics ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
In wedge politics, one party uses an issue that they hope will divide members of a different party to create conflict and weaken it.
What can you expect from a hog but a grunt? ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
This means that you can't expect people to behave in a way that is not in their character- a 'hog' is a 'pig', so an unrefined person can't be expected to behave in a refined way.
Where the rubber meets the road ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
Where the rubber meets the road is the most important point for something, the moment of truth. An athlete can train all day, but the race is where the rubber meets the road and they'll know how good they really are.
Whistling Dixie ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If someone is whistling Dixie, they talk about things in a more positive way than the reality.
Whistling past the graveyard ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If someone is whistling past the graveyard, they are trying to remain cheerful in difficult circumstances. ('Whistling past the cemetery' is also used.)
Who wears the pants? ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
The person who wears the pants in a relationship is the dominant person who controls things.
Whole ball of wax ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
The whole ball of wax is everything.
Wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]'t+touch+it+with+a+ten-foot+pole.html)
If you wouldn't touch something with a ten-foot pole, you would not consider being involved under any circumstances. (In British English, people say they wouldn't touch it with a bargepole)
Wrench in the works ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ])
If someone puts or throws a wrench, or monkey wrench, in the works, they ruin a plan. In British English, 'spanner' is used instead of 'wrench'.
You can't have cake and the topping, too ([ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]'t+have+cake+and+the+topping,+too.html)
This idiom means that you can't have everything the way you want it, especially if your desires are contradictory.

is it good or no ?
oh gosh plz help me

Just Plain Marjan
26-08-2007, 22:12
Some of these were quite helpful and interesting to me. thank you for sharing them with us:20:

Lord of english
05-09-2007, 21:55
سلام دوستان خواهش میکنم اگه کسی اینا رو بلده برام پست خصوصی بده
خیلی نیاز دارم واقعا اورژانسی هست
کمکم کنید
خواهش میکنم
اینو جاهای دیگه هم مطرح کردم
کمکم کنید

It was said that I have a way with animals

Fucker went to some eastern
europe shithole

with the fuckin' circus.

Can you fuckin believe that?

talk about carnies... Carnies, gypsies,
conmen, you name it

A real fuckin' ball of shit

There was this guy they had working there.

He'd start talkin'.

... you know, real regular.

Talkin' up the crowd.

They'd start listening...

... Pushin' in closer.

He did some sort of thing on people.

They all called him the phantom.

A lot of them fuckin' circus clowns.

This is the kind of
shit I'm talking about.

... she had a sort of carved stick for the other one.

This is the kind of shit.

Fuckin' funny.

Their own way of livin'

06-09-2007, 13:48
It was said that I have a way with animals
گفته میشه یه جورایی رگ و ریشه ام به حیوانات میخوره حتما معانی دیگه ای هم داره

Fucker went to some eastern
europe shithole

with the fuckin' circus.

Can you fuckin believe that?
اصلا میتونی باور کنی ؟
talk about carnies... Carnies, gypsies,
conmen, you name it

A real fuckin' ball of shit

There was this guy they had working there.
این یارو ه بود اونجا براشون کار میکرد
He'd start talkin'.
... you know, real regular.

Talkin' up the crowd.
They'd start listening...
... Pushin' in closer.
He did some sort of thing on people.
They all called him the phantom.
A lot of them fuckin' circus clowns.

This is the kind of
shit I'm talking about.
ایناز اون چیزاییه ه که دارم در بارش صحبت میکنم
... she had a sort of carved stick for the other one.

This is the kind of shit.
Fuckin' funny.
Their own way of livin
:13: معنی تابلو ،توی دیکشنری نگاه کن
در ضمن خیلی از این جملات میتونند معانی مختلفی داشته باشند و با توجه به محتوای فیلم ترجمه میشند

06-09-2007, 20:00
اصطلاح /Idiom :

Busy as a bee : وقت سرخاروندن هم نداشتن
- اصطلاح /Idiom :
As different as chalk and cheese : زمین تا آسمون باهم فرق داشتن
- اصطلاح /Idiom :
Buttterflies in stomach : دلشوره داشتن قبل از انجام کاری
-اصطلاح /Idiom :
Smell a fish : قضیه بو دار است
-اصطلاح /Idiom :
I am all ears : گوشم با شماست
-اصطلاح /Idiom :
Hilly Billy : (طرف)خزه - جواده و ...
-اصطلاح /Idiom :
Let bygones be bygones : گذشته ها گذشته
-اصطلاح /Idiom :
Have one foot in the grave : یه پاش لبه گوره
-اصطلاح /Idiom :
Bird watcher : مرد هیز
-ضرب المثل /Proverb :
When two sundays meet : وقت گل نی
-ضرب المثل /Proverb :
Till the cows come home : بمان تا زیر پات علف سبز شه
-ضرب المثل /Proverb :
Too many cooks spoil the broth : آشپز كه دوتاشدآش يا شورميشه يا بينمك
-ضرب المثل /Proverb :
Word cuts more than sword : زخم زبون از زخم شمشیر بدتره


06-09-2007, 20:21
Dear Friend, we have a topic for slangs
please go here, a topic by dear Moderator, Reza:
Idioms, Expressions & Slang terms

برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید

11-09-2007, 01:16
hi somebody
sent me spme slang

11-09-2007, 01:36
avoid the crowd.don't be the chess piece.be a chessplayer.

11-09-2007, 01:39
hi buddies
i know these idioms but im not sure that they are right or wrong could you please tell me ?&if they r not correct could you please tell me how should i use them?
keep up the good works همین جوری ادامه بده
not be up to much تعریفی نداشت
hands off دست نزن
save my blush خجالتم نده
from now to one از حالا به بعد
i keep u inform بهت اطلاع میدم
you mean a lot to me خیلی خاطرت رو می خوام...
:20:i'm almost sure that all of them are true.

11-09-2007, 01:49
avoid the crowd .don't be the chess piece be a chess player.

13-09-2007, 14:29
success consists of going from failure to failure witout loss of enthusiasm

12-10-2007, 08:48
but I would have if
someone had asked me.

اما اگه ازم می خواستن ، حاضر بودم کمک کنم .

Swell. I guess we can
all sue Oceanic together.

عالیه . چطوره جمع بشیم و بریم از خلبان هواپیما شکایت کنیم .

It sounds a bit nutty.
Doesn't it?

یه ذره احمقانه به نظر میاد ، نه ؟

Nutty, creamy,
staple of children everywhere?

(داره به شوخی واسه اش توضیح میده که کره بادون زمینی چیه ؟!!)
همون که خوشبوئه و مثل کره می مونه و بچه ها دوستش دارن ...

He's mixing it up today.
He's off the rails.

امروز یه ذره قاطی کرده .
بی خیال همه چیز شده .

Somebody get a straitjacket!
یکی این دیوونه رو کنترل کنه !

You're messing with my
worldview here, Hugo.
باورنکردنیه ، هوگو .

You're my rock.
کارت خیلی درسته یا " یا "واقعا باید از تو یاد بگیرم" یا "کاشکی منم مثل تو بودم "

bees will stop making
honey and flowers will die,

(داره به شوخی میگه که اینکه کارت تو رستوران رو ول کردی ، خیلی باور نکردنیه) ... مثل اینه که از فردا زنبورها عسل درست نکنن ... و گیاها هم دیگه سبز نشن ..

and, hell, و به جهنم
the whole *** thing will fall apart. تمام چ?زا?

نظم دنیا رو داری به هم می زنی ، هوگو .

(the whole *** thing = نظم دنیا)

the hold steady's playing
the troubadour this weekend,

گروه "هولد استدی" ، آخر هفته یه کنسرت دارن ...

Today you're freakin' Fabio.

ولی امروز چقدر با دل و جرات شدی .

(فابیو یه آقای مدله هم هیکل آرنولد )

The last time I heard of concrete being
poured over everything in this way

استحکامات بتونی اینجا ، شبیه نیروگاه اتمی چرنوبیله .

Uh, the pressure sucked,آه،
and it kind of went cold at one point,

فشار آب خیلی کم بود و چندبار هم که سرد شد .

Now you give a ***.
چطور شد یه دفعه نگران حالم شدی ؟

or we could try our luck at, ?
uh, gyrorama.
یا می تونیم بریم ببینیم توی رستوران جایروراما کار پیدا میشه

But I do kind of dig the
chick who works at the bin.
ولی من از اون دختره که توی رستوران بین کار می کنه خوشم میاد .

(= پس بریم اونجا !)

stomach-stapling surgery thing,
aren't you?
فهمیدم ، می خوای بری عمل جراحی لاغری کنی ؟

I could be like, "ooh!
My, Hurley! Wow, is that you?"
مثلا ممکنه بگم
" اوه ، هارلی ! این آدم خوش هیکل تویی ؟"

Dude, let's go.رف?ق، ب?ا بر?م
They jack the prices here.
رفیق ، بیا بریم . این یارو گرون فروشه ...

This is gonna mess it all up!
این غذاها ما رو به جون هم میندازه ..

17-10-2007, 11:03
hi every body
what's the meaning of 'holy shit''
please send me privat msg

18-10-2007, 17:19
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence

مرغ همسایه غازه!

Eat your word : حرفتو پس بگیر

Sit on the fence : بي طرف ماندن

Keep in the picture :‌ در جريان امور قرار دادن

ring a bell : به نظر كسي آشنا آمدن. به ذهن كسي آمدن ( مثلا وقتي كسي رو نديديم ولي مي گيم چقدر به نظر آشنا مي رسه !! )

hang on : ثابت قدم ماندن

18-10-2007, 17:53
hi every body
what's the meaning of 'holy shit''
please send me privat msg

Shit carries an encompassing variety of figurative meanings. Of these, perhaps the most common are generic expressions of displeasure (as in, Shit!), fear (Oh, shit!), or surprise (Holy shit!).

18-10-2007, 18:00
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence

مرغ همسایه غازه!

Eat your word : حرفتو پس بگیر

Sit on the fence : بي طرف ماندن

Keep in the picture :‌ در جريان امور قرار دادن

ring a bell : به نظر كسي آشنا آمدن. به ذهن كسي آمدن ( مثلا وقتي كسي رو نديديم ولي مي گيم چقدر به نظر آشنا مي رسه !! )

hang on : ثابت قدم ماندن

ممنون لیلا جان. [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

hang on رو برای جواب دادن به کسی هم که پشت در است به کار می برن.مثلا دستش بنده صاحب خونه تا بیاد در رو باز کنه میگه hang on (همون آمدم خودمون:31:)

نمیای فروم همسایه دیگه؟جات خالیه [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

19-10-2007, 08:22
ممنون لیلا جان. [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

hang on رو برای جواب دادن به کسی هم که پشت در است به کار می برن.مثلا دستش بنده صاحب خونه تا بیاد در رو باز کنه میگه hang on (همون آمدم خودمون:31:)

نمیای فروم همسایه دیگه؟جات خالیه [ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]
خواهش می کنم ولی من LYLAX هستم نه لیلا :31:

19-10-2007, 18:25
A man who know by company he keeps
آدما با دوستاشون شناخته میشن
A fair weather friend
دوستانی که وقتی پول داری دنبالتن.
Give him a word from me
سفارش منو پيشش بکن

19-10-2007, 22:36
He has a really cushy job.

19-10-2007, 22:39
This food tastes yukky

25-10-2007, 12:34
To be in the dog house
The hair of the dog
To make a dog's dinner of something......................................... ......... ......................
To be in the dog house
اشاره می کنه به اختلافات زن و شوهری و اینا ... یعنی همسرت باهات قهره... (به طعنه داره میگه : همسرت خونه راهت نمیده و باید کنار سگتون بخوابی !)

The hair of the dog یعنی مصرف یه مقدار کم الکل واسه اینکه از hangover (حالت خماری بعد از مصرف سنگین الکل) بیای بیرون ...

To make a dog's dinner of something یعنی گند زدن - افتضاح کاری

25-10-2007, 20:47
thanks alot
he makes you laugh ,your head off
از خنده روده بر کردن کسی

28-10-2007, 05:45
hi can u introduce some sites name about idoms?

14-11-2007, 20:16
Hi folks,
My brother bought this book yesterday and I found it extremely useful for English learners

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

The writer is a British SPY (!) in Iran called Shapur Ardeshir Jey (Reporter) ... Anyway, it's really excellent I think

Let's take a look at some of its expressions:

War is not exactly a picnic
در جنگ حلوا خيرات نمي كنند.

Don't you dare tell him
مبادا به او بگويي

Shame on you
تف به رويت !

Please don't stand on ceremony
لطفاً تعارف نكنيد

What is all this tomfoolery?
اين ديگر چه بازي است در آورده اي؟

Rumor has it that ...l
در افواه شايع است كه ...

For Pete's sake
بالا غيرتاً !

‏Touch wood
ماشاالله بگوييد

Good old days
يادش به خير

It's 3000 tomans

jinn's king
15-11-2007, 23:47
با عرض سلام
من سعي دارم تو اين مطالب چند تا روش بهتون بگم تا به LISTENING و SPEAKING تون كمك بشه البته اين ها بر اساس تجربيات خودم ولي بعضي
هاشون منبع داره دوستان لطف كنن اگه اشكالي در اين مطالب مي بينن بگن تا بقيه گمراه نشن البته اين مطالب كلي و ممكن در بعضي موارد استثنا هايي نيز وجود
داشته باشه

نكته 1 استفاده كردن از مفعول به جاي فاعل در زبان عاميانه خيلي رايج است ولي بيشتربه جاي من،ما و انها استفاده مي شود (براي بقيه هنوز نشنيدم) مثال:

I want to get out به جاي Me wanna get out
they don't war with us به جاي them nah war widas
i know a pop star به جاي me know a pop star

نكته 2 استفاده از wanna and gonna به جاي want to and going to مثال:
i am going to send you a letter به جاي me gonna send you a letter

نكته 3 تلفظ ( T ) حرف t اگر آغزگر كلمه با شد تاكيد روي آن است مثل: tend,tear,take.....
اگر ا ين حرف در وسط كلمه باشد بايد بگم كه ( د ) تلفظ مي شود مثال:
beddy كه تلفظ مي شود betty
butter كه تلفظ مي شود butter
beaudy كه تلفظ مي شود beauty

اما اگر اين حرف در آخر كلمه بيا يد تلفظ نمي شو د

نكته 4 چ ،ج ، ش يا ي

حتما شما هم شنيده اي كه آمريكايي ها بعضي وقت ها you را چو،شو،جو و يا يو تلفظ مي كنن حالا چگونه بفهميم كه چه موقع با يد ازكدام استفاده كنيم. اگر يك كلمه به ( T ) ختم شود و كلمه ي بعد با ( Y ) شروع شود در اين هنگام است كه ما you را چو تلفظ مي كنيم.مثال:
don choo know that is don't you know
wa choo said that is what you said
wa chour name that is what is your name
can choo see that is can't you see
haven choo?nou, na chet that is haven't you?no,not yet
i gochoo that is i got you
وقتي كلمه اي به ( S ) ختم شود و كلمه ي بعدي با (Y ) شروع شود تلفظ شو مي شود.مثال:
yeshoo are that is yes.you are
bleshoo that is bless you
canchoo dreshor self that is can't you dress your self
let im gashor car that is let him gas your car
you can pashor exam that is you can pass your exam

وقتي كلمه اي به ( D ) ختم شود و كلمه ي بعدي با ( Y ) شروع شود تلفظ جو مي باشد.مثال:
di joo geti that is did you get it
i foun jer key that is i found your key
در بعضي موارد ya وyo نيز تلفظ مي شود به جاي you قانون خاصي در اين مورد وجود ندارد
اين گفته ها قانون نيستند ولي در اكثر موارد مي توانيد از آنها استفاده كنيد

نكته 5 تفاوت gonna and gotta
واژه ي gonna مخفف going to مي باشد و معناي ان «قصد داشتن » مي باشد در حالي كه gotta مخففhave] got to] مي باشد يعني «مجبور بودن»
gotta go بايد برم
i'm gonna follow her قصد دارم تعقيبش كنم

نكته 6 عبارات زير بيش از حد كوتاه شدند اونا را ياد بگيريد براتون خوبه!!!
Jeet? that is did you eat?
no, Joo? that is no, did you?
whyncha ged e job? that is why don't you get a job?
i dunno,stoo hard that is i don't know, it's too hard
Kwee gou? that is could we go?
Sko that is let's go

نكته 7 تلفظ نشدن حرف (G ) در آخر،اكثرا در فعل هايي كه به آنها ing مي دهيم مثال:
starting به جاي starin
nothing به جاي nuttin
gambling به جاي gamblin
stealing به جاي stealin

نكته 8 استفاده كردن از مفعول به جاي صفت ملكي نيز پركاربرد است پس تا اينجا از مفعول هم به جاي فاعل استفاده مي شود و هم به جاي صفت ملكي براي
فاعل فقط جايگزين i , we , they يعني به جاي اين سه بايد me , us , them بگذاريم و از بين اين دو از me و them خيلي استفاده مي شود و از
us كمترو حال به جاي صفت ملكي همان طور كه مي دانيد her هم صفت ملكي است و هم مفعول پس آن را كنار مي گذاريم دوباره بحث روي me
مي باشد يعني از اين كلمه به جاي my استفاده مي شود به طور خيلي گسترده و براي بقيه هنوز نشيندم شايد خيلي به ندرت از them نيز به جاي their
استفاده شود.مثال:
my name به جاي me name
my flame به جاي me flame
my car به جاي me car
نكته 9 تلفظ واژه ي car در بوستون آمريكا به صورت cah مي باشد يعني بوستوني ها r را تلفظ نمي كنند وجه تشخيص خوبي است براي شناختنشون!
? where can i park my car? يعني whe can i pak my cah

نكته 10 استفاده كردن از ain't براي منفي كردن ain't صورت ادغام شده ي aren't و isn't مي باشد و همچنين به جاي am not و has not و have not
ain't it funny?
you ain't stop us now?
you ain't crazy.
نكته 11 استفاده كردن از gimme به جاي give me
give me a cup of tea يعني gimme a cuppa

كلمات جديد ي كه در زبان انگليسي آمريكايي بوجود آمده اند

shero اين كلمه به معناي قهرمان البته از نوع مونث مي باشد همان طور كه مي دانيد درانگليسي استاندارد معادل اين واژه heroine است
that girl just saved my life !she is my shero!

zidane شايد تعجب كنين كه اين كلمه چطور مي تونه معني داشته باشه اين كه اسم يك بازيكن فوتبال .اگه يادتون بياد تو بازي فرانسه با ايتاليا اگه اشتباه نكنم
زيدان با كله به سينه ي بازيكن حريف زد حالا به هر دليلي ! از اون روز به بعد معني اين واژه همين شد يعني با كله تو سينه ي يكي زدن در يك لحظه ي حياتي
zidane means to headbutt someone in the chest during a crucial moment
player1: gimme the ball? player2: no player1: don't make me go zidane on you

jackass of all trades حتما تا حالا كلمه ي jack of all trades را شنيده بودين يعني «آدم همه فن و حريف» و كلمه ي اول درست متضاد همينه يعني
آدمي كه تو هيچ كاري بدرد بخور نيست و همش خرابكاري مي كنه
Stefan is a dork give him anything to do and he'll screw it up.jackass of all trades
ستفان يه آدم احمقه هر كاري رو كه ازش بخواهي اجام بده خرابكاري مي كنه.آدم هميشه خرابكار!!!

pepsi تا حالا فكر كرده بودين كه اين كلمه از كجا اومده اين كلمه مخفف 5 كلمه مي باشد pay each penny for saving israel بي ربط بود!!

sav اين كلمه فرم كوتاه شده ي savage مي باشد به معناي وحشي ،ظالم

wdym مخفف what do you mean? مي باشدو يا whatever do you mean?
TOM:yeah isn't that awesome JACK:wait wdym? TOM:you should have been listening

معني واژه ي fi چيست؟ fi يك حرف است كه از آن در زبان عاميانه به جاي to استفاده مي شود
i want to see you tonight به جاي me wann fi see you tonight
listen to the man به جاي listen fi da man
معني ديگر اين واژه «پنج»مي باشديعني شكل نوشتاري عدد 5 مي باشد
what's his phone number?fo-fo-fi-fo-fo-fi-fi(4-4-5-4-4-5-5)

معني واژه ي nah چيست؟ همان no است و اغلب با man همراه است.(البته بيشتر اراذل اوباش از اين كلمه استفاده مي كنند)
do you wanna go to the movie? nah man
اين كلمه همچنين به جاي know نيز استفاده مي شود.
i don nah

البته تعداد اين جور كلمه ها خيلي زياد تر از اينهاست ولي من به همين ها بسنده ميكنم.

لطفا نظر بدين و اگر اشكالي هم مي بينين تصحيح كنين كه بقيه گمراه نشن me nah wanna mislead sb

من اين مطلب رو تو ورد خيلي زيبا نوشته بودم ولي وقتي پيست كردم اين جوري خراب شد ببخشيد !!!

21-11-2007, 03:31
what is the meaning of: the bad workman blames his tools?

21-11-2007, 11:22
what is the meaning of: the bad workman blames his tools?

احتمالاً معادل اینه: عروس نمیتونه برقصه، میگه زمین (؟) کجه

یه همچین چیزی

22-11-2007, 11:15
با عرض سلام
من سعي دارم تو اين مطالب چند تا روش بهتون بگم تا به LISTENING و SPEAKING تون كمك بشه البته اين ها بر اساس تجربيات خودم ولي بعضي
هاشون منبع داره دوستان لطف كنن اگه اشكالي در اين مطالب مي بينن بگن تا بقيه گمراه نشن البته اين مطالب كلي و ممكن در بعضي موارد استثنا هايي نيز وجود
داشته باشه

نكته 1 استفاده كردن از مفعول به جاي فاعل در زبان عاميانه خيلي رايج است ولي بيشتربه جاي من،ما و انها استفاده مي شود (براي بقيه هنوز نشنيدم) مثال:

I want to get out به جاي Me wanna get out
they don't war with us به جاي them nah war widas
i know a pop star به جاي me know a pop star

نكته 2 استفاده از wanna and gonna به جاي want to and going to مثال:
i am going to send you a letter به جاي me gonna send you a letter

نكته 3 تلفظ ( T ) حرف t اگر آغزگر كلمه با شد تاكيد روي آن است مثل: tend,tear,take.....
اگر ا ين حرف در وسط كلمه باشد بايد بگم كه ( د ) تلفظ مي شود مثال:
beddy كه تلفظ مي شود betty
butter كه تلفظ مي شود butter
beaudy كه تلفظ مي شود beauty

اما اگر اين حرف در آخر كلمه بيا يد تلفظ نمي شو د

نكته 4 چ ،ج ، ش يا ي

حتما شما هم شنيده اي كه آمريكايي ها بعضي وقت ها you را چو،شو،جو و يا يو تلفظ مي كنن حالا چگونه بفهميم كه چه موقع با يد ازكدام استفاده كنيم. اگر يك كلمه به ( T ) ختم شود و كلمه ي بعد با ( Y ) شروع شود در اين هنگام است كه ما you را چو تلفظ مي كنيم.مثال:
don choo know that is don't you know
wa choo said that is what you said
wa chour name that is what is your name
can choo see that is can't you see
haven choo?nou, na chet that is haven't you?no,not yet
i gochoo that is i got you
وقتي كلمه اي به ( S ) ختم شود و كلمه ي بعدي با (Y ) شروع شود تلفظ شو مي شود.مثال:
yeshoo are that is yes.you are
bleshoo that is bless you
canchoo dreshor self that is can't you dress your self
let im gashor car that is let him gas your car
you can pashor exam that is you can pass your exam

وقتي كلمه اي به ( D ) ختم شود و كلمه ي بعدي با ( Y ) شروع شود تلفظ جو مي باشد.مثال:
di joo geti that is did you get it
i foun jer key that is i found your key
در بعضي موارد ya وyo نيز تلفظ مي شود به جاي you قانون خاصي در اين مورد وجود ندارد
اين گفته ها قانون نيستند ولي در اكثر موارد مي توانيد از آنها استفاده كنيد

نكته 5 تفاوت gonna and gotta
واژه ي gonna مخفف going to مي باشد و معناي ان «قصد داشتن » مي باشد در حالي كه gotta مخففhave] got to] مي باشد يعني «مجبور بودن»
gotta go بايد برم
i'm gonna follow her قصد دارم تعقيبش كنم

نكته 6 عبارات زير بيش از حد كوتاه شدند اونا را ياد بگيريد براتون خوبه!!!
Jeet? that is did you eat?
no, Joo? that is no, did you?
whyncha ged e job? that is why don't you get a job?
i dunno,stoo hard that is i don't know, it's too hard
Kwee gou? that is could we go?
Sko that is let's go

نكته 7 تلفظ نشدن حرف (G ) در آخر،اكثرا در فعل هايي كه به آنها ing مي دهيم مثال:
starting به جاي starin
nothing به جاي nuttin
gambling به جاي gamblin
stealing به جاي stealin

نكته 8 استفاده كردن از مفعول به جاي صفت ملكي نيز پركاربرد است پس تا اينجا از مفعول هم به جاي فاعل استفاده مي شود و هم به جاي صفت ملكي براي
فاعل فقط جايگزين i , we , they يعني به جاي اين سه بايد me , us , them بگذاريم و از بين اين دو از me و them خيلي استفاده مي شود و از
us كمترو حال به جاي صفت ملكي همان طور كه مي دانيد her هم صفت ملكي است و هم مفعول پس آن را كنار مي گذاريم دوباره بحث روي me
مي باشد يعني از اين كلمه به جاي my استفاده مي شود به طور خيلي گسترده و براي بقيه هنوز نشيندم شايد خيلي به ندرت از them نيز به جاي their
استفاده شود.مثال:
my name به جاي me name
my flame به جاي me flame
my car به جاي me car
نكته 9 تلفظ واژه ي car در بوستون آمريكا به صورت cah مي باشد يعني بوستوني ها r را تلفظ نمي كنند وجه تشخيص خوبي است براي شناختنشون!
? where can i park my car? يعني whe can i pak my cah

نكته 10 استفاده كردن از ain't براي منفي كردن ain't صورت ادغام شده ي aren't و isn't مي باشد و همچنين به جاي am not و has not و have not
ain't it funny?
you ain't stop us now?
you ain't crazy.
نكته 11 استفاده كردن از gimme به جاي give me
give me a cup of tea يعني gimme a cuppa

كلمات جديد ي كه در زبان انگليسي آمريكايي بوجود آمده اند

shero اين كلمه به معناي قهرمان البته از نوع مونث مي باشد همان طور كه مي دانيد درانگليسي استاندارد معادل اين واژه heroine است
that girl just saved my life !she is my shero!

zidane شايد تعجب كنين كه اين كلمه چطور مي تونه معني داشته باشه اين كه اسم يك بازيكن فوتبال .اگه يادتون بياد تو بازي فرانسه با ايتاليا اگه اشتباه نكنم
زيدان با كله به سينه ي بازيكن حريف زد حالا به هر دليلي ! از اون روز به بعد معني اين واژه همين شد يعني با كله تو سينه ي يكي زدن در يك لحظه ي حياتي
zidane means to headbutt someone in the chest during a crucial moment
player1: gimme the ball? player2: no player1: don't make me go zidane on you

jackass of all trades حتما تا حالا كلمه ي jack of all trades را شنيده بودين يعني «آدم همه فن و حريف» و كلمه ي اول درست متضاد همينه يعني
آدمي كه تو هيچ كاري بدرد بخور نيست و همش خرابكاري مي كنه
Stefan is a dork give him anything to do and he'll screw it up.jackass of all trades
ستفان يه آدم احمقه هر كاري رو كه ازش بخواهي اجام بده خرابكاري مي كنه.آدم هميشه خرابكار!!!

pepsi تا حالا فكر كرده بودين كه اين كلمه از كجا اومده اين كلمه مخفف 5 كلمه مي باشد pay each penny for saving israel بي ربط بود!!

sav اين كلمه فرم كوتاه شده ي savage مي باشد به معناي وحشي ،ظالم

wdym مخفف what do you mean? مي باشدو يا whatever do you mean?
TOM:yeah isn't that awesome JACK:wait wdym? TOM:you should have been listening

معني واژه ي fi چيست؟ fi يك حرف است كه از آن در زبان عاميانه به جاي to استفاده مي شود
i want to see you tonight به جاي me wann fi see you tonight
listen to the man به جاي listen fi da man
معني ديگر اين واژه «پنج»مي باشديعني شكل نوشتاري عدد 5 مي باشد
what's his phone number?fo-fo-fi-fo-fo-fi-fi(4-4-5-4-4-5-5)

معني واژه ي nah چيست؟ همان no است و اغلب با man همراه است.(البته بيشتر اراذل اوباش از اين كلمه استفاده مي كنند)
do you wanna go to the movie? nah man
اين كلمه همچنين به جاي know نيز استفاده مي شود.
i don nah

البته تعداد اين جور كلمه ها خيلي زياد تر از اينهاست ولي من به همين ها بسنده ميكنم.

لطفا نظر بدين و اگر اشكالي هم مي بينين تصحيح كنين كه بقيه گمراه نشن me nah wanna mislead sb

من اين مطلب رو تو ورد خيلي زيبا نوشته بودم ولي وقتي پيست كردم اين جوري خراب شد ببخشيد !!!

Hi dear, I really enjoyed, But I have a suggestion, why don't you, yourself, start a new topic?1 Isn't it better to write it in a special Topic, It'll be much better.
I really enjoyed,
:11:Tnx again

Mehran NZ
02-12-2007, 00:56
hi dears
i have 2 questions
when i look up cool in dictionary i just found this means
چاييدن ،خونسرد،خنک کردن ،ارام کردن
but i think also it should be has another meaning because when i looking movies or cartoons when someone tell JOKE or funny things i can hear others says cool !!! or look this smile
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]
if you have any knowledge about cool please help me
and i want to know whats the meaning of holiloya i heared this word in music

02-12-2007, 11:40
hi dears
i have 2 questions
when i look up cool in dictionary i just found this means
چاييدن ،خونسرد،خنک کردن ،ارام کردن
but i think also it should be has another meaning because when i looking movies or cartoons when someone tell JOKE or funny things i can hear others says cool !!! or look this smile
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]
if you have any knowledge about cool please help me
and i want to know whats the meaning of holiloya i heared this word in music

Hi dear
Yeah, actually when sth is interesting and great they use it. So when you wanna say great you can use:46:cool, For example: - I
bought Prado last night. - Really?! (That's) cool

As you see english-persian dictionaries are not reliable, so never trust them.:46:

About holiloya, I've no idea, sorry

Mehran NZ
02-12-2007, 13:00
Hi dear
Yeah, actually when sth is interesting and great they use it. So when you wanna say great you can use:46:cool, For example: - I
bought Prado last night. - Really?! (That's) cool

As you see english-persian dictionaries are not reliable, so never trust them.:46:

About holiloya, I've no idea, sorry

hi my friend thank you for cool your answer was great
but in holiloya
maybe i wrote wrong infact i just heared it and i didnt see it until now
i can remember scooter and shania twain had a song about holiloya
i think it using for friendly but im not sure
however thank you :10:

02-12-2007, 18:48
hi my friend thank you for cool your answer was great
but in holiloya
maybe i wrote wrong infact i just heared it and i didnt see it until now
i can remember scooter and shania twain had a song about holiloya
i think it using for friendly but im not sure
however thank you :10:
Yourwelcom Dear friend,

If you know the name of song you can find the lyrics, In this way you can make yourself sure 'bout the dictation and also it will be much easier to find the meaning:46:

06-12-2007, 08:36
Hi folks,

My brother bought this book yesterday and I found it extremely useful for English learners

[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ]

The writer is a British SPY (!) in Iran called Shapur Ardeshir Jey (Reporter) ... Anyway, it's really excellent I think

Let's take a look at some of its expressions:

War is not exactly a picnic
در جنگ حلوا خيرات نمي كنند.

Don't you dare tell him
مبادا به او بگويي

Shame on you
تف به رويت !

Please don't stand on ceremony
لطفاً تعارف نكنيد

What is all this tomfoolery?
اين ديگر چه بازي است در آورده اي؟

Rumor has it that ...l
در افواه شايع است كه ...

For Pete's sake
بالا غيرتاً !

‏Touch wood
ماشاالله بگوييد

Good old days
يادش به خير

It's 3000 tomans

thanks my friend ...i have'nt heard about i mean the writer ..were the expressions transfered into EN correctly ?
totaly does it worths a trye ?:18::10:

06-12-2007, 08:38
hey guys .... any handy book about Expressions ? recomend me one

07-12-2007, 14:11
I like speaking English very much . I think this ability is so fun. so I try to introduce some slangs and expressions every day .

Expresseion :

A young lady and his gallant

gallant means someone who shows respect (respects ) to women

07-12-2007, 18:01
Hi dear Dariush,

That'll be great
I'm waiting for your slangs and expressions

07-12-2007, 18:31
Hi all
IN the case of penny
spend a penny
it means : go for pipi (WC
i think he went out to spend a penny

a pretty penny
it means that a job has wounderfull salary or in this job u can make lots of money
jack is pilot . - yes pilotting has a pretty penny

in for a penny , in for a pound
it means ..i faced to the END of something and i will do sth strang because of the situation

07-12-2007, 18:53
i go nuts
im gonna get crazy
hey stop that shit music . i go nuts

07-12-2007, 18:56
i go banana
im ganna get crazy
the last sesion i wen banana . teacher talked about 2 hours

07-12-2007, 19:03
IN CASE of leg
give some body a leg
to help sb improove

pull sb's leg
means to kidd at sb

not have a leg to stand on
means that sb has no good reason to say

07-12-2007, 19:08
let me first say sth to all my friends
sorry if i make some writing mistakes .. it can be caused by the lak of writing skil
please ignor some of my wrong words in the lettering and typing
but atleast i try not to have gramatical ones.

07-12-2007, 19:11
hang out on street corners
sb who is waisting time by just walking down the streets
in iran ( its a fact and you cant regect it ) there are lots of guys who are always hanged out on street corners

07-12-2007, 19:12
and also standing on street corners
waisting time in streets

08-12-2007, 22:01
Special thanks to MR . REZA 1969
thank you for starting up such topics ..
this is really helpful

08-12-2007, 22:07
call sb names
calling some one with bad words and give him a bad name
during that argument , jack called joh names

08-12-2007, 22:15
on call
Sam is always on call

08-12-2007, 22:19
be no great shakes
said when sth or sb is not good or not enough great
smith is no great shakes he couldnt control himself .

08-12-2007, 22:21
take in a movie, show , etc
go for watching a movie , film , show , etc

08-12-2007, 22:27
kill two birds with one shot ( with one stone >>> old expression )1
it means that two good actions can be done with just one act
learning Expressions here will effect our speech and also we can transfer our knowledg by giving the info's we knew .in this case we kill two birds with one shot

09-12-2007, 08:55
you )mark my words)
since we an advanced kind of this expression i'll tell the meaning in pearsion :
این خط و این هم نشون ! حالا میبینی !

09-12-2007, 08:58
like greased lightening
very fast
i didnt saw tom , he went out like greased lightening

09-12-2007, 11:20
And thank you SR72,

your idioms and expressions are really useful and lovely

09-12-2007, 13:23
To look daggers at sb:To look at sb in a very angry way
e.g: When my mother understood that I'm not telling the truth she looked daggers at me

09-12-2007, 13:24
When is your due: When is the time of delivering your baby

09-12-2007, 13:25
To walk down the aisle: To get married

09-12-2007, 13:25
To be vanished to the air: to be disappeard suddenly and for a long time
e.g: do you have any news 'bout Sarah?! -- Oh, no.she is vanished to the air after the party.

09-12-2007, 22:18
All You Guys Can Post Your Expressions In 1 Post, All-In-One

10-12-2007, 08:19
And thank you SR72,

your idioms and expressions are really useful and lovely

thank you too ..
your expressions are useful

When is your due: When is the time of delivering your baby

hi dear sepid12ir
i couldnt understand this one ... can u tell more about it please ?

time is gold ==========>birithish

time is mana ================> ( an african experession)

it means time is valuable dont waist it

fit as a fiddle
means : fine and healthy
how was sam ? -he was as fit as afiddle

lay an egg
سوتی دادن --- خیط کاشتن sorry if sth i couldnt express the meaning in enxlish

in character
out of character
normal , usual , ordinary
abnormal , strange

work like a charm

success 100% , fascinate
our plan will work like a charm

10-12-2007, 08:55
All You Guys Can Post Your Expressions In 1 Post, All-In-One

hi dear petros

:41:sorry i just noticed your post
....... and got it ....
again sorry .. it wont happne again:18:

12-12-2007, 20:02
hi dear sepid12ir

i couldnt understand this one ... can u tell more about it please ?

When a woman is pregnant and we wanna ask about the date that they're going to give birth to their babies we use this sentence:20:
When is your due?! And the answer is : Forexample 5 weeks later

A r c h i
12-12-2007, 22:13
Hi everyone,
would you please have 5-10 idioms in just 1 post, don't post every idiom in a new post.

because we should merge your posts, in this way you make our work much easier

Thanks alot:10:l

13-12-2007, 13:23
Hi everyone,

would you please have 5-10 idioms in just 1 post, don't post every idiom in a new post.

because we should merge your posts, in this way you make our work much easier

Thanks alot:10:l

Yeah, Of course:46:

13-12-2007, 13:42
As clean as a nose on sb's face: Completely clear

sell sb/yourself short: to not value sb/yourself highly enough
e.g: Never sell her short, She is really smart and bright

As a token of love: تهفه ی درویشی(Sorry I dun know how to explain it in english)

The lot fell on me: I won the lottery

Let sb down: Disappont sb
e.g: I'm really sorry I let you down.

14-12-2007, 15:58
Hi guys, 5 more idioms/daily expressions for today:

Cal the roll: حضور و غیاب کردن
e.g: Dr Motahari(A teacher) never calls the roll, so better not to go today

To give a blind eye to sb/sth; To give a deaf ear to sb/sth: Ignore sb/sth

To make sense: To have a meaning
e.g: This sentence doesn't make sense

Have a down on sb/sth: to have a bad opinion of sb and not treat them well
e.g: I can not understand why she has a down on me

Eat my hat: used to say that you think sth is very unlikely to happen; In persian we say I will change my name
e.g: If she comes on time, I'll eat my hat

17-12-2007, 08:53
When a woman is pregnant and we wanna ask about the date that they're going to give birth to their babies we use this sentence:20:
When is your due?! And the answer is : Forexample 5 weeks later

thanks Dear sepid12ir

my peny has dropted.....:11:

21-12-2007, 11:04
leave go of ;leave hold of
releas sth or let sth be free

leave it at that !
said when u wana tell sb to stop .
and do not contuinue the matter

leave , let sb/sth alone
let sob or sth to be free .

leave sth aside
not to think about a problem more

take leave of
to say goodbye with sb or shake hand with sb to say goodbye

take the leave of one's sense
said when sb is going to be crazy or act crazilly

dokhtare khorshid
01-01-2008, 15:15
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ](17).gifسلام دوستان.خوب هستین.
اگه امکان داره این شعر رو ترجمه کنید .تا ساعت 4.30بیشتر وقت ندارم خودم هم نتونستم.ممنون میشم .یا حق[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ](17).gif

tears,idles tears,i know not what they mean
tears from the depth of some divine despair
rise in the heart,and gather to the eyes
in looking on the happy autumu,fields
and thinkingof the days that one no more
fresh as the first beam glittering on a sail
that brings our frinds up from the under world
sad as the last which reddens over one
that sinks with all we love belowthe verge
so sad,so fresh,the days that ore no more
ah,sad and strang asin dark summer downs
the eaniest pipe of half_awakened birds
to dying ears,when unto daing eyes
the casement slowly yrows a glimmering square
so sad so strang,the days that one no more
dear az remembered kisses after death
and sweet as those by hopeless fancy feiyned
on lips that are for others,deep as love
deep as first love and wild with all regret
death in life,the days that are no more

07-01-2008, 10:30
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ](17).gifسلام دوستان.خوب هستین.
اگه امکان داره این شعر رو ترجمه کنید .تا ساعت 4.30بیشتر وقت ندارم خودم هم نتونستم.ممنون میشم .یا حق[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ](17).gif

tears,idles tears,i know not what they mean
tears from the depth of some divine despair
rise in the heart,and gather to the eyes
in looking on the happy autumu,fields
and thinkingof the days that one no more
fresh as the first beam glittering on a sail
that brings our frinds up from the under world
sad as the last which reddens over one
that sinks with all we love belowthe verge
so sad,so fresh,the days that ore no more
ah,sad and strang asin dark summer downs
the eaniest pipe of half_awakened birds
to dying ears,when unto daing eyes
the casement slowly yrows a glimmering square
so sad so strang,the days that one no more
dear az remembered kisses after death
and sweet as those by hopeless fancy feiyned
on lips that are for others,deep as love
deep as first love and wild with all regret
death in life,the days that are no more

Translate Request in this Topic :
برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید


I've a dictionary for American Slang and Now i copying of it , A Series

A-1 and A number 1 mod. of the highest
rating. _ This steak is really A-1! _ I
would like to get an A number 1 secretary
for a change.

abbreviated piece of nothing n. an insignificant
person or thing. _ Tell that
abbreviated piece of nothing to get his tail
over here, but fast. _ Why don’t you drive
your abbreviated piece of nothing over to
the service station and have a new muff ler
put on?

abe n. a five-dollar bill. (From the picture
of Abraham Lincoln on the bill.) _ She
tipped him an abe for his help. _ This
wine cost three abes. It had better be good.

able to cut something tv. able to manage
or execute something. (Often negative.)
_ Do you think you’re able to cut it? He’s
just not able to cut it.

(a)bout it mod. ready; knowledgeable;
cool. (Streets.) _Sam is smart. He’s really
about it.

abs [Abz] n. the abdominal muscles.
(Bodybuilding.) _ Look at the abs on that
guy. Like a crossword puzzle. _I do sit-ups
to harden my abs.

abso-bloody-lutely [“Absobl@di”lutli] mod.
absolutely; emphatically. _ We are absobloody-
lutely sick to death of your wishywashy

absotively (posilutely) [“Abs@”tIvli
“paz@”lutli] mod. absolutely; decidedly. _
I will be there at ten, absotively posilutely.
_ I am absotively exhausted!

accidentally-on-purpose mod. deliberate,
but meant to look like an accident. _
Then I accidentally-on-purpose spilled water
on him. _ I knew it was done accidentally accidentally-
on-purpose. That kind of thing
doesn’t just happen

07-01-2008, 11:10
I love this Sentence : A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out
I think it's mean is not difficult

plz w8 for rest of the A Series

07-01-2008, 14:05
[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ](17).gifسلام دوستان.خوب هستین.
اگه امکان داره این شعر رو ترجمه کنید .تا ساعت 4.30بیشتر وقت ندارم خودم هم نتونستم.ممنون میشم .یا حق[ برای مشاهده لینک ، لطفا با نام کاربری خود وارد شوید یا ثبت نام کنید ](17).gif

tears,idles tears,i know not what they mean
tears from the depth of some divine despair
rise in the heart,and gather to the eyes
in looking on the happy autumu,fields
and thinkingof the days that one no more
fresh as the first beam glittering on a sail
that brings our frinds up from the under world
sad as the last which reddens over one
that sinks with all we love belowthe verge
so sad,so fresh,the days that ore no more
ah,sad and strang asin dark summer downs
the eaniest pipe of half_awakened birds
to dying ears,when unto daing eyes
the casement slowly yrows a glimmering square
so sad so strang,the days that one no more
dear az remembered kisses after death
and sweet as those by hopeless fancy feiyned
on lips that are for others,deep as love
deep as first love and wild with all regret
death in life,the days that are no more

Hi dear friend ...
but here is not the room for translation ... just go to the topic thats just work on translation ....

Hope u r peny has been dropted

07-01-2008, 14:12
I love this Sentence : A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out

I think it's mean is not difficult


plz w8 for rest of the A Series

yah Its meaning is not that difficult ......and r u an A series ?

The idoms were wounderful . ... Do u have the program ?

07-01-2008, 18:55
yah Its meaning is not that difficult ......and r u an A series ?

The idoms were wounderful . ... Do u have the program ?

Hi dear
Are u kidding ? I mean the rest of the A series of the Slang Dictionary
at first i said , i have a slang dictionary and i thought it's helpful for this topic

sorry what do you mean of "and r u an A series?"

08-01-2008, 08:58
ace in the hole n. something important
held in reserve. _ The twenty-dollar bill
I keep in my shoe is my ace in the hole. _
Mary’s beautiful singing voice was her ace
in the hole in case everything else failed.

ace in(to something) in. to happen onto
something good; to manage to get into
something. _ I hope I can ace into the afternoon
physics class. _ I don’t know how
I aced in. I guess I was just lucky.

ace out in. to be fortunate or lucky. _ I
really aced out on that test in English.

ace someone out tv. to maneuver someone
out; to win out over someone. (See
also aced; ace.) _ I plan to ace you out in
the first lap. T Martha aced out Rebecca
to win the first place trophy.

acid n. lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD).
(Drugs.) _ Acid and pot! That’s all you
think about. _ Freddy got hold of some
bad acid and freaked out.

acid test n. a very thorough test. (From a
test for determining true gold using
acid.) _ We put your invention through
the acid test, and—I am extremely sorry
to tell you—it failed miserably. _ I’ll take
this home to my kids and let them give it
the acid test. If it survives them, it’s a winner.

action 1. n. excitement; activity in general;
whatever is happening. _ This place is
dull. I want some action. _ How do I find
out where the action is in this town? 2. n.
winnings or the booty. (See also piece (of
the action).) _ I did my share of the
work, and I want my share of the action.
_ Just what did you do to earn any of the
action? 3. n. ---; copulation. _ Paul is
over at Martha’s house looking for some action.
_ All those guys are just trying for a
little action. 4. n. illegal activity; commerce
in drugs; acts of crime. (Underworld.)
_ You want a fast buck, you get
in on that action over on Fourth Street. _
Things have been a little slow here, but
there’s some action on the East Coast.

activated mod. tipsy; alcohol intoxicated.
_ All four of them went out and got a little
activated. _ Will this stuff get me seriously

Adam Henry n. an AH = asshole, a ‘jerk.’
(Treated as a name.) _ Why don’t you get
some smarts, Adam Henry?

addict n. someone showing a strong preference
for something or someone. (A
combining form not related to drug addiction.)
_ Sam is a real opera addict. He
just loves the stuff. _ My uncle is a mystery

adios muchachos [adi”os mu”tSatSos] tv.
the end; good-bye everyone. (Spanish.)
_ If you step out in front of a car like that
again, it’s adios muchachos. _ I’ve got a
gun aimed at your navel. If you move so
much as one muscle, you can just say adios

adobe dollar [@”dobi “dal#] n. a Mexican
peso. _ How many of these adobe dollars
does it take to buy a can of pop here? _
One greenback will get you about 2,400
adobe dollars these days.

AFAIK phr. as far as I know. (Acronym.
Computers and the Internet.) _ Everything
is ok with the server, AFAIK.

African golf ball and African grape a watermelon.
(Streets. Alludes to an early
stereotype of African-Americans being
very fond of watermelon.) _Gimme a big
slice of that African golf ball. _ When he
said we were having African grapes for
dessert, I thought he meant sherbet.

African grape Go to African golf ball.

Afro and fro n. a hairdo, sometimes worn
by American blacks, where the hair appears
to be a large puffy ball. _ Man, I
thought Afros went out in the sixties! _
Where’s you get that fat fro?

ag and aggro mod. aggravated = irritated:
annoyed. _ Hey, man. Don’t get yourself
so aggro!

08-01-2008, 09:28
as fast as a flash ....
means so speedy ....

as strong as an ox
so powerful

as white as a sheet
means so white and brith

17-01-2008, 08:56
Hi dear

Are u kidding ? I mean the rest of the A series of the Slang Dictionary
at first i said , i have a slang dictionary and i thought it's helpful for this topic

sorry what do you mean of "and r u an A series?"

hi Dear friend
No:20: h just wana say do u have one

It was a slip of tonge

And also your idioms and expressions are wounder ful .. Go on

eshghe eskate
18-01-2008, 23:18
sorry what does WHEN I AM RICH FOR U mean??

28-01-2008, 13:46
sorry what does WHEN I AM RICH FOR U mean??
are you sure that is an idiom?I couldn't find it..the nearest idiom that I found was (rich in -sth-) which
means to have valuable resources/characteristics/traditions/history
Many vegetables are rich in important vitamins

Mehran NZ
28-01-2008, 14:18
are you sure that is an idiom?I couldn't find it..the nearest idiom that I found was (rich in -sth-) which
means to have valuable resources/characteristics/traditions/history
Many vegetables are rich in important vitamins

can i ask a question?
u said you couldn't find it!!!
where do you find idioms?
in google?

28-01-2008, 16:05
you can find nice websites about idiom by google

30-01-2008, 16:12
mind your own bussines
= Its not your bussnes

jinn's king
13-02-2008, 11:26
hi every body
what is the persian equivalent for these two idioms
too little too late

live your life

22-02-2008, 19:35
hi every body
what is the persian equivalent for these two idioms
too little too late

live your life

too little too late:
the compensation was not enough and the timing was also unsuccessful

live your life:
enjoy your life

07-03-2008, 18:32
hi. i need a ENGLISH IDIOMS in a pdf. thank you in advance.

25-03-2008, 00:18
In order that بترتیبی که
As yet تا کنون
Owe to =due to ناشی از
Far off =far a way دور
It,s the weather آن از آب و هواست
Weather آیا
It,s itself خود خودش
I mean it معنی دادن-جدی می گم آ
I,ll show you نشونت می دم-خیال کردی
Welcome back رسیدن بخیر
In which که در آن
For whom که برای آن
e.g برای مثال
i.e یعنی
et.al همکاران
Have a seat بفرما بشین
Take a seat بفرما بشین
:Follow the three R,s سه اصل (ر)را دنبال کن

Respect for self احترام به خود
Respect for others احترام به دیگران
Responsibility for all your actions & جوابگو بودن در قبال تمام اعمال خود

26-03-2008, 11:55
Is to بایستی
Yet با این وجود
Than تا اینکه-از-نسبت به
I can,t help it چاره ای ندارم
I can,t but go چاره ای جز رفتن ندارم
It can be said that می توان گفت که
I over than you من از شما بزرگترم
The menu pleas غذا را بیا ر
Good appetite نوش جان
با درجات مختلف Some degree
Try on پرو کردن
Take in کوتاه کردن شلوار
The ultimate result نتیجهء نهایی
As to راجع به
Simply فقط
Take a leave=take a vacation مرخصی گرفتن
ََََAnd so on=and so forth=etc و غیره

27-03-2008, 21:17
hey dear bidastar

would you please introduce the source which you use ? ! do you use any special book or site ? what 's its name or address?

they are usefull for me

keep them up please

27-03-2008, 21:21
thanks alot man for your efforts. would you mind to add up some examples when you bring some pharasal verbs between these short phrases?thanks again

28-03-2008, 00:19
would you please introduce the source which you use ?

source : my archive

would you mind to add up some examples when you bring some pharasal verbs between these short phrases?thanks again

my Studieds about the british is Little
i want to Write farsi

دوستان با عرض پوزش من نه رشتم زبان هست و نه میتونم کامل صحبت کنم اما از لحاظ گرامری بد نیستم (کنکور : 86%)

تمام چیزی که می تونم در اختیارتون بذارم در همین حده

با تشکر.

07-04-2008, 13:45
a new expression in english that just entered in endlish ..
Do a Zidan on sb .
do you remember the final football match on 2006 betwin italy and french ?
on that game zeynoddin zidan hit a player with his head .
and now it's become an expression that means the act of hitting sb like that ...
Example :
I dont wana watch your face ! go away or i'll do a zidan on you !